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zondag 1 november 2015

Greece, A small contribution from the 'assembly of anarchists - communists (gr)

(en) Greece, A small contribution from the 'assembly of
anarchists - communists (gr) [machine translation]

A small contribution from the 'assembly of anarchists - communists to class counterattack 
against the EU' in the Ukrainian question and a greeting to the rebellious people of 
Donbass, to mark the event Sunday 10/11/15 in Athens NTUA. - A meeting of anarchists - 
communists to class counterattack against the EU watching closely and with great interest 
the developments of the last two years around the Ukrainian issue. - Speaking about 
Ukrainian issue meant the annexation of Ukraine enterprise in sphere of Euro-Atlantic 
imperialism. ---- It must become commonplace in parts of the competitors and radical 
movement that events in Ukraine are nothing less than a brutal (as usual) organized 
intervention of the EU and the US, which aims to enhance all ways (economic, military, 
political) that the piece of the Ukrainian bourgeoisie, which is moving more firmly into 
orbit fully binding the Euro-Atlantic orientation of the country.

Thus the active support Nazi organizations, armed militia and a coup government as loyal 
dog of their imperialist aspirations, which continue unabated in the old continent, is a 
prerequisite for planning of capital.

The myth of a democratic EU, the Union of respect for human dignity, equality, the rule of 
law, respect for human rights, there is nothing more than a masquerade of a ruthless, 
capable for everything imperialist lykosymmachias with central strategic the aim of 
reinforcing and strengthening of European and American monopolies. The military and 
political intervention of the Euro-Atlantic alliance axis in Ukraine is an excellent 
opportunity to broaden this criminal strategy. For social and economic plunder of the 
country and its people through the IMF and the ECB An operation, which further paves the 
way for geostrategic aspirations of international murderers and usurers.

The armed rebellion in eastern Ukraine against the coup government, cut through the EU and 
the US, and esmo Nazi organizations and parties, the strong resistance against the social 
and economic plunder of the country and the setting up of DR of Donbass are important 
attempts to halt the advance of fascism and imperialism. The competitor people under 
difficult conditions more often (lack of logistics, military equipment, heavy civilian 
toll, limitation of financial resources, medicines and food) remains obstinately thwarts 
predictions criminal staffs EU and US Battling selflessly, outflanking the stifling 
pressure of NATO, the Ukrainian regular armies and Nazi paramilitary organizations who 
Trojan Porosenko and the guild's attempt to even turn a people into a beast of burden of 
the ESF and D.N .T and another country to place the skull from military operations.

It is worth at this point to note and position of the Greek government in the Ukrainian 
question. Starting Sunday, March 2, 2014 and while Greece was the Presidency of the EU, 
the then Ministry. Eq. Ev. Venizelos meets with temporary Ukrainian Prime Minister 
Oleksandr Turchynov and even proposed as an agent of the imperialists, making the country 
the IMF, so hasten to give allegiance credentials of the then coalition ND - PASOK to the 
EU, The .P.A and NATO.

The Syriza, as then opposition, strongly criticized the Ministry. Eq. Venizelos for his 
attitude to the Ukrainian issue. Then of course, the role of the government now, after the 
elections in January, will rush in turn willingly bend your head to the dictates of the 
Euro-Atlantic alliance and the international usurers (the '' partners '' her), saying that 
the state has Then (and thus the foreign policy) and that "Greece is and will remain in 
the family of the EU and NATO."

The Ministry then. The coalition SYRIZA - ANEL N. Kotzias pairnontas the baton from Ev. 
Venizelos said in his meeting with Ukrainian politicians that Athens is ready to provide 
expertise in Kiev in the constitution and the rule of law !!

The foreign policy of the coalition SYRIZA - ANEL for the Ukrainian issue continues with 
the statements of the Ministry. Defense II. Kamenou, which speak of granting even a NATO
base in the Aegean, together with the statements of the Deputy Ministry. Defense K. Quiet 
that Greece is ready, if requested by NATO, to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. 
Suffice it to recall what humanitarian aid NATO glancing in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and 

In addition, the soldiers of the Ukrainian regular army and the Ukrainian militia, after 
assurances of Law. Kotzia arrived in El. Venizelos airport at 14/5 to be hospitalized in 
Athenian nosokomeia.Echei is important to look at what actually are these military bodies 
as their Greek government offered care and hospitalization. The Ukrainian militia is that 
which is trained by the 173rd Airborne Brigade, USA It is this paramilitary mechanism, 
which is responsible for a host of crimes against the people of Donbass. It is this 
mechanism that has hundreds of civilians in blood and is the spearhead of the attack of 
the Nazi government of Kiev in An. Ukraine.

The complete binding of Greek government on EU and NATO policies could only be aiding and 
abetting the crimes directly made against the eastern Ukrainian people.

On the other hand, the movement in Greece has difficulty getting a clear stand on the side 
of the insurgents of An. Ukraine. This is a difficult manageable determinism, but the 
struggle from below develops within a field inherent contradictions and conflicting 
interests of the insurgents. If you take a closer look in the distant past and the near 
present observing and studying the uprisings and revolutions of yesterday and today will 
see how the class struggle, the struggle for the overthrow never took place in laboratory 
conditions ideological sterilization. Instead forged on the anvil of the class struggle 
the most complex and contradictory statements through which the revolutionary movements 
were able to pave the way for social and class liberation. The duty of revolutionaries was 
always a reminder that in order to overthrow capitalism had to fight for economic, 
political and ideological liberation of the proletariat overthrowing the old and by 
establishing another society.

We believe that if we want to respond to our political duty to lift the weight (by 
analogy) of our historical responsibility should take one dialectical look at the 
unfolding of the resistance of the insurgents in An. Ukraine, staying consciously removed 
from unscientific approaches and dogmatism . The absolutizing of the Treaty without 
recourse to the theoretical and scientific research is detrimental. The revolutionary 
forces have a duty to identify early the contrasts and correlations changes, can provide 
them. Do not lose the overall movement and perspective in front of the direct, everyday 
and partial.

In An. Ukraine fight militants and fighters from different baseline positions. 
Nevertheless, they are fighting against a reactionary pro-Nazi puppet government of the EU 
and the US, fighting against the monopolies and the oligarchy that will impoverish their 
lives. There is no doubt that the field on which the game is developed in An. Ukraine is 
an uneven landscape, a field in which interweaves the geopolitical confrontation between 
the Euro-Atlantic imperialism and capitalist Russia with the contrasts within the same 
Euro-Atlantic axis (H. P.A- EU) and national with the class issue, anti-fascism by 
anti-imperialism, the living history of the October Revolution to the present of 
capitalist restoration. It is enough these contrasts between the insurgents to keep 
position equal distances in object strengthens the position of the reaction of the EU and 
the US? Categorically not answer that.

The strategy of ideological sabotage of the West also, as has been shown so far not 
encountered a single counterattack and answer (despite the efforts) of the popular 
revolutionary movement. We must emphasize again and again the dangerous nature of tactics 
of imperialism in this sabotage. We must make the greatest efforts that the international 
revolutionary power be returned in alarm. Be awake to address virtually all levels of the 
current developments.

Competitors of Donbass fighting with arms in hand and we must support them. Ethical, 
Political and Materials. Why defeat coup government and patrons will have tremendous 
international significance. Especially when the partnership fascism and neo-liberalism 
seeks to provide governance model for export. Why is the military and political defeat of 
the reactionary government of Kiev is able to inspire people and give impetus and 
confidence in the victory of the proletariat perspective internationally.
In conclusion, creating a broad internationalist front is now the prerequisite for to set 
up embankments to heightened imperialist aggression. A front that will build the 
proletarian counterattack, returning to the stage of history of the plebeians and the 
damned. To rewrite the history of the employee population, crashing capital and 
reactionary forces who serve. And a necessary condition for this is the internationalist 
solidarity among struggling people. And the basis of this solidarity is a means 
internationalists fighting to first in their place to bring the war back home, as 
propagandized, the blazing 70s ', the' Heart of the Beast '' the Western European urban 
And over a period of ideological confusion that town and postmodern cosmopolitanism 
identified with internationalism, like topical even the words of Stefan Zweig: "In short, 
we need guarantees, not words, we need internationalism rather than cosmopolitanism, we
need clarity above all. Everyone left to judge to what extent should be required and at 
what side of the barricade located. We now reach the dubious intimacies, and Europeanism
is symposia without risk, as without obligation. What is needed today is a decision and 
action. There need only worldly compliments, but a heart, no longer need the discolored 
cosmopolitanism in force "until further notice", but internationalism honest, ready for 
all sacrifices. "

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