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zondag 29 november 2015

Greece Eidomeni solidarity‏


Yesterday there was a huge protest in Eidomeni (Greek-Macedonian 
border), where Macedonian police (supported and arranged by EU) started 
to build a fence in the morning, similar to the one on the 
Hungarian-Serbian and Hungarian-Croatian border. People who are not 
from Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq have been stuck there for 11 days 
already. It seems that everything that politicians were preparing during 
the last months to close the borders, is being implemented, new 
concentration camps/prisons for migrants in Greece are being built.

There have been various forms of protests for freedom happening. Since 
the 23 of November a group of hunger-strikers have sewed their mouths, 
demanding to open the border. There have been several blockades of the 
railway. We saw lots of creative ways of struggle (posters, banners, 
songs,…). A big riot against the border system broke out on saturday 28 
of november. This system is in Idomeni represented by the Macedonian
(FYROM) and also the Greek border police and army, as well as the fence 
with barbed wire that was installed. The cops, who keep up a imagined 
border, received stones, and ‘answered’ by throwing them back at the 
migrants in the camp and around and using gas- and smoke grenades 
against the crowd.

Lets oppose the politics of “divide and conquer” that the authorities 
and institutions use !
We address all the translators, to BOYCOTT or sabotage the division of 
people in national groups.

The European Union and its member states are responsible, we know it 
since colonial times and the never ending war machine that is being kept 
up for the sake of imperial, capitalist interest.

So we solidarize with the rebellious people in Eidomeni, with the 
hunger-strikers and with everyone who fights for the freedom of movement 
of people no matter at which place.

This is an open call (especially) for people living in the “core” of the 
EU monster: in several places there will be protests on Tuesday, the 1st 
of December. Address the responsible institutions ! make your solidarity 
and rage visible! Annoy your local repression-institution!
Lets be together, smash militarism and border-exclusion.

For self-organization, freedom and responsibility!

no nations – no borders – just people.

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