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zaterdag 3 november 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 3.11.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  Argentina, Society of Resistance Various Crafts of Capital

      OF THE UNION BUREAUCRACY (ca, it) [machine translation]

2.  Czech, afed: A3: Three times fame - Celebration of the
      Republic! Hurry three times! Get purchased water on a tradition
      of strange deals and discrimination. [machine translation]

3.  vrije bond: [Nijmegen]Stand Your Ground. Nijmegen Against
      Racism Manifestation (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Czech, afed: Anarchists and direct democracy - Why is the
      majority of anarchists inclined to direct democracy?

6.  anarkismo.net: This Halloween...Abolish The Zombie Monarchy
      by        AWSM (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Anarchist group "dwarf horse" APO: LUXURY IN ZORZ AMPDALLA.

      FRIDAY 2 NOVEMBER AT 18.00 [machine translation]


Message: 1

Juan D. Perón celebrating the rise of General Uriburu
The military coup of 1930 begins a cycle in Argentine history of alternation between 
military governments and fraudulent elections that were changing the economic and social 
structure of the country, and of course the labor movement was not alien to these changes. 
The years prior to the coup were of great unemployment for the people, since the crisis of 
1929 started in the United States had reached these shores. The same was already seen 
coming, between the denunciations of the means of the "senility" of Irigoyen and those of 
corruption of the radicals. On September 6, 1930 under Uriburu began the "conservative 
restoration", the first thing he did was to make the warning to thunder the revolutionary 
organizations and their militants.

The repression

His first actions were the publication of the military side whose recipients were the 
unions, the revolutionary organizations and all those who disagree and act against their 
arbitrariness. The anarchist and communist workers were the most persecuted.

The military side published, said:

"Any individual who is caught infraganti crime, against the safety and property of the 
inhabitants, or that violates public services and security, will be passed by arms without 
any form of process."

Throughout the '30s, there were many abuses committed against workers and organizations 
not fearful or respectful of the regime, both during the dictatorship and during democracy 
managed by the conservatives. On September 9, in Rosario, the anarchist and militant 
forist Joaquín Penina was arrested and shot, disappeared for more than 40 years, becoming 
the first disappeared detainee in Argentine history. The imprisonment of militants and 
workers at the Ushuaia prison, the deportations to foreigners and the executions and 
forced disappearances were happening. The anarchists Scarfó and Di Giovanni were shot, 
there was the forced disappearance of Rosigna, Malvicini, Vázquez Paredes and the murder 
of the maritime worker Morán.

The trade unions attached to the FORA were illegal and subjected to unlawful association 
processes, such as the cases of Union Chauffers, (in which three militants were sentenced 
to death, a sentence later commuted to life imprisonment), bakers, car washers , 
Ladrilleros and the so-called "Bragado process" where one hundred anarchists were arrested 
throughout the country and for which three workers were sentenced to prison.

The unions during the dictatorship

During the 1930s there was a gradual consolidation of the unions that had a better 
relationship with the State than other workers' organizations. However, and despite the 
preference of the leaders to channel claims through state administrative channels, the 
idea of independence of workers' organizations of political parties and the State remained 
strong among workers. Almost immediately after the coup, the Argentine Workers 
Confederation (COA) and the Union Union of Argentina (USA) united, giving shape to the 
General Confederation of Labor (CGT). The repressive nature of the dictatorship made many 
unions adopt a defensive position against it to avoid the repression suffered by the FORA, 
although from now on, they did not possess the same revolutionary character. In his first 
statement, the day of his birth, he declared his "neutrality" and said:

"The General Confederation of Labor of the Argentine Republic (...) considers it its duty 
to satisfy its character as an autonomous organization of the working class, independent 
of any political party or ideological grouping, and therefore, dispensing with the actions 
that these lead to cape."

It should be noted that although the FORA was also indifferent to participating in the 
internal struggles that took place between the bourgeoisie, this was due to the position 
it always held with respect to workers' emancipation and that put it in the sights of the 
powerful classes and the Been many years before the coup. Although they had a large number 
of unions, the brand new power station was powerless and chose to avoid the frontal 
confrontation with the de facto government and raised notes with petitions to the State 
about the multiple problems that afflicted the working class, among them unemployment, 
inflation, rents , etc.

In spite of this political disregard, the leaders of the CGT at that time, did have the 
interest of participating in dependencies of the State to, perhaps, ensure the most 
effective resolution of workers' problems without falling into the direct action that 
brought them so many problems. . Because of this, they were much more favorable than 
before to negotiating with the government and began to carry out administrative claims in 
the National Labor Department in a more regular manner.

A sample of the conciliatory attitude that they had before the abuses committed, in this 
case against the workers of the FORA condemned to death, was the request elevated to the 
Executive Power asking for mercy instead of acting with dignity and pressing to prevent 
the condemnation, like years before it had been done by the anarchist workers Sacco and 

"The General Confederation of Labor, representative body of the healthy forces of the 
country, aware of the work of administrative renewal of the provisional government and 
willing to support it as it is in its action of institutional and social justice, on 
behalf of the affiliates of the various guilds who compose it, and exercising the right of 
petition, appears before VS to request, as an act of clemency, that the death penalty 
imposed by the military court on drivers Florindo Ganoso, José Montero and José Santos 
Are, be commuted by the penalty that VS determines.

Convinced this Confederation that the provisional government does not keep in force the 
martial law but to ensure public tranquility and to enforce the prestige and authority of 
the government; even more, understanding that the procedures and sentences have been 
adjusted to the military regulations, promotes this management invoking as a single reason 
the fact that the convicted do not register a police record ".

Such attitude on the part of the leaders fell very badly among the workers and before the 
indignation generated by this appeal, they clarified that the Board "did not hesitate to 
dispense with certain principles, no doubt respectable, but that would have prevented 
their free development before the dilemma that was presented to him, to save three human 
lives. "  A sample of the attitude that over the years and with the gradual abandonment of 
direct action, was becoming increasingly recurrent to reach today, where these principles 
are not present in the ideas of the current trade union bureaucracy , heiress of that of 
the '30s.

The organizations repressed and placed in illegality in any way were able to carry out the 
actions against the dictatorship that the CGT preferred to avoid. We can cite among them a 
campaign of agitation in repudiation of the repressive measures adopted by the de facto 
government carried out by the FORA . On October 7, one month after the military coup, the 
Local Workers' Federation of Buenos Aires (FOLB) called the first strike against the 
dictatorship, and despite the raids and arrests made the previous day by the forces 
repressive, the strike was considered total among the workers of the port and the drivers 
of taxis, trucks and buses. Two weeks later, the FORAdeclares a general strike of national 
projections in protest for the freedom of the prisoners, the freedom of the press, of 
strike and of meeting, the cessation of the deportations and the annulment of the martial 
law. Convened for the days 21 and 22 of October, it had the support of all the unions of 
the FORAof the city and the Buenos Aires suburbs, besides the participation of many 
autonomous unions and those related to the communists enrolled in the CUSC. This strike 
managed to transcend the metropolitan area getting an important impact in the cities of 
Bahía Blanca, Mar del Plata and Santa Fe. These demonstrations showed that all was not 
lost as vast sectors of the people were willing to take to the streets to claim their 
freedoms , risking their lives to put a brake on the advanced fascist.

The first years of the 30s, marked the history of the country laying the foundations of 
successive military dictatorships that attacked the people, until the most terrible in 
1976. At the same time began to change economic policy without breaking the dependence on 
foreigners that the conservatives themselves had maintained throughout the decades prior 
to the coup. As for the workers' movement, the State intensified its mediating role in the 
conflicts, giving more and more space to those who were related to it to channel the 
protest and set aside its affiliated workers.

An attitude that would then intensify more and more to turn that union bureaucracy into 
"the backbone" of the movement that would begin, in the next decade, a member of the 
military dictatorship that toured Spain and Italy in the dark years of European fascism; 
to become from the '60 and '70 one more agent in the murder and delivery of his own people.

------------------------ About us -------------------------------

The " Society of Resistance Various Crafts of Capital " is an inter-union group, which 
brings together workers from different unions with the aim of confronting employer abuses 
and generate resistance against this system of exploitation.

We seek that the workers' organization be again a tool of struggle against capitalism and 
cease to be an apparatus of class conciliation appendages of the State.

We fight the Argentine union model because it is a tool of the State to favor the bosses 
along with the union bureaucracy, entrenched in the power of the unions for years and 
accomplice of all the abuses against the working class. These trade unionists negotiate 
joint and working conditions behind us, generating a vertical, conformist and 
paternalistic culture where we are accustomed to receiving solutions passively, managing 
to channel the anger by demobilizing the workers.

We believe that only through the struggle can we generate a differential force and tilt 
the balance towards the side of the working class.

How we organize ourselves
Our form of organization, continuing and reaffirming the practices and principles of the 
first worker associations of our country, are:

-The assembly as a space for reflection, debate and decision-making.

-Direct action as a daily practice and means of struggle for the defense of our rights and 
the conquest of any proposed objective.

-We join the FORA (Argentine Regional Workers Federation) because  federalism , as a 
system of horizontal organization, has the potential to project towards other cities, 
provinces and countries the egalitarian and anti-authoritarian social relations that we 
develop within our Resistance Society. The Federation has the ability to coordinate common 
struggles, maintaining the power of decision in the different organizations that make it 
up, without leaders or leaders who decide for the majority.

What we want
We intend to build spaces for  participation  and collective decision-making  in the trade 
union activity , whether in the form of groups, internal commissions, parallel unions, 
etc., betting on the will, commitment, equality and solidarity among the workers.

Although our primary objective is the conquest of immediate union demands, our purpose is 
a social change at the root eliminating structures and institutions based on the principle 
of authority, such as the State, Capital, patriarchy and the Church.

To build this new society without exploitation, oppression, classes or hierarchies, based 
on the emancipatory principles of anarchic communism , we need to recover a horizontal, 
federalist, assembly and direct action syndicalism.

For all this, we invite all workers who want to organize against these injustices to 
participate and rebuild a combative and revolutionary labor movement.

For social emancipation
Assemblies to decide
Direct action to win



Message: 2

Generous rescue ---- So we did. Cold geysers of fireworks exploded into the cold, rainy 
darkness, and the soft-spoken speakers were not afraid of worshiping the big day in great 
words. The state had a holiday. Great birthday. Bells in the towers of ancient churches 
sparkled themselves. Certainly the bells of the wooden churches that once moved into the 
country. From the quiet Carpathian mountains, they sometimes went to public parks in the 
1930s, sometimes to private gardens, to remind in the Czech Republic "a civil obligation 
in all circumstances to save and preserve the most expensive property of the whole 
nation." It was then saved in the easternmost territory of the young Republic by a hundred 
and six. Whoever was a businessman (factoryman) or an influential (deputy) saved the 
architectural gem from the backward people of Subcarpathian Russia. It is no wonder that 
on Oct. 28, this gold was also a Czech competitor.

Progress of knowledge

The state-runner was in the shape of different regimes before he lived this hundreds. But 
he overcame all the injustices because his citizens never kept in retreat and did not wait 
for everything to go away, knowing he must overdo it. They did not leave a free field of 
events, and they always interfered with the brightest resistance. And progress has come. 
The great progress that is to be celebrated not only today is, for example, such a 
scientific measurement of inequality. Slow media just say before the anniversary: "The 
state is failing to shrink in the public sector the gap between the earnings of women and 
men. On the contrary, the differences are deepening. "They will forget to add that the 
gender pay gap for the same job was even behind the rotten past regime, and as a ball on 
her leg a poor man has to carry with him. Where could we be in the last thirty years, if 
it did not prevent totalitarianism forty years! And we still have the most effective 
weapon in hand: expert teams, and all ministries have statistics and are writing projects. 
Thanks to them, we now know that it is gender segregation, supported by the market taboo 
imposed on the loud summaries of wages or the stereotypical underestimation of women's 
work. The company that can describe its functioning like this can not fail.

Up to the bottom

And it's a toast that's all about. First quality drinking water is sufficient. There is no 
need for classic SRK (= first slivovitz, rum, contouche, then consistency, equality, 
camaraderie). And with this toast, we will celebrate our most important current trend - 
consume under the banner of ecology. Nowadays it is not enough to enjoy vegetables and 
have a stool in accordance with nature. Today, both the state governor and the radical are 
calling for waste sorting, reducing pollution, restricting the use of PET bottles. Do not 
pay for water in plastic, pay for water from the slot machine! Who would not want to save 
our planet by this simple and cheap way? While some vending machines also use polyethylene 
terephthalate cans - but in turn completely abolish the cultural link of Coca-Cola (which 
began to use the petce first in the world) would be a step back. Civilization advances 
only if it is successfully driven by general consumption. And that can be achieved without 
the bits. Although they were a major driving engine in ninety, because the tap water sold 
in pet shops came about thirty-one times the rail, but thanks to the drinking water 
machines, the economy would not be weakened in the future. Tests have already shown that 
even the location of the slot machine next to the tap of drinking water is not negligible. 
Just as they were not fooled by the drinking water from our public water supply systems 
being strictly controlled, cheaper and not riding anywhere in trucks. Let's get rid of the 
relic of the past, that the communist achievement has everywhere available tap water, 
whose quality is internationally recognized. Many advanced capitalist countries do not 
have such stupidity. but thanks to the drinking water machines, the economy would not have 
weakened in the future either. Tests have already shown that even the location of the slot 
machine next to the tap of drinking water is not negligible. Just as they were not fooled 
by the drinking water from our public water supply systems being strictly controlled, 
cheaper and not riding anywhere in trucks. Let's get rid of the relic of the past, that 
the communist achievement has everywhere available tap water, whose quality is 
internationally recognized. Many advanced capitalist countries do not have such stupidity. 
but thanks to the drinking water machines, the economy would not have weakened in the 
future either. Tests have already shown that even the location of the slot machine next to 
the tap of drinking water is not negligible. Just as they were not fooled by the drinking 
water from our public water supply systems being strictly controlled, cheaper and not 
riding anywhere in trucks. Let's get rid of the relic of the past, that the communist 
achievement has everywhere available tap water, whose quality is internationally 
recognized. Many advanced capitalist countries do not have such stupidity. Let's get rid 
of the relic of the past, that the communist achievement has everywhere available tap 
water, whose quality is internationally recognized. Many advanced capitalist countries do 
not have such stupidity. Let's get rid of the relic of the past, that the communist 
achievement has everywhere available tap water, whose quality is internationally 
recognized. Many advanced capitalist countries do not have such stupidity.


A3 (October 2018) HERE http://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2018-10.pdf to download.

The A3 wall paper is published annually by the Anarchist Federation. They are intended 
primarily for spreading through street lifts or posting in workplaces and schools.



Message: 3

The city of Nijmegen is and always has been anti-racist and anti-fascist. Our history 
shows that we have no tolerance for far-right extremists, something that continues to hold 
true to this day. ---- On Saturday, November 10th, the 80 year anniversary of 
Kristallnacht, the Racial Volunteer Front (RVF), a neo-nazi hate group, will demonstrate 
in our streets. The Racial Volunteer Force (RVF) was founded in 2002 as a neo-nazi 
organization that is known for its violence, racist ideology and their admiration for 
Adolf Hitler. Members of the organization have long criminal records for assault and the 
illegal ownership of firearms. In August 2017, RVF was allowed to demonstrate at the 
"woonboulevard" in Nijmegen and in September 2018 they tried to violently prevent Nijmegen 
residents from restoring the vandalized Refugees Welcome graffiti under the Waal Bridge. 
Now, RVF is directly targeting a social center in the city center of Nijmegen, the Grote 

The Grote Broek has been a symbol of protest and solidarity for almost 35 years. For 
decades, it has continued the struggle for a society based on equality and inclusivity; it 
has always stood its ground against eviction and commercialization, as well as against 
racism and fascism. But it should not be forgotten that De Grote Broek is part of a larger 
community, the city of Nijmegen, which has time and again said no to hate and intolerance. 
That is why when RVF comes to Nijmegen to march through our streets, in an attempt to 
normalize racism, antisemitism,
and sexism, we will stand our ground and defend our city, our community and our values.

grote broek, nazi's, Nijmegen

Vrije Bond Secretariaat



Message: 4

Governmental and capitalist barbarism is intensified through the restructuring policies 
that affect the great social majority every day, while the power administrators resort 
again to the trade of hope promising the beginning of a prosperous period. Propaganda on 
capitalist growth and profitability can not mean anything more than the intensification of 
exploitation, repression, social and class barriers, devaluation of labor, cultivation of 
social cannibalism and the plunder of nature. ---- The attack that unleashes the political 
and economic bosses from the bottom comes to take shape through the exploitative 
conditions they impose, the anti-social and anti-action measures that promote and the 
suppression of all social and class resistance against state and capitalist barbarism. 
This creates a grim reality in which the conditions of social impoverishment and poverty 
are cultivated, as well as the conditions of exclusion and extermination of the weak and 
those who resist, from the concentration camps of immigrants to the killing of Jacques. 
Employing arbitrariness and terrorism, labor killings accused of accidents at work, 
abolition of collective agreements, liberalization of redundancies, exhausting hours, 
opening of shops on Sundays, "white" nights, black Friday, home auctions, arrests of 
redundant workers, and the attempt to criminalize trade union organization and action (CPT 
persecution) are examples of the ever-increasing attack of sovereigns on slaves. As a 
consequence of the downsizing of the bottom, provisions on the strike are ratified, making 
it difficult for prefectures and grassroots unions to declare it, while bureaucratic trade 
union leadership strikes in partnership with employers, devaluing it and attempting to 
weaken this weapon society and workers are in their hands. the arrests of redundant 
workers and the attempt to criminalize the trade union organization and action (CPT 
persecution) are examples of the ever-increasing attack of sovereigns on slaves. As a 
consequence of the downsizing of the bottom, provisions on the strike are ratified, making 
it difficult for prefectures and grassroots unions to declare it, while bureaucratic trade 
union leadership strikes in partnership with employers, devaluing it and attempting to 
weaken this weapon society and workers are in their hands. the arrests of redundant 
workers and the attempt to criminalize the trade union organization and action (CPT 
persecution) are examples of the ever-increasing attack of sovereigns on slaves. As a 
consequence of the downsizing of the bottom, provisions on the strike are ratified, making 
it difficult for prefectures and grassroots unions to declare it, while bureaucratic trade 
union leadership strikes in partnership with employers, devaluing it and attempting to 
weaken this weapon society and workers are in their hands.

Faced with the assault of the bankrupt state of the state and capitalism that impose 
poverty, impoverishment, personalization and fake divisions among the people of our class, 
we choose to fight from the bottom together, locals, migrants, students, students, workers 
and the unemployed . The only real prospect of living with dignity is the organized social 
and class counter-attack of the oppressed and exploited to overthrow the world of power, 
through collective struggles, compassing the building of a society of equality, solidarity 
and freedom.

Against employers' terrorism and state repression, we put forward class solidarity, we 
defend the strike, we take life into our hands. We support the inter-branch and bottom-up 
strike of Nov. 1.

Unable to engage in unprejudiced social and class struggles until the World Social Revolution.

Organization and struggle for Anarchy and Liberal Communism.

Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectives-

Strikes on Thursday 1/11

Athens:  12 m in the Foothills

Anarchist Collectives "Circle of Fire" & "Homicron 72" - members of APO

Demonstration with the Block of the Anarchist Assembly on Social & Tax Charity

Thessaloniki:  12 meters to Kamara

Collectivism for Social Anarchism Black & Red


Message: 5

For most anarchists, voting on political decisions within free associations on the 
principles of direct democracy is a political counterpart of free agreement. The reason is 
that "many forms dominance may arise free ' , nedonucovac s m, contractual í m zp s manner 
... and naive í ... think f e mere plated opposition towards and politically s control 
lead by itself of the end ú pressure " .[Clark, Max Stirner's Egoism]Therefore, the 
relationships that we form within the organization are equally important in determining 
its libertine nature as its voluntary basis. ---- Obviously, individuals need to work 
together to fulfill their lives. Therefore, the individual has three possibilities in 
realizing "human coexistence" in the realization of "human coexistence": "must submit to 
the will of others (to enslave themselves) or to subordinate their will (become the 
representative of power) or to live with others in a  fraternal agreement the highest good 
of all (be in communion). No one can escape this fact. "

It is clear that anarchists choose the last option, the community, as the only means by 
which individuals can function together as free and equal human beings, respecting each 
other's uniqueness and freedom. Only through direct democracy can individuals express 
themselves, critically think, preserve their autonomy, and thus fully develop their 
rational and ethical abilities. In terms of increasing personal freedom, rational, 
ethical, and social abilities, it is better to come from a minority from time to time than 
be subject to the will of the boss all the time. So what is the theory behind anarchist 
direct democracy?

As noted by Bertrand Russell, the anarchist "does not want to overthrow the government in 
terms of collective decisions: he wishes to overthrow the system by means of which the 
decision is enforced over those who oppose it". Anarchists see self-government as a means 
of achieving this idea. Once an individual joins a community or workplace, it becomes an 
element of this community. The community is organized in the form of a gathering of all 
members (in the case of a huge workplace or city, this assembly may be a "subgroup" such 
as a specific unit in the workplace or in the neighborhood). At this meeting, the 
individual's political commitments are outlined in agreement with others. By acting inside 
the community, people must exercise critical judgment and choice, to manage your own 
activity. Instead of a vow of obedience (as in a hierarchical organization such as a state 
or a capitalist enterprise), individuals are involved in shaping their own collective 
decisions, their own commitments to their companions. I.e,

Although the assembly collectively approves the rules governing their communities and is 
bound by them as individuals, they are nevertheless superior to them in the sense that 
these rules can always be modified or abolished. People who collectively form a community 
represent political "authority," but because this "authority" is based on equal human 
relations, instead of subordinate and superior relationships between people and elites, 
this "authority" is non-hierarchical. Proudhon wrote: "Instead of laws, we lay down 
treaties (ie a free agreement). No more laws voted by the majority either, unanimously; 
every citizen, every city, every industrial union, makes its own laws. "

Of course, such a system does not mean that everyone is involved in every decision that 
needs to be made, no matter how trivial it is. Whilst any decision may be taken before the 
assembly (if the assembly decides, probably proposed by a participant), in practice 
certain activities (eg, practical decisions) will be solved by administrators elected by 
the community. That is why, in the words of the Spanish anarchist José Llunas Pujols, that 
"such a group can not write a letter, keep an accounting book, or perform hundreds of 
housework, it can only be done by an individual . " That is why an "administrative 
organization" is needed. Suppose the community is "organized without any governing council 
or any hierarchical authority" , and"Once a week, or more often, he will meet at the 
assembly to resolve all matters necessary for his development" , yet "appoints a 
commission that will only deal with administrative matters . " However, the Assembly "sets 
the commission for a specific set of acts or gives it the necessary mandate" and thus "can 
be completely anarchist . " Although "it follows that these actions are transferred to 
qualified individuals who are pre-empowered to proceed ... it does not mean that the 
college renounces its freedoms . " It should be mentioned that this is based on Proudhon's 
idea, which states that within the workers ' association "all functions are elected and 
the rules subject to approval by individual members" .

Instead of a capitalist or centralized hierarchy, self-government (ie, direct democracy) 
would be the underlying principle of freely associated societies constituting a free 
society. This would apply to a federation of societies, on the principle of which the 
anarchist society will have to function. "All commissions or delegations appointed in 
anarchist societies," as Pujols has rightly claimed, "must be subject to exchange and 
appeal at any time, by the Permanent Electoral Right of a section or sections of their 
choice . " In combination with the "mandate essential" and  "purely administrative tasks 
... then it is not possible for anyone to usurp as much as a bit of authority" . Pujols 
comes back from Proudhon, who demanded twenty years earlier"Implementing a binding 
mandate" guaranteeing that people "do not surrender their sovereignty" .

Through federalism based on elected mandates, anarchists ensure that decisions are taken 
from the bottom. By taking our own decisions, seeking common interests, we will prevent 
others from ruling us. Self-government is indispensable for anarchists to ensure freedom 
within organizations so much needed for dignified human existence.

It can be argued that if you are in a minority, most of you are ruling (S. Brown: 
"Democratic regulation is still a regulation" ). But the concept of direct democracy, as 
we have described, is not necessarily linked to the concept of majority rule. If someone 
finds himself in a minority vote, he or she finds himself before deciding whether to make 
a choice or refuses to accept it as binding. Let the minority have the opportunity to 
exercise its judgment, and the choice is inconsistent with its autonomy and becomes the 
imposition of commitments that it has not accepted freely. Deploying the will by most 
coercive means is at odds with the principles of direct democracy and free association. 
Therefore, the concept of direct democracy can not be a denial of freedom, and in the 
context of free association and voluntarily accepted commitments, the only means by which 
freedom can be developed (as Malatesta,"Individual autonomy is limited by the obligation 
to observe the promises" ). It is not necessary to emphasize that if a minority remains in 
the community, it can constantly remind its proposal and persuade most of its erroneous 

Here we must point out that anarchist support for direct democracy does not mean that we 
think that most are always right. Not at all! The argument for democratic participation is 
not that most are always right but that no minority can be trusted that it will not 
prioritize its interests over the interests of the whole. History demonstrates what common 
sense implies, and that anyone with a dictatorial power (from the head of state, to boss, 
husband, etc.) will use its power to enrich and maintain power at the expense of those who 
are subject to its decisions.

Anarchists realize that most can do and make mistakes. That is why our theory of 
association places great emphasis on minority rights. This can be seen in our theory of 
voluntarily accepted commitments, based on the right of minorities to protest against the 
majority decision, which makes dissent a key factor in decision-making. Carole Pateman 
adds:"If most of them acted in bad faith ... (then) a minority will have to take political 
action, including action of adequate political disobedience, in order to defend its 
citizenship and independence and political union itself ... Political disobedience is only 
one of the possible expressions of active citizenship self-governing democracy is based 
... The social practice of promises includes the right to refuse or to change obligations; 
likewise the practice of voluntarily assumed political obligations is meaningless without 
the practical recognition of the rights of minorities to refuse or to avoid consent or, if 
necessary, to disobey it. "

Apart from relations within the association, we also need to break the relationship 
between the associations. As we can see, the association between associations follows the 
same concept as the union within the association. Instead of an individual operating 
within an association, we have associations operating within confederations. Connections 
between federations in the Confederation operate on the same horizontal and voluntary 
basis as within the association, with the same rights to "voice and leave" for individual 
members and with the same rights for minorities. In this way, society becomes an 
association of associations, a community of communities, a commune of communes, based on 
the maximization of individual freedom, through maximum participation and self-government.

This system of direct democracy fits nicely with anarchist theory. The Malatesta spoke for 
all anarchists when he said that "anarchists reject the rule of majority in general 
governing human societies . " As we can see, the majority has no right to enforce the 
detriment of the minority - a minority can always leave the association and in the words 
of Malatesta, not to "submit to the decision of the majority, even before they even 
suspect what they represent" . Direct democracy within a voluntary association therefore 
does not create "majority rule" nor does it assume that a minority must unconditionally 
submit to the majority. Anarchist advocates of direct democracy therefore follow 
Malatest's argument:"Anarchists certainly realize that in coexistence it is often 
necessary for the minority to accept the majority. Where there is obvious need or benefit 
in doing something, and this requires the consent of all, a handful ought to feel the need 
to adapt to the wishes of many ... But such adaptation on the one hand by one group must 
on the other hand be reciprocal, voluntary, and must come from the awareness of necessity 
and goodwill to prevent a stiff paralysis of the course of social affairs ... "

The minority has the right to withdraw from the association, as well as to take action, to 
protest and to appeal, while the rule adopted by the majority is not principally binding. 
It is rather a purely decision-making tool that allows minority dissent and expression 
(and consideration of) its view, while ensuring that no minority will force its will most. 
In other words, the majority decision is not binding on the minority. To that, Malatesta 
adds that "no one can expect or even wish that someone who is firmly convinced that the 
direction most of them has led to disaster, left his conviction and passively watched, or 
even worse, to support a policy he considers to be wrong . "

Even an individualist anarchist, Lysander Spooner, recognized the usefulness of direct 
democracy when he noted that "all or almost all voluntary associations give a majority or 
some other group of membership less than a whole some limited right to use their own 
discretion as a means to reach a final position . " However, only the unanimous decision 
of the jury (which would "assess the law and  justice of the law" ) could determine 
individual rights provided that this "tribunal fairly represents all the people" since "no 
law can be lawfully enforced and made valid by the association against the welfare, or a 
person of any individual, except when all members of the association agree to ". 
(Spooner's support for the jury is based on the idea that "in practice it would be 
impossible" to unanimously approve all members of the association.)

Direct democracy does not necessarily have to be in conflict with the rights of minorities 
or individuals. In practice, it is possible in anarchist society to imagine that direct 
democracy would be used to make the majority of decisions in most associations (more than 
the absolute majority may be required), combined with the jury system, the system of 
protest / direct actions of minorities and the system of evaluation / protection of 
minority rights / rights. However, specific forms of free decision-making can only be 
created through the practical experience of directly involved people.

Finally, we must emphasize that anarchist support for direct democracy does not mean that 
this solution should be given priority in all circumstances. For example, many smaller 
associations can prefer consensual decision-making. However, most anarchists believe that 
direct democracy within free association is the best (and most realistic) way of 
organizing anarchist principles of personal freedom, dignity and equality.

Source: Anarchist FAQ - Why are most anarchists in the face of direct democracy?

Published in Existence No. 3/2014



Message: 6

On 31st October two members of the British monarchy will be visiting Rotorua, Aotearoa/New 
Zealand as part of a nationwide tour. AWSM has distributed this leaflet in anticipation of 
the visit. ---- Halloween is nearly here and the ghouls are coming out to haunt us. In 
Rotorua they are taking the form of Harry and Meghan Windsor. These two visitors and their 
entourage are about to descend upon us. Who are they? They are pretty masks covering ugly 
political zombies. In any genuinely progressive and democratic society, these parasites 
would have no social influence or special place worthy of anybody's attentions because the 
institution of hereditary monarchy they represent, wouldn't exist. ---- THE BASIC PROBLEM 
---- Hereditary monarchy is unfair and elitist. We are expected to defer to someone simply 
because of their birth. The people in those positions aren't the most intelligent in 
society, the hardest working or the most talented in any way. The order of succession in a 
monarchy specifies a person who will become head of state, regardless of qualifications. 
You are born into it and that's the only way you can get there. Hard work or real talent 
and abilities won't make you a Prince or Queen. As the teenage philosopher Lorde astutely 
put it "We will never be royals".

In some cases it isn't really clear what they do have going for them. In fact it's just 
that their ancestors managed to wrestle power for themselves and made others accept them 
in that role through control of the military and ideological tools such as religion. Then 
they spread their influence across the globe, robbing and plundering along the way. Only 
due to sustained resistance from indigenous people in the colonies (Ireland, India, 
Aotearoa etc) and ordinary people in the ‘motherland' have we reached the stage where the 
monarchy is more of a figurehead than an absolute power. While appearing outwardly strong, 
this form of rule does not make for a society that is at ease with itself. By maintaining 
a privileged royal family, society is diminished because it encourages a sense of 
dependency in people. Instead we should have confidence in ourselves as ordinary working 


Since it is no longer absolute in its powers, the monarchy has been scrambling to justify 
its continued existence and there is an entire media industry and various other apologists 
helping them do this. The result has been a number of arguments that don't really stack up.

For example, that the monarchy is good for tourism. The visit by Charles Windsor and his 
wife Camilla to Aotearoa in 2015 cost the tax payer $1.4 million (Stuff NZ 5/5/16). Not a 
small amount and you have to wonder... why can't they pay for it themselves, the way the 
rest of us have to pay for our own holidays? One justification offered for that visit and 
the upcoming one by Harry Windsor is that they are worthwhile for the tourism spinoffs. 
Though it's hard to show whether that has been the case and even if it was, is that really 
a good enough reason for having them? In the case of Britain itself, research from 
VisitBritain (the national tourist agency) indicates that people go there to see all sorts 
of other attractions rather than for example, Windsor Castle, which is way down the list 
of sites people go to. But so what if it was true anyway? Is selling itself as ‘Better 
than Disneyland' the best the monarchy can come up with?

Oh but the Windsors do heaps for charity. Firstly, in many cases they are aligned with 
some charities on paper and in name only, not doing active work for them. In some cases 
adding their name might raise the profile of that charity but on the other hand, there are 
millions of normal people whose names we don't know, who do tonnes of constructive work 
day after day, often on a voluntary basis. If the monarchy ceased to exist, would those 
charities collapse? It's unlikely.

For those with a financial bent, we sometimes hear that the royals are good value for 
money. In reality, it has been estimated that the cost of the monarchy is 345million 
pounds (https://www.republic.org.uk/sites/default/files/Royal-E...0.pdf). In this regard 
‘the palace' is totally unaccountable, as they are completely exempt from The Freedom of 
Information Act so the public can't get detailed data on how they spend the money working 
people provide them via taxes. They can therefore operate with far greater secrecy than 
other areas of the state. Every now and then a bit of the financial reality gets revealed, 
as the Paradise Papers which came out a few years ago showed. These documents exposed the 
fact that Betty and Charles Windsor were tax dodging, with the funds ending up in 
Carribean tax havens (https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/stories/queen-elizabeth-ii).They can 
also lobby the government and actually have to give their active consent to any government 
bill that challenges their hereditary revenues or property.

There are other minor arguments raised from time to time, but the above seem to be the 
most common.


Some may suggest a series of reforms that they would argue make this parasitic monstrosity 
palatable. Though this really seems pointless. Surely society can function perfectly well 
without humans in unmerited and unaccountable positions of wealth and influence? It would 
seem even these leeches themselves recognise this. Harry Windsor has been quoted as saying 
"Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don't think so, but 
we will carry out our duties at the right time" (NZ Stuff 23/6/17). Well, perhaps it's 
about time we took this arduous burden off their hands.

The question remains, what would replace the monarchy? There are a range of answers to 
that, from the mildest republic to more radical arrangements. As anarchists we argue that 
simply changing rulers is not the remedy. Our position was summed up nicely by the 
activist-worker Alexander Berkman, "We understand that true liberty is not a matter of 
changing kings or rulers. We know that the whole system of master and slave must go, that 
the entire social system is wrong, that government and compulsion must be abolished, that 
the very foundations of authority and monopoly must be uprooted." What Is Communist 
Anarchism (1923)




Message: 7

The French state exterminates fighters ---- On the evening of Wednesday 24/10, two 
comrades from our group were arrested outside the French Institute of Patras, on 
Philophoimenes Street, while writing solidarity slogans to Lebanese fighter Zorz Abdullah. 
---- Employees of the Institute, when they realized them, alerted the police, who also 
arrested them outside the building. After being held for a few hours in Achaia's Chad, 
they were prosecuted for widespread damage jointly and then released. ---- Zorz Abdullah: 
The longest-running political prisoner in Europe ---- Zambala Abdullah is in prison for 34 
years in the French state prison.It was politically active in the early 1970s, at a young 
age, through the lines of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and later 
participated in the founding of the Revolutionary Lebanese Faction. Until his arrest he 
fought against the Israeli state and the occupation regime he imposed on a large part of 
the Palestinian territories and in southern Lebanon. Already, after the six-day war in 
1967 and the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Israel had expanded its sovereignty over the 
Palestinian land, and its growing expansiveness led to its invasion of southern Lebanon 
initially and its advance a few years later , in 1982, to the capital of Beirut and the 
slaughter of thousands of Palestinians in Sambra and Shatila.

Throughout his many years of imprisonment, he will maintain a consistent militant and 
militant stance by engaging in hunger strikes as a sign of solidarity with the prisoners 
in Turkey's white cells, Basque and Palestinian political prisoners and will continue to 
talk and fight for his release Palestine from the Israeli occupation. Although since 1999 
he is entitled to his release, all his applications are rejected by the French state, in 
line with the vengeful demand of the US State and Israel to remain imprisoned for a long 
time as a result of his athletic stance.

Abdullah's case is linked to the struggle of the Palestinian people, who nowadays at a 
great cost to human life is attempting with massive and everyday demonstrations to break 
the suffocating blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip - land, air and sea - with the 
"security wall" that captured Israel and the raids of the Israeli navy and aviation.

On October 24th, Zimbabwe completed 34 years in prison because he was fighting with all 
his might in the just struggle of the Palestinian people because he stood in the face of 
Israeli occupation and the crimes committed by the State of Israel and its allies because 
it still battles across the exploitation and oppression.

The resistance of the Palestinian people to military occupation is a constant thorn in the 
timeless plans of world powers. The poor and excluded from the elemental Palestinians 
despite the exterminating policies that are being carried out against them are not 
delivered, they are fighting for their freedom and dignity. These elements of their 
struggle we want to highlight as anarchists, the capability of the conqueror to fight 
against the mighty conqueror, the ability of the poor and the excluded to revolt under the 
most barbaric conditions. International solidarity wants to create failures within the 
attacking sovereigns by bringing to our foreground our own history, the history of the 
struggles from the bottom that against all the times, create the living reality of freedom 
and solidarity, being the only real embankment in the pursuit of modern totalitarianism.

The persecutions do not stop us for a minute. We stand in solidarity with those who resist 
every corner of the globe, in the struggles of the oppressed for freedom, equality and 
dignity. And we will not let any fighter hostage into the hands of the state!




Anarchist group "dwarf horse" / APO



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