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vrijdag 30 september 2016

[Mobilisation d19-20] TTIP/CETAssez ! Rassemblement devant les parlements la semaine prochaine !‏


RDV devant les parlements régionaux la semaine prochaine !

Nous vous invitons la semaine prochaine devant tous les parlements régionaux de Belgique (voir dates et heures exactes ci-dessous), à Bruxelles (parlements bruxellois et flamand), Eupen et Namur pour qu’ils respectent les droits fondamentaux des citoyens.nes et refusent le mandat de signature au gouvernement fédéral. Les citoyens.nes s’en souviendront lors des prochaines élections!
La signature ou non du CETA, ce projet de traité toxique et antichambre du TTIP, est prévue les prochaines semaines. Cet accord, s’il est signé, aura d’énormes conséquences négatives sur les droits et la vie des travailleurs.euses, agriculteurs.trices et sur toute la citoyenneté en général ! La signature de CETA donnera les clés de la démocratie à la haute finance, aux multinationales ou à des juges privés. Les travailleurs.euses de Caterpillar, comme des centaines de communes à travers la Belgique, l’ont bien compris en se déclarant hors-TTIP/CETA.
Ces accords accentueront la mise en concurrence des travailleurs.euses avec pour conséquence baisse des salaires et destruction d’emplois. Ils entraineront encore plus de dumping social et fiscal, limiteront le pouvoir de négociation des travailleurs.euses, achèveront de détricoter notre protection sociale et livreront les services publics aux actionnaires. En les signant, le gouvernement Michel veut achever la destruction des conquêtes sociales.
A l’heure actuelle, la Belgique n’est pas en capacité de signer CETA. Un gouvernement régional, le gouvernement wallon, suivant ainsi la volonté populaire, n’a pas donné mandat au gouvernement fédéral pour le faire. Les autres gouvernements, eux, se sont pliés à la pression des fédérations patronales et agricoles, de l’UE et des Etats-Unis.
Nous sommes déterminés à enterrer CETA. La cérémonie de signature est prévue le 27 octobre à Bruxelles lors du sommet UE-Canada. Ce sommet ne doit pas avoir lieu! De toute manière nous y serons: ou pour célébrer notre victoire ou pour ne pas les laisser signer tranquillement.

Toutes et tous à Namur, Bruxelles et Eupen !

3.10–13:00: Parlement wallon, rue Notre-Dame 1, Namur: +32 472 45 17 68
3.10–15:30: Parlement germanophone, Platz des Parlaments 1, Eupen: +32 474 72 65 95
5.10–13:30: Parlement flamand, rue de Louvain 86, Bruxelles : +32 497 23 07 60
7.10–14:00: Parlement bruxellois, rue du Lombard 69, Bruxelles : +32 488 15 02 16

Austérité et libre échange sont deux faces d’un même projet de société contre lesquels nous devons nous battre ensemble

In afwachting daarvan, nodigen wij u uit om volgende week samen te komenvoor alle Belgische regionale parlementen (zie data en uren hieronder): in Brussel (Brussels en Vlaams Parlement), Eupen en Namen. De parlementen moeten de fundamentele rechten van de burgers respecteren, en het ondertekeningsmandaat weigeren aan de federale regering. De burgers zullen dit bij de volgende verkiezingen niet vergeten zijn.
In de komende weken zal CETA al dan niet ondertekend worden, dat giftig verdrag met Canada dat ook de deuren opent voor TTIP. Als het verdrag getekend wordt zal het enorm slechte gevolgen hebben voor de rechten en het leven van werknemers, boeren en de burgers in het algemeen! CETA ondertekenen betekent de sleutels van de democratie afgeven aan de financiële kringen, aan de multinationals en aan private rechters. De arbeiders bij Caterpillar en honderden gemeenten in België die zich TTIP/CETA-vrij verklaarden weten goed waarover het gaat!
Met dergelijke verdragen worden werknemers nog meer elkaars concurrenten, met loons-vermindering en jobverlies als gevolg. Ze brengen nog meer sociale en fiscale dumping met zich mee, beperken de onderhandelingspositie van de werknemers, ontmantelen nog verder de sociale bescherming en ze leveren de openbare diensten uit aan de aandeelhouders. Door dergelijke akkoorden te ondertekenen wil de regering Michel een kroon zetten op haar afbraak van de sociale verworvenheden.
Op dit ogenblik kan België CETA niet ondertekenen. Een regionale regering, de Waalse, gaf gevolg aan de wil van het volk en weigerde een mandaat te geven aan de federale regering ter ondertekening. De andere deelregeringen gaven wel toe aan de druk van patroons- en boerenfederaties, van de EU en de Verenigde Staten.
Wij zijn vastbesloten om CETA ten grave te dragen. De ondertekeningsceremonie is voorzien op 27 oktober in Brussel, bij de topontmoeting EU-Canada. Die top moet er niet komen! Wij zullen in ieder geval aanwezig zijn, om onze overwinning te vieren of om de ondertekening te verstoren.
In afwachting daarvan, nodigen wij u uit om volgende week samen te komenvoor alle Belgische regionale parlementen (zie data en uren hieronder): in Brussel (Brussels en Vlaams Parlement), Eupen en Namen. De parlementen moeten de fundamentele rechten van de burgers respecteren, en het ondertekeningsmandaat weigeren aan de federale regering. De burgers zullen dit bij de volgende verkiezingen niet vergeten zijn.

Allen naar Brussel, Namen en Eupen

3.10 – 13:00: Waals Parlement, rue Notre-Dame 1, Namen: +32 472 45 17 68
3.10 – 15:30: Parl. Duitstalige Gemeenschap, Platz des Parlaments 1, Eupen: 0474 72 65 95
5.10 – 13:30: Vlaams Parlement, Leuvenseweg 86, Brussel : +32 497 23 07 60
7.10 – 14:00: Brussels Parlement, Lombardstraat 69, Brussel : +32 488 15 02 16

Het soberheidsbeleid en het vrijhandelsbeleid zijn de twee zijden van eenzelfde project dat we met z’n allen moeten bestrijden


Dodgy EU-Afghanistan returns deal (17/16)‏

Statewatch News Online,  30 September 2016 (17/16)Home page: http://www.statewatch.org/ e-mail: office@statewatch.org 
Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StatewatchEU
EU-Afghanistan returns plan: Another "dodgy" deal

- Deal to be signed next week to start immediate refugee "return" flights
- Is Afghanistan a "safe country"?
- Quick return of 80,000 refugees planned
- "effectively implement readmission commitments"
 - by-passing parliamentary scrutiny 
On 4-5 October there will be an International Conference with 70 countries meeting in Brussels to discuss the future of Afghanistan.

In the "margins" of the Conference there will be the signing of a deal between the EU and the Afghanistan government on the "return" (voluntary and forced) of Afghan refugees who have arrived in the EU in 2015 and 2016. It is estimated that at least 257,000 Afghan refugees are in the EU.[1]

A joint "non-paper" from the European Commission and the European Action Service (EEAS) in March 2016: Joint Commission-EEAS non-paper on enhancing cooperation on migration, mobility and readmission with Afghanistan (Restricted do no: 6738-16, pdf) that looked at:

"possible leverages across Commission-EEAS policy areas to enhance returns and effectively implement readmission commitments." [emphasis added]

It concluded that the next steps could be:

"a second High Level Dialogue on Migration in the sidelines of the Brussels Conference on Afghanistan (4-5 October 2016) to maximise the EU leverage" 
Is Afghanistan a "safe country" to return refugees to?
This move is despite the Joint "non-paper" recognition of:

"the worsening security situation and threats to which people are exposed"
and the fact that Afghanistan is suffering:

"record levels of terrorist attacks and civilian casualties".[2]

The "non-paper" asserts that:

"Despite this, more than 80,000 persons could potentially need to be returned in the near future.[emphasis added]

This is despite too recording that:

"The main push factors are: a deteriorating security situation with record levels of terrorist attacks and civilian casualties (over 11,000 civilian casualties recorded in 2015), compounded by a deteriorating economic situation. Both are likely to grow stronger."[emphasis added]

Immediate return flights - voluntary and forced returns
Contrary to the March aim of a holding a second High Level Dialogue during the Brussels Conference next week a second secret document, dated 22 September 2016: Draft Joint Way Forward on migration issues between Afghanistan and the EU - Adoption (LIMITE doc no: 12191-16, 2016, pdf). This says that a "Joint Way Forward" following the "conclusion of the negotiations" the declaration will be "signed" on the EU side prior to the main Conference.

"Afghan nationals who are found to have no legal basis to remain in an EU Member State, whose protection needs or compelling humanitarian reasons, if any, have been considered in accordance with the applicable legislation and who have received an enforceable decision to leave that Member State, can choose to return voluntarily. Afghan nationals who choose not to comply with such a decision on a voluntary basis will be returned to Afghanistan, once administrative and judicial procedures with suspensive effects have been exhausted.

The EU Member States consider granting appropriate time for return under the conditions provided for by applicable laws, taking account of the specific circumstances of the individual case."
Under the EU Returns Directive refugees refusing to be sent back can be held in detention for up to 18 months.

Return flights
The procedure for return flights is as follows:

"To facilitate the return and readmission of Afghan nationals, EU Member States may use scheduled or non-scheduled flights to Kabul airport (in existing designated facilities) and any other specified Afghan airports as mutually agreed, including joint flights returning Afghan nationals from several EU Member States organised and coordinated by Frontex. Both sides will explore the possibility to build a dedicated terminal for return in Kabul airport and express their willingness to carry out non-scheduled flights at the best convenient times. The EU Member States understand that there should be a limitation to the number of non-voluntary returnees to 50 per flight in the first six months following the signature of this declaration.
In case of non-scheduled flights, the EU Member States intend to provide flight data, the maximum number of returnees and personal information of the pool of returnees for each flight three weeks prior to their return date. The EU Member States may have to overbook the flight with persons out of the pool but not exceed the maximum number as previously announced. The EU Member States and Frontex will coordinate their non-scheduled flightswith Afghan authorities in order to ensure an  orderly management of returns.
[emphasis added]

"Start operations"
"Cooperation will begin on the day this declaration is signed. The declaration provides the framework for cooperation for an initial period of two years. If neither the EU nor Afghanistan announces their intention to discontinue the cooperation on the basis of this declaration thirty (30) days before the end of this period of two years, cooperation on its basis continues for another two years." [emphasis added]

Will there be a public record on what happens to refugee on their return? 

The EU will give:

"Support to IOM for the implementation of activities jointly developed with the Government of Afghanistan related to the reintegration of returnees. Their families and host communities will be also targeted. IOM will focus on activities related to return and reintegration, including addressing immediate economic needs on arrival."
But will there be a public record of the continued safety and well-being of each and every returned refugee?

By-passing the European Parliament: "effectively implement readmission commitments."
The signing of the "Declaration" would start operations for major "return" flights from the EU to Afghanistan into immediate effect. In all but its form it is readmission agreement but the Council and the EEAS are seeking to by-pass the normal procedure of adopting formal agreement which require the consent of the European Parliament - and could take months and the parliament has the power to reject readmission agreements.

Tony Bunyan, Statewatch Director, comments:

"Under the dodgy EU-Turkey deal we have two Letters and a Statement now for the Afghanistan deal there is to be a "Declaration" - yet again by-passing formal law-making and parliamentary scrutiny.

Yet again the Council demonstrates its contempt for the rule of law. There is no way Afghanistan, even in Kabul, is a safe country to return refugees to." 

[1] This is almost certainly an underestimate as official and agency records were not fully recording arrivals until the 4th quarter of 2015.

[2] Afghan casualties hit record high 11,000 in 2015 - UN report
[3] According to a recent report by the Afghan government’s Independent Directorate of Local Governance, over 50% of the country’s 384 districts face some threat of violence(link). At the same time as the EU plan is about to be launched: "Simultaneously, Pakistan – the country that houses more expatriate Afghans than any other – plans to repatriate the 3 million Afghans who have sought refuge there since 1978." See: Plans to repatriate 3 million Afghan refugees are dangerous and misguided - Europe and Pakistan’s proposals to send millions of people back to Afghanistan will cause mayhem in an already fragile country(Guardian) and:

See also: EU's secret ultimatum to Afghanistan: accept 80,000 deportees or lose aid(Guardian)

See also our site: Statewatch Refugee crisis Observatory : January 2015 ongoing 

News Onlinehttp://www.statewatch.org/news/newsfull.htmWhats New (all new items): http://www.statewatch.org/whatsnew.htmNews Digest: http://www.statewatch.org/news/Newsinbrief.htmObservatories (20):  http://www.statewatch.org/observatories.htmAnalyses (1999 - ongoing): http://www.statewatch.org/analyses.htmStatewatch Bulletin/Journal: Archive: Since 1991: http://www.statewatch.org/subscriber/Database, over 31,000 items: http://database.statewatch.org/search.aspStatewatch European Monitoring & Documentation Centre on Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: http://www.statewatch.org/semdoc/JHA Archive - EU Justice and Home Affairs documents from 1976 onwards:http://www.statewatch.org/semdoc/index.php?id=1143About Statewatch: http://www.statewatch.org/about.htm

Anarchistic update news all over the world - 30 September 2016

Today's Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Nuclear:
Antinuclear redoubled energy (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. Britain, glasgow anarchists: Psychiatry and Social Class -
Thursday 29th September. 7-9pm (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. afed uk: Organise! magazine issue 86 summer 2016 -
Editorial: A Victory for the Commons (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. solfed uk, A Migrant's Guide to Manchester (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. wsm.ie: Solidarity against the Terrorist Narco-State of
Mexico from Dublin, Ireland by Mary Murphy (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The nuclear industry is struggling globally since Fukushima. In France, the mining of 
uranium at its disposal through plant construction, updating and control, everything is 
open to criticism. And the challenge is building momentum. Meet at Flamanville October 1! 
---- The different actors in the French nuclear industry through a bad period. Areva is 
indeed at the heart of the storm with his trial on the incomprehensible awarding of a 
depleted uranium deposit, but more recently with revelations about the defects in the 
construction and validation of 128 pieces of business in reactors La France. ---- The 
Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), to monitor the die, is compromised by asking relationships 
based on trust with key players, Areva and EDF, which had rigged the old reports.

A project to 100 billion to sustain plants

EDF floundering on its side with its new EPR reactors in Finland and France (Flamanville), 
and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Despite these failures, the company continues its mad 
race by announcing the production of two new EPR England project that cost him the 
resignation of two company directors. In the interest of sustainability of its forty park 
sixty years, EDF has launched the "refit". A project of 100 billion euros very dangerous 
in its implementation, as evidenced by the accident at the plant Paluel where a steam 
generator fell during replacement. The piece weighing some 450 tons fell a few meters of 
the fuel storage pool, and cracked the slab. And finally, landfill Bure is the culmination 
of the failure of the industry, a project to distract waste, hide them, all in the 
greatest illegality.

Finally, the headlong rush nuclear continues only by reasons of state. In the draft green 
growth, nuclear power emits little carbon and thus become clean energy! Militarily, 
deterrence is still an ever-present concept of homeland defense. Economically, the country 
is a leader in this industry and can not afford to give up despite the failure of the model.

All in Flamanville
on 1 and 2 October 2016
to request stopping of nuclear power in France

For example of the bad faith of the State, the Fessenheim plant, to be closed during the 
tenure of Holland, will be that from the time the EPR open. So no intention of reducing 
the share of nuclear in the energy, especially as the old plant has a defective parts of 
Areva, a steam generator. During this time EDF pushes for to upgrade and extend its life 
for sixty years. Project expected to cost billions, not including the threat of major 
refit. In light of this information the collective Stop Fessenheim pushing for reactor No. 
2, which is currently closed for refueling, never reopened.

The project of the EPR Hincker Point in Britain EDF plunged into crisis.
Central of Trillo (Spain). DC Tony Madrid
The dispute also affects the construction of the EPR. The endless construction site is 
dotted with defects such as concrete cast of evil containments or the reactor lid that is 
substandard. Add to this the illegal working conditions that were revealed for 450 workers 
who live in unsanitary camp, and timetables which exceed the statutory working time. In 
all, the site will cost four times more than originally planned, and its completion is 
uncertain. The PRT also the problem of being a very powerful reactor, its production will 
be directed towards international sales.

As a sign of surrender to the enormity of waste, the state is trying to build the well 
Bure to bury all this at 500 meters deep, beautiful funeral for pollution that will last 
tens of thousands of years. ANDRA (National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management), 
which manages the project has almost unlimited means to corrupt politicians and the 
public, after twenty years the project is now entering its final phase. Relying on a low 
capacity for mobilization at the local level (seven inhabitants per km2), Andra was 
imposed without taking basic precautions such as building permits. No more than it is 
moved by the challenge against the chosen site. As the rebellion shows even more scathing 
she became national.

Occupation and zadification

The fight is also rooted in the territory, the wood Lejuc site is to host the well is now 
considered a "common" for the benefit of people who share the farmers, residents, 
naturalists joined the resistance antinuclear. The occupation of wood by activists 
followed by deportation, then an attempted reoccupation against militias Andra lays the 
foundation for a very hard conflict. At the time this article is written, the local high 
court to suspended further work on site. The 6 hectares of forest that have been cleared 
and the kilometer concrete wall that was built should become legal in six months. Despite 
the court decision, Andra continues work.

Landfill well Bure: a symbol of capitulation of the state before the insoluble problem of 
nuclear waste.

DC Alex Hesse

The galaxy of associations that mobilize against nuclear basically through a technical 
argument on the technological risk, or a local populations refusal affected by the 
projects. The state's argument holds water through the use of financial resources and 
strength. From a global perspective, the prospect of a better future is largely undermined 
by the promise of the state of green growth that would allow the capital to continue its 
course by recycling his speech.

It is therefore necessary that a libertarian discourse and action developed through these 
struggles. The use of alternative energy or lack of use can be achieved through control of 
the affected populations who produce in accordance with their needs, and not in a logic of 
accumulation and consumption. Thus, unions are beginning to doubt the feasibility of an 
EPR or security might be willing to say that nuclear power is not a solution. In another 
approach, where unions are absent, it is the local struggle that prevail, as in Bure. 
Zadification the site must be aided by all available forces, it will be settlement 
activity will determine the currents of the struggle and the nature of the dispute.

Come to the Flamanville 1 and 2 October as Bure during the coming years, the nuclear 
industry is fragile and strong action will be decisive!

drowned Pippin (nomadic AL)



Message: 2

Our next talk will feature a presentation by Maddie Blanche followed by lots of time for 
discussion about the intersections of class and mental health. ---- The diagnosis and 
treatments given to people of different social classes by psychiatrists is a big subject 
and has been a continuing area of interest to mental health professionals and researchers. 
This talk and discussion will introduce and explore some of the issues around class and 
psychiatry from a working class perspective. ---- Glasgow Autonomous Space Unit 11 53 
Kilbirnie Street G5 8JD ---- (go through gates next to the "Calor Gas" car park, directly 
opposite Anaya/Lahore Indian restaurant. There is a small set of steps up to a door into 
side of the warehouse building. That is the space. Phone 07828540512 if you are having 
trouble or to get in the non step entrance if you have access needs)
Glasgow AF discussion group is open and free to all, however any donations towards costs 
will be appreciated.

We ask that all those attending this event read the brief introduction to our safer spaces 
policy here: https://afed.org.uk/about/safer-spaces/



Message: 3

The main theme of this issue of Organise! is the ‘Commons' and issues related to the 
control of and access to space. As anarchist communists we reject both private property 
and state ownership. Therefore, we must consider how we might organise our use and our 
access to the world's resources. How do we ensure that these resources are managed 
sustainably and equitably? ---- The idea of the Commons has often been put forward as an 
alternative way of viewing land and resources. However, there are two interpretations: It 
could refer to land or resources that are not owned by anyone but to which a designated 
group of people have the rights of access; or it could be land and resources that are 
owned by everyone. In this issue you can find radical and utopian ideas of the commons and 
public space. In order to struggle we need to have a vision of a different future, one 
that will encourage and inform our struggles. We believe that this vision is essential in 
a society that kills hope and freedom, that our vision must stand in revolt against the 
sordid and banal reality of everyday life under capitalism.

In the third part of the Fight for the City series, we are shown how people are resisting 
the privatisation of space - both housing and public space. Articles take a look at 
various subversive practices like nightwalking and psychogeography which question narrow 
ideas on public space. Such resistance is an example of the fight for the Commons - for 
access to the resources that we need such as housing and insistence that we have the right 
to go where we want. However, it is a hard fight, especially as there are increasing moves 
towards the militarisation of space, discussed in this issue with an examination of the 
work of Stephen Graham.

We also look at the idea of the Commons throughout history, dating back to ancient times 
and then on through the Middle Ages. There is also a critique of the essay The Tragedy of 
the Commons.

In addition, we look at positive developments in the international anarchist movement such 
as the recent Mediterranean meeting of anarchists that took place in Crete in 2015, and in 
the re-emergence of the anarchist movement in Cuba and the development of a Caribbean 
Anarchist Federation.

Click here for a full pdf copy of Organise! #86 



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 09:33:31 +0300
From: a-infos-en@ainfos.ca
To: en <a-infos-en@ainfos.ca>
Subject: (en) solfed uk, A Migrant's Guide to Manchester
Message-ID: <mailman.30.1475217182.12628.a-infos-en@ainfos.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

migrant solidarity migrants' struggles immigration Greater Manche ---- Starting a new life 
in the UK can be intimidating. Many things are different to how they were at home. Most 
things are expensive, and some things are just plain difficult. There might be a new 
language or a new culture to contend with. Dealing with all this whilst struggling to find 
a job or accommodation can feel impossible. With this in mind, Manchester Solidarity 
Federation have put together a short guide to the city. We've tried to cover all the 
basics about living and working here, and where to go for help and what resources are 
available. ---- The guide is available at manchestermigrantsguide.org.uk. We hope to have 
translations into languages other than English in the near future. We must emphasise the 
guide is a work in progress and if you have any suggestions, corrections or comments 
please do not hesitate to contact us.



Message: 5

On Saturday, 24 September, LASC and the Mexico-Ireland Solidarity Collective organised a 
vigil at the Mexican embassy to remember and to call for justice for the 43 missing 
students of Ayotzinapa and the thousands more like them who have been disappeared in 
Mexico. ---- Over a year ago, on the night of 26 September 2014, a group of student 
teachers in the Mexican state of Guerrero were ambushed by municipal police as they 
travelled in a convoy of buses through the city of Iguala. Five people, including two 
students, were killed when the officers opened fire on the buses, and another student was 
later found dead, his body showing signs of horrific torture. Forty-three other students 
simply disappeared without trace. The students' disappearance unleashed a wave of public 
outrage fuelled equally by the attack itself and by the narco-corruption which has enabled 
drug gangs to infiltrate local governments and police forces across Mexico.

To mark the two year anniversary of the disappearances, protests were held across Mexico 
and the world to support the parents and relatives of the disappeared of Ayotzinapa.

The Zapatista National Liberation Army denounced the behavior of the Mexican government of 
Enrique Peña Nieto for "rewarding" people strongly suspected of perpetuating impunity in 
the case of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college. 
"(The) cynicism and perversion of the political class (...) not only continues to pretend 
to search for the missing comrades, but instead, with the growing evidence showing the 
guilt of the terrorist narco-state, rewards those responsible for lying and trying to 
distort the truth even more," read the statement by the EZLN, referring to Tomas Zeron, a 
state investigator who resigned for tampering with evidence and was subsequently promoted.

The WSM participated in a well-attended demonstration at the Mexican embassy organised by 
the Latin American Solidarity Collective. The short ceremony included a roll call for the 
43, a poem, and the tying of red ribbons to the embassy fence. Our messages of solidarity 
will be taken to the parents, relatives and friends of the disappeared. The struggle for 
justice for Mexico's disappeared continues.
Further Information

[1]Report from the 2015 Solidarity Demonstration

[2]Zapatistas Call Mexico a 'Terrorist Narco-State'

Author: Mary Murphy


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Juliette Boulet
Juliette Boulet
Campagneverantwoordelijke voor energie
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Witness: “The Mining Company Brought Me Problems” »

Human Rights WatchTHE WEEK IN RIGHTS
September 29, 2016
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Witness: “The Mining Company Brought Me Problems” »

Photo © 2016 Lauren Clifford-Holmes for Human Rights Watch

Nagomba E. is no longer young; her hip is giving her trouble and her back is stooped from years of bending over her corn and rice fields. Yet every morning, at the crack of dawn, the wiry 74-year-old sets out on a strenuous half-hour walk to fetch water from a nearby river so that her ailing husband can take a bath.

Before coal was discovered in Mwabulambo, a remote rural community of Karonga District in northern Malawi, water was never something Nagomba and her neighbors would have to worry about. “I never had problems,” says Nagomba, recalling a time where there was enough to eat and safe water to drink. “The mining company brought me problems.”

Over the past decade, Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries, has promoted private investment in mining and resource extraction as a way to grow and diversify its largely agriculture-based economy. The government said the mines would provide jobs and improve people’s livelihoods, but hardly any of these promises ever materialized. Instead, the mines mainly caused regression, hazards, and hardship.
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Middle East
Serious Abuses in Egypt's Secretive Scorpion Prison 

“Scorpion Prison sits at the end of the state’s repressive pipeline, ensuring that political opponents are left with no voice and no hope. Its purpose seems to be little more than a place to throw government critics and forget them...” 

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Pakistan Should Overhaul Abusive Police Force

“I have no doubt in my mind that the police killed [my son]." - the father of Syed Alam, who was killed in police custody in Karachi in November 2015... 

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Blog: US Election and Human Rights

The 2016 US presidential election has generated a great deal of debate on human rights issues. In the lead-up to the vote, our experts examine some of the key issues being debated, as well as others that should be top priorities for the next president... 

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Political Prisoners Suffer in Egypt's Notorious Scorpion Prison
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Bangladesh Security Forces are 'Kneecapping' Detainees
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