Elephants Need Your Help. Sign Up to Be a Care2 Elephant Warrior to Protect These Amazing Creatures for Elephant Awareness Month.
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Dear friends,
Both in the wild and in captivity, elephants are in danger. Around the world, the number of wild elephants is dwindling. Meanwhile, the number of elephants used for entertainment purposes is now upwards of 20,000. This is unacceptable and it's time that us humans take a fighting stand for our wild animal friends.
That's why this October, the Care2 Team has decided to honor Elephant Awareness Month. And we want you to join us! With just a click on this link, you can become an elephant warrior.
What does that mean? For October's Elephant Awareness Month, Care2 is launching a movement for elephants with one huge goal — 15 million signatures towards the fight to protect elephants.
This is an elephant sized goal that we cannot do without dedicated activists like you. So please sign on to become an elephant warrior.
As an elephant warrior, you'll receive frequent emails throughout the month alerting you to the most pressing elephant action, along with other news about events we're promoting, Facebook Live broadcasts, and more ways you can help us with this big goal.
Thank you,
P.S. October is Elephant Awareness Month, a time where all of us must do our part to tell as many people as possible about the plight of this amazing species. Please click here to commit to becoming an elephant warrior!
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