Today's Topics:
1. Greece, Anarchist Political Organisation APO: Call to a
pan-european campaign of solidarity actions for Libertatia Squat
2. Alternative Libertaria Fdca Fano-Pesaro: Mental health and
territory: change road, towards a path of prevention and
inclusion. (it) [machine translation] (
3. deliverunion: "Wow, you can do that?" (EN/DE/SE)
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #286 - When the Sandinista
revolution sparked hope (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]
5. poland, ozzip: Employee Initiative supports the protest
"Poland needs higher wages" [machine translation]
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Paris-Sud - Paris: fight
the advertising system ! (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]
Message: 1
2018, in Thessaloniki, during the nationalistic rally for the Macedonian issue, fascist
groups attacked Libertatia squat, managing to burn most of the structure. The same day,
fascists attacked the Free Social Space Sholeio and the anti- nationalistic demo in Kamara
square. In the days that followed, the state, along with the ‘'deep'' state, continued
with a new series of attack in Athens: during the corresponding nationalistic rally on the
4th of February, 2018, when neo-nazi groups attacked the squatted theatre Embros. Attacks
were also launched by the Golden Dawn stormtroopers on the 25th of February against the
self-managing steki Favela, while the squat Lelas Karagianni 37 became twice the target of
incendiary attacks, the first on the 13th of February and the second on the 30th of March.
These attacks prove to us a methodical targeting of the structures of our struggle from
the fascists. A targeting that goes hand in hand with state repression. Squats, as
struggle structures of the anarchist movement, in the whole of Europe, have played a vital
role for the growth and the evolution of the revolutionary movement. These attacks aim to
terrorize and isolate us. In squats relationships of solidarity and equality are built,
consciousness is created and revolutionary ideas are born. So, acknowledging their value,
we will let none take them from us and we will answer accordingly to all attacks.
In recent years we see repression and fascist attacks intensifying, both in Greece and in
a pan-european level (Spain, France, Denmark, Italy), against squats, social centers and
free social spaces. Therefore, we believe it to be an obligation of the movement to answer
by protecting its structures. In the case of Libertatia, we cannot account the attack as
the same like any other, the specific circumstances of that day give to the attack a
unique character, as what happened that day could not be repeated any day. So, we consider
it our duty to rebuild the squat. The rebuilding, for us, concerns the whole of the
movement who stood against every fascist threat and dared to go out on the street as in
Thessaloniki on the 21st of January so in Athens on the 4th of February and, consequently,
it is a collective responsibility for all those who believe that fascism is destroyed
openly, on the street. It is a chance to prove that solidarity can (re)build structures of
struggle, to show by actions the endurance of our ideas. It is a part of the fight that
stands as an answer to the state and the fascists, who, in that day, by exploiting the
circumstances and mobilizing all their forces managed to build Libertatia. This choice was
not random at all, since the squat has been repeatedly targeted for its antifascist action
in the last years and has been again the target of attacks, of a smaller caliber.
On the 21st of January the comrades of Libertatia together with the comrades of APO
decided to not let the city become a hunting ground of the fascists and to stand against
the enemy in a public, announced anti- rally against the nationalistic rally, showing this
way that even in the worst days of nationalism's paranoia, the people of the struggle are
on the streets. This decision is, for us, of historical significance and constitutes a win
for the anarchist movement.
Motivated by our ideas for a society of equality free of oppression and exploitation and
inspired by struggles that defended squats (Ryesgade '58, Copenhagen '87, Villa Amalias -
Greece '12 etc), we want Libertatia to continue and to become a symbol of the antifascist
struggle. We believe that the completion of the project, as well as the process of
rebuilding itself, will offer to the revolutionary movement, they will help bring in new
ideas and they will shape consciousness. They will, also, provide a fitting response to
the society as to who are we and what we are capable of doing. We are not the ‘'deep''
state, the gangs and the forces of destruction but the world of solidarity and the forces
of creation. And this is one more reason why we consider it a duty and a commitment to the
movement to rebuild the building with our terms, with our hands, as a first response.
The solidarity actions that began the day of the arson and escalated the next day in the
whole of Greece and abroad, with their main point being the demo of the next day,
22/1/2018, which gathered 2500 people, continued for all this time and, for us, peaked on
the 10th of March, in the panbalkan demo of solidarity which numbered 4000 people. This
demo signals a first circle of solidarity actions with Libertatia and gave a strong
message against the nationalistic rallies with the points of antifascism, antinationalism
and international solidarity. In spite of the heavy blow, we do not forget that the
threats of nationalism and war are still hanging over the Balkans and that it's a duty of
the anarchist and antifascist movement to confront on a central political level all those
that want to rewrite the blackest pages of history. For us the only feasible solution is
the anarchist movement to erect the barricades of internationalism and of solidarity
between the oppressed and to give organized and fighting answers. One such important
answer can and should be given with the defense of a structure that got attacked during
the nationalistic rally and the most important part of this defense is the rebuilding
itself, which can be achieved by the movement.
We call the anarchist and antifascist movement to support this effort. More specifically,
we call for a pan- european campaign of solidarity actions throughout October. We call
every group, organization or person to organize actions (talks, demos, financial
solidarity actions etc) in order to give collectively a resounding answer and a message of
solidarity. Solidarity is what gives us strength to continue our struggle against the
state, fascism and capitalism.
APO Political Organisation of Anarchists - Federation of Collectives
Message: 2
The debate between family members, operators and friends of people with mental illness,
during the "ABC of mental health" initiative on September 15th, highlighted, compared to
the data recently presented by the Ministry of Health and what reported by those who live
directly the situation, a serious lack of respect for the right to health to these
particularly vulnerable citizens. ---- In some situations the progressive principles of
Law 180/78 are rendered ineffective by the application standards and by the reduction of
the resources made available. Surely invest only half of the agreed funds (5% of FSR
budget) in mental health, causing problems: aggravation and ghettoization of people with
mental illness, incongruous use of drugs, resetting other forms of therapy, but this
happens for choices on which citizens they must ask for an account. Where have resources
removed from mental health been used?
About a reference area of our CSM (mental health center) of 136,000 inhabitants for 22
municipalities, users with discomfort of the entire basin are about 2,200. Public spending
for this type of care is 31 euros \ inhabitant, less than half of what is required by law.
The total number of mental health workers in the area is 47, the rule provides for the DOUBLE!
The apartments with specialized professional educators, that allow to recover the people
ready for an independent life to the social life, are only ONE! It would take at least FIVE.
The local SPDC, the psychiatric ward of the Santa Croce hospital, is a closed-door ward
(in the whole country we count about thirty open-ended wards), in which, due to lack of
personnel, personal restraints sometimes take place. fragile with needs in crisis. This
implies a deadly impact on other people temporarily hospitalized in that department.
Regional mental health in the Marche region is at the third-last place in the national
ranking, which leads to suffering on the operators, whose number is in default 32% of the
total expected.
The Fano CSM in turn is in last place for performance among all the 15 CSMs existing in
our region, this entails a harmful overload of users for every psychiatrist, causing
inadequate performance, with great repercussions on people with fragility who have
instead, we need relational continuity. And for this the responsibility of the care often
weighs only on the relatives, with the transformation of the cohabitations (from which the
problem often originates) in micro-mental hospitals. Planning the path of social inclusion
(living, doing a job, socializing) is impossible under these conditions, with serious risk
for patients. And often in fact the entry into the hospital's SPDC department becomes a
repeated revolving door, enters, exits and returns shortly thereafter.
Also worthy of note is the continuous turnover of psychiatrists (who are 7, the META 'of
the necessary) that produces disorientation in the users, who are often forced to start
all over again, with suffering connected to the discontinuity in the relationship person \
therapist .
We also underlined the great recourse in the region to long-term hospitalizations, or
short but repeated, at affiliated clinics that do not offer the socialization services
necessary for the recovery of the person, and often are structured to accommodate too
different types of patients, creating a kind of sanitary hospital for invisible patients.
The debate also highlighted the right to express one's will and informed consent to the
care that must be assured to the patient with mental illness; the instrument of the
Advance Disposition of Health Treatment (DAT) can also be used, dedicating time to
information and listening, collecting the will of the person whenever possible (before
crisis events occur). This right should be reiterated to the public attention for a proper
respect in public and private assistance structures and should be brought to the attention
of the heads of the health company Asur AV1 of the province of PU. We intend to continue a
synergy of listening and confrontation towards concrete objectives.
Lia Didero, Ass. Libertarian alternative - Vito Inserra, Ass. Liberamente- Francesca
Palazzi Arduini, Feminism- Adelina Zanella and Dario Marini, Ass. Fuoritema-
Fano, 20 September 2018.
Message: 3
September 14-16, FAU Berlin visited three Swedish cities and talked about the Deliverunion
campaign. Despair and frustration changed into hope of change. ---- In the spring of 2018
SAC invited us to talk about the #Deliverunion campaign. Between 14-16 September, we
visited Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, where the local unions organized information
meetings open to all but especially for riders. Union working groups had produced local
info-material and distributed them to the riders on the street, with one leaflet inviting
them to the meeting and the other, describing how SAC had now taken on the delivery
companies and urging all riders to join their local unions. ---- A handful of riders
attended each of the three meetings. The conversation revolved around their work
environment, the (self-)organising they had already done and the difficulties and
opportunities in reaching out to their colleagues. We from Berlin talked about how we
started organizing ourselves, about the experiences we made, and about successes and
hardships in our campaign of over 2 years. The similarity of our situations and the common
frustration with our working conditions were striking.
The fact that we did something about this frustration in Berlin gave a lot of energy both
to the riders in Sweden to start their own campaign, but also to us, to continue what we
started. When we showed images from actions we did, the enthusiasm was great: "Wow, you
can do that?". The meetings also encouraged the local union organizers who showed a lot of
interest in supporting the riders in their fight for better conditions at Uber eats,
Foodora and Hungrig. They immediately took the first steps: contact information was
exchanged, follow-up meetings were set up and hopefully, within the next few months, we
will see articles and stories about riders getting together and struggling for change. As
in Berlin, these struggles start locally, but live from connections with other struggles -
in different workplaces, different cities and different countries. In Sweden, we
specifically talked about connecting the organized riders in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö,
Uppsala and Lund. Of course, we also mentioned the international riders conference in
Brussels which we will visit in late October and encouraged representatives from Sweden to
attend it.
In many ways we live in dark times. However, that pep we met when we talked about how we
organized in Berlin, is one of the things that gives us hope. The same energy we received
from IWW and IWGB when we started our campaign - hopefully, we now have passed it on to
our comrades in Sweden. Because when we cross borders and join fighting unions we have an
enormous potential to change our lives: in the city where we live, but also nationally and
internationally. We are the resistance. Join us.
Message: 4
The Sandinista victory in Nicaragua and its progressive achievements in the country
aroused great enthusiasm, and attracted considerable international support, among others
in the conflict with the Contras. ---- The triumph of the Sandinista National Liberation
Front (FSLN), which defeats the dictatorship of Somoza and takes power in Managua on July
19, 1979, one after the beginning of a generalized insurrection, devotes 15 years of armed
and political struggle in a country of The " backyard " of US imperialism. This
victory of a genuine popular uprising arouses the enthusiasm of a large part of the
revolutionary left in the world that supports the FSLN and its progressive achievements
(education, health, expropriation of landowners and agrarian reform, nationalization of
key sectors economy). In the context of the Cold War, this experience also appears as a
credible left alternative to " bureaucratic socialism " "Embodied by the Soviet Union
and its satellites. The United States, which does not tolerate the existence of a
progressive regime in the very heart of their country, finances and arms the Contras who
wage a counter-revolutionary war against the Sandinists. In the 1980s, all of Central
America flared up in a clash between the left-wing forces and the far-right military
dictatorships supported by the Reagan administration, which, true to the theory of
dominoes and to the strategy of containment, wants to avoid contagion " red On its
doorstep: In El Salvador, the Marxist guerilla of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation
Front (FMLM), founded in 1980 and supported by Cuba and Nicaragua, to cope with the
repression of power, is gaining momentum and launching an offensive against the Military
junta that multiplies death squads. These paramilitary groups, many of whom have been
trained in counter-insurgency by the US military in the School of the Americas, are
conducting a campaign of terror against the opposition, with the execution and torture of
members of the FMLM, trade unionists, priests, and against the people as a whole with mass
killings of civilians. In Guatemala, the same kind of asymmetrical and deadly conflict
pits leftist guerrillas against the military dictatorship.
An echo in rebellious youth
The international support to Nicaragua is organized with the creation of solidarity
committees in many countries and is translated by the stay in the country, within
internationalist brigades of volunteers, activists of extreme left, libertarians or even
Christians claiming liberation theology, especially from Europe to participate in the
Sandinista revolution, as civil co-workers. On July 28, 1986, Joel Fieux, 28-year-old
Nicaraguan naturalized French libertarian, was assassinated in an ambush of the Contras
alongside two other European activists, Yvan Leyvraz, Swiss, and Bernd Koberstein, German,
and two Nicaraguan Sandinistas William Blandon and Mario Acevedo. [1]
Finally, the Nicaraguan revolution also resonates with the rebellious youth of the western
world, partly through the references of punk-rock bands: in the Bérurier Noir lyrics "
Hello to you, the Sandinist ! » , The song of the Basque group Kortatu Nicaragua
Sandinista and especially the triple-album of The Clash entitled Sandinista which appears
in 1980 and is a huge success notably in the United States consecrated by a triumphal tour
in America of Reagan.
The passage in the opposition of the FSLN after the electoral defeat of Ortega to the
presidential of 1990 sounds the death knell of the interest of the European left for
Nicaragua and the reference to Sandinism. In 1996, English director Ken Loach, will put a
spotlight on this page of history with his film Carla's Song , story of a romance that
brings a Scottish bus driver in love with a Nicaraguan refugee in the heart of the
revolution and atrocities of the Contras.
Clément G. (AL Paris North East)
[1] Read " Fieux assassinated by the contra " on and Joel Fieux: words and
writings, texts collected by his friends , Libertarian Creation Workshop.
Message: 5
Graphic with the slogan "High rents? Low wages? Let's change it!" ---- The Workers'
Initiative joins the demonstration " Poland needs higher wages! " Organized by the
All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions. The demonstration will take place on Saturday,
September 22 at 12:00 in Warsaw, and its main demand is the demand for salary increase.
OZZ IP committees meet at the corner of Mysia and Bracka streets at 12:00 from where they
will go to Plac Trzech Krzyzy, where the OPZZ demonstration will begin. In addition to the
support of the demonstration itself, the National Commission of the OZZ IP also issued a
stand supporting the mobilization of OPZZ: ---- [READ THE POSITION OF THE NATIONAL
COMMISSION] ---- In his position, the National Commission points out employee conflicts,
which in recent years involved IPC commissions from Poznan crèches, cultural institutions
throughout the country, Volkswagen plants and associating female employees and non-medical
professions at the Transfiguration Hospital in Poznan. All of them are connected by the
issue of the level of remuneration - "The fight for higher wages is a struggle for the
division of wealth produced by employees, it is a struggle for the shape of the state
budget and local governments." This is the main motive for which the Workers' Initiative
supports the mobilization of OPZZ - the demand for higher wages should, in our opinion, be
common to the entire trade union movement. The second common issue is opposition to
anti-union repressions - recently they touched trade unions with PLL LOT associated in
OPZZ and IP committees in Volkswagen plants, Wroclaw's Teatr Polski and Krowarzywa
restaurant in Warsaw. The support for the demonstration on September 22 is therefore also
a continuation of joint actions against anti-union repression, which since May this year.
they are conducted in Warsaw by the structures of both associations.
At the same time, KK remains skeptical about the postulate of "cooperation within the
Social Dialogue" put forward by OPZZ, commenting on it in the following way: "We do not
want more talks that lead to nothing, we do not want more dialogue to pacify people and
deepen our poverty. We need more time
Message: 6
On Wednesday, September 26th, the Alternative Libertaire group of Grand Paris Sud and some
" antipubs " invite you to discuss the role, the consequences and the means of fight
against the impasse in which we enclose the ideology conveyed by the advertising. 7:30 pm
At the bar Kiosque (15 bd Auguste Blanqui) ---- No anti-capitalist struggles without
fighting the advertising system ! ---- In our streets, on our daily journeys, on our
screens, it's impossible to escape. Our lives are constantly drunk with commercial
messages. ---- As a tool of propaganda as well as a tool of social standardization, "
advertising " occupies a singular place in today's society. Using the most brutal and
technical means, it tries to integrate itself as an indisputable fact. Paradoxically this
omnipresence makes it difficult to criticize and its influence is reinforced.
Why does advertising seem harmless to some, while others criticize it to the point of
direct action ? Social combat & advertising ideology: where to place the means to fight ?
Alternative Libertaire and some " antipubs " invite you to discuss the role, the
consequences and the means of fight against the impasse in which we enclose the ideology
conveyed by the advertising.
At the bar Le Kiosque, 15 bd Auguste Blanqui 13 th
Wednesday, September 26 at 19:30.
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