Today's Topics:
1. Germany, The International Committee of FAU: May 1, 2017:
The work struggle knows no boundaries!n (de, it)
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #270 - Economy: Platforms:
for capital, it's all good! (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Trade unionism,
Librarians vs austerity: a call from Grenoble for the Paris Book
Fair by AL Grenoble (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. Britain, glasgow anarchists: Glasgow Events Rachel Corrie
open-mic and singalong. Volunteering at WestGAP and much more.
5. Greece, anarchist group "restive horse" APO - Patra:
Progress against the border, the war and the modern
TOTALITARIANISM (gr) [machine translation]
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #270 - Against racism,
Theo: A political assessment of the riots (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
7. International anarchist and libertarian book fair, Florence
(Italy) (
Message: 1
The International Committee of the FAU calls for, as of 1 May 2017, to focus on solidarity
with migrants who, like us, are workers, but as migrant workers, Are particularly
vulnerable to current political conditions and are exposed to capitalist exploitation.
---- Call for participation in the action day - 1 May 2017 ---- There is no limit to the
work! ---- If the signs of the times do not lie, we are at the beginning of a stage of a
populism, as we have not experienced it in the last decades. The exploitation of the
arbeters and the excluded is preceded by nationalist and racist precedents, which incite
people against each other. Against the project of a world full of new walls on the
frontiers and heads, we need a project that is able to break down all the walls and make
links between us workers, to organize solidarity and mutual aid in their place. We no
longer have time to cultivate the divisive - instead, we want to seek the connecting among
us in the struggle for better living conditions and fight for a world without exploitation
and domination in the sense of anarchosyndicalism.
The FAU calls on all individuals, collectives, grass-roots organizations and other social
initiatives to participate in the International Day of Action on Work and Migration. On
May 1, we would like to express class solidarity with migrants by mobilizing
transnationally against the dominant xenophobia, racism and nationalism, which are the
weapons of the state and capital. A consistent struggle against racism also means for us a
struggle against the capitalist system, which is based on extreme inequalities and is
dependent on social divisions to maintain them.
Workers who are particularly affected by exploitation and deprivation of rights are in our
society migrants, who suffer from illegal employment, bullying or forced labor because of
the racist immigration policy. Especially in the catering, cleaning and construction
sectors, with a low degree of organization or without trade union organization, they have
hardly any opportunities to fight against the increasing precariousness of working
conditions. The established social partnership trade unions show only limited interest in
organizing (illegal) migrants or supporting them in the fight for bad habits and legal
obstacles. On the contrary, their focus on the basic occupations and the national economic
logic of the city deepened the social divisions.
It is necessary to counter solidarity and self-organization with these grievances - as in
the case of our colleagues from Romania who were exploited on the construction site of the
shopping center Mall of Berlin under scandalous working and living conditions, betrayed
and threatened by wages: the organization in the FAU and the joint The Berlin shopping
mall "Mall of Shame" was baptized and became the symbol of migrant exploitation in
Germany. In this way, we were able to answer the social climate of the agitation
especially against migrant workers from South-Eastern Europe with an example of successful
resistance. Also in the current efforts to oblige refugees to work underpaid, we see a
union of exclusion and lowering of labor standards, which consequently affects all workers
negatively. As a class of workers, we should resist solidarity here and fight not only for
the freedom of movement of all people, but also against racially legitimate exploitation.
There is no limit to the work!
In the tradition of May 1, we call for solidarity with migrant workers to protest against
the precarious working conditions, against capitalist exploitation, against the racist
border regime. No matter what form these protests take - strike, rally, information
campaign, event, performance; Whether local or regional; Regardless of whether the worker,
the unemployed, the student, the retiree, the migrant or the refugee, is important for the
possibility of organizing against exploitation. Only with international solidarity and
with cross-border trade union practice can we resist capitalism. Join us to carry out a
joint day of action for the 1st May under the slogan "The Struggle knows no boundaries!".
Together, we will build bridges where other walls would be built.
The International Committee of FAU
PS If you have any questions, please contact us. We are open to all ideas, suggestions and
comments or alternatives. We will be happy to receive any feedback on participation in the
action day: mai2017 [a]
Message: 2
New "collaborative" digital platforms open up new horizons of profits for capitalists ...
and increased exploitation for workers. ---- In July 2016, the bankruptcy of Take eat easy
(TEE) was the culprits of the main press, which, after defending this new "collaborative"
economy, found itself again - surprised by a failure, So difficult to predict[1]. What
does this sector of the digital economy teach us about new capitalist strategies? ---- It
is important first of all to contextualize this bankruptcy in the panorama of the general
overvaluation of technological enterprises by capital. Companies with a strong
technological component have a very clear ability to raise very large capital, whereas
their real profitability is far from being achieved. This makes them risk, more or less
quickly, to enter into crisis when investors want to claim their due. The technological
leap forward, in search of profit, has itself against the backdrop of capitalism's
inability to identify a stable model of accumulation since the crisis of the Fordist
system. It is therefore necessary to go beyond the mystification of technological novelty
in order to discover the real dynamics that are playing.
An actor who is disrupting market share
These societies in the so-called "collaborative" economy attempt to colonize a series of
sectors with low profit margins (as in the case of Uber), or which were not even
autonomous fractions of capital. For example, before platforms like Take eat easy or
Deliveroo, meal delivery was not a stand-alone area compared to restaurants. This new
sector first of all makes a profit from the catering sector, since the majority of the
profit is not borne by the customer (who only pays a small flat-rate cost of about 2.50
Euros), but by the restaurant which sacrifices its own profit on the delivery made by the
specialized company. In this sense,
But the others are nevertheless forced to sign their Faustian contract with TEE and others
because the loss of visibility in the absence of their sign on these platforms would
condemn them to a significant loss of income. This pushes producers (restaurateurs) to
further rationalize their production and sales processes, and to maximize profits to
recover their margins.
Thus, the heart of the technological advance in terms of the overall valuation of the
capital of these companies is the rationalization of production and delivery. On the one
hand, they oblige restaurants to be the fastest in their preparation times and, on the
other hand, they require to be able to predict the exact time of preparation of an order,
because the software must be able to geolocate the Courier or courier that can go to point
A (restaurant) and point B (customer). This system theoretically allows to cover a maximum
of deliveries with a minimum fleet of couriers. This "modernization" also involves a
unification of the market, horizontal unification because it puts in competition all the
restaurants of a city without geographical limits,
The possibility of optimizing production flows is based on the gray zones of labor law in
the Horeca sector (hotels, restaurants and cafés): a precarious workforce, often working
outside Legitimacy and where unionization is practically nil. Even if the delivery
companies are not "directly incriminating" here, we can only observe that flirting with
legality is an integral part of these new sectors. They evolve into the flaws or margins
of labor law. The contract of employment between the couriers and bicycle riders and the
delivery companies shows how the latter, concealed behind a contract of independent, are
beyond any responsibility. Once consolidated, These societies are not meant to remain in
these shady areas but rather to weigh the weight they have acquired to change labor law
and legalize the situation they have imposed de facto. They create new loopholes in which
other sectors of capital may be engulfed.
Nevertheless, the profitability of the restaurants mentioned above is often insufficient
to reach the break-even point. The objective is therefore to reach a monopoly in a market,
firstly to make a profit (gradually overwhelming the salaries of couriers and couriers,
which are more attractive at the outset in fixing the workforce) and , On the other hand,
in order to be able to increase the prices paid by customers who are being delivered.
When conquering a market, the company is dependent on two elements: its financial reserves
(and / or its ability to raise funds in the markets), and its communication. Communication
is the cornerstone of the business strategy and expansion of these companies. They must
construct an image in the direction of four different actors:
- Investors who must advance the funds to a company with precarious profits as we have seen.
- The restaurants that have to convince to participate in the platform and thus sacrifice
a part of their income
- Drivers who have to be forced to consent to very precarious working conditions
- Customers to order via their platform.
We can therefore understand the importance for management of building a narrative and an
image that can meet these requirements. The failure of TEE compared to its competitors
(supported more directly by investment funds) came rather from the financial side and from
the inability to raise new funds.
It is also understandable that the only viable strategy for these companies is to employ a
minimum paid labor force, by imposing contracts of the independent type (or
self-entrepreneur in France) to couriers and couriers, and by paying socialized wages. The
recruitment strategies of this workforce bear witness to this: it is a young public that
is targeted, preferably with a student status (to benefit from the reductions of
contributions and to reduce the salary); The activity of courier must only be
complementary to another, which justifies a very great flexibility in the organization
(schedules, working conditions, remuneration), and which is also meant to discourage
collective organization in order to improve Such a secondary activity. In the facts, For
some the activity of deliveryman is the only one exercised, which crucially changes their
relationship to work. Finally, the disparity of contracts (student or non-student status,
main or secondary courier activity) also hampers collective action.
These considerations apply to TEE's workforce, where 1,200 runners are catered for by 150
positions in the commercial, logistics, software development, service and other functions.
This time positions in permanent contracts, high qualifications and good remuneration.
These employees are often considered as an integral part of management.
New sources of valuation
What are the lessons to be learned from this review of the high-tech distribution sector?
First, a company can raise several hundred million euros even before making any profit or
even that its business model has demonstrated its viability. This reveals the crisis
situation in which global capital finds itself, desperately seeking new sources of
Secondly, the public statements of the founders of Take eat easy express a real detachment
from the failure of their company, which reveals their deep cynicism: they talk about the
end of a beautiful story while putting several thousand Of people at the door (some of
whom will not even be paid for their last month of work). Thirdly, if such societies find
a workforce adapted to their needs, it is the consequence of different attacks on
non-employment pay (student allowances, scholarships, unemployment, etc.) which undermine
the living conditions of Future.the couriers.
Fourth, one of the most important elements to highlight in our analysis is the use of
technology. First, it is used, as we have seen, to rationalize the production process of a
sector that was previously quite independent of global capital and its new methods of
valorisation, but is above all a way of And to integrate this autonomous fraction into the
overall capital and thereby modernize a relatively backward sector of capital.
These different platforms therefore clearly represent one of the sectors at the forefront
of current capital reforms. This sector must therefore be at the center of the attention
and analysis of revolutionaries if they want to intervene and block the work of
undermining the conditions of workers beyond even these platforms.
AL Brussels
[1]This article was originally published on the site of AL Brussels (August 2016).
Message: 3
While at the national level Grenoble enjoys an "alternative" image in the course of press
articles touting the management of the city by the ecologists and the PG, the elected
locally impose austerity ... And close among other libraries. On March 24, the struggle
that lasted for ten months in Grenoble is exported to Paris, and plans to make the book
fair a new forum for struggle and a space for convergence. ---- See you soon 10 months of
struggle and action, the bus chartered by the intersyndicale (South CT, CNT, FO and CGT)
and the collective librarians in struggle from Grenoble to the Paris Book Fair, March 24,
2017 , announces a deserved bang and a new stage in the fight against the closure of three
public libraries of Grenoble, and multiple austéritaires measures imposed in June 2016 by
the municipal majority EELV-PG-Ensemble and environmentalist mayor Eric Piolle ( Among
other things: closures of three libraries, two houses of the inhabitants, abolition of
posts with non-replaced retirements, reduction of school health services, assistance to
the elderly, etc.).10 months since the announcement - without consultation and without
preliminary - of a plan of breakage at a press conference that confirms the reformist
impasse of the "municipal alternative Grenoble" .
In the wake of the mobilizations against labor law, it is a new endurance race that has
begun as strikes (9 days since June 2016, including days with strikers rate to 90% for
libraries! ) Invasions of municipal councils , trade union actions or collectives of
inhabitants, and the work of critical response to the media and communication rhetoric of
the mayor and the elders of the majority justifying the unjustifiable. The unwavering
determination of the librarians and the very favorable echo of their struggle with the
population of the agglomeration made it the leading engine of the global mobilization
against the whole plan of breakage.
Cc Jean Claverie
Simple and clear demands for a moratorium and to keep equipment and teams in the state,
supported in particular by an official petition has already collected 4,000 signatures to
the town increased the political maneuvers to impose closures, up to A few weeks
previously, the mobilization of the inhabitants and trade union representatives that had
blocked the attempt of the elected officials, To empty the site "in a hurry " to put those
who do not resign themselves to the "fait accompli".A logic of dismantling the work tool
and the public service that resonated locally very strangely with the Ecopla affair , on
which nevertheless the mayor Eric Piolle had allowed himself to write a press release
supporting the takeover in Scop and denouncing the maneuvers Robbery of machines in secret
attempted by the Italian company Cuki-Cofresco.
The local dynamics of a global struggle against austerity and its consequences, the
dynamics of librarians in Grenoble, confronted with the silence of a part of the
institutional actors of the craft dredged by municipal communication, thus breaks through
the media wall, And the same day, a notice of strike was issued for the agents who
remained in Grenoble. Thanks to the support of the inter-union movement but also by using
participatory financing , librarians, whether unionized or not, finance a bus and make a
call (below), which was first relayed by a part of the collectives or organizations of the
movement Socially active in the cultural field ,
Little by little, this call to convergence becomes audible and provokes reactions and
wills to aggregate , because what is pointed, beyond the conjuncture Grenoble, is the
austerity and antisocial tendency at all scales. In 2017, the Paris Book Fair will also be
a political space for criticism, contestation, and defense of common goods as the
appointment given will be taken and held. It appears that it thus wins to be widely
announced, and this is the purpose of this text.
More generally, the confrontation of its contradictions of the town hall "red-green" on a
more national scale well beyond the city of Grenoble is beneficial. In mid-March, the city
of Grenoble organized its "biennale of cities in transition" (see the very good critical
contribution of the UD Solidaires Isère on this subject), sponsored by private companies
and organized jointly with a business school, The symmetrical initiatives of the social
movement - of which organizations also pay the price of municipal choices - such as the
march for the right to housing "requisitioning" show another path of political
reappropriation of the immediate stakes and democratic life, Not in the managerial and
communication rut, But which, on the other hand, is difficult to gather together and
beyond the usual circles of activists. The exemplary struggle of libraries also underlines
it: no matter the labels and the media reputations constructed by the elected
representatives, only count the facts and the intentionalities , And responsibilities are
established in acts. The only counter-power remains the social movement.
Alternative Libertaire Grenoble
Librarians in struggle: all in Paris on March 24, 2017!
We, librarians of Grenoble, supported by the inter-union CGT-FO-SUD-CNT, have been
struggling since June 2016. This fight follows the announcement of the closure of three
neighborhood libraries and the suppression Of 13 posts.
These closures, in the context of an austerity plan put in place by the municipality of
Grenoble, come to strike a network of exemplary libraries in more ways than one. Faced
with an unprecedented attack on our profession, our jobs and the values of the public
service, we are fighting against those choices which we consider to be deleterious and
which, as we loudly assert, undermine the democratic ideal. We reject the budgetary
choices that, in Grenoble, dispossess the popular districts of their library, and put the
cost of austerity on the most disadvantaged.
At a time when social fragmentation is gaining ground, where withdrawal into oneself and
mistrust of the other gangrene each day a little more our common destiny, closing
libraries is, in our opinion, showing itself Blind or complicit in the disintegration of
society. For what establishes the library is its incarnation of the principle of equality.
It is still one of the last places open to all where the learning of living together and
citizenship is played out. Working actively to reduce the inequalities, it remains the
preferred instrument of the project of cultural democratization.
Convinced of the social utility of our profession, of the importance of its educational
and emancipatory role, we are firmly determined to defend it at the national level by
organizing the transfer of a delegation of librarians to the Salon du Livre de Paris On
the one hand, to the Ministry of Civil Service on the other hand, to demand the means to
exercise a public service of proximity and quality. Noting that the libraries in Grenoble
are not the only ones that are under attack and that other French libraries are struggling
with similar difficulties, we call on all public reading professionals to join our
struggle to demand the preservation and Valuation of an engagement business.
If you, too, refuse to be sacrificed to a purely accounting logic of society, if you also
refuse the dark cuts in the numbers, the restructuring, the deterioration of working
conditions, dismantling and commodification Of the common good, if you too are outraged by
the steamroller of fiscal austerity, let's join us on March 24 in Paris.
To follow us and know the different appointments, our facebook:
Message: 4
On Thursday one of our members (actually this week's autonomy update compiler, hi!) is
holding an event to celebrate the life and dreams of Rachel Corrie, a peace activist
killed in Gaza in 2003 whilst defending a Palestinian home from the Israeli army. We'll be
building community, singing, eating, laughing and crying together. We have performances of
celebration and resistance from around the world, including Scottish, Jewish and
Palestinian songs. And we'll collectively sing progressive songs including some
antifascist favourites. ---- The Glasgow-University-Anarchist-Student-Group have organised
a protest on Thursday (before the singalong, so come to both!) about Milo's candidature
for the rectorship election. Far from being a "free speech" defender, he has already
promised to close down the Uni Islamic Society if elected, and previously used a public
talk to target a trans student - outing and mocking her from the stage
Have a good week y'all.
WestGAP looking for volunteers
Volunteer at WestGAP!
We are a collectively run welfare rights anti-poverty organisation in Cessnock. Many of us
have experienced the brutality of the benefits system ourselves.
We're looking for people to help us to fight benefits sanctions and the horrendous
disability and health assessments. We need help with a variety of activities, from giving
advice and support to welfare claimants, making links with other groups, public events and
generating and distributing information. We organise training and skills-sharing and
prioritise collective working, well-being and fun! If you can spare half a day a week get
in touch:
Unity World Cafe/Food bank
Tuesdays, (21st, 28th March etc) - 1200-1400
GAS, Tradeston Industrial Estate G5 8
The Unity World Café is a friendly, safe place, welcoming destitute asylum seekers and
anyone else in need of some lunch and a chat. Run by volunteers on a shoestring budget, it
offers tea and cake and free food to take home; every Tuesday at GAS.
Arabic/English exchange
Tuesdays, (21st, 28th March etc) - 1800-2000
GAS, Tradeston Industrial Estate G5 8
Come and join us for the Unity* Arabic/English language exchange!
It is a conversation class where people can learn Arabic and Arabic speakers can
learn/improve their English and get to know each other in a supportive environment - an
environment where English is not put on a pedestal and everyone is learning.
The class started as a response to the limited spaces for people to study ESOL at college.
Many are on waiting lists for many many months, so we wanted to act together so people
could practice their English in the mean time.
Anyone of any level can attend. We also urgently need more English speakers!
An organisation called Arika has given us some money to provide travel expenses for those
that could not attend the class otherwise, but this money is running out. Please help if
you can:
Come on down!
*The Unity Centre has been open almost 10 years and offers
unconditional support and solidarity to asylum seekers and all other migrants
Protest Against alt-right candidates at Glasgow Uni Rector elections
16th March. 5pm. Assemble at the main gates.
We are organising a demonstration on the 16th March to coincide with the hustings taking
place at the University of Glasgow for the position of rector. We have called for this
action to protest the nominations of Milo Yiannopoulos and Professor Jordan Peterson for
rector of the university.
The University of Glasgow is one of five Scottish universities that elect a rector to
represent students as chairman of the university court, which administers university
resources. The rector is also expected to bring student concerns to the university
management. So far, the position of rector has been largely ceremonial, it has important
powers should they be utilized and is very prestigious. Given that both these men's views
are in direct conflict with University's Equality and Diversity policy
), they would not make suitable rectors.
Milo Yiannopoulos is a Trump-supporting alt-right troll who recently became infamous for
his comments supporting paedophilia. He has written numerous articles for Breitbart and
made comments attacking foreign students, women in science, the LGBTQI+ community
(transgender students in particular), and anyone who disagrees with him. His views put him
in direct opposition with many parts of the Equality and Diversity police, including, for
example, the commitment to increase the number of women in senior academic roles. He has
repeatedly used speeches on University campuses to target students, and encouraged his
followers to harass them.
Professor Jordan Peterson has angered many students at the University of Toronto for his
refusal to use gender-neutral pro-nouns and his attacks on members of the campus community
who use them. Addressing people by their chosen pronoun is clearly stated in University policy
and thus Peterson's position directly breaches it.
We will be protesting not only to show that these views are not welcome on our campus, but
also that we will stand in solidarity with and support those members of our community that
these views target. To be clear, we do not equate Jordan Peterson with the fascist troll
Yiannopoulos; however, both represent to varying degrees the intolerant trope, currently
on the rise in the West, of privileged voices that seek to silence and oppress others. In
addition, both have expressed views that are diametrically opposed to the University's
Equality Policy.
This is not a limitation on free speech, as both nominees have ample opportunity to spread
their bigotry elsewhere. As they are ‘free' to spout their venomous views from positions
of privilege and power, we are also ‘free' to protest them.
The University has refused to remove Milo Yiannopoulos and Jordan Peterson from the
nomination despite their standing in stark opposition to their own Equality and Diversity
policy. By claiming ‘neutrality' over this issue, the University refuses to guarantee the
safety of its own students and ridicules its proclaimed ‘inclusive' credentials. We will
be demonstrating to show our discontent and that there are some who will not tolerate the
continuing spread of hatred towards vulnerable groups.
We call on students and the wider Glasgow community to join us at 17:00 on March 16th, at
the University main gate and help us to show the university that we will not tolerate
fascism and hatred to be spread on our campus.
For more information please contact:
Event page:
Celebrate Rachel Corrie's life with Open Mic & Communal Singing
Thursday 16th March - 1800-2200
Glasgow Autonomous Space.
Address details:
Rachel Corrie was an American peace activist killed in Gaza in 2003 by Israeli forces
whilst she was defending a Palestinian home from demolition. She has become a symbol of
hope and solidarity for many, but to me she was a friend and awesome human being taken
from us too early because of the ravages of war, borders and racism that kill millions
I want to celebrate her life with something she would have loved - building community and
celebrating the diversity and richness of Glasgow with songs and performances and sharings
from all over the world. In direct opposition to racism and divisions, let us enjoy and
celebrate each other's roots and be an active part of creating a culture that supports and
nurtures us all and our dreams and works for a decent world.
Songs from Palestine! Jewish songs of resistance to Nazism and anti zionism! Egyptian
compere! Scottish folk! Bring songs, poems, jokes and food to share. Readings from
Rachel's own words. Everyone gently encouraged to participate in a supportive environment.
Doesn't have to be your own composition - sing/read/perform/or even just tell a joke that
tickles you. The important thing is that we come together to relish our diversity and
Feel free to invite anyone who will appreciate and participate.
Unity Herbal Clinic
Saturday, 18th March - 0800-1700
Glasgow Autonomous Space
Address details:
The Unity Herbal Collective was set up in response to restricted access to healthcare for
people without papers. We run a free clinic for people in the aslyum process and their
allies. Our collective is made up of qualified & lay herbalists, grass roots campaigners
and people in the asylum process.
Our politics are aligned with the Unity Centre, and No Borders.
Contact:, phone - 07821202134
No website or facebook.
Smut Slam
Monday, March 20
The Rum Shack (657-659 Pollokshaws Rd, Glasgow G41 2AB)
So good, it's coming back for Round 2: SMUT SLAM.
This fast-paced storytelling open mic based on real life, real lust, real sex is back for
another blast of Smut. The theme for this SMUT SLAM is "EPIC FAIL". Tell us the times when
things really,
spectacularly didn't work. We've all been there, and we'll be there again.
Created and hosted by professional touring perv Cameryn Moore, the Smut Slam features
real-life, first-person sex stories, guest stories from our panel of celebrity judges, and
also THE FUCKBUCKET, a convenient and funnily named receptacle for all your anonymous
questions and confessions!
****SEXY PRIZES, including prizes from Luke & Jack and an NJOY stainless-steel toy!
SMUT SLAMMERS sign up on the night to tell a 5-minute dirty story, based on their real
lives, and a lucky eight to ten names will be drawn at random.
RULES: - no notes (this is storytelling) - no costumes or props (this is not theatre) -
only five minutes (with a one-minute grace period) AND - the story must be real and have
happened to you. Stories often are funny and/or epic win, but we want to encourage people
to consider sharing their sad, disturbing, poignant, serious, simple and/or "fail"
experiences, too.
IMPORTANT: Smut Slam is queer-friendly, kink- and vanilla-friendly, fat-friendly, sex
worker-friendly, virgin-friendly, poly-friendly, ... we're really, really friendly. We
welcome people with all types and amounts of sexual experiences. We DO NOT welcome stories
involving racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of discrimination,
objectification, or fetishization. All stories must be CONSENSUAL!
NOT A SMUT SLAMMER? Don't worry. The audience is in for a good time at SMUT SLAM! Sit back
and enjoy. All we ask is: - No interrupting. - No heckling. - No necking in the front row.
Doors open at 7:30pm, and the smut starts slamming at 8. Admission is £8/door, 18 and over
SMUT SLAM is CREATED by Cameryn Moore, an award-winning
playwright/performer, sex activist and educator, and former phone sex operator. When not
performing or actually having sex herself, Cameryn writes Sidewalk Smut: custom
type-written pornography as street performance and literary art. Find Cameryn being NSFW
on Facebook, or at
The Workers Theatre Launch Party
Thursday, 23rd March - 1900-2300
Govanhill Baths, 99 Calder Street, G42 7RA
We are launching The Workers Theatre, a co-operative venue for liberating art!
Join us for our launch party extravaganza - starting as we mean to go on with the very
best of Scottish theatre, performance, spoken word and music.
Hot on the heels of Megaphone, our massively successful Kickstarter campaign to fund three
residencies for artists of colour - - this mega party will be the beginning of something
exciting: entertaining, radical, and accessible art committed to the liberation of all people!
7pm: Doors open
8-9.30: Performances
10-11pm: Music
Entry by donation, sliding scale, suggested £4 on an average wage
First chance to buy sparkling Workers Theatre merch, badges and tees!
Govanhill Theatre is the company based at the beautiful Govanhill Baths, and has staged
over 40 plays and performances there since moving there in 2012. They are currently
producing a new production of "My Name is Rachel Corrie".
Black Doves are a cabaret pop band taking inspiration from new wave, synthpop, 60s pop
music and glam rock. ‘Downward Spiral' from our forthcoming album ‘An Introduction To
Queer Theory' is out now! Watch the music video here:
Mamoru Iriguchi is a multimedia performance maker who originally trained as a zoologist!
He's interested in 2D and 3D, liveness and pre-recorded-ness, gender and sexuality,
fairytales and evolution theories.
Rebecca Green is an artist working in spoken word, live art, painting, writing, craft and
participation. She uses humour and surreality to play with love, instinct and sentiment,
always with a wicked and sincere wink.
Tawona Seeds OfThought grew up with the oral tradition of spoken word and music from
Zimbabwe, now living in Glasgow and sharing his heritage. Using these influences, he has
developed a contemporary style, through mbira, spoken word, creative writing and
drama.Trying to link cultures together, he sees creative expression as a
celebration, and building of positive self-esteem.
The Workers Theatre is a new project to create a co-operatively owned and managed theatre
in Scotland. We're launching with residencies, collaborations and pop-up events, working
towards opening a new venue. Our work will be guided by our Manifesto for a Workers
Theatre, and will always be run on democratic co-operative principles.
GLITCH Film Festival 2017
Welcome to GLITCH 2017!
We are a glitch in the system
Our lives deny the lies
Our complexity is dissent
We fight for love
GLITCH Film Festival will run 24 March - 1st April 2017 @ the CCA.
We provide an international platform for film and art created by queer/LGBTIQA+ people of
GLITCH is back with Black queer vampires, taboo sex, carnival, radical gangs, fevered
dreams, trans activism, cruising, pregnant drag queens, butches, Queering Bollywood,
violence and self-defence, gay hanky codes, gay chorus groups, femmes, ovas, Inuit lives
and taking the world by storm!
We're bringing a visual feast of UK and Scottish premieres from around the world spanning
features, documentaries, short film, artists moving image, directors Q&As, panel
discussions, performance art and an exhibition.
See our programme 24 March - 1 April 2017
Access: We're passionate that the arts be accessible to all so entry to GLITCH is free!
All events are wheelchair accessible. Most - if not all - of the films will be subtitled &
all live events[apart from M.Lamar]will have BSL. Induction loops also available throughout.
Gender neutral toilets present for duration of the festival.
Thank you to our amazing funders, partners and volunteers for making this possible.
With our trailblazing programme focus on films by or about LGBTIQA+ people of colour we
continue to empower our participation in film & amplify our voices and visions.
Watch, share, experiment, talk & party!!
Tweet us @GlitchFilmFest + Facebook us
March for Gaza
25th March. 2pm. George Square
Glasgow Anti-Fascist Action (GAFA) will be doing a march in solidarity with the
Palestinian people highlighting the occupation on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli government
highlighting the thousands of deaths caused by the Israeli government.
The March will start from George square then down Buchanan street then along to the BBC
then back to George square
Protest the ‘White Pride March' in Edinburgh
Shamefully, on 25th of March a ‘White Pride March' has been called in Edinburgh.
There is no pride in racism. There is no pride in fascism. There is no pride in white
We must stand up to fascism whenever and wherever it occurs.
The racists plan to meet at 1pm Market Street entrance of Waverley Station and then go to
the Covenanters memorial grassmarket for 1:30pm.
So, we shall meet them at Waverley and stop them even getting to the memorial.
Join us in standing up to these abhorrent views and making it clear that we welcome people
of all races and from different backgrounds here in Scotland.
autonomyupdate compiler
* eg
involvement of the SWP in UAF and in general UAF's despicable behaviour at antifascist
mobilisations towards autonomous antifascists is beyond the scope of this update as I want
to get it out at some point! But google should help you.]
GAS Open Day
Sunday, 26th March 1200-2000
Glasgow Autonomous Space
On the last Sunday of every month, GAS will be open to relax, enjoy
music, food and a film together!
Our Voices Unified // Sisters Uncut Glasgow
Thursday, 30th March - 1800-2000
The Pearce Institute, 840-860 Govan Road, Govan G51 3UU
Women's services and rights are too frequently used as a political
pawn, Sisters Uncut Glasgow exists to stop politicians & bureaucrats
from treating women's rights as a bargaining chip and aims to protect,
maintain and increase women's rights and services in Glasgow, holding
council and government to account.
Ahead of the Glasgow City Council local elections on 4 May 2017, and
against a global backdrop of austerity politics and rising
government-sanctioned fascism, Sisters Uncut Glasgow invite our
communities to come together to create a list of demands and pledges
that insist upon the preservation and centring of women's services in
Glasgow. We will then lobby prospective candidates to sign up to these
pledges in advance of elections to ensure these demands are met as
We therefore invite sister organisations, communities and individuals
to shape this pledges with us, through a creative manifesto-writing
workshop. We will formulate a set of achievable but ambitious items
and priorities that pertain to women's rights and specific areas of
council responsibility in Glasgow. Following this event, Sisters Uncut
Glasgow will launch a rigorous campaign, targeting all candidates to
sign their name to these collective demands.
With this event we hope to bring together our community, build
relationships and support for service providers, and to build and
present a united and strong collectivised front to those in power in
our city.
While this event is to create a city-wide coalition between Sisters
Uncut Glasgow and sister organisations, individuals who wish to attend
are more than welcome to feed into our demands for the upcoming 2017
councillor elections.
"We are deliberate and afraid of nothing" - Audre Lorde
Mayday Picnic
The May Day on the Green Committee is organising a May Day picnic for May 1 at 2 pm on the
Glasgow Green near the bicycle area (Free Wheel North). Our purpose is to revive a
long-standing radical tradition in Glasgow; an event on the Green to celebrate May Day,
the day to demonstrate our solidarity with the struggles of working people around the
world and to reaffirm our commitment to a new and better world.
Our picnic on the Green will include poetry, songs and fun for children. Everyone brings
food to share with others in a communal meal.
We want this to be an inclusive event with everyone who shares our perspective welcome to
join us.
We need your support to make the picnic a success:
-The Spirit of Revolt and the Clydeside branch of the Industrial Workers of the World have
endorsed the May Day picnic. Help us to get out the word and get more organisations
endorsing the event and publicising it. Contact Susan at
-We want to have bicycles carrying signs that can go around the city on the morning of May
1 to tell everyone to come to the Green. Contact Bob at
-We are looking for poets and musicians who would be interested in performing at the
picnic. Contact John at
Email future events including name/time/date/location/description to:
If you know someone who would like to be added to this list then please direct them to:
You can leave this list at any time by sending a blank email to:
The Autonomy Update is brought to you by Glasgow Anarchist Federation. Visit our blog at:
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Posted in Uncategorized/Reblogge
Message: 5
The devastating effects of war crusades and the capitalist periphery intensive looting is
the disintegration of all social life meaning and existence in the Middle East where the
war has swept local populations. It is these effects result in millions of uprooted and
desperate people to try in every way to escape and entry into Europe. ---- The Fortress
Europe policies are literally etched on the bodies of refugees and migrants, who are the
first victims of the continuing enlargement of the control, suppression and incarceration
of emergency status alongside the intensity of the attack in the lower layers. ---- Today
where the far-right and fascist aspect of modern totalitarianism, the most extreme
manifestation of the exploitative state and capital cluster expands within the "Fortress
Europe", the isolation of the fascists and clash with them in every part of the social
field more important
Toward poverty, misery, racism and fascism ...
... For a society of equality, solidarity and freedom!
COURSE against the border, the war and the modern TOTALITARIANISM
anarchist group "restive horse" -Member A.P.O.
Message: 6
The two demonstrations against the police violence of 11 and 16 February, which followed
the "Théo case", evidently turned into riots and plunder. On the Internet, the
"autonomous" networks are amazed: by boldly crossing the ring road, their shock troops
would have finally made the junction with "the young people of the suburbs". ---- Riots
and looting are the only weapons of populations deprived of social perspective and "the
young people of the suburbs" need neither the expertise nor the reinforcements of the
autonomes of Paris to make the districts flare up! The riot is factory occupation for
those who are without real work. ---- Since the 1980s, by the riot gesture, young people
from the neighborhoods have revolted against their everyday lives, obtaining subsidies,
jobs and jobs, in short obtaining results from elected officials who buy social peace.
Except that instead of constructing a class consciousness and forms of self-organization,
clientelist and mafia relations are built up.
Bobigny is a prefecture town, a dormitory town whose industrial zones are dead, which one
crosses and which does not even have a center. Apart from the poorest of the communal
employees, virtually no civil servant works there. A city where the House of Culture
(MC93) charter buses so that spectators and spectators from Paris dare venture there ...
Manif for Theo in Bobigny: another story
Popular Neighborhoods: Ten Years of Struggle for Dignity
For a revolutionary strategy in lower-income neighborhoods
Perverse and revanchard cops
The riot and looting have made the city a little more unpleasant. The bus shelters of the
always windy bus station at the foot of the towers do not protect from the cold. Bobigny
stayed several days without any public transport in the evening. The cars full of angry
and revengeful cops turn out in excess. The court was split to put twice as many young
people in prison as usual ... Here a small minority of Balbynians and Balbyniennes are
taxable and their local taxes will necessarily be solicited. And after?
Bobigny, February 15, 2017
Cc Nicolas Le Roux
Riots and looting are the foam of revolutions. But making it a strategic axis is a naive
and heart-warming romance. Social war is not a game. And each defeat of the riot allows
the bourgeois state to legitimize and strengthen its repressive tools. The insurrection is
a moment that must crown the collapse of the bourgeois state, otherwise it turns into a
tragic timing error with consequences that will not live our "autonomous" of Paris ...
Bobigny, February 11, 2017
Cc Sarah Benamar
Bobigny, February 11, 2017
Cc Sarah Benamar
In Bobigny, only the community, religious and "merchant" networks, on which the IDU relied
to take the town hall to a bloodless PCF, are still functioning. The worst thing is that
an analysis of the material forces involved would be pessimistic about the local outcome
of a victorious insurrection on a national scale!
Here, the question is not to destroy a little more but to reconstruct hope, the
collective, the alternative, and for that there is work for revolutionary militants of any
obedience ... Welcome In Bobigny!
Jean-Yves (AL 93-Center)
Message: 7
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the 8th international book fair of anarchist and
libertarian culture that will take place once again in Florence (Italy) from the 22nd to
the 24th of September 2017. ---- You will find below the invitation and an application
form. ---- We hope to hear back from you. ---- Best libertarian wishes, ---- Ateneo
Libertario of Florence ---- ---- Florence, 14th February 2017 ---- To: publishing
houses, publishers, authors, self-publishers, groups, organizations, associations and/or
single individuals. ---- The "Ateneo Libertario" of Florence is preparing the 8th edition
of the “ANARCHIST AND LIBERTARIAN BOOKFAIR” in Florence (Italy) On 22nd-23rd-24th
September 2017, at Obihall Theatre (Teatro Obihall) address: via Fabrizio De André (corner
with Lungarno Aldo Moro), Florence, Italy.
This international book fair is a three-day showcase for anarchists and libertarian
publications where the authors are invited to promote their work through book
presentations and debates but it is also open to any type of magazines, journals, printed
work in general, A/V, graphic arts, theatrical and musical performances that are pertinent
to anarchism or libertarian culture.
You are therefore invited to propose to us any relevant work that you would like to see
featured at the event; in order to participate please fill in the attached application
form. For those who cannot personally attend but still want to sell or exhibit their work
at the venue, the organizers can do it for them. Any leftover material at the end of the
event will be shipped back to the sender.
As always, any initiative to promote the event is most welcome; the success of this latest
edition of the anarchist and libertarian book fair depends on your enthusiasm and interest
above all.
Please be precise when filling in the application form, the sooner we receive them the
better we can organize the event.
Best libertarian wishes,
Ateneo Libertario of Florence
Florence, 14th February 2017
Application form
for the
“8th Anarchist and libertarian book fair”
Florence, 22nd-23rd-24th September 2017
Editor, type of
presentation and full
address, contact name, e-
mail address:
What type of material do
you want to exhibit?
How do you want to
exhibit or present it?
(i.e. art installation, debate,
book presentation)
Indicate the space needed
to display your material.
(i.e. dimensions of the stall)
Please specify the
percentage of your sales
or the flat fee that you
plan on devolving to the
organizers in order to
contribute to the event.
Contact name, full address
and phone number of the
person who will be
coming to the book fair.
Please indicate date and
approximate time of
arrival and departure.
Florence, 14th February 2017
Following on from the success of previous editions, the co-ordinators of the “ANARCHIST
AND LIBERTARIAN BOOK FAIR” event are once again organizing a poster design “contest” in
which the chosen artwork will be used as the official poster for this 8th edition.
The poster must have the following:
- Size: 70x100cm.
- Maximum 4 colours (four-colour printing)
- Title: 8a Vetrina dell’editoria e delle culture anarchiche e libertarie (letters large
enough to read at a considerable distance)
- Event venue and address: Teatro Obihall (ex Teatro Tenda) - Via Fabrizio De André
(angolo Lungarno Aldo Moro)
- City and date: FIRENZE, 22-23-24 SETTEMBRE 2017 (letters large enough to read at a
considerable distance)
- Body: Concerti, teatro, video, mostre, cucina solidale
- In plain view: Ingresso e spettacoli gratuiti
- Signature: Ateneo Libertario di Firenze
All entries are to be submitted to the given address by 30th April 2017, on paper
(25 cm x 17.5 cm) or by e-mail.
All the submitted works will be on show in an exhibition within the book fair during the
three days of the event.
We count on your participation!
Best libertarian wishes,
Ateneo Libertario of Florence
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