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zaterdag 20 mei 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 20 May 2017
Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #272 - Red House: The
French Spirit - Countercultures (1969-1989) (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. anarkismo.net: Greece, anarchist group "restive horse"
(A.P.O.) - Patra: Call General Strike (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. Sweden: Pictures of may day celebrations (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. Catalunia, embat: Tenants Union. An opportunity to take the
offensive.By equipembat (ca) [machine translation]
5. verba-volant, Greece, Thessaloniki: Call for mobilizations
against the fourth memorandum (ca, gr) [machine translation]
6. Greece, "Black & Red" (APO): Information from the solidarity
demonstration with the struggle of the workers VIO.ME (gr)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. Revolutionary Syndicalist International Meeting From
Secrétariat des CSR (ca, fr) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #272 - Presidential: The
real alternative is social struggle (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
9. Czech, afed: Anarchistická publicistika -- It's just after
5 Prague Anarchist Book Festival, so we dusted text, which was
published shortly after the first [machine translation]
Message: 1
The Red House, a center of the Parisian contemporary art, will close the end of 2018, but
until then she returns with a famous exhibition presenting a multitude of militant
productions, intellectual and artistic decades 1970 and 1980. For the " French spirit "
Of which we are speaking, that we reassure ourselves, has nothing to cocardize. ---- The
two decades after May 1968 were fertile for the various countercultures (feminist,
homosexual, antimilitarist, antinuclear, etc.). It is with this militant bubbling, with a
crazy creativity, that the Maison Rouge, an artistic foundation created by Antoine de
Galbert and a museum located a stone's throw from the Place de la Bastille in Paris, pays
a magnificent tribute this spring 2017 ---- Welcomed by Salut à toi de Bérurier noir
(which is repeated several times during the exhibition), visitors can then go through
twenty years of dissent through some sixty artists and more 700 works and documents,
gathering together newspapers, leaflets, posters, excerpts from films, videos and
television programs.
The " French spirit " announced in the title, which could be worrying at a time when the
atmosphere in France is becoming more and more pestilential, refers in fact to the spirit
sowing that animated Hara-Kiri, The Year 01 of Gébé, or Coluche, whose hilarious 1981
presidential campaign poster addressed to the children, first called on "to annoy his
parents and grandparents so that they could vote Coluche ", before promising " 365 Noëls
par Year, " the right to " make poo in his satchel " or that of " reverse the frying
on the knees of pepe ", finally to conclude:" Your parents are cons, refuse heredity ."
Play free
Sexual liberation, particularly homosexual, occupies a detailed place in the exhibition.
The period, of course, lent itself to it, so much have swarmed various productions -
magazines, posters, books ... - claiming for women the right to dispose of their bodies
and for all the one to enjoy without hindrance.
The anti-racist and antipolitician movements are also widely exposed, showing that the
problems with the repressive forces are not new and above all, demonstration that the
political leaders showed a remarkable tenacity to do nothing to improve the situation.
On the other hand, we regret the weak presence of the workers' movement in the exhibition.
It is true that his strength at that time - at least at the beginning of the period,
since Jacques Duclos made more than 21 % in the first round of the 1969 presidential
election - prevents him from calling him a counterculture. It was so, nevertheless, so
much the proletariat has been and is still today dominated symbolically.
In spite of everything, one can only warmly recommend going to communion - once is not
customary - with the French spirit of this period, a frondeur, anti-bourgeois and carrying
a libertarian enthusiasm quite jouissif.
Vincent (AL Paris South)
Message: 2
capitalist barbarity ---- The all-out attack of the state and the bosses and the
continuous introduction of new burdensome conditions of exploitation and oppression
express the overall violent restructuring of the state and the capitalist mode of social
organization. The current political administration, fully in line with the aspirations of
the local and international capital, the EU policy and previous governments, implements a
new round of looting towards society on terms more onerous and tougher than the past
because the measures resulting from the "closure of the evaluation" resulted in the
signing of a new memorandum and add to the ruins they have left behind them the three
previous understandings.
From our side, the side of the unemployed, the workers, the poor, the plebeians, the
story of our social and class struggles shows that proletarians are not expecting anything
from the institutions, parliaments, elections, bureaucratic union leaderships , their hope
traders and intermediaries of the class struggle. They have to earn it is a result of the
broad, organized on the base, militant and radical struggles. Only the total subversion of
the state and capitalism, social expropriation of wealth that we ourselves produce and
sucks a caste of rulers, and the social revolution for a new common ownership society,
solidarity and freedom can vindicate their aspirations and actual social needs oppressed
and exploited.
anarchist group "restive horse" -Member A.P.O. | TS
Message: 3
Approximately a bit over 7,000 people participated in this years' libertarian and
revolutionary may day celebrations and marches in the memory of the Haymarket martyrs and
the struggle for the 8 hour workday. ---- With sunny weather over almost all of the
country, the "new normal" size for Stockholm kept up with 2,500 participants, and a
similarly sized crowd in Gothenburg caused a roar in the media as the Social Democrat
party march was smaller than "even that of the syndicalists!". ---- In the third city of
Malmö, 800 people marched with the Revolutionary May Day network, consisting of groups
like Allt åt Alla, Mangla, Support Your Local Feminist, Anti-fascist Action, and Malmö LS
of the SAC (Örestads LS, associated with the IAA/IWA participated as well).
In the university town of Uppsala, a similar network - "Libertarian May Day" - drew a
crowd of 250 syndicalists, autonomists and anarchists, supported by a lively and
reconstituted Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth Federation club.
Pictures from SAC's Arbetaren (now no longer a weekly print magazine, but an online
magazine with a printed supplmentary monthly magazine)
Message: 4
This article is the first opinion emanating from various militant groups in various Embat
tucked in the field of housing. ---- Friday 12 May 2017 will be a public presentation of
the Union of Tenants of Barcelona. It is a project promoted by the Observatory DESC along
with many other organizations such as the Federation of Neighborhood Associations / s
Barcelona (FAVB) Let San Antonio, 500 × 20, etc. It is virtually the first attempt in
Catalonia to create a front against the increase in rental prices with a long-term
perspective, a solid structure and a horizontal operation. For this reason, we welcome and
we welcome its establishment. ---- However, this is not an isolated idea, for several
months already operates one of these unions in Gran Canaria and now is presented in
Madrid. ---- Because the struggle for rents is now relevant?
For some time the residents of Barcelona and in other cities, towns and villages in
Catalonia, will seek a popular tool for self-defense against the abuses of real estate
that would allow us to remedy the total lack of rights suffered by the Tenants.
An important sector of our people suffered a constant drain (and increasingly pronounced)
of their wages to access to housing. In the absence of public rental or cooperative
housing affordable we are forced to have to play in order to access private market housing.
Many movements in defense of the right to housing (PAH, housing various groups, unions
neighborhood ...) practicing social unionism led to approximately 20% of the company most
affected by the crisis and the latest cuts. People with an emergency hottest - eviction
live on the street, unpaid rent or hipoteca- have made this form of popular
self-organization tool your fight. The Union of Tenants should be a tool to join the fight
for the right to housing for those sectors of the popular classes is perhaps not an
extreme situation but many efforts to keep paying the rent.
In the city of Barcelona and other towns in the Catalan coast, mass tourism and real
estate investors has enabled dramatically raise the price per square meter. We have
already seen the effects of this process of gentrification that has expelled thousands of
residents of central neighborhoods (Old Town, Raval, Gràcia) and more recent San Antonio.
However, this process has occurred relatively recently and will not be until the end of
the lease agreements now in force when starting to suffer a new wave of evictions for
non-payment, mòbing cuts supplies, etc.
Furthermore, everything suggests that the same will the neighbors most affected districts
migrate to neighborhoods where rental prices are not so excessive. As with tourism
districts col·lindants (Eixample, Clot, Gracia, Sants) will blast the rising prices,
causing, in some years, the process affects other points where before it did not happen.
A strategic vision and a common front
The various working groups access to housing have already tried numerous cases involving
the abuse of rents and precarious housing, but we believe that we need a common vision on
how to influence beyond what is necessary working ant.
We believe that if we want to remain forever in the defense case by case, in addition to
self-defense everyday in neighborhoods, we need to claim and achieve reforms (as a partial
conquests), through popular mobilization, which carried a more favorable for our people.
While these achievements may be, the repeal of the current-change arrangements Urban Act
(LAU), setting ceilings on rents or expansion of public rental park.
We need to focus those efforts in the fight against abuses rental go hand in hand, namely
that we need a unitary structure to carry it out.
Clearing it further: we believe that we actively participate in the development of the
Union of tenant structure to become a popular, democratically diverse and even combative
We have the opportunity to influence the legal framework through the mobilization on the
street in an important issue that affects a large part of the population. That is why to
implement what we say, we outline some features that should keep the union and we should
ensure that they are well:
Combination of local operating performance structural seek a union that allows different
organizational forms. First, it is essential territorial extension with local villages to
maintain their autonomy and at the same time bring the network of the Union territory in a
decentralized manner. It would be interesting to work together in this regard, some
neighborhood groups that already exist. That there is a meeting of neighborhood is
important to maintain its democratic character and base. A membership system in the style
of a classic union with spaces for legal advice are also an organizational form valid and
necessary complement to the frame assembly base.
Democratic autonomy and diversity. We believe that the struggle for decent housing exceeds
the current political situation and a change in the legal framework is a distance race.
Therefore, we can not remain subordinated to the interests of parties, rhythms
parliamentary elections or results, nor should there be room for those who speculates
rental prices. Therefore, a union visions direct result of the will of its members. Should
not repeat the mistakes of trade unionism that is born of the regime of 78,
standardization have released many "professional" or a completely centralized structure -
which inevitably rest apart and distant from the realities own neighborhood of per
neighborhood or structure on assistance to afiliats.Per that we believe in the importance
of a structured model that starts strong but self-organization.
However, some still unknown aspects of this project will be like and how it has developed
so far and what thoughts have their driving. For this reason, we encourage anyone
interested in this proposal to attend the presentation of the Union of Tenants and to
participate in the project to move towards the strengthening of social movements and the
creation of popular power.
Message: 5
Poster and communiqué of the anarchist community of Thessaloniki "Black and Red" ,
published on its website. ---- The text of the poster: ---- "Mankind has allowed itself to
rule for a long time, too long, and that the root of its misfortunes lies not in this or
that form of government, but in the beginning and in the very existence of government,
whatever its nature" . ---- Mikhail Bakunin ---- No government wants or can defend the
interests of commoners. Fighting social struggles, without leaders, against the planning
of the State and Capital. ---- March of solidarity and support of the struggle of the
workers of Viomijanikí Metaleftikí, Thursday , May 11, 2017 , at 18:00 in Kamara. ----
Strike against the vote on the fourth memorandum, the day of the general strike, Wednesday
, May 17, 2017 , at 10:00 in Kamara. ---- Collective for social anarchism "Black and Red"
, member of the Anarchist Political Organization / Federation of Collectivities
The text of the statement:
The approval (vote) of the fourth memorandum intensifies the state and capitalist
barbarism that the oppressed are suffering. Starting from this point of view we notice
that the government coalition, being in full agreement with its trajectory and not
surprising anyone, reinforces the deepening of the crisis, whose consequences once again
affect the lower social classes, making their daily life unbearable.Of course, this
offensive has as many interpretations and facets as the pretensions of the sovereigns. On
the one hand, the new economic measures lead to an increasingly intense indigence, and on
the other hand, state repression does everything possible so that there are no ruptures as
a result of social struggles and resistance, since the government knows That the false
illusions about a popular mobilization called by some mediators and supported by a part of
the parties that aspires to manage the Power have completely collapsed after the
appearance of the true face of Syriza, when taking away this party its fierce mask False
It is already clear that the forms of resistance that have arisen can not be learned,
The ratification of the measure that allows the opening of shops for at least thirty
Sundays a year (while it has already begun to talk about fifty-two Sundays a year)
demonstrates in the clearest way what is reserved for the fourth Memorandum to workers,
retirees and the unemployed. The government coalition applies the most extreme
exploitation plans of the workers for big capital. Already the so-called "red lines" are
comic stories with tragic consequences for working people. Retirees and the unemployed are
once again in the spotlight, as main and supplementary pensions are cut, while the ceiling
of the maximum tax-free amount is the emblematic index of the ongoing indigence. Specific,
The approval of the fourth memorandum foresees the reduction of the tax exempt limit to
5,681 euros, reduction of the unemployment subsidy and heating subsidy, family aid,
subsidies to those affected by natural disasters, poverty subsidies, more layoffs In the
public sector, as well as the abolition of Sunday as a holiday . It also gives
supermarkets the right to sell medicines, provides for the liberalization of mass layoffs,
the abolition of collective bargaining agreements and the right to a discount because of
the receipt of medical expenses, the abolition of the right of widows to collect Pension
of her deceased husband, and the suppression with several bureaucratic tricks of many
unemployed of the archives of the National Institute of Employment. One of the objectives
of the aforementioned is to give the false sense of the reduction of the unemployment
rate. This shows how easily the figures are made and what their true value is.
Also, the government of the "Left", which was saying that "democratic legality" would
prevail in the country, while denouncing that the previous memoranda were against the
Constitution, follows the policy of its right-wing predecessors, And not only imposes a
single path of exploitation and oppression, but also approves new measures whose
consequences will continue to be felt after his term. These measures add to the long list
of measures imposed on the oppressed, worsening the conditions of survival of those below,
serving those who will vote as servants to the interests of the capitalist system, which
constitute an integral part . The new Medievo is called again "development" and
"modernization" in the "new language" of modern totalitarianism. We are entering a period
of many changes at various levels. This period must begin with the massification and
reinforcement of social and class resistances, so that the economic and repressive plans
of the State and Capital are overthrown. That is why, although we know very well the
significant economic cost to workers of the loss of a working day, we consider that it is
time for the exploited and oppressed to return again in a combative way to the street. The
money lost from the working day of May 17 will not be lost, if we can restructure class
resistances, prevent the realization of the plans of government, state and capital, and
organize social defense and counterattack. This period must begin with the massification
and reinforcement of social and class resistances, so that the economic and repressive
plans of the State and Capital are overthrown. That is why, although we know very well the
significant economic cost to workers of the loss of a working day, we consider that it is
time for the exploited and oppressed to return again in a combative way to the street. The
money lost from the working day of May 17 will not be lost, if we can restructure class
resistances, prevent the realization of the plans of the government, the State and
Capital, and organize social defense and counterattack. This period must begin with the
massification and reinforcement of social and class resistances, so that the economic and
repressive plans of the State and Capital are overthrown. That is why, although we know
very well the significant economic cost to workers of the loss of a working day, we
consider that it is time for the exploited and oppressed to return to the streets in a
combative way. The money lost from the working day of May 17 will not be lost, if we can
restructure class resistances, prevent the realization of the plans of government, state
and capital, and organize social defense and counterattack. So that the economic and
repressive plans of the State and Capital are overthrown. That is why, although we know
very well the significant economic cost to workers of the loss of a working day, we
consider that it is time for the exploited and oppressed to return again in a combative
way to the street. The money lost from the working day of May 17 will not be lost, if we
can restructure class resistances, prevent the realization of the plans of the government,
the State and Capital, and organize social defense and counterattack. So that the economic
and repressive plans of the State and Capital will be overthrown. That is why, although we
know very well the significant economic cost to workers of the loss of a working day, we
consider that it is time for the exploited and oppressed to return again in a combative
way to the street. The money lost from the working day of May 17 will not be lost, if we
can restructure class resistances, prevent the realization of the plans of government,
state and capital, and organize social defense and counterattack.
In these conditions of imposition of indigence, we face everything that has created
sovereign management policies. These are policies that favor all kinds of bosses and their
vanguards. They are policies that put in focus the fighters and entire regions, trying to
create the image of a ghetto zones. They are policies that intentionally favor business
interests and others, whether it is the substitution at all costs for the formation of
alliances with mafiosi, after the failure of the restriction in the granting of television
licenses, and the alliance with Melissanidis and apartheid Social that tries to establish
in the neighborhood of the new Philadelphia, As well as the attacks on the neighborhood of
Exarjia and against the struggles of the anarchist movement (in this neighborhood has been
achieved the recovery of public space by its inhabitants, through an organized and
consistent fight against the mafia), as well as the elevation of fascists to Rank of the
political ally, through common public presences and government policy, which, by
intensifying misery within the social fabric, gives the fascist slags the opportunity to
emerge. It is not difficult to understand that as Syriza's speech is "exhausted against
the memos," and this party is struggling to remain in power, it addresses the partisans of
"legality", while at the same time it becomes combative Against the internal enemy, who
remains always the same: Anarchists, squatters,
At the same time, at the social level it tries to disorient people from the policies of
indigence that it applies, and from repressing social resistance. By unleashing state
repression, its political leadership seeks to create public and political alliances around
the dogma of social pacification and security. On the other hand, it attempts to nullify
the creation of social movements capable of overthrowing The current situation, creating
ruptures in the modern totalitarian state and in the Capital. Attacks squats and
structures of the movement, arrests antifascists, leads immigrants to the state of
invisibility and non-existence, puts in the spotlight wrestling workers, as workers in the
mass media are giving a fight Social combative, While at the same time sealing the single
path of indigence and poverty of the plebeian social strata, voting the new measures. And
since our future is gloomy and gloomy, we as anarchists and as a segment of the most
affected part of the working class, we have no choice but to fight back without mediators
and from below against the new measures against Against the fascists, against the
offensive of the means of disinformation, against all kinds of mafias that contribute to
the exacerbation of social cannibalism, against the State and Capital. We must prepare for
confrontation on all fronts with leftist or rightist governments, we must build
resistance, cultivate the concepts of class solidarity and social self-organization,
In this new period we must act on the basis of massification and reinforcement of social
and class resistances, so that the economic and repressive plans of the State and Capital
are annulled (overthrown). It is time to return to battles, one after the other, having,
nevertheless, a unitary plan of social self-organization. It must be made clear that these
battles concern large segments of the below. Young people, workers, unemployed, students,
retirees, must fight without back and without mediators, to annul in practice old and new
laws that mortgage the present and the future. The organized anarchist movement, as the
only force that can, wants and knows how to form resistances and movements without
mediators and leaders (whose only task is to betray them at the first opportunity),
The next period will be crucial, it will have to gain ground, as the crisis will be
advancing and will be creating more dead spots for the oppressed. During this period the
dilemma "State barbarism and capitalism, fascistization and war, or social revolution"
will be increasingly raised. As the crisis progresses, we will be proposing and we will be
fighting for social revolution, anarchy and libertarian communism against state and
capitalist barbarism, fascism and war.
March of solidarity and support of the struggle of the workers of Viomijanikí Metaleftikí,
Thursday , May 11, 2017 , at 18:00 in Kamara.
Strike against the vote on the fourth memorandum, the day of the general strike, Wednesday
, May 17, 2017 , at 10:00 in Kamara.
Collective for social anarchism "Black and Red" , member of the Anarchist Political
Organization / Federation of Collectivities
Short link: http://verba-volant.info/?p=12543 .
Message: 6
It took place Thursday afternoon a solidarity demonstration with the struggle of the
workers VIO.ME. with the participation of trade union and political organizations, which
came out of the Ivanofeio, where later in the evening concert given support. The
collective responsibility for Social Anarchism formed the anarchist block which had issued
a call with poster and text https://maurokokkino1936.wordpress.com. Our presence at the
Thursday rally aims both in practical and lasting support to the workers of self managed
VIO.ME that suit to become imitators within the labor movement and also to propagate and
race preparation in view of the general strike of May 17. For this purpose distributed
hundreds of leaflets of collegiality and young workers, as well as the form of Anarchist
Organization Policy "Land and Freedom". http://apo.squathost.com/
interventions and campaigns launched in recent days by sharing in the Dodecanese OAED and
IKA of Aristotle as the lines OASTH and bus stops in the center will continue in the
coming days .
Message: 7
International days of training, debates and parties of the Revolutionary Syndicalist
Committees (CSR) ---- The 10-16th July 2017 ---- A week of debates, socialising and
training! ---- to reinforce an active tendency of revolutionary syndicalism: ---- To end
individualism: debates led by union activists unfortunately often stay within union
boundaries, leading the labour movement to a loss of coherence in ideas as well as in
actions. ---- To end the crisis of unionism: in order to unify the labour movement, we
need to regroup to build analysis and perspectives, to step out of the defensive position
and everyday routine.A syndicalist tendancy is necessary to enrich the debate. ----
Reenforcing an active tendency of revolutionary syndicalists to reenforce revolutionnary
Creating a collective debate to politicise union activism again. a revolutionnary
syndicalist tendancy against the decomposition of class syndicalism and the inward nature
of unions
This training and debates days are organised by the CSR and opened to international
militants. Their main themes will be industrial syndicalism and workers' sociability. It's
one of the rare occasion to step out of corporatism and institutional unionism. It is also
an initiative to organise socialist and collective leisure activities. We invited
syndicalist comrades from different countries, we hope for their presence.
a public campsite near from Toulouse
Contact us to inform us about your way of transport (plane, train, car).
Participation and bookings
The location only allows for camping, a tent and camping material will be needed.
Meals are prepared and eaten together, with everybody cooking in turn
It's not only an opportunity to improve your cooking skills but also to relearn the art of
cooking for workers's festival.
The campsite is next to sport fields and swimming pool. Walks are beautiful and enjoyable
in this part of the country.
Register with us and send an email to syndicalistes@gmail.com, with your contact details,
number of adults and children (and their age), dates when you're planning to attend.
Fee: 15euros/day/adult
Message: 8
First Assessment ---- In this inter-twenties, it is also time to draw an initial
assessment of the presidential campaign: this is to paint the picture of the uncovering of
politics and a system breathless. " Politico-financial affairs ", the moral, economic,
social and ecological crises undermine our country. The V th Republic collapses and
political parties who symbolize implode. Only Mélenchon will have skilfully surfed on this
tsunami. Transforming its Bonapartist " degagism " into revolutionary " engagism " is
our challenge. ---- Primary you will take the air ---- The anger of the workers is not
that of the bourgeois. But anger is everywhere and the first victims will be many: Duflot
at Les Verts, Holland then Valls at the PS, Sarkozy and Juppé on the right. All supposed
favorites are ruthlessly swept away ! All pay to have disappointed their supporters and to
have enraged their detractors. At this moment, the image is clear: the people on the right
and on the left aspire to profound changes. But which ones ?
Antisystem yourself
The shock of the primaries is such that all the candidates will return to the formula of
conspiratorial origin, fascist and confusionist: the " system " is my enemy. Holland in
2012 proclaimed that his enemy was finance. He was lying, but at least he was designating
an opponent. The use of the concept of " system " makes it possible to no longer
designate and appear " radically " engaged. All anger mixes and all hates can feel
recognized. Never has the reality of the struggle of the social classes in the capitalist
system been so deeply blurred.
Duel among the bourgeois
According to a Fillon and Macron poll, nearly 70 % of the votes of voters with a
patrimony of more than 450 000 euros are collected. Whereas Fillon represents the
aspirations and anger of the petty bourgeoisie, traditionalist, reactionary, Gaullist,
patriotic and provincial, Macron bears the colors of the winners of globalization and
unbridled ultraliberalism.
These two would lead very close austerity policies. But Fillon can not confess that he
would carry out the same ultra-liberal policy as Macron: his electors did not desire the
general uberization of our society, but the nostalgia for the Thirty Glorious ones from
which they had so benefited. In a way, Fillon represents the losing (but majority)
fraction of the bourgeoisie when Macron represents his (minority) but winning fraction.
Reform fighting
The victory by windfall effect at the primary of Benoît Hamon signals the ras-le-bol of
the people of the left to be systematically fooled. Hamon was forced to present a very
left-wing program, sometimes more than Mélenchon on certain points, and probably a
minority in what remains of the PS itself. But no one still believes in the promises of a
socialist, especially when he does not call into question the investitures of Valls or El
Khomri for the legislative elections. After having used and abused the " useful vote ",
the PS finds himself caught in his own trap, stuck between Macron and Mélenchon, and sees
the left-wing people seize the candidacy Mélenchon, more credible, at least apparently.
The dynamics of Mélenchon's campaign can not be seen as a mere media-probing balloon.
Moreover, Mélenchon is not the candidate of these milieux. On the Internet as well as in
its meetings or in the " support groups " of frenzied France, a real militant dynamic is
at work, with many young people who find themselves fighting for the first time among the
old sharks from all The factions of the extreme left and former communists.
The fresh and naive faith of some mixing with the cynical and opportunistic calculations
of others. The adventure of unbridled France and the thousands of young people who
believed in it must keep our attention.
Trotskyist confrontation
It sounds like a duel, but it's not really a duel. For if LO led a perfectly agreed
campaign, the NPA knew how to use the personality of Poutou to carry out a completely
staggered campaign. Far from the discourse agreed upon, either too abstract or too
simplistic, which was the trademark of the two competing organizations, the worker Poutou
triggered a real sympathy in the workshops, especially among the less politicized
colleagues who recognized themselves In the clumsy and sincere posture of the candidate.
Insisting on the fact that he did not want to be elected and that he would probably
abstain if he were not himself a candidate, Poutou gave Basque and libertarian accents to
the NPA's speech in total contradiction with The reality of the internal debates and
public interventions of the " orthodox " and dogmatic currents of the NPA. If we
continue to find ourselves regularly in struggles with activists LO or NPA, they have
obviously exhausted their ability to produce a political dynamic around them.
War in the fachos
Since Le Pen can not assume frontally a position of exit from Europe which is a minority
in the electorate, Asselineau has seized the theme to make Frexit its unique identifier,
thus contributing, by putting forward the national question, to erase A little more the
question of social classes.
Fortunately, Le Pen did not know how to use this campaign to create a dynamic enabling him
to go beyond the usual, alas, base of his supporters. His victory would be a shock not
only because of his announced policy but even more by the opportunity to place his
boyfriends fachos in all the machinery of the state apparatus for five years !
Abstention and indecision
Disappointment and confusion at their height were conducive to abstention as a last-minute
impulsive vote. Besides the abstentionists in principle (CGA, FA ...), we will mention the
Pardem that had supported Mélenchon in 2012, but this time calls to vote void with an
absurd analysis that puts all the candidates in the same bag, as if we Were in an
identical situation after a victory of Le Pen or Mélenchon !
The Invisible Committee was also heard on the eve of the election by publishing in
extremis a book that was expected since last autumn, since it should have launched a large
campaign of removal. With an unmistakable sense of the formula and the cutting edge of the
analysis, the Committee must admit that contrary to the promises of last spring's tags, "
the presidential election will take place ." Another prophecy that will not be
self-fulfilling !
Libertarian Alternative activists in this period emphasized by all means the primacy of
struggles and self-organization before, during and after the elections. Elections pose
tactical problems each time AL deals on a case-by-case basis without dogmatism. That is
why the statements of AL stated that they understood those who refused to participate in
the elections as a matter of principle as those who would again vote to vote " the least
worst ". For our primary concern, while the electoral sequences artificially divide the
workers' camp, is to maintain unity in the struggles. Acting is better than being elected!
Jean-Yves Lesage (AL 93-Center)
Message: 9
Anarchist Against the background of the book festival, we want to introduce anarchist
journalism as a complex topic that is worth processing is wide enough and has to bring.
---- Bookfairy ---- Let's start anarchist festival books. It is the kind of action that in
the global anarchist movement can be described as traditional, although developed only
within the last thirty years. During that time took very well, especially where there is a
lively publishing activities and where the anarchist movement developed with a long
tradition, mainly in European countries, North America and Australia. ---- Abroad, the
term used Anarchist Bookfair is with us still literally translated as an anarchist book
fair, especially in the reports of those who make these events abroad attended. "The
anarchist festival book" can be considered much but podarenejší Czech equivalent. Even so,
however, in this context, we forgive the occasional use of the word Bookfair, which has
already become a household in Czech "anarchist dictionary".
One of the oldest and most famous is undoubtedly the Bookfair London, which dates back to
1983. It was inspired by similar events organized by the British Trotskyists, but it was
the anarchists who visit it, too boring, expensive and with many mainstream publishers.
And so they decided to organize their own version. Year after year, the Anarchist Bookfair
grew and gradually shifted to larger premises. Today it is organized with the
participation of dozens of exhibitors at Queen Mary University and consists of a rich
accompanying program of lectures, screenings, cultural events and so on.
Bookfair performs several functions: 1) they are regular opportunities for meetings within
the movement, 2) allow the presentation of journalistic activities in conjunction with a
program of lectures and discussions, 3) are a good and representative space for public
meetings, 4) deepen contacts between publishers, and even at the international level, 5)
provide a great opportunity for publishers to distribute their publications. These actions
take several forms, notably as regards the size, can take place within the city, region,
state, transnational region, but can also be global.
The first Czech anarchist book festival drew partly on the experience of foreign, on which
more than once introduced our publications. For example, publishing AF is already actively
participated in several editions of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair on which appear
particularly publishers from former Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy, and in 2012
Bookfair, which was part of the International anarchist meeting in the Swiss Saint Imier,
occupied all area of the local ice hockey stadium and attended by anarchists all
continents except Antarctica.
But let's go back to anarchist publications. The Czech Republic has a very strong
tradition that began in the 80s of the 19th century, after a long pause of the movement in
the years 1925-1989 came alive again on a large scale.
Speaking about the history of the Czech anarchist press, we mean also the one who was
based in Vienna or within a radius of Czech emigrants in the United States. Even if it
might not seem at first glance, has been publishing Czech anarchists in the US and very
intense compared to that in Austria-Hungary was not subject to censorship, because US
authorities did not have such options in monitoring ceskojazycného printing. From the
periodical time in the USA for example based Future (Chicago, 1883-1886) Proletarians (New
York, 1884-1885), free sheets (New York, 1890-1917) Workers blades (New York, 1895-1898)
Czech- American Heretical epistles (Chicago, 1908-1909) or currents (Cleveland, 1908-1910).
In the Czech Republic alone was then bound first anarchist newspaper groups neodvislých
Socialists, later on anarchist organization, which is focused mainly in Prague and
northern Bohemia. Printed materials were faced with frequent interventions censor. It
often happened that changed their titles and followed himself under different names. To
name a few: teenagers , new teenagers , Commune (1891-1908), the New Age of Freedom
(1892-1895), Matrix workers , Nut freedom (1896-1914), proletarian (1896-1912), New Cult
(1900-1905) , Miner , Mining sheets (1902-1915), Gallows (1903-1907), anarchist revue
(1905), Work (1905-1908) interregnum (1905-1907), pauper (1906-1907), Direct action (1907-
1908), Zádruha (1908 to 1914) and Young pioneer (1910-1914).
Deal with deeper overview of the anarchist press of the 19th and 20th centuries would be
carrying coals to Newcastle. This topic had developed a very wide Václav Tomek in several
of his books, which unfortunately usually repeat already written.
Modern anarchist movement in the Czech Republic has not yet been thoroughly mapped. We
would like to fix and try to anarchist journalism since 1990 to accommodate more generally
in terms of its importance for the anarchist movement itself, its theoretical and
practical development and dynamism.[It also succeeded a year later with the release of the
book Anarchist journalism 1990-2013 .]
Publication of periodicals and other printed materials such as brochures and books in
particular, among other things, speaks about the possibilities and capabilities of the
anarchist movement in the given period. A further example of how variously they can
operate autonomous anarchist projects for which the individual prints can be considered.
It is a custom implementation of the principles of anarchism in action, which is one of
the most basic movement. Emphasis on the absence of hierarchy, decision-making and
collective dimension of work, selflessness, striving for broad engagement with others,
they are all things that should be an anarchist own affairs.
As can be seen, and with very modest means, it is possible to issue regular quality
magazines, or from time to time a book whose form we do not condone the underground
conditions of its creation. An example of this is trying to be and Publishing AF. We will
be very happy if this our activity will become an inspiration for others. And it does not
matter whether directly in the implementation of a publishing project or just access to
which is their own individual projects neodbývat, but rather do it best, in the widest
possible cooperation and tighten them until the end in order to reap all the potential
that they have.
While we can point to several successes, but you need to look farther into the future, set
a daring goals and actively nurture the will and enthusiasm for their implementation.
One of the dreams that with sufficient commitment is impossible to realize, for example,
build your own printer. That could work on cooperative principles, where the people who
work there, they were also its owners and have equal voice in decision making. Such an
undertaking could then serve any anarchist publishing activities as well as those who are
close to us in some way.
Really great, however, it would be to get finally anarchist ideas and principles among the
widest range of people, so that they become respected and accepted. At this point,
however, we need to engage modest forces, which we have to get rid of shyness and go from
a narrow range convinced the rest of the underclass. Whether it is an anarchist
publication content, graphically and in terms of print matter how good they are in their
own way useless when they reach the readers that could reach or at least move to think.
Published in existence no. 3/2013 as an introductory text main topic number. Edited.
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