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dinsdag 27 september 2016

Anarchistic update news all over the world - Part 2 - 27 september 2016

Today's Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international,
Kurdistan, imperialism and far right: open letter to Patrice
Franceschi (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Greece, Workers Counter Bulletin #127 of blogk ESE Athens
(fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. Fighting fascism in 1936, fighting fascism now! 80 years
since the Battle of Cable Street, 9 October (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Former soldier, adventurer and sailor writer Patrice Franceschi is an old friend of the 
Kurdish cause. Yet there the dessert from the defense on Radio Courtesy, and associating 
the imperialist interests of the West. Alternative Libertaire calls out. ---- Patrice 
Franceschi, ---- Let's be clear. We do not do a trial of conscience, and not trying to 
dress up you a political label. We did not know you before meeting you on various forums 
in the fall of 2014 to support the fighters and combatants of Ayn al-Arab. If our 
philosophy differs from yours, the sincerity of your commitment to the Kurdish cause is 
clear, and that is why we would like to question you about what we consider to be a 
serious political mistake. ---- Twice in April 2015 and July 2016, you went defend Rojava 
on Radio Courtesy, the main station of the Catholic extreme right in France. And as if 
that were not enough, you have done by involving the Kurdish cause the geostrategic 
interests of Western powers.

A program that oozes colonialism

The image of the struggle in Kurdistan is thereby necessarily blurred, dirty. How could it 
be otherwise in a program that oozes from every pore colonialism? Including the two 
leaders, and Patrice Roger Saboureau Boissy, are directors of an heiress pharmacy networks 
of the OAS, the Relief France[1]? Which even the generic use Africans, singing 
supplementary troops in the French army during the colonial period?

In April 2015, therefore, the auditors of the Free Journal of Roger Saboureau had to 
shiver with delight in discovering that there was, in your words, an ally of France, a 
"little piece of the West" to defend the Middle East: Kurdistan[2].

Until then, however, distrust prevailed at the far right to the Kurds. As recalled in the 
introduction the host of the show: "It's a people we know little, except the memory of 
their participation in the massacre by their ancestors of Eastern Christians in the 
nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the spectacular engagement Danielle Mitterrand in 
their favor, there are some twenty to twenty-five years after the gassing of a city in 
Iraq by Saddam Hussein. Nothing therefore, a priori, to make us sympathetic. " The 
National Front has indeed always defended the regime of Saddam Hussein, despite his 
genocide conducted against the Kurdish population[3]

However, geopolitics being what it is, "the enemies of our enemies could become our 
friends," then chained Roger Saboureau, before giving the floor to praise the merits of 
the fighting and fighters of YPG-YPJ.

Patrice Franceschi: a tendency to say "we" when speaking of the French state.
February 10, 2014 in the Hôtel de la Marine. cc Lionel Allorge
"Our ground troops"

Certainly in your advocacy, you did not disguise the political revolution in Rojava to 
please your guests; You even dropped a few unusual words on their airwaves - "feminism", 
"democracy". You have however given the cliché combatant "lovely, kind, laughing, 
charming, feminine" [4]which are, at the same time, according to your formula, the 
"Amazons of fire" ... It would be wrong on this imagery Kurdish activists usually cringe, 
but there is not much of our discussion.

The fundamental problem is that, from beginning to end, you defended the Kurdish cause not 
only for itself but also on behalf of the geostrategic interests of "the West." And you 
did it with a tendency to say "we" when speaking of the French state: "Basically, when 
we[the French government], we do not want military intervention on the ground - ground 
troops it's complicated, it's bogged down, etc. - We have our troops on the ground: it is 
them. " [5]In doing so, you brought the mill of water of those who accuse the YPG-YPJ to 
be instruments of foreign powers.

The Kurdish left, the center of gravity is the PKK is fighting in northern Syria for the 
equal coexistence of all linguistic and religious entities to gender equality, in 
the[Democratic confederalism]. It is a long struggle that requires defuse many prejudices 
in a war zone, where racism and sectarianism have become the norm.

Or on the air, you have avoided these words - left, PKK Democratic confederalism. However,
you said that the emancipation of the Kurdish people "certainly not through agreements 
with Arabs, Turks or Persians[sic], if not locally", but depends on "the support of those 
outside - notably the West " [6].

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS)
consist since October 2015, an alliance of Kurdish militias (YPG-YPJ), Syriac and Arabic.
The hawkish Kouchner and Bruckner

It is in this light you did play your address book to awaken a pro-Kurdish opinion current 
among intellectuals, businessmen and diplomatic, a sample participated in the inauguration
of the representation of Rojava in Paris, 23 May.

Certainly we will not criticize the Kurdish left, back to the wall, to accept help from 
any source - Moscow, Washington, Paris and elsewhere. We believe the seasoned enough not 
to be fooled interested calculations of each other. And the dropping of which it is a 
victim since the end of August 2016 did have little surprise.

But you should have avoided canvass some "hawks" of French imperialism, as Bernard 
Kouchner - who, when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicolas Sarkozy, wanted to prepare 
a war against Iran (!) - Or essayist Pascal Bruckner, ardent supporter of the invasion of 
Iraq in 2003 ... Whatever their degree of sympathy for Kurdistan, it is obvious that these 
people see first and foremost a piece on the imperialist chessboard, and that their 
membership to this cause can only fuel suspicion.

We do not blame you, Patrice Franceschi, being extreme right. Maybe you think that all the 
stands are good to defend the Rojava. Maybe your old friendship with Patrick Boissy, one 
of Radio Courtesy leaders, she has done the rest. But do you realize that by going there 
wearing his flag, you seriously are harming the image of the Kurdish Left in France and 
the Middle East?

Solidarity with Rojava should not be based on the wrong reasons - its role as a "bulwark 
of the West" or the beauty of the military adventure - but on the revolutionary hopes it 
raises - autonomy and confederalism democratic, feminism, socialism, self-management.

Alternative Libertaire, 21 September 2016

No, the YPG-YPJ will not be the "ground troops" of Western strategists

[1]"Manif for all": when the old OAS networks get involved " , blog extreme Straight, 
Lemonde.fr, April 19, 2013.

[2]"Free Roger Saboureau newspaper" Radio Courtesy, April 6, 2015, 9'18 ''

[3]The Anfal operation, conducted in 1988 by the regime of Saddam Hussein, led to the 
destruction of 2,000 villages and extermination of 182,000 people of Iraqi Kurdistan.

[4]"Free Newspaper Roger Saboureau" Radio Courtesy, April 6, 2015, 39'20 ''

[5]"Free Roger Saboureau newspaper" Radio Courtesy, April 6, 2015, 10'40 ''

[6]"Free Roger Saboureau newspaper" Radio Courtesy, July 25, 2016, 22'05 ''



Message: 2

Progress of the work world and the fight took place Saturday, September 10 at the 
International Exhibition of Thessaloniki (TIF). With motto: " the Labour and Social needs 
are non-negotiable " participated in the march Caravan Race & Solidarity. The call for the 
march to TIF stated inter alia: refugee and labor are the two critical battles to come in 
the future. First will not only stand against the anti-labor monstrosity, the other will 
notlet the state to transform the country into a giant refugee camp with NGOs and 
transport companies to enrich the people's pain. How to do that? The break with the union 
bureaucracy, which not only can not protect such tragic has shown, labor rights and wages, 
but also does not want, since now is the opposite class camp for us is obvious and we 
practice years now. No wonder SHIFT and GSEE was in favor of a new memorandum in the 
referendum, from the first to the programs for unemployed applied the mnemonic measures 
sued comrades workers because they called bosses, took the side of Eldorado Gold and 
betrayed at every turn those races which they had participation.

This monstrosity called syndicalism as the mean bureaucrats can not go on any longer. For 
this we too recommend the creation of base unions with direct democracy, against the 
award, where possible. We struggle for uniting trade unionists, workers without rights and 
unemployed through labor centers and race meetings such as the Caravan. We fight against
fleeting one-day strikes for a well organized and fierce general political strike length. 
Also we plan a working class independent of the state, the bosses and the bureaucracy. In 
their call for the TIF PA.S.E. WIND said: The TIF has been occasionally podium different 
political communications, rich rants and lies. But behind the scenes of the exhibition 
every year thousands of workers, s protest against the devaluation of life and dignity, 
facing the repression of the state in a city guarded. This year will reassert dynamically 
our opposition against the policies implemented by governments and lead to the 
precipitation of salaries and allowances, unemployment in ftochopoiisi in environmental 
destruction. Even view of the anti-labor laws that will be submitted in the near time, it 
is important mobilizations in TIF is massive and dynamic in order to give a further boost 
to workers' and social struggles taking place in recent years.

The world of power is bankrupt! ¨ said the announcement \ call for the TIF Anarchist 
Political Organisation -Omospondia collectivity . It can produce neither perspective nor 
hope. All we can produce a lot of repression persons, whether this is the ftochopoiisi 
social majority, the suffocating control and supervision of. To fight against state and 
capitalist machine that produces the death, against modern totalitarianism With common 
local and migrant struggles we have to construct a new world of equality, solidarity and 

Intervention by the waiters cooks association held on September 8 at the store wee drum in
Panormos from the club for employee / female counterparts dismissed. The worker and the 
COP d iekdikoun: direct payment of stamps is entitled, a Direct payment of night / Sunday 
increments owed gift holidays, holiday pay and adeia.To text shared intervention 
concluded: Against the employer arbitrariness -and why our needs are not put in the 
fridge-we demand that our anikei.Enantia the interests of the bosses, our dignity is 
intransigent, because .... and the little hollows and bosses is indeed .... great. All the 
text and photos shared from intervention here or alternatively here.

The struggle for the release of our colleague severance pay from the bookstore 
"Leadership", which was detrimental-vindictive change continues. By the vindication of my 
colleague. The vindictive attitude of employers towards our colleague and all intolerance 
and " slavery " towards the Association and our struggle will not remain unanswered . And 
this fight is everyone. These states including an announcement of the ASSOCIATION STAFF 
PAPER - PAPER - DIGITAL MEDIA ATTICA and calls to protest outside the bookstore 
"Innovation", the Thursday 15/9 at 6mm.Deite entire communication-call, but and earlier 
communicated n impulses on the topic HERE .

Nor to think or 52 or 8 no shop Sunday open was the slogan the call of the Coordination 
against Sunday work and 'liberated' schedules in Thessaloniki on Sunday concentration 11/9
and next Sunday 18 / 9.Deite call HERE .

Tour of the association at the workplace Maroussi, Av. Athens & Thessaloniki Oreokastro 
Saloniki, from the PA.S.E.WIND. More specifically: Wednesday, September 7th and Tuesday, 
September 13, tour-update on the premises in Maroussi and Av. Athens, while Thursday, 
September 8 was tour-update on the premises at Oreokastro Thessaloniki. Alongside the 
union calls the work stoppage and the meeting on 15/9 in the restaurant Avenue Athens. the 
entire communication-call HERE.

Three-hour work stoppage and concentration Wednesday 7/9 out of the Courts of Cadets held 
workers at IGME for the new trial against trade unionists.

Preveza 20 year old worker in «delivery» lost his battle for life after a serious injury 
during the work. This is the umpteenth time for another employer murder by the total lack 
of safety and security measures, and the pressure on the part of the owners, for quick 

Rally outside the Labour Ministry held Tuesday 6/9, workers at the Foundation 
kindergartens "Children's Shelter". It is worth noting that employees are paid for months, 
while facing threats of newly appointed by the Ministry of Administration that will put 
"padlock" in the stations.

working attitude and concentration in Perama shipyard held Tuesday, September 6, the 
protesting workers on working conditions.

Accused of illegal violence was the president of the Magistrates indu workers union on 6/9 
because it prevented the bankruptcy trustee to get into the most self factory direct 
virus. Indeed, the magistrate reportedly urged the president of the workers the names of 
all members of the club administration interrogated to!!! Detailed news HERE .

Protest rally for dismissal unionist held the n Monday 5 September, outside the offices of 
the company "AP SUPPLIES & MEDIA" , which supplies major companies, such as PUBLIC, the 
"Framework" and many others. It is worth noting that the union was dismissed on the 
pretext that "it was not good at his job." The bosses of the side denied any contact with 
the assembled and instead sending text messages of sacked unionist phone, expressing the 
rage and anger of the intervention in the offices but also messages with personal 
characterizations such as "should be ashamed of your child "and other such nice.

Event-discussion with German trade unions on the subject: "The German working model: 
modern exploitation and employers' trade unionism?". I a talk from union Ntoitse Telekom, 
IG-METAL, VERDI n. A . The event will take place on Tuesday 20 Septemvri 8pm small garden 
in the pedestrian Tsamadou Street in Exarcheia. Organized workers initiative.

Continue racing the mobilization of the hotel employees «Athens Ledra», denouncing both 
the government's refusal to meet with them. The hotel employees «Athens Ledra» Thursday,
September 8, rallied at the junction B. Wisdom and Herodes Atticus, which repulsed 
violently from the batsodynameis . Then they shouted slogans such as "with batons and riot
hit workers and hoteliers do backs "and denounced the government for not accepting them. 
Please remember that the employees of «Athens Ledra»is five months unpaid.

Concentration on September 12 in Halkida Courts have planned workers in poultry 
enterprises ' Jury interests ".The workers will try to" block "the auctioning of the 
slaughterhouse, claiming thereby to avoid losing jobs to keep all salary and labor rights 
and the payment of all accrued.

24 hour strike Saturday 10/9 progressed employees at ERT and private television stations, 
seeking to ensure workers in the channels whose owners did not get TV license.

M a new near-employer murder just saw the light of day. E rgazomenos OTE technician while 
working alone in the Elassona region last Wednesday August 31 fell from the pillar , 
pinned Lance bars thigh and by pure luck did not tapped the central artery and left in 
place. Of course not there was no one there to help him. Only pulled their foot from the 
rail and dragged to the car and called the ambulance. See more HERE .

22 new layoffs proceeded employer-known megaloapateonas- Av. Lavrentiadou owner 
"Fertilizers Kavala" .The employer not only goes to layoffs without giving compensation, 
but also has the nerve to proceed in lawsuits to intimidate workers and redundant .

Finally , one news from the international space. More than 150 million people participated 
in the largest Labor strike in the history of India. Employees participated in a rally 
during a Pan-India strike called by the unions, in Jammu, the India As on September 2, 
2016. H strike was called against the anti-labor policies of the government. Moreover the 
strikers also demanded higher minimum wage and provide social security for workers from 
the unorganized sectors. In Delhi, about 20,000 nurses were arrested by police after the 
Delhi government has used emergency powers during the course of the Pan-Indian to strike. 
All the news HERE .
Tags: anarcho-syndicalism , ERC Athens



Message: 3

On the 4th October 1936 hundreds of thousands of Londoners faced down the Fascists and the 
Police in a battle to defend East London. ---- 80 years on and anti-fascists still stand 
in the radical tradition of physically and ideologically opposing the far right; it is 
that 80 years of tradition that we celebrate on this march. ---- We are calling for all 
radical anti-fascists to join the AFN bloc on the demonstration in order to celebrate 80 
years of victories against fascism in the UK. ---- Bring Smoke, flags, banners and your 
mates. ---- More information as it comes! ---- On Sunday 9 October there will be a march 
and rally in the East end. It will assemble in Altab Ali Park, E1, at 12 noon and then 
head for a rally in St Georges Gardens in Cable Street. ---- 80th Anniversaries: Remember 
Cable Street - the road to Spain @ Meet Altab Ali Park, E1 



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