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donderdag 9 mei 2019
Anarchic update news all over the world - 9.05.2019
Today's Topics:
1. anarkismo.net: Why the Jews? by Wayne Price -- Thoughts by
an Anarchist Jew on the Rise in Anti-Semitism
2. Indonesia: Post-May Day Update and Call for International
Solidarity (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. Greece, vogliamo tutto, street newspaper AATTRIS #41: for
the new repressive enterprises by the Italian state against the
anarchist site [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #294 - Education: Our
schools, our choices ! (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]
5. Turkey, genc isci: Every Storm Starts With a drop of Rain -
May 1, 2019 (tr) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. [Indonesia] In Bandung, young anarchists are beaten,
tortured and humiliated by police officers By ANA (pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. Britain, May Day - ACG roundup (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
8. Britain, ACG: International May Day roundup
9. ait-rus - 25th "day of protest" "yellow vests": rest after
the storm [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
[Editor note: I.S. below *] ---- There has been an increase in anti-Jewish actions in the
U.S. Why is this? Why have Jews been focused on by fascists and haters? There are
traditional reasons for anti-semitism. The establishment of the state of Israel has
created an interaction between anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. Where anti-semitism is
irrational and reactionary, anti-Zionism is a just response to the oppression of
Palestinian Arabs and Israel's alliance with U.S. imperialism. ---- A Jewish joke from
World War II: A Nazi officer stopped an old Jewish man and demanded that he answer, "Who
started the war?!" Knowing what was good for him, the old man answered, "The Jews!" The
Nazi nodded, but the old Jew continued, "...and the bicycle riders." Puzzled, the officer
asked, "Why the bicycle riders?" The Jew shrugged. "Why the Jews?"
There has recently been an increase in anti-semitic actions in the U.S., as well as in
other Western countries. From 2017 to 2018, according to the Anti-Defamation League,
attacks on Jews more than doubled, to 39. All "anti-semitic acts" in this period totaled
1,879. (While recognizing that Arabs may also be called "semites," I use "anti-semitic" to
mean "anti-Jewish.")
On April 27th, 2019, a shooter opened fire on a synagogue during a passover service, in
San Diego County, California. He shot four people, killing one. Previously he had posted
an online statement about how he wanted to kill Jews. This followed the earlier shoot-up
of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which killed 11 Jewish
worshippers. And the 2017 torch-lit march of U.S. Nazis and Klanspeople in Charlotte,
Virginia, chanting, "Jews will not replace us!"-which resulted in one murder and several
injured. (NY Times, 5/1/19; p. A22)
This has been surprising to many. In the aftermath of the Nazi genocide of about 6 million
Jews, Jews have done well in U.S. society. Most have made it into the "middle class,"
which is to say have mainly become upper working class ("white collar" workers and
"professionals") or small businesspeople. Some have made it into the highest levels of
corporate wealth and power, as well as political power. Through intermarriage and cultural
assimilation, Jews have been dissolving into white America-much to the dismay of Jewish
religious leaders. (I am myself a humanistic, secular, Jew, married to someone who is only
partly Jewish, and our nonreligious son married a non-Jew.) The U.S. establishment right
(Republican party, evangelical churches, etc.) speaks of "America's Judeo-Christian
heritage." Evangelical Christians are among the strongest supporters of Israel.
This is why it was so astonishing when the President of the United States, Donald J.
Trump, would not denounce the U.S. Nazis for their Charlotte manifestation. (Instead, he
said there were "good people on both sides"-fascists and anti-fascists-as well as "bad
people on both sides.") In horrified reaction, the Nazis were denounced by leading right
wing politicians, religious leaders, the biggest of the corporate rich, and top military
officers. As a whole, the U.S. ruling class was not prepared to endorse anti-semitic
fascism-at this time anyway.
The rise in anti-semitism is connected to the general rise in racism, nativism,
homophobia, misogyny, and overall hate-filled political "tribalism," of which Trump is
both a symptom and an encourager. U.S. (and world) society has been roiled by economic
crises, long-term stagnation, spreading areas of poverty, environmental crises, the
looming threat of climate catastrophe, wars around the world, and a massive increase in
the migration of people from nation to nation. These tensions have increased political
stalemate in the governments of the U.S. and other states. (Why these problems have arisen
and increased in this period is another question. See Price 2012.) There is massive
discontent in all sectors of U.S. society. There has been a political polarization, with
Nazis marching on one hand, while alternately there has been an increase in acceptance of
various minorities (sexual, religious, cultural, etc.), opposition to racism and nativism,
the #MeToo movement, and the growth of an openly "socialist" movement. The "middle" falls
away and extremism grows on the Right and the Left (speaking as an extremist of the
anarchist Left).
The man who assaulted the San Diego synagogue claimed that he had set a fire at a
neighboring mosque. He was inspired, he wrote, by the gunman who attacked two New Zealand
mosques in March. The murderer who attacked the Tree of Life Synagogue wrote that he was
enraged because a Jewish agency helped Latinx asylum seekers. "White nationalists" do not
limit their mad hatred to Jews. (President Trump, who would not denounce the Nazis at
Charlotte, has focused his racist hostility on Muslims and on Latinx people.)
But why do they include Jews at all? Jews are a tiny part of the population (1.5%) and are
almost all white. The increase in racist, nativist, etc. tensions has not caused a return
to bigotry against Catholics, who were once oppressed and discriminated against. The Klan
used to be virulently anti-Catholic. We might expect anti-immigrant fanatics to notice
that the Catholic Church has generally been pro-immigrant and that Latinx asylum-seekers
are mostly Catholic. Despite this, there has been no rise in anti-Catholicism. Similarly,
there is still a good deal of anti-Mormon feeling in the U.S. (which surfaced during
Romney's presidential run). Yet no one has marched, chanting, "Mormons won't replace us."
Nor does fascism absolutely have to be anti-semitic. The original Italian fascism of
Mussolini was not (until their German allies insisted on it). Even in the U.S., there has
been non-anti-semitic fascism. For example, Randall Terry of the anti-choice Operation
Rescue, advocated the overthrow of bourgeois democracy and its replacement with a
theocratic dictatorship-with him and his friends to speak for God, of course. This may
imply anti-semitism-the theocracy would have been "Christian"after all-but was not
explicit about it.
So, then, why the Jews?
"Traditional" Anti-Semitism
The causes of anti-semitism may be divided into two groups. One is the traditional causes,
applied to today's tensions. The other is affected by a new factor, namely the state of
Israel. Let me start with the first group of motives. (Of course, it is not anti-semitic
for Christians, Muslims, or atheists simply to disagree with the Jewish religion or even
to try to convert Jews to their views.)
Nationalists seek a mythical homogeneous nation, a single people, the same clear through.
Such an imagined unity serves to disguise the real divisions in the country between
capitalists and workers, among other divisions. This search for homogeneity may seem
ridiculous in the U.S., where everyone is descended from immigrants except Native
Americans. But one thing almost everyone had in common for generations was that they were
Christians. Except for the Jews, who not only were not Christians of any type but who had
"rejected" Christianity. For all the talk of a "Judeo-Christian civilization," the Jews do
not quite fit into a homogeneous America. Those seeking such a mystical national unity are
likely to react to this. (This is also a reason for fascists to reject Muslims, despite
talk of there being three "Abrahamic religions.")
An essential part of fascist ideology is the existence of a secret cabal which rules from
behind the scenes, seeking total control and world domination. In fact there is a powerful
minority which rules from behind the scenes, namely the capitalist class (despite its
divisions and factions). This is not, however, a conspiracy. It is a social system. The
fascist belief in an evil elite conspiracy both includes elements of reality (since there
is elite minority power) and fantasy (which directs attention away from the actual rulers,
the corporate rich).
Who could be projected as a secret but powerful elite? White nationalists see
African-Americans as the enemy. But their stereotypical fantasy about African-Americans is
of stupid and lazy people. Using this absurd lie, the racists cannot then portray Black
people as a powerful, smart, wily, elite who rule great institutions. The same goes for
their prejudiced images of Latinx, Arabs, and most People of Color. (Asians might be
another matter).
But the historical stereotypes about Jews fit what the fascists need for their ideology.
The Jews are supposed to be smart, sly, tricky, selfish, sticking-together, greedy, great
at business, rich, and so on. There are centuries of prejudiced imagery about them, from
the original Christian religious hostility, to crackpot racial theories developed in the
20th century.
There have been attempts to invent others to fit the image of the secret cabal. Jerry
Falwell of the Moral Majority movement tried to talk up the "secular humanists" who were
out to take over the U.S. But this never caught on. There are other imagined conspiracies
such as the "Illuminati." But the Jews are already here and are "available" to be
portrayed as the evil conspiracy-distracting the working population from the real ruling
elite, the bourgeoisie and their agents.
Therefore, when this society starts to go into crisis, it should not be surprising that
the far right should raise the Jews as the terrible conspiracy which is out to "replace us."
Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism
After World War II, a new factor arose to effect anti-semitism. This was the establishment
of the state of Israel in 1948, fulfilling the Zionist program. Previously, many people
hated the Jews (as a people and as individuals) for no justifiable reason-that was
anti-semitism. Now many people hated the state of Israel for good and justifiable
reasons-anti-Zionism. These two conceptions interacted in various ways.
Israel was established mostly by Europeans immigrating into a poor, colonized, "Third
World," country. The colonizers took over the country, taking the land, driving out most
of the native population and dominating the rest. They established their own state,
defined as the state of "the Jewish people" and not of all those who lived in the country.
They set up a capitalist economy and became part of the world market. Economically,
militarily, and politically, the Israeli state became closely tied to U.S. imperialism. It
served as the U.S.'s agent in the region, when needed.
One of its chief justifications has been the Holocaust, the murder of millions of Jews by
the Nazis. However, Israel was not built on German land nor did it expel local Germans. It
was built on land on which Palestinian Arabs lived, who had had nothing to do with the
German state's genocide of Jews.
Establishing a "Jewish state" has not done what the Zionists had hoped for. It has not
become a "safe haven" for persecuted Jews. In fact, Jews are more in danger in Israel than
in many other countries-certainly than in the U.S., despite the upswing in anti-semitic
acts. It has not served as a magnet to draw all the Jews of the world into "their"
country. Most Jews in the U.S. or Europe have no intention of leaving their countries to
migrate there. On the contrary, many Israelis are migrating out. Finally, Israel was to
make the Jews safe by no longer having to rely on the non-Jewish states. But the Israeli
state depends completely on the support of Western capitalist (non-Jewish) states. If the
U.S. were ever to cut its financial and military support of Israel, it would be the end of
the Zionist institution.
The Palestinians, and other Arabs as well as Muslims, have opposed the Israeli state from
the beginning. They objected to being disposed from their land and their country. They
have been right to struggle as a people (most of which is peasants and workers, as well as
small merchants). It is only just that anarchists, radicals, and progressive people
everywhere have also opposed the Israeli state and generally been in solidarity with the
Palestinian people. (Being in solidarity with an oppressed people does not necessarily
mean agreeing with the political and strategic programs of the leaders of various
factions. In particular, anarchists do not agree with nationalism as a program, either for
the Jews or for the Palestinians.)
Not surprisingly, many (not all) Palestinians and their supporters think in nationalistic,
bloc, terms. Just as the Zionists saw all Germans as "Nazis," and all Palestinians as
supposed "terrorists," so many Palestinians and others see Zionists as "the Jews." It is
true that the Israeli state is overwhelming supported by its Jewish citizens. And Jewish
people in the U.S. and Europe also give large-scale support to Israel. Official Jewish
institutions, religious and political, are strongly in support of Israel. The pro-Israel
lobby is a powerful influence on the U.S. government.
Still, it is a terrible mistake to see all Jews as Zionists and to see the Jewish people
as the same as the Zionist state. This overlooks the many Jews who have supported the
Palestinian cause. It overlooks the young Jews who have less of an attachment to Israel.
It ignores the many Jews who support the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement against
Israel. It ignores the fact that most Jews in the U.S. and Europe, whatever their views,
have no control over the actions of the Israeli state and gain no benefits from its
Some supporters of the Palestinians are definitely also anti-semites. But there are many
supporters of the Palestinians who may sometimes make anti-semitic mistakes. But
anti-semitism is not central to their anti-Zionism or important to these people.
It is different with the overt Jew haters, such as U.S. Nazis. It goes without saying that
they have no genuine sympathy for the Palestinians. White nationalists despise Arabs and
Muslims. They use anti-Zionism as a cover for their anti-semitism. They exaggerate the
power that Israel has in the world, in order to make the Jews seem more frightening. They
portray Israel as controlling U.S. foreign (and domestic) policy. While the Left condemns
Israel as an agent of U.S. imperialism in the Middle East, the Right condemns Israel as a
major world power which dominates the U.S.
Despite occasional differences between the U.S. and Israel, U.S politicians support the
Israeli state because they think that this is in the interests of U.S. imperialism.
There are activists and theorists on the U.S. Left whose anti-Zionism goes over into
anti-semitism. There are even self-styled "anarchists" (calling themselves "National
Anarchists") who are anti-semites and fascists. Keith Preston's website, "Attack the
System," includes ads for their literature and reports on their conferences (see Price
2017). But they are a tiny current and much less important than the overtly right-wing
Zionists try to equate anti-semitism on the left with that on the right. They seek to make
all opposition to Israel seem the same as anti-semitism. For example, Anti-Defamation
League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said, "Neither side of the political spectrum is exempt
from intolerance. The idea that this is a problem with only one side is wrong," However,
the ADL's own statistics found that of the 1,879 anti-semitic acts committed in the U.S.
in 2018, 71 % were done by rightists. No such acts (0 %) were committed by left-wing
individuals. Four were committed by "Islamist" individuals. (Adkins 2019) The danger to
U.S. Jews is primarily from the right.
Political Conclusions
The danger of an anti-semitic, racist, fascism arises during a period of decline, chaos,
and increased popular suffering. From below, people look for answers, and some (perhaps
many) are attracted to the right, including the far-right. Meanwhile, from above, sections
of the capitalist class must conclude that the (relatively) "democratic" system is not
working to their advantage, that there is a threat from leftists, workers, People of
Color, women, and others-a threat which must be repressed. Then the capitalists become
willing to "hire" the fascists to take over the state.
We are not at that stage. There is a large turn to the right, as expressed in the
approximately 40 % of the population which supports Trump no matter what, as they closely
follow Fox News. These people are mostly not fascists. They do not want to overthrow the
capitalist representative democracy. But they are supportive of authoritarianism in
various ways, and motivated by nativism and racism. Meanwhile big business circles are
certainly not prepared to overturn capitalist democracy. But they have supported Trump and
put up with his vile racism.
If the future brings prosperity, social peace, and stability, then the danger of
fascism-and the concomitant upsurge of anti-semitism-will die down. But if the next period
holds social decay, economic decline and crises, environmental catastrophes, increasing
wars, and further instability-as I believe it does-then we can expect further political
discontent and polarization. This will mean a political decline of the conventional
"middle." There would be an increase of an authoritarian right (including fascists) and a
socialist left (both a libertarian/radically-democratic Left and an authoritarian-statist
Left). Anti-semitism can be expected to grow on the right.
Therefore opposition to anti-semitism should mean opposition to fascism and the political
right. More, opposition to anti-semitism means opposition to capitalism and the struggle
for a better social system of cooperation, production for use, participatory democracy,
and ecological balance.
Anti-semitism must be an integral part of all progressive struggles. It must be fought as
part of the decaying capitalist political culture, along with white nationalism, nativism,
sexism, homophobia, class privilege, Islamaphobia, and all forms of prejudice and
irrational hatred. The real enemy is the capitalist ruling class, its state, and all forms
of oppression.
Anti-Zionism is not in itself anti-semitism. Solidarity with the Palestinian people and
opposition to the Israeli state should be part of an internationalist program of
liberation. But anti-Zionism must not be allowed to be used as a cover for a real program
of hatred for Jews.
Anti-semitism cannot be treated as a problem in itself, distinct from the other tensions
of a crisis-ridden capitalist society. It will only be ended when all forms of
exploitation and oppression are ended.
Adkins, Laura E. (2019). "Right-Wing Responsible For 71% Of Anti-Semitic, Extremist
Incidents: ADL"
Price, Wayne (2012). "Living through the Decline of Capitalism."
Price, Wayne (2017). "A Conference of the ‘National Anarchists.' "
written for www.Anarkismo.net
* Editor note: An important article on the anti-Semitism in Us with one factual mistake:
"If the U.S. were ever to cut its financial and military support of Israel, it would be
the end of the Zionist institution". US funding of the Israeli state and backing it
politically helped to build a robust Israeli economy and expansion of its settler
colonialist project. However, Israel have a robust capitalist economy and though it enjoy
US monetary contributions, it can easily get along with out them. The US political support
for the Israeli settler colonialist expansion is what essential for it.)
Message: 2
Palang Hitam / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia has temporarily ceased activity due to
problems with a former member who misused international donations. At present there is no
anarchist organization supporting those facing repression, so support is being provided
spontaneously and individually. Here is an update about the situation in several cities.
---- In Bandung, there was a peaceful action by a group of anarchists almost 1000 strong.
It even consisted of mothers, children and teenage girls. Police attacked them and broke
the bloc into two groups. They were then chased, beaten and arrested. The pretext for this
was ‘vandalism’, some spray-painted graffiti. Many of those who were arrested were
stripped and had their heads shaved. Some were spray-painted on their faces and bodies as
well. Many were forced to crawl along the road in their underwear. In total 619 anarchists
were arrested, of these, 3 still remain in custody for destruction of property.
Video: Footage of the almost 1000 strong Anarchist Black Bloc at May Day 2019 in Bandung.
Video: Footage of Anarchists singing the Indonesian song ‘Buruh Tani’ (‘Farm Workers’)
during the May Day 2019 demonstrations in Bandung.
Video: West Papuan students in Yogyakarta expressing their solidarity with the 619
arrested anarchists in Bandung. The students also faced severe repression from Indonesian
authorities during May Day 2019 demonstrations.
In Jakarta, there were small clashes between anarchists and police who were blocking the
road. Anarchists attacked a police blockade so that a huge group of trade union members
could continue their journey to a gathering point where thousands of people were
assembled. An anarcho-syndicalist union in Jakarta is now being targeted by the police.
In Malang, one person was forcibly arrested without a warrant, but they were released later.
In Makassar, the number of arrests increased from 9 to 21, they are all facing charges
related to destruction of property. Makassar was totally paralyzed by police sweeps
looking for anarchists.
In Surabaya, there were two different May Day actions by anarchist groups. The first
action was carried out by a group working with leftist organizations. Three people were
arrested but they have been released. The second action was carried out by
anarcho-syndicalists and individualist anarchists, they were beaten by the police.
So now many comrades are on the run because we have counter-intelligence informants within
the police apparatus who told us that ‘mapping’ of Indonesian anarchist networks is being
carried out.
Right now we would appreciate international solidarity in the form of actions and also
financial support. We will make sure that the mistakes made by Indonesia ABC won’t be
repeated. If people are able to provide financial assistance please send it to the paypal
below. We will use it for legal fees and to help support our friends who are in hiding
because they are being targeted by police.
Catut Anarchist Library
Message: 3
Turin, February 9, 2019 (by Macerie) ---- Throughout the night, unceasingly, on the bus.
Blessed was the noise of the work on the building of Alessandria Street 12. Careful
workers, protected by a blue army that has created a red belt, seal walls, build doors and
burn furniture. The "regularity" of the region is built, precisely this regularity, which
was mentioned by Mayor Appenteus, welcoming with the police headquarters and the
authorities the "justice imposed", as Minister Salvinis also wrote in his tweeter,
referring to arrests of 6 comrades with the "subversive organization" class. ---- Aurara
is a strip of land between the center and the vast northern suburbs. It is not a place
where one lives easily, and paradoxically, it has become even more difficult in recent
years that the social fabric and the population of the region that was generally
homogeneous and poor changed. The former labor suburb is a distant memory; this Turin is
no longer lost and is lost along with the change of exploitation methods called economy.
Those living here, often without a fixed salary, struggling daily for survival either
because they are undocumented immigrants and immigrants or because they have fallen
socially and are no longer entitled to social benefits, or risk daily losing their home
and work their.
The newspapers and local authorities have begun a spasmodic narrative of the region that
"Aurora is changing and wealth and the future is coming" at the same time that the Lavazza
company began to be established in the region, schools of high reputation, new start-ups,
street food chains etc.
Some residents caught the good seeing the value of their home growing, a businessman
thought to open a new business on the spot, the owners who rented the homes increased
their rental rates. And so the rhetoric against the poor took on a larger dimension and
became intolerable: "Outside whoever does not pay the rent!" "Outside the anarchists that
create chaos!", "To turn to their parts, all they do is sell drugs! ".
The war is being conducted on many levels and will be more and more intense in the cities
in the coming years and the areas will be sold out in interests for a piece of bread.
In Asia, for many years, we have tried to investigate the essence of this war to see the
human misery it brings and try to act consistently and to create solidarity bonds among
those who live with little by proposing and using the struggle against those who hold power .
From resistance to evictions to the support of all our forces in the struggle for the
destruction of immigration detention centers, we did as much as we could, although it is
never enough to deal with this world of misery and exploitation.
And the state has come many times with its guards capturing us. Now he came even more
vigorously with heavy accusations against our comrades and comrades carrying out the
evacuation of Asilo.
It was something awaited because in our lives we have decided to break the veil of
innocence by actively fighting for something else, for a beautiful and guilty need for
equality and freedom.
Six comrades have been arrested, evacuated the building of 12 Alessandria Street.
Our hate and rage can not be weighed, but one thing we know well, now more than ever we
have the whole city to express it.
For correspondence:
Rizzo Antonio
Salvato Lorenzo
Ruggeri Silvia
Volpacchio Giada
Blasi Niccolò
De Salvatore Giuseppe
Casa Circondariale "Lorusso e Cutugno"
via Maria Adelaide Aglietta, 3510149 Torino TO.
The demonstration that took place on Saturday, February 9, against the evacuation of the
occupation of Asilo, resulted in long-term clashes with the police. Unfortunately, 11 more
people were arrested during the clashes.
In the following days, the repressive operations of the Italian state continued.
Scintilla, which involved the evacuation of Asilo, was followed by Renata in 3 cities in
Trentino. Seven comrades were arrested on February 19, with the accusations of a
"subversive organization for terrorism" (Article 270) and an attack with a terrorist or
subversive purpose "(Article 280). Altogether 35 surveys were conducted in homes and 5 in
social spaces.
The Italian state is continuing the assault that has been unfolding for so many years
against the world of struggle. Salvini, deputy prime minister of the Italian government,
interior minister and federal secretary of the Northern League, said that "only criminals
go to the anarchist premises." We see that at the same time as repression, a process of
mudslinging and propaganda by prominent executives of the Italian state unfolds, mainly
with the aim of depoliticizing our political space and legitimizing their businesses.
In Greece, in solidarity with the comrades and comrades in Italy who are experiencing
state revenge, the following interventions and actions were taken: -
Installation of an explosive device at the door of the
Hellenic- Italian Chamber of Commerce, Thessaloniki, Saturday, February 9 - Contribution
with paints and slogans to the Italian consulate, Patras, Tuesday, February 12
-Enimerotiki discussion at NTUA, Athens, Monday, February 18
-Symvoliki occupation of the Italian cultural institute, Athens, Friday, February 22
truck van -Emprismos Italian archaeological service s, Thursday, February 28
-Paremvasi spray and leaflets in the Italian School of Athens, Thursday, March 7
-Enimerotiki event for repressive operations in the occupation Terra Incognita,
Thessaloniki, Friday, March 8
-Enimerotiki event at NTUA, Athens, Friday, March 15
-Sygkentrosi and march in the Italian Embassy, Athens, Saturday, March 16
-Sygkentrosi the Italian Consulate Patras Saturday March 16 -
Informative event in the occupation of Matrozos 45, Athens, Sunday 17 March
Message: 4
Blanquer, our dear reactionary minister, now sees a front rising from high schools to
primary. An important but rarely analyzed aspect of its policy is its authoritarian
nature: in schools, valuable self-management practices are under threat. ---- At the
beginning of April, on the occasion of a day of strike, the primary schools join the
secondary school in the fight, with rates of strikers who go from 30% on average in some
academies to 70% in Paris. Indeed, the sad prospect of a breakup public high school
committed by Blanquer, the bill for the school of " trust " (sic) adds sacking of the
school. On the one hand, section 6 of the Act should lead to the closure of rural schools
on the occasion of their consolidation and their attachment to the colleges; on the other
hand it is accompanied by a drastic drop in recruitment in most academies for the coming
year ; but beyond this traditional decline in resources, Blanquer is also advancing a
project to train teachers in public schools.
Article 1 of the law already provides a duty of exemplary staff of the educational
community, so summoned not to publicly denigrate the reforms they and they undergo. But
above all, the transition from primary school to college supervision implies the
elimination of school principals and the end of what remains of self-management in
kindergartens and elementary schools. Indeed, for the moment, elementary teachers are
still far from their direct superior (geographically and morally), whom they see only
sporadically. The freedom of decision and of organization still persists greatly in the
council of teachers and mistresses, the decision-making body of the school.
In many classes today, students are experimenting with self-management on a daily basis:
class meetings, collective decisions, regulation of exchanges, conflict management. It is
the teachers who drive this dynamic and who succeed in bringing a real democracy to the
classroom. Far from the pseudo-democratic bodies represented by the boards of directors
and secondary school life councils, primary school teachers decide collectively on the
organization of the school and can, for example, create with the pupils a federal
operation within a school, or regulate school life according to their needs (financial
management, recreation organization, ordering equipment, etc.).
A tradition of self-management at school
In the management of the primary school, the directors currently have three complementary
missions: coordinating the teaching teams by coordinating the teaching team, managing the
administrative tasks of the school and managing the liaison with the families, the
community, etc. The council of teachers is the only way to make a decision about the
school and usually they are after debates and discussions, often consensus. The Teachers'
Room is a place of exchange and not just a place of operation ! The management mission has
never instituted a leader in discretion. Teachers must remain at the heart of schools and
collectively decide everything: date of the fair, collective refusal of an administrative
application, collective management of students in difficult situations, etc. Although
administrative attacks are increasing, few inspectors interfere in the internal management
of a school.
Ministers are determined to blow this last lock which is a thorn in their foot, as the
massive and collective refusal by the institutes of national assessments of CP and CE1 at
the beginning of the school year and last March. For a long time now, we have been trying
to ensure that teachers are no longer involved in their pedagogy, but that they are good
at a school sorting out students from kindergarten. The announcement of the creation of
public institutions of fundamental knowledge (EPSF) literally put the rope on the neck of
the councils of the masters and mistresses by introducing the possibility of having to
refer directly to an overhanging hierarchy, thus eliminating any administrative existence
of the schools and paving the way for management techniques piloted from colleges.
The return of the chefs.fes
This logic of primary schooling partly explains the entry into spectacular struggle of
primary schools, the strategy of the dead schools, made possible by the support of parents
of pupils, etc ... even if the union teams still struggle to create a Strike renewable
before the next day of action of May 9, while the text must go back to the Assembly in
early May.
Understanding this authoritarian logic also helps to shed light on one of the important
consequences of the high school and bac reform: it is also the solidarity of the teams
that is targeted. High schools competing for a segment of the educational market, the
specialties replacing the series that were hitherto the same everywhere in France, will
see the teams compete between high schools but also within the same high school, each
discipline to recruit enough students for their specialty to prevent it from closing in
September. From then on, the authority of heads of schools, already ample, will have as
many levers of blackmail and division against disunited teaching teams.
Andy (AL Lyon) and Marco (AL 36)
Message: 5
As the Young Workers' Association, we attended the May 1, 2019 Bakirköy Rally with a
banner " Every Storm Starts with a Drop of Rain Genç . Our hike starts from the Obelisk, "
Bosses Young Workers in the palace Streets ," " Young Workers organized, organized Strong
", " We do not want Producing is us Direction ", " supervisors, managers, bosses are they
afraid of Young Workers ," " Bread, Justice, Freedom " We have taken our slogan .
We greet the workers of the whole world, the May Day struggle.
Message: 6
Hundreds of young anarchists protesting on the streets of Bandung this May Day were
violently, draconian and cowardly by Indonesian security forces. Dozens of activists were
injured and 293 were detained. ---- Undergoing a session of torture and humiliation ----
One activist commented on social networks that the boys and girls were whipped in public
with nylon sticks and taken by minibus to a central police station. At the site the police
shaved the heads of the young people and forced everyone to take off their clothes. They
also had to crawl across the floor. ---- "Yes, they are brave and militant young people"
---- "Despite institutional violence, they will continue to be present on the streets as
ghosts for capitalism and for the state and its apparatuses. Because their aspirations are
a world without oppression and abuses, radical egalitarianism. Equality of all human
beings, without exception. Some of them carry out street actions, other conductors of
human solidarity in areas of conflict. Yes, because they are brave and militant young
people, not rowdies, "the activist wrote.
Related Items:
anarchist-ana news agency
[Indonesia] Eight anarchists disappear during May 1st demonstration in Makassar
By ANA on May 4, 2019
A total of eight anarchists were reported missing after attending the May Day
demonstration in Makassar on Wednesday (01/05). The news of the disappearance of eight
people was revealed by a lawyer who also attended the Labor Day protest in the city.
During the act, some people were detained and forcibly taken to the Panakukang District
Police Station.
The lawyer said that three of the eight activists who until now were not yet known are
called Fauzy Saputra (22), Andika (23) and Nurdiansyah (21).
"The latest information is that there are eight people," the lawyer told local media, who
learned of the incident when he was contacted by CNN Indonesia by telephone on Friday.
The lawyer also said that one of his comrades was arrested at home and taken away by
several unknown people. He said his friend was still detained.
On the other hand, the Chief of Public Relations of the Regional Police did not provide
any official information on the news of the disappearance of eight participants in the May
1 protest.
The lawyer relied on information obtained from relatives of the disappeared, that the
mother of a missing activist tried to approach the police headquarters to gather more
information, but did not get any response on the whereabouts of her son.
>> Update:
There are already 19 missing anarchists in Makassar. Information indicates that some
anarchists were abducted by unknown men and forced into black cars.
Related Items:
anarchist-ana news agency
Message: 7
Here's what we've got back from members so far... ---- LONDON ---- ACGers in London
attended the capital's main May Day demo. The march set of from Clerkenwell and the vibe
was very much TUC meets global Stalinfest plus Ocalan/PKK personality cult loyalists. At
the Parliament Square rally, there were also more Momentum types as well as Extinction
Rebellion people. There were the usual speeches from various on the left and trade union
movement, such as Matt Wrack (FBU) and Ash Sarkar (Novara journo). Our friends from the
CWO were also handing out their paper Aurora. Sadly, apart from ourselves, there appeared
to be no presence from any of the other UK anarchist and libertarian organisations. AGC
members meanwhile shifted a fair few copies of the latest Jackdaw and introductory ACG
flyers, which generally seemed to be enthusiastically received and led to a few
discussions about anarchist communism.
There was nothing happening in Leicester on Wednesday 1st May but on Saturday 4th May,
ACGers attended the march and rally organised by the Trades Council. A ‘bijou' affair -
this event could really do with better publicity. Hint, loads of people say this every
year. Aside from the usual Labour Party, trade union and assorted capitalist left
regulars, the IWW was in attendance, as were the CWO with Aurora. Again, ACG members
shifted a fair few Jackdaws, though we did get a couple of snarls from grumpy Labour Party
people who didn't seem to appreciate the ‘Neither Labour nor Tory' headline.
Our newest group in West Yorkshire were particularly keen and attended May Day events on
both Wednesday and Saturday (see picture). The first was a small May Day celebration in
Bradford organised by the 1 in 12 Club. On Saturday they attended the TUC May Day march in
Leeds, at which West Yorks ACG and friends took their new banner and a flag along. After
the usual boring vote Labour speeches they were told to assemble behind the brass band,
which they did. They were then approached by TUC stewards and asked to go to the back as
Trade Unions were supposed to be at the front. The ACG refused saying if they wanted to go
in front of us they could. Apart from a small Unison contingent everyone else lined up
behind the ACG. Our members were approached again and asked to move to which one of our
members said ‘it is nice to see the authoritarians and statists out in force' at which
point we were left alone near the front of the march.
The ACG were joined by members of Red and Black Leeds and marched through Leeds City
Centre together, where they received the most support from the public, with many people
both on and off the march wanting pictures of the ACG banner, people saying how pleased
they were that the ‘anarchists had turned up' and people clapping us (rather than just the
The main other groups apart from Trade Unions and a few Labour/Momentum lot where
Communist Party of Britain (Morning Star) and the Communist Party of Great Britain-Marxist
Leninist, who don't seem to like each other.
Overall the ACG was well received, had a few queries, were praised for being ‘anarchists'
and told that it was ‘nice to see the anarchists back'. The ACG also gave out Jackdaws and
other ACG leaflets which were well received.
Message: 8
In France there were many large demonstrations in cities and towns, In Paris, there was a
march of some 2,000 anarchists on the morning of May 1st. This was followed by the main
march with a turnout from the usual unions and left parties, but with also the turnout of
both feminists and Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) who are increasingly radicalising. This
was met with a massive police presence, who attacked demonstrators with batons and gas.
---- Two thousand demonstrated in the centre of Rennes. Several thousands demonstrated at
Toulouse, where again demonstrators were attacked with many tear gas grenades by police.
There were two thousand demonstrators at Orleans, and between nine to eleven thousand
demonstrators at Lyon, with a large anarchist bloc. There was a very large anarchist
contingent on the demonstration at Dijon, where two thousand turned out for May Day. A few
gas canisters fired by the cops. Two thousand at Cherbourg with an anarchist bloc, ten
thousand at Bordeaux and a thousand at Aubenas. On all of these demonstrations, there were
turnouts from feminists, climate change campaigners and Gilets Jaunes.
In Colombia, there was a large anarchist presence on the May Day demo in Bogota.
In Chile there were brutal attacks by the police on demonstrators.
In El Salvador, there was a large anarchist bloc on the demo in San Salvador.
There was an anarchist presence on the demonstration in Helsinki, Finland.
In Bangladesh the Anarchosyndicalist Federation organised a large event.
In Sweden twenty anarchists protesting against the government's plans to clamp down on
strikes were brutally arrested.
In Turkey, despite the severe repression there, large numbers of anarchists under red and
black flags turned out.
In Bandung in Indonesia, police arrested six hundred anarchists, out of an anarchist bloc
of one thousand, stripped them to their underwear and shaved their heads. Elsewhere in
Indonesia, police tried to block a large anarchist bloc marching to join the main
demonstration, leading to clashes.
In Germany in Berlin, police attacked a demonstration of twenty thousand, who chanted "The
streets are ours" and "anticapitalism".
In Italy, police attacked a demonstration against a transalpine high speed train tunnel.
In Greece there was a 24 hour strike of transport workers, including ferry, tram, train
and bus workers.
Message: 9
The 25th protest action of the "yellow vests" movement in France was decided to be held in
the form of a "return to basics". After violent demonstrations and street battles on
previous Saturdays and the day of May 1, activists called on their supporters, like at the
very beginning of their speeches in November last year, to gather for "anti-makronovskie
picnics" at the intersections of highways and roads across the country. However, in some
cities, marches and demonstrations were held, in which, according to the organizers, about
40 thousand people took part. ---- The most violent clashes with the police broke out this
time in the town of La-Roche-sur-Yon, near Nantes. An interregional demonstration was
planned there, with the participation of activists from the regions of Vendée, the
Atlantic Loire, the Charente Maritime and the Ile-de-France. The government banned the
demonstration, but the "yellow vests" and the "black block" ignored the ban. At 13.30,
hundreds of people gathered, on a call in social networks, at the bus station on
Gaston-Ramon Street. Marsh moved first to the building of the department council of
Vendée, then to Napoleon Square. On the way, the column grew, new and new participants
joined it, the number of which increased to about 1,000. Two gendarmerie squadrons were
thrown against them.
The first clashes began at about 15.00 on Akso Street. In an effort to prevent
demonstrators from approaching Francois Mitterrand's park, two steps from the prefecture,
gendarmes used tear gas. A few minutes later a new, even more fierce clash occurred in the
Al quarter. Paul-Badri Street was filled with gas, and demonstrators were pushed aside to
Napoleon Square. Protesters clashed with police; The real "cat-and-mouse game" began.
During the confrontation, 3 people were injured. At the church of Saint-Louis, the
gendarmes seized a 16-year-old boy.
Then the demonstrators marched towards Flanery, seeking to seize the intersection. Police
and gendarmes followed them to prevent them from gaining a foothold. Expelled from the
Établiere junction, the "yellow vests" headed for the Flanery circular intersection, but
ran into a barrier in the form of blue gendarme trucks. After the clashes on Yitzhak Rabin
Street, some demonstrators tried to break into the parking lot of the House of the World,
but retreated, falling into a cloud of tear gas. The angry protesters set fire to the
garbage container at the decor shop, building a barricade. After returning to the
Interlabier intersection, the demonstrators again tried to block the traffic by rebuilding
the burning barricade.
At 18.30 the race with the police continued; new clashes flashed sporadically. Police
reported that they made 2,000 document checks; about a dozen protesters were detained in
the city's protests ( https:
//actu.fr/faits-divers/la-roche-sur-yon-rassemblement-gilets-jaune ... )
Clashes between protesters and police occurred in other cities. In Lyon, the demonstrators
tried to break into Barra Street in the area forbidden to conduct demonstrations. Police
used gas and rubber bullets. In tear gas clouds, protesters continued their march through
the city center ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkIKK7d64QI ).
In Toulouse, most of the demonstration went smoothly, but at the very end, at about 5 pm
clashes occurred with the police who used the gas. 6 people were detained, accused of
hiding faces, throwing various objects at police officers and attacking them (
https://www.linfo.re/france/faits-divers/gilets-jaunes-a-toulouse-un- man ... ).
Several thousand marchers in Toulouse marched down the boulevards in the center of the
city, from Arno-Bernard, Joan of Arc and François-Verdier, as well as through the streets
of Metz, Eskirol and Alsace-Lorraine. At 5 o'clock in the evening, the police attacked the
demonstrators using gas, after which the march split in two. One part retreated by Jean
Jaurès to the Halle aux Grains building, pursued by the police, who let out gas several
times and grabbed several people. At 18.00 the demonstration ended (
https://actu.fr/occitanie/toulouse_31555/toulouse-environ-2000-manifesta ... )
In Paris, the authorities allowed 3 demonstrations. The first of them started from the
Laribouziere hospital and went to the Place de la Nation by 13.00. At the end of her
clashes with the police. The second, like a week ago, from 13.00 went around the media
bureau in the 15th and 16th districts in the west of the capital. The third at 2 pm went
from Jussieux to Pate Street in the 13th arrondissement. In addition, the "festive
seizure" of Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport was appointed at 11.00 in protest against the
plans for its privatization.
Demonstrations were also held in Montpellier and other cities ( http:
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