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dinsdag 4 juli 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 4 juli 2017
Today's Topics:
1. Brazil, Porto Alegre-RS: The Anarchist Fair is now every
month! By ANA (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Workers Solidarity Movement: Jobstown Not Guilty verdict
exposes Garda, Labour and class rule in Ireland I.
3. Britain, London Anarchist Federation - MORE ON CORBYN
4. Ruptura Colectiva (RC): Anarchists and neighbors protest
against drug violence in Exarchia, Athens (gr, ca) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - international, The
Kurdish left unjustly denigrated on Arte (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. Poland, Workers' Initiative - SZUKAJ - Amazon's new voice -
Forum: The activities nationwide [machine translation]
Message: 1
On June 3, the first Anarchist Fair was held in Porto Alegre. A space of meeting,
exchange, construction that gathered dozens of people throughout the day. ---- The people
who participated in that day decided to make the Anarchist Fair a spontaneous monthly
event, scheduled to happen every first Saturday of each month, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. in the Tambor Square (next to the Labor Museum), where each person and collectives
are invited To build together, whether it be taking food or drink to a collective picnic
or taking their bench, proposing a chat or other activity.
The next edition of the Anarchist Fair will therefore be next Saturday, July 1st. Show up!
Message: 2
THE JOBSTOWN SIX have been found NOT GUILTY - a disastrous outcome for the Labour party
and Garda in what has been the biggest political show trial for some decades. It is
impossible to have followed the details of the arrests and trial and walk away with the
impression that the Garda were not acting on government instructions, even if just on the
basis of the ‘nod and a wink'. The verdict may well catch anyone relying on the mainstream
media as a surprise because right across that media the reporting of the trial was highly
selective, reflecting the interests of those who own and control it. ---- *** A summary
for anyone following this from outside Ireland, six men were on trial accused of falsely
imprisoning the then Tanáiste and Labour TD, Joan Burton, and her colleague in Jobstown on
15 November 2014. The charge of false imprisonment carries a maximum sentence of life
imprisonment. All six men claimed that they were exercising their right to protest, and
that the protest was peaceful. Following a nine week trial, the six have been found not
guilty. ***
The prosecutions have been exposed as an act of political revenge by a party furious that
its role in serving the capitalist class while talking left was so completely exposed by
the largest mass movement Ireland has seen. Shamefully the Labour Party rather than
hanging their head in shame reacted to the verdict with a statement repeating the fiction
that the Garda are independent, something we have all just seen disproved.
We can be almost certain that there will be no repercussions for the Garda that carried
out the dawn raids on people's homes as they were getting their kids ready for school.
There will be no repercussions for the Garda that lied in court under oath. The state
needs political policing to protect the super wealthy few from the many and that means
that the Garda understand they will be protected.
The Jobstown Trial shows how desperate the state (and the capitalist interests it serves)
are to crack down on any resistance to austerity, and to enforce the ‘normal' politics of
class inequality and popular disempowerment. The only thing that stopped them was the jury
just as in the past juries stopped attacks on anti-war protesters at Shannon and
anti-heroin campaigners in the 1980s.
This was not without massive cost for the defendants, the trauma of the dawn raids, the
fear that must have hung over many of a 14 year sentence as a result of being stitched up
And perhaps most importantly the grind of having to spend so much of your life preparing
for and in court, all during working hours. For years the garda have got away with using
long drawn out court cases as punishment for political organising. Minor offences can see
people required to attend court on many different days, all requiring time off work, only
for charges to be thrown out or the garda not even bothering to turn up on the day the
case is to be heard. All part of a rotten system designed by the powerful and wealthy to
punish those who dare to rebel.
In times of massive inequality and social unrest, it is common for states to wait until
popular anger and mobilisations have subsided before cracking down on particularly
prominent or vocal organisers. The trial of the Jobstown Six occurred following some of
the largest popular mobilisations seen in Ireland for decades. These mobilisations arose
in opposition to the establishment of Irish Water, a water metering utility designed to
introduce water charges and ultimately water privatisation.
From 2014 onwards, groups of friends, neighbours, family and activists organised
themselves to prevent water meter installation in working-class areas right across
Ireland. At the same time, a massive number of people boycotted the registration process,
refusing to pay for water. Some of the largest street demonstrations in Ireland for
decades took place. Amidst this upswing in popular self-organisation, the protest of 15
November involved the six men take part in a peaceful, sit-down protest with hundreds of
other angry Jobstown residents which delayed Joan Burton and her colleague for between two
and two and a half hours.
Jobstown and the wider water movement was particularly significant because, until 2014,
popular resistance to austerity in Ireland appeared to be strangely lacking. Following the
capitalist crisis of 2008, austerity measures were imposed by states on populations across
Europe in order to socialise the debts of failing, private financial institutions. The
crisis in Ireland was centrally managed by the state in order to achieve this outcome
(with much secrecy, lies, skull duggery, broken promises, and propaganda used to do so).
What we were told was the cheapest option, became the only option, became the most
expensive in Europe as 65 billion euro was found for socially useless banks. Cuts to
social services, increased taxes and new charges, including water charges, formed the bill
presented to the Irish people for the enrichment of private interests and bondholders.
Jobstown was a working class demonstration against a party leader whose party had imposed
austerity and water charges, a party defending the privileges of private interests and
bondholders ahead of the basic needs and dignity of the immense majority of the people.
The curtailment of resistance to left-wing activists up to 2014 owed much to social
partnership between the state, employers, and trade unions; to the capitalist media
consensus in legitimating the austerity regime; and to left-talking but austerity-imposing
political parties and independent TDs, notably the Labour party, propping up right-wing
governments. The water movement marked a determined break with these patterns.
This trial represent a counter assault on the biggest grass-roots, anti-authoritarian
movement in decades in Ireland by framing the protesters as being beyond the pale,
deviant, illegal, and even fascist. Instantly after the protests media was filled with
accounts of violence, mob behaviour, stones and bricks were hurled, abuse screamed, a near
riot occurred, in the process both the movement and the people of Jobstown were slandered.
One example of many was David Begg of ICTU's claim that an aid of Burton who he
"personally knew", was "beaten and kicked" on the ground, remarkably no such incident was
mentioned at the trial itself.
There exists a latent need within the establishment to pigeonhole any resistance as being
inherently violent and degenerate (and by extension this preys on anti-working class bias
propagated by the media), this goes double when those who resist come from those who are
regarded as belonging to the ‘lower orders', the Jobstown trial is the highwater mark of
this mentality and all it has done is demonstrate the strange brew of foolishness,
naivity, arrogance of the state in light of real people standing up for themselves. These
protests weren't just protests, they were not merely about water charges, they were also
symbolic of wider scale resistance to austerity and direct action. We weren't supposed to
notice the parasite as it fed. The Labour Party's behaviour especially has been
spectacularly self-defeating, the leader of a party that has long given up any pretense of
leftism openly showing her contempt of those whom she is supposedly a champion for.
One issue the trial brings up is the question of what would have happened had this
incident taken place in D4 rather than D24? But this begs the further question under what
circumstance would a middle/upper class protest such as what occurred in Jobstown
manifest? We know the upper classes have their interests looked after automatically by the
Irish state, austerity after-all has increased their wealthy not diminished it, when the
Irish economy was essentially crashed in 2008 it was done so not to keep ATMs open, but to
protect the wealth of bankers and developers (Anglo Irish Bank famously had no ATMs, but
almost exclusively wealthy clients), they have special access to power by dint of their
class and status. The ‘need' to be heard by the upper classes has so many release valves
that it hardly exists and as such is far less acute than it is in an area like Jobstown
where the visitation of a high-level minister like Burton is a novelty and a spur to action.
In response to people standing up for themselves, the state has swung wildly between
arrogance and panic. The policing that accompanied the Jobstown protest demonstrated the
idea that the police and the government work in tandem through the state in order to
protect the powerful and suppress dissent wherever possible, that any dissent that
registers as causing any kind of disruption to power itself is to be crushed, that your
freedom to object and fight back is inconsequential compared to the freedom power has to
do as power does, the effect on the people be damned.
The government, nor Labour itself itself did not bring the trial, but they didn't have to,
the mechanisms of the state and legal system are such that their political agenda kicks in
like automatic stabilisers, a good servant they know the will of their political masters,
act accordingly and is rewarded and protected. Gardai are amongst the most best paid, most
conservative and least qualified public servants, with average Garda pay estimated to be
100,000 euro per anum (when pension contributions are taken into account). Meanwhile
blatant and open Garda corruption has little or no consequence for force members, GSOC is
widely regarded as toothless and the allegations of whistle blowers like Maurice McCabe
require relentless pressure from leftist independent TDs before they are so much as
considered, let alone dealt with.
Strangest thing about #JobstownNotGuilty trial is all Garda statements repeated same lies,
the protesters were hurling stones and rocks, Paul Murphy was marshalling and directing
the protesters, there was no cooperation between protesters and the Gardai, the protest
was presented as a scene of bedlam and chaos. Like kids copying homework with the wrong
answer, written testimonies contradicted verbal testimonies, some testimonies even
contradicted evidence the same Garda gave in the previous Jobstown trial (see key facts
below). It goes to show how little scrutiny the Gardai receive in this country that they
can so flagrantly construct their own facts out of thin air to suit their own agenda and
get away with it, only in very rare circumstance is this examined with the kind of rigour
offered by the defence teams cross-examination. It speaks of the corruption within the
force that goes hand in hand with policing in general.
The Garda have been making a lot of noise in the last year about people videoing them in
action. They want to make this illegal. At the Jobstown trial we saw Garda lying under
oath but being exposed again and again by video from the scene.
From an anarchist perspective. How is it to be taken? It speaks a lot about spurious
notions of 'freedom' which exist under a capitalist system enforced by the the state and
rule of law, constrict a minister for the duration of a film, it's a scandal and a crime,
worthy of morning raids and a costly and farcical trial. Run a socio-political system that
expands the cost of buying a house from four to nine times the average income in a
generation, that forces thousands to emigrate, that cuts crucial services and lines
hospital corridors with trollies, retire on a nice fat pension and take up an executive
role in the private sector to feather the nest. If Joan Burton is to seriously be
considered as having been imprisoned for those three hours, then surely is it not fair to
consider those who wait for hours in our hospitals not just imprisoned, but tortured?
Whilst Burton and the establishment bemoan the curtailing of her freedom by the action of
the people, what freedom do the people have to reject austerity, neo-liberalism, or
capitalism? You have the ‘freedom' to protest and they have the ‘freedom' to determine
whether or not that protest is to their taste and if it is not you will find all your
freedoms forfeit. It recalls the futility of expecting justice from the legal system that
is highlighted by the well-known Anatole France quote: "In its majestic equality, the law
forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of
Jobstown reminds us that the longer the state continues to impose austerity in Ireland,
the more it will encounter popular opposition. The more it resorts to force or fraud to
counter that opposition, the more it faces a crisis of legitimacy. Jobstown is innocent!
The state is guilty! The charges against the remaining defendants in the two next trials
must be dropped and the earlier conviction of the 17 year old over turned.
The collaboration of political parties, media and garda in the farce that was the Jobstown
trial reminds us that all these serve a tiny percentage of the people living in Ireland,
the multi millionaires and billionaires. That gang will stop at nothing to maintain their
wealth and power, it's long past time to show them the door. The laughter of our children
in a free society (while history only remembers their shameful role) shall be our retribution.
Appendix: Key moments from case: This includes so many claims that they jury must have
considered lies or which were not even made in court
Protest and immediate aftermath:
In November 2014 a protest takes place in reaction to news Joan Burton is to appear at a
graduation ceremony at An Cosán Virtual Community College in Jobstown, Tallaght.
Media reportage in aftermath speaks of violent protest, Sunday Independent runs with
clumsily photoshopped image of a brick throwing teenager and Joan Burton.
David Begg of ICTU claims a personal assistant of Burton's who he personally knew was
"kicked and beaten" on the ground.
Dawn raids carried out three months after the protest.
Information leaked by Gardai on the nature of charges to and reported on by RTE
correspondent Paul Reynolds.
In October 2016 a teenager (aged 15 in November 2014) is found guilty of false
imprisonment and sentenced to six months, this verdict is being appealed.
Jury selection: DPP request that jurors not come from Jobstown or the Tallaght area,
active in any water charges protests, or to have expressed an opinion on water charges or
austerity online.
Burton evidence:
Burton testimony, claims of nightmares, terror, running her for life, nearly losing her
shoe, the ever present grin of TD Paul Murphy.
The defense essentially aimed to make it about austerity. Broken promises of Labour etc.
Cross examination grilled her on the Labour party's treachery, to which Burton replied
that as leader of the Labour party she saw herself as carrying the ideas of Connolly.
Helicopter footage, no pushing or shoving, very few children to be seen, Gardai can be
heard to comment. "The jeep could have gone back ages ago, but there was no hassle really."
Footage shown from Burton's car, both she and assistant, happy, joking, far from angry
mobs, people chatting, in a second Burton is asking her assistant about making posts on
social media about "the children", in the third her assistant Karen O'Connell can be heard
to said of the protesters they were "the fucking dregs."
Narrative of people being ‘out of control' a baying mob completely shattered, all the
video evidence showed was a sit down protest, minor scuffles which emerged when
Burton's memory shown to be patchy at best.
Zappone testimony:
Snookered on question regarding the role of riots in achieving gay liberation (in a book
she co-authored she made explicit reference to the role the Stonewall riots had in
securing gay rights).
Throughout her cross examination asked Judge "do I have to answer this?"
Later shown refusing to condemn the protesters on in 2016 on Vincent Browne's ‘The
People's Debate', contradicting her evidence.
Garda testimony:
Garda McGuinness' claims of rocks having been thrown, defense pointed out no rocks
mentioned in her statement or visible in footage.
Garda Cooke claimed Paul Murphy was directing protesters using a megaphone, again footage
shown which contradicted this.
Inspector Maguire denied that any agreement between Gardai and protesters, this was
contradicted by evidence the same Garda had given at the previous Jobstown trial.
Super-Intendant Flavin claimed in their written statement that the animation and
aggression of crowd a consequence of what Paul Murphy was saying through the megaphone,
this was left out from court evidence.
Message: 3
Whilst many Corbynistas want a purge of the Blairites and Brownites, Corbyn does not want
such a split, even if some of his left allies do. He has been a loyal Labour MP for 30
years, staying within it through thick and thin, through the Iraq War to which he was
opposed and after the majority of Labour MPS abstained on the Welfare Bill. He still
faces the enmity of the party machine, peopled with Blairites , and the majority of Labour
MPS, wedded to Blairite and Brownite ideas. The party machine was designed by Blair to
control the Party, to decide lists of electoral candidates, both in local and national
government and to stifle any opposition. A sign of his reluctance to bring about a split
can be seen in his intention to include members of the Labour right in his shadow cabinet.
During the last Coalition government the union leaders did nothing to combat austerity,
waiting for over a year before they even called an A-B demonstration. As a result hundreds
of thousands of jobs were lost and billions of pounds of cuts were carried out. In this
situation we saw the rise of the People's Assembly (PA), backed by the Stalinists of the
Communist Party and the Morning Star, by the Trotskyist outfit Counterfire, the Green
Party, and the Labour Left. They were supported by leaders of Unite. The PA was intended
to be a left cover for the union leaders sabotage and calling-off of every significant
strike that could have challenged the Coalition. The PA leadership overwhelmingly supports
Labour, although until recently it felt constrained to do so openly because of how
discredited Labour was.
Now it can, and so can other left formations designed to attempt to replicate "old" Labour
like Left Unity, which is supported by ex-members of the Labour left, and by many
Trotskyists. From the Communist Party to the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition,
practically every leftist gang is now rooting for Corbyn. Where once some of them had
plans to create a new Party similar to old Labour and hostile to the present Labour Party,
now they are hypnotised by the seeming success of Labour. As a result their own formations
may be passed by and indeed destroyed as thousands flood back into Labour. Why would
working class people have any credibility in those who one minute say that Labour is a
party of big business and the market and in a blinking of an eye decide that the election
of a new Labour leader offers new hope???
We must as anarchists argue the case that the new grassroots groups and organisations
emerging around housing and opposition to austerity must maintain that grassroots outlook
and horizontal organisation and not be distracted by the Corbyn circus and its left
Message: 4
Since late 2016, different drug trafficking mafias have made the Exarchia Square in Athens
its main distribution and sale center, generating a climate of violence that in March of
this year caused an attack on three young anarchists who were stabbed by drug traffickers
In an autonomous social center of the neighborhood, in response - and revenge - an
anarchist militant shot down with a Kalashnikov to one of these mafiosos. ---- In the
protest, libertarian groups were united of all the popular districts of Athens, as well as
neighbors and settlers of this emblematic neighborhood that demand; "OUT THE NARCOTRAPH OF
In a global context where states forge alliances with drug trafficking groups such as
Mexico, Colombia, and much of Latin America, the organized struggle in neighborhoods to
eradicate drug use, as well as the inherent climate of violence that this business
Provokes, becomes a great example to retejer the community ties and revolutionary projects
in the city.
Message: 5
To be critical is good. To use this as a communitarian, even ethnist, grid is to fall into
the low-level geopolitics. This is what Raqqa, the battle of the Euphrates, does, despite
the relevant information it brings. ---- Arte aired Saturday 1 st July a report rather
hostile to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS) - Arab-Kurdish coalition whose YPG are the
backbone - in the Raqqa region. For several weeks now, the SDS has besieged the city, the
Syrian capital of the Islamic state, with the support of the Western coalition. ---- We
can only congratulate journalists for wanting to be critical of the SDS. This will change
the stories obsessed with the valiant combatants so characteristic of the Kurdish
militias. However, the criticism here is irrelevant, because it seems to respond to a
preformatted reading grid, presupposing that the SDS, far from " liberating " the areas
occupied by Daech, will in fact constitute a new occupant oppressor. For what reason ?
Because they are Kurdish and foreign to the region of Raqqa, which is Arabic, the
reportage in question answers us.
This view corresponds rather to an old geopolitical grid that conceives politics in Africa
and the Middle East only through the relations of ethnic and tribal forces. Because of the
colonial heritage, this grid of reading has long guided French diplomacy [1]. In the
press, it continues to be distilled by a professor at Sciences Po, Jean-Pierre Filiu,
columnist polemic, but often highlighted by Lemonde.fr [2].
According to this grid of reading, it does not matter that there are people left or right,
regardless of the project of society (liberal, Islamist, socialist ...) they carry: their
community and tribal interests will prevail always. If they claim otherwise, it is a ruse
to abuse the West. Thus, when the Kurdish left speaks of democratic confederalism, hammers
that it is neither a separatist nor a separatist, it defends a political project for the
whole of Syria and the Middle East, Various communities in its struggle ... it is
considered a trickery of which one must not believe.
Young people just out of Daech are incorporated into the SDS.
" The new Kurdish masters "
In the report produced by Arte, this reading grid permeates the comments in voice-over,
globally hostile to the YPG, qualified (4:15) of " Kurdish Marxist independence guerrilla
" and " new foreign masters in the region " (10:05 ). Thus, the inhabitants of the
liberated city of Tabqa must " now compose with their new Kurdish masters, after the
Syrian dictatorship, after the rebels of the ASL, after the jihadists of the EI "
(23:50). Conclusion: " In the name of the struggle against the EI, the West turns a blind
eye to the territorial expansion of its new Kurdish ally in Syria. Even leaving the seeds
of new conflicts " (24:30).
Presenting things so is tragic.
In a Middle East that is actually torn apart by racist and religious conflicts, it is
tragic to denigrate the SDFs which are just trying to overcome ethnic fractures to
reinject politics and a progressive and federalist project.
This does not mean that they should be incensed blindly . Like the Algerian FLN in the
past, the Kurdish left certainly adapts its language to each of its supporters - Russian,
American and French imperialisms on the one hand ; On the other side, the far left of
Turkey, Latin America and the West.
Rather than a pre-formatted denigration, this report could have adopted a relevant
critical point of view by seeking to share story-telling and reality ; Noble federalist
ambitions, and the cruel feudal reality with which one must compose.
The FDS officer Abu Khalil negotiates the return of the refugees with heads of families of
Tabqa, after the flight of Daech.
Information to remember
For the rest, the report deserves to be seen, because it provides information that can
usefully reflect on the stakes of democratic confederalism in a fairly conservative Sunni
Arab region. We will remember:
The opening sequence, in the suburbs of Raqqa, where a militiaman of the FDS, in a
certain confusion, fires shots on what he thinks are jihadists, while his comrades tell
him to stop because they can Be civilians. Or, in the devastated Tabqa, those inhabitants
who tell that many civilians were killed in the bombings, while only six jihadists
remained in the city. Images that recall, if need be, that " clean war " does not exist ;
The incorporation by SDS of young men - no women on the screen - barely out of the ranks
of Daech. In a fortnight, their military training is provided by the United States ; Their
" political " formation is by the Kurds. What is its nature ? Is it more than a " code
of conduct " ? Does it contain some first bits of feminism, even minimal ? Are there any
Arab women volunteers to engage ? The report says nothing. It is a burning question, as we
know that the taking of arms was the first strong act for Kurdish women to break with
patriarchy and feudalism ;
Abu Khalil, the FDS officer who guides journalists in Tabqa. He is an Arab, originally
from the region, was persecuted by Daech, and then lost part of his family in the bombing
of the coalition. It has only been part of the SDS for six months, and is now the military
official for the city, interacting with local heads of families. So far veneered comments
on " new foreign masters Kurdish region " ... But Abu Khalil of hiding anything
difficult post-Daech in this liberated area: " If it is not, consider t- He (24:10), the
people will kill each other ; There are many tribal rivalries " ;
The naivety of certain recruits vis-à-vis the United States (19:35), of which they see
only the material aid, without deciphering the imperialist ambitions. We are far from the
lucidity of seasoned militants, trained in the analysis of the balance of power ;
The damage inflicted on the Tabqa hydroelectric dam, the largest in Syria. For several
years, Daech continued to deliver his electricity to the Damascus regime, which in return
paid the salaries of the Raqqa officials. Before escaping, they sabotaged the facilities,
including Soviet turbines for which there are no spare parts ... The challenge for the
Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is enormous. Will it be able to restart production
without logistical support ? And if not, under what conditions ? Burning question again ...
Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)
Sophie Nivelle-Cardinale and Sylvain Lepetit, Raqqa, the Battle of the Euphrates, Arte /
Kheops Prod, 2017. Visible until July 8th.
[1] Thus, in the 1970s and 1990s, the Élysée considered that the extreme right-wing regime
that oppressed Rwanda was legitimate , since it came from the majority (Hutu) ethnic
group. This made it possible to say that " the Hutus " were in power.
[2] His extremely biased chronicle of June 25, " The true face of Rakka's liberators , "
is a case study.
Message: 6
Released the fourth issue of the factory newspaper published by the Commission in the
Amazon Workers Initiative. Wydawn newspaper with a circulation of 8 thousand., This week
is distributed to people in zatrudniom Amazon warehouses near Poznan and in Wroclaw. ----
editorial: ---- We give to your hands a newspaper created by employees for employees. You
will find here the position of the compound, legal advice, but serious issues and jokes.
We discuss issues that do not read on Amazon's advertising billboards. Every workplace
builds primarily crew. We her voice is not always heard. The way in which introduced
electronic strips wage without consultation, and how many people do not have access to
them, it shows how the company often ignores our basic needs. Similarly - outrageous
deterioration of working conditions in the form of annual introduction of temporary
contracts instead of permanent contracts - shows that the situation is getting worse. We
believe that it will improve only when we stop being afraid and together say enough doing
business at our expense!
Amazon Workers' Initiative
Contact: ipamazon@wp.pl , tel. 721-852-897
We demand increases!
Last year's strike referendum, in which 2 thousand. people voted for the strike was a
warning to the company. After the referendum as a step Amazon stressed that it did not
affect the decisions taken by the company payroll, but the fall salaries increased to 15
zl, introduced internship stipends (this is demanded), Christmas bonuses and dismissal
halted because of standards. At the beginning of the year, many agency workers received
direct contracts.
In April and May 2017. Union conducted a probe to investigate the mood of the crew and to
plan future steps. Participation in it took 478 people - 91% of the Amazon and 9% of
employment agencies. 84% of the votes came from employees in Sady, the rest in Bielany
Wroclawskie. This representation of the crew showed what counts for us.
The most important demands was an increase in wages and wage supplements:
1. increases the basic rate of 30% - 67% of the votes;
2. Introduction of the special payment like the French Amazon - 44%;
3. Introduction traineeship for example German Amazon - 41% of the votes;
Also, a lot of people - 32% would like to receive funding in the form of so-called.
holiday packages under the pear tree from the Social Fund.
Demanding hikes is fully justified in the face of the economic recovery, a decline in
unemployment and wage growth, not only the minimum wage. Our global chief Jeff Bezos, is
the third richest man in the world. Amazon's shares recently again went up. Meanwhile, the
rates we offer are not competitive: according to an analysis ( "Market Real Estate Market
Insights 2017. Inventory" prepared by Colliers International) wages collar worker in the
logistics sector in Wielkopolska reached in 2016. Between 2600 zl (first quartile) and
3900 zl (third quartiles) and the Lower Silesia zl 2400 (the first quartile), 3600 zl
(third quartile). This means that it is not unique as an employee earning warehouse
3600-3900 zl.
The average height of the Amazon base salary worker storage (level 1) is on average:
- for WRO1 2618.44 zl gross
- for WRO2 2681.98 zl gross
- POS1 to 2718.28 zl gross
contrast average gross including overtime, bonus and additives amounted to:
- for WRO1 3072.58 zl gross
- for WRO2 3136.98 zl gross
- for pos1 3,267.89 zl gross
These are the figures for the first quarter of 2017. Wages Fund. As you can see they are
lower amount than that offered on the market. Therefore OZZ Workers' Initiative filed a
letter of demands to the employer, demanding wage increases and other salary benefits.
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