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dinsdag 25 september 2018

UN delegates just laughed in Trump's face as he made wild claims during his speech

Daily Brief · Sep 25, 2018
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UN delegates just laughed in Trump's face as he made wild claims during his speech
No, seriously. They LOL'd.
Gay journalist calls out Superman for being a bad LGBTQ ally in an epic Twitter feudGeoff-Casavant-Twitter-323x183.jpg
Dean Cain can't understand why people are mad at him for speaking at a hate group conference. So our editor spelled it out for him.
Ted Cruz chased out of a fancy DC restaurant by sexual assault survivorsTed-Cruz-heckled-323x183.jpg
Not only do his constituents find him "unlikeable," so do DC residents.
A shopkeeper kicked this gay man to death. Police arrested the victim right before he died.Zak-Kostopoulos-323x183.jpg
The store owner wasn't arrested until after video surfaced showing him kicking the man to death.
The queen of England’s gay cousin got married. No one from the royal family attended.ivar-mountbatten-323x183.jpg
Queen Elizabeth II's close family was busy this weekend, but Lord Ivar says that they "adore" his new husband.
This smart mom got the man who raped her teenage son to confess before he went to jailvictor-williams-323x183.jpg
She found a way to get this man to admit that he drugged and raped her underage son.

Local community honors 9-year-old gay student who died by suicide in sweetest way possiblejame-myles-323x183.jpg
One student told him to kill himself. And, several days into the school year, he did.
These four transgender political candidates want to shake up the status quostate-house-trans-candidates-323x183.jpg
There are four potential transgender state legislators eying seats. We asked each of them how being transgender affects their run.
Democrats may have a secret ally in the midterms: Trump supportersTrump-arms-what-323x183.jpg
Trained to believe anything critical of the president is fake news, Trump supporters are convinced they will triumph at the midterms - despite all evidence to the contrary.
Why is Superman bashing LGBTQ people at a hate group gathering if he supports our rights?Dean-Cain-Superman1-323x183.jpg
Actor Dean Cain appeared at the group's event and slammed LGBTQ activists for being "intolerant" of hate speech.
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