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zaterdag 30 maart 2019

Anarchist-made media and anarchists in the news...

MARCH 2019

Anarchist-made media and anarchists in the news...

New Film on Kurdish Resistance

One of the most inspiring stories of our times is the emergence of anarchist-inspired community and political organizing in Kurdistan. Despite having to fight a multi-fronted resistance against ISIS and the governments of Turkey and Syria, communities in Kurdistan are also showing us how to fight ecological destruction and patriarchy where it stands.

Created by Two Rivers and a Valley, a collective of Turkish, Kurdish, European, and US radical filmmakers, a new film called "Voices of Bakur" looks at the Kurdish movement in Bakur, Northern Kurdistan. It focuses on the period of 2015-2016, when more than a dozen Kurdish towns within the southeastern borders of Turkey declared autonomy from the Turkish state. We highly recommend taking 32 minutes to watch this important and informative film, and share it with your friends!

Do you like writing about current events and issues,and also happen to be an anarchist?

Agency is always on the look out for engaging original content to publish through our networks. If you are interested please check out our Submissions page for more information. We are particularly interested in articles and interviews that discuss how anarchists and anarchist projects are engaging with and producing media, but would love to hear any ideas you might have!


Joe Dibee’s 12 years on the lam came to an end last August, when Cuban authorities detained the 50-year-old environmental activist during a layover in Havana and turned him over to the United States. More than a decade earlier, police and FBI agents had arrested a dozen of Dibee’s associates in the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front within the span of a few months.Read more...
It is surely no big deal to steal a ballpoint pen from the office stationery cupboard, or some paper. But what about a mug, some furniture, a laptop? Many Americans apparently think it is fine to steal almost anything you can from work, a new report has found. The study, by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), found that “non cash” property theft – which spans everything from notebooks to Nespresso machines to personal data – by employees has almost doubled in the US in recent years from 11% of occupational fraud cases in 2002 to 21% in 2018 (a trend also reflected globally). Read more...
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