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dinsdag 3 december 2019
Update: anarchist news and information from all over the world - 3.12.2019
Today's Topics:
1. Britain, Class War: At 3am December 13th Boris will head to
conservative HQ (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. [Turkey] Istanbul: Anarchist Women Protest in Front of
Bakirköy Women's Prison (pt, tr) By ANA (pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. Poland, WORKERS' INITIATIVE: Black Friday - Amazon employees
around the world together for better working conditions [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #299 - Interview,
Francophone fighters: "The Rojava is illustrated by an incredible
resilience" (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. [International] Communiqué of solidarity with the
demonstration convened in Greece by the trade unions on November
30, 2019 By ANA (pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. General strike and rebellion: the new Chilean way By ANA
(pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7. [Chile] Santiago: 40th Day of Social Uprising By ANA (pt)
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
At no.4 Mathew Parker street.. this is where the real celebrations can begin. Boris will be met at the door by DOMINIC CUMINGS in a nightgown holding a rat. The
realisation that they now have 5 years to put a fierce right wing libertarian model of social organisation into place can wait till morning ---- Donald Trump is
on the phone - fuck etiquette those days are over why wait for Corbyn's concession of defeat....the bitter party pooper Marxist slopes off to the dustbin of
history. ---- Remember thatcher on the stairs of central office being welcomed by Tebbitt and Cecil Parkinson and whisping 'we must do something about the inner
cities', Sending Heseltine North but alongside the developers wrecking ball.. Heseltine took community development with him but he misunderstood .She meant
'destroy the inner cities not fund them. Erase the working class from history as well as in the present..no longer a class which had a sense of its own
interests as separate from their rulers.'She may have whispered to Norman Tebitt on the staircase 'we are the masters now.'
Boris will envelope Carly in his folds of Tory one nationism and standing on the same stairs will echo 'We must do something for the white working class'
there will be the clink of flutes and in the bars of Westminster as the gilded wonder which think tank they'll wait up in in the morning. Flash of press bulbs
as Boris leads a conga to Smith Square and back before bed assures us with raised outwardly facing palms
Message: 2
On November 22, Anarsist Kadinlar (Women Anarchists) held a protest outside Bakirköy Women's Prison. They stated that all institutions that protect masculinity
should be closed and that prisons should be closed, not women. ---- Anarchist women chanted slogans in front of the prison and dropped black and purple balloons
over the prison wall to announce their presence and to show support for women held hostage by the patriarchal state on the other side of the wall. ----
Anarchist women have declared that even in prison, the most concrete of places where the male domination system holds women imprisoned, women cannot be
silenced. The action ended after a statement was read aloud.
Translation> Brulego
Related Content: https://noticiasanarquistas.noblogs.org/post/2019/03/06/turkey-somes-the-women-of-anatolia-e-mesopotamia/ ---- anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 3
COMMON POSITION OF AMAZON EMPLOYEES FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ---- On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Amazon employees around the world will once again send
millions of orders that customers will place in preparation for the holidays. Parcels will be delivered in just a few days or even 24 hours. To accomplish this
feat, employees must work hard and fast knowing that they will not make huge profits for them, which Amazon captures in this busiest season. ---- It's no secret
that Jeff Bezos despises trade unions, yet in many Amazon magazines around the world, employees establish unions, struggling with burdensome conditions and
soulless treatment. ---- In France, in Lille, employees are struggling with a compulsory 6-day work week and public holidays, and management notes to intimidate
and subordinate employees. On Black Friday they will strike, demanding that Amazon begin negotiations. Yellow Vests will join them.
In Madrid, Spain, employees are asking publicly for help in the Amazon boycott to make it clear that society supports employees, not inhuman treatment in magazines.
In Germany, six magazines will strike for several days starting on Black Friday. This is the first time they will start a strike at the same time. Many
employees are members of the Ver.di trade union. They have been campaigning for a collective agreement with Amazon for 6 years, although the company, of course,
refuses to negotiate.
In Poland, employees oppose high expectations in terms of performance, develop trade unions, and have recently negotiated a higher holiday bonus than originally
offered by Amazon, with less stringent conditions. These negotiations have shown that the action can be successful. However, the collective dispute is still
ongoing: unions demand higher wages, stable contracts and new forms of employee appraisal. Part of this dispute is the ongoing strike referendum, in which 5.5
thousand have already participated. people.
In the United States, employees in Chicago were able to force executives to provide water in hot weather. Employees also defend their colleagues against
authoritarian managers and express dissatisfaction with the fact that wages are not rising. In Sacramento, two people were restored to work, who were dismissed
by a computer algorithm: one was absent from work after the death of a family member, and the other person because of childcare. In Minneapolis, employees left
their factory and stopped work, demanding greater safety and respect from management.
Employees throughout the United States also collectively collected reports on accidents at work and injuries, and it should not surprise anyone that it turned
out that the injury rate at Amazon is at least twice as high as in similar industries. Amazon uses employees until they get injured, then quickly get rid of
them when they can't work anymore. In the United States, many Amazon employees are not entitled to healthcare because they are temporary or part-time employees.
Amazon offers them only poor insurance for the dentist and other limited services, and employees do not receive these benefits from the first day of work.
What's more, raising salaries to $ 15 an hour has caused many Amazon employees to lose their right to public health care.
Since Black Friday, Jeff Bezos will again win the huge profits earned by employees during the summit. It will continue to accumulate an indecent amount of
wealth, while Amazon employees are forced to work for long hours, treated like robots, the company gets rid of them when they get sick and have no impact on
their work and thus little impact on their own lives. But the times when Amazon may think that it can use employees with impunity are coming to an end. We no
longer want to sit with folded arms and allow the richest man in the world to be mistreated. We unite across borders to act together, to fight as a global
movement in many countries in which Amazon operates. We have made Jeff Bezos rich and deserve something better than the leftovers from his table. We urge all
Amazon employees around the world to organize themselves to make the company aware that it works thanks to us. Amazon doesn't exist without us!
Facebook: OZZ Amazon Employee Initiative
e- mial: ipamazon@wp.pl
Message: 4
Military situation, health, state of mind of the populations, resilience of the democratic institutions, strategy of the command of the FDS ... These militants
engaged in the International Battalion of liberation give us their point of view on the period of uncertainty that currently lives the Rojava. ---- In Syrian
Kurdistan, the political situation has dramatically changed since October: Turkish offensive with the US green light, then entry into the running of the Russian
army and deployment of troops of the Damascus regime. A month later, the autonomous Administration of North-East Syria is living a more than precarious
situation: besides the canton of Afrîn, occupied since March 2018, the border towns of Tall Abyad and Serê Kaniyê fell under the cut of the Islamist
supplementives of the Turkish army. And on a strip of 5 kilometers deep on the Syrian-Turkish border, the Russian military police and the Turkish army are
jointly patrolling.
Nevertheless, armed clashes continue in certain areas, such as Tell Tamer (Girê Xurma in Kurdish). A group of French comrades involved in these fights responded
to the questions of the libertarian Alternative. All operate in the framework of the Revolutionary Antifascist Front (RAF), part of the International Liberation
Battalion (IFB) [1]of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Libertarian alternative : Hello comrades, greetings from France and Belgium. Can you tell us a few words about this new group, the Revolutionnary Antifascist
Front ?
RAF Francophones: Let's say that our itinerant revolutionary itineraries have crossed at the right place at the right time. We found ourselves together in the
International Liberation Battalion, then our personal ffi nities and our common political perspectives logically gave birth to the RAF. We fought together
during the Serê Kaniyê battle and then on the Tell Tamer front. We are many autonomous militants, as many communists as anarchists. Among Francophones, there is
also a certain post-situationist tendency, but here it does not matter much for us. Our presence in Rojava necessarily leads our political thinking to restructure.
The RAF was founded in November 2019 as part of the International Liberation Battalion.
Although the front is "frozen", clashes persist south of Serê Kaniyê. Who opposes whom ? What is the attitude of the Russians and Turks to this ?
Francophones of the RAF: Effectively there is a stabilization of the military situation. The fighting continues but the intensity is lower. They oppose
essentially the FDS to the "Syrian National Army", the Islamic militants of the Turkish army, which it supports with air strikes and shelling. Soldiers of the
Damascus regime sometimes pretend to support the SDS with artillery fire, more for the form than anything else. Our operations are therefore reduced, but remain
substantial. Last night, one of our IFB friends was injured in an assault. Meanwhile, Russians and Turks build military bases face to face, a few kilometers
from each other.
Images of intifada along the border were seen with villagers stealing Turkish military vehicles. What is the prevailing feeling in the population ?
RAF Francophones: The people are enraged to see these patrols on the roads. This is the ultimate event on the part of the Turkish fascist state, which decimates
the population and then claims to come and check that it is not arming itself to defend itself. The revolt of civilians is also not without risks: a few days
ago, Turkish tanks fired on the crowd and journalists in the area of Kobanê. On 18 November, in the same area, Turkish and Russian armored vehicles saw
civilians throwing Molotov cocktails at them.
There is also a certain apprehension, mainly in cities like Manbij, to see the Damascus regime regain control. Hostility is less in Hassakê, where he had
retained control of a neighborhood since his withdrawal in 2012.
The regime's soldiers behave like cowboys, refuse to pay shopkeepers, and stage themselves as new saviors. Alas, these saviors are fleeing faster than they
arrive on the battlefield. They are calamitous, despite their firepower superior to ours. With such "friends", no need for enemies.
The regime of Damascus symbolizes this contradiction to which every revolutionist confronts one day: that of compromise. Between survival and annihilation, the
Kurds have made the choice of survival, and as internationalists, we understand it despite our disgust for the Al Assad clan.
But overall, hostility prevails over the Damascus regime.
In general, there is fairly good cohesion between ethno-religious groups, and particularly between Kurds and Assyrians. Enemy propaganda is attempting -
hopefully unsuccessfully - to present this war as the legitimate reconquest of Arab lands, and would like to exacerbate the opposition between Kurds and Arabs.
Fortunately it does not take, or little. Even if, obviously, there is a beginning of "religious" war promoted by the Turkish state against the Kurds designated
as "disbelievers". This racist speech is supported by attacks orchestrated in close collaboration with the MIT, the Turkish secret services, both north and
south of the border.
Russian military police deployed along the Syrian-Turkish border.
Tass Agency
And vis-à-vis the Americans who park around the oil wells, what is the feeling ?
RAF Francophones: Guess. For us revolutionaries, there is no surprise about the utilitarian attitude of the United States with the Kurdish movement. The
withdrawal of American support only increased our bitterness about the role of the "international community". For the civilian population, on the other hand, it
was felt as a betrayal, and almost a killing, since Trump literally abandoned the people of Rojava to a certain invasion. The US tanks also got their lot of
stones and rotten vegetables as they were leaving for the Iraqi border. Finally, with regard to the general command of the SDS, we sometimes have the impression
that he hopes in vain for a saving intervention ...
Read also: "Syria-Kurdistan: A drama, a mourning, a changeover", Alternative libertarian, November 2019.
The Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria [2]now. Does it seem appropriate to say that it includes three main poles of power: the Tev-Dem and the
elected assemblies [3]; PYD [4]; SDS [5]? Do these poles have a common strategy vis-à-vis Moscow and Damascus, or are there any tensions ?
RAF Francophones: No, that does not seem so relevant to us. The PYD gradually melted away, giving birth to new smaller parties and local organizations, until
partly to be confused with the Tev-Dem. We observe above all two poles of power within the rojavi society: a military pole, with the SDS, and a civilian and
political pole with the diplomatic representation of Tev-Dem at its head. The latter is dramatically striving to count on the help of the imperialist states
since ... the invasion of Afrîn. A deplorable strategy that has obviously not paid off, and on which the FDS have aligned their own strategy, also deplorable.
The diplomatic representation of the Tev-Dem is one of the first responsible for the current debacle.
Damascus and Moscow agree to gradually deprive Rojava of the autonomy he could win. On the other hand, we are surprised by the passivity of the Damascus regime
in the face of the Turkish aggression against "the integrity of Syrian territory", a theme that is nevertheless redundant in the speeches of Assad and his
people. The regime would be more eff ective if Russia promised it convincing military support, but it seems that no one dares to go back to Ankara.
Turkish soldiers and their ANS Islamist auxiliaries (wearing the ASL flag), on a ruined building in Serê Kaniyê, on 23 October
Do the Tev-Dem institutions hold for the moment ?
RAF Francophones: They hold, and do not fail. Except for diplomacy, it has been understood. For the rest, they continue to brilliantly ensure the organization
of society despite the ongoing war. This is one of the strengths of the Kurdish movement: the intelligence of adaptation to the most di ffi cult situations,
survival at all costs. Outside the combat zones, the lives of civilians are not altered beyond measure by war. Refugees are relocated with some speed, despite
their staggering numbers (300,000 according to the Autonomous Administration).
Turkey bombed several grain silos, the hydraulic station which supplied water to half of the canton of Cizîrê, the Serê Kaniyê hospital, and so on. In short,
Turkey applies a logic of ethnic cleansing. And despite this, the health services are good ; nurses work twenty-four hours in a row ; the Tev-Dem tries to
overcome the lack of water supply by multiplying convoys of tanker trucks ; the communes share staple food stocks ... It is the individuals who are above all,
more than the institutions.
Despite all the criticism that can be made of the Kurdish movement, one can not but admire the dedication of its supporters to find solutions despite the
accumulation of obstacles. For a poor and war-torn territory, Rojava stands out for its incredible resilience.
Abdulhamid El Mihbash and Bêrîvan Khalid, co-presidents of AANES, tirelessly denounce Turkish aggression.
What does the Damascus regime say ? Does the Syrian Arab Army (AAS) [6]want to absorb the SDS ? What is the atmosphere within the militias about this ?
RAF Francophones:This assumption was issued by the SDF command a few weeks ago, but it was probably a bluff to speed up the military support of the Damascus
regime, and perhaps deter NATO and the United States of abandon them totally. There is no longer any question about it and, quite frankly, we do not want to, no
one wants such a merger to take place. If this were to happen effectively, it would be the very existence of the Autonomous Administration that would cease, for
without its own self-defense forces Rojava would lose much of its revolutionary identity. The YPG-YPJ militias stand out for many, precisely because of their
ethical and political maturity. They are among the initiators of social transformations. To amputate the revolution of his vital organs would be fatal to him.
Interviewed on 21 November 2019
by Guillaume Davranche (UCL Montreuil)
[1] "International Freedom Battalion new formation annonce: Antifascist Revolutionary Front" , www.amwenglish.com , November 17, 2019.
[2] The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) is the new name of the Northern Syrian Democratic Federation, adopted in September 2018, and
encompassing seven administrative regions: Cizîrê, Euphrates (Kobanê and Tall Abyad), Afrîn (occupied by the Turkish army), Raqqa, Tabqa, Manbij, Deir ez-Zor.
[3] The Movement for a democratic society (Tev-Dem), is the structure uniting grassroots organizations (local committees, municipalities) in Rojava since 2011.
[4] The Party of the Democratic Union (PYD), the sister organization of the PKK in Syria, founded in September 2003, played a vital role in the revolutionary
process in Rojava. The YPG-YPJ militias are linked to him.
[5] The SDS include the YPG-YPJ, many Arab brigades, including several from the Free Syrian Army, the Syrian Military Council, the International Liberation
[6] The Damascus Army officially bears this ethnic name.
Message: 5
The International Labor Confederation (CIT) and its sections adhere to and support the call for demonstration to be held on November 30, 2019 in Athens by our
Greek section, ESE, along with a large number of grassroots unions. ---- Therefore, we fully subscribe to your call manifest: ---- We fight for the interests
and rights of working people, for our basic needs, our lives and our dignity. For the solidarity between our peers and our peers and within our class, with
bottom-up organization, collective resistance in the workplace and the horizontal and coordinated action of our unions. ---- Towards an intersectoral strike on
March 19, 2020. ---- A demonstration of workers' anger, dignity and defense of our rights.
November 30, 2019
* Increasing wages and benefits
* By negotiating collective agreements
* To meet our basic needs
* Against layoffs and staff reductions
* Against State and Employer Terrorism
* Require workplace health and hygiene measures
* Against informal or improperly hired employment
* Non-intensification of partial hiring
* By reducing working hours
* For safety at work
* No to flexible working hours
* No to temporary contracts
International Confederation of Labor (CIT)
CNT - Spanish State
ESE - Greece
FAU - Germany
OUT - Argentina
IP - Poland
IWW - NARA - US & Canada
USI - Italy
Translation> Liberto
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 6
More than a month of rebellion in Chile. A legitimate popular uprising, where direct action, barricades, the General Strike and the fighting in the streets are
the main elements. The tireless Chilean people reject the tutelage, conciliation and betrayal of the institutional left and heroically face the brutal
repression of Sebastián Piñera's murderous and neoliberal government. Hundreds of blind people, countless political prisoners, rapes, torture and dozens of
missing and martyrs murdered by prawns. Roadblocks across the country, barricades and heroic confrontations, the beauty of rebel music as an element of
historical memory against dictatorship, the visual expressions of rebellion painted and glued everywhere, shields, molotovs, many molotovs.
It is a pre-revolutionary situation, with a defeated and cornered reactionary and pro-imperialist government that increases the brutality of repression and
responds to the growing radicalization and resistance of the rebellious people on the streets. The Chilean working class and the fighting youth, with a decisive
participation of the women of the people, in addition to the agenda against neoliberalism, took the anticolonial agenda for themselves, attacking the symbols of
colonialism and the Mapuche people moving towards autonomous self-government. The duality of power is also expressed in self-convened popular assemblies based
on the territorial self-organization of the working people. Parliamentarians on the institutional left are expelled from the squares by protesters after trying
to save the government with an agreement for a Constituent Party under the reactionary regime.
The Chilean people make their own history after living years of brutal dictatorship and democratic farce. The courage and tireless popular resistance was
preceded by years of grassroots organization and militant work by various combative popular movements and revolutionary organizations. The popular unity
involving more than 140 people's organizations guarantees the rejection of agreements between the fractions of power to save the regime and the unitary
convocation of a sequence of General Strike stoppages is another key to the insurgent process.
The rebellion also gave back to the Chilean people the will to live, the hope in the collective struggle zeroed in the suicides and there are several reports of
people who overcame depression participating in the mobilizations in a privatized country sold as a neoliberal model in Latin America. The capitalist crisis
deepens in the world, the rebellion that shook Ecuador, continues with the heroic Haitian people and is now taking shape in the Colombian General Strike and
starting in Panama, with Chile as its largest bastion. Latin America will be the tomb of capitalism. The people are and always will be the secret of victory.
Long live the insurgency of the Chilean people and the rebellion in Latin America!
Resistance House - FOB
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 7
THAT MONOTONY DOES NOT DELETE THE REVOLT! ---- It's been 40 days, and no "social agenda"! ---- The president, who according to surveys only 9% of the population
approves, does not advance an inch in concrete solutions to the demands of the streets. ---- The commission of parliamentarians rejects the constitutional
charge against former interior minister Andrés Chadwick, one of the main politicians responsible for human rights violations during the Social Uprising. ----
Adherence to the call for GREVE GENERAL was massive, but not as much as on November 12. From the beginning, 100,000 people gathered in Dignity Square and
marched down the Alameda to Los Héroes, demanding improvements in retirement, salaries, health and education. ---- A surreal scene occurred when a funeral
caravan crossed the "zero zone", their cars had their windows stained with various messages.
In the afternoon, the number of protesters dropped in the protests; Several factors may explain this; exhaustion, lack of locomotion to return home or the
monotony of the dynamics of resistance. You can dig deeper into this, but this is just a little logbook.
Keny Arkana and Molotov are heard over loudspeakers, while anarchist leaflets fly and the "front line" faces the minions. They arrest four hooded for carrying
and firing incendiary bombs, drones and infiltrated civilian police followed them and arrested them within a few blocks of the facts.
In the middle of the mall, police pick up their weapons of service and threaten the protesters with gunfire a few meters away.
At the end of the protest day, a crowd kicks an agent who has fallen and crushed in the middle of Dignity Square.
For the second time, police are attempting to enter the emergency room to arrest the wounded.
In San Bernardo, a woman named Fabiola is in a coma induced by the impact of a tear gas pump she received on her face, according to the National Institute of
Human Rights (NHRI) and Bio Bio radio. She has lost sight of both eyes, her nose is broken and she has metal chips in her brain.
In San Ramón, prawns fire tear gas at a high school and children have to run away. In the same commune, strangers set fire to a bus and a Walmart supermarket.
In Concepción and Iquique, the dockers block the ports. In Bio Bio protesters intercept a truck and force the driver to dump his load on the road with 20 tons
of sardines! A barricade is erected.
Peñaflor police station is attacked with incendiary bombs. PDI (Chilean Investigation Police) troops fire at protesters outside the Portal Belloto mall in
Quilpue. The mall was the target of collective expropriations.
Fire in a church illuminates the city of Curico. Protesters attack the hotel and Seremi (secretary of education) in La Serena. In San Antonio, protesters set
fire to the headquarters of the newspaper "El Lider" and an agency AFP (Chilean retirement system). Arson attack against an arena of animal maltreatment in Alto
In Santiago, "NO + TAG" drivers block toll roads and park on Kennedy Avenue, in front of Parque Arauco mall. A student march at the same mall located in Las
Condes causes some fights between customers and hooded. The latter use fire extinguishers and merchants close their stores. The rich and the privileged are
being "disturbed by the lazy and the sad."
In many parts, symbolic protests are practiced by 4th grade students, they turn their backs on the flag while the Chilean anthem is sung.
The union of soccer players decides to go on strike and not comply with the order of the National Association of Professional Football (ANFP) to play. The
president of AzulAzul reiterates the links between the "Los de Abajo" crowd and the anarchists.
We follow the streets...
Look for new attack and resistance strategies!
Fabiola Campillay, Gustavo Gatica and Dilan Cruz (Colombia), this also goes to you...
Related Content:
anarchist news agency-ana
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