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zondag 29 januari 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 29 January 2017

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Decembre - Thirty years
      ago, Winter 1986: the spring of youth (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  fda-ifa: #DisruptJ20 - No Peaceful Transition

3.  Circle of Fire APO: Call to solidarity strikes -- Win in the
      hunger strike of Mohamed A.! -- Direct political asylum - Stop
      all deportations (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Southern Africa, zabalaza: Crisis within Crisis, Zimbabwe:
      As we manufacture our own oppression by Leroy Maisiri (ZACF)

5.  Czech, afed.cz: A3: Retired far -- Hundredth number A3 wall
      newspaper is out! Continues to throb injustice, oppression and
      discrimination! Download, print and spread the word! (gr)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  anarkismo.net: About the threat to deport Mohamed A. by
      Musaferat (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative -- Concentration
      in the courts against auctions | 25/1 --- Housing is a social
      good and not a commodity (gr) [machine translation]

8.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, Voluntary
      fighter in Rojava: "A clear antinationalist line" (fr, it, pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

Message: 1

In November-December 1986, the Devaquet bill disrupted the facsimiles and the lycées. The 
movement is massive, and undergoes the police violence that culminates with the 
assassination of Malik Oussekine. The revolt is profound, a new militant generation 
asserts itself. ---- 1986 marks the return of the right to business. Surprising on the 
liberal wave coming from the United States (Reagan) and Great Britain (Thatcher), and 
relying on the rallying of the Socialist Party to these same neoliberal policies, the 
government of Jacques Chirac undertakes a policy of privatizing banks And public 
enterprises, most of them nationalizations of 1981. ---- Under the pressure of the 
National Front, which is advancing at every election and has elected 35 deputies to the 
National Assembly in March 1986 thanks to proportional representation, the right-wing 
majority intends to attack the right of the soil to limit access to French nationality . 
Finally, at the Ministry of the Interior, the Pasqua-Pandraud tandem embodies a 
reinforcement of security policies. But he quickly encountered a student resistance and 
then a railroad that showed a remarkable capacity for self-organization.

The will to privatize the new power also affects national education even if it does not 
take the same forms. Higher education is the target of liberal, conservative and 
corporatist attacks on the part of right-wing parties, but also of pressure groups and 
academic universities headed by the National University Union ( UNITED).

To see: the beautiful slideshow
photographer Jean-Claude Coutausse

With the bill of the Minister of Higher Education Alain Devaquet, these lobbies are 
satisfied with a good part of their demands among which the autonomy of the universities 
and therefore the return to an organization in corporatist faculties as before 1968. The 
universities Could issue their degrees, which would put an end to their national character 
and create a hierarchy between the universities according to their means. But what sets 
young people on the streets is the introduction of a selection at the entrance of the 
university in addition to the bac and the sharp increase in tuition fees, thus reinforcing 
the class character Of higher education.

Facs wake up

The first mobilizations began with protests in several cities (Brest, Bordeaux, Marseille, 
Montpellier, Quimper) between 30 April and the end of May.

They increased in autumn 1986. Both Unef, Unef-ID ("independent and democratic", close to 
the PS) and Unef-SE ("student solidarity", close to the PCF) Law adopted in the Council of 
Ministers on July 11, but do not openly claim its withdrawal.

In October, as soon as the academic year of the students wishing to act for the withdrawal 
of this bill constitute collectives of mobilization in many universities. The latter bring 
together student unionists who do not accept the oppressive opposition of the two Unf, 
libertarians, Trotskyists, or students without affiliation.

These collectives carry out information and awareness-raising work. They make known the 
text of the counter-reform and their critical analyzes through billboards, information 
booths, leaflets and general assemblies, which then have a modest but ever-increasing 

Student unions opposed to the Devaquet bill and these collectives are calling to 
participate in the demonstrations and the public service strike day on October 21st. 
Student mobilization is much stronger than in the spring. On the same day 400 students 
from the University of Caen, gathered in a general assembly on the initiative of Unef-ID, 
animated in this city by militants of the Young Communist Revolutionaries and the 
Communist Revolutionary League, Launched an appeal calling for the withdrawal of the 
Devaquet project and calling for the establishment of union mobilization committees 
throughout France, both unionized and non-unionized.

However, the UNEF-ID remains wait-and-see and its national office refuses to call a 
strike. For their part, a dozen mobilization committees meet in Caen on the basis of 
Caen's appeal. They called for the general strike and the holding of a coordination 
meeting of all the committees at the faculty of Jussieu (Paris) on 21 November.

Blood on the pavement

On November 17, the general assembly student of Villetaneuse votes the strike. It was 
followed by that of Caen on the 18th. The strike spread immediately to the Paris region 
and then to the other regions.

The UNEF-ID, overwhelmed, is obliged to rally to the movement. The strike became 
widespread and spread to high schools. The national high school committee is holding its 
first meeting on 25 November.

A first demonstration with a national rise in Paris is held on 27 November, it brings 
together hundreds of thousands of students and high school students, while the deputies 
debate the bill in the National Assembly.

The government began to be seriously shaken to the point that Monory, the Minister of 
National Education, announced the re-examination of the disputed points of the project.

On 4 December the demonstration is even more massive, ending in clashes between groups of 
demonstrators and the police at the Invalides. On the night of December 5-6, policemen 
beat a student, Malik Oussekine, as he returned home. He dies as a result of the blows 

Devaquet resigned on 6 December. The National Student Coordination calls on the population 
and trade union confederations to support and protect by their presence demonstrations 
against police repression. In several cities, students and high-school students go to 
companies to meet with trade unions for this purpose, sometimes at times of union 
information, EDF, the post office, The SNCF and Renault in particular. Chirac, under the 
pressure of the youth supported by the majority of the population, finally withdraws the 
bill on December 8.

To Malik and Abdel

In Paris on 10 December 1986, an enormous demonstration in memory of Malik Oussekine, 
assassinated on 6 December by police "voltigeurs", and Abdel Benyahia, killed by a drunken 
policeman in a cafe on 5 December. (C) Jean-Claude Coutausse
On 10 December between 300,000 and 400,000 people silently demonstrated in Paris with the 
slogan "Never again". The Student Coordination pronounces its self-dissolution on December 
12 after calling for the holding of states general with a view to proposing another reform 
of the University. They were held in Saint-Denis in March 1987.

The strike lasted three weeks but it marks a whole generation. Many young people are 
becoming conscious and emerging from the lethargy in which the PS-PCF government 
experience plunged the social movement from 1981 to 1986. But what remains one of the main 
achievements of this movement is its capacity for self-organization Committees, strike 
committees, coordination). The latter rubbed off on the great railway strike in December 
1986-January 1987 , those teachers or nurses in 1987 in 1988. This influence is durable 
and can be appreciated in the evolution of trade unionism, since this form of organization 
Is then claimed by a party of the CFDT opposition, then by the trade unions SUD.

Laurent Esquerre (AL Aveyron)

Photo: Jean-Claude Coutausse


To say that libertarians were like fish in water in November-December 1986. Some are then 
organisé.es in the Anarchist Federation in the Union of Anarchist Communists Workers 
(UTCL) or the Organization Communist liberation (OCL). Most are not affiliated with these 
organizations and act in local libertarian collectives with different sensitivities. They 
are found in strikes and in self-organizing structures, more at the local than at the 
national level.

"Clash" No. 9 (January-February 1990)

In 1987, the Collective Young Libertarians launched its newspaper, "Clash", of which 15 
issues will be released until June 1991.
Some of these collectives try to co-ordinate notably the initiative of the Student 
Coordination Student (CLE) of Nanterre, which has about twenty members in this fac. But 
despite a meeting in this sense, the call of the CLE does not lead to any structuring. 
This is the reason why the young people of the UTCL create the Collective Young 
Libertarians (CJL) both distinct and close to the UTCL. The CJL broadcasts its first 
leaflet on December 10th in Paris, during the great demonstration in memory of Malik 
Oussekine. It develops its activities and settlements at the national level until 1991, 
when the majority of its members decided to participate in the creation of alternative 



Message: 2

The Anarchist Action & Organizing from Kassel declares its solidarity with the protest 
against the inauguration of Donald Trump today. Our thoughts are with all who resist the 
racist, sexist and capitalist mindset, that continues to gain ground ever since the 
election campaigns. ---- Our answer to this is: Whoever they vote for, we are 
ungovernable! ---- We associate ourselves with the call No Peaceful Transition from the 
crimethinc collective: ---- "Trump stands for tyranny, greed, and misogyny. He is the 
champion of neo-nazis and white Nationalists, of the police who kill the Black, Brown and 
poor on a daily basis, of racist border agents and sadistic prison guards, of the FBI and 
NSA who tap your phone and read your email. He is the harbinger of even more climate 
catastrophe, deportation, discrimination, and endless war. He continues to deny the 
existence of climate change, in spite of all the evidence, putting the future of the whole 
human race at stake. The KKK, Vladimir Putin, Golden Dawn, and the Islamic State all 
cheered his victory. If we let his inauguration go unchallenged, we are opening the door 
to the future they envision.

Trump's success confirms the bankruptcy of representative democracy. Rather than using the 
democratic process as an alibi for inaction, we must show that no election could 
legitimize his agenda. Neither the Democrats nor any other political party or politician 
will save us-they just offer a weaker version of the same thing. If there is going to be 
positive change in this society, we have to make it ourselves, together, through direct 

 From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster. #DisruptJ20 will be the start of 
the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit 
in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can 
bear. The parade must be stopped. We must delegitimize Trump and all he represents. It's 
time to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and the world that sustains us as if our lives 
depend on it-because they do."

"If you are living outside the US, you can take action at US embassies, borders, or other 
symbols of neocolonial power. Our allegiance is not to "making America great again," but 
to all of humanity and the planet." #DisruptJ20

Also, above pictures of a bannerdrop in Kassel reached us today.



Message: 3

O Mohamad Abdelgawad, an Egyptian refugee, asylum seeker in Greece, started from December 
13, 2016 hunger strike in the police station of Mytilini. Today, after 38 days has been 
transferred to Vostaneio Hospital Mytilene. Claiming to be granted political asylum and 
not to be deported to Turkey and from there to Egypt, where he threatened his life because 
of the targeting of the Sisi regime, when a video released on the Internet that captures 
murderous actions against political opponents of the regime. ---- The case of Mohamad A. 
Is not an isolated incident. It is the result of the criminal policy of the Greek state 
massively reject the political asylum for thousands of refugees resulting in their return 
to their countries where they expect torture, imprisonment and in many cases death.

The coalition Syriza-ANEL, having long been divested its humanitarian mask, passes to the 
full unfolding of anti-immigrant agenda that is fully aligned with that of the European 
Union and international organizations. Designs and implements the policy of isolation and 
ghettoisation of tens of thousands of refugees and migrants in concentration camps 
throughout the country. A policy that was originally built on the "humanitarian" pretext 
and now takes full aggressive characteristics against refugees and migrants through their 
abandonment in the cold and the snow in the middle of nowhere, through deportations and 
detentions, through concerted national and para attacks in hospitality and solidarity 

  As anarchists / s stand against the criminalization of people and restricting their free 
movement. We do not recognize any state the right to impose any kind of artificial 
arrangements divisions between people on the basis of sex, race, origin, religion etc. We 
consciously solidarity in every repressed and oppressed of this world and strive together 
for life and dignity. We aim to link the struggles of migrants and refugees in the project 
of a total subversion of the state and capital. Together all the exploited and oppressed 
of this world to resist the murderous designs of the ruling. For placing the social and 
class self-organization, the common struggles locals and immigrants against poverty, 
misery, fear, racism and state and parastatal terrorism. Promote the ongoing struggle for 
global social revolution, anarchy and libertarian communism.



Anarchist Political Organisation-Federation collectivity



anarchist group "restive horse" - a member of the APO



We support the path of solidarity and protest by the Assembly of Anarchists blocks for 
Social and Class Emancipation

Anarchist Collectives Omikron72 & Circle of Fire - the APO members



collective for social anarchism Black & Red - member of APO


Message: 4

I have been home for exactly 13 days. For the sake of finding a fitting analogy I have 
always understood Zimbabwe to be like the story of the children of Israel stuck in Egypt 
under a Pharaoh whose heart had been hardened while we wait to one day wake up in our 
promised land. This analogy is important for me as it creates specific boundaries, limits 
my excited imagination and almost grounds the present to a particular past. ---- In any 
case the current Zimbabwean crisis has been well documented and so repeating it here won't 
help. However at the risk of stepping on a few toes I found a Zimbabwe that has become so 
busy with making bricks even though as further punishment the Pharaoh has taken away the 
straw needed to make the bricks, with a tall order to continue to produce the same amount 
of bricks as before.

The regime destroyed any healthy form of industry and severely cut itself from its 
financial feeding source. Now they have employed police, city council and Zimra to become 
state fund-raisers ticketing for almost everything a citizen is supposed to receive from 
the state but the state cannot provide. Somebody needs to take time and balance me here.

These vampires are located on almost every second street corner. Added to this is the 
liquidity crisis in the country with banks issuing as little as 20 dollars a day per 
individual who can easily be fined up to 60 dollars in one day for driving to work, for 
not having 500 dollars to renew a shop licence that the state will issue knowing very well 
that to raise 500 dollars would take 25 days of standing in long queues in the bank that 
will only give 20 dollars per day per withdrawal. People have been getting their cars 
impounded, being charged daily fees. Overall, after a month the fine is equal to you 
buying another second hand vehicle.

Corruption normally can be quantified when being compared to existing norms. Non corrupt 
norms must exist to make corruption appear deviant but in a norm-less country where a 
state of anomie has occurred corruption has become the exchange of breaths, Zimbabwe is 
the Wild West.

The Pharaoh took away the straw that was needed to make the bricks, and then instructed 
the slaves to continue making the bricks with their own straw. I remember I was once proud 
of my country, when I was immature and I didn't know better. That we didn't protest, we 
didn't fight back. That the regime would do this to us and we as a people would figure out 
a way around it, call it innovation, call it entrepreneurship. We literally are funding 
our own oppression, we steal from our children to feed a regime that feeds on our children.

We are that frog that was put in water in a science experiment, and every now and again 
the scientists would adjust the temperature of the water and the frog in response would 
adjust its body temperature. The frog never allowed itself to feel the water getting hot. 
Eventually the frog was boiled alive.

Voting next year won't change a thing, it won't even make a dent to the problem. Stop 
making bricks, stop funding your own oppression.

Get out of the damn pot!



Message: 5

Thanks to the birth of science called statistics we have available and useful data that 
can not go on. Famous first statistical test, for example, argued that men die more often 
than women and one adult man and one woman feels. It was evidence of God's purpose 
monogamy. That was three hundred years ago. ---- But we do not stop progress. Gone are 
times when we are astonished statistics, according to which per capita Amsterdam accrue 
daily 101 herring and Australia every half hour car crosses one person. Today, the 
statistics used by thousands of professionals, mainly to improve the quality of our lives. 
That those who kill poverty, frost, poor diet or unavailability of health care remained 
forever young, attractive workers and citizens.

And so we have, for example, the average salary is satisfactory. Who would have wondered 
that it reaches the most people. The number of homeless people umrzlých every year on the 
street is insignificant statistical variation that can not be compared with those lucky 
millions of average citizens who do neumrzli. In addition to such things occur only in 
very small portion of the year. So there is no reason to somehow deeply contemplate what 
exactly is the company in whose wealthy capitals, people are dying because they do not 
have a warm haven. Statistics can outwit even the ever-widening social scissors, on the 
one hand and rising billionaires account for the other person feel after him in two 
employment contracts with salaries fail. On average, all in the same. In order to have a 
privileged minority, and much more, must have most of the other few.

The most useful professionals working with statistical data include ministerial committee. 
Recently, one of them examined the scientific results of the statistics that said that 
extending the time that people spend in retirement. Professionally therefore proposed a 
solution: the retirement age should be flexible to change (ie. Increase) to the 
statistical average length of age on state spending did not change (ie. Prolong). After a 
study of a scientific institute of Charles University he confirmed that retired people are 
healthy, full force, and if you want to keep earning, waited by the unprecedented 
achievements. And more importantly, if it were not so many retirees, it would contribute 
to the sustainability of the pension system.

Pity that the ministerial committee got involved older statistical calculations, according 
to which in our workers live for an average of just under 34 years and women 36 years. 
These figures relate to the years statistically similar to ours - capitalism is recovering 
from the crisis and the productivity of industry growing again. So what prevents 
bureaucrats, to propose even bolder solutions than later retirement? The pension system 
would work best if people just in time upracovali to death, just like one hundred thirty 
years ago.

Media and advertising professionals, those shock-workers propaganda centers of the 
capitalist regime no longer has to carry the neoliberal svazáky to tiny hamlets and 
peripheral settlements are meritorious task to convince the "old man's buff and a" right 
to vote. Media consisting in the merciful hands of billionaires sufficient to maintain 
proper indignation over all, who would want to eat away from the common pie without 
toiling to exhaustion. After all the work that we just graciously give same economic 
elite, is a blessing for us. And if someone feels badly paid, dangerous, tedious, 
unnecessary, debilitating, etc., It is common ingrate who would prefer right-handed 
hochštaplerové sent to labor camps, which would be for the good of the nation like built.

Pliant plebs, the same media will certainly not saying that that common pie he ate those 
at the top, if possible, that in some tax haven. For that the plebs left a piece of crust, 
for which they must fight among themselves within the achievements of "merit" as skin 
color or employment contract. Extension of retirement it is the logic of this blessing.

We, the anarchists, but by no crust will not wash. We do not want to be average, nourished 
in a society where someone has a different point of heaping again empty plate. Not only do 
we want the whole pie for all, while we call PEKÁRNA PEOPLE!

A3 ( January 201 7 ) download HERE . http://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2016-01.pdf

Download, print, etching!

Wall newspapers A3 gives Anarchist Federation each month. They are especially designed to 
spread through the streets pasting or posting in the workplace and in schools.



Message: 6

Since October 2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police 
headquarters of Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political 
asylum have been rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that 
his deportation be cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum. ---- Since October 
2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police headquarters of 
Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political asylum have been 
rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that his deportation be 
cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum. ---- While his health has been 
constantly deteriorating in the past few days, he was transferred to Mytilene's Vostaneio 
hospital on 10/1/2017, where the doctors decided that he needs to be hospitalised. He 
returns to the penitentiary to pick up his stuff, while being assured by the police that 
he will be transferred to the hospital when he is done.

However, he was held in the penitentiary, where the police told him that he will be taken 
to the hospital on the next morning. When they finally took him to the hospital the next 
day, they elicited his consent to not be hospitalised, as they reassured him in regard to 
his case, and lied to him that they would transfer him to Athens in the next days.

On Thursday 12/1, the police commander announced to Mohamed that his deportation to Turkey 
had been decided, through the readmission rules of the infamous EU-Turkey deal.

Following pressure from lawyers and people standing in solidarity with him, and while 
being in a crucial physical and mental state, Mohamed went to the hospital once more, 
where the doctors asserted that he has to be hospitalised, as he was exhibiting obvious 
symptoms of fatigue (dizziness, fainting, trouble with sight), and administered saline 
solution to him. His hospitalization resulted in his deportation being cancelled, which 
was not the case for 10 other immigrants, who were deported in the morning of Friday 13/1.

For the time being, Mohamed A. continues to be hospitalised, while the police, obviously 
disappointed in his deportation being cancelled, try every way they can to press the 
doctors in the hospital to discharge him, so that they can resume his deportation. At the 
same time, going against the hospital's rules, they have forbidden the entrance of people 
standing in solidarity with Mohamed in his room.

The current situation -namely, attempting to deport an immigrant on the 32nd day of a 
hunger strike- is unprecedented, for the obvious reason of the threat a hunger strike 
poses on one's life. By doing so, the state and those that serve it take the existing 
totalitarianism one step further. It's the workings of that same state that takes a 
6-year-old hostage as revenge against his parents; the state that prohibits events in 
public universities; the state that tortures thousands of immigrants in detention centres 
on a daily basis, until their final deportation. It's a state that prides itself on the 
jurisdiction to choose life or death for those who don't suit it, those that it views as 
"surplus", those who resist.

Towards Mohamed we express our solidarity with anyone who daily faces the violence of 
segregation, of racism and exploitation; our solidarity with the hundreds of immigrants 
who have already been deported, and with the thousands who are trapped in the places of 
detention, isolation and deportation; our solidarity with those who will fight with us 
against the devaluation of our lives.

Solidarity with hunger striker Mohamed A.

Immediate concession to his demands

Stop all deportations


Related Link: http://musaferat.espivblogs.net/about-the-threat-to-deport-mohamed-a/



Message: 7

Inside the lunar landscape of Greek reality, as formulated in the period of capitalist 
crisis, the right-left governments and the European Union, the social wealth bleeding 
campaign puts another purpose: housing. After the all-out attack the state and capital to 
work, agriculture, insurance, social liberties, the environment and social goods, raise 
their targeted one of the few remaining materials supports the working class and 
oppressed. ---- The antiasfalistiko bill passed by parliament, is another face of the new 
war which has declared the local and international capital to employees, self-employed, 
farmers, pensioners and by extension to all people who support with their incomes ( 
children, relatives with chronic diseases, etc.). After the new criminal bill in social 
security, is more evident than ever that an all-out counterattack class, in the fields of 
housing, insurance, health, leading to a concerted proletarian refusal of payment is 

Leaving now aside any pretext, the recent enactment of prerequisites in late 2015 by the 
SYRIZA-ANEL government, paving the way for the advent and international finance capital 
against the house. Manage Red loans and real estate longer enter into international 
investment houses and funds, and in particular, as the guardian of the interests of 
debtors against the above companies, displayed by the Bank of Greece and the Banking Code 
of Conduct (!).

After 'legal drafting improvements "in November substantially slash whatever protections 
existed until now, the framework of the auctions protection afstiropoieitai dramatically 
timeouts remain unclear, while new abstract concepts are introduced as the" cooperative 
borrower. " Clarifications, definitions, reviews etc., Pass all the banking crisis. The 
government washes its hands, simply asking bankers to show understanding and grace (see. 
Dragasakis November statements). Queues of debtors in local courts late last December, for 
joining the relatively favorable settings Katseli Law, reveal the dimensions of the 
threat. The application for inclusion in the Act itself is a costly process with the 
required amount could rise to about 1000 euro. Even the claim to protect, handsomely paid.

 From 1/1 / 2016, the possibility of zero dose abolished for those who have no income or 
unable not only to pay their installments and to cope with daily expenses of their 
families. In addition, it opened the process of free sale and reducing the costs of 
auctioning. If that is the first auction prove fruitless, the second starts at half the 
market value of the property, and if he too is not completed, the third starts from zero 
starting price. Even if the property is auctioned at an amount lower than the commercial 
value and the loan amount, the borrower still owes the bank the remaining amount. And 
loses his home and still owes. In essence sought from borrowers repayment of the loan for 
the second time. And this at a time when many of the red loans have essentially paid to 
banks through taxes and bank recapitalization.

So if someone is unable to repay the banks the net profit will be marked "uncooperative" 
and the house will be coming under the hammer or alternatively, the loan can be passed 
into the hands of investment houses, who added convenience -as the banks do not expect 
necessarily to the repayment of the loan will convert the property to a financial product 
and gambling, multiplying their winnings. For us, the defense of the first housing and 
preventing evictions and auction, is practical and class terms defend the social good 
housing. Away from populist, radical Falsified fanfare, our policy framework for the fight 
against auctions, is class protection of all social assets, part of which is the 

The cancellation of an auction in the county court, shifts the process to two months after 
creating a first time, a temporary defense forefront of our class. Therefore, the presence 
of all of us in local courts is necessary. We must realize the need to pass from the 
defense of housing, to guarantee as good for all and all; the necessity of passing from 
defense to attack.

Starting from this position, and against all private and commercial exploitation of the 
dwelling use but put the tool of the occupation as a form of militant recovery of social 
wealth, to ensure housing for all the oppressed of the world, homeless / s, immigrants / 
only three, laborers / behavior shows, the ftochodiavolous of our time.

As Anarchist Federation, part of the exploited and oppressed, we fight with our class by 
any means. We will be there, the local courts, roads, neighborhoods, opposite to the 
judges, bank representatives and managers of investment funds, in physical confrontation 
if necessary with their uniformed protectors; with the poor, the unemployed, workers, the 
oppressed with the exploited against the state and capital.

Do not let anyone just opposite to bank gangs

Class counterattack, self-organization, solidarity

anarchist Federation



twitter: https://twitter.com/anarchistfedGr

fb: https://www.facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015/

In Thessaloniki, auctions are held every Wednesday at 15:30 in Thessaloniki courts. Until 
the definitive exclusion of primary housing and



Message: 8

"I must say that we must criticize the mistakes and mistakes we make here in Rojava. Every 
revolution has its flaws. I simply ask that the reality of the ground be taken into 
account before any hasty purist judgment. " ---- We pass below the log, posted on FB , a 
French revolutionary activist in the YPG. He shares his analyzes, his criticisms, and 
recounts the highlights of his career. An indispensable human and political testimony. 
---- YPG Military Academy for Foreign Volunteers, Rojava, January 21, 2017 ---- Developed: 
As I said, the connection is timed to the minute, my emails are often written in a hurry 
and I'm sorry. I will try as much as possible to prepare them in advance but our days 
being very busy, I do not guarantee anything. ---- Finally, with regard to security, I 
remind you that:

The posts being mostly public, you like / comment / share at your risk, as on a page;
When they are vague, that they lack details or details, it is probably because I can not 
talk about everything;
when they seem too precise, it is certainly because the information they contain is 
already known, at least by our enemies, whether MIT[1], the KRG , Daech or Western 
intelligence services. In general, if I have any doubt about the sensitivity of an 
information, I ask the Kurds what I can write or not. Speaking of that, I prefer to be 
honest with you, the ISB knows I'm here.
Rojava, and Kurdistan in general, is a region where "hackneyed secrets" are common. In 
fact, if I make more or less subtle allusions to the local geopolitics and its actors, I 
hope that your common sense or knowledge of the local situation will allow you to 
understand. If this is not the case, you can always ask well-informed people.
With these adjustments made, I will now try to answer in a grouped way the various 
questions, sometimes redundant, that I have received (nevertheless I assure you that I am 
pleased that you are interested in the situation):

Why not say in which canton / region / city we find ourselves?

For security of course. The location of the academy must remain confidential. She is in 
Rojava, that's all there is to know.

No need to look: these mountains are there to illustrate, they can not indicate the 
location of the YPG camp.
Why so few images and videos?

There are several reasons for this.

Safety again, because a wide shot can tell a lot about where we are.

Then, because in many foreign volunteers there is this unbearable tendency to make the 
setter in Rambo mode, and each passing day confirms it. There are people who come here to 
look for media coverage, not political, but personal. Some even, I swear that it is true, 
come only for the photos: they stay a week to a month, pose with the weapons, and leave 
directly. I have nothing against making pictures, with or without weapons, but doing it 
every day, as some do, is sickly narcissism.

The only acceptable media is therefore that which aims to make talk about the political 
and social situation, the philosophical commitment, in short, the fabulous line (yeah I 
repeat it is terrible).

I have a GoPro style camera with me, I assure you that I intend to use it, but the 
majority of videos will probably never be available on Facebook. Maybe I will put them on 
the internet on my return, if there is return.

For the photos, I promise to take some. I know that the revolutionary folklore on armed 
struggle plays a lot, so I beg you not to be interested in that, even if it is an integral 
part of our militant culture.

There are so many things I would like to show you but you can not take a picture. And the 
situation is already too serious, so I intend to continue to mess, including for pictures, 
as long as I can. A revolution without disconnection is a revolution that disconnects. The 
best thing is that you come to see with your own eyes (if it continues I will create a 
recruitment committee).

Why so much talk about the sporting aspect?

Here, we are making war, of course, but we participate first and foremost in a revolution. 
An imperfect, incomplete, criticizing revolution, which nevertheless remains one of the 
greatest chances our camp has ever had to triumph.

In this, all comrades are welcome. The problem is that we need soldiers (I hate this term 
probably as much as you do but that's what it is all about), not cannon fodder (although 
sometimes some strategic decisions leave Perplexed, I will tell you about it after having 
personally lived it). A person who is already experiencing serious difficulties in 
training will have little chance at the front. Likewise, and I observed it a few days ago, 
that if it panics during an attack, even simulated, it puts itself in danger but also puts 
its companions in danger.

But for those who have fear of not keeping pace, I assure you, the Rojava also needs 
specialized civilians in certain areas (see the site Ypg-international.org ). Be aware, 
however, that you will have to follow the minimum military training, if only to know how 
to use a weapon. People's self-defense, we put it into practice here.

Also know that you will have to make a long walk to cross the border. So you have to do 
sport, I can not stress this point too much.

What exactly is training?

As I said in one of my previous posts, it is split between sport, course, and practice.

The sport begins as soon as waking up, and focuses on endurance, muscle building, and 
softening. This works very well for those who bother to force themselves. Every day, the 
session increases in intensity. We do the exercises longer, we repeat them several times. 
Every day is therefore more difficult and tiring. As I said, we are less than half to keep 
up. But those who are in difficulty are not excluded for all that. They just do the best 
they can.

The courses are sometimes long, but have the merit of wanting to be interactive. It is 
appalling to see that many volunteers come here without knowing anything about the history 
and geopolitics of Kurdistan and Syria.

We therefore study the socio-history of the region, current geopolitics, language and 
ideology. YPG anxious that we were talking about bases Kurdish Kurmanji before being 
assigned to a unit.

The rest of the training involves the strictly military aspect: scenarios, shooting 
training with different types of weapons, night marches, tactical studies and strategies, 
etc. Finally, we have to take care of the proper functioning of the camp: kitchen, 
maintenance and housekeeping, guard.

What is the ideology course? What is the precise political line there?

"Ideology" is a term you often hear here. It sometimes tends to replace religion. Many YPG 
/ YPJ oppose the Apoist ideology (that of Öcalan, who could almost be a figure of God) to 
religion (Islam in the first place): the majority was raised in the Muslim religion, and 
many Many have abandoned and openly criticized it as a counter-revolutionary and 
regressive concept.

As far as apotism is concerned, it can be defined quite broadly. I briefly summarize it: 
it is a political ideology stemming from the writings and the thought of Abdullah Öcalan, 
which since it has appeared has not stopped molting. I mean to kill, because it remains 
socialist (in the revolutionary sense) in all cases, and this I can affirm to the most 
skeptical. On the first Marxist-Leninist, it has become more libertarian after Öcalan has 
read Murray Bookchin . It now claims libertarian municipalism as a social base, and 
democratic confederalism as a political framework. Hence the growing sympathy anarchists 
for Rojava.

What is peculiar to Apoism is that it attaches itself particularly to the specific case of 
Kurdistan. It claims the self-determination of the Kurdish people. Before in the form of a 
socialist nation-state, now under that of an autonomous territory, without state or 
government. Hence the nascent success of the revolution.

But more than a political idea, the apoïsme is a philosophy of life, influenced in 
particular by Zoroastrianism  (Zarathustra, that tell you something?). The three main 
precepts are:

Think good / fair.
Speak well / just.
Act well / just.
Öcalan speaks therefore of an inner revolution above all, where everything must begin. He 
believes that every revolutionary must ask himself these three questions:

What to do?
How to do?
Where to start?
Humility, anti-materialism, sharing, benevolence, ecologism, etc., are notions that are 
imbued with apoism. Note that Ocalan is also vegetarian and does not eat eggs, and his 
most loyal friends refuse to kill animals if not by need (you will be entitled to an 
anecdote on this subject At the next message).

This is to sum up apoism. It must be known that millions of people are claiming apoism, 
despite sometimes glaring political discrepancies. This is actually all the left and 
extreme left Kurd who claim, the anarchist Marxist, Trotskyist in the Stalinist, Maoist in 
the libertarian communist trade unionist, parliamentary socialist guerrilla in the 
mountains of Bakur[2]. And it is thanks to apoism that all these tendencies generally 
succeed in not carrying on a war of chapels.

There is therefore no clear political line except for libertarian municipalism and 
democratic confederalism. These concepts are too bland and not radical enough. Loyal 
apoists, those who come from North Kurdistan (lack of subtlety x 100), share my opinion 
but consider that this is only a step, to reconcile social progressism and change of 

It is still problematic
alliance with the Western imperialists,
US in first place, right?

Yes it is, and the Kurdish comrades recognize it completely. The present socio-political 
change seeks not to appear too extreme not to alienate all the allies of circumstance. 
Hence this reserve to speak of revolution, and privilege the term "revolutionary process" 
in our militant militant purists and too-revolutionary-perfect-t'as-vu.

But one must understand the reality on the ground: first, to rush the population, tired by 
years of war, is not desirable. The people are the foundation of socio-political change in 
Rojava, without it, no revolution. Then, without the support of "Western democracies," the 
YPG-YPJ would be condemned to sacrifice thousands more lives to achieve victory. I am not 
saying that the Kurds would have lost the war without air support, but they would have 
paid the price for it, that is certain. Each air strike saves revolutionary fighters.

Do we have the luxury of refusing them? I encourage the comrades to debate it.

Then, the Rojavis know full well that this alliance is only temporary, the time to shoot 
down Daech. General YPG made a statement a few weeks ago that illustrates the situation of 
Rojava vis-a-vis the West: this alliance is doomed to disappear since the socialist 
project of Rojava can only enter into conflict with the Capitalist interests, of 
Westerners in the first place. It is not for nothing if NATO is so reluctant to provide 
another type of aid than air support and some special forces sent on the ground. As for 
the Democratic Party of Kurdistan (PDK, the half-conservative semi-conservative party of 
Barzani, the president of the KRG), it receives hundreds of millions of dollars, plus 
weapons and The equipment of all kinds, as well as military trainers, while its troops are 
far less effective on the ground than can YPG-YPJ. This is why the peshmergas (with some 
exceptions) constitute an additional enemy for the Rojava.

I must say that we must criticize the mistakes and mistakes we make here at Rojava. Every 
revolution has its flaws. I simply ask that the reality of the ground be taken into 
account before any hasty purist judgment.

What about the PKK?

Another of those famous secrets of Punch. Officially, there are no PKKs in Syria and 
Rojava. Just the YPG / YPJ.

To avoid any accusation of terrorism, I would simply say that without the PKK there would 
be no Rojava, but Daech would be much better off.

But the YPG-YPJ are only in Syria?

No, they are also in Iraq, and fortunately. Do you know the story of the Battle of 
Sengal[3]? This city of Iraqi Kurdistan is mainly populated by Yezidis, the minority most 
oppressed by Daech. Being in the Iraqi side, it was the Peshmergas, the soldiers of the 
GRK, who were responsible for its protection. Last year, the Islamic State was advancing 
en masse on this city. Shortly before Daech launched the offensive, the peshmerga flew 
quickly, leaving hundreds of thousands of civilians without any defense. What needs to be 
clarified is that the KRG soldiers had previously recovered all the weapons of the 
civilians by saying to them: "You will not need it, we take care to protect you. This is a 
perfect example of the state that seeks to disarm the people. The people of Sengal thus 
found themselves without soldiers or weapons.

Daech arrived and the massacre began. The Islamic state told the Sunnis in the city to 
write the word "sunni" on their doorstep, so that they would escape the massacre. It is 
thus that normally solidary neighbors have chosen to allow non-Sunnis to be killed en 
masse, without seeking to help them in any way. And despite calls for international aid, 
no one has responded, and Barzani and his peshmergas have refrained from providing any 
support. Daech had an anti-aircraft battery installed on a hill overlooking the city. They 
used it to shoot the civilians who were in the town. Sengal became one of its many martyr 

It is then that an old Yezidi, one of those old scowl that always seems to be making a 
mouth, took with him a knife, and crawled all night to the position of the anti-aircraft 
battery. He killed the three daechiens who guarded it.

A few days later, a senior general of the YPG arrived with only 7 soldiers. The YPG-YPJ 
then opened a corridor to pass reinforcements from the PKK, and together they began 
attacking the positions of Daech, who soon found himself in trouble. They took over the 
city, with limited armaments, and when they were ten times fewer.

They ordered the last peshmergas who were preparing to flee from the surrounding area 
(from rural areas that Daech had not yet attacked) to leave their weapons and equipment, 
telling them, "We will defend the city." And they did so, at the cost of many lives, while 
the enemy surpassed them in number and in weapons. What remained of Sengal was finally 
saved and Daech repulsed.

Now, a local army, the YBS , modeled on the YPG, defends the city, and is allied to the 
YPG-YPJ. The civilians who survived fled for many of them. Others live in tents, in the 
middle of the snow, on the outskirts of the city. They have no house left. Some remain, 
and try to resume a "normal life".

Barzani ordered the PKK to leave the area. The latter refused, supported by the civilian 
population. Barzani attempted the threat of an attack, unsuccessfully. The United States 
is also greatly disturbed by the presence of the YPGs and especially the PKK in Iraq.

What is the most significant moment you have lived through?

Perhaps the ceremony of homage to the martyrs (Kurdish Martyr says sehîd ). It must be 
understood that the figure of the martyr in the local culture is very important. The 
fallen revolutionary becomes a hero. Schools, parks, halls bear its name. People from 
France told me that there was something embarrassing and almost unhealthy in this culture 
of martyrdom. I am the first to admit it, but I admit to this rather hypocritical 
criticism when it comes from citizens who do not see any problem when it comes to school 
Jean-Jaurès, Salle Jean-Moulin, Rue Guy-Môquet.

Still, this ceremony was symbolically and humanly strong. We arrived after passing through 
the local HQ, which is a military complex located at the top of a large hill, which offers 
you a pretty impressive panorama.

The ceremony (the term is perhaps biased, there was no religious dimension in this homage) 
in itself was happening in the plain, a few kilometers at the foot of the snow-capped 
mountains. The site is recent, it is a cemetery built for fallen soldiers. Marble tombs 
line up several hundred meters, the most recent are only cinder blocks and are waiting to 
be covered with white marble tiles. A digger digs ahead of other graves at the back of the 
cemetery. A large new white building, circular, with several levels of Roman columns, 
stands on one side of the cemetery. There is an air of pantheon or Roman temple. Inside, 
faux wood pillars encircle a ceiling decorated with the rojavi star. This is somewhat 
reminiscent of the Soviet style. A little pompous perhaps, but harmonious. This building 
will serve as a martyrs' museum. Facing him, on the other side of the cemetery, stands the 
remains of an abandoned mosque.

In front of the cemetery, another building, smaller and rectangular, precedes a tribune 
where a long table stands. Behind her, several bereaved families. In front, officers 
YPG-YPJ. And in formation in front of the tribune, several hundred soldiers, lined up, and 
who repeat at the same time a precise military gesture. A sonorous truck that has nothing 
to envy the old vans of the CGT passes from Kurdish music, from different genres, from 
revolutionary rap to popular songs. There are close to a thousand people gathered there, 
many uniforms, YPG / YPJ, the Asayîs[4], members of the Syriac Military Council , 
self-defense units of the cities, and various other groups. Many civilians also, Muslims 
and Christians, Arabs, Kurds and Yezidis, and probably other minorities. Our presence is 
noticed, despite we wearing the YPG uniform. The aligned soldiers all turn their heads one 
after the other. We feel quickly embarrassed.

A general YPJ ends up on the platform, takes the microphone, and begins a long speech, 
without any written text with her. Does she recite or improvise? Hard to know with our 
very limited knowledge of the language. She finishes her speech, the fighters run past, 
and after fifteen minutes, soldiers and civilians go to the cemetery, to collect 
themselves on the graves of their relatives. We go there too.

In front of most of the tombs is the portrait of the deceased. A flag of his unit floats 
above. There is a majority of YPG-YPJ, many Asayîs, a few PKK, a HAT (special forces 
rojavis). The families sit against the graves, some in tears. We pass by, uncomfortable.

Around other graves group fighters, some smile and nod. We go up the alleys between the 
graves. We sometimes saw those of foreign volunteers, some with the same names of war as 
us. The civilians make a procession with bouquets of flowers. They hold flags with 
Öcalan's face, the sign of the PKK, that of the YPG-YPJ.

Around the site, pick-ups with machine guns mounted on turret patrol. Children wear the 
YPG-YPJ uniform. Teens hold Kalashnikovs. And Öcalan, all over Öcalan, not only on the 
flags, but also on the patches of uniforms, on portraits, on pins.

There are many points that deserve to be discussed and criticized in the rojavi society. 
The fringe of extreme left idealizing Rojava commits a political error almost as 
regrettable as the fringe which refuses to see the revolutionary socialist potentiality 
that this society carries. I'll come back to that later.

One of the dogs in the camp.
Have you had profound and / or violent disagreements with the YPGs or with other 

I had a few, but only one was violent. The latter concerned the treatment of puppies (we 
have 5 in the camp, with their mother and father). One of the volunteers, to whom we 
reproach several inadequate attitudes, amused himself by frightening the most cowardly 
puppy of the litter, whom I had succeeded in approaching. I threw a "T'es stupide" that 
put him in a rage, he threatened me, played the big arms (the virilism, this wound), and 
the next two days continued like that. The tekmîl [5]helped put things flat. Being a 
volunteer does not necessarily make you a good person, obviously. And being an antispecist 
in Rojava is far from obvious.

We also debated nationalism. The YPG-YPJ, like the PKK, now have a clear anti-nationalist 
line (although here again, in practice, it can be discussed). A volunteer defended 
"leftist nationalism", others "patriotism", me anti-nationalism, but most have come to 
concede that nationalism is a scourge, and that patriotism is a stage in it. If I were to 
paraphrase one of our commanders: "To have the love of the fatherland as a land where you 
live or have lived, to feel attachment is understandable. To believe in the superiority or 
the predominance of a territory because one feels connected, is the problem. "

The real disagreement arose between a volunteer, an expatriate Yezidi, the commander and 
myself. This volunteer, a former anarchist, claims to have become nationalist after seeing 
what Daech was doing to "his people", without any concrete steps being taken to protect 
the Yezidis. But debate, when the personal affect takes over, is delicate.

You're talking about "pathological cases," examples?

There are those people I've talked about, who come above all to ask. It's astounding, they 
take Rambo photos, with this fantasy of the weapon, and publish them on their personal 
Facebook, face-to-face. They do not seek anonymity, but rather to attract attention, to be 
admired. And after they tchatchent all the girls they can, accepting profiles they do not 
know just because they like the pictures ... The Kurds have warned us that MIT[6]was a lot 
that, create profiles "Joking girls" to hang the Western volunteers. And of course, there 
are those who do not care about common sense and security. The worst thing is that these 
posters have mostly no military experience, know nothing about weapons or war (which is 
far from being a defect, of course), but they act as if, Fantasizing themselves, project 
themselves as a warrior. These are usually the same ones who do not actually know how to 
handle a weapon and accumulate dangerous behaviors. The narcissism emerges, it disgusts 

In the well-ravaged genre, we met an American volunteer who has been here for several 
months, and who says that it was God who put a weapon in his hands and sent him to fight 
here. The kind of character you can easily find ... at our enemy. There are also these 
mercenaries, who come to fight here to train (after all, who cares about the death of a 
jihadist?) And add credibility to their resume. These contractors are often former 
military. I met one who clearly had a past of facho (these tattoos leave little room for 
doubt), and seems to keep some remains (his tee-shirts too). And yet, he loves the 
revolution rojavi, supports the Kurds knowing that they are socialists / communists, 
sympathized with antifas volunteers (recognizing that initially the relationship with them 
was tense).

It is surprising to see the diversity of wildlife specific to war. It is a microsystem of 
its own, a biodiversity of armed conflict. What is certain is that Capitalism is always 
doing as well, if not better. The business of war is extraordinarily cynical. I will focus 
on this in a future message.

The climate? The landscape?

Winter is not the best time to discover the region, for sure, but summer is perhaps even 
worse (having a combat vest and 30 kilos of equipment under 40 ° C, I'm not Not hurry to 
know that).

Still, it's cold, especially during our night watch tours. The wind is an insidious enemy. 
But at least thanks to the climate, we escape for the moment most insects, only the 
centipedes sometimes pose us problem (here they are often enormous, and dangerous).

It rarely rains, in general the sky is clear, which allows us to admire the stars at night 
(also thanks to the few artificial lights in the surroundings).

The landscape is desert, without being, in geographical terms, a desert. Almost no 
vegetation exceeds 15 centimeters. Our whole area is undulating, we are surrounded by a 
vast plain. Everywhere of the derricks, these great balancers who aspire incessantly its 
oil to the earth. The closer you get to it, the more the smell fills your nose, and clings 
to you. It is therefore understandable that this territory is also of strategic 
importance. However, the embargo on the country prevents the Rojava from exporting the 
least liter. Production therefore serves entirely domestic consumption. In the present 
war, possessing such resources is a definite advantage.

Do you have a quick political account to make?

 From what I've seen so far, is the Rojava, the Middle East, an undeniably progressive 
territory . Is the whole society socialist? Not yet. A petty bourgeoisie still lives, but 
she feels that her time is short. I may get carried away, but we can have good hopes as to 
the revolutionary future of Rojava. Already the great bourgeoisie which controlled the 
towns fled before the YPG-YPJ advance, leaving large unoccupied houses (which for several 
were collectivized) and bringing the workers of the factories and factories to do without 
big bosses. The petty bourgeoisie has tried to regain political power left vacant, the 
PYD[7]the confiscated it, gave it to the "people." This petty bourgeoisie still has some 
economic power, and as the Kurdish comrades recognize, it will take years to change that.

It is in the social measures that have been taken that we can see the beginning of change: 
all inhabitants are guaranteed to have housing if they do not have one. For this, the PYD 
redistributed several secondary houses owned by the bourgeoisie. Similarly, no one dies of 
hunger in Rojava, the community makes sure to provide those who can not afford to eat. 
This "social contract", which we revolutionaries, so rightly describe, at least guarantees 
social peace between ethnic groups and religious communities. The death penalty has been 
abolished, crimes against ethnic and religious minorities and against women and children 
are no longer tolerated, violence against animals is prohibited. These are just a few 
examples, far from being revolutionary for us, but they have to be placed in the local 
context. And as the YPG say: "We must conquer minds and hearts in order to implement our 
revolutionary program as a whole. By going too fast, we make sure to alienate a large part 
of the people, the Arab populations in the first place, and we want to build society with 
them. Again, I encourage our community to debate this issue.

An update on the military situation?

To tell the truth, we are at a crucial moment in the war. The direct offensive on Raqqa 
has not really begun. The battle of Raqqa is divided into 3 phases. For the time being 
(less than two months), it is above all a question of encircling the city from the north 
and north-west to the Euphrates, in order to cut to the Islamic State a quarter of its 
outer territory Around Raqqa. The second phase consists of taking the surrounding villages 
and pushing back the forces of the IE, in particular by advancing through the East. We are 
only 20 to 30 kilometers away from Raqqa. The frontal offensive will not be long.

The IE launches operations against our advanced posts, 10 days ago it made 3 simultaneous 
attempts to drive our lines, without success. Comrades fell, but the EI was pushed back. 
The latter multiplies the nocturnal missions, the majority of the attacks that it launches 
being included between midnight and 5 in the morning. A comrade of the International 
Battalion was killed in one of these attacks. But it is clear that the IE is losing the 
war. And like every animal cornered, it is there that it becomes the most dangerous.

At the same time, the YPG-YPJ confront the Turkish forces that attacked them, especially 
in Manbij. Let's face it, the Turkish state, that is the real enemy . The troops on the 
ground which it deploys are daily more numerous. The bombing he is carrying out is 
intensifying. Foreign volunteers were killed by some of these bombings (comrades Robin and 

Our situation is therefore not the most enviable. In the north, the Turkish fascist state, 
an important member of NATO, and therefore untouchable on the international scene. To the 
south, these great philanthropists of Daech. To the west, Assad the humanist who protects 
his people by crushing him under the bombs and squads of death, and always Daech. To the 
east, Barzani and his peshmergas, sold in the US and NATO. The latter will let go of the 
YPGs as soon as Raqqa is taken, perhaps even before. And Russia continues its bombing on 
all the enemies of the Syrian regime, ie on us too. And I will spare you this time the 
detail of all the groups that are currently fighting on Syrian soil, but I will try for 
the next time to give you a topo on the military and paramilitary forces that are present 
in Syria.

Believe me, our enemies are numerous.

I will nevertheless finish this message with a poetic and positive consideration.

The martyrs cemetery, on the grave of a young YPJ, this sentence was written: "Our victory 
comes not from the number of enemies we kill, but the number of people we save. "

Stock Photo Cc Kurdish Struggle

[1]MIT: MIT: Turkish intelligence services .

[2]Bakur: North Kurdistan or Turkish Kurdistan.

[3]Sengal: Sinjar, in French.

[4]Asayîs: Assayech in French.

[5]The Tekmîl says the author in a previous message is a "Meeting to discuss and 
criticize. Criticism is not to be taken as in the West. Here, it aims to progress. If one 
has a reproach to address to a comrade, it is said to him in public, and he can explain, 
self-criticize or defend himself. There is of course a substantial work to do on his ego 
before fully adhere to the principle of tekmil. The YPGs and YPJs, like the other Kurdish 
groups of revolutionary guerrillas, do it every week. "

[6]MIT: Turkish intelligence services.

[7]PYD: Democratic Union Party .



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