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donderdag 3 oktober 2019

This zoo zebra is being neglected and abused!

Dear friends, Did you see this? A zebra at a Mexico City zoo is so hungry that it has resorted to eating its own excriment. We must fight to save him. Will you sign the petition?

Zoo Zebra Has Skin Infection And Is Eating Own Feces, Must Be Freed!
Sign Now
Dear friends,
Most animals living in captivity in zoos meant to entertain the public live tragic, unnatural and sometimes tortured lives. That seems to be especially true for one zebra at the San Juan de Aragon Zoo in Mexico City. The poor creature is apparently suffering from some sort of skin infection and has recently been filmed eating his own feces, either out of starvation or psychological distress.
Not only does the poor zebra have a skin infection, but he seems to have a pretty severe injury to his neck. Whatever is going on, it's clear this animal is being abused and neglected. He seems to be locked in a concrete room, which is nothing like a natural zebra habitat. Not to mention animals do not typically eat their own feces, it's almost always a sign of starvation or some sort of psychological distress.
Although this zebra has gotten notoriety for being filmed eating its own feces, a wildabeest died there recently too. There are also reports of major funding cuts for Mexican zoos, meaning things may be getting much worse. We can't let these animals die such tragic deaths and suffer such horrible treatment in their lives. They are innocent beings and we must stand up for them.
Thank you,
Kelsey B.
The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. This poor zebra is locked in a concrete room with wounds and infections left untreated. Sign the petition to free the zebra!

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