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maandag 8 juli 2019

This Judge Keeps Letting Child Molesters Off the Hook. It's Time He Resign.

This judge keeps letting child molesters off the hook. It's time he resign, before anyone else gets hurt.
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Dear friends,
According to 22-year-old Joseph Robert Meili's lawyer, "He felt horrible about the entire incident." The "incident" was actually a child molestation case and the victim was an 11-year-old girl.
When authorities found out that Meili had met a young pre-teen girl on a dating app, took her to his house and proceeded to engage in sexual contact with her, they originally charged him with child molestation, child kidnapping and first-degree statutory rape. But because Meile "felt horrible," the 7-year-long sentence he faced was magically disappeared by the judge. Instead of the tough sentence, Judge Calvin R. Holden sentenced the perpetrator to just five years of supervised probation.
There is a growing trend around the U.S. in which young, white and monied sexual criminals are getting off virtually scot free for their serious crimes. And Judge Holden is a big contributor to this horrifying trend. In February of this year, Holden gave a two-time rapist five years of probation — even though the man committed this second assault while he was already serving probation for rape. In 2016, Holden sentenced an adult convicted of sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl to just 30 days behind bars and, you guessed it, five years probation.
Sexual assault, especially against a child, is not something to take lightly. And when judges give these men a second chance, they are putting other potential victims at risk.
Thank you,
Ellen B.
The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. We can't keep allowing judges to get away with letting child molesters off easy. Sign and share the petition calling for Judge Holden to resign!

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