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zondag 9 juli 2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 9.07.2017
Today's Topics:
1. anarchist organizing (FAO, Slovenia & Croatia): Strong
community make police redundant [machine translation]
2. Ruptura Colectiva (RC): Immediate freedom from our comrade
Nicolas de Antueno! Stop the repression of the Argentine State
AGAINST MAPUCHE PEOPLE!! (ca) [machine translation]
3. Greece, anarkismo.net: What is SYNDI.K.A.T. by ESE Ioannina
(gr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. wsm.ie: Rally 4 Choice successfully sees off annual
anti-choice parade by Andrew N Flood (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
In Pula in early July 2017, held public intervention "for a safer neighborhood", by
placing banners, handing out leaflets around the block, and night patrol, to the anarchist
position pointed to the problem of anti-social behavior from micro to macro levels of
society. From petty criminals so. Kokošar grandmothers who steal purses, neighbors bikes,
thus destroying solidarity and trust of neighbors working-class neighborhoods and allowing
police excuse that often goes into them, to tycoons to us or try to steal lives. ---- It
is clear that we live in a society where the rule that tycoons and politicians (run on a
short leash) live at the expense of the rest of us who live from their work. We understand
how young people have better role models of people who stole this society because of their
own greed, or stupidity and the rest of us who allow it. Featured bosses live at the
expense of their workers, their villas and expensive cars are paid unpaid wages of
workers. But that is no reason that we should and we will not tolerate such behavior among
themselves . When we say "one another," we mean the social background from which we come,
our class and our neighborhoods.
If you stand up to people who are able to petty thefts to feed themselves at the expense
of own kind neighbors who come from the same social position (workers, the unemployed and
the poor) we believe that we will easily show that there is an even bigger problem than
petty criminals so. Kokošar . Talking about today's social order that is based on crime,
which the institutions of the police and the judiciary, Parliament and Government, meets
the great criminals who are not stolen bike, purse, wallet, but a factory, our pensions
and our future. If people learn to respond jointly to the problems among themselves, we
believe we will eventually be able to similarly respond to the political and economic crime.
Also, we are the ones who want less police in our neighborhoods, and that this
achievement, we must create an atmosphere where they feel safe among their neighbors. Some
believe that the police "shield citizens", they are here because of our "security and
trust", but we believe that the police there to maintain social order. The same one order
which allows a minority to live at the expense of the majority of the people who have no
face and who have built their empires on the sweat and blood of workers are morally
superior society.
In the same way that police generally unable to find your stolen bicycle, wallet or
something else, so they are unable, or unwilling, to close people who have their villas
and expensive cars bought by stealing the rest of us. We need to find an alternative. We
believe that it is quietly among us, in our neighborhoods, our buildings, but it is
necessary to awaken and encourage examples and persistence. That at the end of the story
more we believe in ourselves and solidarity than in the political system, with all its
institutions. (text of the leaflet in the shared neighborhood)
Network anarchists / intervention for safer neighborhood / masari.noblogs.org
Message: 2
At noon today a solidarity protest was held in the city of Buenos Aires for the release of
the prisoners in struggle of the Mapuche people in which 7 activists were arrested,
including Nicolás de Antueno, a militant, companion and libertarian writer Interned at the
Argerich Hospital after a police attack against him. The protest is specifically aimed at
denouncing the systematic criminalization that is being subjected by fellow lonko Facundo
Jones Huala, who was arrested a week ago for the second time by the Argentine state, in
order to slow down the processes of territorial recovery and autonomy in the Mapuche
communities that he fervently encourages, with great advance in the communal expropriation
of the lands of the Lof in resistance of Vuelta del Rio of the locality of Cushamen,
To repress the demonstration, Mauricio Macri's government ordered the City Police to
violently disperse the place, beating and insulting the demonstrators present, wounding
the face and body of our colleague Nicolás de Antueno. At the moment, he is injured and
incommunicado, almost in a kidnapping by the State.
To the 7 detainees (Rafael Di Paola, Roxana Dictan, Suyai Fleitas, Nicolás Rivero, Lázaro
Spezzi, Claudio Contreras and Nicolás De Antueno) are charged with "possible federal
charges" so their case is being taken By Judge Maria Servini. The charges are: resistance
to authority, public intimidation and injuries.
We call on all comrades in Argentina and the world to lobby the following government
bodies and / or by calling this number to demand their early release, as well as any
pertinent actions that may be needed in the future.
- Police Station # 30: Address California 1801-1899, Tel. 011 4302-0345.
- Commune 4: Address Dr. Professor Pedro Chutro 2902-2928 (esq. Zavaleta), Tel. 011 5091 6100
Message: 3
What sprang Street Christos Efthimiou 22; Connect. KAT & The liquidator. K. A. T
cultivated unity, solidarity and aggression of the workers' struggle against the bosses,
the state apparatus and their designs, but also against their offspring that the fascists,
apathy and social consensus. And in these fields of battle, never beat anyone alone / h.
It is a matter of class that creates this world, because there is and will be the one that
will gkremotsakisei. It is a matter of the working class. In that addressed the
liquidator. R. A. T. ---- Trade Union. A meeting place of those who resist the current
situation both in the workplace and in society. Workers paid a pittance, they do not know
if they will have a job tomorrow, the uninsured, the unemployed. But the workers who are
intolerant to trample their dignity, compromising the wages and their lives and survive as
modern slaves. A place of assembly workers claiming.
Centre. But not the center of the world. A point where the intrigue against the bosses and
the state, against every form of exploitation and power, is the first reason. In which you
can be informed, to chat about anxieties and concerns, to remove the grudge ... but not to
cry, but to create resistance for the solution of problems and to organize the
counter-attack. One starting point to find other and others pull themselves Zorya and have
common interests. A base class struggles.
Without a guardian. Syndicalism anymore, pronounced like a dirty word. Thing not so
absurd, because clubs often were (or are) under the tutelage of parties, factions,
bureaucrats. The trade-centers like ours at Giannina- converted into party offices. The
labor struggles, were used to make some MPs and ministers or to gather votes in the
elections. The liquidator. KAT You will not find such union / riesTha find those and many
struggle to unions to decide for workers / s themselves, through their assembly, with full
equality, to the issues that concern them and not the party offices.
You will not find chairpersons or boards. You will not find psonismenous ergatopateres and
specialists. You will find unionists who do not make tiles with bosses and institutions.
Nor would find funding from the state. You will find suggestions and ideas for a different
way of doing unionism.
Trends. There are many trends in the labor movement. In this area, meet those who realize
that the struggles of everyday life, the gains to date, build the conditions for a fairer
future society without exploiters and exploited, states and borders.
But to be this requires the redeployment of radical tendencies in the labor movement. The
liquidator. K. A. T cultivated unity, solidarity and aggression of the workers' struggle
against the bosses, the state apparatus and their designs, but also against their
offspring that the fascists, apathy and social consensus. And in these fields of battle,
never beat anyone alone / h. It is a matter of class that creates this world, because
there is and will be the one that will gkremotsakisei. It is a matter of the working
class. In that addressed the liquidator. K. A. T.
Redoing DANGEROUS syndicalism
syndicate operates under the responsibility of ELEFTHERIAKIS SYNDIKALISTIKIS UNION Ioannina
... and is open:
Mondays 11:00 to 13:00
Wednesdays 17:00 to 19:00
The site operates the update structure workers
where can contact whoever / s wants and inform on labor rights, union establishment
procedures, issues concerning employers' arbitrariness.
Also you will find:
Forms and documents unions and labor collectives
Informational street form "anarcho" SSC Ioannina.
The working of counter Bulletin ESEthens.
Link Related: http://eseioanninon.squat.gr/
Message: 4
Every year in either Dublin or Belfast the pro and anti choice movements come head to head
around the so called ‘Rally for Life'. This year it was Dublin's unwilling role to play
host to the bigot parade. It mattered more years than many as a referendum on the hated
8th Amendment that bans abortion is promised for next year. It could be that the next
Dublin bigot parade scheduled for 2019 will come after they have suffered a major defeat.
---- The anti-choice movement isn't just concerned with maintaining a law that would jail
women and other pregnant people for 14 years for obtaining an abortion in Ireland. It has
a much larger hetero-patriarchal agenda that has suffered defeat after defeat over the
last three decades. Access to contraception, equal pay, the end of the marriage bar
(until 1973 in Ireland women had to quite public sector jobs if they got married),
decriminalisation of sex between men, an equal age of consent, divorce, sex education in
schools, legal recognition of trans people's gender - you name the issue and they have
lost on it. The constitutional ban on abortion that they forced through in the 8th
amendment back in the dark days of 1983 is almost their last stand and Saturday shows it's
going very badly.
They still retain control of schools and hospitals but that too is now being challenged.
All this goes to show this isn't about ‘life' but about protecting a deeply discriminatory
society set up to favour straight men above everyone else as one mechanism for preserving
capitalist class rule. (BTW If you were wondering what ‘hetero-patriarchal' meant above,
the rest of the paragraph might explain why it's a useful shorthand.)
With all that in mind WSM members were happy to take to the streets on Saturday as part of
the Rally4Choice counter protest. The annual counter protest is always a bit intense, the
idea is not to try to outnumber the anti-choice parade but just to make sure they
understand they will be challenged. So a few hundred pro-choice activists gather to
counter protest what is generally a few thousand anti-choice marchers. This is their
really big effort of the year with a huge amount being spent on advertising and bussing
people to Dublin. We are essentially there to spoil their party by contesting the public
space they are trying to briefly claim as their own.
In Dublin we gather near the Spire as they march down O'Connell street and line both sides
of their route with signs chanting pro-choice slogans. Each year they have some new
gimmick to try to counter this, two years back they brought lots of huge banners they held
sideways to try to hide us from sight. The gimmick this year was a pipe band which
unsuccessfully tried to drown out the chanting but only really succeeded in bringing their
own march to a grinding halt.
This band is a good illustration of their broad agenda, it seems to be part of the Irish
Society for Christian Civilisation which self describes as being "born from the idea of a
Counterrevolution, a movement that would embrace every field of action, especially in art,
ideas and culture." This may be a section or off-shoot of the catholic quasi fascist
Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) organisation which literally opposes the "Liberté,
Egalité, Fraternité" of the French revolution.
A lot of the turnout on the Rally4Choice is from isolated rural towns and villages. One
of the positive aspects every year is the shock people who come to parade through Dublin
or Belfast suffer when they discover they can't use the shame and abuse tactics that
still maintain silence in some villages. The anti-choice organisations are given access
to catholic schools to spread lies and as a result they recruit teenagers for that brief
period between having what you believe is a ‘strong moral opinion' and the reality of life
happening and copping on. Every year a fresh crop of a few dozen are holding the front
banner and shouting only to be long gone by the time the next march comes around.
Essentially there are no twenty year olds that are not some form of religious
fundamentalist and precious few of those once the front of the march passes, check out our
video of the entire march for confirmation.
The experience on our side is different. The actual experience on the day is a
combination of shock that there are indeed still a few thousand willing to march to
maintain a law mandating the jailing of women followed by elation that they have once more
been seen off. The strong emotional atmosphere of the counter protest and standing
together is a positive bonding experience that helps us work through the other
disagreements that are part and parcel of political organisation.
Saturday's march turned out to be relatively uneventful. Both their spirits and numbers
were down quite considerably, they already have the smell of defeat. Most years known
fascists are spotted taking part in their parade, fascists in general are doubly
anti-choice. Following on from the nazis they want to deny abortion to ‘white' women and
impose abortions on others. In 1339 they made abortion illegal for ‘Aryans', in 1943 they
made providing abortion to an ‘Aryan' woman punishable by death. In all countries today
fascist organisations are linked to anti-choice movements.
This year we spotted two know far right activists and one woman who repeatedly gave the
'seig heil' fascist salute as she passed the counter protest. There was no intervention
by stewards at the time and when we tweeted photos of her doing so the anti-choice
organisers first tried to claim she was waving, then that she was pointing and then that
the pictures were fake. When video was posted they retreated back to claiming she was
waving and best of us that us pointing out this behaviour was off-putting (rather than the
saluting!). There is material for a book in the attempts at denial and distraction around
those photos. Justin Barett did tweet / claim that his far-right National Party had taken
part but no one spotted them (or him) on the march so if they did they snuck in at some
point after the counter protest.
The main (and traditional) post-march controversy was over how many actually marched. The
anti-choice movement was once very powerful because it had wealthy members in positions of
power. This was in the 1980s and things have changed, but this allowed them to appoint
people to powerful positions in state institutions. This perhaps explains why at protest
after protest, RTÉ - the state broadcaster - reports as fact vastly inflated estimates of
how many attended their protests.
It was no different this time, RTÉ headlined that ‘10s of thousands' had marched and in
the body of the report reproduced without comment a claim by the organisers that '70,000
had marched'. In fact, as we proved, it was more like 5,500. At the time of writing - 4
days later - RTÉ have yet to correct their report or even admit the numbers in it have
been challenged but otherwise we are pleased with our role as the meddling kids who
stopped them getting away with their outlandish claims.
The only heated confrontation we observed was when that far right religious pipe band on
the march that was hoping to drown out pro-choice chants deliberately backed right up
against one section of the counter protest. As photographers arrived to capture an image
of this some of the counter protesters jumped in front of the band with placards. This
led to some pushing and shoving and the arrival of more photographers, blocking the route
of the march entirely. Eventually a cop ordered the band to march away and, looking
somewhat crestfallen, they did so. Rather bizarrely, they must have then left the march
and circled back because a few minutes later they marched through again, without stopping
this time.
Some fresh comedy was provided this year by a crudely done banner with far too many words
on it that tried to proclaim that anti-choice politics "has nothing to do with religion".
But all throughout the march there were priests, nuns, lots of people waving rosary prayer
beads, pictures of catholic saints and the previous pope. Best of all towards the end was
a sizeable bloc carrying a half life size statue of the 'Virgin' Mary on a flower strewn
board at shoulder height while others waved larger posters of her. That whole bloc was
reciting the 'Hail Mary' prayer as they marched past.
Once the anti-choice march had passed, the pro-choice counter demonstration joyously took
the street behind them and followed the back of their march as far as Liberty Hall (about
500m away). There we stopped and dispersed with the sense of a job well done. The annual
counter demonstration is not a major event but those who took part this year certainly
came away with fresh determination for the campaign to repeal the 8th Amendment and fight
for bodily autonomy for all.
Words: Andrew Flood (follow Andrew on Twitter)
Facebook Photo album from the Rally4Choice
Author: Andrew N Flood
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