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woensdag 8 mei 2019
Anarchic update news all over the world - 8.05.2019
Today's Topics:
1. afed.cz: Don't dance as Duke whistles! [machine translation]
2. France, Alternative Libertaire - AL release, Solidarity with
the comrade of the AF wounded in Publico (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. ait-rus: Anarcho-syndicalist May Day 2019 in the world
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. France, Communique of the Anarchist Federation FA:
Aggression in the Publico bookstore by FA-Amiens Paris, May 3,
2019 (fr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. vrije bond - [Eindhoven] Demonstration: Pegida not welcome
in Eindhoven (nl) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. vrije bond: [Nijmegen] Political infocafe during DIYFest
7. London Anarchist Federation: Statement from Fédération
Anarchiste (French-speaking Anarchist Federation) -- Re: Attack
at Publico, bookshop of the Anarchist Federation in Paris
8. Anarchist FAO, Slovenia & Croatia (IAF-IFA): For consistent
anarchism in social movements! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
9. Czech, afed: Fridays for future -- Anarchist Federation
promotes student strike for climate. [machine translation]
Message: 1
On Saturday, April 27, supporters of the "Movement for Life" tried to pass through Prague,
lobbying for a long-term ban on abortion. We bring a report from the counter-action "Don't
Dance How Duka Whistles!" Organized by Kolektiv 115. ---- The demonstration in the form of
protest-rav started around noon under the bridge in Tešnov, Prague. Around a hundred
people gathered on site to listen to two cars with sound systems - namely RAW Rave,
Blazing Bullets, AM180 collective and Olgoj Chorchoj Sound System. ---- Shortly after
twelve, the procession set out on the road and the participants and dancers danced before
the Rudolfinum, around which the "National March for Life", led by Cardinal Duke, was to
pass undisturbed. Sound systems continued to win on the spot, attracting the groups of
passing tourists who were asking questions about the event. Funny banners were painted on
the spot as part of the parallel "March for the SUPER Life" event (SUPER's life was
contrasted with the "boring life" offered by Cardinal Duka and his followers), danced,
discussed, and was simply good.
But it was felt in the air that the bigotic march across the Mánes Bridge would probably
not pass without complications. And indeed. Around two o'clock, when a crowd of followers
of the Movement for Life marched, an organized blockade of several dozen people, headed by
the banner of "Patriarchy killing", stood in his way. For example, "My Body, My Choice",
"We Are Here and We Will Fight, Everybody's Right to Be Legal!"
Surprisingly, nobody disobeyed the challenges of the police megaphone or the anticonflict
team's agreement, and the police riot police set off. During the roughly 15-minute
push-up, when the police "knocked" people who wanted to go to the challenge, the
protesting feminists and feminists pushed to the side of the Mánes Bridge and then put
them in police cars to pass the bigots march undisturbed.
However, the mood was good in the encircled cluster and confetti and inflated balloons
were flying into the air. The cops didn't understand that, and the balloons that flew out
for a number of rioters refused to turn back.
After a few tens of minutes, traditional legitimacy began. The one who came with the
citizen and legitimized himself was out in a while, foreigners and other non-conforming
elements had it more complicated, inter alia because the intervention commander did not
know English (and no one else from the intervening police, but "we are in the Czech
Republic, so will speak Czech "). Dismissed activists and activists began to gather on the
other side of the bridge, waiting for the rest of their friends and friends. A number of
riot police, encircling relatively innocent looking young people, have become a smaller
tourist attraction, so we have explained many times what happened on the bridge today. It
was nice that most of the people passing through us expressed support and shouted from
time to time to the cops.
After about an hour, all were legitimized and only two unfortunates traveled to the
Bartolomejská Police Station for unclear reasons.
Most of the layoffs went there to support them, and by 6:00, everyone was free. In the
company Zázemí, which is located almost opposite the police station, SUPER after party
continued with DJs from RFK.
Finally, we would like to thank to Team 115 for a well-managed event and look forward to
another feminist (again) event in a year.
Other reports:
Reports from previous years:
2017: https://www.afed.cz/text/6663/orgasmus-je-vic-nez-narod
2018: https://www.afed.cz/text/6824/nase-delohy- you will not get in-restitution
Message: 2
Libertarian Alternative addresses all his sympathy to the comrade of the anarchist public
library in Paris, hospitalized after being wounded with a knife in the head at work. ----
The attacker fled and, according to the witnesses, his motives seemed political: to strike
the Anarchist Federation. ---- We express our full solidarity with the FA. Libertarian
Alternative stands at his disposal for any initiative in reaction to this aggression.
There is a risk that the individual reissues his action. This should encourage all
militant, revolutionary and libertarian places in the Paris region to be more vigilant.
Libertarian Alternative, May 3, 2019
Message: 3
Anarcho-syndicalist trade unions and associations celebrated May 1, 2019, the day of
international solidarity of workers with demonstrations, rallies, meetings and other
events in many countries around the world. Here are only partial information that has been
received so far from various sources. ---- Australia. Activists of the Anarcho-Syndicalist
Federation (ASF, section of the International Association of Workers) and other anarchists
organized a traditional May Day rally at a monument erected in honor of the struggle for
the 8-hour working day in Melbourne. The speakers reminded the audience about the
anarchist roots of May Day. ---- Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation
(BASF) held a rally on May 1 in Sylhet. An appeal was made to the working people of the
country to fight for a better life, the elimination of statehood and capitalism on the
planet, the elimination of any borders, military bases and military industry.
Anarcho-syndicalists are calling for the creation of a new society based on new
technologies, in which all production and services will be socialized (
http://www.bangladeshasf.org/news/a-brief-report-on-mayday-2019-observed .. . )
Brazil. The May Day performances of the Brazilian Workers' Confederation (PSO, section of
the International Association of Workers) were organized in various cities of the country.
Thus, in Sao Paulo, the anarcho-syndialists held a rally at 1 pm on the steps of the
Municipal Theater's stairs. The main topic was the fight against cuts in workers' rights
and pension reform, and against unemployment - to reduce working hours and establish a
minimum guaranteed salary of 5,000 reais. In speeches and posters pasted around the city,
comrades reminded of the traditions of the general strike, called for self-organization of
the working people and resistance, the destruction of the state and capitalism.
In Porto Alegre, anarcho-syndicalists of the state of Rio Grande do Sul held a traditional
rally-concert and cultural events on a skate track in the IAPI park
Britannia. For comrades from the Federation of Solidarity (SF, section of the
International Association of Workers) in Brighton on May 1 was the day of continuation of
the labor conflict with the owners of the barber shop CJ Barbers. Anarcho-syndicalists are
campaigning for the payment of wage arrears to former employees of the institution. On the
day of working solidarity, a march was held to the institution and its picketing.
Germany. Activists of the Cologne Anarcho-Syndicalist Network, together with members of
the Cologne Anarchist Forum and the Kurdish Anarchist Forum of the Anarchists, organized a
libertarian information stand on the trade union Pervomai on the Cologne Heumarkt square.
In the evening, they took part in an anarchist demonstration in Dortmund, held under the
slogan "Class Struggle instead of Election Performance". Hundreds of demonstrators marched
from the West Park through the center of the city to the cultural center "Black Pigeon" in
the north of the city, where the final rally was held. The procession was accompanied by
pressure from the police, who repeatedly stopped the convoy, checked documents, etc. (
http: //anarchosyndikalismus.blogsport.de/2019/05/01/erster-mai-an-rhein -... )
Indonesia.Anarcho-syndicalists and anarchists took part in May Day speeches in various
cities. In Bandung, hundreds of black-clad protesters - mostly students, schoolchildren,
and precarious workers - joined the demonstration of the official trade unions, raising
black and red-black flags. In the course of the march, the activists wrote slogans on the
walls of the buildings: "Anarchism," "Anti-capitalism," "May Day," and "No cheap work."
The professional bosses (as in the past year) set guards and their functionaries on
anarchists. Then the anaarchists attacked the anarchists, making several shots. Anarchists
resisted; the police beat the protesters, knocked them down, dragged them along the
ground, tore off their clothes. 619 people (including 14 girls) were arrested and
harassed: they were beaten, divided into groups, divided and shaved bald. Then they were
thrown into a pickup truck and taken to the police station. The professors complained that
the anarchists were trying to side with their demonstrations also in Jakarta. It is
reported on the participation of anarchists in the May Day speeches in Surabaya, Makassar
and Malang. There were also clashes in Surabaya. A crowd of black-clad protesters
organized a sit-in at the Gedung Negara Grahadi Palace, where unions celebrated on May 1.
In Makassar, several dozen demonstrators in black at a parking lot in the Panakkukang area
smashed billboards, painted walls, threw stones and tried to attack McDonald's. Police
have arrested dozens of anarchists in Makassar and Surabaya. Indonesian anarchists from
the Katut bookstore protested against police repression ( stripped and shaved bald. Then
they were thrown into a pickup truck and taken to the police station. The professors
complained that the anarchists were trying to side with their demonstrations also in
Jakarta. It is reported on the participation of anarchists in the May Day speeches in
Surabaya, Makassar and Malang. There were also clashes in Surabaya. A crowd of black-clad
protesters organized a sit-in at the Gedung Negara Grahadi Palace, where unions celebrated
on May 1. In Makassar, several dozen demonstrators in black at a parking lot in the
Panakkukang area smashed billboards, painted walls, threw stones and tried to attack
McDonald's. Police have arrested dozens of anarchists in Makassar and Surabaya. Indonesian
anarchists from the Katut bookstore protested against police repression ( stripped and
shaved bald. Then they were thrown into a pickup truck and taken to the police station.
The professors complained that the anarchists were trying to side with their
demonstrations also in Jakarta. It is reported on the participation of anarchists in the
May Day speeches in Surabaya, Makassar and Malang. There were also clashes in Surabaya. A
crowd of black-clad protesters organized a sit-in at the Gedung Negara Grahadi Palace,
where unions celebrated on May 1. In Makassar, several dozen demonstrators in black at a
parking lot in the Panakkukang area smashed billboards, painted walls, threw stones and
tried to attack McDonald's. Police have arrested dozens of anarchists in Makassar and
Surabaya. Indonesian anarchists from the Katut bookstore protested against police
repression (https: //www.viva.co.id/berita/nasional/1145439-asal-usul-anarko-sang-pen ...
https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2019/05/02/police- repression-mars-ma ... http:
//blog.cnt-ait.info/public/INTERNATIONAL/INDONESIE/INDONESIE_2019-0 ...
https://en.tempo.co/read/1201190/anarchist-group- incited-may-day-chaos-s ... https:
//enoughisenough14.org/2019/05/02/indonesia-statement-from-catut-a ...
https://mpalothia.net/indonesia-may- day-riot-amp-clashes-in-bandung -... ). Police blamed
"anarcho-syndicalists" for clashes in Bandung ( https:
//news.detik.com/berita/d-4532993/tentang-anarcho-syndicalism-yang ... )
Spain. BUTThe Narho-Syndicalist Trade Union Confederation CNT-AIT (Section of the
International Association of Workers) held May Day performances in various cities and
regions of Spain. In Madrid, hundreds of activists and supporters of the local federation
of CNT-AIT syndicates, "libertarian youth" and other anarchist groups gathered at noon on
Bravo Murillo Street in Valdeassederas and marched to Quattro Caminos under the motto
"Struggle is the only way." Ahead of the demonstration carried a huge banner with the
inscription: "Anarcho-syndicalism against the state and capital." Participants carried
red-black, black-purple and black flags. They reminded of the anniversary of the general
strike of 1919, which allowed workers to win an 8-hour working day, and stressed that the
struggle is on the streets, not in committees and not in parliaments.
In Granada, the demonstration was focused primarily on informing people about current
labor and social conflicts of anarcho-syndicalists and about repressions against the
libertarian movement. Together with anarcho-syndicalists, the Anarchist Black Sheep
Movement took part in the action. The demonstration began at 11.00 am on the Gràcia
Square, where leaflets were heard, black, red-black and black-purple flags were raised.
From there, the column moved to Rekhogidas Street to inform about the labor conflict with
the store "Patricia Villanueva". The next object of protest was Mango, whose
administration repressed several CNT activists who exposed the exploitation of the
exploitation of children and women in the institution. In the Puerta Real area, speakers
spoke of a conflict with the non-governmental organization Plan International, which fired
almost the entire state after the trade union section formed there managed to achieve
certain gains. Then the demonstrators went to Fuente de las Batallas, where they spread
information about the campaign against gambling houses, harming the lives of residents of
the quarter. Then came the turn of the shop "Corte ingles", famous for its repressive
anti-union policies. Passing through Acera del Darro, Fuente de los Granados, Carrera del
Genil, De la Virgen and San Matias Street, demonstrators approached the Carmela Bar, which
belongs to one of the leaders of the association of restaurant and hotel owners -
entrepreneurs who systematically violate the rights of employees. Chanting workers trade
union and anarchist slogans, the demonstrators continued their journey along Realejo,
reaching Campo del Principe, where a rally was organized, books, leaflets and other
propaganda materials from CNT-AIT Granada, Motril and Valle del Lecrin cells, "Black
Sheep" and the group "Those who never shut up again." Representatives of the feminist
section, "Black Sheep" and CNT-AIT of Granada spoke at the rally. After the rally and the
concert, a picket was held against the Lemon Rock institution, with which there is also a
labor conflict due to the dismissal of the activist of the anarcho-syndicalist trade union
( "Black Sheep" and the group "Those who never shut up again." Representatives of the
feminist section, "Black Sheep" and CNT-AIT of Granada spoke at the rally. After the rally
and the concert, a picket was held against the Lemon Rock institution, with which there is
also a labor conflict due to the dismissal of the activist of the anarcho-syndicalist
trade union ( "Black Sheep" and the group "Those who never shut up again." Representatives
of the feminist section, "Black Sheep" and CNT-AIT of Granada spoke at the rally. After
the rally and the concert, a picket was held against the Lemon Rock institution, with
which there is also a labor conflict due to the dismissal of the activist of the
anarcho-syndicalist trade union
(https://granada.cntait.org/content/1-de-mayo-de-2019-cnt-ait-granada-0 )
In Cadiz, anarcho-syndicalists came to the historic Plaza de Abastos. The rally began with
the fact that Comrade Rafa read the manifesto of the interprofessional union CNT-AIT
Chiklany, which said that May 1 is "the day of world revolutionary agitation," despite all
the attempts of reformist leaders. Recalling the traditions of the anarchist and labor
movement and the current offensive of capital and state on the working people, he called
for solidarity and direct action, as well as support for anarcho-syndicalist and anarchist
prisoners. Comrade Benito from CNT-AIT's interprofessional union Cadiz spoke about the
history and traditions of the First and current repressions and maneuvers of those who
would like to prevent anarchist ideas and anarcho-syndicalist International from spreading
among the working class. Comrade Pepe Gomez of the CNT-AIT Puerto Real gave an overview of
how May Day was celebrated and remembered those who are no longer with us, including
Comrade Garcia Rua. He ended the rally by reading poems dedicated to his comrades in
wrestling (http: //elmilicianocnt-aitchiclana.blogspot.com/2019/05/cronica-de-los-ac ... )
The regional federation of syndicates CNT-AIT Levant held a joint May Day performance in
Alicante under the slogan "Against the state, capital and any power." The demonstration
began at 12.00 from the stairs of the College "Jorge Juan" and went to the Plaza de la
Pipa, where a rally was held, followed by a picnic.
CNT-AIT of Catalonia, which returned to CNT-AIT this year, organized a rally on the Plaza
dels Angels in Barcelona. The representatives of the coordinating body CNT-AIT and the
guest from CNT-AIT of France, who spoke at the meeting, welcomed the reunification of the
Catalan and Hispanic CNT-AIT. Representatives of various social movements and groups
(Asamblea per la Okupacio con K, Solidaridad Rebel, Azadi, CLIVELLA prison team,
Sindillar, Marea Pensionista retirement group) and CNT-AIT Catalan told about their
struggle, projects, proposals and alternatives, speaking before solid in size by the
audience of activists and supporters of the libertarian movement. As part of the cultural
"part" of the event, "Bio-Lentos" performed with her poems and Esther, who performed songs
to her music. A festive parade-festival was organized for residents of the neighborhood,
as well as the re-seizure of the building of the former self-governing student dormitory
"REA". The events ended with a comradely paella (vegan and mixed), with wine, water, bread
and fruit (https://www.facebook.com/cnt.vilanova/ )
About 800 people took part in the united libertarian syndicalist demonstration in
Barcelona ( https: //www.elperiodico.com/es/economia/20190501/manifestacion-sindicato ...
), and in the general libertarian manifestation in the evening - 4000 people ( https: /
/www.antena3.com/noticias/sociedad/detienen-mujer-envenenar-burun ... )
Colombia. The Liberty Union of Students and Labor (ULET), an association of supporters of
the International Workers 'Association in Colombia, came out on the streets of Bogota on
May 1 to commemorate the fallen freedom fighters of the working class (" Chicago Martyrs
"1886, Colombian comrades Nicholas Neira and Sergio Urrego and others) and call for an
anarcho-syndicalist alternative. Comrades gathered at 9 o'clock in the morning at the
Planetarium and walked in a column through the streets of the city (
http://uletsindical.org/actividades/1mayo2019.htm )
Norway. The Norwegian Syndicalist Federation (NSF, section of the International
Association of Workers) distributed a May Day appeal and leaflets calling for the creation
of a militant trade union movement ( http://www.nsf-iaa.org/readpost.php?post=1556175251.txt )
Poland."The government - on the street, the street - on the government" and "The united
workers are invincible" - under such slogans anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists marched
through the center of Wroclaw. "We took to the streets because we see what is happening.
Employees of various professions are protesting one after another; the teachers have
recently gone on strike, now they are talking louder and louder about the protests of
social workers. We are convinced that, together, we can do a lot and oppose inequalities,
"the representative of the Anarchist Federation of Wroclaw, Halina Valkevich, explained to
reporters. On this day, working people are reminded of the requirement that workers'
rights are respected - both in private firms and in relation to state employees. More
expensive, the cost of living increases, but the salary remains the same. We are not happy
with the situation when people decide for us who feed us with promises and reform
projects. These promises often turn out to be lies, and the reforms are temporary, the
anarchist continued. - We need stable employment contracts, not junk contracts. We need
salaries to live on and put something off. We want to be treated with dignity. "The
protesters gathered in the square of John Paul II, recalling that this was once the square
on May 1. Observers and police gathered around the demonstrators dressed mostly in black.
One of them passed on radio slogans on banners. "Regardless of what this holiday is
associated with in our country, that is, with Poland, we remind you that this is a day for
workers, people whose rights are constantly violated," said Peter Roker. banner he
stressed that there are not only anarchists, but other organizations as well. Indeed, the
group with the flags of the Union of Syndicalists of Poland (ZSP, sections of the
International Association of Workers), as well as the girls with the banner "Women's
Strike" stood nearby. Peter recalled the origin of May Day: this is the anniversary of the
workers' strike in Chicago in 1886, which was brutally suppressed by the police. "In
Poland, this holiday was assigned and desecrated by the authorities of the Polish People's
Republic. We want to wrest this day out of this infamous story and return it to those who
created it - workers and workers. In addition to workers 'rights, we remind of tenants'
rights. We are not only we hold demonstrations and pickets, but we also try to block the
eviction of people to the streets, "says Peter with pride. May Day demonstration of
libertarians gathered about 100 people. They walked through the city from John Paul II
Square, along Russkaya Street, to Sunny Square, and then to University Square (https:
//gazetawroclawska.pl/1-maja-oglosili-dniem-walki-pracowniczej-ana ... )
France. Anarcho-syndicalists from CNT-AIT (section of the International Association of
Workers) took part in the May Day talks in Toulouse and other cities.
Message: 4
An anarchist companion was violently attacked with stab in the Publico bookstore yesterday
afternoon. A priori, nothing shows that it is to target it specifically but rather the
organization in which it militates: the Anarchist Federation .
We will not be left with threats, intimidation or violence.
We will continue to struggle and carry, even in these times of obscurantism, high and
clear, our political messages, which undoubtedly disturb in these times of struggle. We
continue the fight against this society imposed on us.
Solidarity with our companion, Solidarity with Publico, Long live anarchy. ---- Anarchist
Federation ----
Message: 5
Together against racism and Muslim hatred Pegida not welcome in Eindhoven! ---- The
extreme right-wing 'anti-Islam movement' Pegida wants to 'demonstrate' at the start of
Ramadan on Monday 6 May at the Al Fourqaan mosque in Eindhoven. This is a new attempt to
make Muslims suspicious and to frighten them. The fact that Pegida wants to do this at the
start of Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims, makes clear what Pegida is about: provoking,
harassing, teasing, hurting. We cannot and must not accept this. Say NO to Pegida and join
the protest! ---- Pegida presents itself as a peaceful 'anti-Islam movement'. That is
deception. She does not criticize 'Islam. She does not practice 'Islam criticism'. She
conducts mood-making against Muslims. Time and again she attracts attention with attempts
to threaten and provoke the Muslim community. The club does the same by holding a barbecue
with pork in front of mosques.
Hard-core fascists are taking part in Pegida. The captain, Edwin Wagensveld, trades in
weapons. He has been involved in armed patrol actions to attack refugees on the borders of
Europe. Pegida originated in Germany, there were plenty of Nazis active from the start.
That is the example for the Dutch Pegida: a fascist movement in the making.
And a racist accident is rarely alone. Today's targets are Muslims. Tomorrow it is other
groups that are being attacked. Muslim hatred not only threatens Muslims, it is also an
attack on solidarity, on the peaceful coexistence of people from different backgrounds.
What Pegida does fits in with a dangerous trend of Muslim bashs. Politicians such as
Wilders and Baudet label 'Islam' as a danger, and thereby kick Muslims. The rest of
politics goes a long way in this. Mayors and politicians sometimes act, but especially
against people who try to take action against Pegida.
Pegida is also being given room for her toxic stunt in Eindhoven. The congregation
therefore refuses to guarantee the freedom and safety of Muslims to preserve their faith
in peace. Then solidarity people have to do that themselves. We therefore say:
No Pegida at the mosque! No Pegida in Eindhoven's streets!
NO to Pegida. NO to Muslim hatred.
Muslims and non-Muslims side by side: keeps Eindhoven Nazi-free!
Monday, May 6, second half of the afternoon (exact time will follow)
Location: will be announced asap.
From there we walk towards the mosque. We are going to let Pegida there that they are not
welcome, and also let mosque visitors know that they are not alone. Our solidarity is
stronger than their racist hatred.
Message: 6
Info stands, talks, workshops and vegan food on the second day of DIYfest 2019. With a
concert or Sharp Knives and Valinor. ---- There's the walk-in political info café in the
Klinker (same building, different address) on Saturday, with info on Ende Gelände,
andSharp Knives (PORTUGAL) and Valinor (SPAIN) will play their music. There's a DIY Bike
Workshop so bring your skills and shitty bike and then get yourself registered to join the
Alleycat race through town on Saturday, leaving from there as well and there's a laidback
Vegan Brunch on Sunday! ---- Saturday evening there will be delicious food served by
cooking collective Mulawan in the Klinker from 19:00 onwards (three course vegan meal. All
food goes to undocumented people who are in financial distress), call the kitchen during
the day to reserve: +31 (0) 24-3605208
Also, throughout the show nights PUNK DOG will serve vegan Hot Dogs. No Masters.
De Klinker | Vegan cafe | Political stands Infotalk
12:00 - 18:00: Info stands & vegan cafe
12:00 - 16:00: Bikeworkshop
14:00 - 16:00 Alleycat Bike race
13:00 - 16:00: Zineworkshop
16:00 - 16:30: Valinor
16:30 - 17:00: Sharp Knives
17:00 - 18:00: Ende Gelaende infotalk
19:00 -?: Mulawan
Here's the addresses:
De Onderbroek | Tweede Walstraat 21 & De Klinker | Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46
de Klinker , diy fest , ende gelände , Festival , info-talk , Nijmegen , underwear , zine
Free Bond Secretariat
Message: 7
An anarchist comrade was violently attacked with a knife the afternoon of 2nd May 2019 in
the FA bookshop Publico (Paris). ---- There is nothing to suggest the attack was
targetting him in particular, but rather the organisation he represents and to which he
belongs: the Fédération Anarchiste. ---- We will not let ourselves be threatened,
intimidated or assaulted with impunity. We will keep on struggling and spreading our
political messages, which are without doubt disliked by some in these times of struggle.
---- We will continue the fight against this society and the violence it imposes on us.
---- Solidarity with our comrade, solidarity with Publico ---- Paris, 2nd of May 2019
Message: 8
We are proud to announce that our article was published in the Italian anarchist
newsletter "Germinal" (No. 128, April 2019). Newspapers that exist since 1907 and as such
an important factor for anarchists, sympathizers and the general public in the region. We
wrote about Germinal in the historical context in our Istrian anarchist pamphlet , in
which we stated that this newsletter found its way towards Istria, that is to those
workers who looked at anarchism with sympathy or were actively involved in the movement.
---- What Italian anarchists can tell us about the origin of their name is that it is
linked to the French Revolution (1789) and the change of the Gregorian calendar to offend
the priesthood and the idea of God. The name is the one with which spring comes to us (in
French), and in Italian "germinare" means puppies. Something that seemed dead over the
winter suddenly revives, and this metaphor instantly found its sympathizers among
anarchists and workers (most notably in France and Spain), who also called their children
the same name. Among other things, this is the title of the well-known novel by Emile
Zola, which talks about the cruel life of workers. From the rich dynamics of the
newsletters we can find out how the fascists, the Bolsheviks and the state were tried to
quench it as soon as the spirit of liberty was too present or simply an obstacle. In spite
of everything,
The situation for the anarchist movement in Croatia is not promising, but despite the
hobizm of most "activists" who have an anarchic sympathetic pendant, subcultural
influences (more precisely, weights like the cultivation of a culture of hedonism,
superficiality and political illiteracy), repression of prominent individuals and judicial
gossip (Initiative against political repression in Rijeka), the parties who tried to
anarchism co-opted as a harmless part of their field workers (ie, to calm
parliamentarianism and direct action), anarchism is a visible alternative to ever-firmer
practical suggestions to the wider population and vulnerable groups, thanks to the
consistent presence of anarchists in word and deed in social movements.
Activities * , associates and sympathizers are oriented towards the situation in the
country and the region. Consequently, there are three permanent campaigns, now the
stronger ones of lower intensity - anti-nationalist and anti-parliamentary, and the
emphasis on combat workers. In addition to campaigns, we are trying to develop publishing
activity through pamphlets, as well as our own newspaper (Society of Resistance), through
which we popularize other topics from anarchist opus such as anti-clericalism, liberal
education, history of the movement, and the experience of anarchists of current fighting
Due to omnipresent nationalism (in schools, amongst the kids, hooligans and fans, on
television, in the Church, in the public sphere and in other institutions), we have been
campaigning for the 2012 Anti-Ethnic Campaign that brings a series of texts, analyzes for
intervention in our communities and street advertising materials ", The campaign also
brings the first self-organized basketball tournament" Let's Saw Nationalism "(summer 2018
in Pula). An anti-parliamentary campaign was launched in Rijeka in 2011, and since then, a
series of texts, labels, posters, banners and graphites have been published, striving to
deepen distrust of the people against all politicians and faith in self-organization and
direct action. We have also developed the third front since the very beginning of the
Network's existence in 2008,
The situation in the country is also not a promising, final phase of de-industrialization
(the shutdown of all major and important production) with the reduction of the capacity of
the shipyard, for the income from tourism and the lobby of the EU elite, creates an
atmosphere of exodus of young people from the country in search of a better life, a large
percentage of unemployment throughout the year off season), the breakdown of the public
sector (such as health and transportation), and galloping privatization of even public
goods (forests, water, coast). All this leaves a bitter taste in the mouth, due to the
almost non-existent combat workers' organizations and social movements that can be tackled
with the economic-political elite.
We are far from being anarchist can become a leading force in society in a more recent
time, but using every opportunity we try to remain visible, consistent, autonomous and
fighting for all who build social movements instead of political candidates, and build
self-motivated and energetic individuals as a guarantee of better life, ie. a culture of
resistance and solidarity.
* Anarchist Network (MASA) operates in Istria and Kvarner since 2008, focusing mainly on
larger cities like Pula and Rijeka, and their surroundings. The contacts we are trying to
hold in Croatia mostly refer to Dalmatia, to the capital of Zagreb, Zagorje and Medimurje.
In addition to domestic contacts, we are working with anarchists from Slovenia with whom
we are also in the Federation for Anarchist Organization (FAO-IFA), in communication with
anarchists from Italy, Greece, Serbia and other countries, mainly through the
infrastructure and contacts of the International Anarchist Federations (IAF- IFA), but
also wider.
Message: 9
Another high school strike will take place on Friday, May 3rd. When they engaged in world
climate strikes, they demanded action from politicians instead of promises. Right in her
second statement https://www.fridaysforfuture.cz/ the student initiative was forced to
state that politicians laugh at them or ignore them at best. That as usual, he does not
see further than his own trough and the nearest ballot box. So the student protest
continues and we hope it will be confident enough not to be broken by the hunger and
dismissal of the power clicks and their hops. ---- We expressed our support for the
student struggle for climate and our own future in theMarch issue of the A3 wall newspaper
, which states, among other things: "The current political and economic elites live in the
neoliberal ideology, characterized by such nonsense as unrestricted economic growth
(understand their own profits) and the inviolable right of private property (that is,
possessing parts of the Earth and exploiting it, equally animals and people who have
nothing but their workforce). Not only do they live and build their wealth (do they steal)
at the expense of others, they do so at the expense of future generations. The fact that
corporations earning from coal, oil, meat, military or automotive industries and
maximizing their profits mean they are robbing the future of the future. "
As anarchists and anarchists, we are aware of the importance of solidarity and
interdependence and support for individual struggles. It is therefore evident that our
place is on the side of high school students struggling to save the planet against
ignorant politicians and predatory interests of corporations. Everyone has to decide
whether to engage in a struggle to save the climate and the future of future generations,
or whether by their silence and return they will allow the capitalist machinery to
generate profits at the expense of everyone else.
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