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dinsdag 30 juni 2015

Jay // Putty - Crazy For You - Official Music Video Clip

Gepubliceerd op 28 apr. 2015
Pick it up on Itunes here: http://goo.gl/OmBlEU

Become my friend on Instagram and Twitter! @JayPuttyMusic

If you like the video give it a thumbs up and comment your favorite part below!

Pick up my other Music!

I Just Wanna Fall In Love: Smarturl.It/IJWFIL

Reckless Love: Smarturl.it/RecklessLoveItunes

One In A Million: Smarturl.it/OIAMItunes

A Better Place: Smarturl.it/ABPItunes

Get in touch!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JayPuttyMusic

Twitter: Twitter.com/JayPuttyMusic

Instagram: Instagram.com/JayPuttyMusic

Snapchat: JayPutty
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World News Online Information The humanrights Daily is out! Edition of 30 June 2015‏

The humanrights Daily

Published by
Jon Hutson
30 June 2015
World Politics Art & Entertainment Business 
Environment #music #humanrights
Today's headline
Witness: An Aerial Attack Killed his Family – Walid’s Story
thumbnailwww­.hrw­.org - The ancient mud-house city of Saada, under the control of Houthi rebels since 2011, was almost deserted when Belkis Wille arrived in late May to investigate damage caused by the Saudi Arabia-led co...

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World News Online Information The Aceh Blogger Update is out! Edition of 01 July 2015‏

The Aceh Blogger Update

Aceh Blogger Community

Published by
Aceh Blogger Community
01 July 2015
World Leisure Business Technology Science Politics #socialmedia #content
Today's headline
Nintendo transforms beloved franchises, despite angry fans
thumbnailmashable­.com - Nintendo was all about "transformation" at E3 this year, but the most passionate members of the gaming community might balk at their favorites jumping into new directions. If you asked Nintendo of ...

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UN human rights experts welcome Greek referendum and call for international solidarity‏


Greece "Why I will be voting NO in Sunday's Greek referendum"‏

Dear friends,
Some thoughts on the frantic developments of the past week and the
impending referendum that some of you may hopefully find of interest:
My warmest thoughts in this turbulent moment,

 Antonis from Greece

UK Greece Letter by Etienne Balibar, Costas Douzinas, Barbara Spinelli’ - please spread‏

Dear friends,

At this critical and historical time we ask you to sign the following
statement of support to the Greek people:

"Over the last five years, the EU and the IMF have imposed unprecedented
austerity on Greece. It failed badly. The economy shrank by 26%,
unemployment rose to 27%, youth unemployment to 60% and, the debt to GDP
ratio jumped from 120% to 180%. The economic catastrophe led to a
humanitarian crisis with more than 3 million people on or below the
poverty line.

Against this background, the Greek people elected the Syriza-led
government on 25 January 2015 with a clear mandate to put an end to
austerity. In the ensuing negotiations the government made it clear that
the future of Greece is in the Eurozone and the EU. The lenders however
insisted on the continuation of their failed recipe, refused to discuss
a write down of the debt, which the IMF is on record as considering
unviable, and finally, on 26 June, issued an ultimatum to Greece by
means of a non-negotiable package that would entrench austerity.This was
followed by a suspension of liquidity to the Greek banks and the
imposition of capital controls. In this situation, the government asked
the Greek people to decide the future of the country in a referendum to
be held next Sunday.

We believe that this ultimatum to the Greek people and democracy should
be rejected. The Greek referendum gives the European Union a chance to
restate its commitment to the values of the Enlightenment – equality,
justice, solidarity - and to the principles of democracy on which its
legitimacy rests. The place where democracy was born gives Europe the
opportunity to re-commit to its ideals in the 21st century."

Etienne Balibar, Costas Douzinas, Barbara Spinelli’

Please translate and disseminate. Currently you can decide by writing to
me. Thanks

Professor Costas Douzinas

Director, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities

Birkbeck College University of London


World News Online Information MOONDIAL is out! Edition 2 of 30 June 2015‏


Published by
Ambassador A.MacMillan Dik vinkje
Edition 2 of 30 June 2015

World Business Art & Entertainment Science 
#women #pakistani
Today's headline
25 Famous Women On The Best Advice They've Ever Given -- Or Received
thumbnailwww­.huffingtonpost­.com - This post originally appeared on The Cut. By The Cut Staff This week, the Cut is talking advice -- the good, the bad, the weird, and the pieces of it you really wish you'd taken. Here, 25 smart wom...

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The Dominican Republic Dominican families face forced expulsion: Please help‏

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Help families forced out of their homes stay in the Dominican Republic
Get Involved
Thousands of individuals born and raised in the Dominican Republic have been stripped of their citizenship. They now face being forcibly removed from the only country they've ever known.

Please help stop humanitarian catastrophes like this. Donate to support Amnesty's work.
Donate Now!
Dear friends,

Knock knock...

Imagine answering your home's door. Then, being unlawfully forced out of the only country you've ever known.

Many Dominicans are facing that fear today. Tens of thousands of people in the Dominican Republic have been stripped of their citizenship and could be forcibly sent across the border to Haiti.

I'm just back from the Dominican Republic with Amnesty, where we have been working to prevent this humanitarian disaster. Will you help by making a gift of support?

Two years ago, the Dominican Republic's highest court stripped the nationality of people of foreign ancestry born in the country from 1929 to 2007. The vast majority of these citizens are of Haitian descent.

These people were born and raised in the Dominican Republic. Few speak the Haitian Creole of their ancestors. They have few, if any, connections to Haiti. Yet, they could be forced to move there.

My team is working to prevent these forced expulsions from happening. We have been calling on President Medina to guarantee that Dominicans of Haitian descent will not be expelled, and to restore nationality to these individuals.

Thanks in part to our campaign and your activism, some are in the process of having their nationality restored. Thousands more have no documents to prove their nationality and are living in abject poverty, without access to their rights. These individuals are extremely vulnerable to expulsion from the only land they know as home.

The discrimination against Dominicans of Haitian descent must stop. Please help end this crisis.

In solidarity,

Marselha Gonçalves Margerin
Advocacy Director for the Americas
Amnesty International USA

P.S. Meet some of the families at risk of expulsion to Haitihere.

Amnesty International USA
© 2015 Amnesty International USA | 5 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10001 | 212.807.8400  

Belgium Liga voor Mensenrechten Een historisch arrest & de Big Brother Awards‏

Beste vrienden,

De Liga voor Mensenrechten vierde deze maand een historisch arrest: de vernietiging van de dataretentiewet. Hoera! Een stap vooruit voor mensenrechten. Zoals verwacht kwam er heel wat tegenwind. De ene opmerking al genuanceerder dan de ander. En neen, geen paniek, onderzoeksrechters zullen heus niet de criminelen in raceauto's moeten achtervolgen met de fiets. Het Grondwettelijk Hof deed wat nodig was: de grondrechten van miljoenen onschuldige Belgische burgers beschermen. Dank.
Ook de slimme stroommeters domineerden enkele dagen het mediaverhaal. Ons zeker niet onbekend. Reeds in 2012 kregen die van ons een felbeheerde Big Brother Award. Wij waken over de invoering van slimme energiemeters want met dit 'speeltje' kunnen energieleveranciers achterhalen wie wanneer thuis is, welke toestellen er gebruikt worden en hoeveel die toestellen verbruiken. Slimme meters kunnen een heleboel informatie verschaffen over het gedrag en de leefpatronen van individuele gebruikers. None of their business, denken wij dan.
De Big Brother Awards 2015 krijgen ook stilaan meer vorm. Schrijf nu alvast in je agenda:  

Big Brother Awards 2015
donderdag 15 oktober - 19:00
Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg - Brussel

En dit jaar staan we er alles behalve alleen voor. Samen met de Ligue des droits de l'homme, EDRI, Orde van Vlaamse Balies, Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten, de Kinderrechtencoalitie, datapanik.org en de KVS organiseren we 5 Privacysalons:
Je kan ervoor kiezen je in te schrijven voor een specifiek Privacysalon, of voor het hele pakket en de avond zelf beslissen welk Privacysalon je bijwoont.
Veel privacynieuws deze maand. En het belooft niet bepaald stiller te worden in privacyland. Er staat heel wat te gebeuren met een nieuwe Europese Databeschermingsrichtlijn die eraan komt én de Privacycommissie plant enkele leuke acties. Maar dat is voor later.

Veel leesplezier!
de Liga voor Mensenrechten
De omstreden GAS-wet, die gemeentebesturen toelaat administratieve sancties tegen ‘overlast’ op te leggen, blijft ongewijzigd. Dat besliste onlangs het Grondwettelijk Hof. De Liga voor...
Het Grondwettelijk Hof sprak zich vandaag uit tegen algehele bewaring van communicatiedata, zoals de Belgische dataretentiewet, een omzetting van de Europese Dataretentierichtlijn, voorzag. Op grond...
Big Brother is gekend onder vele namen en gezichten en hij schakelt vele mensen in. Ditmaal concentreert hij zijn krachten op Vlaams minister van Energie, Annemie Turtelboom (‘Turtelboom wil...
Het Grondwettelijk Hof vernietigde vorige donderdag de wet die het massaal verzamelen en opslaan van gegevens over internet- en telefoongebruik (zogenoemde metadata) van alle Belgische burgers...