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zondag 4 november 2018
Anarchic update news all over the world - 4.11.2018
Today's Topics:
1. Anarchist group "dwarf horse" APO: LUXURY IN ZORZ AMPDALLA.
FRIDAY 2 NOVEMBER AT 18.00 [machine translation]
2. Tamaki Makaurau Anarchists Like N.Z.: protesting and
engaging in non-violent direct action against the weapons expo in
Palmerston Nort (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #287 - a hundred years ago
- Makhno and Libertarian Ukraine (1917-1921) (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. fda-ifa: Join the Anarchism in America reading group!
5. France, Alternative Libertaire par AL - AL Tract, Against
pesticides, against capitalist agriculture (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. Spain, CNT: Tomorrow, November 3 will take place the
Confederal Plenary of Regionals of the CNT (ca, it) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. Greece, liberta salonica: ANTI-ANTISNITIVE BLOCK [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. Canada, Montreol, Report-back and Notes on the Big Feast
Against the Elections (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
The French state exterminates fighters ---- On the evening of Wednesday 24/10, two
comrades from our group were arrested outside the French Institute of Patras, on
Philophoimenes Street, while writing solidarity slogans to Lebanese fighter Zorz Abdullah.
---- Employees of the Institute, when they realized them, alerted the police, who also
arrested them outside the building. After being held for a few hours in Achaia's Chad,
they were prosecuted for widespread damage jointly and then released. ---- Zorz Abdullah:
The longest-running political prisoner in Europe ---- Zambala Abdullah is in prison for 34
years in the French state prison.It was politically active in the early 1970s, at a young
age, through the lines of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and later
participated in the founding of the Revolutionary Lebanese Faction. Until his arrest he
fought against the Israeli state and the occupation regime he imposed on a large part of
the Palestinian territories and in southern Lebanon. Already, after the six-day war in
1967 and the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Israel had expanded its sovereignty over the
Palestinian land, and its growing expansiveness led to its invasion of southern Lebanon
initially and its advance a few years later , in 1982, to the capital of Beirut and the
slaughter of thousands of Palestinians in Sambra and Shatila.
Throughout his many years of imprisonment, he will maintain a consistent militant and
militant stance by engaging in hunger strikes as a sign of solidarity with the prisoners
in Turkey's white cells, Basque and Palestinian political prisoners and will continue to
talk and fight for his release Palestine from the Israeli occupation. Although since 1999
he is entitled to his release, all his applications are rejected by the French state, in
line with the vengeful demand of the US State and Israel to remain imprisoned for a long
time as a result of his athletic stance.
Abdullah's case is linked to the struggle of the Palestinian people, who nowadays at a
great cost to human life is attempting with massive and everyday demonstrations to break
the suffocating blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip - land, air and sea - with the
"security wall" that captured Israel and the raids of the Israeli navy and aviation.
On October 24th, Zimbabwe completed 34 years in prison because he was fighting with all
his might in the just struggle of the Palestinian people because he stood in the face of
Israeli occupation and the crimes committed by the State of Israel and its allies because
it still battles across the exploitation and oppression.
The resistance of the Palestinian people to military occupation is a constant thorn in the
timeless plans of world powers. The poor and excluded from the elemental Palestinians
despite the exterminating policies that are being carried out against them are not
delivered, they are fighting for their freedom and dignity. These elements of their
struggle we want to highlight as anarchists, the capability of the conqueror to fight
against the mighty conqueror, the ability of the poor and the excluded to revolt under the
most barbaric conditions. International solidarity wants to create failures within the
attacking sovereigns by bringing to our foreground our own history, the history of the
struggles from the bottom that against all the times, create the living reality of freedom
and solidarity, being the only real embankment in the pursuit of modern totalitarianism.
The persecutions do not stop us for a minute. We stand in solidarity with those who resist
every corner of the globe, in the struggles of the oppressed for freedom, equality and
dignity. And we will not let any fighter hostage into the hands of the state!
Anarchist group "dwarf horse" / APO
Message: 2
We, along with other organisations and communities, are protesting (31-10-18) and engaging
in non-violent direct action against the weapons expo in Palmerston North because it is
one of the ways that the capitalist weapons industry sell their weapons to governments
here and around the world. Such governments then use these weapons to perpetuate the
genocidal and ecodical capitalist and statist world system through mass death and
destruction. ---- We've been told that there have been several arrests and instances of
police brutality, including a Maori trans woman suffering a concussion at the hands of the
police. This illustrates that the police exist not to keep communities safe but to
perpetuate capitalism, colonialism, statism and the other hierarchical social structures
that are the cause of our problems.
Therefore, opposition to and abolition of the police and the capitalist weapons industry
is love for humanity and the Earth.
Message: 3
When one thinks of the Russian Revolution of 1917, it is common to oppose the reactionary
forces, the " whites ", to the revolutionaries, the " reds ". It is nevertheless
necessary to return to the role of a third component: that of the Anarcho-Communists of
Ukraine, led by Nestor Makhno, who are experimenting with true self-management from
November 1918. ---- This self-managing experience is embedded in an island lost in the
immensity of the former tsarist empire that shattered under the blows of a Revolution
dominated by the statist vision and authoritarian Bolsheviks. Rich in fertile land,
Ukraine offers incomparable crops. Considered the " breadbasket of Europe ", this region
has always been marked by a strong feeling of insubordination. " Whatever were the
efforts of the Tsars since Catherine II to erase the spirit of the Ukrainian people all
trace of" Volnitza "(Free Life), the legacy of the war era XIV es - XV are centuries
and" Zaporozhian camp » [1], was preserved anyway, and to this day the peasants of
Ukraine have kept a particular love of independence. This love manifested itself in a
stubborn resistance against any power seeking to subjugate them " . [2]
Ukraine in the revolution
This reality explains why the effects of the October Revolution were felt only later in
Ukraine. While in Great Russia, the Czar Nicholas II abdicates in March 1917, and that
Kerensky took the head of the provisional government, is set up in Ukraine a parallel
power led by the nationalist petty bourgeoisie, eager to recreate an independent state.
This movement, led by Vinitcheuko and Petlioura, settled mainly in the north of the
country. In the South, the peasant masses, under the influence of strong-rooted anarchist
groups, broke away to form a revolutionary current which, in December 1917 and January
1918, expelled the big landowners and began to organize itself the sharing and land and
plant development. Everything is called into question when, on March 3, 1918, Lenin and
the Bolshevik Party sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which delivers to the Austro-German
armies Ukraine. The local counterrevolution raises the head. The occupier immediately
restores the nobles and the landowners (the agrarians) in their privileges. The
appointment of Skoropadsky as head of the Central Rada (Parliament) marks the return to
Tsarism and the privileges of the powerful. The owners, who had been hunted a short time
before, hastened, in the spirit of revenge, to tighten their hold on the people, who were
beset by the violence and robbery of the occupying troops. Faced with this double
violence, the whole people stands up. The insurrectional movement of the peasants and the
workers declares itself for the integral revolution, with as end the complete emancipation
of the work. We attend, then, to a simultaneous organization of bodies of free-rifle
partisans, without any slogan coming from any political party but by the peasants
themselves. The violence and reprisals of the Ukrainian Rada, supported by the
Austro-German troops, are bloody (June-July-August 1918). The need for a response to the
repression is felt. It will be the anarchist group of the city of Gulyai-Polie that will
take the initiative. Within it, will stand out a leader of the first order, Nestor Makhno.
The need for a response to the repression is felt. It will be the anarchist group of the
city of Gulyai-Polie that will take the initiative. Within it, will stand out a leader of
the first order, Nestor Makhno. The need for a response to the repression is felt. It will
be the anarchist group of the city of Gulyai-Polie that will take the initiative. Within
it, will stand out a leader of the first order, Nestor Makhno.
Batko Makhno
Nestor Makhno is from the region of southern Ukraine, land of Cossacks made famous by the
novelist Nikolai Gogol and his "Tarass Boulba". Son of poor peasants, in adolescence,
after the abortive revolution of 1905, he joined the anarcho-communist organizations that
were then constituted in Ukraine. After an attempted attack on the local governor, he was
arrested by Okhrana, the tsarist police, with 13 of his comrades and sentenced to death.
His sentence was commuted to forced labor in perpetuity by the Tsar because of his young
age. His rebelliousness and his permanent insubordination make him spend most of his time
in isolation. He takes the opportunity to learn and devour the classics of Russian
literature. He sits there, too, his political formation through the writings of the
libertarian thinkers. In prison, in the humidity of the dungeons, he contracts a
tuberculosis which he will never cure and which will eventually prevail.
The insurrection in Moscow on 1 st March 1917, will enable him to regain his freedom and
returned to Gulyai-Polye, where he received a hero's welcome. The inhabitants and
residents have a nickname, which can surprise because of its ideals, " Batko " (the
Father or guide), which demonstrates the confidence it feeds the oppressed masses of the
land of Ukraine. He left for Moscow to perfect his militant education. There he meets the
old anarchist Piotr Kropotkin but also another figure of the Russian libertarian movement,
Peter Archinov which he will become the friend.
Back in Ukraine, Makhno is then charged by a revolutionary committee to form battalions of
struggle against the occupying and central Rada of Hetman Skoropadsky. He takes part in
numerous meetings, multiplying the calls to the general insurrection. During one of them,
he tells the crowd: " To conquer or die - here is the dilemma that stands before the
peasants and workers of Ukraine at this historic moment. But to die all we can not, we are
too much. We are humanity. But we will not win to repeat the example of past years, put
our fate to new masters " . [3]
When the occupying armies protecting the Hetman are recalled to their country after the
defeat of the Germanic bloc on the Western Front, it is the rout of the owners, who are
fleeing abroad.
Begins, then truly, the mass self-management experience in Ukraine and the implementation
of the libertarian organization theory. An experiment which by its ethics and spirit is in
direct opposition to Bolshevik achievements in Great Russia and the establishment of the
Soviet state.
Self-managed agrarian communes
Until the flight of Skoropadsky, the movement was marked mainly by feats of arms where
Makhno and his followers, by their guerrilla practice, perform miracles. Intrepid
cavaliers, they melt on the enemy taking him by surprise. " The speed of movement was
Makhno's special tactic. Thanks to her and also the extent of the area, he always appeared
unexpectedly, to where we least expected " . [4]With the unification of the North and
South regions of Ukraine, the Makhnovists specify a plan of organization of the oppressed
during the first congress of the Confederation of anarchist groups that takes the name of
Nabat (the Tocsin) .
The main decisions are: the rejection of privileged groups ; mistrust of all political
parties ; the negation of any dictatorship and the principle of the state (including
workers) ; the rejection of a " transitional " period of " dictatorship of the
proletariat " ; the self-leadership of the people through workers 'and peasants' councils
These different provisions oppose the Bolsheviks' vertical and authoritarian vision in the
rest of the country. It is through pedagogy that the Ukrainian libertarian movement
presents and explains its ideas to workers, without, however, trying to impose them. The
insurrectional army is defined as a group of self-defense, because, for Makhno and his
followers, the anarchist ideal of happiness and general equality can not be achieved
through the effort of an army, whatever it may be. even if it is formed exclusively by
Thus, one can read in The Way to Freedom (Makhnovist organ): " The revolutionary army,
in the best of cases, could serve for the destruction of the old abhorred regime ; for
constructive work, edification and creation, any army which, logically, can only rely on
force and command, would be utterly powerless and even detrimental.
For the anarchist society becomes possible, it is necessary that the workers themselves in
factories and enterprises, farmers themselves in their villages, begin to build the
anti-authoritarian society, waiting to nowhere decree-laws ".
For six months (from November 1918 to June 1919), there is a real anarchist experience in
which the population lives without any power, thus creating new forms of social relations.
In addition to the direct management of factories by workers on the basis of economic
equality, Free Communes are created, which in 1936 will inspire the farming communities of
Catalonia and Aragon. In his memoirs, Nestor Makhno writes:
" Most of these agrarian communes were composed of peasants, some of whom included both
peasants and workers. They were based above all on the equality and solidarity of their
members. All men and women worked together with perfect consciousness, whether they worked
in the fields or were employed in domestic work. The kitchen was common. The refectory
also. Members were also required to get up early and get to work immediately with oxen,
horses, and other household chores. Everyone had the right to be absent when he wished,
but he had to warn his nearest working companion so that he could replace him during his
absence. The work program was established in meetings where everyone participated. They
then knew exactly what they had to do (...) A new state of mind is born from these
experiences, because the peasants quickly come to consider this free communal system as
the highest form of social justice. Thus, the members of the group were made to the idea
of collective unity in the action and especially in the reasoned and fruitful action. They
were accustomed to naturally trust one another, to understand each other, to appreciate
each other sincerely in their respective fields. The workers of the communes set to work,
to the sound of free and joyous songs, reflecting the soul of the revolution. They were
sowing, gardening full of self-confidence, resolved not to allow the old owners to take
this land again.» [5]
At the level of the exchanges with the cities, the peasants reject any intermediary.
Without going through the structures of the state, they provide the workers with cities of
fruits, cereals and food, in exchange for which the workers will exchange their products,
on the basis of reciprocal estimation and mutual aid, such as has defined in his work, The
conquest of bread , Kropotkin. On the educational level, Francisco Ferrer's pedagogical
principles are applied in schools. Masters are recruited all over Russia. Among them: a
figure of Russian anarchism, Voline who will become a faithful companion of Makhno.
Rather Denikine
The model of free communism that is developing in Ukraine is based on values that are at
odds with what the Bolshevik power is putting into practice in the rest of Russia. In the
countryside, there is no question of free association of the moujiks [6]as in Ukraine. On
the contrary, they are forced to integrate state farms, led by People's Commissars. In the
factories, workers and workers do not authorize the means of production. On the contrary,
they find themselves attached to their machines as in the dark times of tsarism. And often
the foremen who shout their orders in the workshops remain the same as before 1917. The
control and discipline are applied with the same severity, by means of a Worker's Booklet
which connects the exploited to their place of work . The press is muzzled. Opposition
parties, including other revolutionary forces, severely repressed.
The " Communism of Barracks " of the Bolshevik Party must nevertheless deal with the
libertarian reality prevailing in Ukraine. Revolutionary legitimacy is anti-authoritarian,
and whether they like it or not, Lenin must do with it. And especially since a common
enemy threatens the Revolution in Ukraine: the monarchist troops of General Denikin. An
agreement between Bolsheviks and Makhnovists formalizes this sacred union of circumstance
against the " whites ". Leon Trotsky recognizes the merits of Makhno's insurgent
revolutionary army, whose fighters are called " brave partisans ". On the ground,
Denikin's troops are stopped in their progress. At the political level, however, and
despite the unity of action with the " blacks ", the Kremlin increasingly bears the
existence of this " other communism ", which is developing in Ukraine and threatens to
spread to the rest of the country.
The agreement is broken. The Bolshevik regime hardens and accentuates the repression in
the rest of the country against the libertarians. Prisons fill up with anarchists. The
Nabat newspaper is forbidden. The vise tightens around Makhno and his followers. Conscious
of the seriousness of the situation, the Makhnovists convene a Congress of Workers,
Peasants and Partisans Delegates . Trotsky is formal: Anyone attending this Congress will
be arrested. He adds: " It is better to surrender the whole Ukraine to Denikin than to
allow an expansion of the Makhnovist movement: the movement of Denikin as being openly
counter-revolutionary could easily be compromised by the class way, while the
Makhnovstchina develops at the bottom of the masses and raises precisely the masses
against us ". [7]The Makhnovist army is facing setbacks in the field against " white "
armies . Trotsky multiplies the attacks: inadequacies of the self-management command of
Makhno's " black " army , accusations of looting and anti-Semitism. Pure slanders,
Makhno is committed precisely to condemn any type of abuse within his troops. [8]The
damage is done. Trotsky and the Bolsheviks prepare the ground to justify the final blow
that will put an end to the libertarian dreams of the rebellious Ukraine.
Militarily, the situation goes from bad to worse: half of Makhno's troops are decimated by
an epidemic of typhus. Faced with the forces of Denikin, the " blacks " and " reds "
retreat. Situation all the more worrying as opened a new front with the armies " white
From Wrangel, who come to lend a helping hand to those of Denikin. New circumstance
agreement between Trotsky and Makhno in the face of the common enemy. Makhnovstchina still
agrees to help the Red Army. The tsarist danger definitively eliminated, the Bolsheviks
implement their plan to eliminate the black army. Makhno intercepts three messages from
Lenin to Rakovsky, president of the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine. The orders
are clear: stop all anarchist militants and judge them as criminals of common law. The
Makhnovist movement is beaten. Soon it will be the turn of the Commune of Kronstadt to
fall. This is the Bolshevik model, " that turned Great Russia into a huge prison "who
triumphs. In August 1923, Makhno, exhausted, chased by the Cheka [9], fled to Romania,
then Poland, to finally end his life in Paris in misery and abandonment.
Jérémie Berthuin (AL Gard)
[1] Zaporogues, a term meaning " beyond the rapids ". It refers to the name of the
Ukrainian Cossacks, from 1552 to 1775, who fought against Tatars, Poles, Ottomans and
Russians. Although led by a military and political leader, the Hetman, decisions were made
in common, according to the principles of direct democracy, within the framework of the
Zaporozhye Assembly.
[2] Piotr ARCHINOV, The History of the Makhnovist Movement , page 39, Bélibaste Publishing
, 1969.
[3] Idem, page 62.
[4] VOLINE, The unknown revolution , page 527, Belfond editions, 1986
[5] Nestor Makhno, The Russian Revolution in Ukraine, 1918-1921 , pages 188-189, Belfond
[6] Poor farmers.
[7] Piotr ARCHINOV, The History of the Makhnovist Movement , page 212, Bélibaste Editions,
[8] " Was Nestor Makhno anti-Semitic ? » , Published in Alternative Libertaire, September
[9] Political police of the Bolshevik party that will later become, under Stalin, the GPU.
Message: 4
Read and discuss texts on anarchism in the USA, its history, and its various strands in an
informal setting. The group meets Fridays, 17:00-19:00 at Black Pigeon, Scharnhorststraße
50, in Dortmund. ---- Language of discussion will depend on group members‘ preference and
decided on-site. Regular attendance is not mandatory. ---- The first meeting will be on
Friday, November 16, 2018. The first discussion topic will be "Defining Anarchism": ----
Emma Goldman, "Anarchism: What It Really Stands For"; Voltairine de Cleyre, "Anarchism &
American Traditions." ---- A reader including all texts can be found here: Word DOC ----
Further dates: ---- November 23: Haymarket ---- August Spies, "Address to the Court";
Voltairine de Cleyre, "At the Grave at Waldheim"; Kenneth Rexroth, "Waldheim." ----
November 30: Individualist Anarchism
Josiah Warren, "Manifesto"; Benjamin Tucker, "State Socialism and Anarchism"; Bob Black,
"The Abolition of Work."
December 7: Anarcha-Feminism
Voltairine de Cleyre, "Sex Slavery"; Peggy Kornegger, "Anarchism: The Feminist
Connection"; Gay Liberation Front: Manifesto
December 14: Anarchism & Education
Francisco Ferrer, "Reform of the School" (1913); Paul Goodman, from Compulsory
Miseducation, chapters 9-11 (1969)
January 11: Sacco and Vanzetti
Robert D'Attilio, "The Sacco and Vanzetti Case"; Bartolomeo Vanzetti, "The Story of a
Proletarian Life"; Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, "Sacco and Vanzetti"; Edna Millay,
"Justice Denied in Massachusetts"; John Dos Passos, "They Are Dead Now"
January 18: Anarcho-Syndicalism
Rudolf Rocker, from Anarchosyndicalism; Langston Hughes, "Spanish Civil War Broadside";
Noam Chomsky, "Notes on Anarchism"
January 25: Christian Anarchism
Adin Ballou, "The Superiority of Moral over Political Power"; Dorothy Day, "Wealth, The
Humanity of Christ, Class War"; "The Family vs Capitalism"
February 1: Eco-Anarchism
Henry David Thoreau, "Where I Lived, and What I Lived For"; Murray Bookchin, "Society and
Ecology" (final section)
February 8: Post-Colonial Anarchism
Ashanti Alston, "Black Anarchism," Ricardo Flores Magon, "Land and Liberty."
Discussion Group on Anarchism in America
[zur Info: diese Reihe orientiert sich an den Texten der Lehrveranstaltung "American
Message: 5
The fight against pesticides, which contribute to the destruction of ecosystems, is
inseparable from the more global struggle against the capitalist mode of production
applied to agriculture. Against the race for profit, defend the return to a peasant and
social agriculture. ---- Beyond indignation ... ---- World War II research into the
production of chemical weapons has resulted, since 1945, in the development of
increasingly potent and dangerous pesticides. These pesticides are intended to destroy on
a large scale all insects, " weeds " or other pests that are outside the crop. ----
These pesticides find their place in a particular form of agriculture: industrial
agriculture, based on mass production and the race for profit. In this form of agriculture
directly linked to capitalism, there is no question of working with nature to obtain food
resources but to exploit as much as possible the soil and ecosystems to maximize
production in the short term. This form of agriculture has already destroyed many
ecosystems and created irreversible disorders at the scale of what we can live or measure.
Tract against pesticides
Download here
Requiring the ban on pesticides means demanding a way out of the impasse in the agri-food
industry, of which farmers are the first victims. Agricultural spaces must be redefined as
living spaces and this will not be done without the peasants.
...the action
How to fight against this system ? The " poppy movement " aims to act at the municipal
level to stop pesticides. The goal is to maintain pressure until the next election. We can
discuss the margin of maneuver available to municipalities that are losing almost all
their management skills to the benefit of communities of municipalities. And are these
institutions able to change anything on this topic at the territorial level ?
The action against the capitalist agricultural system, which led to the massive use of
pesticides, can not be limited to that. We must also, here and now, re-establish links at
the local level, relying on forms of direct democracy, to carry out concrete actions on
our territories.
With this in mind, it is urgent to go and talk with the peasants, especially since the
elections of the chamber of agriculture take place in December. Trade unions are the main
decision-makers in the territories in terms of agricultural policy. It is necessary to
support an anti-pesticide trade unionism, anti-authoritarian, for the maintenance of the
peasantry and a local agriculture on a human scale. Strong support for such a union could
not immediately change the constitution of chambers that are overwhelmingly owned by the
agro-industrial union, but could support a line of action combative and completely legitimate.
Beyond that, we must continue to explain how the use of pesticides is just one facet of a
global production system that leads us directly to disaster. It is this whole capitalist
system that we will have to reverse to reinvent societies capable of responding to the
needs of human beings without destroying nature.
Message: 6
The Confederal Plenary of Regionals is after the Congresses, the most important event for
the entire CNT, which is attended by a delegation from each Regional Plenary of the CNT
---- The most important social and trade union issues that will be debated in this plenary
are: ---- -From the different views of the 8M assemblies and the position of the CNT
colleagues a new General Strike call will be evaluated for this next March 8 .
-Posteriormente you will see the possibility of starting from different social and labor
issues such as health, education, various labor reforms, the problem of gender at work,
housing, repression and freedom of association, starting work for go building the
confluences that lead to mobilizations that can lead to another General Strike in the
medium term.
-In turn, the statutes of the International Confederation of Workers (CIT-ICL) that have
been put in common with the other sections (unions of other countries) such as the USI
(Italian), the FAU will be ratified or not. (German), the IP (Polish), the IWW (Great
Britain), ESE (Greece), the FORA (Argentina), the IWW (North American), the FOB
(Brazilian) ....
The work carried out by the delegation of the CNT in the congress of the International
Confederation of Workers, which represented last May in Parma (Italy) the entire CNT for
the formation of this new international workers will also be valued.
Finally, it will be ratified or not, the assumption of the International Secretariat of
the CIT-ICL for a period of two years and which person will be the one appointed by the
different CNT unions to assume that responsibility.
Permanent Secretariat of the Confederal Committee
Message: 7
(By addressing to a dead fascist) "Now your dreams are nesting in your mischievous skull,
your dreams are empty, your breasts are empty.[...]and your memory of life meaningful will
dirty, / it will be a stigma, a spot in the snow snow " ---- The stigma, Fotis Angles ----
The other day, the armed fascist Constantine Katsifas, the emperor of "Hellas or Death,"
found him second when he was involved with police forces in the neighboring country.
Because we do not report, but politically, and since we have ever hidden our
anarchist-anti-fascist identity, we are indifferent to the conditions of death of any
fascist. What we are concerned with is whether his death is a springboard for fascism and
nationalism to rise, complementary forces that premeditate, nurture and nourish
intolerance, racism and, ultimately, war. The state and the ruling class, therefore, not
only divide society into classes, but also artificially divide mankind into nations,
religions and other subdivisions, according to its desirable tactics, divide and reign.
Convince, so,
On the occasion of the death of the young fascist, Sacred Loch calls for mobilization to
gather people into his Nazi shop, trying to despise the world to the hate lines against
the different, the altogether, the ultimately the poor and the weak. The action of
fascists in the city on the occasion of and the cause of the Macedonian revival is well
known. Every time nationalist space gave them space, the fascists carried on modern
Nuremberg nights, with a pogrom in the center of town, attacks on hangouts and
occupations. The relations between state and paratroopers are key-locked relations: where
the government does not reach the institutional means that passes, the action of the
fascists, the caressed children, comes to an end. Their action is triggered not simply
disorienting for society but suppressing.
Do not believe that anyone who raises national banners spitting hatred for a neighbor is a
hero, a "patriot" or (even) physiological. Fascism and nationalism are nothing but a
cheap, erratic and indivisible ideology. A dead fascist is a lesser obstacle on the road
to social liberation. Against the logic of the intertwining of this world, we show our
steady anarchist position of solidarity, organization, struggle against the state, its
capital, and its laziness, the fascists.
We call again the world of the movement, organizations, collectives, anti-fascists to
stand out as anti-nationalist blockade in their plans. From the bottom of this world we
have no illusions that we have nothing to divide. Against the "heroes" who are nazi and
media-makers, the only heroes that we accept to exist are the people who see themselves in
the cause of the movement, on the road to the social revolution. These heroes, small and
everyday, who do not fit under any national flag, are the only ones who are constantly
fighting for a more human life, against modern totalitarianism and fascism. We are,
ultimately, those who preserve the value of life, we do not subdue the flag even in
difficult times. Faith, organization, counterattack.
VELIZELOS STATH 31/10 at 18:00
collectivity for social anarchism "Black & Red"
member of the Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectives
Message: 8
Late on election night, dozens of black flags lined the streets just south of Lafontaine
park. Discarded in the midst of an altercation with riot police who shot canisters at us,
broke us up, and temporarily shattered our togetherness, they remained, at least
momentarily, scattered across the pavement, there to mark our passage. A passage too
short. A passage not nearly close to sweet. ---- The demo began around 10pm. The lighting
of a pink smoke grenade marked the beginning of what was going to be a brief but fiery
display of resistance. Fireworks splintered and splattered, dying out among the trees.
Cops had been roaming around since the beginning of the banquet, at times hiding behind
their unmarked vehicles, but for the most part, staring at us from a distance, as if
trying to locate the one transgression, infraction, crime, that would later serve as a
justification for the barrels of tear gas they were preparing to unload on us.
As we made our way south bound, a woman exiting the Notre-Dame Hospital tripped and fell.
Almost immediately, a dozen or so comrades stopped to offer her a hand. They didn't know
how to help her. And with riot cops charging at us from behind, they knew that they
couldn't offer her anything beyond their awkward, split-second presence. Flaming tear gas
cans filled Plessis street and the hospital parking lot. Some of us ran south-east,
cutting through that very same parking lot as if avoiding the Wrath. But it was too late.
Our stones had landed. Their precious patrol cars had already been dented, their
aggressive, obnoxious machismo irreversibly mollified. Others continued down Plessis,
smashed a Desjardins bank, and, dwindling in number, stumbled upon the PQ's Election Night
gathering at Usine C where they delivered a brief fuck-you to the bourgeois elements
assembled there before needing to escape increasingly confident police charges, dispersing
through parks, backyards and alleyways.
The dents we left behind and the flags that we were forced to abandon only minutes into
the protest have earmarked your world for destruction. Our dents, our black fabric strewn
across your peaceful city roads harbour a world diametrically opposed to yours-a world
impatiently awaiting the moment of its revolutionary release, a world no riot cop, no
corporate chemical canister will ever be able to contain. A world reviled by even the
thought of being asked to elect rulers.
A world in which unaccountable elites are replaced with temporary, revocable assignments
open to all. A world in which we would loathe to abandon our decision-making powers to
wealthy ‘socialist' upper-class poster boys who see fit to plaster their unblemished faces
on our street corners, choosing instead to safeguard them jealously against those who,
under the guise of development and progress-always development and progress-are
oh-so-ready to usurp what is rightfully ours, eager and willing to act on behalf of their
nameless masses. Wealthy upper-class poster boys who on this very night (October 1st) and
for the next four years will greedily suckle champagne from the teats of stingy,
blood-thirsty Capital while the rest of us are peacefully tear-gassed.
Starting today, and for the next four years, elected CAQ officials will continue to
exacerbate racial tensions, implementing an immigration policy that openly seeks the
subordination of migrants and racialized people. Absent any mechanisms by which to hold
these officials accountable, we will have to take up tried and tested grassroots tactics
as well as imagine and re imagine new ones-ones better suited to a world so (not so?)
thoroughly surveilled. The bureaucratic and violent mechanisms through which the state
enacts it's white supremacist policies will have to be undermined, thwarted, or else
thoroughly destroyed.
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