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vrijdag 2 november 2018
Anarchic update news all over the world - 2.11.2018
Today's Topics:
1. fcs villa verde, cnt.es: If our work is not worth it,
produce without us por Union section Hostelcarria (ca, it)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Autonomous Action, Helsinki: Action of solidarity with the
actions of the parents of the arrested russian antifascists was
held [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. freedom news: The Claws of Empire, the Rise of Fascism:
Brazilian Anarchist Statement on Bolsonaro (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
AND FASCIST VIOLENCE By Julia T. (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Greece, ESE: November 1: Striking Concentration: 11am,
Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens (Solon and
Asklipios) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. Poland, Workers initiative, ozzip.pl: Report from the 2nd
Social Congress of Women. For higher wages and lower rents
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. colectivo libertario evora: FAI DENIES THAT THE PORTUGUESE
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
This, among others, was one of the slogans used in the 2017 international women's strike.
---- There are many cases where women organize and fight in the workplace against the
abuses and inequalities that we suffer through the alliance of capitalism, patriarchy and
employers. In our union we find more and more cases of women who have said enough and have
undertaken the struggle through the trade union, confronting the employer using as a tool
the mutual support, solidarity and self-management, leading their conflict in the first
person and without delegating no one. This is the case of the compañeras of the Trade
Union Section of Hostalcarria, which have launched a 7-day strike at the Hostal Inter
Plaza Mayor.
From the Work Group of Feminisms of the Southern District CNT we want to make an appeal
to our neighbors and neighbors, collectives, associations and feminist movement to join
and show their support and solidarity to the compañeras. Their strike is everyone's,
because their rights are ours. (You can write to fcsvillaverdealto@cnt.es to receive all
the information of concentrations, pickets and acts).
The Hostal Ínter Plaza Mayor not only does not deign to recognize as such the trade union
section created, violating the fundamental right of free unionization, but has decided to
further worsen the working conditions already suffered by the chambermaids previously
(lack of recognition of labor categories or real hours of work in contract, unpaid
compulsory overtime, among others), reducing their hours of contribution to Social
Security, planning the outsourcing of the cleaning service and notifying the dismissal of
the entire staff of female waitresses floor of the Inter Plaza Mayor hotel for this
outsourcing process at the end of the month.
Everyone knows that the feminized sectors are the most precarious.
We must attack those agreements negotiated between employers and the servant unions of
power that are perpetuating this inequality.
We must force the adoption of ILO conventions so that feminized jobs have the same rights
and remuneration as the rest.
We must guarantee the safety of the day laborers who come here to work and prevent the
bosses from exploiting them, violating and denigrating them.
Because without economic emancipation we can not aspire to the emancipation and liberation
of women. And do not build another economic and social model.
You have all the information of the conflict in the following link:
Message: 2
On October 28, 2018 in Helsinki in front of the Russian Embassy. 10 people took part in
the action, mostly anti-fascists and anarchists from Russia and some activists from
Finland. ---- There were banners and posters in English, Russian and Finnish languages:
"FSB is the main terrorist!", "Freedom to Russian anti-fascists", "Freedom to political
prisoners", "Solidarity has no borders, our hearts are with you!". Slogans were chanted in
Russian and English: "Stop repressions of the police", "Freedom for imprisoned
anti-fascists", "FSB is the main terrorist", "Freedom for political prisoners","Freedom
for anarchist prisoners," "Putin, ski, Magadan," "Putin, your hands are in blood," and
others. ---- The action was held without any incidents ---- Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki
---- Anti-fascist initiative "Comrades Network"
Message: 3
The current Brazilian political scenario requires a lot of lucidity and coolness for all
popular organizers and their analysis of reality. We of Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira
(Brazilian Anarchist Coordination) modestly seek to give our contribution to the
understanding of the convulsing social and political situation, which is defined by the
legal-parliamentary coup that deposed Worker's Party (PT) President Dilma Rousseff from
office. We recently experienced the breakdown of the so-called New Republic agreement from
1988[1]. This pact maintained social exclusion of those at the bottom, at the same time it
guaranteed minimum legal rights, in a coalition involving bourgeois politicians,
corporations, the armed forces and part of the reformist sectors of the Left.
The construction of the Brazilian State, however, has always been closer to the interests
of the imperialist shift powers than to its own population. The State has always
criminalized the poor as a norm of institutionalized bourgeois democracy. The PT led
governments since Lula have increased the criminal machine of public order operated by the
entire legislative and judicial apparatus, reproducing the super-incarceration of the poor
and Black population, as well as sustaining a repressive apparatus that attacks social
The so-called pact of class reconciliation was broken and the collaborationist agenda[of
social compromise]was torn apart to be replaced by an agenda of financialized capitalism.
These have replaced things such as social rights, relative freedoms and public services,
which we should remember were historical achievements of popular movements.
The Empire Shows Its Claws
We cannot understand the current historical moment in our country isolated from the
geopolitical reality of the Latin American continent. We need to calibrate our analytical
tools and better locate Brazil as a peripheral nation within the world-system to
understand what is at stake. The country has continued to maintain its primary industry of
agro-exports and has aligned itself with the IIRSA Plan (Initiative for the Integration of
South American Regional Infrastructure, now called COSIPLAN).[2]This plan sought to
maximise the exploitation of our natural resources and speed up the process of supplying
international markets to the benefit transnational corporations.This plan is a new
offensive aligned with free-trade treaties established between United States and countries
in the region. It's an attempt to expand the neoliberal model in South America, supported
by progressive and center-left governments.
The crisis of 2008 created major difficulties for the US to maintain their international
agenda, which since the fall of The Twin Towers[the WTC 9/11 attack], began to present as
the main objective the guarantee of their global hegemony which is evident by numerous
aggressive military interventions by the empire. It's also evident that imperialism guides
itself by the idea that "where Brazil goes, Latin America will go as well." It's clear our
continent, Latin America, is seen as a strategic reserve of resources (political, natural,
energy) for the use of US, which makes the political situation of Brazil so important to
The coup of 2016 did not only disassemble the small gains from the previous period as it
made the financial and international control of the national economy stronger, by
purchasing "assets." These adjustments are required to be made by the judicial class,
especially the judges themselves, which can be seen by the fact the Lava-Jato
investigation[3]is aligned with imperialism, by using the strategy of lawfare.[4]It also
increases the control of infrastructure, renewable energies, service, health and education
by North-American and Chinese corporations. In regards to oil, 13 multinationals have
already appropriated 75 % of the pre-salt[oil below the ocean surface], especially, Shell
and BP, whose last auction rounds took place in October this year. From a political point
of view, the action of imperialism is to disrupt any possibility of the Brazilian
situation (even if it's governed by a center-left reformist government) to represent any
threat to its interests at continental level. It is important to clarify that the outcome
of the current electoral race will significantly impact the crises of Venezuelan regime,
possibly contributing to political destabilization, or even the possibility of military
The New National Security Doctrine: Politics and Threats of the Military
It must be pointed out that some years ago, while under Lula's Workers Party government, a
new National Security Doctrine was inaugurated with General Etchegoyen of the Brazilian
armed forces[appointed as Secretary of Security by Temer]. This doctrine sees groups
linked to drug trafficking, human rights or environmental NGOs, "ideological" government
agencies, and social movements linked to a left vision as being new internal enemies.
Other elements of this doctrine is the emptying of the role of university and research, a
tougher stance of the penal code, continuity and expansion of mass incarceration, and
adoption of counter-espionage measures. The doctrine uses means of social communication
control, the spread of rumors, discrediting of accusers and the use of false documents.
The promotion of strikes, road closures, occupation of lands and buildings and the
struggle for social rights for political minorities are characterised as "terrorist actions."
It was this new doctrine responsible for the anti-terrorism bill approved by Dilma. Its
goal was to create a new pact, a "new democracy," where the military play an active role
in the geopolitics of the continent and national politics.
To summarize: The "Democratic State of Law"[5]is mounted on top of a state of exception
for the "dangerous classes " is now in the process of reconfiguration in the power plays
of the dominant classes (in some places, the narco-state), and makes it emergence from
reasons interior to the state and its relations with the interests of imperialism. Under
these circumstances, reaction factors operate as a police State. An adjustment that cuts
so deep into the flesh of the people and deeply increased the ambitions of the capitalist
class and its lackeys, sooner or later, calls security in their favor and extends the
space of the exception to redefine the normality of the system.
The Center-Left Bets All Their Chips At the Polls
The Brazilian left and center-left bet their luck at the ballot box expecting bourgeois
democracy to come to their rescue, protect their rights, and limit the strangle and defeat
of imperialism. While the system lifts the gun sight and wears the toga or the uniform to
exercise power, it is always with support from the US government. The opposition movements
on the left which emerged after the legal-parliamentary coup, and which took the streets,
now unfortunately enters into this pragmatic logic of the state and government, where the
enemy of the far right-wing would be supposedly won by the ballot box and vote.
The center-left strives to channel these efforts into electoral build-up by spending all
its energy with the institutional dispute and the rotten game of electoral parties, to the
detriment of class struggle. The Brazilian political scene is tainted by the fraud of a
representation which for the bourgeois liberals has always been a mechanism of usurpation
of collective forces and common goods by the powerful will of minorities. But we know that
the system twists the constitution and melts the rule of law when it comes to defending
the interests of its dominant classes.
We must build a long-term work that points out the unions and popular organizations as the
most correct alternative for the people to defend their rights and participate in
political life and by deepening direct democracy, repudiating the reconciliation of
classes, and giving combat without truce to proto-fascism.
Proto-Fascism as a Super-Dose of the Elite Program
Such configuration of political power is also supported by propaganda tactics and direct
action from reactionary sectors and ideologically affiliated groups on the far right which
are generally backed by law enforcement. A factor that gains incidence in the streets and
that everything suggests that it will grow, making space for its agents to repress the
national political scene and align it with what is happening at continental level.
But there is more. Coming together with this is economic frustration, the failure of
political solutions through representation, and the destabilization of values associated
with positions of power in family, culture, and education. We also see a conservative
subjective production which uses religious evangelicals as a popular base for
distribution. This new right transitioned from anti-PT rhetoric to a radicalized
anti-political and anti-system rhetoric, setting itself up as a right that does not speak
only to the elites, but also to the popular and peripheral sectors. They act in the social
vacuum left by the center-left, which puts itself only in defense of bourgeois democracy.
The despicable figure of Bolsonaro is part of this attempt to deepen the destruction of
social rights and the patriarchal violence against women, LGBT, indigenous, Blacks and
maroons. Violence that materialized in several attacks throughout the country lead by
Bolsonaro supporters, among which one that resulted in the brutal murder of Capoeira
Master Moa of Katendê in Salvador.[6]Far from minimizing the barbarity that Bolsonaro
represents, it is necessary to place him within the logic of the application of the
adjustment[neoliberalism], of the imperialist recolonialization of the country at a faster
pace than it would be under a center-left government.
The Polls Do Not Beat Imperialism, Tax Adjustment and Proto-Fascism!
The result of the elections therefore does not solve the complex context posed by the
correlation of forces opposed to the working class. All scenarios only serve to deepen the
class struggle and against oppression. The "useful vote" against the Bolsonaro sheet makes
at most an extension, leading to a "third shift" that will not be decided at the polls.
The struggle is long-term to build a class and mass alternative that does not surrender to
the reasons of state, governability and agreements subordinate to the empire.But it must
also be a social force capable of defeating the bourgeoisie, imperialism and its attacks.
Our class flags need to be lifted up at this time of proto-FASCIST AND NEOLIBERAL ATTACK.
We must not succumb to the panic and fear caused by the reactionary elites. Our role is to
actively resist, strengthen class solidarity, ensure the fight in the streets, and the
permanent mobilization of from below!
Therefore, We Defend:
Unity of anti-fascism beyond the polls, at the base level and on the streets - struggle is
what will define it. The unity will take place in action and mobilizations against the
neoliberal attacks and the barbarity promoted by Bolsonaro and his supporters.
Fight for social rights. Fight against privatization and attacks on the bottom. Fight
against attacks on education, welfare reform, fight against rising cost of living,
criminalization of social movements and the process of genocide of the Black, peripheral
and indigenous people.
Building of a general strike against the advancement of fascism and the attacks on the
rights of the workers which is the agenda of imperialism of the next period and of the
business elites and independent policies of the elections.
The Strength of the People Can Stop Fascism! Against the Neoliberal Barbarism, Struggle
and Organize!
Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (Brazilian Anarchist Coordination)
To read more on the political situation in Brazil we recommend "Interview on the
Assassination of Marielle Franco" and a statement by the CAB "Marielle Franco, Presente! -
Political Murder and State Terrorism in Brazil."
1988 is the year Brazil's constitution was approved after the end of the military
dictatorship which began in 1964 and lasted over 20 years.
The Initiative for the Integration of South American Regional Infrastructure (IISAR), now
called COSIPLAN, regional development and integration plan to create regional
infrastructure such as major highways often facilitate the growth of extractive
industries. The effort is similar to Plan Pueblo-Panama in Mexico and Central America.
The Lava-Jato or "Car Wash" scandal was an investigation into political corruption
involving numerous high profile politicians.
Lawfare, a term combining law and warfare, the use of law for warfare.
"Democratic State of Law" in Brazil is similar to the US concept of "the rule of law" - a
condition whereby laws and rights are respected by individuals and the government.
Master Moa was Black capoeira instructor who was stabbed to death by a supporter of
Bolsonaro after he participated in a public forum and supported the PT candidate.
Source: Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira
Translation, photo and notes: Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation
Message: 4
Antisemitic violence has spiked dramatically in the United States with 2018 being the
largest single year increase on record since 1994. From desecrations of graveyards to the
massacre of eleven worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, this confluence
of bigotry and white supremacist fervor exemplifies a growing global wave of fascist
violence which endangers us all. When the Pittsburgh shooter Robert Bowers screamed "All
Jews must die!" as he opened fire Saturday morning, he chose his targets not only out of
antisemitism - a theoretical core of white nationalist ideology - but also for the reason
that the synagogue worked with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, an organization which
honors our people's history as refugees by helping displaced people all over the world.
This tradition of solidarity, often called "tikkun olum" or "repairing the world," is part
of the reason Jews have historically played important roles in revolutionary struggles
against capitalism and fascism around the world.
Antisemitism at the Heart of White Nationalism
Often though fascism and antisemitism are both terms widely misunderstood on the Left; in
order to offer a liberatory alternative to the barbarism of capitalism and white
supremacy, we must first define these threats. In its most essential form, fascism is
organized reactionary political violence, with defining features such as extreme
nationalism, misogyny, authoritarianism, anti-communism, and racism. Yet, fascism is not
simply state repression or a fixed ideology, but rather a dynamic process which requires
popular violence from below to seize power.
Antisemitism is at the heart of fascist ideology in its contemporary form, which is often
called white nationalism. As anti-fascist researcher Eric Ward emphasizes, without coming
to terms with "the centrality of antisemitism to White nationalist ideology," the Left
will fail to understand how white supremacists fuel their virulent racism and xenophobia.
Antisemitism operates differently from other forms of oppression, which disempower their
victims based on poverty, racialization, or colonized status. Antisemitism instead thrives
on an illusion of power and privilege, which deflects blame from the system of capitalism
itself onto individuals. Jews have historically acted as middlemen for capitalists, as
landlords or bankers when denied the right to other employment, farming or ownership of
land. It is no coincidence that feudal and early capitalist societies chose Jews to embody
the most obvious symbols of capitalist oppression. As April Rosenblum defines it,
"Antisemitism's job is to make ruling classes invisible. It protects ruling class power
structures, diverting anger at injustice toward Jews instead." Jews have always provided a
convenient scapegoat for capitalists, as a presumably all powerful and wealthy group whose
privilege can be discarded at any time. Sephardic and Mizrahi communities have a more
complex relationship to white supremacy, as they face both antisemitism and overt racism
and colonialism. Not all Jews are white, but even white Jews can lose their whiteness.
Fascism and Failed Revolutions
To envision the relationship between fascism and antisemitism from a different angle, we
should remember the words of Jewish Marxist philosopher Walter Benjamin that "every
resurgence of fascism bears witness to a failed revolution." In other words, when
institutions of the left like political parties and movements fail to mobilize the
revolutionary potential of the moment and to provide a real alternative to the constant
crises of capitalism this paves the way for reaction. This was true regarding the Social
Democratic Party in Weimar Germany and applies to many other Left parties today. In these
situations, reactionaries shift the blame towards Jews, immigrant populations and other
marginalized communities.
Benjamin's insight is prescient and incisive in understanding the rapid ascendance of Jair
Bolsonaro to the Presidency of Brazil. After 14 years in power from 2002 to 2016, the
commodity boom which gave the class conciliation approach of the Workers' Party (PT)
breathing room had come to an end. As waves of austerity measures, worker strikes, street
rebellions and subsequent repression ensued, the alienation of the PT's base set the stage
for the right-wing to use a corruption scandal to engineer a parliamentary coup and remove
PT President Dilma Rousseff from power and jail the popular former PT President Lula de
Silva. With disillusionment in the political system becoming widespread Bolsonaro,
formerly an isolated and minor figure, was able to rise in popularity by presenting
himself as a savior. Conveniently Bolsonaro also received support from figures such as
former Trump operative Steve Bannon and the Koch brothers.
Bolsanaro is not only a bigot, homophobe, misogynist, and militarist, but is a true
adherent to fascist ideology. Marginalized Brazilians realize they are in grave danger; as
the founder of São Paulo's annual gay pride parade put it, "It's as if the gates of hell
have been opened - as if hunting season had been declared." This comment is not hyperbolic
in a year of constant political violence targeting socialists, feminists, LGBT community
members, and Afro-Brazilians. Many fear Bolsonaro's brazen bigotry and public support for
extrajudicial killings will launch a new era of brutality and genocidal violence, a
prescient fear in a fledgling republic only 30 years from its last dictatorship. Indeed,
the new President promises a "cleansing never seen before in Brazilian history" and
torture and civil war on an unprecedented scale. Unlike Trump, whose lacks a cogent
fascist ideology, Bolsonaro draws on a historic tradition that lost power but never truly
"We Will Outlive Them"
As humanity faces the seemingly insurmountable threat of looming fascism, we must
celebrate the survival of our peoples and those who gave their lives to struggle against
it. We honor our ancestors when we stand in solidarity with racial, religious, sexual, and
gender minorities around the world, but not when we sacrifice the safety of others for our
own. Fascism is an ancient foe, one that Jews have attempted to escape through nationalism
and militarism. The Israeli state's disregard for victims of antisemitism is incredibly
clear as members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ultra nationalist Likud
party blame the victims in Pittsburgh for their own deaths because they dared to welcome
Muslim refugees. Instead, those who immediately stood in solidarity with the massacred
congregants were the Muslim community of Pittsburgh.
Racism and apartheid will never keep us safe and the policies of the Israeli state have
created unlikely alliances between real antisemites and Jews. The anti-Muslim bigotry of
Netanyahu and his allies is so extreme that they actively "inspire" white supremacists
like Richard Spencer with their anti-refugee and apartheid policies, such as the recent
"Jewish Nation State Law" which officially legalized racial apartheid. Their reaction to
antisemitism truly pales in comparison to the violence they inflict in our name on
innocent Palestinians.
To build a future without fascism, we must honor the tradition of our socialist and
internationalist ancestors, and fight where we stand, to defend all our communities from
those who would prefer to see us burn. As the old Yiddish song that Polish Jews sang as
they stared down their executioners goes, "We will outlive them." We must fuel
revolutionary anti-fascist movements with this spirit of collective memory to honor the
sacrifice and resilience of all victims of fascist violence around the world.
Julia T. is a Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation member in Los Angeles.
Message: 5
The nightmarish situation in the workplace continues after the "exit from the
memorandums", with the lowest and lowest hunger salary, with rubber timetable, with the
abolition of collective agreements, resulting in the failure to meet our basic needs. On
the other hand, the government has already begun storming about the upcoming elections, in
connection with raising the minimum wage and restoring Collective Labor Agreements.
Substantial changes for the benefit of workers do not come with government orders and
ministerial decisions, but from workers' own struggle. ---- Under these conditions,
primary unions and grassroots organizations took the initiative to declare a cross-country
strike from below. Co-ordination and solidarity of workers can bring victorious struggles.
A strike organized by the bottom, with the actual participation of the workers in the
collective processes, with general assemblies and without the intermediary of the
bureaucrats of GSEE, can and must be our weapon. For so many years, GSEE has preached
24-hour strikes for the eyes of the world without any organization. A GSEE, allegedly a
"worker representative," who on 30 May reached a point of strike in consultation with
employers' organizations, with whom the world of work can not and has no common interest.
Increases in wages to live in dignity
Fewer working hours
No worker without collective agreement
Striking Concentration: 11am, Cultural Center of the Municipality of Athens
(Solon and Asklipios)
Eleftherias Union of Athens
e-mail: ese-ath@espiv.net
Message: 6
On October 13, 2018, in Poznan, the second edition of the Social Women's Congress took
place. Over 100 people representing 20 labor, accommodation and women's organizations
participated in it. Almost 9 hours we discussed the problems we face in our workplaces and
in our cities. During the first edition of the Congress, which took place in March this
year, we developed 20 program postulates regarding the issues of employees and tenants. On
September 8, we organized a debate on which the tenants confronted their demands with the
candidates for the mayor of Warsaw. The Second Congress in Poznan served to summarize our
struggles before the new cadence of the local government began. ---- The first part of the
meeting referred to the genesis and meaning of the six postulates, which are directly
related to the ongoing activities undertaken by women associated in the Workers
Initiative, in Warsaw and the Wielkopolska Tenant Association.
1) Raise wages in institutions paid from the city and voivodeship budget.
(Inter-enterprise Commission OZZ IP at the Nursery Teams in Poznan and the Factory
Commission of the OZZ IP at the Clinical Hospital of the Transfiguration).
2) Abolish rents and debts and start real payments for heating up with electricity until
all communal and social premises are connected to CO (Warsaw Association of Tenants).
3) Inclusion of the time allocated for commuting to the place of work in the total time of
the working day (the OZZ Inter-enterprise Commission Inicjatywa Pracownicza in Amazon
Fulfillment Poland Sp.zoo).
4) Adjustment of the income criterion when granting municipal and social housing,
abolition of the yardage criterion and introduction of rules for granting social premises
that meet the real needs of residents and residents of municipalities (Wielkopolska
Association of Tenants).
5) Universal pension at the minimum wage level (Environmental Committee of Journalists and
Journalists at OZZ IP).
6) Stop the reprivatization of real estate and repair the social harm caused by it.
(Warsaw Association of Tenants).
During the second part of the Congress, we divided into three groups, in which we
discussed the activities that enabled implementation of the postulates from the list that
we created during the first edition of the Congress.
1st group regarding tenants' demands
The fight for better housing conditions belongs to the sphere of struggle for better
living conditions for women. We have considered together the question: what is the reason
that most of them are women who engage in condominiums activities? Local organizers from
Warsaw, Lódz and Poznan emphasized that at home women not only rest after work, but also
do unpaid care work. For women, a home is a second workplace, for which, in addition, they
have to pay rent (which often absorbs most wages). Most often, women are responsible for
cleaning the flat (but also washing, ironing, etc.), which means that in communal premises
without CO they usually wash away poisonous fungi and mold from the walls, which is why
they are more often exposed to dangerous diseases. In addition, women more often than men
take care of administrative matters related to housing, they more often deal with the
household budget and pay bills for the flat. Observations in the group were in line with
recent CBOS surveys. It is not surprising then that it is women who protest against poor
housing conditions and excessive fees.
We also mentioned that women more often than men keep in touch with their neighbors, hence
it is easier for them to build solidarity in the joint struggle for a roof over their
heads. In violent relationships, it is often the woman who is forced to leave her
apartment with her children. In such situations, the possibility of renting a flat cheaply
allows you to stand on your own.
During the meeting, we decided to try to coordinate some activities at the inter-city
level. In particular, as the already cooperating Warsaw and Wielkopolska WSLe, we want to
try to clarify the ties in the field of tenants with the Lodz Association "Bratnia Pomoc",
the Wroclaw Lokatorka Action, the Lublin Lokator Action and the Social Justice Movement.
The workshop meeting was attended by delegates from Warsaw and Wielkopolska WSL, RSS and
"Bratniej Pomocy", but we are counting on the participation of organizations from Wroclaw
and Lublin in further works.
According to the findings, we want to try to intervene at inter-city level through a
common slogan-postulate (based on the first SKK accommodation postulate): Universal access
to public housing by expanding the resource, and changing income and metric criteria.
These apartments should be cheap, healthy (i.e., unheated and with access to central
heating) and adapted to the needs (e.g. disabled people).
In order to start the coordination, we decided that we would like to publish a brochure
that would include:
1) developing the situation of the municipal / social housing stock in the city (number
and status, main problems)
2) Developing the fight for better housing as a struggle to improve women's lives, based
on discussion from the workshop.
3) a model project of changing a housing resolution to be adopted at the self-government
level in each city. The project would enable implementation of our postulate on universal
access at the legal level and would be developed by a supporting legal group (proposed by
a female attorney present at the workshop). The draft resolution would contain legal
grounds for the introduction of a municipal housing protection system for women victims of
violence based on experience from Wroclaw.
Second group regarding postulates of public sector employees
The workshop focused primarily on the specificity of the public sector and the resulting
consequences for our attempts to self-organize. The state in which wages in the public
sector depend on the directorates of the facilities, from the central or local government,
allows the three entities to avoid liability for poor working conditions and pay. Despite
the fact that the economic situation has improved, for the last 10 years local and central
authorities justify cutting and marginalizing the public sector with the financial crisis.
The fictitious professions related to care, hospital maintenance, education, culture etc.
are invariably treated by politicians as unnecessary ballast. We must continue to oppose
the conservative-liberal politics, which recognizes our work only as a cost.
After last year's protests in Poznan, which resulted from the promise of a promise not
paid by the president, the situation has not changed. President Jaskowiak, together with
the rest of liberal politicians, continues to emphasize the importance of women for Polish
democracy. His policy, however, prevents us from actually participating in this system.
This is because the maintenance of low wages forces us to long hours of work after which
the only thing we can get involved in is to gather forces before the next day of grinding.
The city's budget is not just a profit and loss statement. Its shape determines political
decisions. The current authorities have been doing nothing for the past four years to
improve the situation of feminised and low-paid jobs that allow public institutions to
function. In fact, the problem is not the city budget too small, but the unequal
distribution of funds - for high salaries and bonuses for officials, low wages and cuts
for public employees. Without changing the rules for dividing public finance, politicians
will always push us to the margins. Similar cases could be mentioned much more, such as
the difficult situation of the kindergarten workers in Belchatów associated in the Unions
'Workers' Union or employees of Poznan's hospitals financed by the central authorities.
During the discussion, we agreed
Another important problem is that people employed in budget units are systematically
divided into those who receive higher wages and those working at hunger rates. In
hospitals, pay inequalities are formalized by means of laws, e.g. the recently introduced
Law on Medical Employees. In this way, solidarity between individual professional groups
breaks down and hierarchies between them. Instead of focusing on inequalities in wages
between women and men (which are the largest among managers in Poland), inequalities
between individual professions should be eliminated. Within the so-called Professions of
feminised pay inequalities are small, while differences between the industries themselves
often take on a significant scale.
The specificity of public institutions lies in the fact that their management is sensitive
to their own image. Its undermining can increase the impact of information campaigns,
protests and strikes. During their lifetime, it is worth taking actions that will allow
the residents to gain support. Bad working conditions, living in scarcity and overworking
of people employed in budgetary institutions also threaten those who use their services.
Bad working conditions in the budget sector are poor living conditions in the city and the
responsibility for this state of affairs is on the management and authorities. Moreover,
in the case of determining our demands, we do not want to be guided by their usefulness
for business and whether their implementation will increase productivity. We are fighting
to regain our lives for us and our relatives, to have time for our own passions, friends,
family. Our role is not to improve business operations and increase its profits. We
require better terms of employment to be able to refuse to work two jobs without fear that
someone will find us inefficient. What we consider to be socially useful does not have to
bring profit to business.
Fighting for better working conditions and pay, we must not forget that no plant can
function without employees and employees. This is the source of our strength. If we are
experts in the stable operation of the plant, we also know how to disrupt its operation in
such a way as to reduce the efficiency of work. Employees gave several examples of slowing
down or refusing to work, which forced the management to change several problematic
issues. Among them were such activities as refusal to perform activities beyond the scope
of duties, calm work while maintaining health and safety rules. These activities draw
attention to the shortage of personnel and work overload, and at the same time do not
force us to conduct demeaning discussions with the management.
III group regarding postulates related to the organization of work:
Ministers participated in the discussion on postulates related to work organization.
people associated under the OZZ Employee Initiative and employed in Amazona, Volkswagen
and non-governmental organizations, a representative of coalitions associating female
employees employed in sex business and persons supporting care workers in homes for the
The introduction to the discussion concerned the linking of hired work, full-time or
precarious work, with reproductive work, i.e. performed in households. Many demands
seemingly related only to the wage labor zone, such as payroll (raise) or related to work
organization (right to break and rest, impact on the pace of work through social control
of norms) is directly related to the work done by all, though definitely more often by
women, caring work, as well as what we do in the so-called free time, indispensable for us
to be able to come back to work again. For example, we are demanding higher wages, not to
have to work overtime, and spend time with your family instead. We demand breaks, rest at
work, weekends and a lower pace of work,
Not only is physical depletion the work discussed in detail on the example of Amazon or
Volkswagen, but also on psychological pressure, exerted by continuous control, or we are
making norms, or - as discussed in the non-governmental sector - mobbing and the resulting
health problems psychological, related to the use of violence in foundations and
organizations. The proposing answer may be building a trade union as a support network (eg
by resisting the management board's pressure to "sacrifice" for the foundation's mission,
that is, sacrifice their rights and health as employees, or the idea of introducing union
workers to the councils) from other foundations to influence working conditions).
In sectors related to the third sector, care work or sex work, the main problem is the
bargaining of employment contracts and the use of mandate contracts despite a clear
employment relationship (provision of work under the supervision of the superior, at a
specific place and time) or work in black. It is connected with the lack of paying
overtime, and even the possibility of receiving them - which in the third sector, for
example, results from the high pace of work imposed by the dates of projects and grants.
In such a situation, it may be useful to monitor and publicize the replacement of
contracts of employment with contracts in organizations - sending inquiries to the
organization (when they announce the recruitment under the terms of the mandate
agreement), why they do not want to apply contracts of employment - which now brings
effect and more and more organizations the order is withdrawn from the contracts.
Also, employees of nursing home private network for the elderly, whose example is
discussed, have problems with employment contracts: sometimes over half of the
childminders work on a contract, but they do not want to accept employment contracts,
because then they would not be able to work overtime and their basic salary is not enough
for maintenance. As a consequence, contracts work 200-230 hours a month for 24- or even
32-hour changes, which ends up with health problems (mainly with the backbone). Some sleep
in centers to save, their work is strictly controlled: the performance of each care
activity must be confirmed on the barcode reader.
We talked about the tools of action, resisting and organizing: from informal ones, such as
a common refusal to adapt to any job requirements (joint breaks, slowing down work), to
formal: collective disputes, lawsuits (over a dozen running an IP committee at Amazon,
including in the scope of standards), cooperation with external institutions to defend
employee rights (Labor Inspectorate, Labor Inspection Laboratory measuring energy
expenditure, Construction supervision), legal advice. In the care sector, a good strategy
is to build solidarity with the recipients of services (eg patients and patients'
families), to strengthen the strength of employees and to put pressure on the management.
The Volkswagen Commission discussed the questionnaire, which the colleagues conducted
among the crew - as a tool on the one hand to formulate demands and exert pressure on the
board (eg when the management wants to introduce unfavorable changes in working time - the
survey concerned the introduction of an additional weekend change and clear criteria for
moving to a new factory - employees did not know who and on what terms will be
transferred); and shortening the billing time (so that overtime is paid immediately). The
survey gave the visibility of the trade union, gave the floor to the employees in their
own case and the opportunity to influence the change in the workplace.
The last plenary discussion of Congress focused on the content of the statement we
issued[Declaration of the organizers of the Second Social Congress of Women: What do we
demand from the new authorities]and the issue of organizing the next congress. The Social
Congress of Women was established to strengthen current struggles by working out joint
employment and tenant demands. I and II SKK in Poznan and the debate of SKK in Warsaw were
organized as members of the Workers' Initiative and Warsaw and Wielkopolska WSL
committees. The discussion on II SKK's statement showed the willingness of other
organizations and environments to use SKK as a tool to strengthen the struggles in the
social field. The organization of III SKK was announced by delegates from Torun.
Organizations participating in the II SKK: the Social Justice Movement, the
Inter-Enterprise Workers' Union "Zjednoczeni", the Warsaw Association of Tenants, the
Wielkopolska Association of Tenants, the National Trade Union Workers Initiative, the 8
March Initiative (Wroclaw), the Academic Protest Committee, the Total Party, the Sex Work
Poland Coalition , Manifa Poznan, In Our Case, Women's Torun Stroke, Foundation No Only
Mother Poland, Collective Manifa Torunska, Association "Bratnia Pomoc", Abortive Dream
Team, Women's Eye Analyzer, Feminoteka, Women's Agreement March 8
Message: 7
A few days ago, a new self-titled facebook group, the UAP-FAI Debating Group, announced
the creation of the Portuguese Anarchist Union, affiliated to the FAI, and a Debate Group
"open to all people of UAP-FA I) affected by the anarchist ideology and sympathizers and
members of the UAP-FAI. " ---- Not knowing fully the existence of this group (whose
proponents said they did not know the organizations, groups or structures existing in
Portugal in the libertarian field) and stranger to their membership in FAI, whose action
we follow closely, we contacted the companions of the Iberian Anarchist Federation, by
mail, informed us that this group is not affiliated with the FAI. Only the Associative
Pact of the Federation was sent to them, at their request. ----
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