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donderdag 6 juli 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 6.07.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Greece, "Black & Red": Solidarity occupation of ADU School
      and in all occupations and race communities. (gr) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Czech, afed: Let's change the system, not the climate!
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire - Walk against the state of
      permanent emergency by AL 93 , AL Montreuil , AL Paris North East
      , AL Paris South , AL Saint-Denis (fr, it, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Greece, rocinante: Government, mayors, media, scabs: the
      employee of the Municipality Zografou died because of you (gr)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Turkey, sosyal savas: The act of solidarity with activists
      'Nuriye and Semih'! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  wsm.ie: RTE outrageously reports 10s of thousands at so
      called 'March for Life' (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

As we have recorded in our previous 
attitude[https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1571448/]state to attack the race structures, 
squats, the class and social resistance, refugees and migrants are not cut off a , partial 
and subject to specific conditions tool used against "some". Is the general expression of 
state brutality which now operate the political managers of SYRIZA-ANEL government and 
which, given the opposition of the interests and demands of the down - like all 
governments - has set as priorities the repression in the fledgling all without a guardian 
of social resistance, the development of which would create conditions to overthrow the 
state capital plans and of course the current government serves from driver seat.

The "transfer" of political responsibility from the hard core of the state, the police and 
the government in regional bodies (see. Municipalities and public institutions) or 
individuals (as recently in the case of Barricada occupation Larissa) for discharging 
match sites there is a new "radical" idea that invented the current government is my old 
art sieve "rationalists" of state repression. These stale tricks can not distract us from 
the real objective is the targeting of the conflict with the basic exercise of power 
institutions and policy makers.

Solidarity, which remains our main weapon in this, as in all games can be understood in 
depth and become a constant effective interaction treaty but also an effective means of 
self-defense, if we can convince all partners that directly attack the state covers all 
resistances and thus must be answered. The constant presence in the struggles, political 
and organizational reconstruction of the anarchist current, the sharpening of the class 
struggle, the creation of new social embankments, the defense of the race areas are just a 
few of the fields whose development will bring us into better positions in the battle 
against state imposition and class domination.

We invite all friends and comrades involved and rally around occupations, pupils and 
students who participate in the combat operations and young people to respond to the call 
and participate in the solidarity demonstration for the ESC School. The Nuevo Mundo 
following the political action in defense of squats and structures of the race will be there.

THURSDAY 1/6 18.00 at school (Vas. Georgiou & Bizaniou)

squat Mundo Nuevo (Philip & Siatistis)



Message: 2

Thanks to all the other players in this klimakempu in Upper Jiretin. ---- Long-prepared 
actions for climate justice, Klimakemp 2017 is behind us, it is time to report and 
evaluate. If we take it very briefly, on June 21 to 25 gathered at the edge of the Upper 
Jiretína, the village which was threatened with demolition due to coal mining, several 
hundred activists to highlight the urgency of the requirement of climate protection. 
Thematically, then they focused on the mining industry and the burning of fossil fuels, 
which is in the process of global warming the biggest share of all the factors that 
contribute to it. ---- Klimakemp had several organizational and action levels. Conducted 
on-site lectures, plenary and cultural program. Operation of the camp was secured after 
all possible sites, the supply of electricity from solar panels, securing food to 
composting toilets. Outside the camp proceeded help with work in the village and on 
Saturday, June 24 reported by the "March for limits, end of period coal and clean future." 
On the one followed smaller demonstrations in front of the power plant in Ledvice and 
actions of civil disobedience involving the temporary blockage mining infrastructure at 
the mine Bílina and during Saturday evening, the night and the subsequent actions of 
solidarity in front of police stations in several cities in the Usti Region in support of 
detained activists.

Police are thoroughly prepared for the event, and hundreds of reinforcements arrived from 
other regions, coal dust stirred up a police helicopter, along with grazing horses down 
with policemen and policewomen on the back. Tabor watched dozens of secret and locals were 
constantly legitimized, stopped by in cars and public buses. Rangers's capital but it was 
to no avail, because the blockade machines as well and there was a local showcase, as well 
as democracy steered from beneath a police cap.

The event was also involved anarchists. Action Anarchist Federation supported the release 
of wall newspapers A3 with the theme of climate justice, and then also the involvement of 
members of the camp to run. Decisions and "work" on klimakempu match anarchist principles 
and they were something so obvious that their ideological positions had no need to deal 
with, it was enough just to collaborate, promote, propose, discuss and decide together 
freely to choose the form and degree of their involvement.

In the following days we would like to bring more detailed reports from individual actions 
to bring them closer to those who are for some reason unable to attend. In the future, we 
strongly recommend to similar camps involved. It is not a just protest, but school 
autonomy and freedom and encouragement to other activities and developing contacts.

We would like to thank both organizing groups for their long-term commitment, as well as 
all the other players klimakempu, local people and workers who warmly welcomed us, and all 
those who direct action and struggle for climate justice support.



Message: 3

Against the renewal of the state of emergency and the establishment of a permanent state 
of emergency ! ---- For our rights and our freedoms ! ---- The state of emergency must be 
renewed for another 6 months by the government in July. However, the state of emergency 
has largely demonstrated its ineffectiveness against attacks and has been used mainly 
against social movements (labor law, COP 21, etc.), against Muslims or supposed to be, 
against migrants And their supporters, against the inhabitants of the working-class 
neighborhoods where police violence has multiplied with impunity.  ---- Again on May 8, 69 
activists were placed under house arrest to prevent them from attending the demonstration 
of the social front because they had taken part in demonstrations against the labor law.

At the same time, the Macron government introduced a bill to establish a permanent state 
of emergency, introducing into the penal code measures resulting from the state of 
emergency. This bill, by introducing administrative penalties for deprivation of liberty 
or restriction of freedom of movement, makes banning the rule of law and the principle of 
separation of powers. It is designed to apply well beyond the fight against terrorism, 
such as the state of emergency, and will obviously be hardened to the next alert ... like 
the various repressive laws that have followed one another over the past 15 years.

This time, it envisages the creation of security perimeters on the street, that is to say 
on the street, which are not limited in duration nor its geographical influence (still in 
the name of the "  terrorist threat  "). It will lead to excavations of vehicles, baggage 
and palpations by the municipal police or vigilantes, thus becoming supplétives of the police.

It can be applied to the perimeter of a demonstration (as in 2016), but also throughout 
Guyana, any Paris if need be, or a whole neighborhood to control the inhabitants 
permanently. Arbitrary, abusive and anger will be the fruits of this measure designed to 
muzzle the social movement that is promising against the destruction of social protection, 
the rights of employees or the social emergency.

Individual measures, house arrest, 24-hour search, electronic search, Hertzian 
surveillance would apply to the initiative of the police and the Prefect, in some cases 
with prior (but in principle) validation of the Judge or the public prosecutor: ... "where 
the person represents a threat of particular gravity to public security and order", and " 
who supports or adheres to theses inciting to terrorism  " ... the terms defining the 
Targeted are unclear, and could apply to activists, trade unionists.

Border control would be reestablished against migrants and reinforced around stations, the 
closures of certain places of worship would be facilitated, the passenger file would be 
perennial and the data kept for 5 years ...

The state of emergency and this attempt to make it permanent must be stopped.

This dangerous bill will be presented to the Senate and then probably to the assembly in 
July. It's urgent !



Message: 4

Just one day after the strike of the WTO OTA while the celebrations of the government and 
mayors for this development had not yet subsided, the six 0 years working in Zografou, 
Daniela Prelorentzou, died shortly before rising to refuse to space garage of the City 
Campus. ---- According to the testimonies of her colleagues, Daniela came to office at 
about 00:30 pm, in unimaginable conditions of heat and exhaustive heat to get a job and 
help collect garbage. He felt unwell and collapsed thereby transferred hastily the 
Annunciation they found her death. Chances are that the death was due to heart attack. 
---- It is obvious that the fact can not be disconnected from the panic that has been 
established over the past 24 hour regarding the garbage that had not gathered in the 
streets of Athens because of the strike. Even reportedly her colleagues, Daniela was 
forced to make two shifts in a day, which led to the exhaustion.

Death 6 0 time working is the tragic confirmation of how fair was the strike struggle of 
the workers in the cleaning of the municipalities. A fight that loidorithike, defamed, 
attacked furiously to drive to decelerate it. Today, after this tragic development, simply 
highlights the necessity and right of this race.

Once the government budgies have not even stopped to shake his finger at strikers and 
those who supported them, once the mudslinging of the government against the strikers have 
not yet subsided, the death of a worker comes to prosthethei the glorious feats of all 
antisyndikalistikon rhetorical zealously promoted the previous days.

Which talk about coincidence, who attempted to qualify the death of the worker dropping 
from the heat in summer and generally a bad moment it is assumed that consciously help 
Blackout effective reading event.

To the death of 60 year old worker no specific instigators:

It is the government that attempted to disengage the strike by its content and present it 
to the public as the main opposition tool. It is the vast majority of SMEs who played 
happily in the government game engaged in their favorite pastime: to slander the strikers. 
Are mayors who blackmailed workers in the municipalities that if not stop the strike will 
outsource cleaning to private companies. Are the scabs who happily came out to the streets 
and sabotaged the struggle of their colleagues.

The death of 60 year old worker, a woman who instead of enjoying pension chased anxiously 
oligomines contracts with money of xeftilas as this intensification the new labor reality, 
lies with all those who furiously threw water to the mill of social automation turned 
against a fair strike. Workers without rights, work without protective measures, salaries 
of the plate, criminal working conditions: these are the ingredients work as shaped by the 
bosses and the government. The consumability the modern worker even apekteinetai and level 
of physical extermination. And that no one can seriously claim that it is an exaggeration.

The working class must not get used to death. In recent months the deaths caused by the 
working conditions are so many that now is the prime need for the labor movement to 
integrate with structural terms in the claims agenda of t



Message: 5

Today some or one activist put one banner on the raillway in Halberstadt city of Germany 
"Nuriye ve Semih Yalniz Degildir" Nuriye and Semih are still hunger strike in the jail in 
Turkey. We annouce that "Turkish state should know they are not alone"



Message: 6

Saturday saw the annual anti-choice parade and yet again RTE reported a grossly inflated 
figure of the number marching.  They headlined it as ‘tens of thousands’ and in the body 
of the article quoted the organisers claiming 70,000 without further comment, appearing to 
endorse it.  As we are going to show below at the very least that’s a tenfold 
exaggeration, in fact by our count about 5300 people took part.  And while that estimate 
might be out by 10 or even 20% its physically impossible for it to be out by up to 1500% 
as that would require ten people too fit into a one meter square space. ---- We use the 
same counting methodologies (see below) for almost every demonstration that takes place in 
Dublin, from huge anti water charges protests to smaller but still significant ones on a 
huge range of issues.  We do these sorts of counts more than a dozen times a year.  We 
don’t always publicise the numbers we reach - organisers always tend to overestimate 
somewhat, most often guessing a figure that is twice what actually attended.  Generally we 
agree with what the demands of a demonstration are so we don’t want to appear to undermine 
it by publicly providing real numbers.  But we do count, we do use those counts internally 
in the WSM and we often communicate them directly to organisers.

Why do we do this?  Because if you want to have a sense of how strong a movement actually 
is you need to have an idea of the real numbers it can mobilise.  That means we work hard 
to be as accurate as possible, to do otherwise would defeat the purpose of counting in the 
first place.  In the case of the campaign there are other, grimmer reasons that we discuss 
at the end of this piece.

With smaller demonstrations of 5,000 or less its quite easy to count the entire 
demonstration, not by counting every single person but by standing at a point and counting 
blocks of 10 people as they pass.  With more patience the same method works for larger 
demonstrations although you need multiple counters as its hard to keep attention for that 
long but a method that works almost as well is to count how many people pass in one 
minute, do that every ten or so minutes, calculate the average per minute and then 
multiple by the time it takes the march to pass that point.  Videoing this has the 
advantage that the video will record the time it took to pass and you can also look back 
at the count - in comparison with the wild range of guesses you hear after protest marches 
you can make really quite precise calculations.

The counts & calculations for Rally 4 Life

With the Rally 4 Life we recorded the entire march passing the counter protest.  That 
video is 43 minutes and 29 seconds long, let's generously round up to 44 minutes to make 
the calculations easier to follow.  When you watch the video you’ll observe the march 
grinds to a halt a few times, and there is a period of minutes where their own pipe band 
restricts the flow to a trickle.  We could reasonably take a few minutes off to account 
for that time - a bit like extra time in a sports game - but we are again going to be 
generous and not to do.  And we are hardly even going mention that some people - in 
particular that pipe band - circle back and march past twice!

Our photographer stood still and counted four segments each of one minute duration on the 
march.  They did the 4th count out loud as they realised that would be audible on the 
video, this count has been uploaded as a separate video so you can make some sort of 
judgement about how accurate that count seemed.

The 4 counts of one minute each returned the results below

With each of these we were careful to count a segment that had no buses or lorries (as 
this would be a lot fewer people) or large gaps between blocs, long periods of not moving. 
  These allowances will again tend to make for a over estimate of numbers, we are again 
being generous.  In other words the figures bellow are probably a little too high.

The maths
110+120+100+150 = 480
480 / 4 = 120 average per minute
120 * 44 = 5280 people passing

5280 is of course too precise for the mythology, we should probably round it up to 5500 
(again being generous).

Before we countered the last bloc our photographer had the idea of doing the count out 
loud so it would be audible on the video and anyone could those see if it seemed 
reasonable.  We’ve uploaded that as a separate shorter video at 
https://youtu.be/vnxubaHCq0g and would invite you to look at this and see if 150 seems 
reasonable for that bloc.

You might think there are slightly more people who pass in that minute.  You might think 
there are slightly less.  For the sake of being generous (once more) lets imagine you 
think that they undercounted quite badly, that there are really 175 people passing. And 
lets be generous and say they got all the other blocs wrong and those should also have 
been 175 people.  How close to the organisers 70,000 or RTEs ‘Tens of thousands’ would 
that get you.  The maths are easy as the time the march took to pass is very definite so 
its 175 * 44.  That gives you 7700 people, both these other claims remain almost as ludicrous.

Lets imagine RTEs admittedly vague 10s of thousands was only intended to imply 30,000 - 
how many people would need to be in that one minute segment for this to be reasonable. 
Again the maths are easy enough 30,000/44 = 682 people.  Watch the one minute segment 
again, can you see any way of imagining there are 682 people passing, or even half that 
number.  Finally what about the organisers 70,000 claim, how many would need to be passing 
for that to be true.  This time its 70000/44 = 1591 people per minute.  Not just in that 
one minute segment but in every one minutes segment of the entire march!

We asked both teachers and parents what would be a reasonable age to expect someone to be 
able to understand the maths here.  It varies but kids seem to be taught this sort of 
maths by 10 or 11 and certainly the average child could do it by the first year of 
secondary school.  One parent rather generously got their kids to sit down and go through 
the maths, reporting back that it was “really obvious to the 12yo, a bit hard to follow 
for the almost 10yo.”

It certainly should not be beyond a RTE journalist or the organisers of the march.  The 
journalist might well have the excuse that they weren’t there or that they didn’t count so 
when the organisers claimed 70,000 they decided to save themselves the hassle of 
orchestrated complaints to their boss and go with what sounded like a safe ‘10s of 
thousands’.  If that’s the excuse though we’d wonder what exactly they imagine journalism 
is?  We also wonder if RTE will correct or even comment on their initial report and 
explain what led to such a massive error in reporting. Don’t worry, we won’t be holding 
our breadth.

It’s harder to make any sort of reasonable excuse at all for the organisers who claimed 
70,000 or almost 1600 people a minute were streaming past the spire.  Nor for the multiple 
politicians and personalities who all tweeted this figure around the same time as the 
march ended, no doubt to try and influence media reporting.  In treating the media, the 
general public and even the march participants as complete fools - 80k was announced from 
the platform! - they are revealing rather too much about just what they think of the bulk 
of the population.  This is something to remember as the referendum approaches and all 
sorts of claims are made.

Why does this matter?  We expect that we have a referendum to repeal the 8th amendment 
next year.  Under this amendment two young, and therefore raped teenage girls have been 
sectioned rather than provided with the abortions they have requested in the last month. 
Women who have been refused abortions have died, and this has happened at a much greater 
rate with migrant women.  Under the amendment pregnant people lose control of their bodily 
autonomy as soon as it is known they are pregnant, at that point the 8th Amendment allows 
doctors to dictate many many aspects of their many aspects of their pregnancy and birth, 
not just whether it continues.

Thousands of people have obtained illegal abortions in Ireland through the use of pills 
ordered off the internet.  While the procedure is relatively safe all of these people are 
technically guilty of an offence under which they and anyone aiding them could be jailed 
for 14 years.  This isn’t a law from the last century but one passed a couple of years 
back by the then Labour Party / Fine Gael government.

Hundreds of thousands of people have had the considerable expense and hassle of having to 
travel to Britain or beyond to get the medical treatment they should be able to access at 
home.  In some of these cases there was no chance of the foetus they were carrying 
surviving either to birth or more that a few minutes beyond birth because it has a ‘fatal 
foetal abnormality’.  On a more general level the 8th amendment is deep patriarchal, a 
mechanism to infantilise women, rob them of independence and keep them under the control 
of men at the most fundamental level of denying bodily autonomy.

What will matter the day of the referendum is how people will vote, and we are very 
confident that if we are giving the clear choice to get rid of the 8th amendment this will 
be overwhelmingly passed.  But there will be a campaign to try and prevent the 8th 
amendment being removed, the main slogan of the so called Rally for Life was ‘Keep the 
8th’.  And the reason it was essential to the march organisers to be able to make a 
credible claim to such hugely inflated numbers is the level of abuse and shaming they can 
use at part of that campaign is dependent on their ability to claim legitimacy as the 
voice of a lot of people, and not just a deeply regressive tiny minority of religiously 
motivated bigots.  When the 8th amendment was passed in 1983 those who cared campaign 
against it were not only abused and shamed they were frequently physically attacked.  Some 
had animal blood thrown at them.  Many had their workplaces and homes targeted.

To repeat these tactics this time around the anti-choice bigots have to have the shield of 
numbers to hide behind. Their activists, the people they were trying to trick with their 
80,000 estimate have to believe they are some sort of moral majority heroically fighting a 
media conspiracy to become that sort of fanatic who loves all sense of compassion.  They 
don’t and won’t have that shield in the cities but they will be hoping to engage in shame 
and abuse methods in rural towns and villages in the mistaken hope that enough rural votes 
can defeat the large margin the cities will pass the referendum by.  Making it clear they 
represent no one but themselves and there are few of them at that is essential in making 
such methods socially unacceptable everywhere during the campaign.

Words, videos & calculations: Andrew Flood (follow Andrew on Twitter)

Author: Andrew N Flood



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