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dinsdag 6 november 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 6.11.2018

1.  France, Alternative Libertaire par AL Montpellier -
      Montpellier: antimilitarism today (fr, it, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL #287 - Web-series: " Mad
      Marx " will make you love the apocalypse (fr, it, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  Poland, rozbrat: Report from Ende Gelande Jackdaw [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Greece, Anarchist group "Disinnios Ippos" APO: FREEDOM TO

      NOVEMBER, 18.00, AT
      FRENCH INSTITUTE (FILOPOIMENES 54) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Holand, Vrije Bond: Change in starting point No One Is
      Illegal demonstration due to expected high turn-out (nl)

6.  Britain, narchistcommunist group ACG: Crime and Anarchy


Message: 1

Thursday, November 8 at 19h at the Gerbe, 19 rue Chaptal, a debate is organized by the 
Nuclear Decree 34, AL 34, the Assembly against state violence and for Liberty, the CNT 
Education Health Social 34, the NPA and the UAF group of the CGA. It will focus on the 
news of antimilitarism a few days before the commemoration of the centenary of November 
11, 1918. The debate will be preceded by a shared meal.



Message: 2

A crazy series, communist parody of Mad Max, completely self-produced and with a superb 
soundtrack that will make you love black metal and hardcore punk ? Inevitably, Libertarian 
Alternative could not miss. We present you Mad Marx, new web series "  post-apo and 
libertarian  " ! Meeting with the director, Mathias and the interpreter of Marx the fool, 
Henry. ---- Libertarian alternative: ---- Season 1 is released on September 15, where we 
discover the two main characters in a world in ruins. What is this story ? ---- We follow 
Romane, a working class hero locked up for ten years in an experimental prison. When she 
leaves, she discovers that the world is nothing more than a dangerous field of ruins. In 
search of her sister, she meets an old eccentric, Marx the Fool, who wants to make her the 
glorious instigator of a whimsical revolution. Along the way, they will remake the world 
and meet characters all more absurd or crazy than the others.

How was born such a delusional project ?

Henry (Marx): Simply enough. We were all a band dreaming of a sweet mixture of cinema and 
freedom. Mathias had the crazy idea of a post-apo-anarcoco. We all rushed in, first having 
fun then more and more seriously, it gave Mad Marx.

Mathias: Mad Marx was a bit like doing something to us, with our own means. An opportunity 
to learn cinema freely, practicing. Initially, as a motor, a desire to create something 
collective that resembles us and amuses us. I think it could have taken any form, Mad Marx 
could have been a symphony, but as the cinema was something that spoke to us collectively, 
it was a web series.

What does it mean to shoot a series in self-production and self-management ?

Mathias: To keep our freedom we decided to produce Mad Marxourselves, without knowing 
anything about budgeting a movie. The equivalent of a Smic was raised, invested in a 
rudimentary material and, thanks to 200 volunteers, the film was able to see the light of 
day. It has been written in several hands and the posts have turned a lot, the cameramen 
have made costumes, the actors have also been make-up artists, etc. There was no role less 
important than another or assigned to a genre. Over time, people found affinities in a 
particular job, so there was not much reason to exchange roles, except learning or 
curiosity, always. It also had to remain effective to make quick decisions on the set. You 
imagine doing a GA and vote on the utility of redoing this or that plan in front of a set 
with 30 extras wading in the mud away from home? (laughter)

Why can we say that the series has a libertarian, feminist dimension ?

Mathias: The strength of Mad Marx is to spread an anticapitalist vision assumed in a 
pleasant format that we see everywhere today and which is unfortunately abandoned by the 
extreme left: the series. It is a sincere political and militant step on our part that 
allows us to participate in the revolutionary effort ! The bet was also to reconcile 
revolution and underground. The latter is increasingly emptied of its political substance 
and conquered by the right. The black metal of the BO for example, is currently gangrenous 
by the extreme right but sees born a scene RABM (Red and Anarchist Black Metal) that one 
put forward. We decided to unravel the roles, in the scenario as on the set. This is where 
the most feminist dimension ofMad Marx in my opinion. Apart from Marx, the king and queen 
defined by sex and age, any other Mad Marx character is asexual and is interpreted by the 
person who best plays the role.

Do you consider Mad Marx as a "  militant  " series ? And are you ?

Mathias: We are very bad students in a way of activism since we have not read Capital and 
we can not quote you Bakunin (laughs) . But making a film is a commitment in itself, and 
an extremely time-consuming daily investment. We think that Mad Marx is more militant than 
us. In any case that's what we want. It is a tribute to the struggles of the XX th century 
and underground cultures. Mad Marx is also firm in his political positions and ideals. We 
see it as a series made to warm the hearts of activists, and a pop object to reinvent, to 
pasticher. Our greatest pride would be to see replicas of Mad Marxon banners of 
demonstrations, or to see Peruvian black blocks put on Romanesque masks before breaking 
shop windows (laughs) .

Season 1 is on YouTube. How do you make it available and what do you plan for next ?

We will do a VOST abroad and try to find a freer broadcasting platform than YouTube in 
parallel. We also rely on squats and event organizers to broadcast Mad Marx as freely and 
widely as possible, do not hesitate to contact us ! For the rest, we will see the welcome 
and the returns we have and we will talk about it after a well deserved break !

Interviewed by Benjamin (AL Angers)



Message: 3

At a time when successive government and world reports indicate that only a dozen or so 
years left till climate change, more and more people get involved in the fight to protect 
our future. One of the forms that this struggle is taking is the recently emerging climate 
camps (also the Polish Climate Camp), as well as civic disobedience actions against coal 
policy. For several years, these actions include Ende Gelande (end of the road) taking 
place in various lignite mines (as the most soiled, and thus the most contributing to 
climate change). ---- This mobilization was of a special nature. It took place in the Ruhr 
area near the city of Cologne, where for 6 years activists have blocked the felling of the 
Hambach forest for the expansion of the mine of the same name. It is one of the last 
fragments of natural forest in Germany. At centuries-old oaks, they built houses on trees, 
and set up various barricades on the roads. This year, however, the authorities of RWE, to 
which the mine belongs, trying to accelerate with the investment, together with the 
police, started the largest and the most expensive evacuation of forest inhabitants in the 
history of post-war Germany. Thousands of people supporting the defenders or joining them 
were passing through the forest during it. The police consistently moved forward, but two 
more were created in place of each destroyed barricade. The death of an independent 
journalist was a tragic moment of the fight, which due to police actions fell from the 
height of 15 meters. By decision of the court, the cut was suspended for this year. In 
spite of this, the state authorities, together with RWE and the local police, are 
continuing to wage war with the defenders of the forest. They want to clear the forest 
from acywistów to the end, because they are the forces of leftist extremists, hostile to 
the German state and capitalism. Therefore, the motto of this year's Ende Gelande was "One 
struggle, one fight: Ende Gelande Hambi Bleibt" (one move, one fight: Ende Gelande, Hambi 

We have taken together a total of 8 people from Poznan for this protest. Our first stop on 
Thursday night was Berlin, where we had to meet other people from Poland, get on a special 
train, coming from Prague and carrying only 1000 activists going to the action. However, 
he already had a significant delay due to police checks on the Czech-German border. We 
arrived at Duren, which was our final station, at about 10 o'clock. From there, a common 
march was planned for a legal demonstration to the place of the camp. The police decided 
to prevent this and demanded to check the identity of every person who came by train. 
Nobody, of course, would agree to this. The case went to the administrative court, and in 
the meantime we organized a picnic, first on the platform and then in front of the station 
building. During this process, the police pulled out individual people and controlled 
them. One of the most expressive moments of this was when the services began singling out 
musicians from the brass band one by one, and those in the increasingly truncated band 
continued their song. Finally, after a few hours we received a decision from the court, 
which stated that the police activities are unjustified, but they are not illegal. Slowly, 
the crowd began to give in to control. Of course, no one made it easier. Most people had 
painted faces to make it difficult to take pictures. Some people did not have or buried 
identity cards, claiming that they are not with them. The use of fingerprints was also 
hindered by various techniques. This is currently a typical scheme of action in Germany, 
against downloading data and criminalizing movements,

Then we went to the camp, where we met more people from Poland, and numerous friends who, 
among others, took part in the Camp for Climate. After breaking the tents, we discussed 
our plans for action and we went to sleep, because we were all tired of the journey and a 
full-day cold sitting in front of the station.

On Saturday, a wake-up call 7 in the morning. We leave by 8 am. We have been assigned to 
the red finger (tactics of dividing the demonstration into smaller groups, each of which 
has its own separate purpose). Initially, we went as a legal demonstration. We got 
information that there are over 5,000 people (later, it turned out that 6,500), which went 
out to the action, and one of the fingers has already reached the mine and will try to 
occupation (failed, as time will show) which caused huge enthusiasm among participants . 
Although we had 10 km to go, this time was very nice among the shouted slogans and sung 
songs (the organizers have prepared many revisions of well-known hits to anti-carbon 
versions). When we approached a new highway (RWE rebuilt a part of the motorway, because 
it ran through the planned open-pit in the old version), for which the areas extended, 
which in the future were to be turned into a mine, and a coal railway - our path was 
blocked by the police. We were told we could not go any further and the only option is 
that they would escort us to a legal demonstration in Buir. After a short negotiation, we 
agreed to it. No more than 15 minutes after turning in this direction, virtually all of 
the demonstration (maybe 50 people) broke through the police cordon and ran towards the 
highway. The police did not take any measures to prevent this: a large amount of gas, 
water cannons, blindfolding (one person lost a tooth), beating, slicing or desperate 
football slides in the legs. There were cannons there, but the police forces were so weak 
that 1,000 people broke into the coal railroad and began to occupy it. It joined its 
forces with another finger and, consequently, there were 2,500 people. The rest, which 
could not be broken, returned to the camp. There were concerts and international 
integration there. All the night more groups joined or exchanged people on the tracks, 
while others dealt with supplying them with warm food, drink and clothing. Occupation at 
night looked very phenomenal, because most people slept under blankets. Police headlights 
were falling from the top of the embankments, from which they shone on gold, giving the 
illusion of a huge chocolate box filled with chocolates in small cubes. The place of 
occupation was very well chosen. On both sides there were high embankments with a very 
large angle of inclination, which meant that it was impossible to take someone out of 
them. Police attempts lost with gravity, that's why they gave up and only passively 
watched the development of accidents. Blocking the coal rail also immobilized the entire 
mine, because it was not possible to remove coal from it and deliver it to the power 
plant, which is why it caused very large losses of RWE.

On Sunday around noon, after nearly 24 hours, most people left the blockade to be able to 
return home. There were only 100 people left, who stuck to the tracks and continued the 
occupation. From the information we received, RWE substituted the train to help police 
officers take out the activists. Meanwhile, we packed up and together with a 1000-person 
demonstration we went on a return train to Berlin. This time, we were not disturbed by the 

It is very pleasing that more and more people are involved in the fight against climate 
change and, despite their consequences, arrests and judgments, are fighting to have a 
planet fit for life for themselves and future generations. I only hope that Polish society 
will also stop being afraid of consequences such as losing a job or school by direct 
actions (a frequent argument I hear). And yet, if we lose the fight against climate 
change, there will be neither work nor school. May such actions also appear in Poland, 
where the situation is much worse. The Polish government negates climate change and 
consistently strives to create new mines and maintain coal as the main source of energy, 
stopping renewable sources, which already contributes to rising energy prices, not to 
mention the impact on our health.

Engage in climatic activities, create a movement, do actions, support existing initiatives 
like the Climate Camp. We are unstoppable, which is why another world is still possible.



Message: 4

The French state exterminates social strugglers. ---- On the evening of Wednesday 24/10, 
two comrades of our group were arrested outside the French Institute of Patras, on 
Philophoimenes Street, while writing solidarity slogans to Lebanese struggler Georges 
Abdallah. ---- When some employees of the Institute saw them, they called the police, who 
arrested them outside the building. After being held for a few hours in police department, 
they were prosecuted for the writing of the slogan and then they were released. ---- 
Georges Abdallah: The longest-running political prisoner in Europe. ---- Georges Abdallah 
is in prison for 34 years in the French state prison. He was politically active in the 
early 1970s, at a young age, through the lines of the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine, and later participated in the founding of the Armed Revolutionary Lebanese 
Faction. Until his arrest he fought against the Israeli state and the occupation regime he 
imposed on a large part of the Palestinian territories and in southern Lebanon. After the 
six-day war in 1967 and the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Israel had expanded its sovereignty 
over the Palestinian land, and its growing expansiveness led to the invasion in southern 
Lebanon initially and its advance a few years later , in 1982, to the capital of Beirut 
and the slaughter of thousands of Palestinians in Sambra and Shatila.

Throughout his many years of imprisonment, he will maintain a consistent militant stance 
by engaging in hunger strikes as a sign of solidarity with the prisoners in Turkey's white 
cells, with Basque and Palestinian political prisoners, and will continue to talk and 
fight for the release of Palestine from the Israeli occupation. Although since 1999 he is 
entitled to his release, all his applications are rejected by the French state, in line 
with the vengeful demand of the US State and Israel to remain imprisoned for a long time 
as a result of his struggling stance.

Abdallah's case is linked to the struggle of the Palestinian people, who nowadays at a 
great cost of human lives is attempting with massive and everyday demonstrations to break 
the suffocating blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip - land, air and sea - with the 
"security wall" constructed by Israel and the raids of the Israeli navy and aviation.

On October 24th, Abdallah completed 34 years in prison because he was fighting with all 
his might in the just struggle of the Palestinian people, because he opposed the Israeli 
occupation and the crimes committed by the State of Israel and its allies, because he 
still fights against the exploitation and the oppression.

The resistance of the Palestinian people to military occupation is a constant obstacle for 
the long-term plans of international bosses. The poor and excluded from the basic rights 
Palestinians, despite the exterminating policies that are being carried out against them, 
do not surrender, they still fight for their freedom and dignity. These elements of their 
struggle are what we want to highlight as anarchists: the capability of the conqueror to 
fight against the mighty conqueror, the ability of the poor and the excluded to revolt 
under the most barbaric conditions. We want the international solidarity to harm the 
attacking sovereigns by highlighting our own history, the history of the bottom-up 
struggles that
are the only real obstacle against the plans of modern totalitarianism.

The persecutions can't stop us. We stand in solidarity with those who resist all around 
the globe, in the struggles of the oppressed for freedom, equality and dignity. And we 
will not let any struggler hostage into the hands of the state!




Anarchist group "Disinnios Ippos" / Anarchist Political Organization



Message: 5

Today the police decided to change the gathering point of the No One Is Illegal 
demonstration taking place this Saturday. The new starting location is now Carnegieplein 
(in front of the Peace Palace). The police motivated their decision by claiming the 
turn-out for the demonstration would be higher than expected. ---- We have decided, also 
due to the short notice, to accept this decision. We will depart from Carnegieplein and 
walk a route through the city center. Spread this text as much as possible to let everyone 
know that the starting location has been changed. And let's try to mobilise as many people 
as possible against fortress Europe! On Saturday we will take to the streets together to 
clearly state: "No One Is Illegal. Down with Fortress Europe. Freedom of movement for all!"

Migrants and refugees from four Asylum Seeker Centres (AZC)
In total, four busses will depart from AZC's across the country to transport refugees to 
the demonstration. The past week a lot of people donated money to make this possible, 
together we raised 1400 euros.

Come to the demonstration!
We call on everyone to come to the No One Is Illegal demonstration. Help mobilise people 
in the next two days! Spread the call-out and the Facebook event!

Call-out: https://tinyurl.com/ybjy2zf9
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/469699970200309/

By closing the European borders 1600 people have died at sea trying to reach Europe this 
year alone. Boats carrying migrants, including women and children, are refused entry to 
European ports and spend weeks at sea waiting for permission to dock despite the acute 

The idea of ‘shelter in own region' that was only proposed by fascist and neo-Nazi parties 
a couple of years ago now seems to be the European solution for containing migration. 
After the deal with Turkey the EU now wants to build refugee camps in North African 
countries. On top of that an additional 10,000 border guards will be deployed to stop 
migrants. The reality is that a war is being waged against people who merely seek a better 

Those who dare to cross the Mediterranean will face death if European countries get their 
way. This exclusionary border policy is also militaristic and has blood on its hands. The 
Netherlands is also responsible for this policy. The country that locks up children in 
deportation prisons. The country that provides materials and logistical support to border 
guards and approves this deadly project.

That is why we call out for a broad demonstration to make a loud and clear statement 
against Europe's migration policies and to call for freedom of movement for all. Let's 
express our solidarity with refugees and migrants and take a stand against racism and 

No one is illegal. Down with fortress Europe. Freedom of movement for all!

Location: Carnegieplein, the Hague
Time: 15:00

AFA, demonstratie, Den Haag, geen mens is illegaal

Vrije Bond Secretariaat



Message: 6

Crime is different ---- We talk about it differently, treat it differently and think about 
it differently. In the news and in our political dialogue it is an effect without a cause, 
something which emerges from a corruption in the human soul. This understanding of crime 
leads people to believe that the only thing standing between them and complete chaos is 
the state. Anarchist communists are always talking to people who will argue more or less 
sincerely that government is good in its own right, but once they are forced to abandon 
these arguments they resort to the claim "we need the state to keep us safe." ---- 
Anarchists communists reject the idea that crime is part of human nature. We believe that 
crime has practical real world causes, economic and social in nature that a properly 
organised society would remove. A man with a full stomach doesn't steal food, a person in 
control of their life doesn't turn to crime out of rage or anger. A free person does not 
need to restrict the freedom of others. The vast majority of crime today is a direct 
result of economic need and the frustration caused by the denial of human potential. What 
we call crime today is merely an unhealthy response to the big crime that is our society - 
the fact that the ruling elite get rich off the work of working people, destroying them as 
they do so.

What about the rapist? Or the insane killer? What about those who for whatever reason take 
pleasure from causing pain or destroying others? These people are also products of 
capitalism. In the workplace we are taught that those with power can order around and 
control those without it. In society as a whole we are taught that the weak must suffer 
what they will. These lessons teach some of us the logic of the rapist, the psychopath, 
the sadist.

Maybe some anti-social elements will exist in a future anarchist society, certainly some 
will in the immediate fall of capitalism and the state. Anarchist communists are certainly 
not saying that we should not protect ourselves from such people. Even if we were, it 
would be irrelevant because people will always protect themselves from those who aim to 
harm them. In a society where normal people are united and organise along the lines of 
mutual aid and solidarity we will all take on the duty of protecting one another.

The police can not prevent the irrational murderer from murdering. The irrational do not 
way up the odds of getting caught and the unpleasantness of the punishment. They can only 
punish them after the fact. And it's noteworthy that so often the irrational sadist ends 
up being employed as a police officer, giving their behaviour the veneer of legitimacy.

Our fear of murder, of theft, of crime gets us a police force that cannot really protect 
us. So what do the police do? They protect private property, they maintain the bosses' 
power over you, and they use violence over political movements that seek to challenge that 
power. Capitalism couldn't exist without the organised force of the state that ensures 
working people have to give the majority of what they produce during their working life to 
their boss. Landlords and banks couldn't take most of your wages if the bailiffs and the 
police weren't there to support them (would you pay your rent if you didn't have to?)

The ruling class use our fear of crime to justify the cost and maintenance of a police 
force, and to hide the true role of coppers, which is to maintain a system that steals 
from the rich and gives to the poor. This is why anarchist communists reject the state and 
reject the police force. We call on communities themselves to organise against crime and 
to fight back against the big crimes of the state and capitalism. We say to working class 
criminals: Don't steal from your own, take from the rich.



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