Today's Topics:
1. Greece, liberta salonica BIO.ME. will remain in the hands of
workers Concentration in the courts: Thursday 1/3, at 11:00. (gr)
[machine translation] (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #279: What Marx owes him -
What Marx owes to Proudhon, the instigator denied (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
3. Poland, WORKERS' INITIATIVE: Social Congress of Women. For
higher wages and lower rents [machine translation]
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - In Bure as elsewhere,
say no to nuclear danger (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
5. Greece, provo: Concentration against the Culture of Rape and
Patriarchy [machine translation] (
6. US, WSA, ideas and action: West Virginia Teachers Strike by
Steve Fake (
Message: 1
In August 2011, Philippe Johnson's Philippe Johnson, a subsidiary of Philippe Johnson, is
charged by its parent company with a 1.9m-euro loan in an attempt by Philkeram Johnson to
present a fictitious , thus balancing the negative balance sheet of the company with this
combination. However, the employees remained unpaid and after 18 months of work
reassurance, the BIO.ME corporation, operating under horizontal procedures, decided at its
general meeting the self-management of BIO.ME, proceeding to the occupation of the
factory. Today BIO.ME. operates with self-management of production with labor control,
without bosses, with the workers themselves co-deciding on its functioning, directly and
democratically. ---- On 11/1, the auction of the entire factory site and not only of the
Philkeram Johnson division, as proposed by the BIO.ME workers, is to be launched in the
courts of Thessaloniki. Coordinated by the interests of the state and bosses, they seek to
end the self-management labor of BIO.ME. and to push its workers to poverty and
unemployment. Noteworthy, Philkeram Johnson's employees, who have adopted a reactive
attitude of cannibalism within the working class, stand at the side of the employers.
Aggrieved and consensual to employers' indecision, they have chosen to turn to the BIO.ME
employees, breaking in full with their true class interests and every sense of dignity,
SYRIZA. pre-election attempted to approach the employees of BIO.ME. promising that once it
becomes a government, it will resolve the issue. These false promises, aimed at redeeming
votes in the polls, collapsed in the most outrageous way when, in July 2016, the LAs
attacked the workers of BIO.ME. and solidarity by carrying out two solidarity
demonstrations and injuring protesters (the 2 adherents, 2 BOM.ME workers and one
solidarity). The state has continued. Whether it is managed right or left, its role is to
perpetuate political freedom and economic exploitation from the bottom, repression being a
fixed means of enforcement. The state ensures the reproduction and widening of the
interests of the privileged at the expense of the hard strata.
State and capital exterminate daily the social base by intensifying poverty and
exploitation through the neoliberal policies of class burdens demanded by capital
restructuring due to the capitalist overaccumulation crisis. In order for our viewer to
remain in the process of extermination, it is imperative to go into the counter-attack.
Organize into base societies and fight the indecision of the bosses, whether large or
small, the sold bureaucratic-regime trade union factions and paternalist unions. We do not
need leadership or representatives. We know our own interests well as our class, our needs
and our desires.
For us the BIOM.ME. is a libertarian example of class self-organization and
self-management of production. The struggle of her employees is fair. It is an advanced
and radical response of the workers to the capitalists who live by the labor of the former
through the abstraction of surplus value, relying on the abusive ownership of private
property. The struggle for self-management is part of the struggle for the social
revolution and as such we are called upon to defend it. The employees of BIOM.ME. they
realize that no institutional or legal entity can guarantee their dignity. Only their
unstoppable struggles can give a winning outcome. We stand beside them, with our weapon
the classical solidarity,
Eleftherial Initiative of Thessaloniki - member of the Anarchist Federation
Message: 2
After admiring the economic theories of Pierre-Joseph Proudon, Marx violently broke with
him in 1846, partly out of personal grudge - Proudhon had refused to take his part in a
quarrel between German socialists -, partly by refusing his method of analysis ... of
which, however, it will be inspired ten years later. ---- There was a time when
Marx[...]was full of praise for the Frenchman who was presented in The Holy Family
(published in January 1845, signed jointly by Marx and Engels) as " the the most logical
and penetrating socialist writer " . This work contains a vibrant eulogy of Proudhon, who
is recognized as the master of scientific socialism, the father of theories of labor-value
and surplus value, and so on.
Proudhon then represents " the proletariat arrived at the consciousness of oneself " . It
" subjects the basis of political economy, private property, to a critical examination: it
is the first examination resolved, ruthless and scientific at the same time. This is the
great scientific progress he has made, a progress that revolutionizes political economy
and makes possible, for the first time, a real science of political economy " [1].
Proudhon showed that " it is not this or that kind of private property - as other
economists claim - but property as such, in its universality, which distorts economic
relations. He did all the criticism of the political economy could do in keeping with the
perspective of political economy .[...]
Praise of Marx and Engels
According to Georges Gurvitch, Marx attributes to Proudhon " a role identical to that
played by Sieyes in the preparation of the French Revolution. According to him, what
Sieyes said of the third estate, Proudhon expressed it for the proletariat: "What is the
proletariat ? Nothing. What does he want to become ? All". Is Marx right ? Let's say it
bluntly: yes, and more than he thought. " [2][...]But the praises of Marx and Engels to
Proudhon suddenly stop in 1846 after the publication by the latter of the economic
contradictions System . Nothing goes well.[...]
It is surprising to see how quickly Proudhon was able to pass Marx from the status of
reference of socialism to that of adversary. This shift has not really been studied,
Marxist authors sticking to what Marx says, without critical examination.[...]
" Only way to destroy the property. My friend Proudhon, if you continue like this, we will
have a republic without you (roofs). Hostile cartoon, Paris, 1848.
The method " hypothetical-deductive "
It's The German Ideology that gives the key[...]. In this book, Marx and Engels
explain[...]their materialistic conception of history, that they come in a way of "
discovering " and that they are impatient to apply: from that, Marx goes he believes that
it is possible to explain the mechanisms of the functioning of the capitalist system
through the historical method. In the same year, Proudhon publishes his system of economic
contradictions (subtitled " Philosophy of misery "), In which he uses the
hypothetico-deductive method[...]. The hypothetico-deductive method is a perfectly
scientific method: it consists in putting a hypothesis in order to deduce the observable
consequences and to determine their validity. Then from there, we put a new hypothesis,
etc. The genius of Proudhon is to have applied this method to the political economy.
Marx and Proudhon have asked one another the same question: to elucidate the mechanisms of
the functioning of the capitalist system. But where, and especially when to start ? In
antiquity, the Middle Ages, in the XVI th century ? The problem is insoluble. Then
Proudhon decides to do otherwise: he creates a logical construction, a simulation of the
capitalist system (he calls it a " scaffolding " ): he proceeds by " categories " . He
says to himself: what is the essential category of capitalism ? It's the value. And from
there, he deduces all the categories that contribute to the explanation of the system [3]
Marx is furious, he violently attacks Proudhon, accuses him of idealism (supreme injury)
because of the use he makes of " categories ", publishes a hysterical attack against
Proudhon[...]entitled Misery of Philosophy , then for more than ten years, publishes
nothing in economics.[...]
Then suddenly, after more than ten years, Marx discovers the right method. When he
explains this " new method ", especially in the 1873 postface to Capital, the somewhat
discerning reader realizes that this is only a resumption of that used by Proudhon in
1846. But as he does not Not to say that he pumped on Proudhon, he says that he had read "
by chance " the Science of the logic of Hegel, and he had an illumination.[...]
Strange similarities
It is significant that when one compares the plan of the System of contradictions and that
of Capital , published twenty years later, there are strange similarities.
But[...]the " convergences " do not stop at the question of the method. It is also found
at the level of concepts. The categories on which Proudhon founds, in the System of
Economic Contradictions , his " simulation " of the capitalist system, his " theoretical
model , " are the surplus value (which he calls " windfall " ), the division of labor, the
machinism , competition, monopoly, lower profit rates, crises, etc. We find all these
concepts at Marx. Yet Proudhon lacks an important notion, which Marx develops in
Capital,which justifies that this book, published twenty years later, is more appropriate
to the understanding of the capitalist system. This is the distinction between division of
labor in the workshop and division of social work.
Some Marxist writers have not failed, rightly, to point out this deficiency, but with a
certain amount of bad faith. Indeed, it would have been more fair to compare the System of
Economic Contradictions with Misery of Philosophy , written at the same time, and not with
It is therefore totally inappropriate to oppose to Proudhon's argument of 1846 the
developments of the Marxist theory completed in 1867 ... Indeed, it is only ten years
after Misery of Philosophy that appear in Marx's writings. concepts as fundamental as the
distinction between variable capital and constant capital ; the representation of the
value of a commodity as the sum of constant capital, variable capital and surplus value, etc.
Can we learn from all this that there is no firewall between the various authors who have
attempted the mid XIX th century to build a theory of human emancipation,
individual[...]or collective (Proudhon, Marx, Bakunin).
René Berthier
This article is from René Berthier's book, Affinités non électives. For a dialogue without
language of wood between Marxists and anarchists, Éditions du Monde libertaire /
Libertarian editions, 2015.
In summary:
Editorial: The Marxian dimension of anarchism
Alain Bihr (sociologist): " Even insufficient, Marx remains necessary ! "
Political economy: The usefulness of Marxian criticism for libertarians
Basics: Capitalist logic in eight basic notions
the value
the work force
domestic work
the capital gain
the trend decline in the rate of profit
Marx or Keynes ? The development of capitalism is no longer epoch
On the borders of Marxism and anarchism, councilism
Proudhon, the instigator denied
Bakunin, the critic heard
Daniel Guérin, returned from " libertarian marxism "
The " other communism " remains relevant
Message: 3
On March 3, we organize the Social Congress of Women - employees, tenants, mothers,
regardless of place of residence or age. We want to talk about common experiences and
needs. About how to defend ourselves against a job that changes our life into a nightmare,
before a high price, which forces us to work even harder, against politicians and bosses
who ignore our needs. ---- We demand wage increases and stable employment, regardless of
whether we work in a factory, cultural institution, crèche or in a supermarket. We demand
that we pay for work, which we must do for free in our own households. We demand a shorter
working day, which means more free time for us and our relatives. The end of eviction and
universal access to housing, in which we will not freeze in winter. Development of public
care institutions for children and the elderly. Free public transport and unlimited access
to medical care.
We have enough of being a cheap workforce. We are fed up with the function of free social
facilities as a result of introducing further cuts and restructuring. We will not humbly
accept further burdens on the pretext of serving the country, business or family. If we
say a job in factories, hospitals, cultural and care institutions, if we stop providing
meals and care for half the time, the whole economy will be in place. We want to talk
about the practical meaning of this fact. About how to counteract everyday exploitation.
We must inspire each other to act and gain strength to fight for a decent life for
everyone, not just for the rich.
For two years, liberals who have lost power try to exploit the dissatisfaction of women in
order to gain public support again. The vote on the 'Let's Save Women' project has
emphatically confirmed how much the liberal opposition is worth. We do not need
politicians and politicians. The slogan "power is a woman" is false. Has our situation
changed since more women appeared in parliament? Are our wages higher, when the managers
and not the managers supervise our work? Which is the cause of low wages of women, cuts in
social security, the ban on abortion - the lack of women in power or the economic system
that only works by maintaining social inequalities. Do people who have control over
institutions of power, which for centuries have restricted the freedom of women, can free
us and lead to the elimination of social inequalities?
Initiative groups:
Nationwide Trade Union Workers' Initiative.
Wielkopolska Association of Tenants
Warsaw Association of Tenants
11: 00-11: 10 Welcome
11: 10-13: 00 First part - who we are, how we operate, what we expect
We are not representatives of business or politics. We do not want to act as experts,
leaders or businesswomen. We operate in trade unions, tenants' associations and other
groups fighting against exploitation, poverty and the lack of influence on the reality
that surrounds us. The Congress is to be an open space that enables taking the floor and
exchanging experiences regardless of the social position of the people participating in
it. Instead of a typical panel, we suggest an open discussion about the problems we face
in our work places and places of residence. We want to discuss what organizational
obstacles we encounter in our daily activities and what we must fight for.
13: 00-13: 30 Break
13: 30-15: 00 Part II - our plans, how to implement them, discussion on the current forms
of protest.
In the second part of the meeting, we will talk about how to develop mobilizations for
higher wages or cheap housing. We will reflect on what postulates are the most important
for us and how to implement them. We will also discuss our attitude to the mobilization of
liberal environments or local government elections. Based on what priorities, principles
and ideas build social movements, what strategies are right for now and for tomorrow.
15: 00-15: 15 Break
15: 15-16: 00 Summary and presentation of the list of postulates
During the discussion, the following speakers will take part:
* Renata Stolarska (Employee Initiative at the Theater of the Eighth Day)
* Justyna Kurzawska, Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Matuszak, Katarzyna Korcz (Employee Initiative
at Public Nurses)
* Renata Bernas, Kornelia Piotrowska, Karolina Skrzypczak (Wielkopolska Tenant Association)
* Dorota Grobelna, Sylwia Czubala (employees of the cultural sector)
* Katarzyna Górna (Commission of Art Workers)
* Representative of the Warsaw Association of Tenants
* Representative of the Employee Initiative at the Zamek Cultural Center
* Representative of the Employee Initiative at Amazon Poland
We invite everyone to participate actively in the discussion. Below we have prepared
auxiliary questions on which issues we want to focus on.
I part
1. Where do you work / live / belong to a group (trade union, association, informal group,
2. Are all your needs and your loved ones assured? What problems do you encounter in the
place of work, residence or other? (high rents, lack of heating, long working hours and
too heavy load on household duties, problems with commuting, problem of reconciliation of
private life and work, low wages, lack of care infrastructure for children and disabled
and elderly people, lack of adequate social security, high costs , the use and lack of
tolerance towards trans people or nationalities, etc.)?
3. What actions you have taken up to now and what are you taking now, how do you assess
them (through trade union, pressure on the city, negotiations, entering into a collective
dispute, strike threats, demonstrations and pickets, self-cut of rents, blockage of
evictions, lawsuits, regular development materials on a given topic, pressure to change
legal regulations, etc.)?
Part II
4. What specific demands do you have, what they result from and how you argue about their
legitimacy (higher wages, lower rents, pay for homework, reduced working time, change of
individual legal regulations, eg regarding dismissal from work due to childcare , more
places in nurseries and kindergartens, development of training canteens and after-school
activities, longer holidays, development of communal housing, connection of municipal
housing to heating, reduction of energy charges, etc.)
5. What organizational obstacles do you face when taking action for your demands? (lack of
fresh ideas and new tools, ignorance of authorities, prolonging discussions and
negotiations by authorities / offices / bosses, repression, lack of time, long working
hours, divisions among residents and among employees, prolonged court trials, unfavorable
legal regulations, fatigue and burnout, lack of interaction and contact with other groups,
and low interest and support from other environments, etc.)?
6. how to improve your activities? can the coalition of various groups (including
employees and tenants) who are struggling to improve the quality of our lives help in
their development?
Message: 4
Libertarian Alternative denounces the coup de force of the Ministry of the Interior
against activists and activists opposed to the creation of the giant "nuclear bin" of
Bure, in the Meuse. ---- As it becomes the norm in the France of Macron, the Minister of
the Interior, Gerard Collomb, announced by tweet this Thursday, March 22, 2018 the
expulsion of the occupants and occupants of Lejuc wood in Bure (Meuse). At 11 am, the
House of Resistance was invaded, illegally. The 500 planned gendarmes launched the
operation this morning around 6 o'clock. It was still in progress this afternoon. Several
activists were placed in custody, the roads were cleared, filter dams were established to
prevent any reinforcements from arriving. ---- Read also " Bure: why the state is so
anxious to break the protest " , Alternative Libertaire, in September 2017.
Since the raids on different places in September, the State has clearly decided to send an
authoritarian and violent signal by choosing the passage in force. The government also
said that no new "area to defend" would survive after the 50 years of
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, "iconic big project" abandoned in early February.
The government's rhetoric about "the rule of law" is not even well founded. Andra, which
manages the construction of Bure's nuclear bin, was sentenced for illegal work in the
Lejuc wood ; the agency did not even have a building permit ! Opponents legitimately
occupied and dismantled a wall that the agency was building around new construction sites
in order to prohibit access. And several legal remedies are still in progress. Andra
advances in force by ignoring the right, and the State supports its nuclear stable.
Is everything fine Minister ? Macronism, it pays ?
Libertarian Alternative condemns without appeal this resort to state violence and supports
the ongoing struggle in Bure. The Notre-Dame-des-Landes project has fallen, others will
fall. We can not accept either the danger that the nuclear industry places on society, or
the colonization of territories for capitalist purposes.
Read also: " Meuse: A nuclear bin in the yard " , Alternative Libertaire, September 2015.
Resist everywhere
On September 20, 2017, during the search of the different places of life in Bure, dozens
of gatherings had blossomed everywhere in France. Wrestling committees were created in the
process. We must now continue to organize ourselves locally and everywhere in France. More
than ever, Bure needs us, must be everywhere, be part of us, we must be thousands to rise
up against the nuclear horror and the atomization that is being prepared for us, and to
act to put an end to it.
As Gaspard d'Allens and Andrea Fuori wrote last year: " What is played here is essential.
To oppose Cigeo is to refuse to become co-managers of the atomic disaster. It is a clear
and determined no to the nuclear oligarchy that tries to make us responsible for its
nuisance. This waste is not ours. We did not have a voice, the French energy policy was
imposed on us in violence and authoritarianism. » [1]
Libertarian Alternative, February 22, 2018
see here the list of protest rallies .
information to follow on the site More bure will be their fall .
[1] Gaspard d'Allens and Andrea Fuori, Bure, the nuclear battle, Seuil, 2017.
Message: 5
on: Sunday, February 25, 2018In: slideshow , Question Question
On Thursday 08/03 at 17:00 outside of Corinth University there will be a gathering and
will follow a course against the dominant sexist attitudes, the culture of rape and
Anarchist Collectivity Sirens
Message: 6
In March, 1990, West Virginia school teachers staged an 11-day strike over pay at the end
the state legislature's regular session, returning to work only after the governor
promised to call a special session to address teacher pay. In a state supreme court ruling
that year, the lack of collective bargaining in the public sector was cited as the basis
for declaring the 1990 strike to have been illegal. ---- Eighteen years later, another
statewide work stoppage was easily predictable given the deteriorating working conditions
in West Virginia public sector. Years of underfunding have eroded the health insurance
benefits of most of the state's public employees covered by the Public Employees Insurance
Agency (PEIA), resulting in increasing copays, out-of-pocket and other medical and
pharmaceutical charges.
The erosion of insurance benefits has been further exacerbated by the already low pay for
West Virginia public workers, who rank among the lowest nationwide. Highway equipment
operators, for example, can easily make a substantially increased wage in the booming
natural gas industry. Most state agencies and school systems are, as a consequence,
plagued by recurring job vacancies by personnel seeking employment elsewhere, even if it
means moving out of state. It is undisputed that many state employees qualify for the very
government assistance benefits that their agencies administer.
The situation was bound to come to a head given that the legislature and all state
executive officials are dominated, unlike in 1990, by Republican politicians, many
espousing an ideological agenda favoring privatization and the dismantling of the public
sector altogether.
Likely due to the higher density of union membership in public education, there is a wave
of legislative initiatives to undermine seniority rules, as well as to establish charter
schools and voucher funding, coupled with bills to attack paycheck union dues check-off.
The 1990 strike was restricted to teachers, who are split between affiliation with
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA). This time
around, however, the strike is bolstered by bus drivers, custodians, cooks, office staff
and other affiliated with the fiercely independent West Virginia School Service Personnel
Association (WVSSPA).
For all the legislative rhetoric about "union bosses." the current strike has been pushed
by the rank and file of the education unions. In late January, there was widespread talk
of striking as it became evident that the legislature was even more hostile to public
employees than its Democratic predecessors had been. By February 2, there had been several
counties who staged one-day walkouts that included hundreds of school district employees
vocally mobbing the regular session meetings in Charleston.
On February 17, a rally of more than 10,000 gathered at the capitol, a crowd even larger
that the union protest to the passage of right-to-work legislation two years prior. The
stage was set for the statewide public education strike that began on Thursday, February
22, and promises to continue the following week.
Although the level of frustration and anger among state employees is equal to that of
education workers, they suffer the disadvantage of far lower union density. Less than 10%
of the 30,000 state employees are organized, and are they therefore vulnerable to
discipline if they participate in the illegal strike. Those who are unionized are either
corrections workers in CWA or multi-agency employees with the West Virginia Public Workers
Union, United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 170. American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees (AFSCME) pulled its West Virginia affiliate two years ago, ceding its
small operation to AFT.
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