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woensdag 28 november 2018

Anarchic update news all over the world - 28.11.2018

Today's Topics:


1.  Media, Greek Police Attack Anarchists After Demo for Victims
      of 1973 Student Uprising By Niko Georgiades, Unicorn Riot

2.  anarkismo.net: Greece, University - state and capital
      relationship by Self Organized Farmer Steak [machine translation]

3.  Text by Anarsist Kadinlar [Anarchist Women] from Turkey on
      the 25th November-Day Combating Gender Violence 

     (gr, tr) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Holand, vrije bond: Leuven Anarchistische Groep, together
      with SOJO, organizes a screening of the movie ‘Punching the
      City' on 26/11. (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  anarchist communistgroup: Leicester ACG informal pre-xmas
      meeting/social next Weds 28 Nov, November 24, 2018ACG

6.  Indonesia, Anarchist Black Cross Federation: Seek and
      Destroy Eco-Extremism Everywhere (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  [Greece] Against patriarchy and state - Anarchist women
      perform intervention in Athens theater By ANA (pt) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Athens, Greece - Greek riot police attacked an anarchist contingent as they dispersed from 
an annual November 17 commemoration for the second year in a row. Hours of clashes 
followed massive demonstrations commemorating the 45th anniversary of the Athens 
Polytechnic Uprising, a student uprising against a seven-year military junta which was 
attacked by the military, leaving dozens dead on November 17, 1973. Unprovoked at the end 
of this last Saturday night, police attacked the dispersing crowd, reportedly sending four 
people to the hospital from injuries and arresting thirteen. ---- The timeline of the 
attack goes as such: at the end of the night as an anarchist contingent marched down 
Alexandras Avenue, police doubled up their platoons around the contingent and verbally 
antagonized them, when the contingent called out that they were taking the metro to leave, 
the police attacked. A video of the police attack (above) is also described in a tweet 
thread by @kinimatini (in Greek).


Message: 2

We refuse to satisfy the appetites of the bosses. Every day we try to create either small 
or big problems in their plans, to talk about what we think is unfair, to bring back the 
violence they are exerting on us. Recognizing the university as another link in the 
exploitation chain, we wish to undermine the normality and illusions it produces. To 
highlight his role, which in each face remains the same. The preparation of skilled human 
resources to feed the capitalist machine. ---- The role of the university and its organic 
relationship with the state and the capital ---- University is the highest state level of 
education and is an integral part of the capitalist structured society. Because of this, 
he is tasked with carrying out a very important task for maintaining the socio-economic 
system, the gradual introduction of new people in its mode of operation. Having this 
function as a goal, the university is not a neutral structure in a power society based on 
inequality, class division, and exploitation. On the contrary, it contributes to its 
existence and perpetuation.

Its existence is based on an abstract and vague dissemination of "knowledge", but it is 
about meeting specific needs. It was formed in the context of the transition of the 
economy from feudalism to capitalism to cover the emerging needs of capital accumulation 
in the productive process. The scientific and technological discoveries that led to the 
rise of the secondary production sector - industry - have shaped the need for university 
centers. They will gather, develop and disseminate scientific knowledge by producing a 
skilled work force that will bring together the unskilled productive churns of 
profitability of capital. Since then, universities have been part of the extortionist 
operation of the capitalist world as they complement the blackmailing of wage labor. In 
the capitalist world, the underworld is forced to experience daily exploitation in the 
workplace to survive. Especially in modern societies, production is so highly specialized 
and fragmented that it exacerbates the necessity of specialization through a degree.

The exploitative economic system aims to increase the profit of the bosses holding the 
means of production. That is why the schools that act as a feed-in mechanism offer 
knowledge, research programs and discoveries about the profit of individuals. Endless 
hours students, PhDs, researchers work on a project imposed on them by states and 
companies to bring a profitable result. As an agronomic, we participate in many surveys 
each year, some of which are being exploited by companies such as phage and bayer. We have 
also been a cheap tool for the state to make its dirt easier. This is how the university 
became a complicity in the terrible mechanism they call immigration management. The group 
of agronomists participated in the disinsectisation of immigration detention centers, ie 
the enclave of people who have been persecuted everywhere, resulted in what the Greek 
state calls hospitality without any prospect of improving their lives. Agronomic and other 
schools often work with large groups such as the Onassis and Niarchos shipowners' 
organizations. Through these partnerships, these institutions are promoted as charities, 
thereby hiding their true interests.

In terms of society, universities are tasked with infusing the dominant ideology into 
learners. The value of competition, individual development in class stratification. The 
belief in state institutions, the sense that science as a sacred chalice will improve on 
its own the society. The state presents the university as the authority of knowledge, 
which appears with a metaphysical dimension cut off from the political and economic 
framework that functions and is based. Thus, alongside scientific and technical training, 
the profile of the scientist is shaped by the sterile consciousness that considers 
scientific methodology to be authoritative and is ready to bring soul and body into the 
arena of capitalist production as its indispensable accessory.

In times of "prosperity" and development where class mobility is feasible, university is 
the basic mechanism of social development, the way to rise in the middle and upper 
classes. However, as these periods do not hold indefinitely and crises show the primordial 
nature of capitalism, class mobility moves only downwards. However, the vision of social 
development does not lose its value, and without its realistic core, it retains its 
imaginary outline. That is, the state always invests in indicating to the oppressed people 
the possibility of advancement and (small) urbanization so that they do not understand 
their position and, most importantly, do not question it. The universe, moreover, is the 
primary vector for the diffusion of hallucinations. It presents social evolution as a 
threaded staircase that moves infinitely upward and has space for each one as long as it 
is willing to climb the stairs, a theorem that does not touch reality. However, even when 
the illusion of evolution is extinguished, because of the establishment of this way of 
thinking, class divisions are maintained and strengthened as a large part of society does 
not react. Separations that are considered to be superior to a rich entrepreneur from a 
poor / laborer and to living, but also to issues and options. The inferior class is 
permeated by the sense of oblivion, pessimism, and believes that this must be the case 
since it internalizes non-development as a personal incompetence.

As in general in education as in the university, the established competition is embedded 
in graduation, in the pursuit of individualized performance, the anxiety of examinations 
and the separation of individuals into capable and incompetent. The able and / or 
incapacitated, determined by certain patterns of apprenticeship and behavior that the 
capitalist world has. Standards that some have decided are right and that we all have to 
follow. The difference with primary and secondary education is that the university, being 
non-compulsory, is not based on both the outreach, punishment and the control of trainees. 
But he attempts to infuse the already disciplined subjects into faith in academia as the 
means for their development, while providing illusions of freedom and "openness". The 
state and bourgeois ethics promote the degree as a prestige. The specialty of the degree 
is transformed into identity, with the result that the profession defines individuals and 
their value is judged by the value of their profession.

In the context of general neo-liberal politics, there is a trend towards the privatization 
of universities. Seeking to create an even greater profit margin for bosses, who will 
instead pay for the trainees for the time they spend on training. A training intended for 
the bosses and their businesses. In addition, education costs produce foreclosure access 
to the lower classes. It creates bands of overwhelming population, officially breaking 
down the bourgeois fairy tales of equal opportunities and opportunities in the capitalist 
world. May the privatization treaty still not exist, as in other European states, but its 
elements still exist today. In university research for business, tuition fees for graduate 
programs, catering companies, volunteering, the other name for unpaid work, pocket money 
practices. Practice is compulsory in any school to get a degree, and therefore it is a 
field of exploitation by businesses that use labor without depositing the amount that each 
worker would be entitled to. The student as a subject is in a dead zone, since being an 
adult is called to pay for the survival needs, but instead is not remunerated for the 
education he is attending. Which creates additional costs on tickets for travel,

Still, the faculties are for the party mechanisms a field that they seek to access in 
order to make incomes in the factions they control. With similar action, all factions aim 
to familiarize students with the culture of the parties and the state, with the electoral 
process and the assignment as a way of making decisions. As a result, party clubs make 
their propaganda comfortably, either by following the liberal development line or by the 
left-wing version of the state, instead of constantly targeting their voluntary service to 
the devaluation and impoverishment of our lives. Both glorify state models with 
hierarchies, oppressors and oppressed and essentially do not want to dismantle the 
existing state. Whether they want to turn it to their advantage or want to keep it as it 
is and to empower it even more. Several students may come from below, but one must not 
miss the classroom stratification within the university. Apart from workers, future bosses 
are created, where training and a ready inheritance fund will open businesses and exploit 
their former fellow students. They are the ones who gossip the majors, sabotage with the 
parties and the factions to take notes. They are students who only engage in their own 
life, do not take up public debate and are not interested in socio-political issues.

The state also seeks to reshape the correlations of forces in other ways by promoting the 
abolition of asylum, which is in any case virtual and created to give a false image of 
social peace. The first abolition of asylum took place in the Polytechnic in 73 and then 
at the law school culminating in the bloody invasion of the police and military forces on 
November 17th in the Polytechnic, and so asylum was stigmatized as a field of conflict and 
resistance with the existing. It is officially enforced for 82, although at the same time 
it is guaranteed the removal by the unanimous decision of the rector of a deputy member 
and the representative of the students. So the first lifting takes place in the 85 after 
the clashes over the killing of Kalteza and then in 95 after the conflicts of solidarity 
in the uprisings of the prisoners. Finally, the law currently in force on asylum is the 
framework law where the decision is now taken by the Rectorate Council, it is only valid 
in the teaching facilities, in the amphitheaters, and any obstruction to the normal 
functioning of the university is also a sign of the abolition of asylum. Removing it aims 
at a stronger presence of control and repression in our everyday life. However, its use is 
realized when it is detached from student regularity and becomes a part of the total 
revolutionary movement as a tool of struggle. Finally, the law currently in force on 
asylum is the framework law where the decision is now taken by the Rectorate Council, it 
is only valid in the teaching facilities, in the amphitheaters, and any obstruction to the 
normal functioning of the university is also a sign of the abolition of asylum. Removing 
it aims at a stronger presence of control and repression in our everyday life. However, 
its use is realized when it is detached from student regularity and becomes a part of the 
total revolutionary movement as a tool of struggle. Finally, the law currently in force on 
asylum is the framework law where the decision is now taken by the Rectorate Council, it 
is only valid in the teaching facilities, in the amphitheaters, and any obstruction to the 
normal functioning of the university is also a sign of the abolition of asylum. Removing 
it aims at a stronger presence of control and repression in our everyday life. However, 
its use is realized when it is detached from student regularity and becomes a part of the 
total revolutionary movement as a tool of struggle. Removing it aims at a stronger 
presence of control and repression in our everyday life. However, its use is realized when 
it is detached from student regularity and becomes a part of the total revolutionary 
movement as a tool of struggle. Removing it aims at a stronger presence of control and 
repression in our everyday life. However, its use is realized when it is detached from 
student regularity and becomes a part of the total revolutionary movement as a tool of 

We refuse to satisfy the appetites of the bosses. Every day we try to create either small 
or big problems in their plans, to talk about what we think is unfair, to bring back the 
violence they are exerting on us. Recognizing the university as another link in the 
exploitation chain, we wish to undermine the normality and illusions it produces. To 
highlight his role, which in each face remains the same. The preparation of skilled human 
resources to feed the capitalist machine. To spit out the prospect of bosses and to turn 
the faculties from places of expression of academic aphasia into areas of questioning and 
collective antagonism in power. We do not want a competitive world that is louder or 
winning by pushing on corpses, that the only joy is money. We do not want education to be 
fragmented, having as a purpose to cover unnecessary and fake needs that exist only to 
generate profits and to make us useless to specialize our knowledge so much that we are 
just a small piece of machine, we can never create anything by ourselves. For the 
destruction of the power world, the university is an integral part of it. A world based on 
state oppression, capitalist exploitation, gender divisions, and everyday compulsions. We 
propose solidarity among the oppressed, self-empowerment, the dissemination of knowledge 
without authorities, but with collective conquest without roles and specializations, 
self-organization in entertainment, the cultivation of imagination and creativity in all 
areas. As the abolition of all forms of oppression, of every university institution. As 
the ruin of the existing and the construction of a new free world.






Organized Farmhouse Steak stekigewponikou.espivblogs.net

Related Link: http://stekigewponikou.espivblogs.net



Message: 3

The solution to violence is our struggles. We women are the solution, one for the other. 
Patriarchy is everywhere. Power, which is the foundation stone of patriarchy, is also 
everywhere. Men who use violence to enforce are everywhere. Every kind of men's violence 
is everywhere. Come on, woman, come join us. ---- Shredded bodies that are dumped in 
garbage bins, under stairs or on river banks, are feminine. Those who are violently 
slaughtered witnessing such scenes, judged when they survive by chance, but who are always 
accused, murdered or imprisoned, are women. ---- Those who marry their rapist, who are 
forced to breastfeed at the age of 12, sold by their father and husband, who are 
experiencing uproar and their soul is lost, are women.

The eyes that mourn in the corridors of the hospitals, the police stations, and the 
neighbors' doors, are feminine. Those who believe in love and risk everything, they offer 
everything and yet they are deceived, forced to endure without hope, and their heart 
violently breaks in every beat, are women.

Those who experience depression amid the crowd of city bus, who feel uncomfortable with 
the looks in their bodies, fighting closed in hugs unwilling, are women. Those who cook, 
to wash, keeping children, caring for the sick, and simultaneously work regularly and 
endure exploitation in the name of assistance at home, who underestimate, always to 
criticize and humiliate, are women. Those who are treated as bizarre in the workplace, who 
are always considered to be inadequate for society and who are incompetent in any matter, 
are women.

Those who are trapped in roles that have not chosen, who wear them labels, who hate them 
and kill them just because of their sex, are women.

What's left for a woman, beyond our struggle? Beyond crying "enough!" For all those 
imposed on us? Who do we have beside us, apart from each other? What solution do we have 
beyond our confidence in ourselves and in the women around us? Do we have another way of 
resistance against those who make us suffer? The solution to violence is our struggle, we 
are the solution of one another.

On November 25, the solution to violence is women.

Anarsist Kadinlar [Anarchist Women]


Message: 4

The director will be present to answer all our questions! The event will be in English. 
---- MOVIE DESCRIPTION ---- Punching the city captures voices from a massive movement 
sweeping across Europe in the last decade- and more notably in the last three years -in 
the world of grassroots boxing. ---- The film is focused on the uptake of boxing by new, 
grassroots recreational boxers, practicing far from large fitness or sports centers in 
very basic gyms, often located within squats, abandoned industrial buildings or on the 
outskirts of residential areas. The bulk of the movement is made up of those struggling 
with a precarious life - immigrants, young people trying to find work, the unemployed, and 
those working long hard hours for little pay in jobs such as motorcycle delivery or ad 
flyer distribution. Here people who feel like nothing begin to feel like something.

20:00 Start film ‘Punching the City'

21:15 Aftertalk by Mariella Bussolati

21:30 Voorstelling/presentation Belgische grassroots organisaties, ruimte voor gesprek en 
discussie / room for conversation
* Partizan, kickbox (Leuven)
* Open Gym, DIY sports center (Leuven)

22:00 Eind van het programma, nog even napraten aan de bar:)? // end of the programme, 
talk some more at the bar:)?

The LAG distro will be there with an (almost) endless supply of stickers and other cool 

boksen, film, Leuven Anarchistische Groep

Vrije Bond Secretariaat



Message: 5

It's the last Leicester ACG meeting of 2018 - we're skipping December and cramming two 
into November! Meeting is from 8pm on Wednesday 28th November at the Regent Club,102 
Regent Road, Leicester LE1 7DA  ---- It's purely an informal meeting/social this time with 
no set topic - though feel free to ask all the burning questions you have, tell us what 
you think of our paper, Jackdaw, our websites, other publications or our politics in 
general. ----We'll be in the public bar downstairs at the Regent from 8pm onwards.If 
you've been to our meetings before, come and put the world to rights with us over a pint. 
If you've not been before, look for the copies of Jackdaw out on our table and come and 
say hello. 


Message: 6

A Joint Statement of Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross 
(Indonesia) Note: Updated edited version. ---- "He who fights with monsters should look to 
it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the 
abyss also gazes into you." - Beyond Good and Evil ---- Background ---- We know that there 
is no eco-extremist tendency in Indonesia, although past statements from FAI cells tended 
to have some merit concerning the general hostility against the social and leftist 
anarchist moralities concerning violence, destruction, and the fetish of organization. To 
be honest, we don't have illusions when we talk, write, or act against our enemy using any 
means possible. Attacking the state and capitalism is essential for anarchists of all 
tendencies (we're going to ignore the pacifist tendency as it needs a different context of 
discussion), although this is a joint statement involving a wide range of tendencies of 
anarchists, most of us don't have this nonsense liberal point of view toward violence 
against the system and the people who defend, maintain, and materalise it in everyday 
life. Some individuals in our network maintain their anti-civ and post-leftist stance 
while others found some aspects of social anarchism are necessary in organizing the 
disruption of the machine.

Our intention of this statement is to join the front against the eco-extremist tendency 
that has been given platform by the self-labeled ‘nihilist-anarchists' in the US and 
Europe, from our sources we know that most of these individuals who endorse EE and keep 
continuing in giving them platform are using absurd reasoning and it's post-modernist at 
best- we will discuss about this more below. It is funny though that most of the 
individuals in our network evolved from anti-civ and post-leftist discourses, even some of 
us have translated the writings of authors in AJODA: A Journal of Desire Armed (yes, 
including that boyfriend of ITS, Aragorn!). The critiques of the leftist movement have 
been useful in identifying the decadence of leftist populism in our territory, their 
dead-end strugglism and their social democratic tendency which aims to make "a more 
humanist capitalism," therefore we find it obscure when the recent eco-extremists were 
using the terms "humanism", "morality", and even "sectarianism" in their absolutist 
communiques as if the corpse of Nechaev Jesuitism was resurfacing again.

Are We Storming the Same Heavens?

 From their communiques and texts it is clear that most of these individuals don't really 
have any actual experiences of consistent anarchic struggle in real life. Our experiences 
in whatever forms in our past actions have sometimes created a spontaneous solidarity with 
different tendencies of anarchists, where labels and dichotomies of adjectives were not 
that relevant. We found solidarity sometimes in the most unexpected way, even with those 
adherents of Murray Bookchin and those anarcho-syndicalists that we used to make jokes 
about. For us, this is a proof that when your fellow anarchists are fighting, for the 
ideas that you yourself also believed in but they were in a weak situation, then we cast 
aside all of our labels to divide each other and help each other out instead, because 
that's what we really understand about being anarchists. Sure, there's this never-ending 
drama, power struggle, and all of those aspects of the "movement" or "anarchist space" 
that the Eco-extremists seemed to be so proud in ridiculing (Anarchist Myth), like it had 
never been done before. The Eco-extremists were proclaiming that their holy sect doesn't 
have such stupidity and they were composed of very dedicated individuals (priest-like 
posturing) who don't share any of these weaknesses. It's an almost superhuman 
characterization of themselves.

Well, we don't really care about their lives and what they really wanted to do, and they 
can boast all they like but more and more proof surfaces of their "semi-fictitious" claims 
and false-threats. Let alone their North American cheerleaders who have never really put 
their ideas into practice. Attention, we are not at all condemning all of North America's 
nihilist and post-civ anarchists, only a few irresponsible assholes who seemed to have 
plagued us with this implicit Jesuitism of Eco-extremism.

If we follow the early ‘birth' of ITS at the same time when the FAI/IRF networks and 
anarchist action groups all around the globe (with their own different tendencies and 
beautifully communicating their ideas through fires, explosive packages to the rulers of 
the world, and the deafening sound of bombs against prison Schools, banks, and all for the 
purposes of putting a halt to the daily normality of capitalism, then you will understand 
the other type of ITS. The one that makes even the nihilist anarchist need to rethink, but 
then these early ITS cells had a strong analysis towards the general movement against 
technology and they had a criticism towards the idealism of John Zerzan and Ted K. We do 
share some parts of this critique and at the time their targets were not random people, 
their attacks were as sharp and deadly as their communiques.

In one of their communiques they even give a salute and make a gesture of solidarity to 
anarchist action groups and our prisoners all around the globe. It was exciting. When we 
say that we agree with the first ITS communiques that doesn't mean that we dismiss all of 
Zerzan's critiques and ideas, nor that Ted K. did not have relevant critique to their 
aspects. The facts about strategies and tactics will not be something that comes from 
treating people as prophets or prophetic groups such as the people we mentioned earlier. 
We are against ideology. We are anarchists who believe and try to articulate 
self-revolutionary theory.

Moreover, we have a very different geography and history, our implementation of the 
theories that we articulated for our own lives always showed some of its flaws and it also 
gave birth to a more coherent theoretical basis for our practices. Such as the 
Situationists said, "practice needs to find its theory again" and so on. When we talk or 
reflect about this on a decade of organizing and practice of what we believed in, we don't 
have any doubt that we don't want to give any platform to EE tendencies.

It is just incomprehensible for us, to understand this absolutist rhetoric of the 
"anti-human" and their actively advocating killing humans randomly just because they are 
human. And their previous killings in Mexico, on the mountain, or the one in Zapatista 
parade, showed that they are really this cowardly bunch who only have the guts to kill 
people who cannot fight back (we don't care if it's fictitious or not but their whole 
claims already explain what they are really advocating).

How can we compare these EE claims to the FAI/IRF action groups that have targeting 
European rulers, even that imbecile nuclear promoter in Italy? We can't, there is a clear 

The insults of ITS against anarchists who died in Rojava and other places, even Brad Will! 
The anarchists whom we have never met but share their spirit and deeply admire them for 
their courage. And to make things more funnier ITS even tries to claim the legacy of 
fallen anarchists (even those who were active in the struggle of indigenous communities, 
which, yes, is a proof that those anarchists loved those communities and were capable of 
love towards their companions) such as Mauricio Morales and others.

 From latest information we heard that the EE cheerleaders who published books - Little 
Black Cart - (damn! we used to read their books!) were being denied to enter in one of the 
annual anarchist bookfairs in one city in the US, Seattle. If so, why don't LBC make their 
own bookfair? We are sure that many half-brained self-proclaimed "nihilists" (the 
anonymous type that dwells on "Anarchist News") will attend your solo eco-extremist 
bookfair. Those who fill Anarchist News comments that clearly doesn't even know what they 
are talking about, due to their "white-know-it-all" logic. Most of them obviously have 
never even read the previous communiques of ITS and that of insurrectionary anarchists at 
that time, as there is a shared comprehensive understanding of the absurd ideas of 
humanism, representation, and joyous rebellion to destroy the present order.

Our position is clear, we are in line with all the comrades who are against Eco-extremism, 
because judging from their communiques, we don't share the same goal nor values. We reject 
their recent posturing, it doesn't attract us and also their style of writings owes much 
to previous FAI/IRF communiques which they have tried to copy. Our fight against leftism 
is always within a context, our stand against the implicit Christian values in humanism, 
universal moralism, and the core values of civilization is very different.

We are aiming at a different sky, different heavens to destroy.

Whilst "you" promote your misanthropy for the sake of a "Wild Nature". That sounds like 
the title for a great fiction novel about some distressed young man who spent too much 
time in front of the computer screen that likes to think of himself as the radical who 
sometimes goes to the mountains in order to get some spiritual feeling or some natural 
incantation that drives him to think of killing random people.

The Enemy of Our Enemy Is Not Our Friend

Before you think we always agreed on things with other networks who publicly condemned 
you, you're foolish to think that we always agree on anything, and yes that is our reality 
and we do not want any other one. Keep your perfect superhuman reality for yourself, 
because it sounds boring, it rhymes with the promised after-life inscribed in the 
Christian bible where everyone and everything is perfect. You exploit misanthropy into a 
universal moralism that you advocate. Although, most of us already feels that inertia 
within, yes, to your satisfaction most of us also felt the same way towards civilized 
humanity. But lack of an analysis and partial reading, probably lead you to believe that 
when one is against civilization that means we want to kill humans, random humans?

We clap our hands to Scott Campbell, he stripped you naked for who and what you are. But 
especially most of us shared critique within the writings of The Edelweiss Pirates, it's 
comprehensive. But just because you think we are stepping in line against you, that 
doesn't mean that we will eventually be holding hands with other anarchist tendencies, the 
social-leftist anarchists, and vice versa. No. Because people who never put their theory 
into practice will never understand the ‘beauty' of anarchism even in our conflicting 
tendencies. The anarchist counter-information group, 325, years ago defined them as 
Civil-anarchists. Yes, the very collective who printed that pamphlet condemning those 
characteristics for the first time is that group that your cheerleaders love to smear. And 
for those US cheerleaders, if you took notice of the pamphlet "Against Eco-Extremism" most 
of it is writings of action groups. They understand what they write and why they think 
they need to state that publicly. The drama is on your circle, not on us or ours.

So, Monsieur Aragorn is still confused or doesn't have any idea about why this hostility 
will continue even though he also continues to help to give platforms to Vasquez and 
Eco-extremism. It's to ignore the EE insults towards the anarchists who died in Rojava, or 
Brad Will, when they beat an anarcho-punk to death after a Zapatista demo, the hikers on 
the mountain, and others whom they think as worthless humans that don't deserve to live 
for another day.

And in your latest topic Anarchist News Topic of the Week (TOTW):"What is Our Goal Again?"

Well, we really don't care about your goal in your amazing consistency of giving a 
platform to the EE tendency and the silly circle of the "nihilist"-anon. Maybe your goal 
is to always maintain your skepticism by not doing anything in your real life for the rest 
of your pathetic nihilising existence. Well, if that is the case then we are sure we are 
not on the same path, and you are in a very different reality. Keep up the good work!

About Kevin Garrido

We felt the need to mourn Kevin Garrido's death as some of us understand the realities of 
prison and how prison effects on individuals. We don't care if he explicitly said he was 
not an anarchist, but the action that he was imprisoned for already speaks for itself. We 
also don't care if the Eco-extremists claim him as "one of theirs" as we still feel the 
same affinity to what he had done. But we noticed the Eco-extremist hypocrite of the 
"Maldicionekoextremista" who hates humans so much eventually turned into a tree-hugging 
hippy for Kevin Garrido, posting love poems to his fellow human. So the EE theorist can 
love a human too after all!

To sum it up, below is a piece of Emile Henry's defense speech:

"Of course, I am under no illusions. I know my deeds will not yet be understood by the 
masses who are unprepared for them. Even among the workers, for whom I have fought, there 
will be many, misled by your newspapers, who will regard me as their enemy. But that does 
not matter. I am not concerned with anyone's judgment. Nor am I ignorant of the fact that 
there are individuals claiming to be anarchists who hasten to disclaim any solidarity with 
the propagandists of the deed. They seek to establish a subtle distinction between the 
theoreticians and the terrorists. Too cowardly to risk their own lives, they deny those 
who act. But the influence they pretend to wield over the revolutionary movement is nil. 
Today the field is open to action, without weakness or retreat.

Alexander Herzen, the Russian revolutionary, once said: "Of two things one must be chosen: 
to condemn and march forward, or to pardon and turn back half way. We intend neither to 
pardon nor to turn back, and we shall always march forward until the revolution, which is 
the goal of our efforts, finally arrives to crown our work with the creation of a free world.

In that pitiless war which we have declared on the bourgeoisie, we ask for no pity. We 
give death, and we know how to endure it. So it is with indifference that I await your 
verdict. I know that my head is not the last you will cut off; yet others will fall, for 
the starving are beginning to know the way to your great cafes and restaurants, to the 
Terminus and Foyot. You will add other names to the bloody list of our dead.

You have hanged in Chicago, decapitated in Germany, garotted in Jerez, - shot in 
Barcelona, guillotined in Montbrison and Paris, but what you will never destroy is 
anarchy. Its roots are too deep. It is born in the heart of a society that is rotting and 
falling apart. It is a violent reaction against the established order. It represents all 
the egalitarian and libertarian aspirations that strike out against authority. It is 
everywhere, which makes it impossible to contain. It will end by killing you."

Forward, always, into the Abyss!

Individualist Network and Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross.



Message: 7

On Thursday,  November 22 , 20 anarchist women conducted an intervention at the famous 
Theater Concert Hall in Athens, at the opening of a concert organized by the General 
Secretariat for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Interior of Greece, with a view to the 
International Day of Combating Violence Against Women, November 25. ---- At around 8:30 
p.m., when an official began the event, the anarchists interrupted their speech by 
shouting slogans against police and state violence and the hypocrisy of institutions that 
perpetuate and legitimize violence. And against rape and sexual harassment in reception 
centers for migrants and refugees by police etc. It also opened a banner that said among 
other things: "Gender violence will exist as long as there is state and capitalism." The 
activists also distributed leaflets in the crowded room.

The authority tried unsuccessfully to ignore the intervention, continuing to speak into 
the microphone until it was forced to stop because of the slogans that echoed in the room, 
while the first ranks of the theater were occupied by the President of the Parliament of 
the Hellenic Republic Nikolaos Voutsis, the Minister of the Interior Alexandros Haritsis, 
deputies, government representatives and other authorities. At the end of the 
intervention, activists left the site shouting slogans against patriarchy and the state.

Source, more photos:  https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1593305/

anarchist-ana news agency


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