Update on eviction activities
On Thursday afternoon the verdict of the trial attempting to stop the eviction of the south part of the jungle was announced. The demolition will go ahead with the exception of ‘ social spaces’ those mentioned included Jungle Books, the Woman and Children’s Centre, mosques and churches. Lawyers are appealing this decision.
On Thursday night/Friday morning there were 3 fires in the jungle. One person is in critical condition suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.
The authorities for the moment wish to make a ‘camera friendly’ eviction, they have promised not to use bulldozers and the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said the eviction would be gradual.
The first step of that gradual eviction was that on Friday the prefecture appeared at the camp and went round telling people to move, some of the authorities were in plain clothes. They asked people to move either to the container camp, already nearly full and where you must give a 3D scan of your hand. There is no food or cooking facilities and people cannot live with whom they choose.
The other option they are strongly encouraging is that people get on buses to go to these ‘welcome centres’, located around France. Authorities have told people they will not be deported from these centres. However people with Dublin fingerprints have reported being sent back to other European countries from these centres.
The buses brought in on Friday left almost empty, there were only a handful of people who could be persuaded to fuck off. There are, as ever, many different opinions in the jungle but it seems clear that the solutions provided by the prefecture are not solutions for everybody.
If we are in opposition to the eviction of the jungle in calais, it is of course because thousands of people would lose their home against their will. But as well or even more because it is part of the war against people who have been categorized as: “not worth welcoming / to be destroyed”. It is unbelievable how it could get normalized that certain humans don’t have a right of housing, work, ultimately have no right to exist, they have been illegalized. They can be snatched out of the street, locked up, and deported to where ever.
There is no way of negotiating with the authorities. They are the same people who are responsible for the situation in Calais. What happens in Calais is not a naturaldisaster like an earthquake or a drought. It is made, created by European nation states. Fighting this eviction is useless if we don’t at the same time tackle the root of the problem: the nation states with their police, CS gas, courts, prisons, detention centers, batons, handcuffs, rubber bullets, fences and razer wire. Let’s work together to open the borders, for freedom of movement for everyone, not only for the rich and privileged.
Great post by CMS. This is the spirit! No Borders, No States!
There is an appeal against the decision of the judge in Lille but it is non-suspensive. So the eviction is going ahead, the authorities hope that the refugees will self-evict proved a vain hope and most people do not want to move, in the absence of solutions acceptable to them. New people keep arriving every day.
It is still very cold and people could die if they are thrown in the street! Please keep supporting and putting pressure on the French authorities!
The volunteers who are most keen to move houses are in the minority this time.
The No Borders have been attacked once again by local authorities for inciting migrants to refuse the beautiful solutions proposed by the French State, when in fact all they did was to distribute a leaflet with some correct information.
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