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dinsdag 25 september 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 25.09.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  Collective Anarchist Class Fight CALC: AGAINST THE

      PROCESSED BY UFPR (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Czech, afed: CRIBS: Help the fleeing mothers -- Interview
      with Sally, co-founder of CRIBS International. Questions are made
      by Emma Pook. [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Greece, dirty horse, APO: Information and photographs from
      our participation in the anti-fascist demonstration in Patras, 5
      years after the murder of P. Fissa (gr) [machine translation]

4.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #286 - Neither God nor
      schoolmaster: Belém do Pará and the rationalist school (fr, it,
      pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  anarchist communism ACG: "Won't somebody please think of the
      children!" Class War and Rees-Mogg (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  wsm.ie: Rojava: Eyewitness to a women's revolution - report
      back from a May 2018 trip at #DABF 2018 (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Russia, avtonom: Anarhoblok against raising the retirement
      age for shares in Moscow [machine translation] 



Message: 1

The year 2018 is being marked by persecution and criminalizestion of students and workers 
who struggle in the whole country. Just over two months ago, 23 demonstrators who 
participated in demonstrations against public transport fare increases were sentenced to 
five to seven years in prison. Last month, specifically in Paraná, several students who 
participated in public school occupations against the destructive high school reform were 
sentenced to fines totaling 30,000 reais. At the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) the 
reality is the same, and we see the criminalization and persecution of the fighting 
movements. Currently, students are being processed since 2015 for participating in a 
movement to maintain the quality of the institution itself.

The withdrawal of 12 billion reais from the budget for public education, still under the 
government of Dilma Rousseff's "Educating Country", was an important milestone in the year 
2015. This was reflected in the precariousness of academic activities, delays in payment 
of employees, as well as cuts in student assistance that are still felt in UFPR. At that 
moment, students decided to fight against the increase of the price of the University 
Restaurant (UK) and against the cut of scholarships. They held assemblies, just like 
university and technical professors, and decided to fight against the loss of rights. They 
tried to dialogue with then-president Zaki Akel, who denied any possibility of meeting the 
demands of the university community. Evaluating the lack of political will of the Rectory 
to defend the rights and quality of public education, student strike broke out. Again, 
Dean Zaki refused to negotiate, in which students decided to occupy the UFPR Rectory 
building until there was a guarantee that no more rights would be thrown in the garbage can.

During the strike and occupation process, a commission with 9 student representatives from 
the interior, coastal and capital campuses was elected to participate in negotiation 
meetings with the Rectory. The Rector was committed to ensuring compliance with our 
guidelines, and the movement was victorious for conquering the UK's freeze in the 
following year. However, all other guidelines signed by the Rectory were not fulfilled and 
Chancellor Zaki filed a lawsuit against the students of that commission, blaming them for 
"damages" of the occupation decided by the student movement.

The occupation was a resource used after all the attempts of the students to make 
themselves heard by the Rectory of the time, that refused to receive them in meetings and 
even to give an answer to the guidelines, that dealt with questions like lack of 
classrooms , bag delays and lack of food in the UK. At the time, the rectory alleged that 
the occupation caused a loss of 473 thousand reais, an outrageous value that does not 
correspond to any physical damages to the building or to delays in payments - at the time, 
the occupants themselves allowed the Rector's employees to enter the premises to ensure 
the transfer of wages to the University workers; those responsible for the financial 
transaction were directed by the Rectory itself not to make the payments.

Occupations, strikes and demonstrations are legitimate political instruments to defend and 
fight for our rights! The criminalization of any social struggle is an affront to those 
who struggle and a reinforcement to the worsening working conditions of the working class. 
We should never accept such practices. We reject the attempt to follow the criminalization 
of these students, so we charge that the conciliation hearing already requested with the 
Federal Attorney General's Office (AGU) will immediately take place for the withdrawal of 
all accusations and the process and we stand against any other form of criminalization of 
those who fight. It is necessary that all categories of the University reinforce this 
request and defend the struggles for the quality of education and services provided to the 
community by UFPR, including the current Rectory of Ricardo Marcelo and Graciela Bolzón de 



Sign this note:

=> Academic Center of Veterinary Medicine
=> Academic Center of Zootecnia
=> Academic Center of Psychology
=> Academic Center of Social Service
=> Academic Center of Geology
=> Academic Center Alexandre Direne
=> Academic Center of Luteria
=> Center Academic of Engineering forest
=> Academic Physical Education Center - Coast
=> Medical Academic Center - Toledo
=> Guild of Architecture and Urbanism
=> Academic Board of Psychology - Federal University of Uberlândia
=> FEAB - Curitiba (Federation of Agronomy Students of Brazil)
=> Anarchist Collective
=> Collective Others
=>Collective Foundation - Curitiba
=> Collective Breaking Walls
=> Collective School Floor
=> Dawn of the People
=> Collective Roses
=> PSTU - Curitiba
=> PET - Química UFPR
=> APUFPR - (Association of Teachers of the Federal University of Paraná)


Message: 2

CRIBS (Care for Refugee Interim Baby Shelters) is an organization providing temporary 
accommodation in Greece for refugees who are either pregnant or have a newly born child. 
Helps every mother who is in the last trimester of pregnancy or mothers with disabilities 
at any stage of pregnancy. The organization was established by a group of volunteers who 
met in the Ritsona refugee camp. I contacted Sally, one of the founders, to tell me 
something about the nature of the organization and its work. ---- It is clear that similar 
services are desperately needed. Sally arrived in Ritson last March. She joined other 
anarchists and anarchists who searched hopelessly for volunteers. Greece knows, she lived 
in about twenty moments, and her experience with teaching English was good. She spent most 
of her professional life teaching the asylum seekers in Oldham, and the philosophy of the 
No Borders movement firmly settled in her mind. "People should have the freedom to live 
where they want and where it's safe for them," Sally believes.

The work that led to the establishment of CRIBS is seen as a form of direct action, as 
volunteers and refugees worked together to secure resources that states and large NGOs did 
not provide. It all began with the construction of a tent that served as an exclusive 
space for women. "When I got to the camp, there was no room for women at all. No 
distribution of inserts, no privacy. There were a lot of men there, so women could not 
take off hijabs and coats, and they did not even have a changeover clothes they would feel 
in the presence of men normally.

Sally is also a trained lactation consultant, and she's afraid that infant feeding is the 
mother's mother. "The Greek mentality is not against breastfeeding," he says, "but is 
enough for artificial nutrition. At least we wanted to keep clean bottles and encourage 
breastfeeding. It could be said that this is an anarchist direct action against 
corporations like Nestlé, but in reality it is the health of mother and child. "

The nursery provided in the camp was inappropriate for pregnant and nursing mothers. "It 
was an ugly unbalanced meal without enough calories. A piece of bread and a little rice, 
little protein, almost no vegetables or fruit. "

The Red Cross offered some dietary supplements, but no extra food for pregnant women. 
Small non-rusians tried to solve this problem, but the volunteers had little experience 
and bought poor food. Infant nutrition was poorly distributed and was not there or where 
to breastfeed.

"The Red Cross had a midwife for one moment," says Sally, "a really nice Irish lady who 
provides pre-emptive support. But her interpreter was a young man, about twenty-five years 
old, who did not sit on us, but he stood there for the whole time. Women should talk to 
him, and he can hardly imagine a woman who will ask him intimate questions about pregnancy 
and breastfeeding. "

The Red Cross also generally refuses to provide contraception because of fears that it 
would damage its reputation in the United States. One of the things Sally and other 
volunteers do is to provide a balanced diet for pregnant and nursing mothers worth around 
a hundred dollars a day. This includes meeting and communicating with families with young 
children throughout the camp.

"I climbed into the tent of a young woman with four children under the age of three," 
Sally recalls, "my newborn had airway inflammation - I picked it up and it burst. There 
were still twins four months old and another two-year-old child. The woman had only one 
moldy bottle fed by a six or seven-week-old baby. I helped her start breastfeeding, which 
probably saved the baby. "

That was about a week after the Macedonian border was closed due to the European Union's 
agreement with Turkey.

"People are stuck in shit," says Sally. The camp where she worked was far from public 
transport, there were snakes, rats, wild pigs, and the temperature in the tents was over 
forty degrees Celsius. The toy-tokiers were unsuitable from the cultural point of view and 
too large for the children, so excrements were floating around the camp. Later there was 

"It was all half an hour from the picturesque port town where people from Athens spent the 
weekend," Sally explains. "Beach booths with ice cream, souvenirs for tourists and 
twenty-five minutes away, people live in a fucking camp."

Sally tells of a girl named Remus, one of those for whom she volunteered with other 
volunteers. "She had four boys, all of them came to the world with a caesarean section and 
waited fifth. She almost died due to poor hospital care, and one of the children, Achmed, 
was seriously ill. "

When Achmed was born, Sally was in Britain and had trouble coping with what she had seen. 
When she learned about Rema returning to the camp with a very painful and badly healing 
scar on the caesarean section, she knew she had to do something more.

"She had no furniture, she slept on the mattresses laid on the bare ground, the diapers 
changed, and the clouds flew around. If anyone tried to keep the family clean, it was Rema. "

Sally organized a collection of money to house Remu and her family in an apartment in the 

"The plan was that people could stay there three or four weeks after the birth of the 
child and then return to the camp," he says. "It was a bad plan, but the only thing I 
thought. I did not think psychologically how it would live in the apartment and then 
return to those conditions, but at that moment it was the only option that we had 
financially tightened. "

A small group of volunteers and volunteers founded CRIBS due to the inactivity of large 
non-governmental organizations. "One of the brides we wanted to work with had a midwife," 
Sally recalls. "They promised us cooperation and financial assistance. I returned with 
2000 selected euros to pay a deposit on the apartment. "Sally had to carry the money for a 
week in her backpack hidden in a chocolate bag, while NGOs were still considering 
cooperation. She was then told that, due to the mischief among the non-government 
campfire, she should tell her about the project to the other members of the camp in order 
to get involved.

"They only meant it," he explains, "that he will not join without the support of other 
non-brides." Nobody wanted to take responsibility for our plan. So Sally attended a 
meeting with representatives from I am U, Echo 100 and the Red Cross and tried to agree 
with them.

"They came up with a long list of queries," says Sally. "What if a child dies in the 
apartment? What if the Fascists attack? What if the family refuses to leave the apartment? 
What if he gets out of it? "The non-native deputies agreed that families would be better 
off in the camp. Sally could not believe it.

"I said to them: Is that a fact? You're kidding! "I looked around the room. Everybody was 
about twenty years old. I asked them how many children they had, and the guy on the right 
told me he was a father. Fortunately, he added that it was not the same thing. I was so 
upset, "says Sally. "Then I told them I was the only one who had the birth. You have no 
idea what it is. "

Because non-governmental organizations could not generally agree to support the project, 
none of them would help financially or bear any responsibility. One of the deputies Sally 
said, "We're working on Do No Harm."

"I came home hot," Sally says. "I looked at the Hippocrates oath, where it was: Good, Do 
No Harm. That's how we hit it. We have to try. That's when we decided to go for it 
ourselves. That's how it started. "

It was a long way to get one family apartment to become an official organization providing 
several apartments to families for as long as they needed. Registration at the Charity 
Commission is hard work and endless paperwork.

"Before they allowed us to work, they had stupid questions," Sally explains. "They wanted 
a record that would explain why we want to do this in Greece." Sally had to send them 
articles on refugee camps and links to UNHCR to prove that there is a crisis in a place 
where they are going to help. Many CRIBS-like organizations eventually decide to work 
without official status due to demanding paperwork and many limitations.

"It's pretty talkative," says Sally, "but if we have the status of a charity, it can get 
25% of all the money from the state from voluntary donors who are paying taxes in the UK 
and without it even harder to get back 2000 pounds a month that we currently need for 
families. "

CRIBS today has two big contributors, one team and Sally's friend, the rest being small 
sums from collectives and individuals, some of them fighting for low income. Some money 
can be gathered through beneficial actions. Regularly, both the Solidarity Federation and 
the Catholics contribute.

"I had to talk to the weirdest people! But CRIBS mostly holds small teams over the water. 
We got maybe seven hundred pounds from one sympathetic scout group. One of our families is 
sponsored by Manchester wolves. "

Getting enough money to continue CRIBS is a constant stressful job that Sally can not 
sleep at night.

"It's really exhausting, I've got it over, because we need funds with monthly regularity 
and we need people to commit to regular help. Then we would know that he would always have 
enough money. I'm just getting up at three in the morning, in my head, I think we have 
only £ 1,700 on our bill, and the invoices will be bold because heat and air conditioning 
and electricity is scared in Greece. "

It is clear that Sally does not take anything lightly. During this conversation, he 
constantly calls and sends messages. It addresses new and new problems. She needs to find 
out the new credit card number. For one of the youngsters to go to high, he has to get a 
second-person laptop. It shows me pictures of children and toddlers living in apartments 
from CRIBS and tells them about their parents, their hopes and plans for the future, 
problems with smugglers and posttraumatic stress disorder, their sense of humor, age, how 
much it means for them to have their own kitchen , cook your own meal and invite others to 
lunch. For Sally and other volunteers and volunteers, it's not a job or a project, they're 
the people they came to know and help, they're friends.

"It's a risk with people," Sally says. "Some have robbed us, but if you want to help 
someone, you always have to take some risk. When I imagine myself in their situation, I 
say, OK, if I was like this, I'd lie, cheat and steal if it would make sure my family 
needed it. If I needed a false passport to get away, or if I had to lie to get somewhere 
and stay there for a few nights I would do it and people do it. It hurts our plans, and it 
makes me mad, but we would all be doing the same thing in this situation. "This 
responsibility was taken by CRIBS on the loins, a risk that huge NGOs with all their 
resources and international support were unwilling to undertake. Sally is flooded with 
requests and recommendations.

"We do not have anything to do with the NGO at present. We receive recommendations from 
independent volunteers who know about us. We work with an organization called Art without 
Borders, and one person who coordinates it is also our member. We also work with Tent to 
Home, a CRIBS-like group, and we provide recommendations for each other where the 
available capacities are. We are extensively using social networks, where people send 
requests themselves. On the one hand, it is unfair because the person who wants to send 
the request must know English and have access to the Internet, and if we massively promote 
it, the demand for the request would be unmanageable. "

With small charities and non-governmental organizations, CRIBS works together.

"We work with AMURTEL, a wonderful Buddhist organization providing prenatal and postnatal 
care in Athens. We send them to our clients. Hope Café wanted advice on breastfeeding, 
giving us extra diapers. Give and take. Sometimes it works great, sometimes people catch 
up because it's hot and they're done, but that's what it is and it can be explained in the 
end. "

Sally no longer wants to have anything to do with big NGOs.

"I do not trust them," he says. "And so much money sent to the Red Cross goes to 
bureaucracy and administration. I do not know how exactly it is with small non-ruins, but 
I think some will be similar. All the money we get goes to paying rents, bills and meals. 
We'll soon find out if we're entitled to some administrative fees, because I personally 
have about 4500 pounds in the minus. This is a problem, other volunteers report, but we 
use no money without money. "

CRIBS must work with the International Emergency Commission and the UNHCR to provide 
credit cards to some families. They are also accountable to organizations such as Praxis, 
a Greek government organization providing social housing. Exceptionally, she has to work 
with the Greek NSPCC, an organization for the prevention of child abuse.

"If they really help, it's not a problem," says Sally, "but it can be tricky, because you 
have to be stubborn when dealing with them."

Asked what the main issues CRIBS is facing, Sally answers:

"Money, money, and money. We appreciate most of the regular income or collectives that 
commit themselves to supporting one family at a certain amount per month. Sufficiently 
large teams are capable of doing so. Monthly contributions make life much easier. If you 
have a group of thirty people and everyone gives five pounds, you will help the entire 
family. Most people will not even make a monthly contribution. "

Although CRIBS is now a charity organization and can not function as an anarchist group, 
Sally still sees its activity as a form of direct action.

"It's not a street protest, but you're acting by someone who has an extraordinarily 
vulnerable, someone with mental health problems, who has little children or who will have 
them, you can guarantee a roof overhead. It means they have kitchens to cook their own 
food, which is really psychologically important. You can cook for your family the food you 
are used to, and surround yourself with friends who will help you in need. It's a big 
challenge. If we can not do this for people, we are not anarchists. "

CRIBS also searches volunteers for administrative work and groups capable of fundraising 
of all kinds.

"Most of the work is done by a small bunch of people. With reliable qualified volunteers, 
we could better redistribute donations, manage online, record videos, and get donors to 
support specific families. If we look through friends and comrades, one would be sure to 
find one. To put together a group of fifteen people, each contributing five pounds. We 
need people to cover our back. "

Sally can provide fundraising materials and sounds if she does not have to travel far. She 
lectured, for example, at the Scottish Ceilidhs festivities, knowledge competitions, board 
games or fleas. "This is funny! Solidarity parties are not boring, "says Sally.

What CRIBS does not need is toys and baby clothes. "No more children's stuff!" "Put them 
in the neighborhood. We need money. We can not pay bills and food toys. "

(If you decide to help, do not post your plan, please contact us via e-mail: 


CRIBS and Solidarity for Refugee Families; Organise! 90



Message: 3

NO TOLERANCE IN NATIONALITY-PHASE ---- Those who are responsible for the fact that the war 
with fascism is so long-lasting are those who at times bring peace ---- On the afternoon 
of Tuesday, 18 September, the anti-fascist demonstration took place in Patras for the 5 
years after the murder of the musical anti-fascist Pavlos Fissa from the Golden Dawn's 
battalions. ---- Initially, a gathering took place at Georgiou Square, where the relevant 
Anarchist Political Organization's announcement and the latest form of "Earth and Freedom" 
were shared. The course followed on the main streets of Patras was quite massive, while in 
the anarchist block formed at the call of the anarchist group "dwarf horses" and comrades, 
  in the context of local APO calls, they participated about 70 people. The central banner 

During the pre-concentration, we made a symbolic assault on the offices of "Hellenic 
Solution", a new ultra-right group of Kyriakos Velopoulos, a well-known fascist 
televisist, an old LAOS member and head of the Greek-speaking "Greek channel," who in the 
past has publicly proposed to shoot Immigrants. Lately, this lineup attempts to appear in 
several cities, with main references to anti-immigration policy, armed forces, church and 
the triptych "Patris-Family-Religion". The attack had the effect of breaking the facade of 
the offices and causing material damage inside, and there was no risk of a fire, as 
reported by the parrots of the media.  The attempt of the "Greek Solution" and any other 
extremist-nationalist-fascist group to gain space in the public domain - also on the 
occasion of the stir of the so-called "Macedonian issue" will fall into the gap. The 
anarchist and anti-fascist movement has already sent out a first clear message about the 
treatment of this new ultra-right group. Since the attack last week in her offices and the 
blockade of office inaugurations by some 35 anarchists and anarchists, it has become 
apparent that their presence will not be tolerated and that we will never allow the 
imposition of social order leaving our cities to become a base for spreading hatred and 
racism in society.

Today, where the far-right and fascist aspect of modern totalitarianism, the most extreme 
manifestation of the exploitative cluster of state and capital is widened within the 
framework of the "Fortress Europe", the isolation of the fascists and the conflict with 
them everywhere in the social field becomes even greater importance. From Western and 
Central Europe to the Balkans, the emergence of fascists on the streets, their open 
relationship with the deep state, and their usefulness in imposing regime choices make the 
need for vigilance vis-à-vis the fascist fascist groups even more perceptible and 
imperative. The necessity of organizing the struggle and the formation of policies,

We do not forget the murder of Pavlos Fissas on September 18, 2013 in Keratsini.

We do not forget hundreds of murderous attacks on refugees and immigrants. Not even the 
dozens of rabid attacks on squats, self-managed spaces, and anarchist, left and 
anti-fascist fighters.

We stand in solidarity with the occupation of an old morgue in Alex / city that recently 
received an arson attack by fascists.

 From the internationalist and anti-fascist barricades of Kamara and Propylaea, from the 
grand internationalist anti-fascist demonstration of solidarity to the occupation of the 
Libertatia of thousands of militants on March 10 in Thessaloniki to dozens of small and 
great anti-fascist mobilizations throughout Greece, the Balkans, Western Europe and 
America ...


Patras, September 19, 2018

anarchist group "dwarf horse" / FROM & comrades - comrades



Message: 4

Here we are. The movement initiated by Francisco Ferrer, and that his unjust death will 
strengthen, gives rise to various creations of schools in the world. ---- The Amazon is at 
this time in full economic boom. Its capitals Belém and Manaus are in full expansion 
thanks to the exploitation of the sap of the rubber tree which gives the rubber and all 
its derivatives. But how and thanks to whom could this libertarian education adventure be 
launched on lands where anarchists from Europe came to sow the seeds of revolt, of the 
class struggle to repel the savage exploitation of latex traders  ? ---- In 1917, Brazil 
experienced an unprecedented general strike and its economic capital São Paulo and the 
port of Santos, boarding point for goods sent to northern countries and the port of 
arrival of many European migrants looking for opportunities to to end hunger and 
deprivations of all kinds, are paralyzed for weeks. Among these migrants who fill the 
bridges and holds of ships arrives a large number of anarchist militants. Ferrer has been 
dead for eight years and Europe is dying under the bombs that its irresponsible rulers are 
raining down on the proletariat engaged under the banner of the homeland devouring their 
children ... In the East the news of a revolution of factory councils and of soldiers, but 
here it is indeed the general strike which is the instrument of challenge to the dominant 

Meanwhile, in Belém, two years after this strike and five years before the opening of this 
camp, the anarchists of northern Brazil show that their work has a strong creative 
purpose, that of emancipating the working classes through education, following the 
principles of the Catalan pioneer.

As we had anticipated during our previous meetings, there was indeed a Francisco Ferrer 
school in Belém. It was opened in the second half of October 1919, ten years after the 
death of its inspirer and was the result of the struggle of the anarchist trade unionists 
of the time. She received the support of certain personalities of the Amazonian letters of 
the time, such as the poet Bruno de Menezes. Its place of foundation met the needs of the 
popular classes of the capital of Pará and it was in one of the most prolific barrios of 
the city, the Jurunas, which still today welcomes the internal migrants of a rural exodus 
who endlessly depopulate the countryside and the forest, in the hands of the fazendeiros, 
these large owners of uncultivated land are in fact forbidden to the families of rural 
workers. Located on the banks of the Guajará River, it is therefore to very precarious and 
fragile populations, to the popular culture on the other hand very strong, impressed of 
all the myths of origin tupi, the native peoples of the region, that dedicated this school 
where the mix was not only between boys and girls, but also between urban and rural, 
families of the forest, the river or the metropolis.

Here the libertarian education was actually in touch with the original diversity of a 
region of strong contrasts. The drivers' unions (the valetiers of well-off families in the 
city center), shoemakers and others came to support the emancipatory learning of newly 
arrived populations in the chaos of the urban jungle.

Another world, in short.




Message: 5

The wealthy steal from the working class and we are not allowed to talk about it. One of 
the functions of the media is to limit debate to very narrow discussions that do not 
contradict corporate or capitalist interests. As such it wasn't surprising that when Class 
War protested outside Jacob Rees-Mogg's house because he didn't pay his nanny the living 
wage, the media tried to find something else to talk about. ---- It was entirely 
unremarkable that journalists, commentators and politicians maintained complete and total 
discipline in ignoring the facts and creating a false narrative. Let's not forget it was 
the MP that brought his children to the protest and kept them there. It's also 
unremarkable that the press (the corrupt moralists of our time) worried about the effect 
the protest would have on the children (some even calling it "child abuse") whilst 
ignoring the effect that Mr Rees-Mogg's political activities have had on life chances of 
millions of working class children. Even the concern the press has for Rees-Mogg's 
children doesn't extend very far. None of the journalists on the "acceptable" left of 
centre has pointed out that the way the wealthy treat and use the poor people they hire in 
front of their child is a form of class training which teaches their children not to feel 
empathy for people outside of their own class - in itself, this could also be seen as a 
form of abuse.

What is more interesting is the number of non-media people who are not only echoing the 
lies of the media, but are also arguing that the protest was tactically foolish because it 
makes "the left," look bad. This argument seems to be based on the premise that people 
would see the protest and think, "I was starting to question my ongoing exploitation by an 
economic and political elite, but after this I need to give that nice UKIP another look." 
It is, of course, totally possible that a group of people who did not, and never would 
like the group Class War, will continue not to like them. But what has also happened is 
that an issue that otherwise was not getting any attention is now getting some. In fact 
the protest gives us an opportunity to talk about the one of the key issues that we are 
never supposed to, the fact that we are in the middle of a class war and the ruling class 
are winning.

It is true that the issue of the rich exploiting the poor (in this case, Rees-Mogg 
exploiting his nanny) is sharing media space it otherwise wouldn't have had, with the 
issue of children being near a protest. But this is partly because all of those who argue 
that the protest was tactically flawed aren't talking about the issue of the protest. They 
are the cause of the problem they are bemoaning, and this is because they like to 
masquerade as tactically astute fellow travellers on the left, rather than simply people 
repeating the lines given to them by the press.

The effect of any protest (in a non-revolutionary situation) is dependent on the reactions 
of those who claim to share the same or similar political aims. After every mass action a 
battle takes place to define the impact of the protest. Will it be about a broken window 
or a poor police officer that hurt their hand whilst beating a protestor, or will it be 
about the original issue that caused the protest? You can say what you like about Class 
War, and the ACG certainly has disagreements with some of their politics, but they at 
least gave us the opportunity to use their protest as a chance to talk about the crimes of 
the wealthy. Those who have chosen not to talk about this issue but instead choose to 
condemn the group for a cynically manufactured non-issue (Rees-Mogg's children), have 
instead made their own political choice.



Message: 6

The 12th Dublin anarchist bookfair heard this account from Wendy, a Human Rights & 
immigration lawyer who visited Rojava in May 2018 as part of a fact finding 
---- Rough notes of topics covered; May 2018 delegation by Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and 
Kongreya Star woman organisation. Acknowledging limits of a short eyewitness organised 
trip, really really impressed by what I saw, some context about Democratic Federation of 
North Syria (Rojava), decision making structures, situation in Manbij, Kobane women's 
communes, central role of gender equality and local contexts, the women's only village, 
men serving the tea, the 3 levels of work, political, societal and the personal, 
anti-capitalism & co-ops, distribution of regime land to co-ops, remaining private 
property and the dangers of ethnic tension around redistribution, nationalism & ethnic 
groups, not a Kurdish project, visiting Kobane and conditions there, Kobane before the 
revolution, the revolution in Kobane from a women's liberation perspective, ISIS targeting 
the women's revolution with terror, the last cat in Kobane, Turkey assisting ISIS, 
situation in Afrin, sense of betrayal after playing the leading role in defeating ISIS, 
challenges of women liberation in the Manbij region, attitudes to western volunteers, 
economic work of the women's movement, taxation system and the challenge of external 
trade, peoples mindset was positive despite horrible experiences because they saw what 
they were doing as such big forward step ‘Rojava is free; Here there is construction, 
everywhere else there is destruction', what happens when Assad comes looking for the oil 
and agriculture, responding to some common western left criticisms, womens organising in 
Rojava as against Ireland



Message: 7

On Saturday, September 22, another protest action will be held in Moscow against raising 
the retirement age. The event is organized by the Communist Party of the Russian 
Federation, participation in it will also be received by opposition organizations and not 
indifferent citizens. The infamous bill has already been passed by the State Duma in the 
first reading, the second reading is expected on September 26. ---- Anarchists will come 
out with a call for a general strike against another large-scale robbery of the people, 
initiated by the Russian authorities. Look for us on an anarchist flags! ---- Gathering 
per share from 11 o'clock on Prospect Academician Sakharov (entrance from Kalanchevskaya 
street). The beginning of the procession at 12 o'clock. ---- Leaflet with a call for a 
general strike against the pension reform: ---- Strike against pension reform!
August 29, 2018 - 18:18 - Revision

In early September, a new wave of shares is planned against raising the retirement age. 
Anarchists are not supporters of the state even if it is "social", but we also take part 
in the protests: because this is an obvious robbery of the people, and words about a 
shortage of budget funds do not cost anything, while in Russia such a level of social 
inequality and corruption as now.

Raising the retirement age is not supported by the absolute majority of the population, 
because the shares promise to be interesting. Going out on them, it will not be 
superfluous to have anarchist agitation. For example, you can download and distribute a 
new leaflet from Antijob.net with a call for a general strike. We are convinced that in 
our realities, if something is worth doing, then it is to this.



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