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zaterdag 31 oktober 2015

World News Update Moving Europe: Europe at crossroads - welcome or detention‏

Dear friends,
Attached you will find a new statement (in english and german) on the escalated situation in Europe, written together by bordermonitoring.eu, by the research association flight and migration (FFM) and by activists from the network welcome to europe. One element of the project Moving Europe is a mobile info-bus, which started yesterday to Slovenia and which will be active along the balcanroute for next weeks… more about this in the statement and on the website: http://moving-europe.org/
Friends from „Fish in water films“ have produced a videoclip after they travelled along the route end of September and beginning of October. You can find the clip at the website or download here:  https://vimeo.com/144161283
The project is supported and funded by Medico International.
Pls help to spread.
Best regards,

Europe at crossroads
Welcome or Detention?
Towards the end of a "long summer of migration" we see feverish activity everywhere to stop the departures. Especially the movements of flight and migration along the open route from Greece via the Balkans to Germany and Scandinavia are to be slowed down, and control to be re-established. Continued militarisation of the external border, detention in hot spots in Greece and Italy, detention camps declared to be transit zones, new fences plus Frontex and EUNAVFO - from sealing off Europe to firing orders, it is not far. Will the European promise of freedom find its end?
Meanwhile an autonomy of migration has evolved, partly as a consequence and continua­tion of the Arabellion. The new assertiveness of migrants, and the strength with which they enforce their freedom of movement, their right to move, will no be easily crushed by the EU and its policy of fending off migrants. The networks of migration by now extend further than Syria and as far as Pakistan, and countless people in the South-East of Eu­rope have been inspired by the experience that migration alone can assert the right to mi­gration. The dam has broken. If the Fortress Europe is to be defended, it cannot be achieved peacefully anymore.
Europe is at crossroads: Are hundreds of thousands at the external borders to be con­demned to die, to be detained in camps or even to be shot at? Then a cycle of rebellion and repression would take hold of Turkey and the Balkan alike. A rollback of unimagin­able extent would first upheave the countries at the European periphery and would then spread to the central regions of Europe. The bondage of everyday digital surveillance would be extended by the bondage of classical police states. Europe would unrecognis­ably change.
"States make refugees," the scholar of migration Peter Gatrell just wrote, "but refugees also make states." States in its two meanings. Europe will change, but it must not fall back into the old patterns of deportation, detention and repression. Instead, Europe could open up and allow a process of re-orientation and pluralisation which would be befitting of the 21st century.
To open up such a perspective, all of us need to be involved.
Will all those people that have welcomed migrants enthusiastically be able to withstand the increasing attacks from the political right and the blowbacks that the next months will inevitably bring? Can we communicate that austerity and precarity goes hand in glove with competition and racist division? And will we be able to develop processes of soli­darity and common struggles? Are we ready and willing to not merely "integrate" mi­grants, but to allow and foster more drastic changes that will also re-align our own lives?
Laden with these questions we will be traveling the routes of flight and migration in the coming weeks. At the end of October we start with a mini-bus as a mobile and flexible in­frastructure of support and information in the Balkans: to render support in urgent cases, but predominantly to gather and spread information and to show presence towards the "security forces". The bus project will be embedded into a network of activists which will provide regularily updated reports at mostly all border crossings and points of interest along the route between the Aegean and Scandinavia. These reports will then be spread to those who need them on their onward journey.
In this way we want to contribute to keep open a path into a new Europe - for those that are arriving as well as for ourselves.
Europe is in movement, Europe needs to move - Moving Europe!
Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration
Netzwerk Welcome to Europe
The project "Moving Europe" with the focus on the mobile info bus as well as the new info hotline of Welcome to Europe is funded by Medico international.

Breaking through the borderline ... Permanent struggle at the Austrian border ...‏

We could also film yesterday the situation in Spielfeld, a lot of people were injured because of the gates and fences... 
and after Minute 3.00 you can see one of the breaking through:

today and tomorrow activists and supporters for freedom of movement will meet in Spielfeld at 2 p.m. for manifestation, monitoring, real welcome… and against right wing mobilization.
meeting point is at the roundabout at the restaurant/Gaststätte Sternad (GPS: 46.7072519, 15.6285394), where the austrian police block the street at least for cars...

World News Update Help Open Source Software Awards! is out! Edition of 31 October 2015‏

Help Open Source Software Awards!

Published by
ed whymandesign.com
31 October 2015

Science Art & Entertainment Education 
Politics #wikipedia #mozilla
Today's headline
This Guy Has Edited Wikipedia More Than 1.3 Million Times — And He Doesn't Believe In The Decline Of The Free Encyclopedia
thumbnailwww­.businessinsider­.com - People have made a big deal about the supposed decline of Wikipedia based on the fall in active editors on the English site from more than 51,000 in 2007 to 32,000 this year. Is this the beginning ...
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World News Update West Java kuliner bandung is out! Edition of 31 October 2015‏

kuliner bandung
Published by
Info Kuliner Bandung
31 October 2015

Business Adult #bandung #indonesia
Today's headline
Bandung West Java - Javaman Travels - Daily Two Cents
thumbnaildailytwocents­.com - Bandung West Java is the Capital city of the West Java Province of the Republic of Indonesia. The city is very beautiful, situated as it is in the mountains to the SouthEast of Jakarta, the Capital...

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World News Update The Female Entrepreneur Daily is out! Edition of 31 October 2015‏

The Female Entrepreneur Daily

Published by
Natalie Goldman
31 October 2015
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Art & Entertainment Politics World Leisure Science 
4 Financing Tips for Female Entrepreneurs
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thumbnailwww­.entrepreneur­.com - Women’s Small Business Month, which happens every October, is a great time to highlight the many contributions and advancements made by female business owners who are making a significant, positive...
The State Of Women Entrepreneurs In The B2B Space
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Kerryann Bressett
thumbnailwww­.fastcompany­.com - Phyllis Newhouse is a U.S. Army veteran, a single mother, and a tech entrepreneur who founded Xtreme Solutions, Inc. in 2002, drawing on her military experience in cybersecurity. This year, the Atl...
UNHCR concerned at reports of sexual violence against refugee women and children
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UN Women
thumbnailwww­.unhcr­.org - GENEVA, Oct 23 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency said today it was concerned by "credible testimonies" it has received of sexual violence and abuse against refugee and migrant women and children on t...
The 10 Character Traits Female Entrepreneurs Need to Succeed
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How venture capital must change: Gender equality as a business opportunity - TechRepublic
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World News Update MOONDIAL 2 is out! Edition of 31 October 2015‏


Published by
Ambassador A.MacMillan Dik vinkje
31 October 2015
Leisure Art & Entertainment World Business PoliticsScience #women #worldwide
Today's headline
The 'mommy wars' are the patriarchy's latest attempt to control women | Kim Lock
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