#NoG20 #Hamburg July 9: Live-Blog Demo to #G20HAM17 Prison
On June 28th we started to publish regular updates with news about the NoG20 protests in Hamburg. Today with the demonstration against repression in the Hamburg-Harburg district, where the special G20 prison is and other updates. We will update this page regularly. Refresh the page to see the updates.
Image by Twitter account @LesleyAnnJahn
Posted in Germany, No G20, Uncategorized Tagged Germany, Hamburg, No G 20 Leave a comment
#NoG20 #Hamburg Hates the Police
Press release #15 from 8 July 2017
On 7th July 2017 the G20 summit in Hamburg officially opened – the protests on the other hand had started long before. Although 15.000 police officers were present in the city already the deployment of further police forces was requested and approved. Nevertheless the police lost complete control over some parts of Hamburg during the night after opening day. Neither the use of more than 20 water cannons nor armed vehicles, neither the massive use of riot control agents nor physical assaults made it possible to regain control. Ultimately even heavily armed special riot control squads were patrolling in the streets.
#NoG20 #Hamburg Police: Rather Leave Injured Behind Than Take Prisoners
Press release #14 from 7 July 2017
In the early hours of the 7th of July, the action day against the G20 summit started with blockades of the delegates routes and of the harbour. Even in the forbidden zone, declared by a general decree, thousands of summit opponents came together for smaller and bigger actions and participated in diverese actions. Unfortunately – just as on the day before – people got injured.
In the early hours of the 7th of July, the action day against the G20 summit started with blockades of the delegates routes and of the harbour. Even in the forbidden zone, declared by a general decree, thousands of summit opponents came together for smaller and bigger actions and participated in diverese actions. Unfortunately – just as on the day before – people got injured.
#NoG20: #Hamburg Bids Goodbye To the Rule of Law
Press release #13 dated 7 July 2017
On 6 July the police in Hamburg smashed the inaugural “Welcome to Hell” demonstration of more than 12,000 participants protesting against the G20 summit. In consequence, people spread throughout Hamburg, resulting in confrontations with police in several areas. The police injured so many on that day that independent medics ran out of bandages.
Posted in Germany, No G20, Uncategorized Tagged Germany, Hamburg, No G 20 Leave a comment
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