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dinsdag 1 maart 2016

Anarchistic update news - all over the world - 1 March 2016

Today's Topics:

1. Britain, Class War, “Fucking Wankers” banner prosecution
dismissed as cops prove they are cunts again (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. A-Radio Berlin Feminism and conflict resolution: the
Anarchist Federation Britain and its Safer Spaces policy
3. France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Create and
destroy the camps, the French hospitality (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - unionism, El Khomri
against the project: the petition for action (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #257 (Jan) - culture,
Group Interview The Three Eight: "We are there to recharge the
batteries of our audience" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]


Message: 1

A student arrested for waving a banner calling politicians “wankers” has been let off as 
prosecutors dropped a case against him on the eve of his day in court. Adam Barr, 24, who 
studies at the SOAS in London, was arrested by Tower Hamlets police last April for holding 
a banner with pictures of David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage and the 
words “All Fucking Wankers”. ---- Turns out the cops have accidentally destroyed the 
banner, which might explain the lack of evidence… ---- Earlier reports on the initial loss 
of the banner and the arrest. ---- Background info on the Class War Poor Doors campaigns here



Message: 2

Dear all, As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade of the 
Anarchist Federation in Britain about their Safer Spaces policy. In this interview she 
tells us about the origins of this concept, the misconceptions and popular defensive 
strategies and also about the actual practice and constant development of this policy that 
deals with conflict resolution in political structures and survivor-lead processes in case 
of physical abuse. ---- You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different 
sizes) here: ---- 
---- Length: 22:06 min ---- You can find other English and Spanish language audios here: 
---- http://aradio.blogsport.de/englishcastellano/.

Among our last audios you can find:
* Mediterranean 4: An interview with the workers of the self-managed
soap factory Vio.me in Thessaloniki:
* Mediterranean 3: An audio by the self-organized refugee squat
Orfanotrofeio in Thessaloniki:
* An interview with an activist of the Passe Livre movement in Sao
Paulo, Brazil:
* Mediterranean 2: An interview with two anarchists working on the
refugee topic in Slovenia:
* Northern Europe 3: An interview with two members of the new Anarchist
Federation in Finland, Alusta:
* Mediterranean 1: An interview with two activists of the occupied and
self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece:
* Northern Europe 2: An interview on the Anarchist Bookfair in Tallinn,
* Northern Europe 1: An audio on the countercultural Musta Pispala
festival in Tampere, Finland:
* Eastern Europe 5: An interview with Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw:
* The documentation of a presentation about the topic "Undercover for
State and Capital":

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are now on Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into
English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to
amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at


Message: 3

The government is preparing to evacuate part of the Calais camp to distribute force some 
of the migrants in containers or disperse away from Calais in CAD (reception and guidance 
centers), called "places respite. " These are obviously not a solution for people whose 
project is most often reach England. Especially unless the CAO are supposed to close in a 
few weeks! ---- CGA wishes to denounce a media operation based bulldozers whose primary 
purpose is not the fate of the migrants but a sordid political tactic. ---- The camps near 
Calais are increasing for ten years. By closing the Sangatte reception center in 2002, 
making them home and regularization terms increasingly difficult, governments have 
exacerbated the health and social situation of migrants. By posting an ultra-authoritarian 
political line as the State has done since the November attacks, the Socialists hope to 
win votes probably right. For this, they will displace families, shave some socializing 
places that people have built to recreate a social life through cafes, places of worship, 
school, theater, etc. Yet the anti-immigrant bidding only reinforces the Lepenization 
spirits in a bad company of a humanly viable economic and social project.

CGA struggle for regularization tou-te-s undocumented, strengthening the right to asylum, 
freedom of movement and settlement of people and the abolition of borders. We will 
continue our support for tou-te-s those who are struggling to live here or move to the 
country of their choice.

We relay this call denouncing the situation in Calais and the current policy of the State: 

February 26, 2016
External Relations of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups

Related Link: 



Message: 4

Is this finally the last straw? Is this finally the spark? Is villainy too, from the 
PS-Medef government? El Khomri bill triggered a huge angry buzz on social networks. But 
this anger must not remain virtual. ---- El Khomri bill is a new government attack against 
the employers and the workers. On the pretext of simplifying presented a labor code as too 
complicated, this bill actually introduces a multitude of exceptions, exemptions and 
derogations to unravel the code that protects a minimum salarié.es ---- The employers 
demanded the government runs. ---- Faced with this attack scale, the response is organized 
through several unit answers. ---- A collective, QED (This code must be defended) began to 
meet for several weeks and has launched a petition.

Another petition , launched Friday, February 19, quickly gathered hundreds of thousands of 
signatures and spread at high speed on social networks by offering simple and synthetic 
visual summarizing the attacks contained in the draft law Khomri El.
Finally, a gallery of signed union leaders, associations and policies was published in 
These initiatives are only the first step in building the necessary response. If a 
petition helps to count, to be a first step, to initiate discussions are an opportunity to 
convince especially when she signed on paper, nobody thinks this is enough to win against 
a bill.

For this, it will build the strike.

Wide Inter (including two students and high school student unions) met and specific inter 
the Public Service meets tomorrow. One can not imagine that they do not conclude with a 
call to action.

But to win, it will be seized locally on our workplaces, in our cities to build the 
conditions for a renewed strike, organizing actions, reaching beyond mere mass 
demonstration to engage in blocking the economy.

Aurélien (AL Paris-Sud)

Photo: chris93 cc / Wikimedia Commons


Message: 5

Three Eight is five guys together to do street-punk / oi glory of anti-fascism and popular 
classes, fighting for a society without oppression. In November came out their first 
album. We asked ---- Alternative Libertaire: Can you introduce the band to our readers? 
---- Three Eight: The group was established in 2013 in Grenoble, with, at the base, four 
friends. We already knew of demonstrations or collective. It has made our first repeat in 
Grenoble squat named Greta. We learned everything from start. We do not really know how to 
play, let alone together. And so the last two years were chained lot of concerts and there 
was an album released in November and its creation took about a year. ---- Can you talk 
about the album? ---- It is completely self-produced because they are members of the group 
who did everything. It is we who have found a place, put the plaquo and carpeted Finish to 
create a studio so-called Stud'Oï! Ourselves we recorded everything but the mix and 
mastering was done by a friend, Manu Akaes, a former Ya Basta. We looked for people who 
could support us to release the album and distribute it. These are just people who were in 
confidence, which are part of our activist milieu. In exchange for help, we give them CD 
and LP and remain independent. Therefore labels partner of the album, there's Fire and 
Flames is German, Hard Reality in Quebec, the French labels like General Strike, FFC and 
Rusty Knife Productions which are credited on the album. Their practices is 
self-management, they are not there to make money.

You say to the street-punk / oi, for you it is important to preserve a musical tradition 
that is part of aesthetics and dynamics of specific claims?

Yes, for us it's completely in a militant approach. We said no redskins or anything, it is 
not precisely label. People just have to listen to the words to get an idea of which side 
one is. We are in a struggle approach against all forms of oppression and discrimination 
that people can suffer through their taf, origin, sexual orientation, gender, etc.

What are your main musical references?

Is the cult bands of the genre, like Brigada Flores Magon, Opció K, No Servium, bottle 
Stage Camera Silens, but also groups other musical horizons like Ya Basta, Guarapita, 
Bolshoi or Los Tres Puntos. Full of more rap groups too ... And as musicians, there are 
ska influences, hardcore ... It is a mixture of different influences finally enough!

You've played in many self-managed places, squats ... It is important for you?

Since the beginning we play in these places that supports and some of these places is a 
little with us, we squatted them: we were going to see concerts, potos ... Then that kind 
of place, you give what you can, a small room and you see a nice concert, and that for us 
is important. Our concert is also an opportunity to meet their friends and girlfriends who 
are fighting militants, anti-fascists, trade unionists, anarchists, communists ...

And support those places that's important when we see the town halls, including that of 
Grenoble with the team (EELV / PG) Eric Piolle who said just before being voted "yes, we 
are going to squats promote it, "whereas now they are elected ben evictions are in 
Grenoble, including Roma. So all these inhumane practices, it disgusts us, and our way of 
doing shit that system is, among others, to support the squats.

In your text, what is the message you want to convey, and to whom?

In fact, the texts arrive in dribs and drabs. It's quite spontaneous, it has not tried to 
make a homogenous album, but rather writing texts when a subject inspires us. When we want 
to talk about an issue, we talk about it and write a text on it. We would like to talk to 
everyone. As themes are anti-fascism, anti-capitalism, the sexism, and it will continue in 
our next text. And the subject of migrants, it is important also. And saw the police 
violence at the moment, although we wanted to do a song about the cops. And we want to get 
out of classic subjects, there are plenty of other things on his mind but it will be on 
the second album ...

Compared to migrants precisely on the album that is released, there is a beautiful song 
called "Deep Eye" ...

It was written by Riad, bassist. In the mass media when they talk about refugees, they not 
hurt misinformation, or at least that's completely dehumanized. We hear figures, quotas, 
to choose such type of migrants, and we wanted to make this as real as possible and human 
tragedy. So this song is about a migrant fleeing poverty and war with hopeful to join 
France and who like so many others will not succeed ... Well, it's kind of a sad song , 
that of a chick who could be one of our sisters.

Do you think that music can have a function in a political project?

For us, music is unifying and it is clear we play in places where our audience is already 
convinced globally, so all together singing the lyrics with good sound punk behind, it is 
very stimulating. But we are not sure that it has a real impact on people, say that LTH is 
not a group that will make people change opinion. We are there to recharge the batteries 
of our audience. Potos that may come away with the feeling of not being alone. In all 
cases, we try either unifying but that's not enough: we think that we must move beyond the 
music, fight directly against oppression. But the music that can express anger, to vent, 
we are pleased we like that, after the public likes it or not like, and all the better if 
it motivates in!

A concert is the story of a night. The struggle is daily. When you're on stage, you're not 
totally the same: you play, it's comfortable. But when you're in the real activists are in 
direct and concrete struggle. So you still have many things to share.

So it's good that this musical stress relief is also a way to express convictions, his 
rage and solidarity ...

Yes, and must not forget that many militants need festive moments together. From time to 
time, must learn to relax a little bit. Especially in a social context where we tend to be 
more pessimistic. So when we do a concert and we not see a lot of motivated people, it's 
nice. Although times, demo, we see that there are fewer and fewer people ... But we are 
motivated for it is not lost!

Where did the band name?

It is proposed that Riad. This is in reference to the 3-8 system work, it echoes the 
working class. Although no member of the group currently hump with this pace, it was 
almost all done and just what we are talking we know and wanted to pay tribute to those 
who work like that.

Interview by AL Grenoble

Physical CD for 5 euros + postage via contact@lestroishuit.net or download free prices 
through the website lestroishuit.net

The group also has a page on social networking Dates of upcoming concerts updated on both.



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