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vrijdag 27 januari 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 27 januari 2017
Today's Topics:
1. wsm.ie: After the coup - a visit to Istanbul & north
Kurdistan - interview with activist researcher
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Decembre - The Libertarian
Communist Archive Fund (FACL) was born! (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. call for solidarity -- Autonomous spaces in Slovenia under
attack, support the struggle! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. Class War: Britain's most unruly tabloid is back! The
newspaper returns... (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Britain, glasgow anarchists: Glasgow Events ~~Glasgow
Autonomy Update~~ 21.1.17 (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. wsm.ie: A referendum on the 8th or #strike4repeal on March
8th (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #268 January - Content +
Editorial (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. verba-volant: Anarchist-anti-authoritarians - Alimos,
Athens: Demonstration against the International Organization for
Migration (ca, gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
9. anarkismo.net: False hope, broken promises: Obama's
belligerent legacy by Jakob Reimann - ROAR (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
10. class war: Harrods Breaking News: Victory! Victory! Victory!
11. anarchist affinity org: Why you should boycott Australia Day
by Jacqui (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
Farah recently visited Istanbul and Northern Kurdistan around Amed / Diyarbakir to
interview feminist and Kurdish activists. In this interview on her return to Ireland we
talk about the massive repression against the left and Kurdish movement that has seen tens
of thousands fired from their jobs and thousands including many of the HDP MPs jailed.
---- We also talk about how Istanbul still remains a hub for internationalists on their
way to Rojava and on the very different ways Istanbul and Amed are policed. We move on to
a discussion of the impact of the repression of the Kurdish movement in Turkey and where
the future may lie both there and across the border in
Subject: Turkey, Rojava, Kurdistan, International solidarity
Topics: Imperialism
Geography: International
Multimedia: Audio
Source: Opinion
Type: Interview
Author: Andrew N Flood
Message: 2
By releasing forty years of archives, Alternative Libertarian seized the opportunity to
open a resource center for the history of a whole political current and its struggles: the
Libertarian Communist Archives Fund.
One hundred twenty cartons carefully classified, inventoried and numbered, collections of
newspapers, posters, leaflets, photos, audiovisual material, all covering the activity of
the libertarian (and related) communist current in the Francophone space of 1944 To the
present day ... It is the Libertarian Communist Archive Fund (FACL).
To know all about the genealogy of the project, its purpose, its means ... and the
inauguration of January 29, 2017, click on the image below.
Message: 3
Call for solidarity actions for INDE squat in Koper, Slovenia ---- In the last few years
we have seen new autonomous spaces emerging in Slovenia, joining the struggles of older
squats all over the country. ---- Along the Slovenian coast, two enormous buildings were
occupied until recently. The occupations brought radical politics and different social
relations to their environment. Both squats were always open to a variety of projects and
initiatives, but had strong anarchist presence and activities as well. The spaces used to
be factories, which were destroyed by the brutal privatization. ---- Right after New
Years, ARGO squat in Izola was forcefully evicted. Eviction was preceded by a series of
harassments from police and security company, that in some cases resulted in serious
bodily injuries and fines for comrades there. The second coastal squat, called INDE, got
an eviction notice just a few days ago. We are supposed to leave the premises on January 30.
Both squats are currently owned by so-called Bad Bank. This is a state
institution under the management of the Ministry of Finance, created to
resolve debt by big failed speculative financial investment that crashed
during the economic crisis. In other words: they are there to sell
buildings cheap and open them to further financial speculations, by
which the rich will once again profit, while all of us will lose.
The eviction of INDE is going to happen under a pretense of cleaning up
dangerous material at the site. ARGO was also declared a dangerous zone
by authorities, but the only thing they are trying to clean out of it
are comrades who are bringing life into these spaces.
This is another blow in a hard year for the squatting movement in
Slovenia, since all of the spaces are facing attacks, either by Nazis
or/and police, private security, and state institutions. We understand
this kind of pressure as a part of increased repression that the
so-called migrant crisis has justified. More is at stake than just our
building. We are a hope of a different world, where solidarity, mutual
aid, anti-authoritarianism, and non-hierarchical relations are still
possible. Just few months ago we prevented the eviction of Rog squat in
Ljubljana. We know we can do that again.
We call for comrades all around the world to show us solidarity. We will
welcome you here, but will be happy if you fight where you stand. Send
us a letter of support, or raise a banner! Or squat something yourself!
They can never hold us back if we stand together strong. Everything you
do will keep our spirits up.
If we go down, we are going down in style. Join our struggle!
Local Group Alternativa Obstaja, Koper (part of FAO-IFA)
BAD BANK: http://www.dutb.eu/en/default.aspx (info@dutb.eu)
Security Company that is in charge of eviction: http://www.galekom.si/
INDE: http://www.indeplatforma.org/
ARGO: https://www.facebook.com/argoplac/
Message: 4
The Class War newspaper will blast back into existence soon! Articles, ideas, cash and
photos will be needed.
You want more "Hospitalised copper of the week" pix? Get those pix!
We'll be looking for news from the front lines of working class struggles worldwide.
More info coming soon.
Contact Class War if you want to contribute or have old copies of the paper or old posters
to help build our archive: contact us here
Message: 5
Hi everybody! ---- Here we have a massive Glasgow Autonomous Space celebration update -
almost all the events listed here are taking place in Glasgow's coolest free space! If you
haven't been along to check it out yet, here you will find plenty of opportunities. You
can read more about GAS at http://glasgowautonomous.weebly.com/. ---- On another note, the
Spirit of Revolt Archive have contacted us with a message about their need for scanning
volunteers, here is their message: ---- SPIRIT OF REVOLT is the archive for the West of
Scotland, covering anarchist, libertarian socialist and grassroots community material. It
is located in the Mitchell Library. ---- A priority is to digitise by scanning most off
the donated archives. At present we have a need for more volunteer scanners. With the
possible exception of early Tuesday evening, all the scanning has to take place between
approx 9.30-4.30 in the SOR room.
If you support the aims of SOR, work part-timer or are unwaged or have a flexi shift,
contact me, as the Scanning Coordinator in order to arrange an Induction session. Most
scanners do a 2 hour stint either weekly or fortnightly.
Keith Millar via hereandnowscot http://spiritofrevolt.info/collection/
Message: 6
Feminists in Ireland are upping their game against the 8th amendment and indeed against
the Irish state. The newly formed group, Strike for Repeal, are preparing to ‘strike' if a
date is not set for a referendum to repeal he 8th Amendment by International Women's day
on March 8th. ---- In a press release the group has said "The strike will not be an
industrial strike in the traditional sense but could include taking an annual leave day
off work, refraining from domestic work for the day, wearing black in solidarity or
staging a walkout during your lunch break. We also encourage any business owners in a
position to close their services at no cost to workers, to do so for all or part of the
day as a solidarity action." ---- In the context of the farcical attempt of the government
to delay any efforts to Repeal the 8th through the Citizens Assembly a strike should
certainly cause concern for our anti-women TD's. The strike is the greatest source of
leveraging power that workers have; as workers we are exploited, as women workers we are
exploited further. A gendered pay gap of 20% currently exists in Ireland, meaning that for
every euro a man makes a women earns 80 cent. Outside of the workplace women still do the
majority of the house and care work. This work is unrecognised, often termed an invisible
form of work and it means women are working a double shift for the wage of one.
The 8th Amendment is barbaric, forcing 9 people a day to travel for an abortion, countless
more taking illegal pills at home, one women given a forced c-section at 24 weeks, another
who was brain dead being kept on a life support machine despite her families wishes
because she was pregnant, and resulting in the deaths of Bimbo Onanuga and Savita
Halappanavar. It is a tool used by the state to control women and pregnant people; to
force either pregnancy or exilt upon them. Having control of our reproductive systems,
choosing if and when we have children is fundamental to our freedom. Having control over
our bodies is essential to gaining control over our lives, not having them dictated to us
by bosses or politicians.
Support for the Repeal the 8th has grown exponentially in recent years. Aoife Francis from
the group stated: "We call upon the Government to take direct responsibility for what is a
violation of human rights. We believe a national strike is not only possible, but an
incredible opportunity to show the sheer power of our movement, and to put pressure on the
government to call a referendum. In the past 5 years, support for repeal has grown to a
level that the government can no longer ignore."
We have them surrounded, now imagine winning!
Subject: Repeal 8th, Pro-choice
Topics: Gender
Geography: National
Source: News alert
Type: News
Author: Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird
Message: 7
candidates "anti-system" , Marine Le Pen, François Fillon, ZEP schools, Traore brothers,
Notre Dame des Landes, Mujeres Libres, Iraqi Kurdistan , Nuclear Weapon, animal welfare,
Eating organic Software Free, René Berthier, Master Chief ---- Editorial: Magic Potion
---- Full-Lights: The scam candidates "anti-system" ---- The "anti-system" in the service
of the dominant capital and ---- Marine Le Pen: False Feminist ---- Fillon: The rebel sand
---- Fight ---- The ultimatum of the ZEP schools min Ministry ---- 's Traoré brothers
sentenced the executioners released ---- Notre Dame des Landes Vinci airport wants to make
a laboratory of the law work ---- Trade Union Unity against airport ---- Antipatriarcat
---- free women against machismo libertarian ---- International - Report from Iraqi
Kurdistan ---- A Maxmur, self-management is a combat sport
nuclear weapon: the rififi in the international community
Meeting with the Var farmer: "The animal welfare is a pernicious notion"
Eating organic does still changing the world?
Support: The conquest of bread is not for sale
Software Free: librisme articulate and decay
Response to the book by René Berthier: "Affinity nevertheless"
There are 30 years: No Master Chief in our schools
Edito: Magic Potion
"Antisystemism", here is the latest politicard gadget in vogue.
The one that makes it possible to make a billionaire fascist a defender of workers and
forgotten workers of Iowa or a former minister fayot a cantor of cheap dressespierrism.
That which allows a dynasty of millionaires to denounce the inter-of the political class
or to a xenophobic and omniscient journalist to accuse, on all the airwaves, the
censorship of which it would be the object.
This hypocrisy is only a product of fear. For all know that this magic potion is
indispensable to them in a world of which they are the incarnation and which arouses a
growing hatred among the exploited. They know that the motor of electoral rituals is no
longer adhesion but rejection. May this magic potion be their last resort. But the greater
the lie, the more violent the fall.
In the meadows of Cannon Ball, in the streets of Warsaw or Thessalonica, in London in the
struggles of the uberized wage-earners or in the Kurdish villages, the real paths of
change are built behind these illusions, always ephemeral. Here, no false pretenses or
marketing "antisystem" driven by advertisers, but the truth and courage of those who know
that this world needs a revolution.
Alternative Libertaire, December 24, 2016
Message: 8
On December 17, 2016 about 150 people took part in a demonstration against the role of the
International Organization for Migration, in the Athens suburb of Alimos. During the
demonstration slogans were painted on the outside of two buildings of the Organization and
in several vehicles of his. Also, painting was thrown to the facade of the central
building of the Organization. The text that follows is the one that was distributed during
the demonstration. ---- International Organization for Migration means repression,
deportation and institutional racism ---- 1. The International Organization for Migration
(IOM) was founded in 1951 and calls itself the best organization in the field of
migration. It has close collaboration with (inter) governmental and "non-governmental"
organizations. It was established (founded) as an Intergovernmental Committee for
Migration in Europe, however, since 1989 is called the International Organization for
Migration, under the aegis of the UN. 155 countries participate, including Greece.
Recently the role of IOM changed its level, when it officially joined the UN. It already
has more jurisdictions in the sector of the materialization of the anti-migratory
policies. IOM is the organization which together with other "experts" in
Europe-for-strength and "global security" (EUROPOL, FRONTEX, European Border Police and
Coast Guard, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The European
Asylum Support Office) carry out the policy of closed or well-controlled borders,
deportations and detention in detention centers.
These anti-migration policies constitute a part of the policies of Sovereignty in general.
European states and inter-state and military formations worldwide, with military
operations and the economic plunder of societies in various parts of the world, first
force entire populations to emigrate and those who can not exterminate or imprison as
leftovers use them As cheap and disposable human potential in several dungeons.
Illegalization and criminalization of immigrants is a process that results in lower labor
prices, intensifies racist reactions in "receiving countries," and presupposes not only
state aggression but also the supposed humanitarian management of immigrants. That is why
organizations like the IOM are the ideal mechanism for the beautification of the barbarity
of sovereignty, along with many other tools available to States and patterns ( NGOs , mass
media disinformation, e.tc.). Because they can call repatriations to the deportations,
because they can call projects of social assistance and of humanism to the programs of
imprisonment. Because they can call voluntary immigrant deportations, if they are the
result of diachronic policies of their detention, intimidation and criminalization.
2. This organization appears with a humanitarian mask, some of its main activities being
the distribution of basic necessities in the internment centers of immigrants, legal
support and participation in "inter-frontier and inter-scientific meetings" against
trafficking in human beings humans. It also participates in the resettlement program in
Italy and Greece to other European countries, with a major partner in the program since
2011 , and having received hundreds of thousands of euros. Simultaneously, this profile is
responsible for larger projects, such as the supposedly voluntary return of immigrants to
their countries of origin. However, how voluntary is this return? Immigrants, after paying
everything they have to traffickers, risk their lives to leave their countries, and once
past the fenced borders, guarded by NATO contingents and frigates, they are confined in
detention centers, being Trapped in these miserable quarters for months, because only then
will their asylum claim be met. This is the only way that IOM's
humanitarian-anti-immigration policy calls for voluntary repatriation, along with "legal"
deportations. It is obvious that in both cases it is a coercion to return, either with
psychological or violent means. Immigrants are forced to return to countries from which
they have chosen to flee or were forced to flee, since for European states
"philanthropists" are "useless" and unwanted. At the same time, this strategy acts as an
intimidation, so that immigrants who stay in the "receiving" countries are subjected.
The hypocrisy, however, of IOM is not limited to the aforementioned. It begins in its
statute, which "recognizes the right to free movement", and even calls immigrants
"beneficiaries" of their programs. Obviously, when it says "free circulation", it refers
to the displacement that leads to the modern slavery of the western metropolis and to the
quarters of "hospitality" or seclusion. And "beneficiaries" will benefit if they return to
their crushed countries. This intentional disorientation by IOM is something that
fervently promotes the new government, which seems to invest in the ideological and
material work (and the "experience") of this organization, trying to materialize all
political and anti-migratory agreements Provided with the necessary humanitarian
packaging. IOM's "humanism" is the necessary recipe of social consensus for the plans of
the police and military management of immigrants, and the incorporation of any voice that
opposes them.
3. On May 27, 2016 was signed an agreement between the Ministry of Public Order and the
International Organization for Migration, to "facilitate the process of return and support
reintegration measures" of more than 20,000 immigrants to their "Countries of origin" over
the next three years. This agreement clearly shows the policy to be followed by the Greek
State during the next period, especially after the recent change in the legislation
concerning the composition of the asylum committees to certain categories of applicants.
Those who fail to reach these committees will have to return (to their countries), and the
organization that can now proceed to massive repatriations is IOM. The economic dimension
of this agreement (€ 11 million a year over the next three years) confirms the fact that
during the next period the Greek State will be the point of management of the prevailing
anti-migration policy.
In addition, at the end of September, the old dungeon of Amygdaleza (as Syriza called it
when he was in the Opposition. At that time his main electoral promise was his closure) he
painted, inside it a children's park was built, and began To function again as a
"pre-departure detention center", in which the "renounce the right to asylum" or
"voluntarily request repatriation" will be detained. "Prison barracks -" hospitality ", as
well as" pre-departure detention centers "that have been known for many years, have been
added to a prison that has been renovated aesthetically and communicatively, whose
management here IOM will now have it. In this way he will be able to carry out his
charitable work of the "logistic souls", according to the saying "Migration is not a
problem to be solved, but a reality to be managed" (migration is not a problem that has to
be solved, but a reality that has To be managed). This is a principle of fundamental
agreement between IOM, the UN countries and UNESCO, consolidated in the World Convention
for Migration, held in the same period (late September) in New York. It is clear that
IOM's cooperation with the other mechanisms of detention and repression of immigrants has
risen so much that any pretext of humanism is already addressed only to innocent people.
These mechanisms and their various partners (security agencies, catering companies,
contractors, airlines, non-governmental organizations, etc.) are here transforming the
military management of immigrants into investment and profit-making opportunities.
Currently the Greek government, in addition to developing a project to create more
concentration centers on the border islands, has hired the American consulting firm Mc
Kinsey, one of the largest in the world, to change The processes necessary to request
asylum, and to accelerate the deportations of refugees and islanders.
4. In the face of the barbarity of States and the limits (limits), we propose the free
passage by the borders for all those who choose to emigrate or for all those who are
forced to do so. Immigrants rebelled in internment centers and those who cross borders to
the western world, resist this nonsense. In front of them lies the whole front of
capitalist barbarism. It is a matter of all the oppressed, of all communities of struggle,
to confront such organizations and their policies. It is a matter for everyone to deny
States and borders, to break false illusions about charity, and to release all those
detained accused of being illegal human beings. Solidarity opens up the steps of freedom
when it fights against the source of the uprooting, when it proposes the destruction of
all the transnational military machines that sow death with "humanitarian interventions"
and anti-terrorist campaigns, when it proposes the free circulation of the uprooted people
of this Against murderous repatriations. Solidarity with the oppressed, native and
immigrant, is the link between our struggles. When confronted with the world of power, it
opens the way and confers on our struggle for a world without states, borders, roles and
patterns, a real meaning.
To end the humanism of the deportations and the barracks. For a world without states,
borders, papers (documentation). Solidarity with immigrants.
Anarchist-anti-authoritarian-fighting communities self-organized by solidarity with
immigrants and refugees
Message: 9
When Obama received the Nobel Prize in 2009, the committee acknowledged his commitment to
peace. He has since bombed eight countries. ---- Gigantic hopes were pinned on Barack
Obama when he moved into the White House in 2009. Not just in the US, but across the globe
people were simply fed up with eight unspeakable years of George W. Bush - with his
nepotism, his belligerence and, yes, his sheer stupidity. The world was sick and tired of
the "Cowboy from Texas." ---- And then there came this highly intelligent, charismatic,
eloquent - black - civil rights attorney from Illinois and everything was set to change.
"Yes We Can" infected the whole world. "Hope and Change" were almost physically tangible
to many. Yet Barack Obama has bitterly disappointed the world.
In 2009, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize - not for any concrete action but rather for
his effusive optimism and, eventually, for his Yes We Can campaign. The Nobel committee
acknowledged Obama's commitment to peace and admired his diplomacy-focused aspirations:
"Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most
difficult international conflicts."
Furthermore, the committee appreciated the fact that Mr. Obama had given people everywhere
"hope for a better future." The president himself felt "deeply humbled" and considered the
award a "call to action."
The outgoing president has since bombed eight countries, trumping his predecessor George
W. Bush by two.
Bush infamously held his pathetic Mission Accomplished speech on an aircraft carrier, only
a few weeks after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. In October 2011, Obama finally declared
the end of the war in Iraq and withdrew US troops from the country. While we shouldn't
shed any tears over Saddam, pre-war Iraq was a reasonably stable country back in 2003. In
2011 it was left behind by Obama as a failed state, a country in total chaos, deeply
drowned in the bloodiest of violence. Today the country is a jihadist breeding ground par
excellence. It is no longer possible to deny that the rise of the so-called Islamic State
was a direct result of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.
And so Obama, in 2014, after an absence of 2.5 years in Iraq, set out to "ultimately
destroy" the jihadist legacy of his predecessor Bush - first with air strikes, then with a
few hundred special forces, and now with approximately 6,400 soldiers and private
mercenaries back on the ground.
Similarly, in Libya in 2011, the US and its NATO allies France and the UK misused UN
resolution 1973, which aimed to establish a no-fly zone, and turned it into a pretext for
an illegal war of aggression against Muammar Gaddafi. This led to the overthrow of the
dictator, who was sodomized and executed by a lynch mob in the streets of his hometown of
With his push for regime change Obama not only violated International Law, but US law as
well, since the mandate for his campaign in Libya had already been withdrawn by US
Congress in June 2011. Again, Libya was a reasonably stable country - until then the most
advanced in Africa - that was thrown into turmoil and a bloody civil war. The so-called
Islamic State used this chaos to their advantage as a way to build up its third biggest
troop contingent, after Iraq and Syria. Post-invasion Libya has degenerated into a
melting-pot of terrorists from across Africa and the Middle East.
As in Iraq, Obama once again used the terror threat generated after the orchestrated
overthrow of an unpopular dictator to establish a permanent US commitment: renewed arms
shipments, conventional air strikes, illegal drone killings, and, since May 2016, even US
troops on the ground.
In Yemen, Obama not only bombed the country on his own - both with conventional and with
drone attacks - but since March 2015 Washington has also actively supported a Saudi-led
coalition with intelligence, logistics and massive arms shipments in its illegal war of
aggression against the Houthi rebels. More recently it was revealed that there are US
troops on the ground in Yemen, and that for the first time the US not only attacked
al-Qaeda members but bombed facilities of the Houthi rebels as well.
The perfidious and shameless manner in which the Obama administration peddles falsehoods
about its military misadventures is exposed particularly when looking into its activities
in Syria. Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Obama has supported
different rebel groups in their fight against Bashar al-Assad. "Non-lethal aid" quickly
gave way to the supply of heavy military equipment. Among the groups favored by the US
there have been elements of he Free Syrian Army that later defected to ISIS or to
al-Qaeda, taking Obama's arms and money to their new masters.
Since September 2014, the US Air Force has been launching air strikes against ISIS troops
in Syria. Obama, however, has repeatedly uttered the mantra that there would be "no boots
on the ground in Syria." Yet when US ground forces were eventually deployed to Syria -
initially a few dozen, then hundreds - the government was so bold as to simply deny
Obama's previous promises: as the spokesman of the State Department put it, "there was
never this ‘no boots on the ground.' I don't know where this keeps coming from." Obama has
actually been publicly quoted saying precisely that on at least 16 occasions.
But that's not all. Every Tuesday, known as "Terror Tuesday," a list of terror suspects
from around the world is submitted to President Obama by his intelligence advisors. As
former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden ostentatiously admits, quite often the entries
do not even have names, but are based solely on metadata, like which SIM card is calling
whom, when, and for how long.
Once a week, Obama signs this so-called "kill list" - leading to the extrajudicial
execution of foreign and even US citizens through the president's dramatically expanded
drone program. The bitter irony herein is self-evident: the studied constitutionalist
Obama is acting as prosecutor, judge and executioner at the same time, thus abandoning the
separation of powers - the cornerstone of a constitutional democracy.
Since the beginning of the US drone program in 2004, up to 8,000 people have been killed
by drone strikes. The vast majority of them were authorized by Obama himself, and a few by
his predecessor George W. Bush. Most victims were located in Pakistan (up to 4,000),
Afghanistan (up to 2,300), and in Yemen (up to 1,300), plus around 400 more in Somalia.
In full knowledge of the consequences, Obama authorized the execution of people who often
happened to be in their family circle or in public places when the drones struck. Time and
again, the US has bombed wedding parties, as well as, most cynically, a funeral ceremony
of drone victims. As an act of retaliation, the children of alleged terrorists are also
killed by drones. As former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs once so despicably
declared, "I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father."
The proportion of civilians killed in drone strikes is inevitably extremely high. In
Pakistan, for example, only 4 percent of casualties were confirmed al-Qaeda members.
Because of this blatant injustice, drone killing are widely regarded to be the main
recruiting tool for new terrorists. This is Obama's legacy: he has made the illegal drone
war the norm, and firmly entrenched it as an integral part of the "War on Terror."
So far, we have discussed seven of the eight countries attacked by Obama. The eighth
country is the Philippines. In 2012, a US drone killed 15 people in the country, thereby
further escalating the ongoing conflict between rebel groups and the government in Manila.
If we include cyber warfare in our list, we could even add Iran as a ninth country. In
fact, from the very outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama waged an "increasingly
sophisticated" cyberwar against the civil nuclear program of Iran, thus becoming the first
president in US history to use "cyberweapons to cripple another country's infrastructure,"
as The New York Times reported in 2012.
Seven of the eight countries physically bombed by Obama are predominantly Muslim. The
Philippines is the exception, but the 15 people killed there were all Muslims. Clearly
this track record sits very uncomfortably with Obama's carefully crafted image as a
reconciler of religions. Just in February he made his acclaimed speech at a mosque in
Obama certainly did not initiate America's ongoing war on Muslim countries - he is merely
following a decades-old US tradition in that respect. But what Obama has done is to make
the so-called "clash of civilizations," which has long been a staple of foreign policy
hawks in right-wing Washington think tanks, socially acceptable to liberals, normalizing
it to an extent that would have been unimaginable under someone like George W. Bush. This,
too, is his legacy.
In his history-making speeches in front of the Siegessäule in Berlin in 2008 and in Prague
in 2009, Obama proclaimed his goal of a "world without nuclear weapons," an announcement
that was followed by frenetic applause: "Yes, we can!" In his policy plan, he extensively
addressed the issue of nuclear disarmament. To the Nobel Peace Prize committee, this point
was extremely important - the announcement of his award specifically invoked his "vision
of a world without nuclear weapons."
But while the number of nuclear warheads worldwide was dramatically reduced from its peak
of more than 70,000 in the 1980s to just over 15,000 today, with both Russia and the US in
possession of about 7,000 each, the lion's share of this disarmament took place
immediately at the end of the Cold War.
During his presidency, Obama has only minimally reduced the US nuclear stockpile. Even
George W. Bush kept his word and halved the US nuke arsenal. Added together, Bush Sr and
Bush Jr dismantled a total of 14,801 nuclear weapons, while Obama managed to dismantle no
more than 507.
"It's a funny thing," Hans M. Kristensen, the luminary of nuclear disarmament research,
says: "the administrations that talk the most about reducing nuclear weapons tend to
reduce the least." President Obama has decommissioned fewer warheads than "any
administration ever."
But it gets worse. When assuming office in 2008, Obama pledged that he would "not
authorize the development of new nuclear weapons." Then, in 2014, he announced the largest
single item in the US budget for the coming decades: a jaw-dropping $1 trillion to be
spent on a mammoth program to "modernize" the US nuclear arsenal. To put this in
perspective: this means the US will spend roughly $4 million on nukes every hour - for the
next 30 years.
The particular danger with this "modernization" of America's nuclear infrastructure, the
New York Times remarks, is that "the upgrades could allow a future president to rapidly
expand the nation's atomic forces." With the megalomaniacal and unpredictable Donald Trump
soon in the Oval Office, this danger looms especially large.
Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed by 191 countries including the
United States, obliges the signatory countries to pursue "effective measures relating to
cessation of the nuclear arms race" and to "complete" nuclear disarmament. The milestone
UN Resolution 1540 of 2004 reaffirms again that all member states are to "fulfil their
obligations" to disarm all weapons of mass destruction. Obama's trillion-dollar nuclear
armament program blatantly violates both of these international treaties.
During the Cold War, there was a trend towards ever larger, more apocalyptic nuclear
bombs. Under Obama's administration that trend has been reversed with the development of
so-called mini-nukes - small atomic bombs capable of destroying strategic targets instead
of entire cities. One of the heads of Obama's modernization plan called mini-nukes the
"more ethical approach." The misanthropy underlying this statement is difficult to bear.
Reducing the size of nuclear warheads actually removes some of the deterrent in using
them. Due to their small size, US generals have fantasized that the use of nukes is "no
longer unthinkable." This, too, is Obama's legacy.
There is no denying that Obama has made some positive achievements in his foreign and
security policies during his tenure. In some fields he has actually advanced the US and
the whole world. Here the nuclear deal with Iran comes to mind, which I have previously
called "one of the most important global diplomatic agreements of the young century."
Obama also pursued the normalization of diplomatic relations with Cuba and, after almost
90 years, he was the first US president to actually travel to the Caribbean country - a
historic milestone.
But at the same time, Obama has failed to close the concentration camp at Guantanamo; he
has presided over the intensification of military tensions with China in the Pacific
region; he holds a shameful record on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and his management
of the Ukraine crisis has been disastrous, contributing - together with his intervention
in Syria - to the emergence of a frightening new Cold War scenario, involving the largest
build-up of US troops in Eastern Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
All of this clearly goes to show how Obama blatantly squandered the opportunity to pursue
peace, and instead has handed down the very opposite: a world of escalating conflicts and
tensions. Obama may have started out with good intentions, but as John Pilger so
strikingly put it, "his most consistent theme was never change - it was power."
In a classified CIA analysis published by WikiLeaks in 2010, the Agency bemoaned the
waning support for war among the population of America's European allies. After eight
miserable years under Bush, the Global War on Terror desperately needed paint job. Obama
arrived as a godsend. With the Nobel Peace Prize laureate as commander-in-chief, America's
perpetual state of war lost its indecency. It was even raised up a notch under the
illusion of progressiveness and wrapped in an aura of necessity.
This is Obama's belligerent legacy.
Related Link: https://roarmag.org/essays/obama-legacy-war-conflict-peace/
Message: 10
from @UVWunion, 20 JAN 2017: "We have beaten Harrods, the richest and most prestigious
department store in the world! 100% of the service charge will now go to staff! Thank you
to everyone for your support and a big congratulations to the resilience and courage of
our members, the Harrods restaurant workers, who have achieved this victory by joining
United Voices of the World, getting organised and standing up to their employer's
outrageous practices. ---- Bit of background: ---- After Harrods' chefs and waiters joined
UVW we immediately submitted a claim for 100% of the service charge to go to staff.
Harrods had previously been taking up to 75% for themselves, without admitting the exact
percentage, or around £5000 per worker per year. ---- After helping the chefs and waiters
build towards a potential strike and mobilising 100s of people including staff, for a
massive demonstration which ended up shutting down Knigtsbridge and much of Harrods, and
threats of regular and even bigger demonstrations to come, Harrods finally gave in and
agreed to give over 100% of the service charge to staff.
They also agree to our other demands of appointing an independent tronc master to
administer the service charge and allowing staff to sit on the tronc committee.
This victory sends out a clear message to the rest of the restaurant and hospitality
industry that workers are no longer going to accept anything less than 100% of the tips
and trade unions are ready to help them get organised and fight.
The success of the campaign at Harrods offers a powerful model to follow for other workers
across the industry. We will now continue to push Harrods to improve the conditions and
pay of their workers and demand proper union recognition.
Here's an article by Natalie Bloomer on politics.co.uk
Guardian: Harrods stops taking cut of tips in its restaurants after protests
Here's a video of the demo (facebook)
Photos of the demo (facebook)
Message: 11
The National Australia Day Council describes Australia Day as "a day to reflect on what we
have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation," and a "day for us to
re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the generations to come". ---- But
for many January 26 is no date to celebrate, and to fully understand why, we must
recognise the price of this "great nation's" achievements over the past 229 years. ----
The 26th of January 2017 will mark 229 years since the British invaded what is now known
as Australia. It was on this date in 1788 that Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union
Jack for the first time in Sydney Cove, symbolising British occupation. ---- When
Australia was invaded, British colonisers declared this continent terra nullius: "nobody's
land"; a law which describes territory that has never been subject to the sovereignty of
any state. Terra Nullius was granted despite the land already being occupied by Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander nations for over 60, 000 years.
Despite acts of resistance, Australia was brutally colonised as British settlers stole
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and enacted massacres through state policy.
The Frontier Wars spanned the first 140 years of colonisation. When the invasion
commenced, there were approximately 750,000 people living in 350 distinct nations on the
Australian landmass. By 1900, only 93,200 Indigenous people survived. At least twenty
thousand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were killed or murdered in untold
battles and massacres from Hobart to the Kimberley. Approximately two and half thousand
invaders were killed as Aboriginal people resisted extermination.
Throughout the twentieth century, the Australian state continued to dehumanise Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples and commit acts of genocide under new laws. A policy
called ‘Smooth the Dying Pillow' allowed indiscriminate killings well into the 1930's
under the assumption that what was left of the Aboriginal population would die out.[1]
In 1901 the Australian state introduced ‘the White Australia policy', making Anglocentric
whiteness the ultimate marker of citizenship. This meant Indigenous Australians could not
vote, own property, receive wages for work, travel, or receive legal representation[2].
Prior to the 1967 Referendum, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were viewed as
‘sub-human' and weren't counted as citizens for the census, but rather were categorised as
part of the national flora and fauna.
Until 1970 Aboriginal workers were for all intents and purposes enslaved. They sold their
labour power to white men but were denied access to their wages which were often stolen by
the state[3].
To those who think colonisation and structural racism are a thing of the past, or that
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people need to ‘get over it', take a look at recent
Despite a formal apology to the Stolen Generations in 2008, the Australian state continues
to dehumanise Aboriginal peoples through institutionalised racism and state violence. 60
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are taken from their families every month,
making the number of removals higher now than during the Stolen Generations period. 48% of
juveniles in detention are Aboriginal, and like Dylan Voller, many experience physical
abuse and trauma.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are massively over represented in Australia's
criminal justice system. Though only representing 3% of the total population, more than
28% of Australia's prison population are Aboriginal. In the Northern Territory, Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander prisoners make up 86% of the prison population.
Between 2000 and 2007 there were 701 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths in
police custody. The recent release of CCTV footage at the time of Ms Dhu's death highlight
the disregard for her welfare and right to medical treatment.
This year the continued forced closures of Aboriginal communities is creating higher rates
of homelessness and poverty for those affected. The removals also sever an intrinsic
connection to country known to be important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
health and wellbeing.
Day of Mourning, Invasion Day, Survival Day
In 1938, on the 150th Australia Day celebrations, the first ‘Day of Mourning Protest' was
held. Activists marched silently through the streets and held a conference for equal
rights and citizenship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. ‘Australia Day'
has since been rejected and renamed by many as either ‘Invasion Day' which mourns the
invasion of British colonisers, or ‘Survival Day' which recognises the continued survival
of First Nations people.
How does this position you?
If you are a non-Indigenous person living in Australia, regardless of your family history
or the colour of your skin, you directly benefit from the dispossession of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people. Any privileges you enjoy living in this country come at the
expense of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
"To different degrees every colonizer is privileged, at least comparatively so, ultimately
to the detriment of the colonized...this can be read by the relation of each group's
concrete economic and psychological position within the colonial society."[4]
Celebrating Australia Day, a day which rejoices in the European invasion, is only
appealing to those who do not know, or those who do not care, about Australia's black
history. It is absurd and insensitive to hold a day of patriotic celebration on a day that
marks the beginning of the genocide and dispossession of the owners of this land.
Having a choice to celebrate Australia Day is a marker of settler privilege. As a
non-Indigenous person living on stolen land, I acknowledge my privilege and choose to
reject this day. I am not proud and I will not celebrate.
The National Australia Day Council recognises this day as a day to recommit to making
Australia better for generations to come. Celebrating this day however, no matter the
pretense, eradicates history and identity.
The recent lamb advert shows a fictitious Australia that is founded on both
multiculturalism and nationalism, but pointedly leaves out the brutal massacres of
Indigenous peoples and the dispossession of land and culture. Many Australians see this ad
as a step towards inclusivity, but it is just another platform for the whitewashing of
Australian history.
Celebrating more ‘inclusively' on the day by not calling your event an ‘Australia Day
Party' or making a quick acknowledgement of country is not enough. Though these gestures
recognise the extreme inappropriateness of holding a celebration on this day, they do
little to raise the issues of continued oppression of Indigenous Australians or call for
I ask you to join me in completely boycotting this day. Instead, show solidarity and stand
alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and demand justice.
What can you do?
As a non-Indigenous ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, I propose the
following strategies to show your solidarity:
Educate yourself and other non-Indigenous people. Learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander history, the colonisation of Australia, the Frontier Wars, and the ongoing
struggle for self-determination.
Explain to your friends and family why you won't be celebrating Australia Day this year
and ask them to join you. Lessen the burden on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people to do this educating.
When possible, listen to and respect the stories and opinions of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people. If you have questions, ask them, but recognise that you are not
entitled to this education. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may not want to
do this labour. It is not their responsibility to educate you.
Don't interrupt or whitesplain racism. If you get called out for problematic behaviour or
language don't get defensive, listen. Acknowledge what happened and apologise, if needed,
for any harm caused. Move forward and use this experience to help others learn too.
Attend a Survival or Invasion Day event in solidarity. Respect that the terms of the event
are at the discretion of the organisers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
in attendance.
Invasion Day Callout - 9am @ Aboriginal Embassy
Invasion Day march - 11.00am @ Parliament Steps
Share The Spirit Festival 2017 - 11am @ Treasury Gardens
Belgrave Survival Day "Learn Local Culture - 12pm Borthwick Park
New South Wales
Invasion Day Protest: Change the Date!!! - 9.30am @ Ballina
Yabun - 10am @ Victoria Park
Invasion Day rally - 11am @ The Block, Redfern
Survival Day Walk - 7.30am @ Mabo Monument Victoria Bridge
Invasion Day March - 10am @ Parliament House
Survival Day Townsville 2017 - 11am @ Perfume Gardens
South Australia
Survival Day 2017 - 11am @ Semaphore Foreshore
Invasion Day Resistance & Mourning Shave (Kaurna Country) - 6pm @ Elder Park
Western Australia
Invasion Day Rally - 1pm @ Perth
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land that we organise on, the Wurundjeri
people of the Kulin nations, and pay our respects to elders both past and present, and
also extend that respect to any Aboriginal people reading this article. We also
acknowledge that this land was stolen and that sovereignty was never ceded.
[1]Foley, G. (1999). Whiteness and Blackness in the struggle for self-determination
[2]Moreton-Robinson, A. (2004). Whiteness, epistemology & Indigenous representation. In
Morton-Robinson, A. (Ed.). Whitening Race: Essays in social and cultural criticism.
[3]Korf, J. (2016). Stolen Wages. <www.CreativeSpirits.info>
[4](Memmi, A. (1965). The colonizer and the colonized. p77, 79
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