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zaterdag 8 juli 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 8.07.2017

Today's Topics:


      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Greece, ipposd: Student weekend July 7-8 in the occupation
      Lela Karagiannis 37 (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  US, black rose fed: 3 REASONS WHY WE NEED A MORE
      REVOLUTIONARY JULY 4TH By Tariq Khan (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Anarchists of the Caribbean and Central America facing the
      neo-liberal and militaristic "maturation" of chavismo By ANA o
      (ca, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Czech,   Existence no. 3/2017: We need utopia [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The two-day 17 and June 18, held in occupation Lela Karagiannis 37 in Athens 2nd 
Conference Anarchist Political Organization - Federation collectivity. On the first day, 
in the open debate on the political and social context, the conference was attended as 
observers and companions / compas by the Assembly anarchist social and class emancipation 
and by the assembly of female pupils / students from the anarchist-antiauthoritarian 
space. ---- In this first process, the groups members FROM held political positions around 
a number of issues. The war conducted by the global domination, the Status of Emergency 
and Modern Totalitarianism as a condition in which is expressed the attack of the state 
and the bosses, the necessity internationalist resistance and solidarity towards the 
establishment of international of the bottom, the question refugee and migration and 
entrapment of thousands of people inside the Greek state, the isolation and the 
confinement in concentration camps, the state-capitalist attack on society and the nature, 
the development of social and class resistances of the base and interconnection prospects 
of individual matches, the intensification of state repression against the spaces of 
struggle and self-organized social and class resistances were some who occupied 
collectives issues and contributed to a fruitful dialogue and a lot of interest in which 
identified and deep political groups agreements.

In the open procedure of the first day they sent a written greeting and the companions of 
the collective "Arfa circle" of Kefalonia and by written letter to the organization, the 
anarchist group cumulonimbus from Corfu filed request participation in FROM.

Then, the procedures of the Conference continued with discussions within the collectives 
of A.P.O. which reporting so far traffic, function of organs and special issue groups, 
reassessed the policy framework and set the directions of movement of the organization for 
the time horizon and the 3rd Conference to be held in late 2017, and the next Congress, 
which is being planned for summer 2018.

H Anarchist Political Organization has a federal character, with collectives constitute 
the cells and to function together in a horizontal structure. Established on coherent and 
sufficient political agreements between collectives of anarchists, which jointly shape 
their single movement nationwide through collective bodies that coexist equally.

The FROM seeks to contribute to the creation of a coherent, broad and emancipated social 
and class movement. A movement that puts obstacles in any attempt at manipulation, 
kapilefsis and mediation of social and class struggles and in their integration efforts by 
reformism. Which puts clearly the question of social revolution as the only realistic way 
out of the bottom of the definitive discharge from the domination of the state and capitalism.


Anarchist Political Organization - Federation collectivity apo.squathost.com - 


Message: 2

Friday 7/7 18:00 ---- Event - discussion on the class war in education during the 
capitalist crisis, the National Social Dialogue and education, comprehensive consolidation 
of unpaid child labor and student movement.
The brochure in pdf .
Saturday 8/7 20:00
Rebetiko feast for the financial support of Assembly Studs / s from Anarchist / 
Antiauthoritarian space


Message: 3

July 4th is a white supremacist settler colonial celebration: Three reasons to throw it 
away ---- 1. The Declaration of Independence is a document based on settler colonialism 
and genocide. ---- If we read the Declaration of Independence in high school or college we 
know it to be a list of grievances by elite British-American landowners against King 
George of Great Britain. A key one of these grievances is that the King hindered white 
settlers taking over the lands of Native nations to the west of the then British colonies 
("He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose 
obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to 
encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of 
Lands"). The Declaration makes no secret about this when it refers to the Native peoples 
of North America as "the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an 
undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions" - which is some truly 
twisted double speak given the reality is that it was the white settlers who were 
merciless in carrying out campaigns of extermination against Natives!

The first law wrote by the Continental Congress after winning the War for Independence 
against the British King, before even writing what would become the US Constitution, was 
the Northwest Ordinance. This law opened to settlement what was called "Ohio County" - 
Native territory that was previouly off limits to settlement by order of the British King 
with the Proclamation of 1763. As President Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, his stated his 
vision was for "when our rapid multiplication will expand itself beyond those limits and 
cover the whole northern, if not southern continent, with a people speaking the same 
language, governed in similar form by similar laws."

2. U.S. independence meant freedom for white landowning elite men and was wholly dependent 
on slavery.
The newly independent United States was largely made up of slave labor camps (often less 
accurately referred to as plantations) where Black people were forced to labor for the 
profit of rich whites. Most of the well known founding heroes of the United States were 
owners and operators of large and profitable slave labor camps themselves - from author of 
the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson to "Father of the Nation" George 
Washington as well as principal author of the US Constitution, James Madison. These slave 
labor camps were sites of systemic torture, rape, and humiliation of black people. Not 
just the South, but the entire U.S. economy developed and depended on this system.

3. Patriotism is a weapon of white supremacist capitalist imperialist social control.
Historically, the rich class of parasites who own this nation have used patriotism to 
undermine working-class consciousness and convince whites that they share a common 
interests with wealthy elites. For example, during World War I, the patriotic white 
leaders of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) supported U.S. militarism by agreeing to 
ban strikes during wartime and push the anarchists and socialists (who were the backbone 
of a strong labor movement) out of the unions. Working class children are made to recite 
the pledge of allegiance every day in school. Military recruiters target young people in 
economically marginalized communities for military service. US militarism runs on the 
labor and sacrifice of the class of people who do not benefit from the murderous US 
imperialist project. Indian novelist Arundhati Roy recognized the danger of patriotic 
social conditioning when she wrote, "Flags are bits of colored cloth that governments use 
first to shrink-wrap people's minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead."

The owners of this nation know that patriotism was a useful way to make the working class 
internalize the values of the ruling class. This is precisely why it has become customary 
for amateur and professional sports events to begin with the patriotic ritual of standing 
for the national anthem. The Star Spangled Banner, written by a slave owner and white 
supremacist, is an explicitly anti-Black song which celebrates the US military killing 
Black people who escaped slavery and fought for their freedom against the United States:

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

 From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave.

Yet millions of working-class U.S. Americans at ball games every year stand reverently, 
some with hands over hearts, while this murderous music plays. Black quarterback Colin 
Kaepernick was unofficially banned from the NFL for, in protest of police violence, 
refusing to stand for this vile anti-black song. The U.S. state department pays the NFL 
and other professional sports associations millions of dollars a year to promote 
patriotism and militarism.

Overthrowing the unjust social conditions of white supremacy, capitalism, imperialism, and 
the state requires building transnational, multi-ethnic, and multi-racial radical 
movements. The chauvinistic meanness and small-mindedness that patriotism generates 
undermines the kinds of global revolutionary connections oppressed groups need to make. As 
internationalists, anarchists do not call for people just to be passively unpatriotic, but 
rather actively anti-patriotic. Settler colonization, white supremacy, patriarchy and 
slavery are nothing to celebrate. The blood-stained 4th of July is not for us. The task in 
front of us is to organize a revolution truly worth celebrating: One that liberates us all!

Further readings on patriotism and the founding of the US colonial state

"An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States" by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

"The objective of US colonialist authorities was to terminate their existence as 
peoples-not as random individuals. This is the very definition of modern genocide as 
contrasted with premodern instances of extreme violence that did not have the goal of 
extinction. The United States as a socioeconomic and political entity is a result of this 
centuries-long and ongoing colonial process. Modern Indigenous nations and communities are 
societies formed by their resistance to colonialism, through which they have carried their 
practices and histories. It is breathtaking, but no miracle, that they have survived as 

"What to the Slave is the 4th of July?" by Frederick Douglass

"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, 
more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the 
constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy 
license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and 
heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty 
and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with 
all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, 
impiety, and hypocrisy-a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of 

"Patriotism: a Menace to Liberty" by Emma Goldman

"Thinking men and women the world over are beginning to realize that patriotism is too 
narrow and limited a conception to meet the necessities of our time. The centralization of 
power has brought into being an international feeling of solidarity among the oppressed 
nations of the world; a solidarity which represents a greater harmony of interests between 
the workingman of America and his brothers abroad than between the American miner and his 
exploiting compatriot; a solidarity which fears not foreign invasion, because it is 
bringing all the workers to the point when they will say to their masters, "Go and do your 
own killing. We have done it long enough for you."



Message: 4

FROM WHERE AND WITH WHO WE ARE ---- For us anarchists who inhabit lands near Venezuela, 
what is happening in that country does not seem distant or indifferent to us. Our 
dependent economies have received, for almost two decades, the fuel subsidies of 
PetroCaribe agreements. That is why almost all the states and most of the actors of the 
civil society of the Caribbean region now offer their complicit silence in the face of the 
neoliberal, authoritarian, repressive and militaristic apotheosis that ultimately derived 
the government of Nicolás Maduro Moros. ---- We will not deny the value of such covenants 
to our societies, but let us not close our eyes to the immense contradictions on which 
they rest. The international projection of the Bolivarian revolution favored sensitive 
sectors of our countries, we are not unaware of the benefits of the services that were 
generated under the agreements such as ALBA-TCP, but we are not only clients of 
governmental assistance, -imperialists; We also feel anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, 
anarchist, proletarian, and people of the people. This is how we do not want to be 
accomplices to a silence paid for with oil.

Our affinities and sympathies are for the Venezuelan anonymous people who did not wait for 
"favorable objective conditions," nor did they take the so-called "end of history" 
seriously, and in 1989 carried out the Caracazo, the first great popular revolt in the 
world against the consummation of Neo-liberal policies that would soon be implemented on 
all sides.

When in the early 1990s Movement V Republic emerged in the market for political 
representation offers, their spokespersons spared no compliments and gifts to the 
rebellious, self-organized people. But today, when Chavismo has reached its optimum 
neoliberal, militaristic, repressive maturation, that same people are disqualified with 
epithets of "terrorist", "criminal", "ultra right"; Accusations that seek to hide the 
grotesque mutation suffered by all the professionals of revolutionary politics in power. 
We are with the protagonists of mobilizations in popular neighborhoods like El Valle, 
Coche, January 23, Baruta and July 5 in Petare, Caracas; With the general survey that took 
place in the southern zone of popular and working Valencia. Our hearts are in the 
occupations and recoveries of supermarkets,

We are against the Bolivarian National Police, the Bolivarian National Guard, and the 
Bolivarian Military Intelligence Service, which, by incorporating the adjective 
"Bolivarians" into their names, are still essential supporters of the authoritarian and 
murderous state. We are against the paramilitary "collectives", monsters created with the 
Zamora Plan, fed by the degradation of the authentic popular movement of the 90s, by the 
hand of bureaucracy and Chavez militarism. We are against the media violence of the 
opposition politicians, who only seek to stir up the polarization between the political 
machineries to force a simple exchange of oppressors as a supposed exit from the current 

We are with the thousands of detained without legal protection who are sent as terrorists 
to military courts and to super crowded prisons. The Bolivarian Constitution of 1999 
establishes that military justice is limited to crimes of a military nature, but as we see 
it is a dead letter, like all legal regulations, it tries to sustain dominant interests.

We are with the families of the dozens of dead, mostly young people, or the more than 
1,000 wounded. We are with the student and popular youth of the neighborhoods who have set 
up their own instances of self-defense on avenues and in the streets of the neighborhoods. 
We are with these young people who in Maracay unfurled a banner that said "Ni MUD Ni PSUV, 
We are the ones from below that we come from the top", because only with a change of 
government does not solve the situation.


The anti-imperialism that today wields the Chávez media machinery is a crude red vine leaf 
that seeks to conceal very concrete facts:

Large vultures from the energy and mega-mining sectors (Chevron, Schlumberger, Halliburton 
and Barrick Gold) already have succulent concessions for 40 years in Venezuela, which will 
give them a crucial role in the design of the new Constituent Assembly. President Nicolas 
Maduro instructed his media not to criticize the elected Donald Trump whom he described as 
"friend" and "comrade." Through the state-owned Citgo, Maduro donated half a million 
dollars to open bridges of dialogue with the new Yankee administration. The Venezuelan 
government has paid as a matter of priority the immense foreign debt of the country to the 
international financial capital and remain as faithful partner of the National Council of 
Productive Economy, whose maximum expression is the intimate relation with the media 
oligopoly Organization Cisneros, Assurance of support from most private media. It is a 
government that dresses better every day to the interests of Wall Street, but does not 
want them to stop cataloging it as "Bolivarian," "Left," and "Anti-imperialist."

Again, these are the frustrating limits of the revolutions of "national liberation," 
"socialist," "participatory," "anti-imperialist," etc. based on the ups and downs of 
international commodity prices. It is again the crisis of "Saudi Arabia", now with a 
Bolivarian face, from which again a dark trail of hunger, communal disintegration, 
inability to generate autonomous means of life, existential chaos of millions of people, 
violence among the lower. And all this was promoted by the combination of nationalist oil 
fetishism ("Venezuela power"), political patronage, messianic caudilhismo, macho cult of 
the strong man, able to do magic from the top of the pyramid of the land, which always 
inhibited popular solidarity, Coexistence, fraternal work and celebration among the lower.


Nenhuma Assembleia Constituinte será solução para tão graves e profundos problemas 
sociais, culturais e psicológicos que afetam a nossos povos. Entre a fumaça tóxica, o fogo 
aterrador das armas, as ações de destruição e reabastecimento popular violento, as 
auto-defesas dos bairros para enfrentar os corpos repressivos, os milhares de feridos, a 
morte e a dor pelos seres queridos, emerge algo muito mais útil e liberador que uma nova 
Constituição do Estado venezuelano. Algo que os ideólogos da não-violência e os 
incondicionais do pacifismo não querem ver: a possibilidade prática de uma compreensão 
vivencial e intelectual sobre quem são nossos antagonistas e nossos aliados na luta por 
uma vida sem opressões, que permita a paz entre os de baixo e sustenta r a guerra social 
contra os de cima e seus cúmplices.

Whether anyone in power in Venezuela in the immediate future, whether Chavez or 
anti-Chavez, will have no choice but to reissue the path of the "Economic Package" of the 
government of Carlos Andres Perez 1989 and indicated by the IMF, the proven formula to 
save expenses in domination And to maintain the essentials of the state: its undergarments 
of pyramidal corruption, authoritarianism, militarism, and repression of those below. 
Behind Venezuela the governments of our region will follow, with slightly different 
rhythms and dynamics, the same path. Solidarizar with the Venezuelan government of turn 
now would be the announced chronicle of a betrayal to our companions.as and to ourselves.

Neither PSUV, nor MUD: neighborhood organization, worker and popular.

The fight goes on!

Central American and Caribbean Anarchist Federation (FACC) and autonomous individuals

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Translation> Sol de Abril


Message: 5

Another world is possible. Do not be afraid to dream about it, do not hesitate to go to 
him. Inspiration can be the summer issue of our anarchist revue. ---- Summer number 
anarchist revue, Existence is devoted to a topic that is unduly neglected by us, as if we 
had kept impose its inappropriateness, confirmation of "common sense" and "need to be 
realistic." Only two concepts are mere constructs tributary its time and ruling ideology. 
We called the theme "we need utopia" and we want him to point out the indisputable 
importance of imagination in the process of resistance against authority, and in the 
struggle for a better society. ---- Anarchists are berating into dreamers and utopians. It 
is not about anything, what we should be ashamed. In fact, it is our priority, that must 
not be taken under any circumstances. It will be necessary always and everywhere, even in 
the event that we have reached such proportions of which we dream today. It is never 
closed and nothing is still room for improvement and where to go.

Utopia as a literary genre dates from the same famous works of the English humanist 
Thomase Moora. It is a literary tendency depicting imaginary social structures in other 
parts first, and later at other times of the world. Much of the work that can pigeonhole 
this into place, but constructs a fixed and immutable order, often driven by an 
enlightened authority. However, they are interested rather they utopia, which is 
characterized by freedom, openness and casual work. In our main topic ie mainly follow the 
line of anti-authoritarian utopia and try to explain why it is so important for us, what 
should not be ignored and which way should proceed. Shortly we reflect on the meaning and 
dystopia that warn against various forms of totalitarianism, and antiutopias to convince 
us that a better world is not just possible, whether he should present any flies.

Dystopia illustrate our presence that is more than anything else characterized neoliberal 
hegemony governed Thatcherite slogan "There is no alternative". Is the motto of 
neoliberalism kills dreams, offering instead a consumer substitutes, and announced the end 
of history. Therefore, it is important to squeeze out from under the paving password 
Parisian revolt of 1968, which proclaimed, "All power to the imagination" and shouted: 
"Let's be realistic, enter impossible." Our ideas and actions have standing because they 
have the magic power to push the boundaries of the possible. Utopia past is a reality 
today. The ruling ideologues are aware of, and to eliminate effective resistance must 
atomize society and get rid of social imagination.

Anarchists do not tend to design detailed plans of future society. Our principles are the 
foundation of freedom and equality. Since that depends on a variety of organizational 
procedures, structures and approaches. Utopia is for us first of all attempt to formulate 
collective aspirations and desires, as well as the classics of the genre means criticism 
of the existing oppression and inequality. It is necessary to adhere to these principles, 
discuss them and expand the space of freedom. Their application allows many ways, adhering 
to the one we are no different from our ideological opponents.

We decided to dismantle the three literary and theoretical work, which can serve as a 
starting point for further ideas, discussions and screenings own. First, we book News from 
Utopia (1890) by Williama Morrise, the concept of exempt work influences acting upon it, 
and also what influenced those who came after him. Then we transfer to Latin America, 
where faith in the Argentine anarchist Pierre Quiroule issued in 1914, his utopian work of 
the American city of anarchists . Newer view of utopian thinking approach brings books 
Utopistika (1998) by the sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein. The development on the basis of 
previous estimates, what are the possibilities for the future. The theme complements the 
search for the utopian genre of ancient culture and a few observations from the work of 
famous anarchists who likes relying on science, Petra Kropotkina.

For a utopia among others fighting near the European area. Kurdish militia which supports 
in place a group of anarchist "interbrigadists" bravely facing the Islamic state and the 
hostility of the Turkish state. At the same time on the territories that are under their 
protection, they implement democratic ideas konfederalismu. Its foundations are read in an 
older interview (2011), led by Janet Biehlová Kurdish environmentalist and social activist 
Ercan Aybogou.

And what else? The history of the anarchist movement resembles a thorough description of 
the international anarchist congress, which took place in Amsterdam in 1907, and attended 
by two representatives z Cech, Karel Vohryzek and Ladislav Knotek. Vadim Damier 
theoretical text explores the relationship between anarchism and nationalism. A 
conversation with Mikola Dziadokem closer to the anarchist movement, resistance and 
repression in Belarus. At the interview follows an excerpt from his book Parallel world in 
color depicting the punishment of solitary confinement in Belarusian prisons.

Three reviews acquainted with feminist magazine Audacity , a new number anarchist magazine 
A-counter and a book by David Graeber Utopia rules . And of course there is the texts of 
the last three numbers of wall papers A3 , newsletter Anarchist Federation and the list of 
events of local anti-authoritarian movement for the last three months, which is dominated 
by a report from this year's May Day, a description of actions to support Squatting or 
looking back for the fifth year Anarchist Book Festival.

We wish you inspiring reading.

44 A4 pages, recommended allowance to cover costs CZK 45.
PDF download HERE .
Version for e-book readers and similar devices: EPUB and MOBI .

To buy some events anti-authoritarian movement, concerts and festivals and at distribution 
Info Salé (Orebitská 14, Prague 3 - Žižkov)
recorded delivery (Trojan 9, Prague 2)
Autonomous Social Center Clinic (Jeseniova 60, Prague 3)
Club Futra (Masaryk class of 1000 Orlova)
Antiquarian Black dog (Sedláckova 20, Plzen),
Cooperative café Incognito (Husova 24, Plzen)
Three ocásci (Capt. Jaroše 18, Brno).

Internet distribution: xBASTAx , Papagajuv announcer , Error crew , Miruus Levyt

For those interested, we recommend ordering from Slovakia to: somersault 

In particular distribution places appear in publications Publishing AF usually delayed. 
Thank you for your understanding.


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