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zondag 25 juni 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 25.06.2071

Today's Topics:


1.  Motmakt: Solidarity. Direct democracy. Direct action --
      About   us (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #273 - Arthur Aberlin (YPG
      militiaman and libertarian communist): "I breathe the perfume of
      freedom" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Britain, JUNE 21, 2017 London AF at Radical Bookfair


 5.  Thessaloniki - 7th Libertarian Book Festival, June 20-22
      (gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Platform ---- The platform describes Motmakt general policy forms the basis of 
subscription. It was last modified at the Congress in spring 2017. ---- Motmakt is a 
libertarian socialist, feminist and direct democratic organization. The organization has 
regular and lively discussions about what our policy should be and how we implement it. 
The policy of Motmakt is therefore constantly evolving. The organization's policy on 
specific areas described in our position documents. However, the few main points form the 
basis for our policy. These points described in this platform. Agreeing to the platform is 
a prerequisite for membership. ---- Platform ---- Direct democracy ---- Capitalism is an 
economic fåtallstyre, which the state protects and facilitates the ideological, legal and 
violence. We believe that centralized state can never be fully able to represent the 
working class and the anti-capitalist movement should organize themselves independently of 
and in opposition to the state.

We are a democracy from below and working for direct democracy based on public meetings. 
This implies a decentralized control with direct democratic control over workplaces, 
neighborhoods and other social institutions.

Class struggle

Capitalism has created a class society consisting of two classes with conflicting 
interests. The upper class, who own capital and the working class, who are forced to sell 
Motmakt is a socialist organization. Socialism means collective ownership and democratic 
control over the economy. This means that workers control their own jobs, and that 
important economic decisions are taken directly democratic.


We live in a patriarchal society. This reproduces a tokjønnssystem where women are 
suppressed by men. This suppression takes place in the workplace, in the home, in social 
relations and everywhere else in society. Patriarchate maintained ultimately of men's 
violence against women. Motmakt working against this oppression in the daily and for a 
society of equality between all genders.


People who differ from what is considered normal in sexual orientation or gender identity 
are discriminated against in our society today. This discrimination takes place partly in 
the face of economic and governmental institutions and in interpersonal relationships. 
Heteronormativity maintained through shame annerledesgjøring, invisibility, of disease and 
violence. Motmakt working full freedom for LHBTQIA + -People, and believes that this is a 
necessary precondition for a free society.

Anti Racism

Today's society expects whiteness as the norm minority people measured. Racism above 
ethnic minorities often argued for the cultural and religious grounds, but directed always 
toward people based on characteristics such as name or skin color. Racial discrimination 
is carried out by governmental and economic institutions and in everyday interpersonal 
relationships. Racist prejudice prevents people from gathering in a common struggle for 
their class interests. Motmakt work for a society without racism.

Minority Rights

The nation-state is actively working with a uniformity of its population that goes beyond 
minorities such as the Roma and indigenous peoples. Avgjørelsere from society at large 
goes disproportionately beyond these groups without the possibility of co-determination on 
their part. With regard to capital interests and national state uniformity becomes 
livelihood of these group broken language and culture a crime or displaced. Motmakt work 
for a society beyond the nation state in which cultural minorities' interests are 
safeguarded through direct democracy.

Internationalism and antimilitarism

warfare and militarism monopolizing vast resources, destroying lives and creates racism. 
National States warfare is never in working class.
Capitalism is international, and the resistance to it must also be there. Workers and 
farmers in different countries have more in common with each other than with the class 
which exploits them both. Motmakt want to build practical solidarity across borders and 
working against imperialism and war.


We believe that the current economic system is not, nor can be, ecologically sustainable. 
Capitalism is an economic system that requires continuous growth. Unlimited growth is 
incompatible with the limited natural resources of the planet we live on. We are working 
against anthropogenic climate change and environmental degradation, and for a new economic 
system that may be sustainable

Correspondence between objectives and means

Motmakt practice the principles we want to put to live in a future society. We believe the 
means we use to achieve social change must be consistent with the goals we want to 
achieve. To build a direct democratic society must therefore organization and the actions 
we perform organized direct democracy. We can not allow racism, sexism or homophobia in 
the organization since Motmakt work for a society without racism, sexism and homophobia. 
This way of organizing political activism on the basis of a libertarian politics. 
Libertarian politics we say that activists come together on an equal and voluntary way to 
organize direct democratic institutions.

To build a new society

Motmakt seeks to support and create direct democratic institutions, as worker-run 
enterprises, autonomous homeshare, organizations and neighborhood associations.
In a crisis situation where major social changes are possible, there are the options that 
are available and understandable for people who are properly implemented. Therefore jobs 
Motmakt to build examples of libertarian socialism within the framework of the existing 

We believe that a political movement built on these principles is not only the best way to 
change the world, but also the only way to save it on! We encourage all who agree with the 
platform to join!
-------------------------------------------------- -----
* LHBTQIA + stands for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans-, queer people, inter sexual and 



Message: 2

Since April, our comrade Arthur Aberlin is engaged in the YPG in Rojava (Syrian 
Kurdistan). Hardly arrived, he was confronted with the attacks of Turkey. For us, he 
returns to his first impressions. ---- Alternative libertarian: Salut Arthur. It's been a 
month since you joined the training academy of the YPG (Units of protection of the 
people). Can you explain its functioning and its goals ? ---- Arthur: So to make it short, 
it's the place of passage for every internationalist volunteer. The training takes place 
in two stages: ideological formation: democratic confederalism, jineology (local 
feminism), history of the Kurdish movement and the region, organization of the YPGs, etc. 
Next comes the military training: weapons handling, shooting and tactics. During the month 
one learns also the rudiments of Kurmandji, the main Kurdish dialect.

All the daily tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc.) are self-managed by the students of the 
academy. And there is also a guard duty to do during the night. And every morning we start 
with an hour of sports.

Every three days is held what the Kurds call the tekmil, which comes from the Maoist 
tradition of criticism and self-criticism. One criticizes oneself (behaviors, reacted 
remarks, etc.), but one also criticizes the general organization and proposes concrete 
solutions. It is in the end quite close to the assemblies that could be held in a 
collective place.

At the end of April, your training was interrupted by attacks by the Turkish army against 
the YPG headquarters on Mount Karachok, and PKK and YBS positions at Sinjar. How did you 
live this moment ?

Fear first of all because the academy, in its atmosphere, resembles very much all schools 
around the world. There is an easy form of schoolboy recreation, even in a country at war. 
The shock is all the more brutal when, during your turn of guard, you see the hill located 
a few kilometers from your position struck by bombs.

Next comes the frustration with the air attacks. You want to do something, counter-attack 
or whatever, but when you know that the threat is helicopters or airplanes, you do not 
have much to do except to snuggle in as deeply as possible. The hole you found to hide you.

Politically, are you there ?

I want to say yes ! After, I will not lie, the revolution is not perfect. Like all 
revolutions, it is full of contradictions and especially of human errors ...

Afterwards, I assure you that here the air is changed, and I breathe the perfume of 
liberty since I crossed the frontier. The revolution will of course take many years to 
come, and it needs all our support to deepen and be defended.

Nothing is certain yet, but I found what I was looking for here: hope. Yes, we have a 
chance to win ; Yes, another life is possible: free, egalitarian and without nation-state. 
It is one of the cornerstones of the revolution. Here, the criticism of the nation-state, 
with the criticism of the patriarchate, form, I think, the heart of the revolution. So how 
could he not talk to me ?

So you see your departure ? Not too the cockroach sometimes ?

Yes very well ! Sometimes it's harder obviously, my friends, friends and family miss me. 
After that, it's going to sound big words, but in a case like this one sublimates itself 
as an individual, because of the importance of the cause to be defended. It is part of the 
beauty of the moment, and then we meet revolutionaries everywhere, we exchange, we debate, 
it also warms the heart.

We will follow the continuation on your blog ! Would you like to add something ?

Yes, one last word: do not remain inactive, whether through propaganda or concrete 
support, for example, the international campaign to send haemostatic dressings to 
fighters. And if you have the opportunity, come here defend the revolution whether through 
the civil or combatant aid ! Only true solidarity will prevent the crushing of the 
revolution !

Interviewed in May 2017

The logbook of Arthur Aberlin is to be followed on the blog 



Message: 3

London AF will be running a stall at the Radical Bookfair this Saturday, 12-6. Come along 
and chat: https://www.facebook.com/events/1340427492708809/ ---- London Radical Bookfair 2017
Saturday, June 24 at 12 PM - 6 PM UTC+01

Goldsmiths, University of London
Lewisham Way, SE14 6NW London, United Kingdom


Message: 4

After the election we analyse the state of play, the nature of Corbynism and how we relate 
to it, and how we need to help bring to birth a mass grassroots movement that goes beyond 
electoral politics and poses a real threat to  capitalism and the State with a vision of a 
new society based on equality and freedom. We will also be discussing the Grenfell fire 
and how the traditional left has responded  and how our response should be diferent, based 
on encouraging self-organisation.We will be inviting guest speakers and there will be 
plenty of time for everyone to discuss. ---- Refreshments available, disabled access ---- 
Convened by London Anarchist Federation ---- 7pm, Thursday June 29th at Common House, 5e 
Pundersons Gardens London E2 (nearest tube Bethnal Green  ---- 


Message: 5

Details of the Festival program: 7th E.F.V ---- From 20 to June 22, 2017 will be held in 
the park under the Roman 7th Libertarian Book Festival. In previous festivals have spoken 
important international writers, such as Silvia Federici, George Caffentzis, Martin Lux, 
Massimo de Angelis and David Graeber, developed topics such as the nature of capitalist 
"crisis", the genetic relationship capitalism and militarism, o Green anarchism, the 
workers' self-management, the struggles of immigrants / three, anti-fascism, politics 
prefigurative, the struggle of the zapatistas, the antipsychiatry the Balkan solidarity 
etc. ---- This year the festival is changing venue. After six years in the park Rotunda of 
Moved to park beneath the Roman Forum. The collapse of the "hope" of the reformist left 
followed by an apparent decline in social resistances. The struggling but society is still 
here. Molecular labor struggles and base unions, social networks, self-organization, 
solidarity and fight natives and immigrants, the anti-fascist networks, matches in a 
number of social fields that continue to grow even minority are the basis and guarantee 
for a new cycle of struggles. Our festival is a facet of this world, the world that do not 
grovel. Anarchist books are a weapon against fascism, is an affirmation of life that 
refuses to bow down to the stuffiness of death that bring with them the state and capitalism.



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