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dinsdag 3 oktober 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 3.10.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  wsm.ie: Delete the 8th - no restrictive wordings By Andrew N
      Flood (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  wsm.ie: Emergency gas flaring at Corrib refinery as
      unscented raw gas allowed into grid (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Septembre - Politics: What
      is Macron the offspring? (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

4.  wsm.ie: Anti-choice dirty tricks - fake posters removed in
      Dublin By Andrew N Flood (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  [Ukraine] Video: Anarchist action in front of the embassy of
      Belarus in Kiev, By ANA on September 29, 2017 (pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  CNT-AIT, Solidaritat Obrera, Analysis of the Catalan
      conflict directed at anarcho-syndicalists from outside Catalonia.
      By Genís Ferrero (ca) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  New Zealand, awsm: Save Mart (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

8.  [Mexico] Faced with prey and statist and capitalist
      speculation, self-management and anger By ANA (ca, pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The delaying is almost over and a date for a referendum to finally overturn the 8th 
amendment has almost been confirmed. But - as expected - the government are now publicly 
threatening to present a wording other than the one needed - a vote to remove the 
anti-choice Article 40.3.3. The media are reporting that the government are instead trying 
to somehow present a referendum that would include the terms abortion could be accessed 
under. Essentially the overwhelmingly old, male and conservative government do not want to 
follow the recommendations given by the very body they set up to avoid such 
responsibility. The creation of the Citizens Assembly was clearly imagined by the 
government as a way a new, very restrictive, anti-choice regime could be created in the 
aftermath of the referendum and presented as ‘the people's will'.

However it turned out when 100 random people heard weeks of expert testimony they decided 
the reasonable moderate position was the one where restrictions on pregnant people would 
be removed or at least minimised. To the anti-choice extremists in power this was 
unexpected, they were only willing to concede movement on the very edges of the extreme 
anti-choice laws under which pregnant people and doctors face a 14 year jail sentence.

It's hard to see what sort of new wording they would imagine for the constitution - but 
that was also the case in 1983 and it still happened. Before the 1983 referendum experts 
warned that the proposed wording that was passed would open a reactionary pandoras box and 
- despite the denials of the then government - they were proved right. In the years that 
followed the anti-choice movement used that wording to go on a legal offensive that at its 
height saw newspapers banned for simply carrying the phone numbers of clinics in the UK, 
books removed from libraries and a dozen student union leaders fined a sum that at that 
time would have bought 4 houses in Dublin.

This as the photo shows failed to intimidate students who continued to publically break 
the law by distributing the Womens Information Network number. WIN was an underground 
feminist collective providing abortion information to callers - who had to find the number 
written on toilet doors or by being lucky enough to come across an illegal protest or 
leafleting session.

A climate of fear was reinforced in hospitals and communities that saw women die because 
treatment for conditions like cancer was refused to pregnant women. 15 year old Anne 
Lovett died months after the referendum was passed attempting to give birth alone on a 
cold wet January day outside in a religious grotto. Supposedly no one had noticed she was 
pregnant, including the nuns at the school she attended. That offensive peaked in 1992 
when the anti-choice movement over reached and tried to stop a 14 year old rape victim 
travelling to the UK for an abortion in what was called the X-case. That proved too much 
and there was an explosion of resistance as people poured onto the streets. Even when 
protests forced the supreme court to overturn the injunction that movement stayed active 
and over the 25 years since pushed back the anti-choice offensive and now demands removal 
of the 8th amendment.

In other words we have lived - and some have died - for over 40 years under the 
‘unexpected consequences' of the wording of the 1983 referendum. Consequences that became 
clear soon after it was passed. We can't afford another anti-choice referendum with a 
wording designed to restrict access to medical services for pregnant people. We can not 
accept that.
Saturday sees the 6th annual March for Choice in Dublin. It's a very well timed 
opportunity for masses of people to show our overwhelmingly old, male and conservative 
government that they won't get away with sticking their views in the constitution, views 
we would have to live under for decades. Don't sit this one out, make every effort you can 
and we will see you at Parnell square at 1.30 this Saturday 30th September.

Author: Andrew N Flood



Message: 2

Emergency gas flaring has had to take place at the Corrib refinery because unscented gas 
was allowed into the national grid. Terence Conway of Shell to Sea reports from the gates 
of the refinery in the video. ---- 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=yUh1XNna7u0 ---- Because this gas cannot 
be smelt it puts consumers at risk of accidental gas explosions as leaks won't be 
detected. The gas pumped from the sea to the refinery that runs through local communities 
has no scent and in the original plan that high pressure pipe would have ran through 
people's gardens and under their driveways. A decade of resistance and hundreds of arrests 
forced changes in the plan so the pipe is now further from homes but the community remains 
under risk in the case of major explosions.

Shell to Sea have issued a press release headed "Shell's incompetence puts lives in danger 
all over Mayo and Galway"

In it they say; "Following Shell's latest fiasco of putting odourless gas into the Irish 
gas network, Shell to Sea has again highlighted the lack of regulation and monitoring of 
Shell in relation to the Corrib Gas project.

Shell to Sea spokesperson Terence Conway stated "During construction of the Corrib 
project, Shell were a clear danger to lives in this area, but now it is clear that they 
are a danger to lives further afield also. We have no confidence in the state to regulate 
or control Shell."

Shell to Sea spokesperson Maura Harrington stated "Shell has brought their worst practice 
in Nigeria into the beautiful Barony of Erris - how dare they and how dare this state 
allow Shell to poison a pristine environment and the health of future generations; this 
cannot be spun as a spurious health and safety concern - it's incompetent and negligent; 
it is our Place and our People who suffer the consequences while unaccountable, faceless 
functionaries reap their pensions".


Message: 3

The last electoral sequence resulted in an upheaval in the political scene. A perfect 
unknown voters a little over three years ago was elected president. He will have easily 
effaced a FN condemned, as it is, to serve as a scarecrow. The  newly  founded Republic 
(LREM), founded in the spring of 2016, has shaken up the French political field. Back to 
the moment Macron. ---- The two big formations that had for more than thirty-five years 
shared the responsibilities of government saw their candidates eliminated in the first 
round of the presidential. If the right (LR-UDI) saved the furniture during the 
legislative with 131 deputies, it is hardly the case of the left PS which records the 
worst score of its history with 29 deputies. This first upheaval was accompanied by a 
profound renewal of the political staff [1].

The art of making old with new

This apparent change of scene masks profound continuities. The objective macronien 
displayed is to transcend the traditional divisions, which is achieved: the opposition 
that existed for decades between the right and left and has structured the political life 
no longer exists [2].

More than three decades later, the right and the  left  have succeeded one another in 
power to practice, in a few nuances, the same policies of neo-liberal inspiration (high 
structural unemployment, the development of precarious work, dismantling of the welfare 
state, intensity and productivity of labor, wage austerity ...) leading to worsening 
inequalities of all kinds, accompanied by security policies threatening public freedoms 
while attacking the immigrants of the popular strata, sowing consequently misery, despair, 
and resentment. All of this against the backdrop of a transnational circulation of 
capital, orchestrated by the EU, the WTO, the IMF [3], and so on.

These policies gradually discredited the governments that led them. Each new majority 
succeeded the previous one by making it appear that it would succeed where the previous 
one had failed, before the mediocrity of its own results, even its frank failure, led to 
its rejection for the benefit of its adversary who, a political virginity had been 
re-established in the opposition, enabling it at the appropriate moment to take up the 
torch to pursue the same course.

Under these conditions, there must necessarily come a time when, by dint of repetition, 
this false semblance of alternation would ruin itself. Where the credit of the former 
right and left-wing political parties would also be compromised by their repeated 
failures, while the so-called opposition of their orientations, which had hitherto made it 
possible to organize alternately an illusion of change by means of ... would appear to the 
greatest number for what it has become: the opposition between the white cap and the white 

This moment came as a result of Sarkozy's bling-bling quinquennium and the first gray and 
then frankly sinister of a Holland which, for having declared his desamer of finance, will 
remain as the author of the most sumptuous gifts made to employers [4].

Macron understood that the time had come not to pretend to oppose this right and left, 
both subjected to the neo-liberal model, and to profit from their common exhaustion in 
order to rally to him all the partisans of this model.

In order to judge the stakes of the current operation, the chances of its success and the 
means of countering it, we have to go behind this theater of shadows that is the political 
scene and scrutinize the depths of the changes at work between the social classes. What is 
being played is indeed only the latest adventure in the formation of a new dominant social 

The formation of a new ruling class

At the end of the 1970s, in response to the economic crisis resulting from the Fordist 
regime of reproduction of capital, in the same way and under the competitive pressure of 
its counterparts of the other principal capitalist states, a part of the industrial, 
commercial and industrial bourgeoisie the French financial system has promoted and 
relayed, under the guise of neoliberal policies, the general movement of 
transnationalization of capital. But in order to consolidate its power over the laboring 
population, the question arose of the reconstitution, around it and under its direction, 
of a social bloc capable of assuring its hegemony, that is to say, its domination cultural 
basis from a substantial social base in the population.

Indeed, it has been necessary to rely on new socio-professional categories in order to 
find a "  majority  " for the dominant class in existence since the mid-1970s. Indeed, the 
liberalization of the circulation of capital in all its forms by abolishing national 
protections and protectionism of all types, deregulating markets, abandoning any 
redistribution of wealth at the national level, systematically competing with capital, 
workers, regional and national territories, undermined the the old social block on which, 
since the end of the XIX th century, the French bourgeoisie had based its domination. This 
is what is called "  block of the propertied , Based on an alliance with the majority of 
the traditional middle classes (peasantry, small merchants and shopkeepers, clerical and 
commercial employees, small capital, liberal professions), politically represented by a 
group of formations of the right and the center , which was directed against the " 
partageux block  " uniting the proletariat (proletarianized artisans, industrial workers) 
and different categories of nascent leadership, including its public fraction (teachers 
from primary, junior civil servants, etc. ), represented by the SFIO [5]in rivalry with 
the PCF.

The "  sharing block  " will reach the goal and at the same time commit suicide. Thus, in 
1981, the left PS-PC came to power with a program which, behind a revolutionary verbiage, 
proposes to respond to the crisis by the continuation of the old model. Its failure in 
1983 forced a part of the political elites (on the side of the PS) and trade unions (on 
the side of the CFDT) to also sink into the mold of neoliberal policies. This is the " 
European choice  " [6].

The divorce between these elites and a major part of their social base, proletariat and 
management, will only increase as the political alternations allow them to regain power 

Under these conditions, a new hegemonic bloc [7]was formed between, on the one hand, the 
fraction of the bourgeoisie impelling and directing the movement of transnationalization 
of capital, and, on the other hand, the upper and middle strata of management, public and 

The continuing constitution of this bloc will have been favored by a number of 
socio-economic, political and ideological transformations induced by the process of 
transnationalization of capital itself. This will have contributed to the crisis of the 
workers' movement, its forms of organization and struggle as projects and utopias of 
social transformation.

Locked into a world image based on nation-states, the workers' movement has been caught 
unawares by the transnationalization of capital, bypassing and weakening the nation-state, 
thereby depriving it of any strategy - as we have seen in 1981. The French as well as the 
European left have either exhausted themselves to persist in this increasingly inoperative 
way or have converted themselves to the neo-liberal model because they have not 
anticipated the new dynamics of capitalism and its rising financial bourgeoisie.

This has weakened workers' ability to fight. It should be emphasized here that the left 
PS-PCF of the 1970s and 1980s contributed greatly to the disarmament of the workers by 
prioritizing the change by the elections to the detriment of the direct action on the 
places of work and of life. Competition among employees, the rise of individualism, 
passivity and political indifference have allowed passive consent to the defeat of the 
Left, which opened the way to the domination of a new bourgeoisie.

At the same time, the political and ideological scene was shaken from the mid-1980s 
onwards by the emergence of the FN. Its lasting settlement is itself explained by the 
break-up of the two former social groups of the right and left, depriving representatives 
and political representation of both a part of the traditional middle classes and a part 
of the wage-earning workers , workers and employees). Beneficiary of the crisis of the 
former social and ideological order, the FN will nevertheless have brought its stone to 
the establishment of the new. On the one hand, by helping to divide the workers, workers 
and employees by pitting one against the other wage earners who are reputed to be French 
nationals and wage earners who are stigmatized as foreigners ("  immigrants " "), On the 
other hand, by serving as a scarecrow.

Such are the conditions and modalities of the establishment of the new bourgeoisie to 
which we are confronted. It will therefore punish all the workers hard ... Unless these 
last and last change the course of history. A story that struggles shape !

Rémi Ermon (Lorient) and Nico (Moselle) from an article by Alain Bihr * " France, the 
moment Macron ", to be read on Alencontre.org

Let's concentrate our shots !

What are their chances of success of the Macronian company ? As an asset, we can count on 
an absolute LREM majority in the National Assembly, flanked by allies of true right and 
false left won neoliberalism.

Its future will depend first and foremost on its ability to retain its electoral base, to 
conquer other institutional positions in the upcoming elections. What looks rather good, 
its sociological homogeneity and composition seem more promising than those of the PS and LR.

But these few assets of the Macronie must not mask its main handicap: the weakness of its 
social base. Minority within the population as a whole, Macronie is even for the moment 
within its own social base (cadres and intermediate professions). To reinforce its base 
and weld its base, it will be necessary to gain the bulk of the middle and lower layers of 
the frame. Until we have managed this operation, the domination of transnational financial 
bourgeois can only rely on the resignation of the majority of the exploited and dominé.es.

But this resignation is precarious. As was experienced with the strikes of 2003 and 2010 
against the "  reform  " of pensions, in the spring of 2016 against the labor law. This 
conflictuality could manifest as early as this fall against the labor law.2 Or if not 
then, the planned counter-reforms will be the source of further social explosions.

Provided that resignation is undermined by the emergence of an alternative to 
neoliberalism, the priority of which is the development of solidarity at work and in the 
neighborhoods by organizations that claim to be socially transformed.

The present problem can be summed up as follows: to bring the popular classes into a new 
social bloc, that of workers, workers and employees with a part of the middle classes, 
capable of weighing through its struggles by making it credible again, emancipation.

[1] Almost three-quarters of the newly elected are in their first term. The average age 
increases from 54.1 years to 48.6 years and the Assembly has more than a third of women.

[2] Thus the government of Édouard Philippe includes people (in addition to LREM) from 
LR-UDI, Modem or PS. In reality, it is less genius than opportunism ...

[3] The EU (European Union), the WTO (World Trade Organization), the IMF (International 
Monetary Fund).

[4] The so-called "  pact of responsibility and solidarity  " (40 billion euros in full year).

[5] SFIO, French Section of the Workers' International, the ancestor of the PS.

[6] The commitment to reinforce the "  European construction  " as a solution to the 
crisis already serves as an alibi.

[7] On the historical bloc concepts and hegemony, a short book to understand its origins 
and those of his thinker Antonio Gramsci: Introduction to Antonio Gramsci, collection 
Insights, Discovery, 2013. 10 euros.



Message: 4

With the referendum not even definitively announced the anti-women bigots are already up 
to dirty tricks. This image of fake posters removed from Dublin's Pearse st this morning 
was tweeted by Sharon ? @sharmander_says a couple of hours ago. If you spot similar 
posters we suggest you remove them and message us a photo and the location and time they 
were spotted.  We would also be very interested in any information on who put these up. 
---- This just underlines the importance of a massive turnout on Saturday's March for 
Choice, Parnell sq, 14.00. ---- We can expect a lot more of this in the months ahead, all 
the more so because such trickery is typical of the current wave of 'alt-right' fascism. 
The 1983 referendum saw people physically attacked by anti-choice bigots on many occasions 
and Saturday is an opportunity to show them that this time around they won't get away with it.

We've see far right bigots pull a number of stunts like this in recent years, both online 
and with posters and stickers. They set up fake pages during the Marriage equality 
referendum, their was the fake Repeal jumper at last years March for Choice, and we've 
seen fake anti-racist as well as other fake pro-choice posters in Dublin.  Or the fake 
pregnancy advise clinics in Dublin and Belfast alongside the repeated claims of 
ridiculously inflated attendences for their protests. They certainly take their own 
supporters for complete fools.

Author: Andrew N Flood



Message: 5

On September  23 , a group of Kiev anarchists held a rally outside the Belarussian embassy 
in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners. The activists had a banner that said "Death to 
the dictator!" And hung an effigy of Lukashenko[president of Belarus]near the embassy. 
Currently, the Belarussian regime keeps fellow anarchists Dimitry Polienko and Kiril 
Alekseev in their dungeons. ---- We demand the release of all Belarusian political 
prisoners and express our solidarity with their struggle for freedom and against the 
dictatorial regime of Lukashenko. The death of the dictator is the only way to give the 
Belarussian people the opportunity to breathe freely. ---- We recently learned that 
diplomats have already protested about our latest action. The anarchists will continue to 
carry out solidarity actions at the Belarussian embassy, and we will attack the 
tranquility of the diplomatic corps as long as there are political prisoners in the 
prisons of Belarus.

Watch the video (02:00) here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = vvbFZDeBDLg

Source:  https://revdia.org/2017/09/25/ piket-anarhistov-vozle- belorusskogo-posolstva-v- 
kieve /


Message: 6

"If they stretch tots, she caurà ---- i molt of temps not pot to last, ---- safety that 
---- falls , tumbles , tumbles , ben corcada gave ja be. ---- If they stretch tots, she 
caurà ---- i molt of temps not pot to last , it will fall, it will fall, it will fall ---- 
i will be able to release " ---- Lluís Llach ---- The national conflict in Catalonia has 
returned. As our esteemed comrade Just Casas said, always eloquent and accurate in his 
analysis, in one of his talks on the issue "the bear (the Catalan national problem) may 
not be seen, but is sleeping." The bear has awakened and with firmness and strength. The 
Catalan bourgeoisie is determined to achieve its objectives, this time the conditions are 
favorable. ---- There is a transversal movement in Catalonia that welcomes people of 
different social classes that has given a decisive push to the independence movement for 
three issues: the crisis of the Spanish State, the economic crisis and the defense of 
Catalan culture and identity. With the cuts to the last Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia 
by the Constitutional Court, and the successive offensives against linguistic immersion 
and self-government of Catalonia of the PP in its previous term have made that much of 
non-independence Catalanism swelled the ranks of the movement. On the other hand, 
corruption, the non-existent response of the parliamentary left to the economic crisis and 
the successive cuts of the welfare state have allowed the Catalan independence movement to 
create a country project that allows to offer new rules of the game to the citizens that 
can create a real alternative to the solution. These reasons have made the historical 
independence in Catalonia from 15% of the population at its best, to be today half the 

The bourgeoisie has joined forces with this movement, for two main reasons: this movement 
has overcome all Catalan politics by burying or marginalizing those parties that have 
maintained the equidistance with the issue (thus, for example, Unió has finally been 
liquidated for greater interest of Convergence, now PDeCAT, which has ended a partner who 
resisted for historical reasons but with a social marginal weight, or the PSC obtaining 
the worst results of its history with a more than predictable new internal crisis about to 
explode by its attitude hostile to the right to decide and similarity of speech the 
Spanish right).

The other issue is situated in the current context in which, owing to the atomization of a 
popular movement that could counterbalance the Catalan bourgeoisie and a virtually 
non-existent labor movement, they would lack the historical necessity of the repressive 
forces of the Spanish State Civil, Army ...) to combat such movements, especially now that 
they have a modern Mossos d'Esquadra body and deployed throughout the territory. On the 
other hand, the economic context is favorable to its interests: the markets in which the 
Catalan industry is managed today are basically foreign, which would allow it to do 
without the Spanish domestic market. Another example is the attitude of international 
capital, which in the last year has increased its investments in Catalonia,

And this whole movement has finally been articulated around a key issue: the right to 
decide, or to say already unabashedly in recent times, the right to self-determination. 
The movement has been able to swing all of its speech around an elementary issue, people 
must be able to decide their future and therefore vote in a referendum. Whether we like 
the anarchists or not, we have to assume that for the majority of the population the 
channeling of their desires and wishes goes through parliamentary democracy, so that 
beyond our thoughtful analysis the perception of people when they are denied to vote YES 
or to vote NO, or simply abstain, is perceived in an authoritarian way by the majority of 
the population. Enter legal technicalities about whether the referendum that is on the 
table for next Sunday 1-O is legitimate or not, is simply a waste of time. The political 
refusal of the State to raise the possibility of a referendum is to open the possibility 
to question one of certain axioms that support the current regime, in this case 
territorial integrity. To question it may open the door to discussing others such as the 
agrarian question, the Concordat with the Vatican, the conflict between Capital and Labor 
or the institution of the Bourbon Monarchy, among others.

The response of the State to the challenge for the right to self-determination in 
Catalonia has led to a rapid repression escalation, whose speed has surprised a majority 
while others less attentive have not yet seen it happen. The militarization of the 
territory with thousands of Civil Guard and National Police personnel, the de facto 
intervention of the institutions of the Generalitat, the arrest of more than a dozen 
members of the Government or the intervention in the media or the Internet is already an 
event unprecedented in Catalonia. The slogan of the State is not to tighten the rope more 
than necessary, ie not to act a priori against the population trying to simulate a state 
of law that acts with normality. However, complaints of sedition targeting social 
organizations, entry into political party premises without a search warrant and material 
theft (as happened at the headquarters of the CUP in Barcelona), complaints to individuals 
about web sites, the announcement to act against those who become part of polling stations 
or volunteers who collaborate with the exercise of the referendum or the interrogations of 
workers in polling stations is gradually expanding the siege. Another sign that this 
escalating repression is increasing is the harassment of the comrades of the CNT trade 
union section of Amarradores of the Port of Barcelona, who have been denouncing the 
presence of the repressive bodies housed in several bedroom vessels. The signs of 
solidarity against repression and the rejection of the militarization of the territory 
take form in caceroladas not to let to sleep to effective people housed in hotels, or with 
stevedores of Barcelona and Tarragona refusing to supply in the dormitory ships or 
sounding the sirens at night to disturb sleep. And what may seem like a national conflict 
ends up mingling with a social conflict.
The involvement of more and more actors in the defense of collective freedoms and civil 
rights is widening a gap that independence has been reduced in the last weeks, in fact the 
massive response of the population after the repression has surpassed even the sovereign 

The escalation of repression has blown up the rule of law and the division of powers in 
the face of a majority of the population. Judges under the orders of the prosecution, 
first instance courts under the orders of the TSJC, decrees ordering the appointment of 
hundreds of lawyers from office from October 28 to October 1 (in the Judicial Party of 
Mataró, guard with 2 checkpoints have been placed on watch to more than 20 ex officio 
lawyers). The state's forecast is an unprecedented repression, since the response of a 
large part of the population has been to oppose a system that makes it impossible to deal 
with their claims and the government is in a scenario where there is no other option left 
than one flight forward, unable to reverse and rethink a dialogue.

Precisely the Government's strategy of judicializing the conflict in the hope that the 
mobilization will deflate has become a trap for itself. Unable to stop a massive civil 
disobedience of the population, and not only of the institutions, with the conviction to 
make possible the referendum (and to which they are being added actors like Podem and its 
bases that, in another scenario, perhaps they would have abstained of involvement) has 
dynamited possible bridges of dialogue with its opponents in Catalonia. What has been 
exploited by the PSOE in supporting a frontal opposition to the referendum of 
self-determination, but at the same time criticize hard the performance of the PP.

The government has been isolated, only accompanied by the remnants of C's, and the growing 
concern of European diplomacy is the warning of the fall of the PP government. Yesterday, 
the whole world saw the United States disengaging itself from the Government of Spain in 
its opposition to the referendum, leaving the door open to international recognition. The 
PSOE and some members of the government already speak openly of concessions, greater 
self-government or federal reform of the Constitution. In any case, the scenario will 
change: if Catalonia becomes independent the Spanish Constitution will be obsolete and a 
new one will have to be made, if Catalonia can not become independent (now) there will be 
constitutional reform to appease the spirit and try to reestablish bridges. In any case 
the melon is about to open.

Our role here, now.

What is being developed in Catalonia is a liberal revolution, a democratic revolution. The 
aspirations of a good part of this transversal movement is a better democracy, that 
responds to the needs of the will of the citizenship and that allows him to express itself 
in freedom. It is not a social revolution, but it is that not all revolutions are.

The problem of democratic revolutions is that they promise freedom and democracy. But to a 
certain extent. Since it is a transversal movement, the use of concepts must be broad 
enough so that everyone can identify with them, so that the conflict between Capital and 
Work is obviated. Finally, once the new system is established and the status quo of the 
oligarchy is guaranteed, the limits to these concepts are established, the correlation of 
forces of those who have participated in the movement will depend to what extent these 
limits reach. Needless to say, those who remain on the sidelines will have no capacity to 
influence anything ...

At some point in the subsequent scenario, the national debate will end but not the social 
question that will require new actors to help organize the working class and channel their 
aspirations for emancipation. Those who do not survive the coming tsunami will have no 
role to play.

 From anarcho-syndicalism we can not be left out, even if it is not our movement. We have 
a responsibility to try to influence an open gap by introducing the social question into 
the debate, so as to remember that the right of self-determination can not be separated 
from a concept of freedom and democracy that is broader than mere territorial and 
administrative reform. That there is no self-determination possible without the working class.

Nor should we trivialize the weight that anarcho-syndicalism and anarchism have had in 
Catalan society, just as it is part of the history of Catalonia. The national grievance 
must also be remembered that it has been and continues to be the social question. That if 
there is precisely a vast associative fabric in this country has been thanks to the work 
of propaganda and association that the first anarchists developed, laying the foundations 
of much of Catalan popular culture. That the tools proposed for civil disobedience come 
from anarchism, as Federica Montseny already said in the famous TVE interview in the 
1980s, which were also used for the social and cultural achievements of the working class. 
It is important to keep our story and recompose our own symbols so as not to be swallowed.

For all this, we can not be instrumented, precisely because the movement is not led by the 
libertarian movement, we should not be the ones who, when the moment arrives, will receive 
all the repression. We must act with intelligence, seeking alliances with social movements 
and extending our idea of solidarity and mutual support, being very clear that it is one 
thing to participate in this massive movement in defense of social liberties and rights 
and another thing is to finish headlining of Turkish. Let us be cautious and we do not 
want to run more than those who go before, it is a matter of extending the discourse in 
our direction so we do not put them on the tray being the ones who receive the sticks.

We have to take advantage of the situation to explain that what now sees a majority, has 
been happening to a minority since forever. That is why the struggle must also be social, 
because otherwise tomorrow will continue to happen to those who never have a voice.

We have a tool, let's use it.

We have a tool that channels everything we are talking about: the General Strike. Our 
Regional Committee of the CNT of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands has summoned us all to 
join the general strike planned for 3-O.

Far from completing this concealed state of exception 2-O, it is likely to go further 
because the pretensions of the Government of the Generalitat are to declare the 
independence of Catalonia 3-O predictably, in case of winning the SI in the referendum .

We must demand the real involvement of the sovereign entities in the general strike, and 
accept a scenario of generalized social conflict. Preparing this strike will force us to 
weave new alliances with social movements that can see an opportunity in it to convey its 
aspirations in a future scenario, and is the best way to make it clear to the bourgeoisie 
that they will have to manage the new Catalonia with a the social and this time without 
the support of the Spanish State.

There has been constant appeal to expand the social base in this process of 
self-determination, with the excuse of ensuring the SI in the referendum. We have to put 
counterparts to this extension, it can not be a blank check in an aseptic vote inside an 
urn. So that if they do not get involved they will be in evidence, if we do not mark our 
speech from now on, we will leave it open for them to be the ones who also lead the 
discourse of the General Strike. And in case of wanting to betray the working class we 
must be able to denounce them publicly when the time comes.

That is why it is important that we are in as many places as possible, preaching the 
social struggle in this process of self-determination to guarantee freedom for all. We 
must work it from the Committees of Defense of districts and municipalities, from our own 
positions or from the shared ones.

Overcome the national framework, overthrow the regime of 78.

The problem of all national conflict is that it strengthens both identities in litigation, 
so that to consolidate Catalonia has rebound effect in Spain also encouraging the fascist 
movements. From our perspective we must overcome the confrontation between peoples, 
appealing to the social struggle as the common denominator of the working classes around 
the world.

However, there is another open front that we must exploit: the possibility of a regime 
change in the Spanish state. The institutional crisis that Spain is experiencing these 
days is unprecedented and the situation of the Government is apparently calm but very 
fragile. The deployments of repressive forces that continue to increase in Catalonia are 
leaving many regions of Spain with scarce resources.

If you were a military man you would think that it is a good time to open up other fronts 
on the enemy, but from a social perspective you think that encouraging people everywhere 
to fight for their social rights, go on strike, empty houses for the homeless, occupied 
lands without work ... It would be the perfect time for everyone, from their place to lay 
down the regime of 78. The Stake of Lluís Llach of our days and that is already rotten, 
and finally make it fall

Companions and companions, the CNT of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands call us to extend 
the mobilization throughout the State. It is our duty to make it possible.

To the barricades!



Message: 7

The second hand clothing store Save Mart has been accused of mis-treating its workers in 
some of its branches. The AWSM encourages people to express solidarity with their fellow 
workers by signing the petition in the link below, telling others about the case, 
contacting Save Mart to tell them how you feel or whatever other creative actions you can 
think of to raise awareness of this issue. An Injury to One Is An Injury to All!


Message: 8

On a date commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the earthquake of 1985, again the 
inability and political profit of the tragedy by the government and also of every 
political class where the alarm did not sound because one can not control the force of 
nature and it can not be assured that the city is safe, where the negligence of 
governments and their pronouncements as absolute connoisseurs of truth, leads to the 
granting of hundreds of real estate contracts in Mexico City for the sole purpose of 
private gain and with the purpose of that the city continues to grow, even when there is 
no water, transportation is insufficient, roads are collapsed and contamination also puts 
us at risk a few months ago, as Miguel Angel Mancera reminds us when declaring that "(...) 
encourage investment that generates work sources and inputs to a better quality of life 
... Grow in a planned and orderly way so that sustainability is a universal axis ... The 
development of life must meet vertical residences, with the multiple or mixed soil use. 
They continue to build houses and buildings with restricted uses where there is no 
possibility that people receive services that are needed, for example, shops, dye shops, 
etc. You can not island people in developments and cities-dormitories, where there is 
nothing like the colonies that is doing the State of Mexico, which has no service . " 
Interview given to Real Estate magazine, n. 82, 2012.

The earthquake of September 19, shows again how the government does not have the capacity 
to govern or to save, being the autonomous society and solidarity that when pitying (to 
suffer with the other, to feel the pain of the other) is organized. Thousands of people 
have been able to help each other through equals, taking horizontality to the practical 
level, leaving aside the government that only kills, while thousands of self-employed help 
each other, giving what they have: food, medicine everywhere, people waiting hundreds of 
architects, engineers, and thousands of families, women, and children delivering food to 
every community in disaster areas to assess how to clear the debris; masons, students, 
carpenters, locksmiths, electricians, finally, people without any profit, without any 
payment, all day and night working in common. There is no chaos, there are discussions, 
but the self-management of all organized in solidarity is the highest expression of the 
anarchy of the people, with the fist erected and in silence working, without government 
and without command, without police and without army.

The authority says "they go home!" And the anonymous people are still working, which 
creates mistrust and incapacity, because thousands of eyes observe everything and the 
government wants to manage and capitalize on the tragedy for political campaigning 
purposes, and so we asks us to go out, to invent stories the way they want and to generate 
telenovelas with the tragedy, to give medals between them that change the face of the 
murderous government, stained with thousands of disappearances and executions, and as we 
know of their provocations, anonymous we are with the eyes wide open as the tremor also 
shook our consciousness.

We will not stop supporting or assisting the zones, we will not stop helping the shelters; 
but we can not let the army destroy the buildings with people inside, alive or not, 
because the bodies are ours too, they belong to our families and we will not let them be 
part of a missing list knowing we can get them out; we will not let them administer and 
control our pain, let us therefore withdraw from power.

Anarchist Federation of Mexico


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