Today's 5 Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #257 (Jan) - Brazil:
Against the criminalization of abortion, legalization! (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #257 (Jan) - Brazil: for
twenty years, anarchism is rooted with FAG (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
3. www.anarkismo: NATO against the Kurds: The battle for
A’zaz by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. (
4. Large pre election water charges protest march
passes through Dublin by Andrew N Flood (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Feminism, Women and
gender minorities in battles! (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Message: 1
End of 2015, Brazil experienced a major feminist movement following a legislative proposal
to further restrict abortion and emergency contraception. Against attacks from
conservatives and their churches, the Brazilians have shown that they do not intend to let
them decide. ---- The issue of abortion in Brazil has long been discussed by both feminist
movements that the conservative fringe of the country. Indeed, abortion is still widely
perceived by the majority of Brazilian and Brazilian as a crime, as confirmed by the penal
code, which stipulates that "any person having an abortion by yourself or allowing another
person to help is likely to receive a sentence of three years detention. " However,
abortion in Brazil was hitherto was legal when performed by a doctor in the following
three situations: if the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of the mother, when the
pregnancy is the result of a rape and when the fetus is a carrier of anencephaly (partial
or complete absence of the brain, skull and scalp). It is only in these cases that the
Brazilian government provides this service for free via the SUS - Single Health System.
On the other hand, abortion is not criminalized when carried outside national territory.
It is also possible to have an abortion in private clinics, but again to choose a price:
about five minimum salaries. Suffice to say that only rich women can afford an abortion
without risking their lives. A bill (1135) had been proposed in 1991 by two MP's Workers
Party (PT, the ruling party) and was intended to legalize abortion. This one has yet been
passed in May 2008 by the Chamber of Deputies! Before being rejected by the committee of
citizenship and justice has ruled 57 votes against and 4.
The question of the legalization of abortion has long passed into oblivion ... However, in
2013, approximately 865,000 women who have had recourse to abortion illegally in Brazil,
in more than precarious conditions, the consequences of their health are irreparable.
Indeed, about 205,000 of them have had to be hospitalized due to post-abortion
complications. For others it is death: a Brazilian woman dies every two days following an
illegal abortion. On the other hand, the schooling of a large part of the population and
the lack of information and access to contraceptive methods dramatically increases the
number of unwanted pregnancies. Here again it is the poorest women, most of whom are black
women, who suffer from this lack of access to contraception and must resort to clandestine
abortion, putting their lives in danger for not children they can not afford to raise.
Reactionary thrust
The role of churches and various religious currents present in Brazil, especially
néopentecôtistes is not to be neglected. Indeed, they are very present throughout the
territory, including in the popular neighborhoods and dump their anti-abortion and
anti-feminist nauseating propaganda. Abortion is thus seen primarily as a religious debate
within society. Recently reinforced by the protests of the opposition and conservative
right against the government of Dilma Rousseff, itself mired in corruption scandals and
social conflicts, some reactionary deputies decided to wear a big blow to the legislation
on abortion.
Indeed, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, an evangelical belonging
to a Pentecostal church, has just passed a law (5069), which aims both to limit abortion
in cases of rape, including seeking women to prove that they were raped by complaining and
submitting to a medical examination, likely to provide "proof" of rape ... all say that
this is simply to ban abortion rape, since many women will make this step? What about
marital rape? How many women will be considered as actually raped by many doctors are
against abortion? According to the Institute of Bioethics, Human Rights and Gender, 36% of
women who resort to legal abortions are children and girls who have suffered sexual
violence, often in their entourage, as it ' is usually the case for rape.
As if that were not enough, the anti-abortion law also plans to increase the penalties for
the use and assistance to abortion (between 4 and 8 years and for the professional-s-5-10
year prison sentences may be increased by one third if the woman miscarrying is minor) and
to ban the morning-after pill. What do women must be justified? To have the right to
decide? That their body belongs to them?
Feminist Spring
It is with anger and rage that the Brazilians went out into the streets to protest against
yet another attack waged against them. Late last year, they were hundreds walking next to
women's groups, associations and organizations of the social movement, in large cities
such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte and in twenty states country. They
demand the legalization of abortion and that one stops to legislate on their uterus. They
were raped or not, they have the right to choose whether they want to be mothers or not.
Chanting "Out Cunha" or "Legalize! O corpo é nosso! É nossa escolha! É pela vida das
mulheres! "Brazilian women have demonstrated over the steps and actions that they do not
let do. So much so that some newspapers did not hesitate to nickname the feminist movement
Spring. It must be said that since 2013 the huge movement against the rising price of
transport and against social cleansing generated by the World Cup, the Brazilian social
movement struggled to regain momentum worthy of the name.
These feminist demonstrations show a return to fighting, even if the reactionaries are
tough guys ... Cunha The law has passed, but the feminist struggle does not end there and
the resistance is organized every day, so that women continue have the choice, taking the
minimum of risk.
Rio de Janeiro Anarchist activists and the international commission of AL
Message: 2
On 21 and 22 November was held the anniversary of the Gaucha Anarchist Federation (FAG) in
Porto Alegre. Two days of exchange and discussions on practices of this organization and
anarchism in Brazil. The opportunity to return to the course of "especifismo" in South
America. ---- In the middle of a small park of Porto Alegre center stands a red and black
banner, which is traced in white letters the inscription "Feria Libertaria, FAG-CAB 20
anos." This is where the Gaucha Anarchist Federation installed its book fair and workshops
involving the militant middle of Porto Alegre and many Brazilian organizations and other
countries. Books, brochures, posters, T-shirts printed across the continent spread over
the makeshift stands. Under a tent, people sit in a circle to listen and discuss with
activists came es anarchists present their thoughts, activities or the situation of their
respective countries.
These are two days of workshops and meetings (plenary union, women and international)
intense that culminated during the evening of the 20 years in which successive speakers
and female speakers of the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU), the Federation anarchist
Rosario (FAR), the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) and of course the FAG. Those
will have skilfully analyze the Brazilian economic environment, Latin American and world,
giving to see the challenges, the anarchist current positionings and strategies from the
"especifismo" [1]. The strength of speech, emotion and excitement aroused by "los arriba
that Luchan" resumed in chorus by the assembly gave way in the late evening to a joyful
feast, cordial and lively exchanges among activists, who never tire of discussing the
current society and the new world they and they dream.
A social integration on different fronts of struggle
The FAG born in 1995 in Porto Alegre, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and is one of the
first organizations spécifistes Brazil. It is inspired by its big sister FAU, founding
organization of spécifiste current. Today, it is present in four regions of the state and
is invested on different fronts of struggle. The most important is the community or
territorial front of struggle, that is to say work in neighborhoods and the most
vulnerable populations. For this, the FAG has a particularly libertarian athénée which
organize different activities: public education, awareness raising, training (eg with
libertarian Library The Conquest of Bread), self-defense courses, sewing workshops, but
also access to products of peasant agriculture, grown and distributed by a "assentamento
[2]" of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) ... indeed many activists and militants of
the FAG have also invested in the struggles es rural and land reclamation.
The Athenaeum is also one of solidarity and struggles of coordination space: here find
themselves collectives, such as those for the struggle of black people, feminist
collectives or support the Kurdish revolution ... there are found Activists to conduct
neighborhood struggles, central axis of social integration for FAG, whose early struggles
were particularly organize the "recyclers and reclaimers [3]" of Porto Alegre.
Moreover, the FAG also invests in student and labor fronts. Indeed, in recent years,
Brazil has experienced a radicalization of the union bases that led many strikes beyond
the control of bureaucratic leaderships and sometimes mafia. Around the FAG find
themselves sympathizers and activists of different fronts of struggle in a "trend" called
Popular Resistance, real tool of spécifiste strategy which converge the struggles of
different sectors.
A convergence effort which allowed the past to transform into true union struggles
neighborhood struggles, as in the education sector for example. These twenty years of FAG
construction were accompanied by the development of other organizations at national level
and gave birth to the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) in 2012. On a territory of
France sixteen times, developing federalism n ' However no small matter. The CAB
represents a process of building a theoretical and practical common line, strengthening
grassroots organizations particularly by supporting new groups and mutual support. A
support also common practice among Latin American organizations, with the aim of
developing spécifiste power on the continent.
The strategy of spécifisme
The spécifisme is a clean anarchist current in South America. Developed in the 1960s by
FAU, he mainly draws its theoretical origins in the writings of Bakunin and Malatesta (the
latter being exiled to Argentina). Two central axes based this current: the specific
organization of anarchists and practice / social inclusion [4].
The first axis emphasizes the need to organize themselves politically as a cohesive group,
in order to act in the social movement with an expression, a practice and a libertarian
ethic. The social inclusion concept, meanwhile, refers to the particular history of Brazil
which reached, in 1930, a decline of the anarchist movement in "cultural and intellectual
circles" at the expense of activity in motion social and trade union.
This is therefore a return to the class struggle anarchist-organized and are not a form of
infiltration, as can practice some organizations of the authoritarian left.
The organization must be a small motor of social struggle, to support the creation of
popular power: spécifistes then are betting a strong people rather than a strong
organization. People power is built from the ground up, through what spécifistes call the
front of the oppressed classes, recognizing the existence of different forms of
oppression, whether economic, gender, race or according to the social category (the
peasantry, the unemployed, the workers, etc.). This translates into an investment of
activists in front of struggle with their own claims (eg district, student, union, rural
...) where they and they participate in the emergence of spaces are constructed and
solidarity convergences of various fronts of struggle. "People in the street to resist and
to fight, the people who advance to the popular power. "
Caminando Las Luchas
[1] This means that the specific anarchist organization, word which we translate roughly
as "spécifisme".
[2] Land recovered by the MST.
[3] People in very precarious who collect recyclable waste in the street to sell them.
[4] To deepen understanding of the current spécifiste see: FARJ, social anarchism and
organization, Brasero Social Publishing, 2013.
Message: 3 ---- NATO, represented by the
Turkish State, for the last two days has been bombing the Kurdish militias of the YPG that
had advanced to the north of Aleppo towards the cities of A'zaz and Such Rifaat. The
bombings, which have killed at least 23 civilians, are concentrated around the military
airbase of Menagh, conquered in 2013 by a coalition of “rebels”, including Al - Qaeda (Al-
Nusra Front) and others that later would end up as the Islamic State. That is a key point
to supply the “rebellion,” which serves the petro-theocracy and the interests of the USA
and the EU. Ahmet Davutoglu said that he has informed the vice-president of the USA Joe
Biden about the bombings. Although Biden has not publicly approved Turkey’s military
intervention, he has neither condemned it nor taken any action to restrain the Turkish
State, which would never act without the absolute certainty that the U.S. would end up
supporting them. [Castellano] [Català] [Italiano]
NATO against the Kurds: The battle for A’zaz
As the siege tightens around the armed fundamentalist reactionaries in Syria, the Ankara
regime that has generously sponsored them throughout five years of butchery is beginning
to get nervous. The forceful eruption of the Kurdish guerrillas of the YPG against the
Islamic State, the Russian intervention and the determined participation of Hizbullah
militias is winning the battle against that motley alliance of opportunists and armed
fundamentalists whose only goal is to overthrow Bashar Al- Assad and smash the Kurdish
That is why the Turkish army has intensified the bombings against the Kurds, who operate
in the northern area of the country, when at every moment they show every sign that they
are seeking a direct intervention in the Syrian conflict, in order to extend the life of a
military criminal adventure that has only succeeded in inflicting pain and death.
Here they finally drop their masks. NATO, represented by the Turkish State, for the last
two days has been bombing the Kurdish militias of the YPG that had advanced to the north
of Aleppo towards the cities of A'zaz and Such Rifaat [1]. The bombings, which have killed
at least 23 civilians [2], are concentrated around the military airbase of Menagh,
conquered in 2013 by a coalition of “rebels”, including Al - Qaeda (Al- Nusra Front) and
others that later would end up as the Islamic State. That is a key point to supply the
“rebellion,” which serves the petro-theocracy and the interests of the USA and the EU.
Ahmet Davutoglu said that he has informed the vice-president of the USA Joe Biden about
the bombings. Although Biden has not publicly approved Turkey’s military intervention, he
has neither condemned it nor taken any action to restrain the Turkish State, which would
never act without the absolute certainty that the U.S. would end up supporting them.
Let’s remember that NATO had said, in the midst of the crisis with Russia, that it would
defend tooth and nail the “territorial integrity” of the Turkish state, an argument that
the Ankara regime uses to justify its attack on the Kurds, saying that they are a threat
to their monolithic concept of national unity. This can be only the beginning of a direct
intervention on the ground for Erdogan’s troops, something he already threatened last
week. The facade of the supposed unity against the Islamic State is a joke: the Turkish
State, and with them NATO, are gambling on destabilization of Syria and prolongation of
the Syrian bloodbath, at the same time as they fight against the Kurdish liberation movement.
Betting on the anvil and hammer strategy, as they strike the Kurds in Syrian territory,
and supply the armed reactionaries to wipe out the YPG militias, the Turkish State is also
striking the Kurds in their own territory, looking to destroy their rebellious morale. For
months they have imposed a state of siege in the Kurdish territory in the Turkish state,
escalating repressive military operations, bombing. While the Western medias are
scandalized by the Islamic State’s destruction of the cultural, historical and
archaeological heritage in places like Palmyra (Syria) and denounce it up and down, they
have remained silent about the Turkish State’s systematic destruction of the human
heritage in the Kurdish region within Turkey’s borders: according to information from
Diyarbakir municipality (10 /12/16), the District of Sur in Diyarbakir has been bombed and
its historical walls, considered heritage from the UNESCO, have been severely destroyed.
70% of the buildings of the east section of the old city also have been affected, while
50.000 inhabitants from Sur had to move out of their homes due to state violence and terror.
The West believed, they could use the Kurds to fight against the fundamentalist factions
they consider “uncontrollable,” but this failed. The Kurds are a mature political
protagonist, with too much experience of fighting in the hills to be used as simple pawns
by the Western powers. When the U.S. began to employ its strategy of restructuring the
Middle East, expecting that puppet regimes would emerge in all areas, regimes similar to
the Gulf theocracies that would willingly give their oil in exchange of nearly nothing,
they didn’t take into account the Kurds nor their libertarian social projects and their
radical democracy; nor did they count on the enormous popular forces that theses
interventionist strategies unleashed. It is true that there has yet to flourish in the
Middle East the kind of popular power that starting from Kurdistan then radiated out to
the region, but it is also true that the U.S. has been incapable of imposing its rule and
has ended up by eroding its hegemony in the region, and its cronies have exposed
themselves naked: there has not been a moment in the last few decades that the sheiks have
been more nervous than they are now. That’s where the violence of the Caliph of Ankara
against the Kurds comes from.
The same way that the battle for Kobane was a key point to slow down the advance of the
Islamic State, today, the battle for A‘zaz is also a key point to eradicate armed
fundamentalism and to defend the expansion, consolidation, and the right to exist of an
autonomous, free and confederated Kurdistan.
José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
15 February 2016
Translated by Felipe Asenjo (Tlaxcala)
Edited by John Catalinotto
Message: 4
The footage you are watching is the 20th Feb protest against the water charges in Dublin
speeded up by a factor of four so it doesn't take a long time to play. The match took
place the Saturday before the general election is to take place in the south and it's a
good time to ask with the election drawing close is this really going to bring the changes
we are looking for F20 Pre election water charges protest march in Dublin ---- Should campaigning for the elections have
become the big priority that it did? I would like to say no and the reason for that is I
think real change only comes from grassroots activity from the bottom up. A grassroots
activity which is in direct competition for resources in terms of time, money and effort
with electoral campaigning
There's no denying that for a lot of people will be an opportunity to throw a very much
hated government of the Labour Party and Fine Gael out of power but that's just as we
throw the governments of Fianna Fail and the Green Party out of power years beforehand. We
need to get off the roundabout and set about creating real change.
WORDS & VIDEO Editing: Andrew Flood (Follow Andrew on Twitter )
Andrew N Flood
Message: 5
For the third consecutive year, a feminist protest from Belleville is organized on the
occasion of the "International Day of struggle for women's rights." ---- Last year we had
6,000, more than double the previous year. For all of us, this event is an opportunity to
invest the streets to make our voices heard, make visible our struggles, our anger and our
demands. ---- As long as it takes: feminists! ---- Double workdays, wage inequality,
harassment in public spaces, the workplace and in private, sexual abuse, violence and
gender discrimination: Here are the daily lot of women and gender minorities. Despite the
struggles of our predecessors, and what to say about those who knowingly cultivate our
contempt, be a feminist today is not an empty word.
Equality? What equality?
Instrumentalized by political and institutional organizations that refuse to take into
account while endorsing violence gender discrimination and violence, equality now appears
to serve as fronts for reactionaries to security and racist. Worse, their maneuvers
reinforce the violence, by excluding certain categories of women feminist spaces and
public space.
our feminism
Our feminism is based on the legitimacy made of the raw to decide their strategies against
violence and discrimination they suffer. We reaffirm that feminism is not soluble in
racism nor widespread rightward or in the strategies politicians!
On whom can we rely?
The judiciary condemns women and gender minorities who defend themselves while she pays
the cops who murder and rapists.
Austerity, the case of labor law, border closure and racist laws is the deterioration of
our health and our access to health care, housing and education, but is also the
restriction of our freedom of movement and settlement as well as the increased volume of
domestic work or the stress (economic and political) to married life even when it is a
source of violence.
Organising to defend ourselves!
Calling for a better distribution of wealth we produce, require a health system respectful
of our bodies and our decisions, are demanding a public space accessible to all, and be in
solidarity with the most stigmatized, repressed and insecure of us!
Debunking our rage and strengthen our solidarity!
Demonstration in Paris, from Belleville, Sunday, March 6 to 14 hours.
Of associative information tables will be installed as early as 12 hours on the median of
Belleville come chat and inquire.
Order Service of the mandate of the demo
Assault and racist violence, sexist, transphobic, homo-lesbo-Bié-phobic, putophobes etc.,
physical or verbal, will not be tolerated and will result in exclusion.
The cisgenres men [ 1 ] designated by ItS / victim (s) as aggressors or as threatening the
physical safety or psychological one demonstrator may be excluded.
The men cisgenres opposing exclusion will also be excluded.
For conflicts that do not involve human cisgender *, a safe distance is maintained between
the protagonists, so that everyone can participate in e-walking and cycle safely.
[ 1 ] Male cisgender: individual assigned boy at birth and that always sets as well (like
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