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zaterdag 2 november 2019

Update: anarchist news and information from all over the world - 2.11.2019

Today's Topics:


1.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire - international, Chilean
      anarchists speak about social explosion (fr, it, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  [Spain] Issue 51 of the anarchist opinion publication "Siglo
      XXI" is out By ANA (ca, pt) [machine translation]

3.  elmiliciano, CNT-AIT, Chiclana: dissemination campaign,
      support and request for freedom for our partner Antonio Nieto
      Galindo (ca) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire - Communiqué supporting
      the mobilizations of the Catalan people (fr, it, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Canada, ucl-saguenay, Collectif Emma Goldman - Jean Tremblay
      comes out of this body (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]

6.  Greece, anarchist "malevolent horse"[APO]: TAKE THE HANDS 
      6, 2014 IN PATRA [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  [Spain] Alternative Economics Days | October 30th to
      November 28th By ANA (en, pt)[machine translation]

8.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #298 - UCL Tour,
     Class Feminism and Popular Fight in Argentina, from October 26 to
     November 23 (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Faced with the social explosion in the Chilean region, the Anarchist Federation of
Santiago declares: ---- 1. The flaws of the neo-liberal model are each time greater, the
situation has gone beyond the government and has spread to the regions. Now, it is no
longer only in Santiago that the protests on the street take place, but in all the
territories of the region of Chile that the struggle has been organized and organized. The
will of our class is growing day by day, even if everything is done to prevent it, we are
each time more numerous in this historical act. The curfew is constantly challenged in
every corner of the country, with massive demonstrations of anger, the people continue
their worthy struggle.
2-The government's response has been to intensify its savage repression, more than ten
thousand soldiers wander through our neighborhoods and avenues by unleashing state
terrorism. Tanks and helicopter gunships are paraded through the streets and sky to
terrorize the people.

This deployment of cops and soldiers has violently struck the struggling peoples, there
are already more than 1700 detainees, more than 250 seriously wounded and more than 15
killed for whom the state claims to hide its responsibility and tries to hide their names,
hundreds of missing persons, countless tortures and more and more cases of sexual violence
appear. All violence and assassinations are the direct responsibility of the state, and
especially of the government that has given way to its henchmen, who have not hesitated
for a single second to fire on the oppressed class.

3- We warn the people in struggle against the strategy of communication of the state,
developed by the government with the complicity of the bourgeois press, which seeks only
to divert the eyes of the social conflict, installing the idea that is a security
conflict, in which the priority is to restore the bourgeois order through a great " social
pact  " without giving back their rights to the people. Long hours of biased images and
complicit opinions appear on TV, calls from the government to "  the nationalist spirit To
deal with this crisis, the bourgeois media and the government are managing the period as a
natural disaster, but we know that it is the catastrophe of capitalism and patriarchy, and
we struggle to free ourselves from it as well as from all those who support him.

We also want to emphasize, that the calls to walk with the jersey of the Chilean football
selection and to develop a nationalist spirit, are the same strategy used a few years back
by the Brazilian far right, which had used massive social discontent as political
springboard to come to power. We call to visualize this situation and not to reinforce

4- We reject the opportunism of political parties that claim to represent the people in
struggle, you represent only your petty interests, seeking only to come to power using the
blood shed by the class of oppressed as a strategy of opportunistic and parasites. You do
not have your place in our neighborhoods, our assemblies and demonstrations, no place in
the new world that we are creating, you are only representing all that we are throwing
into oblivion of the History.

5- We call to continue the mobilizations, to continue the fight in the territories and on
the streets. It is extremely necessary to set up territorial assemblies by developing
self-managed pre-figurative practices, from a class position, ecologist and
anti-patriarchal, so that the self-organization of the oppressed can offer answers and
solutions both to the immediate problems as in the long term. We must begin to create
organized communities and territorial control, which allow us to move towards our total
emancipation, which must be our priority, and not to find an institutional way out of the
crisis, as the Constituent Assembly wants to do. all the other things that give air to
bourgeois democracy.

6- Finally, it becomes necessary to generate a coordinated advocacy base between the
different sectors in struggle, which represents the diversity of bodies, peoples and
territories as well as their problems. For the same reason it is very important to succeed
in destroying the pillars of this model, it becomes necessary to end the water code and
AFP, and on the other hand to improve the immediate living conditions of our class,
lowering the number of hours of work, socializing the transport system, raising the
minimum wage, putting an end to outsourcing and claiming the right to housing and decent
housing, by legalizing abortion and by allowing dignified access to care, by removing all
educational debts (CAE, Solidarity Fund), by lowering the prices of basic services (water,
electricity, gas) and paralyzing all extractivist projects. We must stop the legislative
agenda of the bourgeoisie, which is increasingly endorsing neo-liberalism, so we demand
the withdrawal of decree TPP-11, the law of social integration, the law of ice-cream, the
control of identity of the youth, pension reform, tax reforms and the water route project,
for the same purpose it is essential to repeal the law of Safe Classes  ", the
Anti-Terrorism Act, the Young Workers Statute, the Migrants Act, the Copper Reserves Act
and the Labor Code. Finally, we demand the release of all political prisoners, the
suspension of the state of emergency and curfew, the withdrawal of all the military and
the cops from the streets, the end of the violence. sexual policies and stopping the use
of the state's internal security law. All of this must be driven by a general strike and
constant mobilization on the streets.

Military, out of our streets !
General strike !
Let's root Anarchism !
Let's build the Organized Community !
Long live the struggle of peoples !



Message: 2

The cause of climate change is the mode of capitalist production and growth, whether
neoliberal or state. Being aware of what is at stake means facing us with a reality in
which we are all involved, some with more responsibility than others, certainly. ---- At
this point in the 21st century, the degree of destruction of the environmental balance is
so great that the climate catastrophe is unmanageable, unaware of the concrete
characteristics that will define it. We and no one can stop the coming collapse already;
This means that we have many tasks to do in the coming years. ---- The state and capital,
meanwhile, remain on expectation, assessing the business possibilities that the situation
might produce. They are more than likely to act in two ways: one, by socializing the costs
of adapting to the situation, by maximizing benefits; and the second, applying a planetary
ecofascism. For Capital, ultimately, the climate crisis is just another business opportunity.

If the capitalist production system in any of its presentations is ultimately responsible
for the ecological disaster; If, equally, it seems unmanageable, and the state will in all
likelihood apply ecofascism as a tool for social equilibrium, it must be fought today to
end capitalism and the state, guaranteeing its functioning. A revolution is needed from
below, at all levels, to cement alternative ways of living away from the destruction of
the environment and relations of domination. If we cannot stop the disaster at least we
can use it to raise a new society.

Generally, it is stated that if the cause is eliminated, the problem caused by the cause
disappears. In the case of the climate crisis, ending capitalism and the state will not be
enough to guarantee a decent survival; It is essential to prepare us for the ongoing
environmental and social collapse. How do we do it? Generating livelihood structures based
on self-reliance, solidarity and mutual support, always respectful of the balance of
ecosystems. Our work as anarchists has to be directed on many fronts; one directly against
the cause of evil; secondly, to raise awareness of as many people as possible about the
emergency in which we are going to live in the short term, as well as the need to organize
so that the post-collapse is as bearable and constructive as possible; the third front
would move to raise a parallel society to the present one, the image and likeness of what
will come later when the capitalist system becomes porous and disintegrates. The battle
begins now.

The Libertarian Federation of Madrid supports the mobilizations that will take place on
September 27 under the title "World Strike for the Climate".

To fight against capital and the state is to fight for the ecological balance and the
planetary life.

>> To download the publication (N ° 51), click here:


Translation> Sol de Abril

anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 3

Although late, due to problems we have had with the publications, at the beginning of the
month the SOV of Chiclana of the CNT-AIT, initiated the actions it deems necessary for the
dissemination and support of fellow prisoner Antonio Nieto Galindo. We reproduce then the
news that was published in networks: ---- Following in the wake of the campaign initiated
by the Regional of Levante, the CNT-AIT anarcho-union of Chiclana gave voice to our
partner Antonio Nieto Galindo, prisoner of the Spanish State, by pasting posters where we
make public complaint of his unfair situation, informing the locality of it. ----
Likewise, we take advantage of the action to inform about the activities that CNT-AIT of
Granada collects in the Red and Black Days of this 2019 and of the II Tribute that the
CNT-AIT of Chiclana pays to the reprisals and shot by the Francoists this next 06 of
October at the local cemetery.



Message: 4

Once again the people of Catalonia descended on the streets. The same people who, two
years ago, went out to defend the convening of a popular referendum for independence. The
Spanish State had responded with repression. The popular answer was the general strike
convened by the Intersyndical-CSC and IAC and followed by the CGT, the CNT and Solidarité
Ouvrière, with the support of EMBAT and other organizations from the anarchist camp, which
issued at this moment a clear and very lucid statement on the process and the ongoing
struggle. ---- Two years later, the Spanish state condemns the main officials of the
bourgeois Catalan government. This act mobilized the whole Catalan people against the
government of the Spanish Constitutional Monarchy who responded, once again, with a fierce
repression by the hand of the Catalan police, the Mossos de Esquadra [1], known for their
brutality. The sentence against the 12 Catalan politicians marks a turning point in the
generally applicable judicial repression, because they are condemned for "sedition" which
can include any public demonstrations, and therefore it is in all Catalonia and throughout
Spain - an authoritarian regime that aims to contain social protest is being put in place.
This is why a real situation of popular disobedience has developed, and the streets have
been massively invested by the people.

The problem is not limited to the independence of Catalonia. It was the 1978 constitution
and the Moncloa Pact, which created a political, legal and economic order that left intact
the main elements of the Franco dictatorship and guaranteed the impunity of the
genocidaires, with the favorable support of the electoral left. The mobilizations of
recent days put back on the front of the scene the demands related to the work, those for
a better education, for a better health, those against the evictions of the houses, and
all the popular demands recently supported. They demonstrate the exasperation of the
people in the face of so much dispossession and contempt for popular demands on the part
of those at the top, and in particular of the Spanish state - but also of the Catalan

As part of this struggle, our comrades from EMBAT (Catalan specific political
organization), the Catalan CGT, the CNT and Solidaridad Obrera are at the forefront, and
impel mobilizations, putting at the center social issues and popular. And by promoting the
development of strong grassroots organizations and the mobilization of those from below.
All our support goes to the anarchist, anarcho-syndicalist and libertarian comrades
organized in Catalonia !

This same Catalonia, which played a leading role in the glorious Spanish revolution and
extended it to other regions of this territory at the foot of the Durruti column, is alive
and well today !

All our solidarity and support for the Catalan people and all peoples who resist abuse
wherever they come, and who are fighting for another society.

For the construction of popular power !
For socialism and for freedom !
Long live those who are fighting !

[1] police force of Catalonia



Message: 5

Saguenay mayor, Josée Néron, went to the press circle to take stock of the mid-term
mandate of her administration and attacked opponents of "major projects",
environmentalists and the government. Forty economists who co-signed a letter criticizing
the proposed 750-kilometer gas pipeline and natural gas liquefaction plant that LNG Quebec
plans to develop in Saguenay. ---- Obviously, the old recipe based on a chauvinistic
regionalism and a crass populism did not leave the Saguenay Town Hall at the same time as
its former occupant, former Mayor Jean Tremblay. ---- No offense to the mayor Néron,
Saguenay is not under a glass bubble ---- " Our future is not for outsiders to tell us
what to do. What I tell them is that they take care of their economic development. We will
take care of ours, "said the mayor. Nevertheless, it is worth recalling that the
environmental impacts of rising greenhouse gases (GHGs) extend well beyond the borders of
the " realm ".And will impact all residents of the province and more. The remarks made by
the Mayor of Saguenay during this press circle play on resentment and aim to widen
divisions between regions and major centers, intellectuals / science and workers. In
addition to contributing in no way to breaking the cycle of dependence, his remarks divert
people from the real issues, which is particularly irresponsible at this time when it is
urgent to take action to counter climate change. Ultimately, the only ones who profit from
it are this minority of owners. For a politician who boasted of being progressive, we will
go back.

While the house burns, the regional elite wants to throw a barrel of gasoline

The day-to-day demonstrations of cowardice repeated by the representatives of the regional
elite only keep our region in a state of dependence. Josée Néron wondered about the image
that was sent by the protest on September 27th: "A daily newspaper with the" Grande
manifestation contre les projets ", when it comes to a promoter's office, what image is
it?? ". This event had the merit of showing that we are not all kneeling before the big
company and that a significant part of the inhabitants of the region is concerned about
environmental issues and the future of different forms of life. . And what about the
member for Chicoutimi - The Fjord, Richard Martel, reelected narrowly on October 21? It's

Unfortunately, we can not hope for other results by using the same recipes. As we wrote in
one of our posts titled To End the Kleenex Economy:
" Today, they tell us about private investments and new industrial projects in the region.
They sell us their future industrial exploitation sites with the creation of some
medium-term jobs. They even have the nerve to present their gas pipeline and gas
liquefaction plant plans as green and sustainable projects. Tomorrow, they will talk to us
about lack of market for their product, possible closure and relocation. They will even
give us the note of cleaning and decontamination.". Nevertheless, there are other ways
besides dependence, resignation, the extractivist economy and fossil fuels. It is up to us
to take charge of our affairs, to free ourselves from these multinationals, to strengthen
the resilience and autonomy of our regional communities.

A surge of lucidity for the artisans of The Daily?

After praising the great destructive and defensive projects of those who dare to
contradict the consensus that the politico-media elites want to impose, Marc St-Hilaire,
editorialist at Le Quotidien, had a jump of lucidity, even of combativeness.

The Inquisition in the 21st Century, September 10, 2019

As the bankruptcy of the Capital Media Group (owner of the Daily) may have allowed these
artisans in the print media to finally distinguish the interests of residents and
inhabitants of the region interests of the big industry. But that's another story...

Read also:
The shock of utopias: Puerto Rico against the economy of the disaster

Listed 16 hours ago by Collectif Emma Goldman



Message: 6

On December 6, 2014, six years after the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos by the
Corconean police in Exarchia, tens of thousands of people across the street descended on
the streets and staged a powerful demonstration, breaking the climate of terror that
targeted it. a period of attacks on militants and the repression of struggle sites and in
practical terms expressing their solidarity with hunger striker Nikos Romanos. ---- A
massive demonstration was then held in Patras, which was brutally beaten by police with
shells of chemicals and flash crackers in direct firing, injuring several demonstrators.
As a result, a total of 6 arrests of protesters are due to be held on 30 October 2019.
Then, six years after the December 2008 social uprising that broke the window of state
omnipotence and "capitalist prosperity", but also after the subsequent anti-insurgency
campaign, we were confronted with its total and all-out attack society, and in particular
those who resist.

Today, 5 years after the arrests of the 6 militants in Patras, and 11 years after the 2008
uprising, the notions of resistance to state and capitalist barbarism, state and state
terrorism, and modern totalitarianism continue to exist. The new far-right and neoliberal
political management continues the general attack that has been taking place for a decade
against society, while at the same time openly expanding the repressive plan of the state
against social / class movements, and especially against the opposite. which is in the
process of a repressive campaign that seeks not only to curb it,

Today, the organized anarchist movement, as part of which we perceive ourselves, must do
its utmost to exacerbate the struggles on every front expressed by state aggression, in
the direction of linking them with its more comprehensive subversion. world of capitalism
and the state, as this overthrow proves to be the only way out for millions of destitute
and oppressed worlds.




anarchist group "malevolent horse" / member of Anarchist Political Organization

ipposd.wordpress.com - communication every Tuesday from 7-10 pm In the Self Managed Space
On the Face (87 Patreos)



Message: 7

CNT Teruel, together with CGT, organizes an Alternative Economy Conference, which will
take place from October 30th to November 28th. With these Journeys, CNT Teruel intends
that "we sit, talk, listen and think collectively alternatives to a world in crisis that
kills us faster and faster. This is the time to pave the way for the economic and
environmental crisis. " ---- In the Days will be addressed the underlying causes that led
to the current situation of the capitalist economy, from a critical, anti-capitalist,
ecologist and feminist perspective; how livestock and industrial agriculture affect nature
and the future in rural areas; precariousness, impoverishment, minimum and basic income;
local experiences and network projects will be shown where avenues for alternative
economics are being put in place; and will end by talking about the collapse, of decline
as perspective, self-management and mutual support.

"We must start moving towards a different society where the future is clear and possible.
It's time, let's build in common. "- concludes CNT Teruel.

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/events/980138262334729/

Translation> Sol de Abril

anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 8

 From October 26 to November 23, UCL organizes a tour in eleven cities in France, with
three activists from the Federation of Basic Organizations (FOB). ---- For more than
twelve years, the red and black flags of the FOB have made themselves known in the
Argentine street. ---- At the intersection of direct action and feminism, while advocating
self-management, the FOB brings together in its assemblies thousands of men and women from
the poorer neighborhoods. ---- They will share their struggles, visions and practices. It
will talk about the piquetero movement, the struggle of women, the action of this
organization in the shantytowns of Buenos Aires, basic feminist assemblies and struggles
of migrant women.
It will also talk about the political situation in Argentina, since October 27 will take
place on 1 st  round of the presidential election. The right-wing president, Mauricio
Macri, is in danger of being forced out, and to win the victory, his Peronist rival
multiplies seduction companies in the direction of the social movement.

The dates of the tour
Paris 19 th October 26 at 19:30, at 92 rue d'Aubervilliers + facebook event
Le Mans (72) October 28, at the rotunda of the Maison des associations, 4 rue d'Arcole
Rennes (35) on October 30, at the Bocal, 2 alley of Finland + facebook event
Fougères (35) on  November 1st , at Les Oiseaux de la Tempête, 14, rue de la Pinterie +
facebook event
Montreuil (93) November 4th at 8 pm at the Maison des femmes, 24-28 rue de l'Église +
facebook event
Nancy (54) on 6 November, the letter of college, 23 Boulevard Albert I st
Lyon (69) November 8 + facebook event
Clermont-Ferrand (63) on November 12
Marseille (13) on November 14
Nîmes (30) on November 16th
Millau (12) November 19 at 20:30, at the Loco, 33, avenue Gambetta
Montpellier (34) November 21, Bad reputation, 20 Terral Street
Toulouse (31) November 23, at the Chapel, 36 Daniel-Casanova Street



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