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vrijdag 8 december 2017

Anarchic update news all over the world - 8.12.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  anarres info - Anarres of 1 December. Argentina: State
      assassinations, arms market, Amazon slaves, anarchists and
      feminists ... (it) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  wsm.ie: Humanity and Nature under Capitalism

3.  Britain, freedom news: Brazil - More raids on anarchist
      homes as state crackdown continues, World, Dec 3rd

4.  Greece, apo, Patras: Path Wednesday 6/12 for the transition
      from the spontaneous insurrection to the organized and continuous
      race (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  CGT-LKN Euskal Herria: Did 'the country stop' affect the day
      of the general strike on October 3? A quantitative approximation
      (ca) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  awsm.nz: "The Worms That Saved The World" - Introducing a
      children's book with a difference! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

On the first day of winter, a new journey on Anarres, the planet of concrete utopias.
There are 105,250 of the free frequencies of Blackout. In the new schedule from 11 to 13. 
Also in streaming ---- Listen to the podcast ---- In this episode: ---- Argentina. A new 
harsh attack on the Mapuche communities in resistance . Rafael Nauhel assassinated during 
the eviction of Lafken Winkul Mapu who had recovered his lands in the national park of 
Villa Mascardi on September 14th. ---- The square against the aerospace and defense 
meeting just ended in Turin ---- The slavery of the third millennium. Amazon & C. ---- 
Anarchists and feminists. From Emma Goldman to the girls of the third millennium ---- 
Patrizia Nesti talked to us about the intertwining of anarchism and feminism with a look 
at women's work - from reduced salaries to harassment, precariousness, and blackmail on 

Carlotta Pedrazzini told us about the path of life and struggle of Emma Goldman , 
anarchist and feminist

Upcoming events:

Friday, December 1
at 9 pm
at the Anarchist Federation of Turin
in Corso Palermo 46

Feminists and anarchists
The history, the paths, the practices of yesterday and today
 From Emma Goldman to the girls of the second millennium
There is a powerful intertwining between patriarchal domination and the violence of the 
state, of capitalism, of frontiers, of religions. We start from ourselves not to free "a 
genre" but to overcome them, so that each * can build his own path of freedom.
The feminist practice is proposed to everyone, to all to all *.
The anarcofeminists look at the world and struggle to change it knowing that the 
revolution will also be a party.

With Carlotta Pedrazzini from magazine A, editor of the dossier "The women are back" and 
of the book by Emma Goldman "A broken dream. Russia 1917 ", Patrizia Nesti, anarchist and 
feminist of FALIVornese and Maria Matteo author of the article" Feminicide. A political act "

Saturday 9 December
10 am
info point to Balon
Morti, rapes, torture, slavery in Libya ... Minniti killer!

Saturday, December 16,
20 hours Palermo course 46
Anti-Christmas dinner with spectacular display of self-managed presiept

Friday, December 22
at 17, garrison
at the Benetton store
in Via Roma 121

The Benetton sweaters are stained with blood
The Argentine government has decided to settle the accounts with the resistant communities 
of the Mapuche, who have recovered, taking care of them, some pieces of the land where the 
indigenous populations lived, who did not and do not intend to adopt private property. 
Those lands, sold by the state to British multinationals for the mining industry, from the 
nineties of the last century have passed to the manufacturing giant Benetton, which uses 
them to let you graze their wool sheep.
Benetton is an accomplice of the harsh repression, which last week culminated with the 
killing of Rafael Nahuel, the wounding of two others, the disappearance of several others. 
Since 2009 he is the 14th activist killed by the police.

For those interested in the paths of the Anarchist Federation of Turin
meetings every Thursday at 21
course Palermo 46 - right in the courtyard -



Message: 2

Welcome to the era of human-caused climate change.[1]This economic and political system 
will kill us all - that is, if we don't do something drastic quite soon. If not, there 
will be no future for human beings or other species. The world, as we know it, may soon 
become a mirage, a beautiful dream. We are reaching the end of the road, after driving the 
wrong way for over 200 years. What awaits us? The answer is obvious: destruction, 
suffering and death. ---- But is this inevitable? Is the human being biologically destined 
to destroy the natural world they so keenly depend on? Mercifully the answer is likely 
‘no', this destruction is most clearly understood as the result of very particular 
institutions and social norms, a situation we can change if we have the will to do so. A 
task which, while certainly not easy, is the most palatable outcome at this late stage.

Of course, climate change won't bring a clean, quick, death to humanity, but rather a 
long, arduous, decline into barbarism. Pandora's Box has been opened. Natural disasters 
will become more frequent and devastating, rising sea levels and drought will drive us 
from our homes, crops will fail[2]. It is not "fake news", the consequences of global 
warming are real and will have a greater impact on poorer countries, but no one will 
escape. It is undeniable to recognize that our way of life is directly related to these 
events. Capitalism is the King Midas of the Dark Side, destroying everything it touches.

But what happened? Where did we get lost? The most tragic moment of humanity was when 
humans began to see nature as their enemy. Rather than being a part of an ecosystem, 
humans have placed themselves at the top and outside the web of relationships with other 
living beings. This is largely a reflection of the way we as humans have dominated each 
other. As Murray Bookchin noted in ‘Remaking Society', ‘whatever has turned human beings 
into ‘aliens' in nature are social changes that have made human beings ‘aliens' in their 
own social world.'[3]

Humans created a new jargon to define their relationship with nature, a language used by 
businessmen[sic]and bureaucrats: "buy" and "sell", "profit" and "debt", "ownership" and 
"accumulation". Indigenous people have been and continue to be persecuted and "schooled." 
Their lifestyle ridiculed and considered primitive. Our children are enclosed between 
walls, for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, without any contact with the exterior, in a place 
called "school". "Only those who have the best grades can survive in the real world", the 
teachers say. Obedience, fear, and competition are present. The blame of parents for being 
poor and illiterate, and where the "new", the "fashion" and the "cool" are the role 
models. School is where the indoctrination of capitalism begins.

This educational model results in a total alienation of nature by humans. Rather than 
enhancing the relationship with the natural world, it does exactly the opposite. The only 
contact that exists is through books and screens. An example of this is the fact that 7% 
of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.[4]Ignorance is 
strength. Perhaps we are not that far from the dystopian world described by George 
Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Humans have created and shaped their own natural world, what we call "society." A replica 
of an unforgiving jungle, full of "sellers" and "buyers", prey and predators, dominated by 
"Social Darwinism" and the "market laws", where social privilege, "moral authority", 
violence and exploitation define the relationships between humans, with real and direct 
consequences on our planet.

What future? There is no future within capitalism. We are currently consuming more 
resources than the Earth can produce. In a planet with limited resources, our way of life 
is simply unsustainable.[5]Is global warming enough to kill this greedy monster called 
capitalism? Probably not. The current system showed many times that it is capable to 
resist and adapt, even in catastrophic situations.[6]

It is urgent to break with the traditional economic models, based on consumerism, capital 
or material accumulation and on the myth of infinite growth. New ways of living together 
need to be invented, where solidarity, cooperation, ecology and sustainability are not 
only words on a dictionary but pillars of the new society that we want to build. To our 
great fortune as a species, we will not have to invent from scratch. There is a long and 
fruitful history, though an often untold history, of social experimentation, of practising 
direct democracy rather than command and ‘representation', of forming real communities 
based on mutual respect and even sometimes on ecological harmony. The vast discoveries of 
science and an arsenal of progressive technologies await our application to this end.

We don't want to fix capitalism, we want to destroy it. We want to destroy its dogmas and 
all the social fictions on which it is based. This a call for action. This is a call for 
revolution. We need to do something before capitalism kills us. We need to do something 
before it's too late, because "there's nothing worse than too late".[7]



[2]‘Climate Change - The Basics‘ https://www.wsm.ie/c/climate-change-basics

[3]Murray Bookchin, Remaking Society. Here is a talk by Bookchin available on YouTube, 




[7]Excerpt of the poem "Oh, Yes" by Charles Bukowski.



Message: 3

Punitive raids were expanded at the turn of the month, as police continue to try and pin 
recent incendiary attacks in Porto Alegre on the anarchist movement. ---- Activists in the 
city reported on November 30th that: ---- Operation Erebo (Operação Érebo) attacked 
anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything 
in their path. At this stage we don't know whether any other homes were invaded. 
Communication is precarious since we don't know the levels of police intervention. And 
this time nothing was broadcast in the media. ---- Even when the storm seemed to have 
calmed without any arrests or information about the operation, we are sure they are 
looking for us. Unlike other incursions, Operation Erebo appears to move slowly but surely.
We remain strong, determined and immovable against these persecutions, certain that the 
love of freedom cries stronger. Shows of support and solidarity are not lacking and the 
different positions of anarchism have remained firm in their rejection of authority and 
with their arms extended to their comrades. It strengthens us.

Spread the news

Arms extended to our comrades, clenched fists for our enemies!

Let us live anarchy!

The police themselves also said nothing about the raids on their reports wire, suggesting 
that whatever it was they were hoping to find they didn't get it, instead settling for 
intimidation tactics.

Operation Erebo was launched in 2016 following a series of attacks against city's Police 
Station One, including a dud bomb placed in a police car and a blast which took place 
outside the station. A total of 11 incidents are under investigation, mostly attacks on 
vehicles but also arson at the Public Security Bureau, plus attacks on political party 
headquarters and private banks.

Prior raids which took place in October took a heavy toll on progressive organising in the 
city, with groups including the Gaucho Anarchist Federation (FAG) and Kaos Library 
targeted. Following the latest raids FAG expressed its "sympathy to those who had their 
homes raped by the civil police."

Many groups have struggled to cope with the situation, such as Parrhesia, a multiple human 
rights award-winning non-governmental organisation that works with social movements in the 
areas of human rights, culture, education and popular communication.

Volunteer Orlando Vitor, who was woken up at 5am by the police raid and has since 
struggled to get back vital computer equipment seized by police, recently produced a rap 
about the month of difficulties Parrhesia has faced.

In the piece Vitor talks a little about the situation he is living in, the damage done by 
the police action and also about the anti-jail fight to which he is committed. The rap 
"Another one arrested plus one case" was recorded in the studio Dunas Rap, Pelotas, honors 
Maurício Norambuena and counts on the participation of the rappers Tampa Diteto and 
Chycuta Mrs, both graduates of the prison system.



Message: 4

for the transition from the spontaneous insurrection to the organized and continuous 
struggle for the social revolution
WEDNESDAY 6/12, 12:30 pm, APPENDIX
anarchist group "dignified horse" - member of APO
contact: blog: ipposd.wordpress.com | mail: d_ippos@hotmail.com


Message: 5

Several unions called a general strike in Catalonia on October 3, 2017. That day there was 
a massive mobilization day that affected the economic functioning of the country, with 
hundreds of thousands of people on the street throughout the day. A few hours before the 
so-called "taula per la democràcia" (with the participation of the ANC, Òmnium, CCOO and 
had called for a "country stop".) ---- And what was that about the "country stop"? It 
supposed that the administrations, the unions and the employers agreed to closures with 
the payment of the payroll to the staff (that is, they did not strike effectively with the 
corresponding discount). The duration of these closures had to be agreed (a few minutes, a 
few hours, all day). And pay. ---- From the moment of its announcement, on the afternoon 
of October 1, all the machinery of government propaganda was launched to project that on 
that Tuesday the impressive mobilization that would take place would be possible only and 
exclusively by the action of the "govern", the employers and the majority unions.

With the recent publication of the strike statistics for the month of October we have the 
opportunity to check several aspects, such as the intensity in its follow-up with other 
calls, as well as to check whether the massive occupation of the streets all that day was 
possible for the pacts "employer-majority unions" or by workers against the will of your 
company, striking and counting then in statistics.

The date of October 3 was October 3, not by chance, but by certain previous analyzes 
regarding the time and the scenario that looked most likely. The repressive deployment of 
the state and the actions without mask the previous weeks pointed not only to a repressive 
operation more, but to something more worrying, regardless of the volume of aggressions, 
on which we have to reflect all, because it has come to stay.

Well, then, did the "country stop" influence in the mobilization of day 3? Let's see what 
the data says.

According to the IDESCAT, the Catalan salaried population in the private sector is 
2,382,000 workers, while in the public sector it is 397,000, of which 200,922 are directly 
dependent on the Generalitat, 27,176 of the State Administration.

What does all this mean? In a pygmy public structure (Catalonia is the community of the 
entire state with the lowest percentage of public workers in relation to those of the 
private sector), it is clear that the key to a general strike is in the response of 
private company workers and not of the public ones. Therefore, what the Generalitat de 
Catalunya and its related municipalities do or do not do is irrelevant to the total.

Let's see what happened with the strike data itself (that is, wage earners who did not go 
to work against what their employer thought and therefore received the corresponding 

On October of 2017, 9,023,624 hours of strike were made in Catalonia. A year earlier, this 
value was 84,264 hours (that is, 0.9% of the hours of the same month in 2017). To get an 
idea of what this volume implies, the general strike of November 14, 2012, summed data 
from the entire state, was 11,599,492. That is, the 3-O made 78% of the general strike 
hours of 14-N in 2012 throughout the Spanish state. The hours carried out in October in 
Catalonia are very close, also, to those of the entire Spanish state for the year 2016, 

What are these data telling us? In Catalonia there was the largest general strike of the 
last 25 years, at least. The volume of public personnel that could be affected by the 
"country stop" is very small (84% of the workers work in the private sector, without 
taking into account the public personnel of the state administration or municipalities). 
And it is sufficiently clear that if the government maneuver had not been made, monitoring 
in the public sector would have been equally on the same scale as in the massive behavior 
of the private sector.

In private companies, except for anecdotes such as Bon Preu supermarkets and some pimes, 
practically all the people who were on the streets were not agreeing anything with their 
company. The consolidated objective data indicate that the strikers in Catalonia were very 
close to the total number of strikers in the entire Spanish state of any of the strikes 
convened in 2012.

In fact CCOO and UGT did not help at all. His union action on October 2 went in the 
opposite direction: trying to compete with the strike to convert it into agreed 
"paraditas". We have to bear in mind that no important company followed these symbolic 
pacts, as can be certified by SEAT or NISSAN colleagues for giving two examples.

Majority unionism played a lot these days. On Sunday morning it was already clear enough 
that the strike would be massive and have absolutely no role in such a mobilization, 
implied a blow to the waterline of the supposed exclusivity in the successful mobilization 
of the working masses, which is intended to defend as You can from these two unions. A 
mirage, after all.

Regarding the demonstrations in the afternoon in Barcelona, one filled the Passeig de 
Gràcia and the other Plaza Universitat. Which gave minutes and follow-up government media 
and "processistes"?

In short, the "country stop" was a propaganda operation with a negligible quantitative 
incidence, as the data say and not a personal opinion. Was "the proces" the reason for the 
strong follow-up of the general strike? Well, maybe not exactly. In a few days we will be 
able to evaluate the result of the general strike of November 8 (which we can already 
guess), also with its "country stop" and with the "govern" in prison as an enhancing element.

No. On October 3 there was an impressive general strike for several reasons, the main one 
of which was the brutal task that the Piolin picket did when striking intensely 
heterogeneous strata of a population that was in a state of shock. The brutality 
experienced in the first person or by the close testimonies and the images in the social 
networks did the rest.

Anarcho-syndicalism can not champion the success of the general strike, as if we could 
repeat it tomorrow or whenever we want. We are aware of where we are, which does not imply 
that a thorough analysis was made a few days ago and it was answered with the agility that 
makes us strong. The libertarian movement was up to the moment and no paragovernmental 
propaganda operation will make us believe that we are not capable of taking the initiative 
when the situation is propitious, despite the state, despite the social peace unionism and 
despite the communication apparatuses of any power.

We have to be more aware and continue to act accordingly, against all repression and for 
an increase in attempts to go on the offensive, recovering social and labor rights.

Secretariat Permanent of the Confederal Committee of the CGT of Catalonia

December 3, 2017



Message: 6

"Their lives are turned upside down when a luxury golf course invades their headland. The 
worms try to negotiate but their efforts are met with insecticide. Our long, wriggly 
friends have had enough! They decide to take action ... A story for children and (ssssssh) 
adults too." ---- The Worms That Saved The World is an illustrated children's book about a 
rebellious group of earthworms who fight to save their home from a luxury golf course that 
takes over their headland. The story was inspired by a famous campaign that took place at 
the Old Head of Kinsale in Cork, Ireland at the turn of the millennium. ---- Author Kevin 
Doyle explains, "We think this is a story worth telling. It is a story for our time, we 
feel. Social solidarity is under attack in many countries and, lets face it, decisive 
action to stop global warning just hasn't happened. Maybe it really is up to us?"

More details at: 



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