Today's Topics:
SPEAKER by Nick (London) (
2. Upcoming Anarchist Federation Meetings - News for contacts
of the London Anarchist Federation (
3. Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - c-g-a: New fascist
attack on a militant evening: solidarity! (fr) [machine
translation] (
4. France, FA Chambéry: Demonstration Saturday 28 -
Communiqué on the fascist attack during the libertarian back to
school party (fr) [machine translation] (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobre - National
Education: Case of black paintings, the absurdity strikes Gaillac
(fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
6. alas barricadas: November 1, international day of support
for Kobane. by harrison (ca, it) [machine translation]
Message: 1
An anarchist view on Brexit ---- Meeting Hosted by The Friday Room with AF speaker to
lead-off the discussion ---- 7.30pm on Friday 3rd November ---- at Unity House ---- 21
Fennel Street ---- Loughborough LE11 1UQ ---- The ongoing Brexit saga is never out of the
news. Understandably so, as many people face a level of uncertainty - whether economic,
political or based on the simple right to remain or move freely. At the same time, there
has been a rise in nationalist and populist politics here in the UK and abroad. At this
Loughborough meeting, a speaker from the Anarchist Federation will present an anarchist
view of Brexit and its context within the current crisis of capitalism. ---- For more info
on Friday Room meetings, go to: ---- Leicester AF: ----
Message: 2
This coming Saturday October 28th the Anarchist Federation will be running three meetings
at the London Anarchist Bookfair 10am to 7pm. Venue: Park View School, West Green Road,
London, N15 3QR ---- 12 noon-1pm ---- The Cult of Corbyn ---- The nature of Corbynism and
how we relate to it, and how we need to help bring to birth a mass grassroots movement
that goes beyond electoral politics and poses a real threat to capitalism and the State
with a vision of a new society based on equality and freedom. No to electoralism and yes
to class struggle. We hope to debate with a supporter of Momentum at this meeting. Ground
floor. ---- 2pm - 3pm ---- Is the working class movement dead? ---- Since the 1980s there
have been dramatic changes in the working class movement, with a marked decline in class
consciousness, de-politicisation and a shift towards right-wing populism on the one hand
and, more lately, the dead end of Corbynism on the other. This meeting will evaluate where
we are as a class now, while looking at the role of pro-revolutionaries in the current
climate. Room F5
3pm - 4pm
Welcome to the anarchist future
Ever wondered what it would be like to live in an anarchist society? How would they live,
work, educate, and sustain themselves? Got any burning questions you wish to discuss? We
are lucky to have some visitors from a future anarchist society, who will welcome you and
explain how their world works. In sharing their experiences they hope to inspire each of
us to think about how we envisage our future anarchist societies. We carry a new world in
our hearts after all. Ground floor
We will be holding a post-Bookfair Meeting on 31st November for all our contacts . 7pm at
Common House, 5e Pundersons Gardens, London E2
Introducing the AF: Why join the AF rather than other organisations?
Discuss why people are anarchists and why do they want to get involved in changing
society- individuals in big group or small groups if more people
What principles do we need and what strategies to fulfil our aims?
What the AF does- principles and strategies, what we do, how we work
How we are different from other groups, eg Labour Party, Leninists, Plan C, Sol Fed
Next discussion meeting: Dec 7th- May Day Rooms. Topic to be announced
Message: 3
On Friday, October 20th in Chambéry, the local group of the Anarchist Federation organized
its militant return party. ---- Around 9:15 pm a group of 10 to 15 far-right activists
attacked the bar where it was taking place. Thanks to a great collective resistance, the
fascists are quickly gone. ---- We would like to extend our solidarity to the people
targeted and attacked during this militant evening. ---- This attack is part of a delicate
period where antisocial attacks (labor law, attack of the solidarity system), security
laws (state of emergency in common law), the hunt for migrants and their support are
multiplying. and free speech and racist, xenophobic, violent acts throughout the
territory. ---- And behind the words, there are the acts! ---- The Chambéry attack is
proof of this and it is not the first time that right-wing activists have physically
attacked activists, associations or racialized people.
* Last year, the bookshop "La Plume Noire", self-managed by the activists of the
Coordination of Anarchist Groups, was attacked by twenty fascists armed with helmets and
iron bars. In Lyon, always, right-wing extremist groups open with impunity premises,
businesses that serve as a place of dissemination of their hateful ideology and place of
training for future attacks ( see cartography of the extreme right) in Lyon ).
* In Rennes, last February, rue Saint-Michel are customers of 2 bars that are loaded by
nationalists from Nantes.
* In Marseilles, last March, he was an active militant in the anti-fascist struggle who
was stabbed at his home.
* In Nantes, on May 7, two activists opposed the results of the presidential elections,
which were the cost of extreme right-wing violence.
* In Montpellier, it is a local of an aid association for migrants who was ransacked last
July ...
The list of aggression and pressure from fascist militants could extend over several pages.
Fascist militants ready to act
And behind these group aggression, ideological indoctrination and quasi-military training
emerge plans for larger attacks.
The proof is the recent indictment of 8 Fascist militants who planned targeted attacks on
places or people. One of them, well known anti-fascist activists, was a fervent admirer of
Anders Breivik who had killed 77 people in July 2011 in Norway.
Organize solidarity and the anti-fascist response
The group of the Anarchist Federation of Chambery organizes a demonstration on Saturday
28/10 at 14h (Place de la Mairie) and calls for the popular response to these attacks.
The Coordination of Anarchist Groups supports this initiative and will be present
alongside the comrades of Chambéry.
We point out the need for a major response to these attacks and the establishment of a
thorough work on the rise of these groups to put in connection with the capitalist attacks
that we suffer full force.
October 27,
CGA External Relations
Message: 4
Press release (hot) on the fascist attack on the return party of the Anarchist Federation
in Chambéry this Friday, October 20th! By the people present at this party. To diffuse
widely! ---- CALL FOR A POPULAR EVENT SATURDAY , OCTOBER 28 , 14h place of the town hall
of Chambéry! Rotate information! ---- On the evening of October 20th, the evening of the
Chambery group of the Anarchist Federation took place in the bar "Chez Gigi". A few
people, good friendly and family atmosphere (children were present) on the tunes of
rebetiko group Tzimalia. ---- Around 21:15, between 10 and 15 fachos came to attack the
evening (the only thing they know how to do), for those who would still have a doubt, yes,
they were there for the provocation, the confrontation and the introduction of a climate
of fear and violence. ---- Nevertheless, a beautiful collective and spontaneous reaction
routed the nazillons! On our side, everyone is fine despite 2 passages in the hospital.
Finally the concert was able to resume its course, they will not have managed to ruin this
In Chambéry, the fascists did not allow this kind of things until now. This event shows
the urgent need to unite against fascism and fascists, to organize our self-defense
collectively and to block their way wherever they are! In sum, to take seriously the issue
of anti-fascism!
Especially that it is not only the anarchist Federation that is affected by this event but
all those present: libertarians, militant circles, music lovers, regulars of the place,
simple curious ...
It goes without saying that this attack does not question our political commitment , that
we will continue to do our actions and our events by defending our values of solidarity
and freedom!
For the people who were present at this event and who would like to talk about it cold, do
not hesitate to contact us! We also invite you to spread this press release as widely as
possible and to share with us any images you may have taken.
In any case, thank you to all those present and thank you to the zicos Tzimalia for
ensuring the evening:)
Signed: The people present at this party.
Message: 5
Because they refuse to scrap their work tools, six teachers have the rector, gendarmerie
and justice on their backs. Kafkaesque. ---- What do we have at the outset ? Teachers who
want to keep a daily work tool: their blackboard. It is functional, in good condition,
adapted to their pedagogy. ---- What's going on ? Renovation work at Albert-Camus College,
Gaillac. The county council of the Tarn wants to renew also the material of the classes:
tables, chairs ... and paintings. He consulted, not to adapt the layout to the practices
of one and the other, but to impose on everybody one and the same tool: all the pictures
would be white ! When the majority says white, it's white ! ---- What becomes of the
pedagogical diversity, which enriches the paths of the citizens in the making ? What about
this mess of disposing of functional equipment, still in use ? Does the waste reduction
stop at the door of the civic education classroom ?
Well, no, in a conscious citizen and professional, a group of teachers and parents of
pupils mobilizes. On June 28, after soliciting for months, in vain, that the department
and their head of establishment acknowledge receipt of their request, they put the
blackboards in their vehicle to preserve them of the waste, shelter for the summer, and
relocate them to the re-entry.
The thing happens in broad daylight, in the presence of the head of the school. This is
where the Kafkaesque machine begins: the arrival of the gendarmes, with bullet-proof vests
and flashing lights, arrest, hearing, search of the house and, on top of the
administrative money, disciplinary proceedings for six professors. Parents of pupils are
spared, on them, the hierarchy has no power yet !
Stiffnesses in school hierarchy
Here we are, therefore, with a real " business of black paintings ." Unfortunately, it
reveals the stiffness of the school hierarchy, its violence to break the initiative of its
A petition on, " Support Blackboards and Professors at Albert-Camus de Gaillac
College " has over 10,000 signatures, and a support committee is in place. Media coverage
has a national echo. Actions are planned. It took two weeks of intense mobilization so
that, on September 18, the president suspended all administrative proceedings against the
professors. Remains the main complaint and the criminal procedure. The affair of the black
paintings continues, teachers, parents, citizens and citizens remain mobilized for a
school of emancipation.
Laurent (SUD-Educ 81)
Message: 6
It has been 3 years since the summer of 2014 in which the Islamic State (ISIS) swept away
much of Syria and Iraq. It seemed that nothing could stop the offensive of Islamic
fascism, which for each territory they conquered increased their armament and economic
arsenals. ---- In northern Syria (Rojava for the Kurds) the Syrian state had disappeared
de facto, taking control of the democratic Kurdish forces represented by the PYD
(Democratic Union Party) and its armed forces YPG (Protected People Units) and YPJ, which
are part of the Confederal Democratic conglomerate linked to the ideology of the Kurdistan
Workers' Party (PKK) and its leader Abdullah Ocalan. ---- One of the Kurdish bastions was
the city of Kobane. The ISIS came to control 60% of the city that was completely besieged.
The battle took epic proportions with Kurdish resistance at a distinct disadvantage. After
6 months of fighting the city was released, which was a turning point in the Syrian war
and the first major blow against the ISIS.
Since then, the International Day of Solidarity with Kobane has been celebrated every
November 1st to commemorate this victory and to support the democratic revolution that is
taking place in Rojava with the development of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria.
With the recent liberation of Raqqa , the former capital of ISIS, by the Syrian Democratic
Forces (SDF) few important cities remain in the hands of ISIS and the war is approaching a
new scenario where we will have to see the fit of the confederalist project in Syria that
comes out of the war and the constant threats of invasion by Turkey.
Call in Madrid on November 1st in Tirso de Molina at 18:00 by Rojava Azadi:
This November 1st we took to the streets in solidarity with the Kurdish liberation
movement and its struggle against ISIS Islamic fascism.
In the summer of 2014 ISIS dominates much of the territory of Syria and Iraq. In northern
Syria, where cultures such as Kurdish, Assyrian or Arab coexist, a siege of the ISIS over
the city of Kobane lasted for months. The resistance of the Kurdish self-defense forces
(YPG / YPJ) was heroic in character and was a turning point in the war against ISIS. Since
then, the YPG / YPJ, forming a major alliance through the Syrian Democratic Forces, have
been gaining ground to the ISIS until the victory last October 19 in which it was the
capital of the Islamic State, Raqqa.
These military victories go hand in hand with a major political project: Democratic
Confederalism. A political and social model based on the pillars of women's emancipation,
respect for nature, the importance of youth, direct democracy and political pluralism
where different cultures and ethnic groups coexist in a peaceful and egalitarian way. This
model is the one that began to implant after the victory in Kobane and the declaration of
the Democratic Autonomy on 19 of July of 2012. Since then the zone that we knew like Roja
has been constituted in a major project that intends to carry out a democratic revolution
throughout the Middle East. This project takes shape today in the Democratic Federation of
Northern Syria.
These events are the continuation of more than 40 years of struggle by the Kurdish
liberation movement which began in 1978 with the founding of the Kurdistan Workers' Party
(PKK) and the open war against Turkish colonialism and lack of freedoms political and
cultural aspects of the Kurdish population. Today, this movement has grown in strength,
number, capacity, control of territory and sympathies, being one of the great world
leaders, along with the Zapatistas in Mexico, for those people and movements that wish to
overcome capitalism towards a democratic society of the hand of women's liberation and
social ecology.
The repression against this movement of emancipation is tremendous. The PKK is outlawed
and treated as an international terrorist organization and its leader, Abdullah Öcalan,
has been in isolation since 1999 in a Turkish prison on the island of Imrali. That is why
we consider it as important to unmask the Turkish Fascist regime of Erdogan and to demand
political liberties for the Kurdish people and the liberation of all political prisoners.
From Rojava Azadi Madrid we invite you to actively support us in the international
demonstration of November 1st and to know in depth this movement that we believe can
contribute so much to our struggles and our way of seeing and changing the world.
For international solidarity among peoples.
Long live the resistance of Kurdistan.
Biji Berxwadana Kurdistan.
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