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zaterdag 4 november 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 4.11.2017

Today's Topics:


      IS (MORE THAN) A WAY OF LIFE. by Arturo Martínez (ca) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


3.  Greece, Anarchist Political Organization APO: Concentration
      at the Argentine Embassy - Tuesday 31/10 at 18:00 (gr) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  anarkismo.net: The Kurdish people should get involved in and
      support campaigns on Local and National issues by Zaher Baher

5.  Brazil, Federasion Anarquist Gaucha - FAG [CAB]: Fantastic
      Infamy! -- A conspiracy theory to the taste of the far right!
      (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL Octobre - Americas:
      Decolonial feminism is organized in Abya Yala (fr, it, pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Britain, Brighton Solidarity Federation opens a dispute with
      The Property Shop lettings agency (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

"Live as you act, act as you speak, speak as you think" -- Member of Komalen Ciwan (Youth 
Movement) ---- The news and analysis that comes with us from Kurdish confederal and 
democratic experience are many and varied. We know the main features of his political 
project: liberation of women, radical democracy, communalism, youth, self-defense, 
ecology. We admire its guerrillas and the fight against fascism of ISIS. We applaud the 
democratic advances in Northern Syria and pay attention to the cooperative economic model 
that begins to cement. The achievement of including the different cultural and ethnic 
sensibilities within the same project of coexistence is taken as an example to be followed 
for the Middle East region. But, are we really aware of the political militancy behind all 
that? That political militancy that has made it possible for all that is now developing.


We can not think of the Kurdish movement under Western movements. They are not a social 
movement, they are a moving town. They do not conform to collectives, activist groups or 
campaigns, they make up a social system, an own institutionality. Academies, cooperatives, 
youth organizations and women or the communes do not form isolated realities, if not that 
regulate social life in the territories where the democratic movement has sufficient force.

There is an ideological monolithism. In the political organization of cadres, the project 
is one, which is collectively decided in the Congresses and Conferences. The discussions 
are held and given internally in the different organizations and bodies. But the 
discipline and acceptance of collective agreements are shown as one of the fundamental 
facts for the success of the project.

The ideological and strategic changes of the movement as a whole are a sign that there is 
a constant discussion, criticism and self-criticism. For a lot of importance and weight 
that Öcalan has in the movement, the opinions of a single person are not sufficient for 
the development of a whole political project. And less when that person has been years of 
prison isolation. The PKK is essentially the space where all experiences and practices are 
collected, discussed, analyzed, shaped and returned to society in the form of slogans and 


A political picture is a militant person with intensive training and proven experience. 
The Kurdish political cadres are formed through the network of Academies and within the 
political organizations themselves. This training is based on the constant discussion 
among militants and in practice in all areas of a militant's life: social, military, 
economic, philosophical, ideological ...

Beyond the training, there is commitment. The picture is a person 100% committed to and 
with the movement. He is a person who does not possess material assets, has no property, 
does not develop a family or sex-affective relationships, does not receive a salary or 
have a paid job, he does not have a fixed residence. His life is dependent on the 
movement, his life is devoted to the revolutionary paradigm. This idea is based on the 
fact that revolution is a way of life, it is about prefiguring in the political cadres the 
ideal of being to which one aspires, a person released from the evils of capitalist 
modernity: private property, patriarchy or the individualism The communal life develops 
there where the pictures coexist.

In this way, the only material link of the political picture with reality is the 
materiality constituted by the movement. Nothing aches them to state-capitalism, his life 
is by and for movement and revolution. And there are thousands of political cadres on all 
fronts and territories. The respect won is a true hero and referent of the Kurdish people.

When they say that revolution is a way of life, they do not say it from the individualist 
reading that statement has from the West. They say it because only a body of people 
released from the evils of capitalist modernity can develop an ideology, a system and a 
social paradigm capable of breaking with the social structures of domination rooted in the 
depths of each individual.

If they have the capacity to have this body of political cadres, it is because they have a 
mass movement that supports them, supports them and reproduces the slogans of this nucleus 
of the new town.
This militant way exists since the origins of the PKK, where they conceive that there can 
be no revolution without revolutionaries fully dedicated to their task. Today the cadres 
are not exclusively the guerrillas of the Qandil mountains, but they are there where the 
popular movement needs them. Therefore they do not have a residence or a fixed task, it is 
the organization, and their collective decisions and needs, which guide the action of each 
painting. Today in Qandil, tomorrow at Qamislo and passed to Ahmed.


The political cadres develop, in the possible and according to the circumstances, a form 
of community life. The lack of material possessions leads them to develop these communal 
life practices. This is not something exclusive of the paintings, in the youth academies 
these practices are also carried out, as well as in women's organizations.

This way of life means sharing all aspects of everyday life, from feeding to rest. This 
allows you to generate essential ties of trust in a revolutionary movement and with 
military components. In addition, continuous coexistence is used to carry out a constant 
political formation through discussion.


Who is not a painting, but it supports or participates in the movement, it is named as a 
patriot. What unites all patriots is their active ties with the democratic movement of 
various forms. In general, patriots contribute the amount of one month's salary to the 
movement every year. The patriots are also the activists, who form the organizations, 
participate in the communes, go to the acts or support the cadres.

They are the bulk of the population that ultimately lives and reproduces the social system 
generated by the movement. The patriotic-cadre relationship is deeply admired. In general, 
the Kurdish people had been devoid of their identity and culture, and it has been the 
action of the cadres, constituting the movement that today has given back the pride of 
being to the bulk of the Kurdish people.


In order for us to get an idea of the importance of the political cadres, we can give a 
sample of its fat brush action.

Northern Syria, West Kurdistan, Rojava, is beleaguered by ISIS. Popular self-defense 
groups are not enough to fight. That's when guerrillas, political-military cadres, move 
from the mountains of Qandil (Iraq) to the territory of conflict. The sum of forces gains 
territory and expels the city from the city to ISIS invaders.

That's when, once the territory is liberated, the political action of the cadres is set in 
motion. The cadres are those that form Civil Councils that lay the foundations of the new 
Democratic Institution, the Communes and Confederalism. The cadres build the entire social 
structure and occupy positions of responsibility, thus orienting under the idea of 
democratic paradigm policies. When the system is mounted and there has been a time during 
which they have also been dedicated to training the local population, the cadres have 
already fulfilled their objective and are removed to another task where they are required.

Makhmur, Iraqi Kurdistan, Bashur. In 2014 ISIS begins to take an accelerated territory in 
northern Iraq. The town of Makhmur flees to the Qandil mountains before ISIS arrives. 
Qandil is the guerrilla headquarters, where the population goes for help and protection. 
The guerrillas organize the displaced, get housing and meet their needs. Meanwhile, 
another large group of guerrillas, remember: political-military cadres, go to Makhmur, 
already taken by ISIS, and in a matter of days they release it.

In Makhmur during the invasion of ISIS no civilian died. Once released, the population 
returned to Makhmur and 3 defensive lines were established. A form of community policeman 
(Asayish), a body of voluntary and rotating participation that carries out guards around 
Makhmur and the third line are guerrilla groups that watch over in the adjoining areas 
with the town.

In 2015, two ISIS militants tried to commit an attack, but popular self-defense groups 
killed the two terrorists, a Kurd fell martyr.


The Kurdish example is not reproducible mechanistically in our territory. But of course we 
must keep in mind that the general features that they have developed are, many of them, 
indispensable for any truly revolutionary project.

The construction of a paradigm, commitment, formation and discipline, understood as 
respect for collective agreements, are necessary points and common to any emancipatory 

The existence of a parent organization, the PKK, has enabled the formation of several 
generations of militant cadres who have been able to develop different rooted structures 
in the territories for the satisfaction of social needs. Even so, the PKK is far from 
being the central and centralizing party that was once. The strategic line of the party 
consists in being more and more a social political movement that a party to use. Hence the 
idea that the PKK is an ideology in itself, leaving the tasks of generating 
institutionality and political project to Koma Civakên Kurdistan (KCK - Union of 
Communities of Kurdistan), a transnational entity that brings together all that magma of 
organizations, cooperatives and institutions.



Message: 2

Context of the statement: ---- There were anti-trans leaflets put in the toilets at the 
London Anarchist Bookfair (the leaflets were quickly removed). There was also a small 
group of people who started handing out similar leaflets at the entrance. The leaflets 
claimed the very existence of trans people was a threat to women and girls. We reject this 
claim, it has no basis in reality and instead scapegoats trans people, who are already at 
a high risk of violence and oppression. ---- The leafleters were confronted by a large 
group and told to stop leafleting/leave. Whilst the leafleting did stop, some of those 
that had leapt to the defence of the leafleters continued the confrontation long 
afterwards. ---- "The anti-trans literature that was being handed out and posted in 
toilets, and the actions of all those who enabled this, was unacceptable and has no more 
place at an anarchist bookfair (or, indeed, in society generally) than sexism or homophobia.

We call on the bookfair collective to implement a policy that specifically excludes 
anti-trans stalls and literature, as well as ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all 
oppressed people at the bookfair.

This is in no way an issue of free speech. If the anarchist bookfair invited everybody we 
disagree with to speak, there would be no room for anarchism. Part of anarchist politics 
is being specific about what behaviour we do and don't consider to have a place in an 
anarchist society. "

- Statement from the  AFed Trans Action Faction (*in formation)



Message: 3

On 1 August in Chubut province, Argentine Patagonia, a Mapuche community together with 
solidarity ruled out a street in the Benetton group's headquarters area, protesting for 
the landing of the land by the company. Gendarmerie forces attacked by shooting and 
chasing those who tried to defend themselves as they could. During the repressive 
operation - according to many eye-catchers - the anarchist Santiago Maldonado was arrested 
by the gendarmerie, who was forced into a white van by force and actually abducted him 
since Santiago did not communicate with anyone again . His corpse was found - two and a 
half months later - on 18 October in a Patagonia river, in a barbarous reminder of the 
30,000 "disappeared" junta, an unforgettable sign in the history of Argentina held in 
collective memory in a way similar to Nazi crimes.

During the kidnapping of his partner, a major mobilization has been developed to return 
Santiago with gatherings, demonstrations and conflicts in many Argentine cities. While the 
state, the cops and the media were involved in a pardon of the indignation of indigenous 
struggling indigenous communities and anarchist fighters, they were denied any 
responsibility for abducting their partner by focusing their propaganda on conspiracy 
theories about extinction or the threat they pose for the state as "internal enemy" those 
who stand against the plans of the bosses and especially the anarchists.

The natives of the Mapuche tribe - in Chile and Argentina - struggle to defend their 
communities, their culture and their land from the looting and destruction brought about 
by their exploitation by large multinational companies to which they are granted by the 
state, which has taken it from indigenous peoples with a series of wars and genocides from 
the time of the "conquest" of the American continent. In their struggle, they have often 
faced persecution, imprisonment, and the violence of repressive mechanisms, as well as the 
gangs of partisans operating on behalf of the bosses on both sides of the Andes. In 
Chubut, much of Mapuche claims the land owned by the Benetton Group, which has been 
established in the region since 1990 and has a total of more than 900,000 hectares across 
the country, one third of which is located in Chubut.

Santiago was murdered because, as an anarchist, he chose to stand and fight with the 
indigenous peoples, chose to be on the side of the oppressed and the exploited, and 
against the torturers and murderers of the oppressive forces, the anti-social and 
anti-social plans of the state and the economic elites.

Comrade Santiago Maldonado will be present at the races that break out in every corner of 
the earth like all the fighters who gave their lives for a free and fair world without 
inequalities, without exploitation and oppression ...

Internationalist Solidarity
- our comrades in Argentina who accept the repression of the Argentine state and resist
-The Indians Mapce and all the indigenous peoples who defend their land against its use by 
Benetton's modern conquistadors.

Anarchist collectives "Omikron72" & "Circle of Fire"
- members of the Anarchist Political Organization


Message: 4

This article explains the problems that the ethnic minorities are facing and who is their 
common enemy. This article particularly concentrates on Kurdish diaspora who lives in 
Europe, US and other countries; it provides evidence that the Kurdish diaspora faces the 
same problems as the native people in the host country. Despite being facing the same 
problems or sometimes even more so, but they still do not involve themselves in the local 
and national campaigns. ---- The article points at the reasons that may contribute to the 
cause of not involving the campaigns. ---- The Kurdish people should get involved in and 
support campaigns on Local and National issues ---- Zaher Baher Oct 2017 ---- The 
emigration of Kurdish people to Europe, Scandinavia, the United States (USA) and other 
countries started during World War ll. However, they remained a tiny minority, compared to 
immigrants from many other countries, until the mid-1970s and early 1980s, when major 
waves of Kurdish migration from the different parts of Kurdistan started. In Iraqi 
Kurdistan emigration started after the collapse of the Kurdish movement led by Mustafa 
Barzani in March 1975. In Iranian Kurdistan it started after the "revolution" when the 
Islamists came to power. In Turkish Kurdistan it started as soon as the PKK movement 
emerged in the 1980s. In Syrian Kurdistan it started in 80s, but was very slow until the 
start of the "Arab Spring".

At present, there are no data on the number of Kurds in these countries. However, one 
thing is clear, Kurds from Iraq and Turkey make up the majority of Kurdish migrants.

The Kurdish diaspora has many problems in common with migrants from other nations. These 
include language, housing, social connections, employment, and looking after family left 
behind in the homeland. What brought all migrants to their destinations were political 
reasons including economic issues. Many of them have suffered from imprisonment, 
repression and persecution. Attacks on some of their nations by the US, Russia and Western 
countries, or subjugation of their governments to the demands and wishes of these 
countries were also another major factor.
All the above problems were and still are common among almost all ethnic minorities. If we 
look at migrants from Africa as a whole, the Middle East, Asia, Central Asia, South East 
Asia, the Far East, some Eastern European countries and South America, we can see this is 
the reality. Their people have left their countries not least because of such reasons.

Given the main reasons for emigration to Europe and elsewhere are war and political issues 
we should ask an important question. Why are these people not involved in politics here, 
in their new countries? There could be various reasons for this. Seeking to avoid 
politicising their present suffering compared to the past, not connecting the cause of 
past suffering to the government in their new homeland, fear of attack and suppression 
from the countries they came from, family problems, lack of confidence, and social 
problems. There are probably other reasons too, related to what people face in their 
everyday lives: discrimination and prejudice, inequality and injustice. However, whatever 
their reasons, not participating in what goes on in their new countries cannot be justified.

In addition to the common causes that resulted in their emigration, migrants, wherever 
they came from, have enemies in common too. Migrants who have escaped their homelands now 
often live in States that are creating wars around the world; and that support the 
terrorist groups and make the arms deals with dictatorial and fascist governments that 
result in the displacement of people. Not only are these States causing mass migration, at 
the same time they are closing their borders in their face of those they have displaced. 
Given this, why are these people silent and failing to translate their anger and hope into 
some productive action?

In the rest of this article I will try to concentrate on the Kurdish diaspora in respect 
of their activities and involvement in politics. Many of them are very active for their 
own causes. However, generally, they do not connect their struggle to the machinations of 
the State in their country of destination and so do not expand their activities to actions 
against their new state, or to support for campaigns about local and national issues in 
their new homeland.

We all know our communities in Britain are under threat from whoever is in power, Labour, 
Tory or Lib Dem. We have been under this threat to the point at which we are at risk of 
losing our identity, our individual freedom, and whatever the present or previous 
generations have achieved. Indeed, we face losing almost everything. Look at the history 
of the past three or four decades: the restriction of freedoms, the installation of over 
15 million surveillance cameras to invade our freedom by spying on us, being terrorised by 
the police through implementation of laws promulgating the so-called the war on terror, 
the attacks on trade union and workers' rights, constant changes in the rules and 
regulations relating to qualifying for benefits and housing, homelessness, selling social 
housing, expanding academy schools, closing down maternity and A&E wards in many 
hospitals, trying to privatise other health services, long hospital waiting lists, the 
introduction of tuition fees, increase in utilities bills, increases in the pension age, 
the introduction of zero-hours contracts, over 6.5 million workers receiving less than the 
minimum wage, so many children living in poverty, over half a million people relying on 
food banks, and increases in pollution levels. The list can go on and on - in short we 
have modern slavery.

Most or all of the above problems affect Kurdish people, and other ethnic minority people, 
more so than native British people. The reasons for them being affected so badly are 
because they have large families, family problems here and back home, language 
difficulties, lack of understanding of the system, and psychological and health problems 
due to their social and political experiences.

There are many groups in different boroughs in London and in other cities campaigning 
against the government and corporations on each of the issues raised above. These groups 
have fought back against the government and the corporations in their own way and some of 
them have been successful. There is no doubt that the victories of any of these campaigns 
are much more beneficial to the Kurdish community and other ethnic minorities than to 
native people due to their special circumstances.

Kurdish people should be involved and campaign hard shoulder to shoulder with other 
people. It is time to escape the self-marginalisation, it is time to fully participate in 
local campaigns, it is time to publicise the issues affecting the Kurdish community here 
by going to meetings, taking part in demos, protests and offering solidarity to local 
campaigns and in return getting back support and solidarity with issues that are more 
specifically Kurdish.

With regard to the latter, Kurdish people should use this solidarity to make their own 
issues into local and national issues. Simply doing demos attended only by the Kurdish 
community, organising rallies and protests alone - making a bit of noise, raising some 
placards and pictures of one leader or another are not enough. If they expect this 
activity is sufficient for their voice to be heard by the media and the authorities here, 
they are mistaken.

If Kurdish people want their voices to be heard by the rest of the population, the State 
and local authorities they should integrate into wider society in order to get their 
sympathy, support and solidarity. It is not right to expect others to help you but not 
help them in exchange. The truth is everybody shares the fruit of winning campaigns.

Having said the above it does not mean Kurdish people should leave their own question 
behind and concentrate only on what is going here. More it is that if you want to gain 
more support and solidarity you should be involved in politics in the country you live in 
as well as your own questions. The Kurdish people should know that those who support their 
enemies back home are the State and corporations here. The weaker the State and the 
corporations here, the weaker the government in their own home countries, and the stronger 
the struggle and the faster the victory.

This is not simply a problem in Britain. I know through other comrades and friends in 
European and Scandinavian countries and the USA that there are hardly any Kurdish people 
taking part in activities unless those activities directly relate purely to the Kurdish 

Here in UK, especially in London, where I have lived for a long time, I know there are 
many boroughs where the Kurdish Community constitutes a fair proportion of the ethnic 
minorities in the borough. In these boroughs there are major issues that people, including 
the Kurds, are facing. These issues directly affect the Kurdish people, but still they 
have been silent, concentrating on their own affairs as if these problems are nothing to 
do with them.

In Haringey where I live, we have major problems with the local authority and central 
government. While a great many of Kurdish people live in the borough, and indeed have a 
few community centres here, as far as I am aware, only a tiny minority of them are 
involved in any of the many ongoing campaigns in Haringey.

Related Link: http://Zaherbaher.com



Message: 5

INFAMY! There is no other term to refer to the farce that was promoted on Sunday by Rede 
Globo through the "Fantastic" program. Known for his idiotic and sensationalistic aspect, 
Fantástico already alerted, in his early paintings, his fetish for conspiracy theories by 
presenting one more of his stories about mysterious OVINIS. Packed in the conservative 
wave, the conspiracy theories, "rigor and wisdom" of the stupid, have been gaining 
increasing space in the major media. It would not be fair to the Fantastic who would fail 
to apply an "authentic". ---- The sensationalism presented around a new conspiracy theory 
was the subject of an alleged "criminal anarchist organization," ostensibly propagated 
over the past few days and guarded as the program's "golden key."

The subject in question addressed the operation of the Rio Grande do Sul Civil Police 
directed to the cultural space Parhesia, the Pandorga urban occupation, and our political 
organization, Gaucho Anarchist Federation / Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (FAG / CAB). 
Since the start of the operation (Oct. 24), the local mainstream media, with RBS on the 
front line, have already been active in this conspiracy. Accompanying and disseminating 
almost in real time the whole procedure of the Civil Police, the news programs completely 
endorsed the police version, issuing all sorts of judgment and convictions. In the midst 
of the horrors show, SBT's telejournalism was highlighted, stating that they were neo-Nazi 
Isolated attacks have been associated scandalously the anarchist ideology and our 
organization in particular. The calculation is clear and widely known: they seek through 
the media bombardment to coerce social activists who identify with anarchism, to leave on 
the defensive, to force the public to pray the "moral and good manners" primer of the 
"good citizens" lynchers and Internet hatters, who are increasingly gaining ground in the 
They seek, through factoids, to criminalize artistic and cultural initiatives beyond our 
organization, known for more than 20 years of uninterrupted militancy in the various 
struggles and organizations of workers and oppressed.
It is an operation to the liking of the extreme right that has been grouping around a 
moralistic agenda and with a strongly Macarthist discourse. This right wing right from the 
wave of school occupations has been investing in the promotion of militias to provoke, 
intimidate and, when possible, physically attack acts promoted by the left or against what 
they consider an attack on "good manners".
Meanwhile fascist proto-militias and their hate crimes pass with impunity!
Gathering among others in pro-Bolsonaro groups, these extreme right-wing militants are 
making a big reactionary carnival on social networks, displaying weapons and calling on 
"good citizens" to attack "leftists" and "bandit advocates" , while increasingly taking 
their dementia to the streets.
In a mobilization of the municipalities of Porto Alegre, in the occasion in State of 
strike, a teacher was attacked with a retractable stick by a captain of a youtuber, both 
bound to the MBL. The next day, they were greeted with great cordiality in the Paço dos 
Açorianos by the Mayor Marchezan / PSDB, who soon thanked their deeds.
As the snake's egg clashes from north to south, we have recently seen a turbulent mob and 
cripple an academic activity about the centenary of the Russian Revolution at the Federal 
University of Pernambuco (UFPE) screaming for "military intervention now!" The onslaught 
of teaching activity to patrol and censor everything that is said in schools and 
universities has been one of the many hysterics on the far right agenda. But if we are 
talking about the southern region of the country, the far right historically had a "dark" 
presence, little or nothing addressed. It is Nazism, or neo-Nazism.
It was precisely in Porto Alegre that Editora Revisão was housed, responsible for editing 
and widely disseminating Nazi and Holocaust denial literature, whose website is still 
active. It was in Porto Alegre where, because of a quipá, youths were stabbed in a 
bohemian neighborhood of the city and it is also here where on the streets are daily cases 
of physical aggression to homosexual couples, transvestites, street dwellers, women, 
blacks and immigrants, mainly Haitians and Senegalese. Behind these attacks are neo-Nazi 
and integralist groups operating in a coordinated way in a "corridor of hatred" that 
involves Porto Alegre-Serra Gaúcha-Blumenau-Curitiba. Periodically, the "gigs" of bands 
"RAC" where they take part to make a kind of ritual at the end of the concerts:
All this confraternity of the extreme right, which practices and encourages cowardly acts 
of hatred, is very well known by the Delegate Garden, ruler of the ongoing conspiracy 
against anarchism. For more than 10 years, the Garden Delegate has been entrusted with the 
task of investigating the work of these extreme right-wing groups. However, to date, 
Jardim has presented nothing more than television appearances with his characteristic cachet.
The Stockholm Syndrome of a "new" crusader against the left!
Essa não é a primeira vez que Jardim direciona sua carga à lutadores sociais. Em 2013, em 
meio às muitas manifestações populares que reivindicavam o direito à cidade e protestavam 
contra os gastos da copa em Porto Alegre, uma operação de caça de militantes da Brigada 
Militar resultou na prisão de 3 professores que caminhavam após a dispersão do ato com uma 
bandeira do CPERS.
Jardim was the Delegate who took charge of the case and soon sought to frame the militants 
as responsible for stoning the Julio de Castilhos Museum and the Cathedral amid a series 
of assumptions. They needed a scapegoat to present as a trophy in the mainstream media, 
directing them to the prison. Unable to complete its objective, given the strong 
solidarity that guaranteed the release of the companions, Jardim did not restrain himself 
and made a point of summoning the dirty service of RBS. The next day, there was a featured 
story on Zero Hour and ClicRbs that accused teachers of "vandalism." It was not enough to 
mention the full name of two companions and a companion, the matter stamped a photo of 
Garden showing their photos. In more than 10 years with the responsibility of 
investigating neo-Nazi action, Garden never publicly exposed one of his militiamen. 
However, when it comes to some popular mobilization, some manifestation of left, Garden 
seems to foam.
Não seria exagero sugerir que todo esse tempo enquanto responsável da Polícia Civil para 
investigar o neo-nazismo no Rio Grande do Sul tenha levado o senhor Jardim à uma Síndrome 
de Estocolmo, apaixonando-se por aqueles que estava responsável por reprimir. A 
manifestação da simpatia enrustida não poderia vir de melhor forma que clamando cadeia, 
prisão e deportação à militantes sociais e a esquerda, elemento basilar de toda 
manifestação nazi-fascista.
O que representa a aventura do Delegado Jardim e da Rede Globo?
The latest episode seems to be setting the delegate's "golden moment", which has never had 
such a hearing. Representative of "good", crossed against "evil gangs", Jardim now finds 
himself at a crossroads where he will have to decide which detestable figure in the 
history of the oppressed will seek to "reincarnate." It may be that it wants to be a 
version of the tropics of Frederick Katzmann in his farce against Sacco and Vanzetti or 
Hermann Göring in his alarm by the fire to the Reichstag.
Whatever it is this week, the sad figure of Jardim stole the scene in the political 
conjuncture of the country seeking to create a scarecrow to conclaim a witch hunt. Taxing 
and intimidating an ideology and a political organization amid a moment of important 
strikes in the region, where its militancy takes an active part seeking to take to the 
final consequences the provisions of struggle and organization that sprout in each place 
of work, study and dwelling. Jardim and Rede Globo seek to sow panic and disorientation; 
at first, in militant anarchism, they will soon take on the task of completing their 
farsish onslaught, laden with factoids and arapongagens, with the whole of the left and 
social movements. Garden stole the scene to open the true farce that is the far right 
alternative and its adventurers on duty, which, with the approval of the oligopoly of the 
mass media, develop in the courts and in the repressive apparatus of the State, calling 
for and promoting the genocide of black youth in the peripheries, violence against LGBTs 
and religious intolerance; the extermination of indigenous peoples and quilombolas, and 
fiscal adjustment.
Terrorism against the underdogs, terrorism against our class! Jardim, Rede Globo and its 
crusaders who are aware that we will not bow!

Against adjustment and repression! Fight and organization!

Federation Anarchist Gaúcha (FAG) - Organization integrated to the Brazilian Anarchist 
Coordination (CAB)



Message: 6

In anti-racist political circles in France, the decolonial approach may be used in a way 
that seems to contradict feminism. Yet in Latin America, from which decolonial thought 
comes, there is a whole decolonial feminist current. ---- Decolonial thought refers to a 
trans-disciplinary Latin American trend, including philosophers, sociologists, 
semiologists and pedagogues. One of the main figures of this current is the Peruvian 
sociologist Anibal Quijano who theorized the coloniality of power. This notion is based on 
a rereading of the history of modernity since 1492. ---- Feminist criticism of decolonial 
thought ---- With this theory, it modifies the classical Marxist critique. It highlights 
the fact that capitalism was constituted on the basis of a process of racialization. 
Capitalism and racism are therefore indissociable. But this is not all: the state and the 
modern Eurocentric episteme are also constituent elements of this regime of power. The 
colonial power of power designates a reality that does not end with the declarations of 
independence of the colonies. It is still being pursued in the economy, politics and the 
production of knowledge.

Decolonial feminism is a continuation of Quijano's thought at the same time that he 
criticizes it. The Argentine philosopher Maria Lugones is at the origin of this 
inflection. It is based on both queer theory and black feminism. She reproaches Quijano 
for failing to show how colonial modernity has also built gender on the basis of male / 
female dysmorphism. As a result, capitalist modernity does not only include racialization 
of the workforce, but a sexuation of it.

It is in some way in a more historical form, the thesis that is also defended by Françoise 
Vergès in her book Le Ventre des femmes [1]. It shows the importance of the racial control 
of motherhood in the capitalist economy. As an example, it can be recalled that in the 
Portuguese Empire, up to the law of the "  free belly  ", children born of a slave, even 
if their father was a free and white man, remained slaves.

But decolonial feminism in Abya Yala [2]is not just an intellectual movement, it is 
articulated closely with a feminist social movement whose intellectual and militant 
figures are among others Yuderkys Espinosa and Ochy Curiel. They are women who have the 
distinction of being from popular backgrounds and being Afro-descendants.

The decolonial feminists are part of the filiation of what is called autonomous feminism 
in Latin America as opposed to institutional feminism. That is to say, it is a current 
which puts forward the organization of social movements, rather than relying on state 

This leads decolonial feminists to be critical of the populist and governmental strategies 
of the Latin American left. Yuderkys Espinosa stated in his interview in 2016: "  One of 
the problems we face with the various forms of populist governments, such as those 
experienced in the last decade in various Latin American countries, is that they produce a 
weakening of social movements, a dependence on the State and an androcentric policy, which 
dilutes all forms of radicality, which suspends criticism under the logic of the common 
enemy, and therefore if you are not with us, you are on the side of the enemy forces 
attacking us   . "

Another interesting aspect of decolonial feminism is how it integrates ecological 
thinking. Indeed, Latin American decolonial thinkers and thinkers rely on Amerindian 
thoughts to reflect on an alternative lifestyle to that imposed by the coloniality of 
power. Thus the decolonial pedagogue, working in Ecuador, Catherine Walsh developed an 
action and a critical discourse against the developmental orientations and the broken 
promises of President Rafael Correa. Despite a constitution that proclaims the "   buen 
vivir"  (A concept derived from Amerindian thought), the President later chose 
developmental orientations that did not respect the relationship to the Mother Earth of 
the Indian communities. The interest of decolonial feminist thought is therefore to 
propose an intersectional framework of thought that integrates different dimensions: the 
criticism of capitalism, racism, the gender system, the state and Eurocentric 
epistemology; and to incorporate the ferments of an ecologist thought [3].

An intersecting framework of thought

The problem in France of the reception of the term "   decolonial  " "Is the fact that 
many people who use or criticize this notion are unaware that in reality it refers to a 
transdisciplinary Latin American thinking that constitutes a political, historical and 
philosophical criticism of colonial modernity and the development of racial categories in 
Latin America. Decolonial thinking implies a profound reflection on the social 
discrimination still suffered today by indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants in the 
American subcontinent. Nevertheless, we must beware of a too mechanical transposition of 
the racial categories elaborated in the Americas to the European situation. In fact, 
European racial history did not begin in 1492. As Jean-Frédéric Schaub showed,For a 
political history of race [4], the Iberian Peninsula has developed a racialization based 
on religion against Jews and Muslims, called the policy of "   purity of blood   ." This 
policy could also be applied to Gypsies.

Decolonial feminism decentrates decolonial thought polarized around capitalism and race, 
introducing issues of sex and sexuality. It thus allows an intersectional approach to all 
of these questions which avoids reintroducing the idea of a main front that would be 
constituted by political antiracism.

Irene (AL Friend)

[1] Françoise Vergès, The Ventre des femmes, Albin-Michel, 2017.

[2] Term adopted by Amerindian organizations to designate the Americas.

[3] To go further on decolonial feminism, read the article by Jules Falquet on 
Contretemps.eu of April 2017

[4] Jean-Frédéric Schaub, For a political history of the race, Seuil, 2015



Message: 7

The Property Shop, deposit theft ---- Brighton Solidarity Federation has started a dispute 
with The Property Shop on St James's Street. A tenant has been organising with SolFed 
after they were charged for repairs that the landlord was obligated to carry out. ---- 
Along with the tenant, Brighton SolFed wrote to The Property Shop on 18th October, 
explaining the issues and outlining options for redress. The Property Shop requested an 
extension on the one week deadline for a response, which Brighton SolFed granted, but The 
Property Shop still did not respond within that timeframe. ---- Consequently, along with 
the tenant, Brighton SolFed has begun a public dispute with The Property Shop. This began 
with a picket outside the branch at 5pm on Tuesday 31st October. This first action was met 
with strong public consensus, culminating with a number of former Property Shop tenants 
that were passing by sharing with us their previous negative experiences with this agency, 
one of whom - otherwise unrelated to our dispute - even joining us on the picket line in 
solidarity with the grievance and in frustration with the agency's practices.

With the support of Brighton SolFed, the tenant is demanding that the landlord return the 
£344 withheld from their deposit, along with the £60 contract fee they paid, as 
compensation for the distress of this situation. The tenants were left without a shower 
for a month, and the landlord is attempting to make deductions for maintenance that he was 
legally obliged to carry out, to ensure the working and maintenance of santiary 
facilities. As the tenant explained, 'the Property Shop have been really sneaky and 
unhelpful. They keep delaying every step of the dispute, they left us without a working 
shower for over a month, and they didn't tell me about charges until three months after I 
moved out, so I couldn't open a dispute through the deposit protection scheme. The whole 
thing is incredibly stressful and worrying. How many other people have they done this to?'

So far, The Property Shop have refused to acknowledge the problem. The problem for them is 
that SolFed does not hide disputes in administrative or judicial procedures. Our intention 
is to bring every dispute onto the streets. Not just because it is faster, cheaper and 
more effective, but also because it is the only way we can understand that each of us has 
the same problems. Through solidarity and direct action, ordinary people have the power to 
improve their lives.

An injury to one is an injury to all!



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