Today's Topics:
1. Britain, northeastan archist group: Study for Struggle #2 BY
54 IS OUT! (it) [machine translation] (
3. Trump is Not the Main Problem by Wayne Price
4. Greece, 2nd Eleftheria Festival of Social, Classical &
Internacial Solidarity (Full Program) By APO [machine
translation] (
5. Greece, vogliamo tutto: LOST BY THE ELECTIONS the
assignment, the representation, the false hope, the supposed
Message: 1
After the success of our first session, we are back! ---- Study for Struggle is North East
Anarchist Groups reading group, where we get together and discuss texts relating to
radical politics and the emancipatory struggle for freedom. ---- In our second session, we
will discuss some chosen texts on workplace organising and working-class struggle in the
workplace. Make sure to read some of them beforehand! The texts are:- ---- Theses on the
Role of Communists in the Economic Struggle of the Working Class by CWO
---- 1926: The social general strike - why 1926 failed by Tom Brown ----
Chapter 11: Revolt in Fast Food Nation: The Wobblies Take on Jimmy John's by Erik Forman
in New Forms of Worker Organization
(We will be uploading a PDF copy to Libcom soon if you can't use ePubs)
We hope to see some of you there and if you decide to participate further, you can help
shape the content of future reading group sessions! After this session, we are looking to
run two sessions regarding environmentalism, one from a historical Anarchist perspective
and one from a more modern perspective.
None of us are experts! So come along and join the discussion!
Message: 2
Message: 3
Democrats, Trump, and the Upcoming Elections: How Should Anarchists See Them? ---- Many
liberals and other Democrats see Trump as the main problem facing the U.S. Therefore their
focus is on defeating him in the next election (or impeachment). They focus on the
electoral system and hope for salvation through government action. I disagree. Trump is a
major problem, but he is the culmination of years of political and economic development,
and is related to similar politics in other countries. The fight against Trumpism requires
a non-electoral and militant program. ---- To many liberals, progressives, unionists,
activists of various just causes, Democrats of all stripes, democratic socialists, and
concerned citizens, the problem the U.S. is facing is essentially that Donald J. Trump is
president, and is backed by the Republican Party. I disagree with this widespread belief.
It is likely that Trump will be removed from office in the next two years, whether by
impeachment (unlikely due to the Senate Republicans) or by national elections (probably
but not certainly). Liberals, progressives, etc., look forward to this as a glorious day.
The sun will come out from behind the darkling clouds, little birds will sing again, the
miasma of evil and stupidity will lift from the land, and all will be well again. Things
will finally go back to "normal."
Alas, I do not think that things will be "normal" ever again. I too long to see the vile
Trump gone. I am not cynical and have hopes for the future. Yet I do not see the
replacement of Trump by a Democrat or other establishment politician as the coming of a
glorious new day.
But first I should make clear my views on Trump. As a revolutionary anarchist-socialist, I
have never liked any of the presidents of my lifetime. But I have particularly hated a
few, starting with the Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson, because of the U.S. war on Vietnam. (We
chanted, "Hey, hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today!?") And I especially hated the
Republicans Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush. They were the cutting edge
of the ruling class' attacks on working people of the U.S. and the world.
But I have never hated any politician as much as I hate the despicable Trump. Personally
he is utterly devoid of conscience or of empathy for others. Mean and cruel, he is
completely self-centered. Devoid of honor, he breaks laws and ethical norms, big and
little, and sells out friends and associates (and "his" country) without a qualm. He sees
women as things to be used. He is a racist. He cannot keep from lying on matters important
and unimportant. While he has a certain sly cunning, Trump is ignorant, incurious, and
stupid. He makes stupid decisions-not just from my standpoint but from that of U.S.
Politically, he holds some bizarre views which are unusual even among the corporate rich
and the right wing Republican establishment: his attachment to the Russian state and
Putin, his unwillingness to condemn Nazis, his reckless use of tariffs, his commitment to
building a wall on the Mexican border, his quarrels with U.S. allies, etc. While most
Republican politicians have bowed to anti-immigrant fervor, Trump really believes in the
"threat" of immigrants. He is not a fascist but neither is he a non-fascist.
As a result of all this, Trump is a very unpopular president (according to the polls).
This is so even in spite of a relative (if shallow and uneven) prosperity (which raises
the question of how voters would react if the next downturn takes place before the
national election). Why do the Republican politicos still support him? Mitch McConnell,
leader of the Senate Republicans, is an intelligent man, if totally cynical. Why does he
back Trump, considering what he must think of him? There are two pro-Trump forces pressing
on the Republicans, one from above and one from below.
From above: Most of the capitalist class did not support Trump in the last election and
would prefer someone else even now. But they love the enormous tax cuts for the rich which
the Republicans passed, with his strong support. They like his and his party's attacks on
Obamacare. They love the deregulation which he has pushed through all parts of the
executive branch. They are delighted with the conservative, pro-business, judges whom he
has appointed-to the Supreme Court and throughout the federal judiciary. And so on. They
do not want to kill the goose which is laying the golden eggs, even if the goose is
otherwise nuts.
From below: Around 40 per cent, more or less, of the population supports Trump solidly
and fervently. This is the base of the current Republican Party. Republican politicians
fear being voted out in primaries if they oppose Trump. This grouping ranges from crazed
fascists (who identify with the Nazis and Klan) to some who voted for Obama in previous
elections (the loosest part of this base). These people have been lied to and miseducated
in a conscious effort by right-wing forces. They are fed a steady diet of Fox "News," talk
radio, and Internet blogs which put them in a delusional bubble. Their sexual fears are
whipped up, over homosexuality and abortion rights, by their church leaders. Many are
strongly racist and vote for Trump for that reason; others vote for him for other reasons
but are not turned off by his racism.
A large section of these people do have real grievances: after eight years of Obama,
including a brittle "recovery," much of the country was still poor, stagnant, and lacking
good jobs. This included many rural and semi-rural areas, in and out of the "Rust Belt."
The white workers and middle class residents of these regions rejected Hillary Clinton as
an establishment politician. They expected (correctly) that she would continue the
policies which had not helped them (but many also rejected her because she was a woman).
Unfortunately, turning to Trump was no answer to their problems.
The Historical Pattern of Presidents
Does this mean that kicking Donald Trump out of the White House will bring things back to
"normal"? Even though big business will still push for its program of tax cuts and
deregulation and even though a big minority continues to support right wing politics? Can
these forces be defeated through elections?
It is worth going over some history here. The Democrat Lyndon Johnson, who had betrayed
liberals' hopes by his war on Vietnam, was followed by Richard Nixon. Hated by the Left,
and caught up in the Watergate Scandal, he was forced to resign. Then his hand-picked
successor was beaten in an election by Jimmy Carter. To liberals, progressives, etc.,
these were indeed glorious developments. A new day dawned! Yet Carter, after one term, was
defeated by Ronald Reagan, a far-right "conservative" (which is what reactionaries are
called in the U.S.). He won two terms, plus one presidential term for his vice president,
George H. W. Bush. But Bush was then defeated by Bill Clinton. Clinton could play the
saxophone and appeared to get along well with African-Americans. Again, a glorious new day
finally seemed to have dawned! But after two terms of Clintonian Democracy, the people
voted down his vice president, Al Gore, and elected George W. Bush. (Actually Gore
probably won the popular vote, by a hair's width, but the Supreme Court majority put Bush
in.) Bush was terrible and stupid, said the liberals, progressives, etc., gnashing their
teeth. He won a second term (probably fairly).
Then Barack Obama was elected, an African-American president! Liberals were ecstatic. Pete
Seeger sang at the inauguration with Bruce Springsteen. Naturally, African-Americans were
particularly pleased, although few of them believed claims that the U.S. was now a
"post-racial" society. Sure enough, the history-making Obama was then followed by...Donald
Trump. (Actually Trump lost the popular vote by a few percentage points, but the archaic
Electoral College put him in.) I am not going to discuss voting suppression by the
Republicans, and various shenanigans by Comey of the FBI, the Russians, etc., which
undermined Hillary Clinton. The U.S. state has intervened in other countries' politics at
least as much as Russia has.
This little history does not mention the effects of mid-term elections, which often
empowered the reactionary opposition to bind Democratic presidents from carrying out their
more-or-less progressive agendas (as in Obama's last six years). Nor am I discussing just
how limited these "progressive" agendas turned out to be, time after time-much to the
surprise and dismay of the liberals, progressives, etc. (as in Obama's first two years).
My point here is the obvious one that the repeated defeats of reactionary presidents and
presidential candidates has not ushered in the dawn of a glorious new day. Instead, the
more-or-less progressive presidents have repeatedly been followed by another reactionary
president. Over time the Republicans have gotten more reactionary and the Democrats have
occupied the space once taken by the Republicans-until we have reached the current
president, a new low in U.S. history.
Why is this? Partially the reason is the two-party system. Unlike many other countries,
U.S. laws make it very difficult to form effective third parties. (There has not been a
new major party since Lincoln's Republicans replaced the Whigs.) So if people get fed up
with one party, they have little choice but to turn to the other. The range of political
discourse is very limited, generally from mildly liberal to extremely reactionary (but not
usually fascist). The newspapers and television play this up, mostly analyzing elections
as "horse races" and ignoring programs. Citizens are taught to look at the personality of
the individual running rather than at what programs they might implement.
However it would be a mistake to focus too much on U.S. factors. The growth of right-wing,
nationalist, "populism" is world-wide. Other countries, with leaders with personalities
quite different from Trump's, and with electoral systems quite different from the U.S.
constitution, have developed their own forms of reactionary "populism." There is Britain
with its "Brexit," authoritarian right-wing leaders in Hungary, Poland, Italy, and Brazil,
the rise of the far-right LePen in France, Netanyahu in Israel, Modi in India, Duerte in
the Phillipines, and other examples. There are also authoritarian regimes which do not
bother with elections but have similar politics-Putin's Russia being somewhere in-between
these types.
So, on the one hand, there has been a pattern of increasingly bad presidents, racheting
down, through waves of "moderate" Democrats and reactionary Republicans. On the other
hand, there is a world-wide growth of far-right, authoritarian, regimes. These
developments demonstrate that the problem is bigger than just Trump.
Something New is Happening
For decades after World War II, U.S. politics swung back and forth between the Democrats
and the Republicans. There was little difference between the two. It was a platitude of
U.S. "political science" that this was a strength of U.S. politics, providing stability
and consensus. This changed about the time that the post-World War II prosperity came to
an end (in the 1970s). The economy stagnated, and the making of profits became more
difficult. Big business declared war on the working class (and the environment) in open
and covert ways. The Republicans became the leaders of that attack. Today many look back
on the era of political consensus with sighs of regret. The bitter partisanship of the two
parties is dismaying to many politicians, political "scientists," and ordinary voters. The
Republicans have moved to the far-right, and the Democrats have stayed just behind them.
Even this development has been shaken up in recent years. On the right, there has grown
white-supremacist, fascist, violent, forces. (By "fascist" I do not mean people who are
simply very conservative, but people who wish to overturn the representative bourgeois
democracy of the U.S. and replace it with a dictatorship.) They have been encouraged by
Trump and have encouraged him, even if he himself is not a fascist.
Perhaps even more surprising is the growth of a socialist movement. Polls have found
thirty to forty percent of the population-especially young adults-with a positive view of
"socialism." Many have become disillusioned with capitalism. The presidential runs of
Bernie Sanders built on this sentiment and encouraged it. The Democratic Socialists of
America rapidly expanded, attracting people of varying views (even anarchists joined, to
form a Libertarian Socialist Caucus). Socialists were elected to local and national
office, the most well-known, besides Sanders, being Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
These socialists are not very "socialist." They do not advocate taking away the wealth of
what Sanders has called "the billionaire class." They do not propose socializing the major
corporations-not even the oil producers and the rest of the energy sector. By
"socializing" I mean anything from national government ownership to municipal ownership to
worker management to consumer cooperatives. (As an anarchist-socialist, I am for the last
two.) Their model is usually an idealized version of the New Deal of Franklyn Roosevelt.
This was an effort to save capitalism from its own failures in the Great Depression-to
save capitalism from itself. That is, they hope to use the existing capitalist state to
manage the market economy in a more efficient, more benevolent, fashion, supposedly in the
interests of the working population. As such their program is not particularly different
from that of liberals, such as Elizabeth Warren. This should not be surprising given the
semi-liberal programs of European social-democratic parties, such as in the Nordic
(Scandinavian) countries, the UK, France, or Germany. Although far from Stalinist
totalitarianism, liberals and democratic socialists have an unjustified faith in the
effectiveness of the state to solve social problems.
The Democrats?
As I am writing there a year and some months to go before the election. The Democrats
still enjoy over 20 candidates for their presidential nomination. They are struggling over
how "left" their rhetoric should be and how generous their proposals should sound (so far,
not one has called for big cuts in the military budget). If they sound "too left," they
may seem to threaten the capitalist system. This could drive off the big donors who
otherwise would support them against Trump. And it might (or might not) drive off the
moderate base of the Democrats (as opposed to educating them). But if they are not "left"
enough, they will not really challenge Trump, his Republicans, and his corporate backers.
Nor will they motivate their liberal base. What to do?
Liberals often complain about how wishy-washy and spineless the Democrats are in the face
of right-wing attacks. This is in contrast to the Republicans who are "principled" and
even fanatical about their goals. There is a reason for this difference. If the
Republicans stir up their white, relatively privileged, racist, middle class base into
hysterical frenzies, this might result in the nomination of a Trump or, at worst, an
attack on bourgeois democracy-but not on capitalism. But if the Democrats were to rile up
their base, to excite the African-American community and blue collar workers, to mobilize
unions and to organize mass action by youth-this could threaten capitalism. Unlimited
demands by workers, People of Color, people threatened by climate change, etc., would go
past the limits of the capitalist economy. This the Democrats cannot allow and will not
As far as I am concerned, the Democratic candidates are vying to be the top manager of the
most dangerous institution in the world today, This is the U.S. national military-state
and its capitalist economy. I am not sympathetic to this goal. (The U.S. has a military
force larger than the next eight national states. It is a key part of the
life-threatening, climate-destroying, system of national states and the capitalist world
Some liberals, progressives, etc., are impressed with the current flock of Democratic
candidates. This requires taking their words at face value, ignoring what they do not say
(about foreign policy or military spending, for example). And a focus on individuals,
rather than the history of the party. Others, more realistic, argue that the Democrats are
the "lesser evil." This is to admit that they are evil, even if lesser. I would not deny
that, especially in comparison to Trump and his minions.
But here is my question: Who has a program which is adequate to solve the deep problems of
the U.S. and world? That is, global warming and other ecological catastrophes, the danger
of nuclear war, the probability of a collapse of the capitalist economy-as well as
"lesser" problems such as continuing racism, gender oppression, LGBTQ repression, economic
inequality, stagnation,"small" wars, political authoritarianism, and so on. The very
survival of industrial civilization, and perhaps of humanity and our fellow creatures, is
at stake. Whether the Democrats mean well or are hypocrites and liars, their programs are
simply inadequate for the crises we face. Can it be claimed, by any knowledgable person,
that any Democrat has such a needed program?
It would be delightful to get rid of Donald Trump, this pustule on the ass of humanity.
But if the result is that we are still on the road to armageddon and the destruction of
the world, then my joy is limited.
What Shall We Do?
This is not a discussion of whether to vote. I don't really care. I doubt that the votes
of a handful of anarchists-or even of all the conscious socialists and radicals in the
country-would make a difference.
The issue is not what a few individuals should do. it is what we radicals should advocate
that mass institutions and movements should do. This includes the unions, the
African-American community, Latinx communities, LGBTQ groups, the ecological and
environmental movement, feminist organizations, etc. These are the base of the Democratic
Party. They donate a large amount of money, and human energy and time, to the Democrats'
electoral efforts. Yet their rewards have not been great. In recent elections, the
Democrats have turned their backs on them, especially on the unions and the working class.
Similarly, unlike the Republicans, the Democrats have admitted that there is a climate
crisis. Yet they have done little about it and advocated limited programs. They have
sought African-Americans votes but done little to improve their lives. And so on.
Errico Malatesta, the Italian revolutionary anarchist-socialist, was a co-worker with
Bakunin and Kropotkin. He commented, " what is done in the electoral
struggle with what would happen if nothing were done; while instead they should compare
the results obtained when other methods are followed and with what might be achieved if
all effort used to send representatives to power...were[instead]employed in the fight to
directly achieve what is desired." (Malatesta 2019; 179)
There needs to be massive union organizing drives through the U.S. There should be city
and regional general strikes to fight back against attacks on working people. There need
to be massive and militant demonstrations, with civil disobedience, to fight against
police brutality and other aspects of racism and poverty. Cities should be brought to a
halt until steps are taken to limit global warming. Colleges should be occupied by their
students. So factories and other workplaces.should be occupied by their workers, who
should run them for the common good.
If a Democrat is elected president, with a Democratic Congress, we can expect liberals,
progressives, and activists to be disappointed. The Democrats, whatever their motives,
will stay within the limits of capitalism. Therefore they cannot stop climate change or
improve the living conditions of working people-not under the current conditions of
capitalist stagnation and decline. This disappointment will lead to greater opposition, I
hope. Opposition should not be channeled into the Democratic Party (there to wither and
die),nor into other electoral parties (that is, into other supports of the capitalist
state). They should be directed to direct action and militant activities.
To save the humans, a different system is needed-one based on cooperation, equality, and
freedom, with production for use not profit, and with radically-democratic self-management
of the economy and all aspects of society. Only a few are for this now, but a radical left
wing of the developing movements can be built to fight for this revolutionary goal. If we
are not mesmerized by the flam-flam of the electoral system.
Malatesta, Errico (2019) (Davide Turcato, Ed.) (Paul Sharkey, Trans.). "Towards Anarchy";
Malatesta in America 1899-1900. The Complete Works of Errico Malatesta; Vol. IV. Chico CA:
AK Press.
*written for
Message: 4
FREEDOM FESTIVAL - PROGRAM ---- Eleftheria Festival of Internationalist, Social and
Classical Solidarity # 2 ---- Athens 4-5-6 July 2019 | University Campus of Zografou |
School of MITHE, Entrance from Taxilos (3rd FEPA, buses 220, 221, 5th stop of Ilissia)
---- 3 days of political discussions, book presentations, cinematic screenings, anarchist
printed material and bookstore, poster and photo exhibitions, artistic events ----
Thursday 4th July ---- 18.00 Presentation of Diego Abad de Santillan "An Eleutherial
Order: History, Evolution and Practice (Volume B: State, War and Revolution) ---- from
Stay Downs ---- 19.00 Event - Discussion: Contemporary totalitarianism, war, nationalism,
The upgrading and expansion of military bases and the mobilization of international
solidarity. (Dwarf Horse)
The Macedonian issue in the context of the upheavals in the Eastern Mediterranean. The
fascist threat and the kinesthetic response. (Black & Red, Libertatia)
School squats for the "Macedonian" and the struggle against the rise of nationalism.
(Anarchist Student Group Ataxia)
21.00 View of the Contesscion Suarez Aguilar's Koltavanej (Liberation) documentary
The case of indigenous Rosa Lopez Dias, detained in the prisons of Chiapas for a crime he
never committed, who wholeheartedly joined the struggle for the release of political
22.00 Tsiersancules present the theatrical play "It hurts my mind".
A cabaret performance based on texts by Anthony Chekhov, Carl Valentin and Monty Pithon
Friday July 5th
18.00 Presentation of the Book and Campaign "Rebuild Green Rose" of the Interfaith
Communist Party of Rosawa
from the Eupopia publications
19.00 Event - Discussion: "Against State and Capitalist Barbarism, Social Cannibalism and
Gender Violence" by the group against patriarchy
Take part:
Annie Paparousou, lawyer of the family of Jacques Kostopoulos
Comrades from the arrested anti-fascist motorbike on 30/9/2012
Coaching initiative from Exarchia
22.00 Rebetiko Feast of financial support of the Eleftherias Festival with Afrodon
Saturday 6 July
17.00 Event - Discussion: Games for Earth and Freedom from Acheloos to Agrafa and Epirus
18.00 Event - Discussion: "Elections as a means of renewing state and capitalist aggression".
20.00 Event - Discussion: "The struggle for Exarchia of social self-organization and
class solidarity" with the participation of comrades and comrades from the assembly for
the re-exoneration of Exarchia
21.30 Concert of financial support of the liberal festival with: T imetrap , cricket dead,
stigma and Gorgos Tsingos & Black Circles
Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities |
Message: 5
Text against delegation, mediation and electoral process, by the anarchist collectivity
Vogliamo tutto e per tutti . In the last few weeks, interventions have taken place, from
collegiality and in coordination with other anarchist collectives, in the neighborhoods of
the center, Koukaki, Petralona, New World, Nea Smyrna with the distribution of texts and
posters. Interventions will continue next week by sending the message: " Public
participation means DEPRESSION from the elections of delegation, representation, false
hope, supposed change. The only person competent and able to manage his / her life is
himself / herself oppressed, the exploited. ---- Below is the text of the anarchist
college Vogliamo tutto e per tutti against the elections and the delegation: ---- Do not
choose your ruler! Abstention from elections!
Involvement in the public means DEPRESSION from the elections of delegation,
representation, false hope, supposed change.
"Vote for us so that the right does not come," "vote for them to leave SYRIZA", "vote for
them so that the fascists will not be strengthened", "voted for them to strengthen your
voice", " voted for the good for a better future, "or" with the fascists or with us ","
with us to get the place out, "" privatization or the social state ".
Countless pseudo-dilemmas that once again bring back the bourgeoisie on the occasion of
the upcoming elections. Dilemmas that have been built and served by citizens who are
rehearsing for citizens. After the governments of national unity, the appointed prime
ministers, the referendum that re-socialized the institutions of representation,
parliamentary regularity reminds again the brilliant and bipartite 1980s / 1990s.
Artificial polarization around non-existent issues such as citizen security, favoritism,
reform bidding, black promises, blobs, fascist crowns. The whole spectrum of
parliamentarism in election campaign parade.Primary role plays the media, which is a
dominant means of manipulating the bottom. Through spectacle, propaganda, news, and
"events", they serve the interests of power. Its countless contenders invest time and
money in propaganda campaigns calling everyone and all of us to "participate" in the
democracy fest by depositing a piece of paper in a wooden box every four years. The
institution of the elections is presented as the top instrument of politicization, where
voters participate in decision-making and are supposedly co-managers of power.
Participation in the elections is the same as the concept of politics. Voters in this way
become members of the state and the deputies, their representatives on land ...Democracy,
or just the celebration of mediation and commissioning!
Election participation is a denial of your own self-management. The vote is suited to
passive consumers, who entrust professionals to "manage everything". Elected
representatives, being elected using every means, ranging from promises and promises to
direct chores, are called upon to legislate and implement policies across all disciplines
defining every aspect of our lives. Election participation acts as a means of legitimizing
and passively supporting the system of exploitation and oppression. Elections are nothing
more than a mechanism of consensus building. The only choice made through the elections is
that of the dynast and the elected, regardless of intent, act as representatives of
capital.It is not at all arbitrary how many professional politicians are involved in
interference scandals with private companies (Siemens, NOVARTIS, AKTOR, THALES, Ellinikos
Xrysos SA, MEVGAL, Deutsche Telekom, some examples), and the phenomena of extreme
enrichment of members of the "National Delegation". Whether small or large the forces that
promote the assignment, they will always cluster and serve the interests of capital. This
is not a Greek accident or an exception, but the essence of parliamentarianism.
The only person competent and able to manage his / her life is himself / herself
oppressed, the exploited. No bureaucratic and hierarchical group hoping for power, either
"conservative" or "progressive", will not take care of the needs of the bottom. As
anarchists, we consider the daily struggle against state and capital to participate in the
elections incompatible. The logic of "our inferior optimal" is alien.Participation in
electoral processes costs ideological consistency, but also political dynamics. Our goal
is not simply to abstain from the elections, but also to re-pursue politics and to
identify it with uninterrupted procedures, with self-organization and anti-command.
Besides, the bottom-up story has shown that sharpening the uninterrupted struggle away
from and against institutional illusions is the only way for oppressed and exploited to
defend their interests and resist capitalist barbarism. The solution for us is not to
"bother them in democracy", but to abstain from their feast and to resist their
imperatives. Against the pseudo-dilemmas,solidarity, self-organized structures,
neighborhood assemblies, political hangouts, grassroots clubs, anti-hierarchical
collectivities, Communists, and the revolution of every day.
Why the election outpouring for us means civic participation.
Self-organized, anti-hierarchical, radical struggles to overthrow state and capitalist
barbarism, anarchy and communism.
anarchist collectivity Vogliamo tutto e per tutti
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