Today's Topics:
1. Operation Erebo: The hunt against anarchists in Porto Alegre
(RS) continues By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
2. [Greece] Information on the evolution of the hunger strike
of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça By ANA (ca, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
3. Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes CGA - Anti-patriarchy,
Fight against harassment and all patriarchal violence! (fr, it,
pt) [machine translation] (
4. Brazil: "The goal is to create a" popular power "-
Organização anarquista socialismo libertário -- Interview by
Auréline (friend of AL, Toulouse) (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
5. asr anarshism: We, Aghanistan immigrants, also contribute
more to the "death" in the earthquake [machine translation]
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre - Film: " Young
Karl Marx ": for or against ? (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Message: 1
Today, November 30, 2017 , the Erebus police operation again attacked the anarchists.
They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. We do
not know very well if there are more spaces invaded. Communication is precarious since we
do not know the levels of police intervention. And this time nothing was spread in the
media. ---- Even when the storm seemed to have calmed down and they had not arrested
themselves or any information about the operation, we are sure that they are looking for
us. Unlike other raids, the Erebus operation seems to go slowly but surely. ---- We remain
strong, determined and still in these pursuits, the certainty of the love of freedom
screams stronger. ---- The shows of support and solidarity are not lacking and the
different positions of anarchism have held firm in their rejection of authority and in
their extended arm to their companions. It strengthens us.
Let the news spread.
Arm extended to the companions, clenched fist to the enemies!
Let us strive for anarchy to live!
Related Content:
Message: 2
On November 27, 2017 , after five postponements, the trial of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih
Özakça began in the custody of Sincan, Ankara. Nuriye was not physically present at the
trial for being hospitalized. His state of health did not allow him to leave the hospital
and to move to the jail where the judgment is made. He connected by video conference and
made statements without answering questions. ---- The prosecutor requested the release of
the two teachers on hunger strike, but the judges rejected this request from the
prosecutor. This is something that happens for the first time in the history of the
Turkish state in similar cases. The pretext of the refusal was false information that some
people were preparing Molotov cocktails at Nuriye's apartment.
On December 1 Nuriye and Semih will complete 268 days on hunger strike. According to the
doctors who attend them the state of their health of both is critical. They take sugar,
salt, water, tea and vitamin B1. Nuriye weighs only 33 pounds. Semih is also very weak.
On hunger strike, in solidarity with the two teachers, are Esra Özakça, Semih's partner
(187 days), Feridun Osmanagaoglu, 67, a member of the Association of Parents of Political
Prisoners, and 72-year-old Mehmet Güvel (148 days), member of the same association.
The Committee of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan calls for a
rally outside the Turkish Embassy in Athens in solidarity with Nuriye Gülmen and Semih
Özakça. The concentration will take place on December 1, 2017 , from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. (during the trial of hunger strikers) outside the Turkish Embassy in Athens, on the
corner of Vasileos Georgiou and Rigillis streets.
The text in Castilian:
Translation> Sol de Abril
Message: 3
The CGA applauds the movements of women, trans people and people involved in the recent
free speech that has been put in place to denounce harassment, sexist attacks and the
injunction to heteronormativity. These denunciations, in particular through social
networks, and their translations by actions on the street, have thus allowed public
recognition of the violence and their scale, have led to concrete measures, particularly
with regard to the aggressors, and will certainly have important social implications. ----
A small step forward is the increasingly frequent use of the word "feminicide", which
until now has been completely obscured and which makes it possible to clearly define the
obvious reason for the murders of women committed by men "solely because they are women".
Gender-based violence against women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans people and all those
who do not recognize themselves in a masculine or feminine gender, derives from the
hetero-patriarchal system of domination that characterizes society. This system induces a
continuum of violence (moral and sexual harassment, assault, rape, etc.) and inequalities
(economic, social, political) that reinforce each other.
The government, in spite of its communication for gender equality and against sexist
aggression, perpetuates and strengthens this system. For example, by destroying the labor
code and the labor courts, by facilitating lay-offs and wage cuts, it generalizes the
precariousness and instability of employment. These attacks will primarily affect women,
who hold most of the precarious jobs and whose wages are still much lower than men's. The
abolition of the CHSCTs, and the modifications of the financing of the expertises will
undoubtedly limit the investigations against the violence against them in the place of
work. With these measures, women will be more subject to pressure and violence, whether in
the workplace or in the conjugal and family sphere.
In addition, the dismantling of public services (health, education, justice, etc.), the
closure of IVG centers, the general decrease of subsidies to local authorities and
associations, as well as the lack of resources allocated to those fighting for rights
women and against violence against them, will still come to hinder their access to health,
social support or listening.
If we must denounce and fight against violence in the public space, remember also that the
majority of violence is perpetrated in the family, conjugal and / or close family,
contrary to popular belief and widely conveyed, which relegate this violence to certain
outdoor locations or certain socio-cultural environments.
In the culture of rape, we oppose the culture of consent. The CGA supports the
self-organization of the struggles of women and trans people, and fights against all forms
of domination and exploitation
External relations of the CGA,
December 2, 2017
See our motion "Ending the culture of rape":
Message: 4
The Organização anarquista socialismo libertário (OASL), active in São Paulo since 2008,
is a member of the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB). It claims especifismo, a mode
of organization and militancy that articulates the action within the social movements and
the action more specifically anarchist. Meeting with João, in his thirties, precarious
worker and member of the organization. ---- Libertarian alternative: What are the
activities of the OASL ? ---- João: We are fighting mainly on three fronts: the union
front, the community front and the student front. At the union level, peers are active and
active among subway drivers, in health and in education. The student front is present in
two universities, where we defend a policy of real access of the popular classes to the
university 1. On the community front, we develop the Movement of grassroots organizations
(MOB), which acts in three neighborhoods suburbs, offers tutoring ( cursinhos populares ),
creates cooperatives that allow participants to earn an income, defends the free health
centers of the SUS ( Sistema única de saúde), still threatened with closure or
privatization ... We also participate in the squatters movement and, finally, there are
comrades who initiated a feminist front. The goal is to create a "people power "
articulated with social movements. Participating in one of these fronts is a condition to
advocate for the OASL. This grassroots activism is fundamental, and a priority on the
construction of the organization.
What is your practice in social movements ?
In each front we defend a horizontal organization. But do not want to be in a vanguard
position, and we adapt to the reality of social movements, where there is a wide variety
of opinions. It is by campaigning with people that we spread our ideas and values. An
example: when occupying farmland with the Landless People's Movement (MST), people prayed
before the actions. Although being mostly atheists, we refrained from criticizing. We have
to find the balance, to deal with the reality of the people who are there, even if it is
difficult. Evangelical movements are strong in the suburbs because they occupy a political
and social vacuum. But they often position themselves against struggles, against strikes
and obstruct the MOB.
And what about repression ?
There is currently a criminalization of social movements, which is very much aimed at
trade unionists. Police violence, on the other hand, strikes the suburbs and favelas, the
blacks and the poor being the first concerned. We are going so far as to speak about "
genocidal politics ". But the denunciation of this violence is rare, for fear of
reprisals. The case of Rafael Braga is exemplary. Arrested for the first time in June 2013
for a demonstration in which he did not participate, he spent several months in detention
on bogus charges of making Molotov cocktails or drug trafficking. Last April, he was
finally sentenced to eleven years in prison (!), Commuted to prison in September.
What libertarian analysis can we make of the current political situation in Brazil:
dismissal of Dilma Rousseff in May 2016, claims of direct elections following the
revelations on the corruption of the right-wing President Michel Temer ?
First of all, it must be remembered that the Workers' Party has pursued a policy of class
collaboration. As for the coup, the PT also has its responsibility: it has made alliances
with right-wing parties, which gave them strength and allowed them to recover the
dissatisfaction with the reforms. The breakdown of the Labor Code and retreats
orchestrated by the liberal right was already on the agenda of the PT. Recently, former
President Lula (PT) bluntly said that if he were re-elected, he would not come back on
this pension breakup. The PT approved the law authorizing the use of the army against the
demonstrations, and used it in June 2013 during protests against the increase of the
prices of the public transport 2. As for the agrarian reform, its balance sheet is
eloquent: under President Cardoso (1995-2002, right), the redistribution of land to poor
peasants was faster, not because the government was more voluntarist, but because there
were more social struggles. But with the PT in power, social movements have weakened
because their leaders have been offered positions, which is a good way to silence them. As
we have seen recently, when the management of the CUT, the main trade union confederation,
close to the PT, was more concerned about Lula's judicial mishaps than to organize the
fight against the breakage of pensions and the Labor Code. because their leaders have been
offered positions, which is a good way to silence them. As we have seen recently, when the
management of the CUT, the main trade union confederation, close to the PT, was more
concerned about Lula's judicial mishaps than to organize the fight against the breakage of
pensions and the Labor Code. because their leaders have been offered positions, which is a
good way to silence them. As we have seen recently, when the management of the CUT, the
main trade union confederation, close to the PT, was more concerned about Lula's judicial
mishaps than to organize the fight against the breakage of pensions and the Labor Code.
AL, The Monthly, November 2017
Message: 5
Political analysis: Sadegh beautiful The words of the citizens' distrust are responsible
for the ineffectiveness of the institutions, while the government is on the downside of
collapse. ---- The Anarchist Age: "The beautiful words of the distrust of the citizens, to
the ineffectiveness of the responsible government institutions, and consciously, because
of their political interests, avoids openness in telling the truth, and avoiding ---- We,
Aghanistan immigrant Political analysis: Sadegh beautiful The words of the citizens'
distrust are responsible for the ineffectiveness of the institutions, while the government
is on the downside of collapse. ---- Notes on December 1 ---- The Age of Anarchism: "The
beautiful words of citizens' distrust, to the ineffectiveness of government institutions,
and consciously refrain from explicitly telling the truth due to their political
interests, and refraining from telling the truth that these and other factors to which we
will refer. In fact, the signs of the collapse of the system and the rule of the Islamic
Republic and its degradation are erosion and people, and the lack of government for them
and their lack of more useful to know that its being the issue of government for the
people ended, and theoretically and theoretically The necessity of its existence was
passed, and it was only practically possible to create conditions physically from the
government The oppressive theocratic regime in Iran will at any cost and at any cost will end.
During the recent earthquake, many ordinary citizens, as well as prominent people,
launched a call to social networks to collect cash and non-cash contributions for
earthquake victims.
The amount of assistance collected by mostly independent and non-governed people was
competing with the amount of funds received by the responsible institutions, and sometimes
it surpassed. To investigate this phenomenon, which aroused the surprise of many citizens
and experts, including Sadeq Zibaqalam, who was one of the custodians of collecting
popular donations, in an inadequate analysis of the answer to the euro zone ( from the
distrust of citizens to the ineffectiveness of the responsible institutions; the honest
dialogue Beautiful words associated with the earthquake in Kermanshah . "
Euronews: After the earthquake and devastation caused by it, famous people such as
athletes, artists, and other well-known figures, including yourself, by announcing the
account number, called on the people to help the earthquake. Considering the fact that
there are so many official governmental and non-governmental institutions in the country
to help the victims of such events, what factors do you think that people would prefer to
get their help from other channels to the affected people?
Sadegh Zibakalam:"It is certain that people's confidence in the authorities was reduced
less than before in the past two or three decades, and it was not a matter for the
earthquake alone to emerge. For example, in the year 92, when Mr. Hassan Rouhani was the
first to win the presidency, one of the government's first steps was to create a new
census of subsidized people. In this regard, many officials, as well as political and
social leaders, have called on the people not to subsidize families who pay and
insignificantly, but surprisingly, more than 70 million people, over 90% The population
enrolled in the scheme. Obviously, a significant amount of these people did not need this
sum, and many of them responded to the reason why they enrolled in the plan said that we
would take this amount from the government and we would take it for ourselves to the
needy. This was not a good sign, and if the officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran were
taking it seriously, today we did not see that a university professor who has no party and
organization, by announcing an account number in cyberspace in less than 48 hours, The
amount paid from the amount of public assistance to the Red Crescent or the Relief
Committee. This issue was seen not only in relation to me, but also in relation to others,
including Mr. Ali Daei, Ms. Nikki Karimi, and other celebrities.
The second point is that the only problem is not distrust. Another important argument is
that the authorities and the relevant organizations can not bring the aid to the people
affected by the earthquake. That is, even if they want to be honest, they have no power to
do so. For this reason, people are trying to make donations personally to the stricken
areas. The lack of confidence in the responsible institutions , their inefficiencies
(governmental institutions), as well as the self-help of the people, caused a great deal
of distress and disruption to the aid, resulting in more pessimism and more distrust
towards the authorities and institutions. "
Euronews: How do you respond to the widespread popular acceptance of cash and non-cash
Sadegh Zebakolam: "Personally, when I noticed this popular welcome in cash in my account
to help the injured people and I saw their eagerness, I felt the duty and responsibility
and I went to visit the quarrying areas. During this visit, I realized that the Red
Crescent had brought the aid to the people as much as possible , but one of the problems
that I encountered was that large amounts of mineral water, clothes and food along the
road were cluttered mountains They were . At first I thought that these clothes were
related to people who had lost their lives during the accident, but, looking at their
clothes, I was surprised to see that they were new and sent to the people for help. This
issue was repeated in different places, indicating the lack of distribution of items
needed.On the other hand, people from different parts of Iran were able to bring equipment
to the affected people, and it was unclear how the donations were distributed among people
and whether they could meet their needs because of the influx of people to receive
assistance. Another point to be said about the inappropriate distribution of essential
items, the creation of a black market for purchases in areas where donations were not
properly distributed, and the sale of items such as tents, blankets and other commodities
from profitable individuals. The sum of these events adds to the pessimism of the people
towards the authorities and institutions involved . "
Beautiful Word "in an interview with Dewey Chowell points to the consequences of the
people's distrust of the government and says that leaders should take this warning seriously.
He talks about the readiness of the people to help each other and financial aid, some of
which are large but mostly small, between 20 and 50 thousand tomans. According to Sadeq
Ziba Halam, those who have helped are those who are not wealthy themselves. "
The Anarchist Age: In fact, the beautiful word is worrying about the government and
implicitly warns the regime that the situation is critical and that the leaders of the
Islamic Republic should take this warning seriously. But beautifully, the word does not
pay attention to the fact that the rule of law is getting out of the hands of the Islamic
Republic, and the internal and external crisis of the government is not resolved with the
advice and expression of concern, and the beautiful speech of the voice of the people is
too late, and the government itself is still not the message of the people He has not
received what he can hear.
Not afraid of the Achilles heels of the Islamic Republic. It is enough for the people to
believe in their own power and not forget that 80 million people inside and a few million
Iranians outside the regime are opposed to the regime.
The regime has been hesitant and desperate, and Rouhani did not need to vote for the
people in the second term of his presidency, otherwise he did not need them, and showed
his hypocritical figure and reformists to the people, and the failure of the failure on
fake reforms in Iran Has struck
The people of Iran must now go through the beautiful words of the word and do not dare to
eat his words and pass through the regime completely.
In recent weeks (November 1396), the Iranian people have increasingly raised the
institutions and chiefs of the regime of the Islamic Republic from the Revolutionary
Guards and Basij and Hassan Rouhani and the Larijani mafia to the head of the criminals,
Ali Khamenei, the target of the protests Revealing their slogans.
The reflection of this massive courage of the people against the regime, especially among
the creditors, the earthquake-stricken westerners of the country, and workers who do not
pay their salaries, is apparent.
The rivalry between government factions and the war of power is the best historical
opportunity for the popular force to come to the Independent Independence Square.
People and state power are two opposing forces.
Whenever governments are shaken, the power of the people grows.
Among the various ways in which governments use and use power and power, one of these
methods is the criminalization of all state institutions, which results in suppressing
more people and using more than violence, violence and imprisonment, and execution. .
But at any rate, governments from within shake themselves and compete within their
factions, whose purpose is to empower and gain power from one of the factions of the
state, or to expose and disassociate the current government by the previous government. It
is a power struggle.
This rivalry between the factions and the struggle for inner power is the best opportunity
for the people's forces to come to power.
The government of the Islamic Republic is now politically in such a situation, it has lost
control of the people and is engaged in internal competitions. Take advantage of this
opportunity and eliminate the Islamic Republic's condition if it is available, which is
only effective with the massive and radical presence of the people on the street.
Footnote: The "plainclothes" attack on Ahmadinejad's close friends at King Abdul Azim
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's supporters say a group attacked the former president's supporters in
the tomb of King Abdul Azim in southern Tehran and tried to expel them from the shrine.
The spring government telegram, affiliated with Mr. Ahmadinejad's closest, has released
films saying that "plainclothes" and "mercenary" forces have been attacked.
Three days ago, on Wednesday, November 24th, Hamid Baghei, the deputy executive of the
former Iranian president, and his close friends, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, refused to attend
the third session of the court to investigate his charges, saying he was protesting the
behavior of the judiciary in the shrine of King Abdul Azim "Closer" sits.
Ali Akbar Javanfekr, press and media advisor to Mr. Ahmadinejad and Habibullah, a member
of Khorasani, was also charged with the administration of his government along with Mr.
The Iranian judiciary news agency, on Saturday morning, November 27, called Ahmadinejad
and his followers the "Zenbeliyeh Sect" and the current "hypocrisy", and wrote in a
report: "Like some groups, in the early sixties, it identified the busy areas of the city,
They use their own means of copying the void of the flow of hypocrisy at the beginning of
the revolution. "Zabbil is a reddish reddish shroud that Mr. Baghayi carried with him in
the text of his defense.
The former Iranian president strongly criticized the legislature and the judiciary as
"Larijani's family" on the first day of the meeting with the protesters and said: "We are
against the Larijani family and we do not agree that the country will fall to the people.
Injustice. "
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Mr Larijani of having been struck by the judiciary on charges
of robbery and corruption, since his government had "captured the wrists and, in the words
of corruption, has faced corruption charges."
He said to his opponents: "The Iranian people have dropped people hundreds of times harder
than you."
"It seems that the goal of Ahmadinejad's supporters is to sit down from the sit-in," said
Ahmadinejad, an activist political activist, Amir Reza Vaezi Ashtiani, who said that
Ahmadinejad is locked up in the holy shrine of Abdul Azim, On the one hand, they stimulate
the emotions of their supporters and, on the other hand, bring together all those who are
in the Islamic Republic.
Addresses and the names of the pages associated with the Anarchism Age collection
The names and addresses that were related to the anarchism era website
1- Address the "Anarchist girls of Afghanistan" on Instagram
2- Address the "Afghan Anarchist Girls" on Facebook
3. The address of the Anarchists of Rasht in Instagram
4- The address of the Ancient City of Buchan ( Aanarcist Connie Boukan ) on the Instagram
5- The address of the Anarchists of Isfahan and Shahin Shahr in the Telegram
6- The address of the Anarchists of Isfahan and Shahin Shahr in Instagram
7. Address of Kurdistan Anarchist Channel in Telegram
Beyond the Hawaiian Islamists
8- The address of Marivan anarchists in the NLR channel
9th Address of the Anarchism Age at the Instagram
10. The Address of the Anarchist Age in the Telegram
11- The Anarchist Age Site
12 - The Age of Anarchism Facebook
13 - Facebook Black Bloc Iran
14 - Facebook Anarchists in Solidarity with the Rojava alongside Rojava and Bakur %
DB% 8C-% D9% 87% D9% 85% D8% B1% D8% A7% D9% 87-% D8% B1% D9% 88% DA% 98% D8% A7% D9% 88%
D8% A7 -% D9% 88% D8% A8% D8% A7% DA% A9% D9% 88% D8%
15 - Facebook Defending Non-Political Prisoners and Deaths
16 - Facebook Anarchist Workers of Iran
17. Facebook Anarchist Library
8 1- Facebook Anarchists with Balochistan
19 - Facebook is an anarchist artist
20 - Facebook Students An Anarchist
21 - Facebook The Shaheen City of Polytechnic
22 - Facebook Anti-Fascist
23th Anniversary of Anarchism in Telegraph
24th Anniversary of Anarchism in Instagram
25th Anniversary of Anarchism on Twitter
26 - The age of anarchism in the highest
27th Facebook Fingers of the Seventies and Eighties$D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AA%DB%8C%D9%86%DA%AF-%D8%AF%D9%87%D9%87-%D9 % 87%
D9% 81% D8% AA% D8% A7% D8% AF-% D9% 88-% D9% 87% D8% B4% D8% AA% D8% A7% D8% AF% DB% 8C-%
D9% 87% D8% A7-505093803031731 /
28 - Google Plus The Anarchist Age
29 - Soundcloud Radio Anarchy
Message: 6
The new film by Raoul Peck tells the beginnings of the intellectual journey of the author
of Capital, from 1844. That a work accessible to all looks at a figure of the labor
movement is welcome, but it manages to to restore the revolutionary ideals ? ---- " An
accessible film " ---- This mainstream film, directed by Raoul Peck, is undoubtedly a
success if one sticks to the objectives it sets. ---- The characters are credible,
starting with Karl Marx himself. The sets easily transport us in the XIX th century: it is
a great success of the film. ---- Karl Marx, in 1844, is, at just 26 years old, in a
pivotal moment of his life. He is going to meet Friedrich Engels (their first meeting is
for the least comical) which will change him deeply. ---- Relations with Proudhon are
interesting to follow, until the coup and the transformation of the " League of the
righteous " into " League of Communists ".
Marx, his wife Jenny and their children lead a very modest life, not to say miserable, far
from the image of " bourgeois " who sticks to Marx.
The main characters never wonder if they will give up or not, but, despite the
vicissitudes, how they will manage to continue their militant activity.
Of course, we regret that this or that aspect of the main characters is not addressed.
Indeed, we could talk about the relationship to women that Marx and Engels had, of their
productivism. And why not mention the anti-Semitism of Proudhon, another recurring
character ...
However, this is not the object of the film, which does not, however, draw an idyllic
portrait of the characters either. And it is always easy to judge the characters who lived
200 years before us, in a society that was quite different and therefore bears the defects
of his time.
The film seems to reach the point, recalling that Marx endowed the working class with
solid ideas through its scientific socialism at a time when abstract feelings and dreamy
idealistic dreamers dominated.
It reminds us of the importance of linking a strong theory to political activism, and of
never giving up. Far from addressing extremist leftists and their incessant internal
debates, the film is accessible, made to be seen by the greatest number. And it's healthy.
Nico (AL Moselle)
" Living Intellectuals "
Of course, we welcome a mainstream film, which succeeds in bringing to life the desire for
social revolution, still fossilized in images of one-party dictatorships. What could Marx
and Engels do to embody this desire and become symbols of the revolution ? On this point,
we can leave the film dissatisfied.
The activist activity of Marx, Engels, and their comrades Proudhon or even Bakunin is
reduced to writing. Not a strike, revolt or insurrection, nor daily activism ; but
articles, books or a manifesto. This corresponds in part to the reality of the duo's
activity, but not to that of their contemporaries, nor of ours. The public will see more
salon intellectuals than revolutionary militants, and the desire for revolution, which we
can guess in the characters on the screen, does not affect us.
We do not see organizational work either: reunions, parties or congresses are already
ready, our two friends have only to speak and thereby the power (as when the League of the
righteous becomes League of Communists). The working masses, yet actresses of the
revolution, remain voiceless, except to applaud or whistle the leaders, as in bourgeois
Realism certainly, but must we be moved by such a political practice ? Are the
revolutionaries these men who take the direction of an organization they have not built,
because they are persuaded to be intellectually superior and to be right, even if they
despise their comrades who have become adversaries ? If the ambition of a scientific
socialism as a weapon at the disposal of the oppressed is commendable, to make it an
instrument of power to secure the political leadership is at least perverse, and announces
the authoritarian " communist " history , to which our current will never cease to
oppose. The film would have gained to suggest in a less heroic way these totalitarian
Of course, these criticisms are more political than aesthetic. But is a beautiful
political film possible without a critical dimension that prevents it from being
caricatural ? If we appreciate the political debate that does not fail to spark the film,
we would have liked to see it on the screen.
Vincent (AL Gironde)
Raoul Peck, The Young Karl Marx, 1h58.
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