Today's Topics:
1. yeryuzu postasi: Blocking action in refineries from Yellow
Vests (tr) [machine translation] (
EMT FOR Crescencio Carretero (ca, it) [machine translation]
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #291 - Zilsel, Science
Critic Review (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #291 - Read: Chollet,
"Witches: The Unbeaten Power of Women" (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #291 - National universal
service: Macron wants to submit youth (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
6. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Unit call, The Malian
railwaymen are dying: Do not let it go ! (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
7. Britain, London Anarchist Communists: Earls Court Protest
27th February (
8. Poland, WORKERS' INITIATIVE: Amazon loses
three more lawsuits [machine translation] (
Message: 1
Pic: Yellow Vests in France by blocking the entry and exit of many refineries organized.
According to reports in the French press, the Yellow Vests acted at the entry and exit of
refineries in Donges, Mulhouse and Longvic cities of the country.
At the same time, activists who blocked access at some of the intersections in Donges
burned tires by shouting engel Macron resign bazı.
Some workers participated in the action at the refinery in Donges, while police attacked
the activists with pepper gas.
One of France's biggest trade unions, the General Business Confederation (CGT), called for
support in Donges. (Source: World to Live)
Message: 2
Next Tuesday, the 26th, there are union elections in EMT and lately there are unions with
many criticisms and few proposals. It seems that they are not clear that the main
responsible for our hardships is THE COMPANY. They should take care to listen and support
the demands of the staff. ---- Since we became part of the EMT staff, our salaries have
had unimaginable rises for any other worker, however these increases have had to fight and
have been applied progressively in 3 long years. ---- Despite the achievements, Bicimad
has been and is the most disadvantaged group of the EMT. There is still to be equated with
the average salary of EMT and that is the only way for the bicycle service is not as a
second class service.
From SOLIDARIDAD OBRERA we request the vote for PLATFORM UNION as they have proven to be
the most qualified class union among the candidacies presented to defend the interests of
the working class. Many critics will hear these days, some with more and others with less
reason, but the facts are there, and the precarious conditions of the previous private
company, workers have improved their working conditions significantly.
Although elections are a useful tool, let's not forget that the organization and
involvement of workers denouncing and forming a class collective conscience is fundamental.
Much remains to be done by this company and this City Council.
The DIRECT MANAGEMENT of the BICIMAD service is essential to offer the inhabitant of
Madrid the much-awaited EXTENSION of the service that has been promised and postponed
since 2017.
Message: 3
Zilsel is a new social science journal whose 1 st issue was published in January 2017 and
that the number 5 comes out in February 2019. Two issues are published annually in a "size
book " beefy enough (around 450 pages ), editions of the Croquant. ---- Zilsel is a new
social science journal whose 1 st issue was published in January 2017 and that the number
5 comes out in February 2019. Two issues are published annually in a "size book " beefy
enough (around 450 pages ), editions of the Croquant. Centered on the " STS " (" Science
and Technology Studies "), it is primarily an academic journal, with a reflexive dimension
on the science being made, but his articles can often interest the political activists and
feed reflection, of those who are interested in the social issues of science.
Number 4, published in September, contained among other things an unpublished sociologist
Pierre Bourdieu on The Singular History of Scientific Reason, a file on predatory
journals, more or less phony journals that spearhead researchers and proliferate on the
new neoliberal management of world research and an article by Sara Angeli Aguiton on the
financialisation of natural disasters by insurance.
Number 5, which will be published this month, will include an immersion study on AERES (a
recently created controversial agency designed to evaluate the work of researchers) by
Clémentine Gozlan, an analysis by Julien Larrègue on the renewal of bio-criminology. who
claims to find the biological causes of criminal behavior and " cure " them medically, or
an article by Vincent Heimendinger on the history of the journal Genesis created by the
historian Gérard Noiriel ; the central file will deal with the social sciences report to
research in artificial intelligence.
Each issue features an interview with a researcher and critical reviews of recently
published social science books. Arnaud Saint-Martin, who co-directs the journal with
Jérôme Lamy, made his name in 2015 with the publication of an article-hoax in the journal
Société led by court sociologist Michel Maffesoli. Entitled " Automobilités postmodernes:
when the Autolib is a sensation in Paris " and co-written with Manuel Quinon, the hoax has
made it possible to demonstrate with humor the lack of seriousness of this sociological
current " postmodern ", media and prompt to woo the powers in place (from Sarkozy to Macron).
Sébastien Marchal (AL Paris North East)
Zilsel , half-yearly, Editions du Croquant, Volume 5 published in February 2019, 19 euros.
Message: 4
Mona Chollet had already been interested in the injunction made to women to be beautiful,
in fatal beauty. The new faces of domestic alienation , in 2012. Then to that which
enjoins us to lose interest in our domestic spaces, yet cocoons of protection, dreams or
resistances in Chez soi. An Odyssey of the Domestic Space (2015). ---- Suffice to say that
the famous journalist Le Monde diplomatique likes to defeat prejudices and investigate
what our society imposes or rejects. It is in this same impulse that she is interested in
witches, in the work with the galvanizing title, Witches: The Unbeaten Power of Women.
Witches from all countries, read it ! In this humble and insightful essay, we first see
how the image of witches has resurfaced recently: are not witches, including singer Lana
Del Rey, who cast a spell on Trump upon his election? ? Are not Parisian witches and
Toulouse who have beaten the pavement demonstrations against the labor law? This news is
not insignificant: the witches are on the page. But what remains of their history ? Mona
Chollet traces for us the terrifying witch hunts that have not so bloodied the Middle
Ages, as the prejudice surrounding this period, that the Renaissance ( The Vitruvian Man
of Leonardo da Vinci ... was a man, exit women at the center of knowledge!). Witches are
independent women, childless, often elderly and close to nature as healers. The great
strength of Mona Chollet's book lies in its desire to take up these characteristics and
analyze their perception in contemporary society. Those who escape the guardianship of a
husband or a man, who claim not to be a mother, to display their old age are the heirs of
the witches of the past, but above all, they continue to be perceived of skeptical, even
violent way. With the help of examples from popular and media culture, the author shows us
the ideological permanence of this feminicide in our collective mental representations.
This coming and going between scholarly studies and contemporary examples makes reading
the book easy and striking: we have not escaped from misogyny, which struck the witches
with disgrace. Fortunately, resistances are organized and single, widowed, wanted
infertile and old ladies claim their power.
Witches as independent women
A chapter very intelligently questions the relationship of witches to nature, through
their position as healers, midwives and of course ... abortionists. Once again, science,
with its share of dogmatism, came to delight women with the knowledge that they were
transmitted. Doctors and other pedantic and abusive " healers " have made childbirth and
abortions what we know: painful moments where psychological and physical violence delight
our independence, choices and freedom. Here the " debate " on obstetric violence and
barriers to abortion ...
With a lot of self-deprecation, the author reports her research and her questions on a
fascinating and current question. The titles of the chapters are often poetic or cheeky,
in short always powerful. Witches in the making, witches not revealed, witches assumed,
get out of the woods !
Doriane (AL Var)
Mona Chollet, Witches: The unconquered power of women , Zones, 2018, 240 pages, 18 euros.
Message: 5
Emmanuel Macron's campaign promise to create a universal national service is taking shape.
With the aim of federating youth around common values and creating a " sense of national
unity ", this project is, according to Gabriel Attal, the Secretary of State in charge of
the file, " the most powerful reform of society since many years ". ---- The current
reform which establishes a universal national service (SNU) may resemble, in its name but
also by certain aspects in its content, a return to military service, suppressed in 1997
to leave only a professional army. ---- Although there is a kind of vagueness about this
project thanks to a government communication that only shows the main lines (and probably
the least bad ones), let us take a look at what we know concretely about this project.
project and its implications.
The Macron project
With the aim of " fostering the participation and commitment of French youth, enhancing
citizenship and the feeling of belonging to a community gathered around its values and
rebuilding social and republican cohesion ", this government project would involve two
phases one compulsory and the other optional.
The mandatory phase would summon more than 800,000 16-year-old boys and girls every year
for more than a month. There would be 15 days in collective accommodation. This phase aims
to learn the common life, the values of the Republic, and would lead to a citizen project,
that is to say to engage in one of the five areas proposed, civil or military: defense and
security ; humanitarian ; culture ; tutoring ; environment.
The optional phase would last more than three months. It would consist of volunteering in
one of the same areas proposed, and would benefit from attractive measures, such as
assistance with the acquisition of a driving license.
Some parties have expressed themselves about their vision of what should be the SNU.
The National Assembly provides a military service of three months for 18 years,
indemnified 573 euros per month and which would condition the receipt of certain social
benefits and enrollment in competitions of the public service.
The insubordinate France provides for its part a national service military or civil of
more than nine months for the 18-25 years, remunerated with Smic and in trades where one
wears the uniform ... and where the individualities and the differences of class are
therefore supposed to be erased in favor of the national interest.
The current government project is part of the security reforms of recent years, such as
the state of emergency, and proves once again that the government is afraid of youth and
seeks to silence it. Obviously, one of the objectives will be to improve the image of the
army, and to identify young people to recruit for it. Mater revolts of young people,
monitor the population are also objectives of this forced supervision.
The project also fits in a certain way in the context of a decline in social benefits,
since the optional phase will eventually allow employers to obtain free labor. But if the
volunteers volunteer for associations during this period, it remains free work which, in
many cases, the state gets rid of to reduce its finances: prevention on health issues,
school support or approaches These are activities where, too often, associations
compensate for state failures. The national service in the form of a civic service with
little or no pay anchors this logic. Ensuring that this work is done by cheap or free
labor is part of the logic of lower public spending and destruction of public services.
An unfair project
By what right does the state give itself the opportunity to occupy one month or seven of
the lives of young people ? National service, whether military or not, is a deprivation of
liberty. It's also dangerous for some people. We know that the army is a deeply
misogynistic and homophobic environment. If the military oversees the UN, girls and
homosexuals would be in danger in his hands.
Nathan and Adèle (AL Montreuil)
Anti-militarist ardor
In France, in the 1970s, the antimilitarist movement is relatively strong. Fighting like
that of Larzac, the denunciation of colonial interventions or the break-breaking army mark
the time. But it is the movements against national service that crystallize the main
forces ; Above all, they bring together successive militant generations of young people.
Military service, one year barracks, is mandatory for all young men; the soldiers'
committees organize the resistance. Some desert. A minority chooses conscientious
objection, a two-year civil service. Some of them refuse authoritarian assignments and
especially to take the place of employee. Others are totally insubordinate. Committees of
soldiers, conscientious objection, insubordination, desertion (in all these forms of
struggle are built international links), antimilitarism, pacifism, revolution,
non-violence, civil disobedience, subversion, anti-hierarchy, citizen rights ... All it is
complete and sometimes confronted.
It was a time when the union CFDT, in connection with others [1], affirmed for example: "
the antimilitarist struggle, led by the labor movement since its origins, is still
relevant and our congress sets itself as tasks concrete to support, according to our
possibilities, the conscripts for the right of organization and expression, and for their
demands, in particular for transport ; to support the unsubdued railway workers who would
be victims of repression, inside and outside the company. "
The antimilitarist movements of this period are not free from flaws from which lessons
must be learned. But, weaving a thread with the struggles in high schools and colleges,
they helped to install young militants in the revolt, the questioning of the hierarchy,
the collective action was sometimes illegal, the joy of militant: as much ingredients that
were not for nothing in the outbreak of a revolutionary trade unionism in everyday life
that marked the years later.
Christian (AL Southeast Suburbs)
[1] See notably Theo Roumier, " Contest in the army ", The Utopics n ° 5, June 2017 and
Christian Mahieux, " Contest the army ", The Utopics n ° 6, November 2017 on .
Message: 6
Since December 18, almost two months ago, dozens of Malian railway workers have launched a
hunger strike action. Why do they put their lives on the line ? Why are many of them dead
? Because they have been deprived of salary by the Malian State for almost a year ! ----
Since the beginning of this movement, 6 strikers have died: Moussa Sissoko, driver of a
taxi to Kita ; Siaka Sidibe, train driver in Toukouto ; Seydou Sidibe, switchman at Kayes
; Sekouba Bagayoko, section chief in Bamako ; Mariam Doumbia, health worker in Bamako ;
Mohamady Sissoko, from Kita. Newborns and wives of railway workers have also died, for
want of care because the railwaymen have not a penny.Several families were evicted from
their homes: they could not pay rent because of lack of income for months. Other railway
workers on hunger strike are hospitalized in serious conditions: Souleymane Bagayoko,
Souleymane Monson Traore, Sekou Keita, Bolidiandian Keita, Mathurin Keita, Sekouba Niare,
Abdoulaye Diarra, Bassirou Diakite ...
On January 23, the state paid by bank transfer 2 months salary. These absorbed everything,
considering the " debts " accumulated by our comrades. Yesterday, the payment of another 3
months was promised for Thursday, February 21st. It is 11 months salary that the state
owes to the railwaymen !
In Mali and Senegal, the privatization of the railway has been a disaster. As in many
other parts of the world, trade unions, associations and politicians had warned of the
consequences to come. The government did not take this into account, and several railway
workers were repressed for telling the truth. Privatization has been harmful for the
entire population: the abandonment of the Dakar / Bamako line has had dramatic
consequences for all the villages then abandoned. Railroad workers, who were delivered to
buyers eager to make money on their backs, also paid a heavy price for the political
choices they had opposed.
The record was so bad that the Senegalese and Malian governments, which had decided to
privatize, terminated the agreement with Advens in 2015. There were 22 locomotives in
2003, in 2015 there were only 3. The whole infrastructure suffered a huge maintenance
deficit ; do not even talk about renovation and modernization !
Since 2015, many problems remain. A commitment was made by the transport ministers of the
two countries on December 7, 2015: " The States of Mali and Senegal inform that all the
necessary steps are taken to ensure the continuity of activities on the Dakar-Bamako
railway line. Similarly, adequate measures have been taken to preserve the jobs of workers
and to pay regular wages throughout the transitional phase. " If this happens correctly on
the Senegalese side, the fact is not the same in Mali. It's been eleven months since the
Malian railway workers are not paid !Despite repeated interventions by the SYTRAIL / UNTM
union, the government has made no commitment. Since December 18, dozens of them have
started a hunger strike.
The signatory organizations support the Malian railway workers, who are only claiming
their unpaid wages for eleven months, and for that have put their lives at stake ! We
honor those who have passed away, offer our condolences to their loved ones and salute the
courage of all.
It must stop this tragedy ! The Malian State must pay the wages due without delay. The
full recovery of rail traffic on the Dakar / Bamako line is also a necessity !
Signatory organizations as of February 19, 2019: Alternative Libertaire ; International
union network of solidarity and struggles ; Rail Without Border Network ; Union syndicale
Solidaires ; SUD-Rail Federation of Trade Unions ; CEDETIM-IPAM ; Solidarity Europe
without borders ; No-Vox ; To leave colonialism ; Social ecology ; Communist Party of the
Workers of France ; New anti-capitalist party.
Message: 7
6.30PM. KENSINGTON TOWN HALL, HORTON STREET, W8 7NX ---- called by Save Earl's Court
Campaign and Earl's Court Supporters Club with support from RHN ---- Join us to lobby
Kensington councillors and planners to insist that the 22 acre Earls Court site provides
genuinely affordable social rent homes, community facilities for local people, and a
replacement green, multi-purpose venue. This is a huge site of previously public land
which has thousands of luxury flats planned, with not one social rent home planned for the
site. After Grenfell fire RBKC said they would listen to local residents
Facebook event here:
Come and help make our new RHN banner, or make one for your own group.
Open to housing campaigns and community groups/campaigns. Materials
Facebook event here:
The Save Earl's Court campaign is non-aligned and is not affiliated to any political party
or movement. Our supporters include local residents, business owners, the Association of
Event Organisers, the RMT Union and the wider London community.
Our campaign has had three aims;
To stop the demolition of the Earls Court Exhibition Centres; to stop the demolition of
the Lillie Bridge Depot and to stop the demolition of the West Kensington and Gibbs Green
The demolition of the Earls Court Exhibition Centres for luxury flats was approved by
Boris Johnson and Eric Pickles. We lost an asset that was of vital importance to the
capital's and our national economy. The Earls Court Exhibition Centres represented 30% of
London's and 16% of the UK's vital exhibition space bringing in over £1.25bn per year.
Their demolition has been an act of economic, social, environmental and cultural
vandalism. Reduced footfall, steep increases in business rates and rents as well as
uncertainty over the Earls Court Masterplan's future has led to an economic downturn in
the Earl's Court area.
The site of the former exhibition centres is currently owned by a joint venture between
Transport for London and Capital and Counties Properties Plc. Mayor Khan is chair of
Transport for London.
We now campaign for "the world's greenest venue" to be built so we have the replacement
venue promised to local residents, showcasing green technologies such as solar panels,
living walls and anaerobic digestion. This multi-purpose venue "green from the pips up™,"
would be constructed where the excellent public transport links which serve the Earls
Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area are easily accessible. Unlike the current Earls
Court Masterplan, we envisage step free access to the site from Earl's Court tube station.
We also campaign for low-rise, high-density, exemplary, green housing to be built on the
site which straddles the boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea as well as Hammersmith and
Fulham. During a housing crisis, it is unacceptable that this huge site is currently empty
with no temporary housing available. It is shameful that not one council home is planned
to be built on the empty 22-acres on the Kensington and Chelsea part of the site. We
envisage green housing for all with a range of housing options - including council
housing, homes for key workers, family-sized homes to homes for the elderly and the
disabled - alongside provision of community space, social infrastructure and green space.
Mayor Khan must call in the current Earls Court Masterplan to review it against the
climate change emergency he declared in December 2018. Earl's Court hosted two Olympic
Games and there is no sign of the promised Olympic Legacy. Our venue would redress this.
London can benefit from our world-class event organisers to ensure that a range of
"meanwhile use" economic activity can continue on the site while the future of the Earls
Court Masterplan is in doubt. We continue to campaign to save the West Kensington and
Gibbs Green Estates and the Lillie Bridge Depot from demolition.
Save Earl's Court Supporters Club
Message: 8
Amazon IP delegation on the way to protest to Warsaw, 2016. ---- Since the beginning of
2019, three members of the Amazon Employee Initiative have won trials in which the court
ordered the payment of damages or the withdrawal of procedural penalties. The members of
the union who are dismissed for the norms and for absence due to the illness comment that
it is worth defending and questioning the decisions of employers before the court. ---- 21
lutego Sad Rejonowy Poznan-Grunwald i Jezyce zasadzil na rzecz zwolnionego w 2016 r.
Mikity odszkodowanie w wysokosci 7056 zl. Mikita byl w magazynie pod Poznaniem stowerem,
tzn. rozkladal towar na regalach. Od poczatku byl czlonkiem Inicjatywy Pracowniczej,
wspieral zwiazek rozdajac ulotki, bral udzial w spotkaniach. Na poczatku 2016 r. zaczal
chorowac, a w sierpniu Amazon zwolnil go za "28,77 proc. nieobecnosci w okresie
luty-lipiec 2016". W wypowiedzeniu pracodawca stwierdzil, ze nieobecnosci wskazywaly na
"negatywny stosunek do pracy" oraz ze "spowodowaly, ze pracodawca musial podjac dzialania
natury reorganizacyjnej", co wiazalo sie z rzekoma koniecznoscia organizacji zastepstw i
obciazalo innych "ponadwymiarowa praca". W toku procesu Piotr Krzyzaniak - pelnomocnik
Inicjatywy Pracowniczej - argumentowal, ze miedzy nieobecnosciami powoda a nadgodzinami i
zatrudnieniem pracowników agencyjnych nie ma zadnego zwiazku w firmie takiej jak Amazon,
która stale korzysta z uslug agencji pracy i stawia na czasowe zatrudnienie, permanentnie
nie przedluzajac umów, by za chwile znów rekrutowac kolejne osoby. Sad w ustnych motywach
wyroku wskazal, ze indywidualne nieobecnosci tego pracownika spowodowane choroba nie
narazaly interesów pracodawcy oraz ze nie mozna stwierdzic, ze pracownik mial negatywny
stosunek do pracy. Wyrok nie jest prawomocny.
Mikita asked for a comment about the winning case says: "I did not expect a win. I am
pleasantly surprised at how the relationship supported me, because I would not take it
myself, I would just leave and find something else. In Belarus, where I come from, the
unions are façade, so I am grateful for the support. The work at Amazon at first seemed to
me quite well, as a foreigner I learned not to be disgusted. However, after a certain
lapse of time, work began to reflect on my health, until today I am treating some diseases
that I have contracted in the Amazon. The work was exhausting, all the time under
supervision, in the pursuit of the norm, all the time press people, I felt like in prison
and I would not like to experience it again. Now I work in forwarding, I have a sitting
job, I can have a coffee when I want to go, breathe calmly and I have a relatively higher
salary. I am happy with the win, I wish other human working conditions. "
This is the third win for disposing of ill employees by Amazon, run by the Employee
Initiative. Previously, similar cases - Joanna and Daria - went to the District Court,
which dismissing the appeal of Amazon confirmed that previously planted workers
compensation was justified. The union acted for stable working conditions and distributed
leaflets under the slogan "Amazon employs? Amazon slows down! "( Read more )
On the other hand, on February 6, 2019, the same court reinstated Maciej, a unionist in
the Amazon Employee Initiative, dismissed for failure to work standards, or Amazon's
"performance indicators". Maciej worked at the packaging department, where he was also an
instructor. He was dismissed on August 31, 2016. In his dismissal, the employer placed a
table with a percentage target for each week when he did not meet the standard. In some
weeks he was blamed for the implementation of the standard at 99.68% or 96.8%. In his
defense, the Workers' Initiative organized a picket in Warsaw under the then headquarters
of Amazon. Maciej spoke on the protest stressing: "We have to oppose such activities of
the company, because if they can absolve everyone, let alone trade unionists, they will
think, and read more ). Katarzyna Górna from
the Environmental Workers 'Committee of the Art Associated in the Workers' Initiative
invited him to take part in the film about Situationists entitled "A situation that did
not happen in Poland," where he described how he was treated by Amazon ( trailer). During
Maciej's trial, his attorney pointed out that for 10 weeks of work with 18 taken into
account in the notice, he met expectations in terms of efficiency, twice making even more
than 120% of the norm, which Amazon did not consider at all. According to the trade
unionists, the employee evaluation system is used to look for hooks on uncomfortable
employees. The court explained verbal motives of the judgment that the annex to the Staff
Regulations governing the employee appraisal method is inconsistent with art. 8 of the
Labor Code. According to the wording of this provision, "you can not make use of your
right that would be contrary to the socio-economic purpose of this law or the principles
of social coexistence." According to the court, the employee evaluation system can not be
based on continuous competition (by witnesses referred to as the "rat race"). In addition,
an evaluation system that does not take into account the positive achievements of the
employee (praise) is unacceptable, and the decision to recommend for dismissal is made
only on the basis of the number of negative assessments ("remarks on the need to
improve"). The verdict is not yet final.
From October to January 2019, the Employee Initiative in Amazon took part in the
negotiations of changes to the Work Regulations regarding the employee assessment. The
talks ended in a fiasco: the employer did not want to introduce significant changes
proposed by the unions in this document. He wanted to completely eliminate the praise. The
verdict in the matter of Maciej confirmed the previous position of the Initiative as to
the fact that the principles of employee evaluation applicable at Amazon are illegal.
Thirdly, on 24 January 2019, the Poznan District Court Grunwald and Jezyce quashed two
administrative penalties against Agnieszka, an employee of the Employee Initiative. In the
verbal motives of the judgment, the court stated that the trade union can not be treated
by the employer as a "necessary evil", but on a partner basis. Therefore, Amazon should
refrain from confrontational actions that increase the social tensions in the workplace.
Agnieszka received one of the blames for the fact that during the working hours she
accepted from several employees completed union surveys. The second reprimand concerned
leaving the workplace in order to go to the toilet. The verdict is not yet final.
Piotr Krzyzaniak, who leads from the Employee Initiative all the above-mentioned issues,
comments that employers' decisions should be questioned in court. The above-mentioned
cases relate to situations that occur en masse, but most employees would not think to
appeal to court, which is why companies like Amazon feel unpunished. However, employees
associated in a relationship are not alone with their problems. These several winning
cases gave the union grounds to question employer practices as part of wider campaigns
also outside the courtroom, and favorable judgments also provide legal arguments that can
also be used in disputes with other companies.
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