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donderdag 31 augustus 2017

URGENT: This helpline will save lives

Dear friends,
In the past three months, the number of HIV-positive LGBT people in Albania has increased dramatically.
And if nothing changes, that number is only going to keep increasing. People will get sick. Many may die.
Because in Albania, doctors and other medical professionals often refuse to treat LGBT people. They tell them to be ashamed of themselves and even chase them out of their offices.
But our partners at Pro LGBT can change that. With your support, they're going to start Albania's first helpline for LGBT people – connecting LGBT-friendly medical professionals and others secretly and securely with those who can't find critical help anywhere else.
– Matt
Previous email:
Dear friends –
"You should be ashamed of yourself for helping this person. Get out of my office."
My name is Livia Zotrija. I'm a volunteer with Pro LGBT, and this is what a doctor in Albania shouted at me recently when I accompanied a guy who needed help.
Instead of doing their jobs, far too many doctors and police officers in Albania insult and abuse LGBT people and even deny us their services altogether. They despise us and they show it. It's just devastating for people in need to be subjected to this kind of hate.
That's why we set up a helpline for LGBT people. Us volunteers do our best to help the dozens of people who call every day, desperate for help.
But this is not enough. Many need professional help from a doctor, a psychologist or a social worker. And we can't provide this.
That's where you come in. With your help, we can bring LGBT-friendly professionals and those in need together virtually through an online service.
Contribute to the first online helpline for LGBT people in Albania. Donate now.
I have listened to so many people crying on the other side of the phone. They ask for help because they have been horribly bullied at school, attacked on the streets, kicked out of their houses by their families after coming out, diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, or sexually abused.
It's heartbreaking hearing these terrifying stories and not being able to help or give the right answers. But we are just volunteers and we don't have all the answers and solutions these people so badly need.
If All Out members can raise enough funds, we'll be able to provide:
  • Proper training for our volunteers;
  • A doctor, a psychologist, and a social worker available online for those who need them, twice a week for an entire year;
  • Extensive promotion of our online service, including in most remote areas of the country.
Albania remains a very hostile environment for LGBT people. But I've seen first-hand how this kind of support can literally save lives. Please help us make a difference.
Thanks for going All Out,
Livia Zotrija,
United for LGBT Cause in Albania

Want to support All Out's ongoing work? Our tiny team stretches every dollar to make it count.


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