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zaterdag 29 september 2018
Anarchic update news all over the world - 28.09.2018
Today's Topics:
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #286 - Alternative
energies: Is hydrogen really the energy of the future ? (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Bruxelles - Brussels:
support evening for Belki sibe documentary (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) Nothing Replaces a
Strong and Organized People (pt) [machine translation]
POWER (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. Britain, Class War, Neither LEAVE or REMAIN but REVOLUTION
7. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Montreuil - Montreuil: Are
we cannon fodder ? (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]
8. Poland, rozbrat: Areas of green in Poznan are threatened by
buildings. Report on the anti-ecological policy of the city
authorities Article [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
We reproduce a call for solidarity from our comrades in the Anarchist Political
Organisation (APO) in Greece. ---- On January 21st, 2018, in Thessaloniki, during the
nationalistic rally for the Macedonian issue, fascist groups attacked Libertatia squat,
managing to burn most of the structure. The same day, fascists attacked the Free Social
Space Sholeio and the anti- nationalistic demo in Kamara square. In the days that
followed, the state, along with the ‘'deep'' state, continued with a new series of attack
in Athens: during the corresponding nationalistic rally on the 4th of February, 2018, when
neo-nazi groups attacked the squatted theatre Embros. Attacks were also launched by the
Golden Dawn stormtroopers on the 25th of February against the self-managing steki Favela,
while the squat Lelas Karagianni 37 became twice the target of incendiary attacks, the
first on the 13th of February and the second on the 30th of March.
These attacks prove to us a methodical targeting of the structures of our struggle from
the fascists. A targeting that goes hand in hand with state repression. Squats, as
struggle structures of the anarchist movement, in the whole of Europe, have played a vital
role for the growth and the evolution of the revolutionary movement. These attacks aim to
terrorize and isolate us. In squats relationships of solidarity and equality are built,
consciousness is created and revolutionary ideas are born. So, acknowledging their value,
we will let none take them from us and we will answer accordingly to all attacks.In recent
years we see repression and fascist attacks intensifying, both in Greece and in a
pan-european level (Spain, France, Denmark, Italy), against squats, social centers and
free social spaces. Therefore, we believe it to be an obligation of the movement to answer
by protecting its structures.
In the case of Libertatia, we cannot account the attack as the same like any other, the
specific circumstances of that day give to the attack a unique character, as what happened
that day could not be repeated any day. So, we consider it our duty to rebuild the squat.
The rebuilding, for us, concerns the whole of the movement who stood against every fascist
threat and dared to go out on the street as in Thessaloniki on the 21st of January so in
Athens on the 4th of February and, consequently, it is a collective responsibility for all
those who believe that fascism is destroyed openly, on the street. It is a chance to prove
that solidarity can (re)build structures of struggle, to show by actions the endurance of
our ideas. It is a part of the fight that stands as an answer to the state and the
fascists, who, in that day, by exploiting the circumstances and mobilizing all their
forces managed to build Libertatia. This choice was not random at all, since the squat has
been repeatedly targeted for its antifascist action in the last years and has been again
the target of attacks, of a smaller caliber.
On the 21st of January the comrades of Libertatia together with the comrades of APO
decided to not let the city become a hunting ground of the fascists and to stand against
the enemy in a public, announced anti- rally against the nationalistic rally, showing this
way that even in the worst days of nationalism's paranoia, the people of the struggle are
on the streets. This decision is, for us, of historical significance and constitutes a win
for the anarchist movement.Motivated by our ideas for a society of equality free of
oppression and exploitation and inspired by struggles that defended squats (Ryesgade '58,
Copenhagen '87, Villa Amalias - Greece '12 etc), we want Libertatia to continue and to
become a symbol of the antifascist struggle. We believe that the completion of the
project, as well as the process of rebuilding itself, will offer to the revolutionary
movement, they will help bring in new ideas and they will shape consciousness. They will,
also, provide a fitting response to the society as to who are we and what we are capable
of doing. We are not the ‘'deep'' state, the gangs and the forces of destruction but the
world of solidarity and the forces of creation. And this is one more reason why we
consider it a duty and a commitment to the movement to rebuild the building with our
terms, with our hands, as a first response.
The solidarity actions that began the day of the arson and escalated the next day in the
whole of Greece and abroad, with their main point being the demo of the next day,
22/1/2018, which gathered 2500 people, continued for all this time and, for us, peaked on
the 10th of March, in the panbalkan demo of solidarity which numbered 4000 people. This
demo signals a first circle of solidarity actions with Libertatia and gave a strong
message against the nationalistic rallies with the points of antifascism, antinationalism
and international solidarity. In spite of the heavy blow, we do not forget that the
threats of nationalism and war are still hanging over the Balkans and that it's a duty of
the anarchist and antifascist movement to confront on a central political level all those
that want to rewrite the blackest pages of history. For us the only feasible solution is
the anarchist movement to erect the barricades of internationalism and of solidarity
between the oppressed and to give organized and fighting answers. One such important
answer can and should be given with the defense of a structure that got attacked during
the nationalistic rally and the most important part of this defense is the rebuilding
itself, which can be achieved by the movement.We call the anarchist and antifascist
movement to support this effort. More specifically, we call for a pan- european campaign
of solidarity actions throughout October. We call every group, organization or person to
organize actions (talks, demos, financial solidarity actions etc) in order to give
collectively a resounding answer and a message of solidarity. Solidarity is what gives us
strength to continue our struggle against the state, fascism and capitalism.
APO Political Organisation of Anarchists - Federation of Collectives
More info on the Rebuild Libertatia project:
Message: 2
We inaugurate here a series of article dissecting the different technical alternatives
that are proposed facing fossil energies. Hydrogen - whose use as a fuel seems promising,
at least on paper - is a good candidate to launch this debate: nearly 10,000 vehicles
drive around the world with hydrogen and do not release into the environment only pure
water ! ---- Today's hydrogen powered vehicles use pressurized containers and a fuel cell.
They have a good autonomy and a speed of replenishment of fuel. A network of hydrogen
distribution stations - relatively expensive at installation - will be necessary for such
a mode of operation. ---- Japan says it wants to become a " hydrogen society " . He wants
to make the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games a showcase of this technology: " The six thousand
housing units of the Olympic Village built on a polder in the capital's bay and a hundred
buses used for competitions will be powered or will operate entirely through fuel cells,
which produce electricity from hydrogen " . [1]Toyota anticipates a fleet of one million
vehicles in 2030 and several thousand stations. In Germany, a growing number of hydrogen
conversion projects are being developed for regional railways and the government is aiming
to install four hundred hydrogen stations.
" The 1 st of June, Nicolas Hulot announced a plan of 100 million euros to help the
deployment of this technology and make France a leader in this emerging market " .
[2]France, which has twenty " hydrogen " stations today, is aiming for one hundred by 2023.
Modes of production of hydrogen
The energy sector is also interested in hydrogen. Thus a mixture of methane and hydrogen
could replace natural gas. For their part, CO² emitting plants could use hydrogen to
decarbonise their production. A water treatment plant in Copenhagen is now producing
methane instead of releasing CO². In conclusion, let us quote the study of consulting firm
McKinsey which predicts that by 2050, 20% of the final energy consumption will be derived
from hydrogen, against 2% today.
Hydrogen does not exist in pure form. To produce it, it is necessary to separate the
hydrogen from the elements with which it is associated, which requires a source of energy.
Hydrogen - which accounts for only 2% of global energy consumption - is now 96%
manufactured from fossil fuels. But it can also be produced by electrolysis of water from
electricity or by biological processes from algae or bacteria. [3]
In addition, significant advances are being made for safe and easy storage of hydrogen
energy. An example is the process for reversibly converting hydrogen gas into formic acid.
[4]Small stations could thus produce hydrogen by electrolysis from the electricity of
photovoltaic panels, the gas would be transformed and stored in the form of formic acid,
then again transformed on the fly into hydrogen, which in a fuel cell would produce
electricity at the right time. [5]The simplicity and safety of this process would make it
possible to use hydrogen on a domestic scale, in a self-sustaining way. A project of
emergency generator 'using this technique is already on track.
A solution to the climate crisis ?
So, is hydrogen the solution to the climate crisis ? The answer to this naive question is
no ! It is enough to take stock of global CO2 emissions in the atmosphere for a decade. At
best, some years the growth of emissions stagnates. Thus Le Monde, November 14, 2016 ,
wrote: " Good news on the climate front: global emissions of CO²[...]stagnated in 2015,
and should remain almost stable in 2016 " . But a little precision tempered this optimism:
" However, this assessment does not take into account emissions from land use changes,
particularly deforestation. This is 4.8 gigatonnes of CO² (1 gigatonne more than the
annual average of the previous decade) that must be added to the total .
The reality is that the acceleration of the implementation of renewable energies hardly
manages to stabilize CO2 emissions and, as Le Monde wrote in the article already quoted, "
the climate continues to run high . " The urgency is a break with the productivist
society, it is the emergence of an egalitarian society, based on a direct democracy, sober
in energy and banishing all the economic activities which do not serve to satisfy the
needs of the populations .
In such a society, which will not deny science or technology, hydrogen will be used to
store electricity from renewable energies in small, decentralized production units. And
yes, it can be part of the human arsenal, to have non-polluting sources of energy. But the
solution to the climate crisis will not be technical. It can only be political.
Jacques Dubart (AL Nantes)
[1] Le Monde of June 10, 2018.
[2] The World Economy of June 10, 2018.
[3] List of major contributions of hydrogen to the energy transition on Ademe.fr, 4 April
[4] Process developed by the teams of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
and Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse
[5] " Biotech & chemistry " on Techniques-ingenieur.fr, April 28, 2015.
Message: 3
Evening of support and discussion around the documentary "belki sibe": A journey through
the Syrian war and the revolution of Rojava. This evening in the presence of the director
aims to raise funds to finance this independent project (see a description below). 18h30:
reception 19h: beginning of the discussion with the director 20h30: food and drink at free
price ---- Evening of support and discussion around the documentary "belki sibe": A
journey through the Syrian war and the revolution of Rojava. This evening in the presence
of the director aims to raise funds to finance this independent project (see a description
below) ---- 6:30 p.m. ; reception 19h: beginning of the discussion with the director
20h30: food and drink at free price ---- " Belki sibe (Maybe Tomorrow): A Journey through
the Syrian War and the Rojava Revolution " is a documentary film by Alexis Daloumis and
Shadow Crew on the war against ISIS in Syria and the Rojava revolution.
It covers the period from the Battle of Manbij (summer 2016) to the liberation of the city
of Raqqa that marked the destruction of the Islamic Caliphate (October 15, 2017) and the
elections of December 2, 2017. It was produced by a volunteer internationalist and all the
people who have helped in many ways. In this documentary, there is no main character.
Rather, there is a multitude of voices from a multitude of venues to create a collective
and dialectical narrative, which seeks to highlight the military and civil / political
aspects of the situation that still unfolds in northern Syria. . and local perspectives.
It contains images of operations and defensive battles in which the director fought
(Manbij, Raqqa Province, Tabqa, Raqqa City), as well as daily life in the back,
celebrations, ceremonies and ceremonies. other special occasions. In addition, there are a
large number of interviews with people from all walks of life: high ranking officers,
private soldiers, politicians, civilians, Kurds, Arabs, internationalists, Turkmen,
Syriacs, etc.
There is a large amount of material, the processing of which requires a lot of work from
various qualified professionals, to complete the film. The more money we can get out of
this campaign, the more we can employ people for that purpose. Apart from the standard
requirements of post-production, there is a considerable amount of necessary translations,
mainly in Kurdish and Arabic. We plan to give this work to the refugees and we want to pay
them properly. There are also other significant costs, such as festival fees or the
purchase of additional footage.
But beyond the film itself, the usefulness of this material can far exceed the limits of a
feature-length documentary. The Syrian war and the Rojava revolution are historical events
of particular importance in our time, and all of this material can constitute a valuable
historical archive, an anthology of oral history, recorded as such. We want to be able to
process everything and make it available for posterity.
[There are even secondary projects that can be created from his treatment. Short and
medium-term documentaries, dedicated to more specific or derived themes, such as a short
documentary on the re-emergence of American and anti-fascist radical politics in the
United States, already envisaged, based on prolonged interviews with internationalists US.]
Finally, this documentary film is not a commodity. It will not be sold, it will not be
broadcast on television, nor will it be distributed to the commercial cinema. It will be
broadcast in the largest number of festivals in the world and distributed free on the
Internet. " Belki sibe (Maybe Tomorrow): A journey through the Syrian war and the
revolution of Rojava " is a documentary film by Alexis Daloumis and Shadow Crew team on
the war against ISIS in Syria and the Rojava revolution.
Message: 4
FIGHTING FOR REAL CHANGES ---- It is general the feeling of revolt by the heavy routine of
those who were not born in a cradle of gold. Life is more expensive, hard and suffering
for most of the Brazilian people. For most people, that's not the same as saying "for
everyone". While poverty and the many forms of oppression attack us everywhere a small
elite of rich and powerful make the binge over the misery of the people. Representation is
part of a system of fraud, privilege and corruption that does not obey what the people say
and do. ---- Our campaign has no party fund money and no help from entrepreneurs. Not to
ask for votes. We want and bet on an outlet built with more popular participation, massive
and independent struggle as the oppressed and exploited class that we are. Nor the
election farce of a bourgeois democracy that asks us to vote every four years, let alone a
crushing authoritarian, repressive and police. We campaign for direct democracy. Another
way for people to do politics, more rights and freedoms, bottom-up organization, decision
on projects, services, more public investment to attack social inequalities at the root.
By direct democracy we want to affirm: 1) the construction on the ground of equality of a
strong popular movement that fights and organizes independently of governments and bosses;
2) the popular right to take decisions by councils and grassroots organizations to
overturn the adjustment that increases social inequality, massacre the lives of the
poorest and liquidate the rights of the workers; 3) the fundamental principle of popular
participation, the defense of broad freedoms of manifestation, association, expression,
diversity, social and individual rights.
Uniting and organizing with your neighbor, co-worker, affinities, companion, and companion
in every day's struggle is the beginning of a change that depends on collective construction.
To cancel the labor reform, the law of outsourcing and the freezing of social spending!
United fight against racism, machismo, homophobia and fascism!
Void vote on the electoral farce. Direct Democracy with the force of the streets.
The newspapers do not tire of saying that the crisis has passed, but what we live and feel
on the skin is that unemployment remains strong, those who work lose rights and power of
salary and the price of things only increases. The gas cylinder, for example, is already
almost turning into a luxury item. If the crisis has passed, it was only the big
businessmen, who never really stopped profiting. They want to give "jobs" as long as the
working class accepts defeat and sinks into poverty. For the people, for the poor, life is
increasingly difficult, regardless of what the president says, ministers or the Jornal
Nacional da Globo.
In recent years, they have already frozen investments in health and education, have
already wiped out workers' rights, have already delivered the pre-salt and still want to
end people's retirement. This is all the same as condemning our people to an even more
miserable future than the present. As an exercise in direct democracy, where the people
are called to decide their future (instead of trying to find a candidate who promises to
do so), it is vital to make repeal plebiscites of laws that do away with our rights. The
rich want to decide the end of the future of the poor, so the time is to say that the
present is a struggle and in our future nobody moves!
In recent years and in different places on the planet, we women have been the spearhead of
many social struggles and staged major demonstrations. We have fought in the streets and
everywhere we work for the right to our bodies, against the withdrawal of labor rights,
against the adjustment and repression of the police, for health and quality education, for
the preservation of the nature and sovereignty of our territories, by legal abortion,
against the conservative advance in the anti-fascist struggle ... We have shown in
practice the importance of being organized using traditional methods of resistance from
and from underneath such as lockups, strikes, occupations, marches. We have pointed out
that resistance and combative struggle are made independently of governments, parties,
bosses, religion. The political choices of direct democracy through instruments such as
self-organization in collectives and popular assemblies, contrary to what preaches
representative (indirect) democracy, should be a political lesson for all popular
movements in different struggles. Let us be indignant bodies. It is with the collective
force on the streets that we move forward!
Poverty is a social relation determined by violence and exploitation. It is not the merit
that makes 1% of society so rich and owner of everything, while Brazil returns to the
world hunger map, child mortality grows, more than 27 million unemployed and beaked
workers, black and peripheral youth is the the main target of 60,000 deaths a year, when
it is not easy prey to the penitentiary system, especially by the drug law.
When the health budget is 130 billion, the education 110 billion and the entrepreneurial
bourse that the central government donates to the bourgeoisie class exceeds 280 billion,
there is something wrong. What about then of almost 1 trillion paid in public debt in 2017
to fatten the parasites of the financial system. From 10 reais raised to the country's
public fund at least 4 are to join the wealth in the hand of few.
Poverty and racism that condemn our people to live as defendants are daughters of social
They talk a lot in public safety, but the truth is that those who are being exterminated
are the poor, especially the black people. Whether by the hand of the police, or by urban
violence itself, it increases with the criminalization of drugs and the failure to repair
a historical debt to slavery. The periphery is bleeding from the stolen life of its young
people. Not to mention the murders in the countryside where the quilombola indigenous
peoples and the poor who fight for the right to a piece of land and the world are victims
of the greed of the great landowners and their jaguncos. The drug war arrests and kills
ever more. It turns a public health problem into a police case. It condemns our people to
live in the sights of repression and youth to the hell of the disputes of the traffic and
the eternal flight of a law made to catch favelado.
Brazil needs to decriminalize drugs and to combat in depth the injustice, punishment and
violence in which it threw black people from the periphery of cities.
While with one hand governments and bosses take from the poor the right to health and
education, with the other hand they have the right to sit down and forbid us to complain.
They are the same people who cut money from health posts and hospitals, from schools and
teacher salaries, for example. But they fill the military police with cars and weapons and
send up the hills and kill the crooked and right. It only increases the misery and
precarious life of the people, the racist slaughter of the black people, feminicide and
the explosion of gender oppression. The police state is the order of silence for the mass
of dissatisfied and the security of profits, business and luxury life for half a dozen.
Neither the PT nor the PSDB nor Bolsonaro and the racist, chauvinist, anti-poor hate group
face the high-ranking thugs who are the big landowners, judges, state authorities, owners
of wealth and power. Dictatorship or authoritarian rule fights poverty by killing and
stripping the skin of the poor of everything that is different. The change does not wear
farda and boot, it only comes with more popular participation, more direct management and
democracy of the workers and the community on the economy and the public money.
We are also in favor of a break, of a BASTA in the way things go. But the army IS NOT the
way out. They were never in favor of the people, and when they were called to the scene it
was always to keep the miserable order of things. Against all illusions of military
intervention, as well as of their puppies that run to the polls today, we say that ONLY
THE PEOPLE SAVE THE PEOPLE with DIRECT DEMOCRACY and the formation of an independent and
strong popular movement.
Nothing to imitate the bourgeois parties, their governments and parliaments. A united
front of the oppressed to resist. Unions of the class, without privileges of leaders,
bureaucracy and fights. Black movement against state racism. The womanate participating
and fighting for social equality. Communities organized from bottom to top by assemblies,
base commissions, area coordinations. Youth struggling in the street, study, culture,
Message: 5
Audio Player link at: http://blackrosefed.org/solecast-interview-brrn-especifismo ----
Black Rose/Rosa Negra member Patrick is interviewed by MC Sole, the host of Solecast
discussing a range of topics beginning with the anarchist current of "Especifismo," which
can be summarized as: ---- The need for a specifically anarchist organization built around
a unity of ideas and praxis. ---- The use of the specifically anarchist organization to
theorize and develop strategic political and organizing work. ---- Active involvement in
and building of autonomous and popular social movements via social insertion. ---- Topics
discussed in their interview include: ---- Organizing principles ---- Approaches to
building working class power from below ---- Grass roots power vs. local politics vs.
electoral politics ---- The need for a rigorous educational program within movements
Discussions on anarchist infrastructure projects
Thoughts on "protest," their limitations and what they are good for
The life of Bakunin much more
Let us know what you think and if you have any questions, email us at eec[@]blackrosefed.org
We also recommend checking out other podcasts featuring members of Black Rose Anarchist
Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (BRRN):
Patrick is interviewed by It's Going Down as part one of a three part series looking
electoralism and the rise of the DSA in "Elections, Power, & the DSA: The Failure of the
Left in Power."
Jen and Servio discuss revolutionary political organization, relationships to social
movements, state power, and feminism with Revolutionary Left Radio.
Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook speaks on Revolutionary Left Radio
giving a history of anarchism and it's ideas.
Enrique and Adam interviewed by It's Going Down episode "The Center Can't Hold" on BRRN's
analysis and strategy document "Below and Beyond Trump."
Romina Akemi, co-author of "Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency within
Anarchist Feminism" is interviewed on KCHUNG Radio discussing feminism, anarchism and
movement building.
Luis from Austin, Texas is interviewed by A World Without Police about local organizing
with ICE Out and pushing back against use of police to assist with enforcement of
immigration laws.
Message: 6
Capitalism offers us a NEVERENDING series of FALSE CHOICES: stork or butter, coke or
pepsi, city or rovers, labour or tory,costa or nero, leave or remain which always leave
the same rulers in control. Wether BREXIT wins or REMAIN the same Boris, Theresa, Rees
Mogg,or Corbyn will be running the show here the day after.
The LEFTand some of our own comrades take different views while the cops prepare for
disorder though unsure which side it will come from.
OUR OWN UNIQUE BANNER - starting October 2oth
Message: 7
ARE WE FROM THE FLESH TO CANON ? Debate on national service. ---- Macron wants to set up a
National Service, so that young people go to the army or provide services for free ... The
contours of the project are unclear, but we suspect that it will be nationalist, and
perhaps even imperialist ! ---- First and foremost, you have to find out. The debate will
start with a presentation of the government project, as well as more or less similar
projects from other political forces such as France Insoumise. We will then hear the
experiences of militants against military service in the 1970s, who were conscientious
objectors or who created soldier committees. And finally we will open the debate: for or
against the national service ? How to mobilize on this subject ?
Message: 8
On September 25, at the city council, during a city council meeting, there was a press
conference organized by the authors of the report "Green areas in Poznan are at risk of
development. Report on the anti-ecological policy of the city authorities " . ---- The
report was drawn up by the residents of Poznan, gathered in groups that fight for the
preservation of eight green areas in the city. These grounds are threatened by buildings.
In all these cases, the threat of irreversible destruction of greenery is a direct
consequence of the decisions made by the city authorities. These decisions cause
residents' dissatisfaction, which makes subsequent areas in the city a source of social
conflicts, which often last for years. Contrary to the pre-election statements of
politicians and the hopes of the inhabitants of Poznan, the loss of power by the team of
President Grobelny in 2014 did not contribute to solving the long-term conflicts
concerning green areas in Poznan. What is worse, the policy of the current authorities has
caused the existing conflicts to sparkle, and also caused new ones.
The conference was attended by entities that created the report: councilors from
Naramowice, Umultowa, Kolektyw Kapielisko, Kolektyw Rozbrat, Stowarzyszenie Zielona
Grunwald, Zielona Staroleka Association, management of the Surma Archery Club operating in
the Kasprowicz Park, and social activists striving for Rataje Park - Aneta Mikolajczyk and
Lechoslaw Rachwal. Together, we are demanding that the city authorities cease their
activities, which lead to the development of eight green areas in Poznan.
HERE digital version of the report. http://www.rozbrat.org/images/pdf/raport2018_web.pdf
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