Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - social, Jacqueline
Sauvage reste en prison: police et patriarcat partout, justice
nulle part (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre -
Notre-Dame-des-Landes: The songs of our sticks against the
concrete fields (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
3. Indonesia, Depriving not flag the Kedaulatanmu
4. Report on "Kurdish Resistance in Turkey and Syria"
meeting (November 2016) (
5. Czech, Some advice for aspiring guerrilla growers
[machine translation] (
6. Turkey, sosyalsavas: Our ‘Demands' from States and
Companies as ‘Some' Anarchists from Turkey:
Message: 1
Après l'arrestation scandaleuse des frères d'Adama Traoré, c'est Jacqueline Sauvage qui
est maintenue en détention. La justice est au service des puissants! ---- Battue pendant
47 ans et mère de deux filles violées par leur père, Jacqueline Sauvage a abattu son mari
en 2012 et a été condamnée à 10 ans de prison en 2014. Partiellement graciée en janvier
2016, elle a pu déposer une demande de libération anticipée. Le tribunal d'application des
peines a refusé cette libération en aout, la cour d'appel vient de confirmer ce refus.
Dans les deux cas contre l'avis du procureur. ---- La justification de ces décisions est
que Jacqueline Sauvage «peine encore à ce jour à accéder à un réel et authentique
sentiment de culpabilité». ---- Ce jugement inique prouve une fois de plus que la justice
des tribunaux est au service de la domination masculine.
Nous nous insurgeons contre cette décision monstrueuse et son argumentation rétrograde et
Les policières et les policiers qui réclament une extension de la notion de légitime
défense à leur profit - ce qui signifierait leur donner encore plus le droit de tuer - ne
risquent pas de se voir opposer cet argument, eux qui ne sont jamais condamnés, ou si peu,
quand ils tuent. Voire qui sont soutenus totalement, comme dans le cas de la mort d'Adama
Traoré dont les deux frères sont en détention provisoire et la soeur fait l'objet d'une
plainte, simplement parce qu'ils réclament la justice.
Solidarité avec la famille Traoré, solidarité avec Jacqueline Sauvage!
La peur doit changer de camp.
Alternative libertaire, le 26 novembre 2016
Message: 2
The opponent and opponents of the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (NDDL) called on 8 and
9 October in a demonstration and rally on the ZAD. A mobilization of 40,000 people,
demonstrating popular support for this struggle, particularly in the regions of Nantes and
Rennes. ---- Manuel Valls assured October 11 on Ouest-France that the evacuation of the
ZAD, "will this fall" , while the Minister of the Environment Segolene Royal called on
October 15th in the Sunday newspaper to "stop costs "and develop existing Nantes
Atlantique airport. ---- But on the other hand maneuver governmental division through this
truncated consultation that was the referendum not proposing any alternative, failed to
enter the unity of the resistance movement, between the elected representatives opposé- es
to the airport, the "citizen" ACIPA Association, farmers and peasants in struggle and
The event on 8 and 9 October again federated all of these components. In addition, at the
initiative of activists and CGT militants who oposent the airport project, a collective
appearance of union was organized in association with the union members of Partners of
Loire-Atlantique and Ille et-Vilaine to affirm the diversity of the movement. Recall the
positions of the UD CGT Loire-Atlantique, which defends the redevelopment of Nantes
airport alternative to current project NDDL, and CGT unions Vinci who ask "surrender to
the airport project Our -Dame-des-Landes " , " it's made any expulsion or expropriation of
the site " and that affirm their " refusal to serve as mercenaries to start a project in
not a new operation Caesar[2012, note]. "
Deal with any eventuality
However, the evacuation of the area to defend (ZAD) should take place well in x weeks.
"This was confirmed Matignon, in the evening of Sunday, October 16" , said Le Monde ,
although "intervention in the Nantes Bocage mobilize significant forces, from 2 500 to 3
000 staff, is the the equivalent of more than twenty-five units of mobile forces " , and
that it would, said the JDD , " all mobile units that will be sent to the area of the
future airport " . "Between the Announced for moving Calais migrants and especially the
context related to terrorism, this scenario seems unlikely. At least in the short term " ,
concludes Le Monde . Finally, and although many uncertainties about the timetable for the
police intervention, the movement against the airport is actively preparing for it. If
police intervention there is in and around the ZAD and Nantes ... and everywhere in France
must organize actions blocking and resistance to achieve in 2012 as a rout of the police
operation .
Jacques Dubart, AL Nantes
Message: 3
"Chinese flag fluttering on Obi Island, South Halmahera District, North Maluku during the
inauguration Wanatiara smelter PT Persada, Friday (25/11/2016) has made the Indonesian
people furious."[1] ---- D emikian the opening sentence of an article entitled "Chinese
flag fluttering in South Halmahera, Netizen Furious" in a media that was published on
Saturday (26/11). If you wish, you can look at a glance about the news of the Chinese flag
in the Obi Island. Quite googling by typing the keyword "Chinese flag" and you will be
presented with news of nationalism which supposedly was torn apart as a result of the
nation-state flag other over Mother Earth Indonesia. ---- According to another source,
before the drop in Chinese flag by the military, local journalists (in the news source
called Indonesian journalists) were present to cover the inauguration of the smelter PT.
Wanatiara Persada had sought to lower the flag, but he prevented by the field workers (not
clear the field workers that the Indonesia or China, or both).
This news became viral on social media. Most owners of accounts originating from North
Maluku (in the circle of friendship with my) protest. There are also several accounts from
outside North Maluku are called spirit of nationalism. The comments which appeared also
not much different from the reports in the media. Some become talkative, in the name of
nationalism they have criticized the raising of the flag and feel the country's
sovereignty had been undermined!
Preaching or some of the comments are not a lot of questioning about PT. Wanatiara
Persada, corporations rake carrying red soil have contents of nickel from Obi Island,
which probably will leave the story of the loss of productive land residents and
post-mining environmental damage. A small portion was criticized about the government's
policy of central and local-are endlessly giving permission for the extraction industry.
But it still does not eliminate frills 'foreign' or 'Chinese'. For example, "this is
because the government is too much to give permission to foreign investors. North Maluku
has been mortgaged to the Chinese. Countries no longer sovereign! "Or" This is not just
about a symbol, but it's about land seizures, environmental pollution. About us no longer
freely waving the red-and-white pillars. "
It would be naive and childish. In the various world sports arena, the flags of each
country are also fluttering parallel. What then you can not stand up straight with right
hand raised to forehead, saluted the flag, while echoing verse Indonesia Raya? What a
piece of red cloth with a pattern of stars, waving the red-and-white parallel to it is
able to ravage the sovereignty of nation?
In northern Halmahera, there are PT. NHM, shares a joint venture between Newcrest
Singapore Ptd Holding ltd. Australian (75%) and ANTAM 25%, the gold dredge in Gosowong,
Toguraci and Mine Kencana. In the eastern and central parts of the island, also known as
Haliyora, there PT. WBN (Eramet of France[56%], Mitsubishi of Japan[34%]and ANTAM[10%]) in
the Vedas, and PT. ANTAM in East Halmahera and Gebe Island, Central Halmahera. Both
multinational companies pocketed the work contract to mine nickel. Do not forget, PT.
ANTAM also been leaving the Cape Uli and Gee Island, and presented the red soil, barren,
without trees, without water and arid. Turning to coastal and small islands in the south,
there Korindo (still working under concessions bagged PT. GMM) is still in conflict with
the citizens Gane South East, Gane West South and Islands Joronga on land concessions for
oil palm plantations (not pocket HGU, but has done a nursery and nursery).
Then try to look to the lips Pacific, Morotai Island, or to the farthest districts,
Kapulauan Sula and Taliabu. How many concessions in the fisheries sector, mining,
plantation and / or tourism that has been issued by the state? Are you still sovereign
over the land and living space which has been divided into lots by capitalists from China,
France, Japan, Australia and Indonesia (capitalist country) this?
Why make a fuss merely national, state and its symbols? In fact, the licenses concession
disbursed not only to foreign investment. Open your eyes! Not a few countries permit
disbursed to local and national corporations, as well as to the corporation's own country,
The fate of Workers
The local and foreign laborers who work in the extraction concession is not uncommon
involved in the violence in the name of skin color, race, nationality or citizenship. The
capitalist system requires competition antarpekerja certainly contributed a great deal
over the ethnic-based conflict. Competition skill and ability antarpekerja must be put
forward, in order to smooth the process of accumulation of profits for the investors. But
if the competition is 'productive' was not able to minimize the amount of labor that is no
longer needed by the company, the political copyrights such conflict becomes natural.
Mining companies usually do not need the skills of workers without post-exploration, so
most workers 'non-productive' should be removed. For if the workers are not 'productive'
is maintained during the process of exploitation, will certainly increase the cost of
production. That is, profits will be lower.
The local and foreign workers is competing. Not only with his fellow workers, but also
with potential wage workers who poured into the labor market, both local and foreign
workers. Maintaining the existence of competition could be the skill , also can show
loyalty to the employer or the state and nation. While mining corporations usually go into
one area or village with the promise of creating jobs for local residents. So when local
residents are confronted with the reality of the presence of workers from outside between
them, they also feel threatened.
Unfortunately, corporations no longer recognize boundaries of nationality and statehood.
They can be from any nation or state, and corporate-affiliated become transnational or
multinational. They can still mingle with each other, discuss the menu mineral and oil and
gas smiling imagine surplus, when workers and residents also busy slitting each other in
the name of nationalism.
Ngoni[2]No Longer Sovereign Land, Not Country!
"The sovereignty of the country has been mortgaged! In addition to red and white flag was
hoisted above earth earth, along with the looting on natural resources. "So the grand
narrative which then awakened the public to the North Maluku, Indonesia as well of course.
Opinion is awakened by promoting sentiments of nationality and / or state then becomes
very contradictory.
State never loses power (if it can not be said of sovereignty). The licenses granted
concessions to the corporate foreign countries, locally and nationally is evidence of very
sovereign state over land and natural resources on it. The granting of licenses is done by
the authorities, all authorities, including Sukarno. The difference, replacing Sukarno
ownership / control of the Dutch capitalist to capitalist countries alias Indonesian
government (Government Regulation No. 23 of 1958).
Various concessions, either form of the work contract or permit, issued by making Article
33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution and Law No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of
Agrarian (BAL) as a preamble. So if there is an assumption that the state is no longer
sovereign, because the authorities had pawned on foreign investment is a joke. The rulers
act on the basis of legal right and proper. Countries with a wide range of legislation,
which was born as a product of politics, not the other serves as a buffer of capital
security and stability in order to remain secure.
From the corners of the north to south, east to west Halmahera, the lands claimed as
state land. Confiscation of land and living space locals do in the name of national
development. The name of nationalism citizens who refuse to sell their land and threw the
heavy equipment company was criminalized and imprisoned.
So nationalism where else are you arguing about? Is it true that you guys sovereignty
destroyed by the Chinese flag on the island of Obi? Or the Chinese people who invade your
land? Open your eyes! They do not grab your land. Countries that perform and present it to
[2]You guys (in the Moluccas)
The author is a member of the People's Solidarity Learning Circle (Libertas)
Message: 4
About 50 people gathered in the Teacher's Club on Monday evening for a public meeting
organised by Rojava Calling. ---- Speaking at the meeting were Faysal Sariyildiz, People's
Democratic Party (HDP) MP in Turkey, and Calvin James, a Dublin born DJ and activist who
spent 6 months as a volunteer medic in northern Syria in 2016. Faysal joined the meeting
by Skype from Brussels as the Turkish state recently cancelled his passport. ---- Calvin
spoke about his time living in Northern Syria, working as a volunteer medic and ambulance
driver with Heyva Sor A Kurd's emergency response team (or the Kurdish Red Crescent). He
was living 800m away from the devastating blast in Qamishli on July 27th in which Daesh
killed 44 people and injured 170. Calvin was behind the front line when Manbij was
liberated from Daesh fighters in August. He and his colleagues have been on the front
line, most times being the first to respond. Upon his return to Ireland, Calvin created
Syrias Vibes along with his brother Andy. They aim to use the power of music and good
vibes to support medical emergency services in order to help the people of Syria.
Last week, the two joint leaders of Turkey's pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic party (HDP)
were detained in Turkey along with at least 10 MPs because of their reluctance to give
testimony for crimes linked to "terrorist propaganda". Faysal Sariyildiz, People's
Democratic Party (HDP) MP and former journalist, told the meeting of how these arrests
form part of the Turkish state's ongoing attacks on civil liberties. Since the attempted
coup earlier this year, Turkey has suspended, dismissed or detained over 100,000 people -
including soldiers, judges, teachers, media workers and politicians - and banned hundreds
of civil society associations and NGOs. Faysal compared Turkish President Erdogan's regime
to the fascist dictatorship in 1930s Italy.
Turkey is currently applying for EU membership. A meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers in
Brussels offered criticism of Turkey's crackdown. However, calls to suspend Ankara's EU
membership bid were not supported, partly because Turkey is a member of the NATO military
alliance and partly because of Turkey's role in maintaining Fortress Europe's racist and
degrading border policies. More than 10,000 migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean
since 2014.
During the questions and answers that followed, the speakers and members of Rojava Calling
outlined what can be done here in Ireland. Raising awareness among the wider population is
important, particularly of the Turkish state's human rights abuses and the very real
threat of massacres directed against civilians in the near future. Rojava Calling is
currently meeting with TDs at the Dáil to tell them that the Irish state needs to move
beyond issuing formal condemnations of repression. That time is past. Ireland needs to
impose and advocate diplomatic and economic sanctions on Turkey.
From an anarchist perspective, the path to Dáil Éireann is not the path to victory for
our movements. However, a well-organised popular campaign, along the lines of the boycott
to end apartheid in 1980s South Africa or the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)
movement to end Israel's oppression of Palestinians today, has the potential to pressure
the Irish state into taking more stringent measures against Turkey. A boycott of Turkey's
tourism industry is already in place and could potentially be widened to other areas of
the state's economy.
After a lively discussion, the meeting ended with everyone expressing thanks to the two
speakers and to the meeting organisers.
Message: 5
What to think about when setting up (only) guerrilla garden. ---- If you think about any
step that would be raised by capitalism does not proceed in the direction you this winter
brood over the possibility of establishing its own garden, preferably a guerrilla. In the
spring, it might be too late, it is necessary now to act. In our anarchist revue,
Existence, no. 1/2013 we have on this topic brought some advice and certainly will not
hurt them a bit rusty. ---- How successful will eventually your project depends on many
factors. Some can affect more than others, but in general, that good planning and thinking
through additional steps can save a lot of trouble and complications. ---- Legally rented
garden plots vs. garden "black" ---- Basically there are three ways to approach the
creation of gardens. The first is open to politically motivated protest the occupation of
unused surfaces which then begin to plant ornamental and useful plants. Usually this
method is used, for example, during a protest against the construction of large,
environment-destroying, and between local people unpopular projects (factories, stadiums,
supermarkets ...) or can be through conversely to highlight the (targeted) failure to use
certain areas usable for planting urban green areas and the establishment of community
garden. This form still remains with us literally "field neoraným". But hopefully that
will soon spill over across our borders.
Using the second and third forms of gardening is still pretty likely. In both cases, it is
the subtle use of smaller open spaces. The main difference between them is whether your
use of the property owner agrees to it, or that of your operations on it even knows. Both
have their pros and cons and, of course, depends on each of which path you choose.
Agreement with the owner in any case, a partisan, or if you want to guerrilla gardening
lost her "partyzánština". Since we consider the guerrilla gardening mainly for political
activity challenging the current economic arrangement (where on the one hand, people and
companies owning dozens or hundreds often for the purpose of speculation unused land and
on the other "landless", who would they use for their own account violated applicable
laws) as well as the head of a controversy with the institute land ownership as such, we
will continue to pursue only of that form of guerrilla gardening.
Legal risks guerrilla gardens
One of the first things that certainly many of you will head, will be how much is actually
"squattování" unused land risky.
In general, the tougher legal sanctions due to "low social dangerousness" basically safe.
It is equally unlikely that any owner would be willing to undergo a lengthy litigation for
illegal betting vegetables.
High monetary fines, however, could threaten when you planted in non-native and invasive
plant species. Likewise, there could be a problem if you decide on a plot to carry out
more actions, such as the construction of a permanent nature. Neither, however, due to the
form and manner of guerrilla growing vegetables too is out of the question.
Choosing a place for garden
Probably not necessary to emphasize that the decision, which lay the foundations for our
future garden, is crucial. When vytipovávání plot is definitely need to think about some
of the physical factors and local conditions. Please consider how much of the day will be
the area where you grow, the sun shine on what the cardinal's plot oriented, for example,
when on a slope or how much would be the garden exposed to adverse weather conditions.
Equally important is the nature of the land and whether the land is contaminated with
chemicals. It is essential, then access to water for irrigation, because with only
rainwater can usually not be enough. Rarely is lucky enough to discover untapped land with
its own well. However, water can be obtained, for example by bringing kegs and under
leadsystem roofs of buildings near land. Likewise, you can create your own DIY canvas
leadsystem. In the worst case it is possible to carry water to the place in cans or PET
bottles, which is time and especially physically quite demanding.
What is important is certainly the availability of land from your place of residence.
FINDING If possible land as close to your house. Especially in the case that you have to
water intended for irrigation instead wear. Keep in mind that taking care of the garden
will take a lot of time here and you will probably occur several times a week.
When you track down a particular site, try to find it both in the zoning plan, where you
can find out what is actually a plot designed (eg. As a building plot, urban greenery and
ideally directly gardens), and also in the real estate where the change you find out who
owns the land. The best option, of course, arises when the owner of a municipality or state.
Guerrilla gardening as a collective activity
Doing things together as a team is easier and more enjoyable. In this case it is doubly
true. We work together, we share the successes and failures of our efforts. The group is
required when going on a long time away and you have responsibilities that will at some
time hinder the operation of gardens involved.
If you are still hesitating whether to go guerrilla gardening or not to go, know that at
the end of your efforts awaits sweet reward. No purchased in supermarkets or from
containers vydumpstrovaná vegetables can match the traditional way, without the use of
chemical fertilizers produced.
And so, guerrilla grown vegetables at every table!
Published in existence no. 1/2013 on the topic of localization.
Message: 6
1- Looting from private properties like supermarkets, shopping malls and storages of
companies; should be legitimate. ---- 2- Robberies from banks and jewelers should be
legitimate. ---- 3- Intruding and destroying private properties like hotel, residence,
factory; should be legitimate. ---- 4- Jobs like smuggling, street vending; should be
legitimate. Not paying tax, not being recorded financially should be ordinary. ---- 5-
Defrauding documents like identity, passport; should be legitimate. ---- 6- Using means of
transport like trains, buses etc. without money; should be legitimate. ---- 7- Closing and
cutting the roads by barricades, should be legitimate. ---- 8- Using electricity and gas
illegally (without paying it), should be legitimate. ---- 9- Jailbreaks from prisons,
schools, slaughterhouses; should be legitimate.
10- Sabotages to democracy and elections, should be legitimate.
11- Attacks to all institutions that educate and produce information, should be legitimate.
12- Attacks to harassers, people that insults-humiliate woman; should be legitimate.
13- Attacks to tie-men (men who wear tie) should be legitimate.
14- Attacks to the people who develop technology, produce new information for the system;
should be legitimate.
15- Attacks to the people who are a part of the torture to the animals, should be legitimate.
16- Sabotages towards power plants-energy lines, attacks towards builders of these power
plants-energy lines; should be legitimate.
17- Attacks to people that are on the top of hierarchy pyramid like directors, executives,
presidents, bosses, fathers, husbands; should be legitimate.
18- Attacks to security forces should be legitimate.
19- Attacks to municipalities that supports gentrification, should be legitimate.
20- Attacks to institutions of water that controls water, exploits water from the hearts
of mountains; should be legitimate.
21- Attacks to the people that are trying to make oppressed non-violent, but closing their
eye to violence of oppressors, and sees both sides ‘equal'; should be legitimate.
22- Attacks to the rich, man, westerner, who has a lot in their CV, smarties; should be
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