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dinsdag 31 december 2019

#Worldwide #Information #Blogger #LucSchrijvers: #Update: #anarchist #news and #information from all over the #world - 31.12.2019

Today's Topics:


 1.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #300 - Vendées: A
      Zad against a useless and imposed nautical project (fr, it,
      pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - There is no
      tolerable anti-Semitism (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]

3.  [Spain] Youth as the engine of anarchism By ANA (ca, pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Bangladesh Anarcho Syndicalist Federation - BASF -
      PATRIOTISM: A MENACE TO LIBERTY (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement: Action report

6.  Greece, anarchist collectivism Vogliamo tutto e per tutti:
      Solidarity with squatters - Solidarity with the occupiers.
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Faced with the mayor's attempted passage into force, a historic struggle is developing in Brétignolles-sur-mer, in the Vendée, against a
disproportionate project to build a marina in the "  open ground  ", risking numerous attacks to the environment and contamination of
groundwater by sea water. ---- Brétignolles-sur-mer in Vendée, a town of around 4,500 inhabitants, it's a revolt. Because Christophe Chabot,
mayor and manager of SARL Akena Véranda, obtained from the prefect, in July 2019, the declaration of public interest for his pharaonic port
project initiated in 2003: gutting the coast, destroying a dune and a classified wetland , a natural agricultural green area, a fresh water
reserve of 340,000m³, take the risk of a marine intrusion into the freshwater layers inland and finally dig a 40,000-port harbor on 40

However, in a letter addressed to the chairman of the public inquiry commission, on September 11, 2018, the hydrogeologist Gilles Bresson
expressed serious concerns. " The major problem raised by this port project is the marine intrusion into the freshwater inland, " he wrote
[1]. Which in 2011 led the public inquiry to give a negative opinion.

However, this project defends the interests of the Bénéteau group, a world flagship in boating. Bénéteau needs places to be able to accost
his boats. The solution ? A new port that will cost the business nothing. To defend the project, the association "  Bretignolles wants its
port  " was created and largely helped financially by the municipality. It is chaired by an executive from Bénéteau, who is also the husband
of a municipal councilor, and for good measure, the development director of the Bénéteau group is also a member of the board of directors.

The mayor is trying to get through
The mayor tried to create a fait accompli by launching land clearing in early October 2019, although five appeals against the project have
been filed by La Vigie, the historic association of opponents. Badly, the arrival of the excavators triggered the mobilization of the

On October 6, 2019, a demonstration gathering 2,500 people was held on the beach. About fifteen opponents have settled on land threatened
with expropriation. A cabin was built and tents pitched ... The Zad de la dune was created. And on Tuesday, October 9 in the early morning,
the excavators attacking the sand dune were stopped.

The La Vigie association filed an application for interim measures to suspend the work with the Nantes administrative court on 15 October. A
demonstration bringing together nearly 1,500 people was organized on Saturday October 19 in La Roche-sur-Yon.

The mobilization has already temporarily stopped work. It is anchored today over time. This is necessary, since the mayor says he wants to
start work on the port in May 2020.

Jacques Dubart (UCL Nantes)

[1] See Reporterre of October 24, 2019.



Message: 2

Commenting on the British election results, Jean-Luc Mélenchon recently stood out with anti-Semitic remarks. For the Libertarian Communist
Union, there is no tolerable anti-Semitism. ---- In a blog post on December 13 deciphering the failure of plowing in the UK legislative
elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon split two anti-Semitic remarks. Antisemitic, its text is on several levels: already because it rejects the
accusations of anti-Semitism with regard to certain activists of Labor (see box) and the responsibility of Jeremy Corbyn in this regard
however based on documented and sourced facts, if only through Corbyn's connections with notorious anti-Semites (Stephen Sizer, Paul Eisen,
etc.). Then because he summons a vocabulary and an imagination specific to anti-Semitism by attacking CRIF, which he presents as makers of
ukases (Russian imperial decrees) before which we should kneel: this rhetorical image presents CRIF (a cartel of community organizations) as
an all-powerful organization, which is characteristic of the anti-Semitic / conspiratorial rhetoric, that is to say, to make Jews (or any
other community) people controlling the institutions. Let us remind Mr. Mélenchon that one can be opposed to the policy of CRIF and / or the
State of Israel without falling into anti-Semitism to denounce it, which is more in a national context where hateful acts to the against the
Jewish community are increasing. We libertarian communists oppose any form of anti-Semitism wherever it comes from: from the right, as from
the left that is to say to make Jews (or any other community) persons controlling the institutions. Let us remind Mr. Mélenchon that one can
be opposed to the policy of CRIF and / or the State of Israel without falling into anti-Semitism to denounce it, which is more in a national
context where hateful acts to the against the Jewish community are increasing. We libertarian communists oppose any form of anti-Semitism
wherever it comes from: from the right, as from the left that is to say to make Jews (or any other community) persons controlling the
institutions. Let us remind Mr. Mélenchon that one can be opposed to the policy of CRIF and / or the State of Israel without falling into
anti-Semitism to denounce it, which is more in a national context where hateful acts to the against the Jewish community are increasing. We
libertarian communists oppose any form of anti-Semitism wherever it comes from: from the right, as from the left!

To go further, an exhaustive analysis of our comrades from Memorial 98 can be found here

Libertarian Communist Union, December 27, 2019

Since Corbyn's arrival at the party leadership in September 2015 and until March 2018, 300 reports of anti-Semitic or even Holocaust deniers
(out of a total of 600,000 members) from activists have been brought to the attention of the party's disciplinary committee. The reaction of
the Labor management also resulted in an active policy 673 complaints for anti-Semitism over the period March 2018 to January 2019 and gave
rise to 96 immediate suspensions and 211 investigations leading ultimately to 12 exclusions (June 2019 figure ). In addition, internal party
documents, recently leaked in the press, report 130 cases of anti-Semitism not resolved after several months of proceedings.



Message: 3

These last months have been a revolution in my life, not on a personal level, but on an anarchist militant level. We managed to build some
Libertarian Youth in Mallorca. ---- The exciting thing about the project is that it was created from infinitely diverse people, from people
who already had militant experience, people who don't, students and workers, people with no theoretical training on anarchism... ---- And it
is that young people are the future, in any field and that is why political parties and any type of organization strives to reach young
people. This in anarchism does not occur. Anarchist organizations do not have a youth outreach program, youth sections or similar things as
we might see with the CUP[Arran]with Arran or the SEPC[Student Union], which is their biggest source of militants.

We anarchists need to organize in universities and institutes to break with the state molds prevailing in youth and student organizations.
Because there are anarchists everywhere, it would surprise you how many people are anarchists and are in your house doing nothing because
there is no place where military, practically our Libertarian Youths were born of this, we are people who had no place to meet us. will with
our ideology and we create it. Besides, we have a good number of people who are organized into groups of independentist, communist ideology
... because they want to do something and that is as close as they can find. I mean, the lack of people is never an excuse.

Your Purpose

The purpose of a Libertarian Youth or other libertarian youth organization is to be tools for bringing anarchism to a section of the
discontented population with a more uncertain future. The elementary function of a Libertarian Youth must always be to train militants, in
theory and practice, since one is worth nothing without the other. Youths must be the pillars of the future of anarchism, so they must learn
from an assemblage, take direct action, the operation of a union, or the history of the anarchist movement.

In addition, some Libertarian Youths have a lot of versatility, can act in many areas at the same time. One day they may be at an anarchist
book fair, organizing acts of anarchist self-consumption, and the next day they may be at the picket of a strike or stopping a dislocation
and collaborating with social movements, focusing on them and giving them perspective.

The examples

New Libertarian Youths are emerging lately and the different anti-capitalist youth organizations across the Spanish state are gaining
momentum. By way of example I would put District-14, who do a fabulous job of stopping evictions and running numerous campaigns like the one
they do against bookmakers, are not exclusively anarchist, but advocate for unity of action among the youth of the Moratalaz neighborhood of

Then we have exclusively anarchist organizations like Batzac, born last year. They operate throughout Catalonia and have undertaken a large
number of actions and actively support Catalan social movements in their daily lives. So far it is the largest project and one that intends
to join more youth forces within anarchism. They are an ambitious project that is progressing well.

Then we have the recently emerged Libertarian Youth Jaén in the same year. In April the Joventuts Llibertàries of Mallorca were made public
and a few days ago the Joventuts Llibertàries of Vilanova and Geltrú came out, so it seems that at the moment the anarchist youth are
emerging and even able to advance. There is hope.

Soon we have a lot of initiatives that already have a time of experience as are other JL like Zaragoza, Madrid or Valencia, all from their
perspective of anarchism. We also have the FEL[Libertarian Student Federation], which currently looks stalled and the Libertarian Student
Assembly of Murcia. Student-focused projects are also elementary since in the educational institution is where much work is lacking that
reformist organizations and puppets of the state do not even conceive. In addition, these organizations can grow out of the student realm as
did the Zaragoza JL.

In addition, these last two years have held the Meeting of Young Anarchists as a meeting place for different collectives and individuals
throughout the state.

Anarchism needs these groups, and the most experienced anarchists, those who have or have not passed through the Libertarian Youths, must
help young people who are beginning their military and build a new world. And these Youths should not be small, closed groups that are more
an anarchist social club than anything else, they must be action groups, open to constant growth, making changes here and now. We must also
begin to separate the analogy of young anarchists = punk or rap subculture. A group without this will soon be doomed to its disappearance
because its members burn, internal fights and a multitude of potential problems, in case of surviving this will have to face with time and
to find a relief to its militants. This is the biggest problem of many collectives, especially the juveniles.

That is why we must build strong, young and constantly regenerating collectives with new militancy that follows those who are advancing in
age and experience. Strong youth collectives ensure strong anarchism in the future.

As soon as you encourage them to join a Libertarian Youth or similar group and if you have no neighbors, create one, because there are
certain people closer than you think with the same ideas and willingness to start a project. like this. I urge you to put all your will and
strength into action and begin to practice solidarity, mutual support and direct action. Long live the Julis!

Marky V.


Translation> Sol de Abril

anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 4

WHAT is patriotism? Is it love of one's birthplace, the placeof childhood's recollections and hopes, dreams and aspirations? Is itthe place
where, in childlike naivety, we would watch the fleetingclouds, and wonder why we, too, could not run so swiftly? The placewhere we would
count the milliard glittering stars, terror-stricken lesteach one "an eye should be," piercing the very depths of our littlesouls? Is it the
place where we would listen to the music of the birds,and long to have wings to fly, even as they, to distant lands? Or theplace where we
would sit at mother's knee, enraptured by wonderful talesof great deeds and conquests? In short, is it love for the spot, everyinch
representing dear and precious recollections of a happy, joyous,and playful childhood?
If that were patriotism, few American men of today could becalled upon to be patriotic, since the place of play has been turnedinto factory,
mill, and mine, while deafening sounds of machinery havereplaced the music of the birds. Nor can we longer hear the tales ofgreat deeds, for
the stories our mothers tell today are but those ofsorrow, tears, and grief.

What, then, is patriotism? "Patriotism, sir, is the last resortof scoundrels," said Dr. Johnson. Leo Tolstoy, the greatestanti-patriot of
our times, defines patriotism as the principle that willjustify the training of wholesale murderers; a trade that requiresbetter equipment
for the exercise of man-killing than the making of suchnecessities of life as shoes, clothing, and houses; a trade thatguarantees better
returns and greater glory than that of the averageworkingman.

Gustave Hervé, another great anti-patriot, justly callspatriotism a superstition--one far more injurious, brutal, and inhumanethan religion.
The superstition of religion originated in man'sinability to explain natural phenomena. That is, when primitive manheard thunder or saw the
lightning, he could not account for either, andtherefore concluded that back of them must be a force greater thanhimself. Similarly he saw a
supernatural force in the rain, and in thevarious other changes in nature. Patriotism, on the other hand, is asuperstition artificially
created and maintained through a network oflies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respectand dignity, and increases
his arrogance and conceit.

Indeed, conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials ofpatriotism. Let me illustrate. Patriotism assumes that our globe isdivided into
little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Thosewho have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, considerthemselves
better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the livingbeings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyoneliving on
that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt toimpose his superiority upon all the others.

The inhabitants of the other spots reason in like manner, ofcourse, with the result that, from early infancy, the mind of the childis
poisoned with bloodcurdling stories about the Germans, the French,the Italians, Russians, etc. When the child has reached manhood, he
isthoroughly saturated with the belief that he is chosen by the Lordhimself to defend his country against the attack or invasion ofany
foreigner. It is for that purpose that we are clamoring for agreater army and navy, more battleships and ammunition. It is for thatpurpose
that America has within a short time spent four hundred milliondollars. Just think of it--four hundred million dollars taken from theproduce
of the people. For surely it is not the rich whocontribute to patriotism. They are cosmopolitans, perfectly at home inevery land. We in
America know well the truth of this. Are not our richAmericans Frenchmen in France, Germans in Germany, or Englishmen inEngland? And do they
not squandor with cosmopolitan grace fortunescoined by American factory children and cotton slaves? Yes, theirs isthe patriotism that will
make it possible to sendmessages ofcondolence to a despot like the Russian Tsar, when any mishap befallshim, as President Roosevelt did in
the name of his people, when Sergius was punished by the Russian revolutionists.

It is a patriotism that will assist the arch-murderer, Diaz, indestroying thousands of lives in Mexico, or that will even aid inarresting
Mexican revolutionists on American soil and keep themincarcerated in American prisons, without the slightest cause or reason.

But, then, patriotism is not for those who represent wealth andpower. It is good enough for the people. It reminds one of the historicwisdom
of Frederick the Great, the bosom friend of Voltaire, who said:"Religion is a fraud, but it must be maintained for the masses."

That patriotism is rather a costly institution, no one willdoubt after considering the following statistics. The progressiveincrease of the
expenditures for the leading armies and navies of theworld during the last quarter of a century is a fact of such gravity asto startle every
thoughtful student of economic problems. It may bebriefly indicated by dividing the time from 1881 to 1905 into five-yearperiods, and noting
the disbursements of several great nations for armyand navy purposes during the first and last of those periods. From thefirst to the last
of the periods noted the expenditures of Great Britainincreased from $2,101,848,936 to $4,143,226,885, those of France from$3,324,500,000 to
$3,455,109,900, those of Germany from $725,000,200 to$2,700,375,600, those of the United States from $1,275,500,750 to$2,650,900,450, those
of Russia from $1,900,975,500 to $5,250,445,100,those of Italy from $1,600,975,750 to $1,755,500,100, and those of Japanfrom $182,900,500 to

The military expenditures of each of the nations mentionedincreased in each of the five-year periods under review. During theentire interval
from 1881 to 1905 Great Britain's outlay for her armyincreased fourfold, that of the United States was tripled, Russia's wasdoubled, that of
Germany increased 35 per cent., that of France about 15per cent., and that of Japan nearly 500 per cent. If we compare theexpenditures of
these nations upon their armies with their totalexpenditures for all the twenty-five years ending with 1905, theproportion rose as follows:

In Great Britain from 20 per cent. to 37; in the United Statesfrom 15 to 23; in France from 16 to 18; in Italy from 12 to 15; in Japanfrom
12 to 14. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that theproportion in Germany decreased from about 58 per cent. to 25, thedecrease
being due to the enormous increase in the imperial expendituresfor other purposes, the fact being that the army expenditures for theperiod
of 190I-5 were higher than for any five-year period preceding.Statistics show that the countries in which army expenditures aregreatest, in
proportion to the total national revenues, are GreatBritain, the United States, Japan, France, and Italy, in the ordernamed.

The showing as to the cost of great navies is equallyimpressive. During the twenty-five years ending with 1905 navalexpenditures increased
approximately as follows: Great Britain, 300 percent.; France 60 per cent.; Germany 600 per cent.; the United States 525per cent.; Russia
300 per cent.; Italy 250 per cent.; and Japan, 700per cent. With the exception of Great Britain, the United States spendsmore for naval
purposes than any other nation, and this expenditurebears also a larger proportion to the entire national disbursements thanthat of any
other power. In the period 1881-5, the expenditure for theUnited States navy was $6.20 out of each $100 appropriated for allnational
purposes; the amount rose to $6.60 for the next five-yearperiod, to $8.10 for the next, to $11.70 for the next, and to $16.40 for1901-5. It
is morally certain that the outlay for the current period offive years will showa still further increase.

The rising cost of militarism may be still further illustratedby computing it as a per capita tax on population. From the first to thelast
of the five-year periods taken as the basis for the comparisonshere given, it has risen as follows: In Great Britain, from $18.47 to$52.50;
in France, from $19.66 to $23.62; in Germany, from $10.17 to$15.51; in the United States, from $5.62 to $13.64; in Russia, from$6.14 to
$8.37; in Italy, from $9.59 to $11.24, and in Japan from 86cents to $3.11.

It is in connection with this rough estimate of cost per capitathat the economic burden of militarism is most appreciable. Theirresistible
conclusion from available data is that the increase ofexpenditure for army and navy purposes is rapidly surpassing the growthof population
in each of the countries considered in the presentcalculation. In other words, a continuation of the increased demands ofmilitarism
threatens each of those nations with a progressive exhaustionboth of men and resources.

The awful waste that patriotism necessitates ought to besufficient to cure the man of even average intelligence from thisdisease. Yet
patriotism demands still more. The people are urged to bepatriotic and for that luxury they pay, not only by supporting their"defenders,"
but even by sacrificing their own children. Patriotismrequires allegiance to the flag, which means obedience and readiness tokill father,
mother, brother, sister.

The usual contention is that we need a standing army to protectthe country from foreign invasion. Every intelligent man and womanknows,
however, that this is a myth maintained to frighten and coercethe foolish. The governments of the world, knowing each other'sinterests, do
not invade each other. They have learned that they cangain much more by international arbitration of disputes than by war andconquest.
Indeed, as Carlyle said, "War is a quarrel between two thievestoo cowardly to fight their own battle; therefore they take boys fromone
village and another village, stick them into uniforms, equip themwith guns, and let them loose like wild beasts against each other."

It does not require much wisdom to trace every war back to asimilar cause. Let us take our own Spanish-American war, supposedly agreat and
patriotic event in the history of the United States. How ourhearts burned with indignation against the atrocious Spaniards! True,our
indignation did not flare up spontaneously. It was nurtured bymonths of newspaper agitation, and long after Butcher Weyler had killedoff
many noble Cubans and outraged many Cuban women. Still, in justiceto the American Nation be it said, it did grow indignant and was willingto
fight, and that it fought bravely. But when the smoke was over, thedead buried, and the cost of the war came back to the people in
anincrease in the price of commodities and rent--that is, when we soberedup from our patriotic spree it suddenly dawned on us that the cause
ofthe Spanish-American war was the consideration of the price of sugar;or, to be more explicit, that the lives, blood, and money of
theAmerican people were used to protect the interests of Americancapitalists, which were threatened by the Spanish government. That thisis
not an exaggeration, but is based on absolute facts and figures, isbest proven by the attitude of the American government to Cuban
labor.When Cuba was firmly in the clutches of the United States, the verysoldiers sent to liberate Cuba were ordered to shoot Cuban
workingmenduring the great cigarmakers' strike, which took place shortly after thewar.

Nor do we stand alone in waging war for such causes. Thecurtain is beginning to be lifted on the motives of the terribleRusso-Japanese war,
which cost so much blood and tears. And we see againthat back of the fierce Moloch of war stands the still fiercer god ofCommercialism.
Kuropatkin, the Russian Minister of War during theRusso-Japanese struggle, has revealed the true secret behind the latter.The Tsar and his
Grand Dukes, having invested money in Coreanconcessions, the war was forced for the sole purpose of speedilyaccumulating large fortunes.

The contention that a standing army and navy is the bestsecurity of peace is about as logical as the claim that the mostpeaceful citizen is
he who goes about heavily armed. The experience ofevery-day life fully proves that the armed individual is invariablyanxious to try his
strength. The same is historically true ofgovernments. Really peaceful countries do not waste life and energy inwar preparations, With the
result that peace is maintained.

However, the clamor for an increased army and navy is not dueto any foreign danger. It is owing to the dread of the growingdiscontent of the
masses and of the international spirit among theworkers. It is to meet the internal enemy that the Powers of variouscountries are preparing
themselves; an enemy, who, once awakened toconsciousness, will prove more dangerous than any foreign invader.

The powers that have for centuries been engaged in enslavingthe masses have made a thorough study of their psychology. They knowthat the
people at large are like children whose despair, sorrow, andtears can be turned into joy with a little toy. And the more gorgeouslythe toy
is dressed, the louder the colors, the more it will appeal tothe million-headed child.

An army and navy represents the people's toys. To make themmore attractive and acceptable, hundreds and thousands of dollars arebeing spent
for the display of these toys. That was the purpose of theAmerican government in equipping a fleet and sending it along thePacific coast,
that every American citizen should be made to feel thepride and glory of the United States. The city of San Francisco spentone hundred
thousand dollars for the entertainment of the fleet; LosAngeles, sixty thousand; Seattle and Tacoma, about one hundred thousand.To entertain
the fleet, did I say? To dine and wine a few superiorofficers, while the "brave boys" had to mutiny to get sufficient food.Yes, two hundred
and sixty thousand dollars were spent on fireworks,theatre parties, and revelries, at a time when men, women, and child}enthrough the
breadth and length of the country were starving in thestreets; when thousands of unemployed were ready to sell their labor atany price.

Two hundred and sixty thousand dollars! What could not havebeen accomplished with such an enormous sum? But instead of bread andshelter, the
children of those cities were taken to see the fleet, thatit may remain, as one of the newspapers said, "a lasting memory for thechild."

A wonderful thing to remember, is it not? The implements ofcivilized slaughter. If the mind of the child is to be poisoned withsuch
memories, what hope is there for a true realization of humanbrotherhood?

We Americans claim to be a peace-loving people. We hatebloodshed; we are opposed to violence. Yet we go into spasms of joy overthe
possibility of projecting dynamite bombs from flying machines uponhelpless citizens. We are ready to hang, electrocute, or lynch anyone,who,
from economic necessity, will risk his own life in the attempt uponthat of some industrial magnate. Yet our hearts swell with pride at
thethought that America is becoming the most powerful nation on earth, andthat it will eventually plant her iron foot on the necks of all

Such is the logic of patriotism.

Considering the evil results that patriotism is fraught withfor the average man, it is as nothing compared with the insult andinjury that
patriotism heaps upon the soldier himself,--that poor,deluded victim of superstition and ignorance. He, the savior of hiscountry, the
protector of his nation,--what has patriotism in store forhim? A life of slavish submission, vice, and perversion, during peace; alife of
danger, exposure, and death, during war.

While on a recent lecture tour in San Francisco, I visited thePresidio, the most beautiful spot overlooking the Bay and Golden GatePark. Its
purpose should have been playgrounds for children, gardens andmusic for the recreation of the weary. Instead it is made ugly, dull,and gray
by barracks,--barracks wherein the rich would not allow theirdogs to dwell. In these miserable shanties soldiers are herded likecattle; here
they waste their young days, polishing the boots and brassbuttons of their superior officers. Here, too, I saw the distinction ofclasses:
sturdy sons of a free Republic, drawn up in line like convicts,saluting every passing shrimp of a lieutenant. American equality,degrading
manhood and elevating the uniform!

Barrack life further tends to develop tendencies of sexualperversion. It is gradually producing along this line results similar toEuropean
military conditions. Havelock Ellis, the noted writer on sexpsychology, has made a thorough study of the subject. I quote: "Some ofthe
barracks are great centers of male prostitution.... The number ofsoldiers who prostitute themselves is greater than we are willing
tobelieve. It is no exaggeration to say that in certain regiments thepresumption is in favor of the venality of the majority of the
men....On summer evenings Hyde Park and the neighborhood of Albert Gate arefull of guardsmen and others plying a lively trade, and with
littledisguise, in uniform or out.... In most cases the proceeds form acomfortable addition to Tommy Atkins' pocket money."

To what extent this perversion has eaten its way into the armyand navy can best be judged from the fact that special houses exist forthis
form of prostitution. The practice is not limited to England; it isuniversal. "Soldiers are no less sought after in France than in Englandor
in Germany, and special houses for military prostitution exist bothin Paris and the garrison towns."

Had Mr. Havelock Ellis included America in his investigation ofsex perversion, he would have found that the same conditions prevail inour
army and navy as in those of other countries. The growth of thestanding army inevitably adds to the spread of sex perversion; thebarracks
are the incubators.

Aside from the sexual effects of barrack life, it also tends tounfit the soldier for useful labor after leaving the army. Men, skilledin a
trade, seldom enter the army or navy, but even they, after amilitary experience, find themselves totally unfitted for their
formeroccupations. Having acquired habits of idleness and a taste forexcitement and adventure, no peaceful pursuit can content them.
Releasedfrom the army, they can turn to no useful work. But it is usually thesocial riff-raff, discharged prisoners and the like, whom
either thestruggle for life or their own inclination drives into the ranks. These,their military term over, again turn to their former life
of crime,more brutalized and degraded than before. It is a well-known fact thatin our prisons there is a goodly number of ex-soldiers;
while, on theother hand, the army and navy are to a great extent plied withex-convicts.

Of all the evil results I have just described none seems to meso detrimental to human integrity as the spirit patriotism has producedin the
case of Private William Buwalda. Because he foolishly believedthat one can be a soldier and exercise his rights as a man at the sametime,
the military authorities punished him severely. True, he hadserved his country fifteen years, during which time his record wasunimpeachable.
According to Gen. Funston, who reduced Buwalda's sentenceto three years, "the first duty of an officer or an enlisted man isunquestioned
obedience and loyalty to the government, and it makes nodifference whether he approves of that government or not." Thus Funstonstamps the
true character of allegiance. According to him, entrance intothe army abrogates the principles of the Declaration of Independence.

What a strange development of patriotism that turns a thinking being into a loyal machine!

In justification of this most outrageous sentence of Buwalda,Gen. Funston tells the American people that the soldier's action was "aserious
crime equal to treason." Now, what did this "terrible crime"really consist of? Simply in this: William Buwalda was one of fifteenhundred
people who attended a public meeting in San Francisco; and, oh,horrors, he shook hands with the speaker, Emma Goldman. A terriblecrime,
indeed, which the General calls "a great military offense,infinitely worse than desertion."

Can there be a greater indictment against patriotism than thatit will thus brand a man a criminal, throw him into prison, and rob himof the
results of fifteen years of faithful service?

Buwalda gave to his country the best years of his life and hisvery manhood. But all that was as nothing. Patriotism is inexorable and,like
all insatiable monsters, demands all or nothing. It does not admitthat a soldier is also a human being, who has a right to his ownfeelings
and opinions, his own inclinations and ideas. No, patriotismcan not admit of that. That is the lesson which Buwalda was made tolearn; made
to learn at a rather costly, though not at a useless price.When he returned to freedom, he had lost his position in the army, buthe regained
his self-respect. After all, that is worth three years ofimprisonment.

A writer on the military conditions of America, in a recentarticle, commented on the power of the military man over the civilian inGermany.
He said, among other things, that if our Republic had no othermeaning than to guarantee all citizens equal rights, it would have justcause
for existence. I am convinced that the writer was not in Coloradoduring the patriotic régime of General Bell. He probably would havechanged
his mind had he seen how, in the name of patriotism and theRepublic, men were thrown into bull-pens, dragged about, driven acrossthe border,
and subjected to all kinds of indignities. Nor is thatColorado incident the only one in the growth of military power in theUnited States.
There is hardly a strike where troops and militia do notcome to the rescue of those in power, and where they do not act asarrogantly and
brutally as do the men wearing the Kaiser's uniform.Then, too, we have the Dick military law. Had the writer forgotten that?

A great misfortune with most of our writers is that they areabsolutely ignorant on current events, or that, lacking honesty, theywill not
speak of these matters. And so it has come to pass that theDick military law was rushed through Congress with little discussion andstill
less publicity,--a law which gives the President the power toturn a peaceful citizen into a bloodthirsty man-killer, supposedly forthe
defense of the country, in reality for the protection of theinterests of that particular party whose mouthpiece the Presidenthappens to be.

Our writer claims that militarism can never become such a powerin America as abroad, since it is voluntary with us, while compulsoryin the
Old World. Two very important facts, however, the gentlemanforgets to consider. First, that conscription has created in Europe adeep-seated
hatred of militarism among all classes of society. Thousandsof young recruits enlist under protest and, once in the army, they willuse every
possible means to desert. Second, that it is the compulsoryfeature of militarism which has created a tremendous anti-militaristmovement,
feared by European Powers far more than anything else. Afterall, the greatest bulwark of capitalism is militarism. The very momentthe latter
is undermined, capitalism will totter. True, we have noconscription; that is, men are not usually forced to enlist in the army,but we have
developed a far more exacting and rigid force--necessity.Is it not a fact that during industrial depressions there is atremendous increase
in the number of enlistments? The trade ofmilitarism may not be either lucrative or honorable, but it is betterthan tramping the country in
search of work, standing in the bread line,or sleeping in municipal lodging houses. After all, it means thirteendollars per month, three
meals a day, and a place to sleep. Yet evennecessity is not sufficiently strong a factor to bring into the army anelement of character and
manhood. No wonder our military authoritiescomplain of the "poor material" enlisting in the army and navy. Thisadmission is a very
encouraging sign. It proves that there is stillenough of the spirit of independence and love of liberty left in theaverage American to risk
starvation rather than don the uniform.

Thinking men and women the world over are beginning to realizethat patriotism is too narrow and limited a conception to meet thenecessities
of our time. The centralization of power has brought intobeing an international feeling of solidarity among the oppressed nationsof the
world; a solidarity which represents a greater harmony ofinterests between the workingman of America and his brothers abroad thanbetween the
American miner and his exploiting compatriot; a solidaritywhich fears not foreign invasion, because it is bringing all the workersto the
point when they will say to their masters, "Go and do your ownkilling. We have done it long enough for you."

This solidarity is awakening the consciousness of even thesoldiers, they, too, being flesh of the flesh of the great human family.A
solidarity that has proven infallible more than once during paststruggles, and which has been the impetus inducing the Parisiansoldiers,
during the Commune of 1871, to refuse to obey when ordered toshoot their brothers. It has given courage to the men who mutinied onRussian
warships during recent years. It will eventually bring about theuprising of all the oppressed and downtrodden against theirinternational

The proletariat of Europe has realized the great force of thatsolidarity and has, as a result, inaugurated a war against patriotismand its
bloody spectre, militarism. Thousands of men fill the prisons ofFrance, Germany, Russia, and the Scandinavian countries, because theydared
to defy the ancient superstition. Nor is the movement limited tothe working class; it has embraced representatives in all stations oflife,
its chief exponents being men and women prominent in art, science,and letters.

America will have to follow suit. The spirit of militarism hasalready permeated all walks of life. Indeed, I am convinced thatmilitarism is
growing a greater danger here than anywhere else, becauseof the many bribes capitalism holds out to those whom it wishes todestroy.

The beginning has already been made in the schools. Evidentlythe government holds to the Jesuitical conception, "Give me the childmind, and
I will mould the man." Children are trained in militarytactics, the glory of military achievements extolled in the curriculum,and the
youthful minds perverted to suit the government. Further, theyouth of the country is appealed to in glaring posters to join the armyand
navy. "A fine chance to see the world!" cries the governmentalhuckster. Thus innocent boys are morally shanghaied into patriotism, andthe
military Moloch strides conquering through the Nation.

The American workingman has suffered so much at the hands ofthe soldier, State and Federal, that he is quite justified in hisdisgust with,
and his opposition to, the uniformed parasite. However,mere denunciation will not solve this great problem. What we need is apropaganda of
education for the soldier: antipatriotic literature thatwill enlighten him as to the real horrors of his trade, and that willawaken his
consciousness to his true relation to the man to whose laborhe owes his very existence. It is precisely this that the authoritiesfear most.
It is already high treason for a soldier to attend a radicalmeeting. No doubt they will also stamp it high treason for a soldier toread a
radical pamphlet. But, then, has not authority from timeimmemorial stamped every step of progress as treasonable? Those,however, who
earnestly strive for social reconstruction can well affordto face all that; for it is probably even more important to carry thetruth into
the barracks than into the factory. When we have underminedthe patriotic lie, we shall have cleared the path for that greatstructure wherein
all nationalities shall be united into a universalbrotherhood, --a truly FREE SOCIETY.



Message: 5

Over this holiday period members and supporters of Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) have been distributing our views using the
new stickers we have produced. ---- We have seen them displayed in a wide number of locations, mostly across the North Island (Gisbourne,
Rotorua, Waiouru, Levin, Paraparaumu, Lower Hutt, Petone, Carterton, and Wellington CBD) but also in the South Island (Dunedin,
Christchurch). ---- If you would like to help us get the word out, you can purchase some of the stickers and join in the fun. They are JUST
$10 for 5 which is COST PRICE and INCLUDES POST & PACKAGING. ---- So what are you waiting for...contact us to get your part of history in
the making:
Email - awsm@riseup.net
Twitter - @_aotearoawsm
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AotearoaWSM/

We look forward to hearing from you!



Message: 6

....If we do not resist all neighborhoods our cities will become modern prisons. ---- In recent months, following the summer of political
change, the state has launched a new repressive campaign against movement structures and self-organized ventures. The last evacuations took
place, after the end of the infamous telegraph, in the neighborhood of Maroussi with the evacuation of the Captain Kouvelos occupation but
also in the Koukaki neighborhood where three occupations of the Koukoulioui (Matrouzouliou) occupation community were evacuated.In Marousi,
when the repressive forces invaded the occupation on 17.12, the first immediate reflexive response was given by the strong involvement of
comrades / equals in the Town Hall making local government responsible for the repressive attack on the occupation. The same afternoon a
rally was called to the occupation, while bank branches were attacked during the march, making it clear that there would be political and
material costs for any evacuation of a building. Days later, on Sunday 22.12, dozens of comrades were recaptured, and clashes broke out with
police after a state security officer videotaped the demonstrators. The following day, the state responded by evacuating the Kuwelis.

In Koukaki on the morning of Wednesday 18/12, the state attacked the three occupations of the Koukaki community. The operation took place
with the participation of all the rubbish of the state, OPKE, MAT, EKAM, ACTION (DELTA), who messed up the neighborhood with their presence.
During the operation, the repressive forces were confronted with the militant resistance of the squatters and the solidarity of the
neighborhood. Chairs, stones, furniture, landed on the attackers' heads by the comrades who defended the capture of Mathrozou. Opposite to
the strong resistance of the squatters, the assassins were attacked with flash, chemically, and did not hesitate to use plastic balls and
injure a comrade.

The arrest of the Indare family sends a clear message of terror to anyone thinking of solidarity. The repressive operation also included
additions of solidarity found from the first minutes of the operation near the occupation. Five people were hired by the ACTION (DELTA)
team. One of the defendants, FI's total conscientious objector, remained in custody until late Wednesday afternoon, where he was arrested
because of his disobedience and is now awaiting his call to a military court. On the same day, a solidarity rally was held at GADA with nine
detainees of the evacuated squads, during which police forces attacked with chemicals.

The Doctrine of Safety Class and the Return to NormalityAnnouncing the government and its media parrots means imposing terror and fear on
the social fabric and establishing police throughout the metropolitan area to satisfy the ethnophilic electoral clientele that thirsts for
security and legitimacy. Attack on occupations and self-organized ventures, immigrants / strangers staging the regime in modern-day Dachau,
demobilization of labor struggles, torture and beatings of protesters by state-run protesters, the new impending legislative framework for ,
looting natural wealth through mining and environmental destruction,

The exacerbation of state repression makes it more imperative and clear that apathy, obedience, and indifference are but another facet of
consensus in state and capitalist designs for our complete submission to their appetites. Either we will stand next to each other or we will
sink together. The oppressed and exploited must support self-organized struggle structures in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools,
schools and every area of our social activity. We have to collectively organize and organize our resistances within / from non-mediated,
anti-institutional, anti-hierarchical, self-organized directions / structures.Because in the face of repression and the dystopian present
and future that they want to impose on us, solidarity, awareness of our class interests and heightened resistance are the only way to a world...

Equality, solidarity, freedom, justice.
Because it is always the law of the outcasts and not the rufians and pilgrims.
10, 100, 1000 squats against a world of organized boredom.
If we do not resist all neighborhoods our cities will become modern prisons.

anarchist collectivism Vogliamo tutto e per tutti



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