Today's Topics:
1. alas barricadas: nnouncement of Alan Moore after voting
regarding the Labor defeat in the December elections - Note from
Amalia (ca) (
2. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #300 - Freedom of
Expression: Fighting Hate Promoters (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
3. Greeting the group against the patriarchy of the UN | OS at
the second Zapatista international meeting of women fighters By
APO [machine translation] (
4. NZ, Tamaki Makaurau Anarchists: Auckland Activist
Fortnightly Newsletter #32 (
Message: 1
Anarchist comrade Alan Moore, author of comics like Watchmen, asked for the vote for Labor in the December elections. ---- Moore has been
treated on the web of wings barricaded several times, for example here and here . ---- After the horrible result achieved by the Labor,
Moore makes a self-criticism: ---- An anarchist should never ask for the vote of fear. ---- "There is something you do not see every day,
and it is an anarchist who is against the internet and convinced that the leaders lead us to destruction, apologize for having requested the
vote for Labor in the December elections. ---- Alan Moore, going to vote ---- I don't know what I would be thinking. The drugs. Poor
digestion A virus. I'm sorry, really sorry. He should have known that the fact that an anarchist asks for the vote for a politician can only
bring bad consequences. My call made dozens of anarchists cast their vote for the Labor Party, and precisely at all those polling stations,
they have had the worst defeat since the Falkland War. I know, I know. I have rushed into the abyss for Labor for at least two decades, and
I can only conclude that I have given them what in Andalusia is calledMal Fario. I have to conclude that I am an ash, a badge as there is no
other to the north of Despeñaperros, which has opened the way to the worst politicians one can find in a department store such as El Corte
Inglés. I have only voted twice in my life, and I have convinced myself after seeing the results, that it is better that from now on I do
not leave home on an election day. Boris Johnson has won, valid Doctor Manhattan.
My vote wasagainst the conservatives more than in favor of the Labor, despite its exciting program, in which so many promises were made to
us every day. The sun was not rising in London, when it rises, without the Labor program increasing more and more, with interesting
proposals to end climate change and the horrible English cuisine. None of that will materialize, and we will have to see how our children
and grandchildren swim like famished polar bears through the waters of the Antarctic Ocean in the direction of the Great Plastic Island,
eating the filthy kidney cake with jam.
If my work has meant something to you over the years, if the way in which modernity advances makes you fear for all the things that you
value, then in the next elections do not vote ..., or better yet I ask that vote for the conservatives, to convey misfortune and sink into
the abyss. Have your voice heard with a vote in favor of this ruthless trampling of security, dignity and dreams of all, because remember
that if an anarchist votes for something, guaranteed defeat for that party!
A world we love has us. Sister Night, Looking Glass, Red Scare, Pirate Jenny ..., count on us.
Alan Moore
December 28, 2019
Message: 2
The " politically correct " would operate such a hold on minds that any public expression " outside the norm " would be immediately
prohibited. Censorship would be on the side of those who promote real equality for all ! So hard to be reactionary in 2019 ? Rather, the
facts prove the opposite. ---- Supposed to be held on October 24, a " conference-debate " by the philosopher Sylviane Agacinski was
wrongly canceled by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne following " violent threats ". The event aroused the almost general anger of all
the supporters of the established order under cover of the right to debate. ---- The organizers of the event denouncing the fact: "that
preventing discussion within a community is part of a liberticide drift ". The associations, unions and collectives at the origin of the
mobilization, which led to the cancellation of the event, for their part would have: " decided to prevent the holding of a legitimate and
obviously contradictory exchange[bringing]a serious and violent attack on the confrontation of ideas ".
If the event was finally canceled, we can emphasize that its maintenance mobilized more widely than within the university community of
Bordeaux, because even Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education and Frédérique Vidal, Minister of the 'Higher education, have
positioned themselves so that Sylviane Agacinski, yet well known for her homophobic and transphobic positions, can express herself.
Their freedoms are our daily violence
Recently read, at a national level, the mobilization of several feminist collectives against the promotion of the last film by the filmmaker
Polanski, condemned on several occasions for rape and sexual assault, especially on minors, has also led to accusations of " censorship "
of the from the usual reactionary polemicists, always quick to defend the oppressors, but also from a part of the " left " in the name of
freedom of expression.
On this occasion, The " philosopher " Alain Finkielkraut - again - distinguished himself by an explicit call for rape in a prime-time
broadcast. In the face of such violent words, it is more than urgent to answer the question: " Should we debate everything with anyone ?" ".
No return to moral order
The controversy reactions are linked regularly in the public and media space. In fact since the early 2000s, they have become the norm with
the appearance, especially on television, of essayist-polemists invited for the sole purpose of gaining ratings at all costs. In the camp of
the progressive or revolutionary left, the appearance of these essentially reactionary comments has often been accepted, in the name of
debate and the famous freedom of expression.
However, these polemicists have patiently put in place a strategy whose objective is not to debate, but rather to be able to use the debate
to spread speech sowing confusion at best, at worst violence and hatred.
Well established today, this tactic has made it possible to durably reinstall reactionary discourse as dominant, a time that was undermined
by feminist struggles. This scheme made the success of an Alain Soral or an Eric Zemmour, or if we go back further, of Jean-Marie Le Pen.
This strategy has nothing to do with debating, which activists of the social movement are now beginning to understand, by organizing
themselves to let them no longer speak.
Through the attacks on Yann Barthès, Current Values is in fact targeting pro-migrant or pro-LGBT speeches.
These individuals, often from dominant groups (petty bourgeoisie, masculine, white, heterosexual, cis, etc.) are in reality on a mission for
the order which oppresses the dominated of all kinds. Behind their pseudo-will to debate, these characters defend violence against women,
racialized people, LGBTI people and the poor.
Allowing these individuals to express themselves is ultimately less a pledge to freedom of expression - from which these ideas benefit
greatly in all of our workplaces and lives, where the mechanisms of domination are fully expressed - than to condone violence against those
targeted by their speech, often at the risk of their health and their lives. It is therefore no longer a question of knowing whether or not
it is necessary to mobilize when these speeches are likely to be held, but how to reverse their media hegemony.
Faced with their hatred, let's mobilize !
Today, we can see that a number of public speaking events are fought by the first and first concerned. It is therefore necessary to be by
their side and to defend their real legitimacy in the face of reactionary speeches which threaten their achievements and their physical
security while being aware of our role as allies when we are not directly concerned. It is not a question of replacing people who are
struggling but of supporting them unambiguously and unconditionally.
The best way when possible is to organize mobilization through public events and direct actions. It is by making it possible to build up
local or national fronts on these questions, through the organization of events, participation in demonstrations, and vigilance against all
reactionary remarks, that the retreat of this propaganda will be possible.
The question of the representation of minority groups must also be asked in our organizations, political or trade union, too often the
struggles and the sexist and racist violence are too often overlooked. We must organize as much as possible where the voices of the main and
principal concerned can be expressed, legitimize this word and allow it to exist publicly. More neighborhoods for reactors !
UCL Antifascist Commission
Message: 3
At the first international meeting of women, in the rebellious Zapatista Territories in March 2018, we made some promises. At first, to stay
alive, which meant continuing to fight, not closing our eyes, not being silent. That's what we did. We made another promise: what we heard
and learned at that meeting to move them as far as possible, not to keep them just for us, to share with our partners and partners, to say
in so many ways the world is bigger than we sometimes think, but it's also common, collective, and how we think, what we dream about, what
we struggle for, we are not alone. And we did this as much as we could, with events in many cities here, in Greece, with translations,
texts, speeches, events, discussions. And a year later,
But we promised something more. And that we can't keep up with, and we want to say why: We promised we would come back and be more, however
far away they were, and if two of us were deported the previous time, we would come back. But what is happening here now, in this corner of
the world we live in, is not allowed.
Since the summer a broad repressive campaign against the anarchist movement, in the occupied spaces, in self-organized refugee and migrant
housing structures, in the world of solidarity, in social and class resistances, is underway. A campaign that represents the spearhead of
the state and bosses' attack on the pragmatic strata of society, aimed at terrorizing and disciplining them, for the unimpeded spread of
state and capitalist barbarism. The purpose of the fractured state violence and the ideological media propaganda that accompanies it is to
get revenge for the social uprisings that preceded it, such as in December 2008 following the assassination of 15-year-old Alexis
Grigoropoulos by police. To strike the neighborhood of Exarchies, which is a permanent barricade against power planning, to abolish
university-run asylum that has served as a meeting point for the fighters, and to evacuate the occupations that represent a self-propagating
outpost and an outpost of self-propagation. Through these blows, however, the state primarily wants to uproot the points of reference and
the current timing of the insurrectionary protests to stave off tomorrow's uprisings; despite the misery and fear, the savagery of societies
and nature. to abolish university-run asylum, which has served as a meeting point for fighters, and to evacuate occupations that represent
centers of social-class self-organization, resistance and solidarity. Through these blows, however, the state primarily wants to uproot the
points of reference and the current timing of the insurrectionary protests, to stave off tomorrow's uprisings; the uprisings in a reality
where the bankrupt system has nothing to promise despite the misery and fear, the savage plunder of societies and nature. to abolish
university-run asylum, which has served as a meeting point for fighters, and to evacuate occupations that represent centers of social-class
self-organization, resistance and solidarity. Through these blows, however, the state primarily wants to uproot the points of reference and
the current timing of the insurrectionary protests, to stave off tomorrow's uprisings; the uprisings in a reality where the bankrupt system
has nothing to promise despite the misery and fear, the savage plunder of societies and nature.
Since the summer, the state has been hitting occupations, leaving dozens of sites empty. Some of them are squatters living with refugees and
immigrants, women, children and men, coming from war zones, from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, from African countries, who have managed to cross
the bloody borders of Europe Fortress. . At dawn armed policemen invade these buildings that solidarity has transformed into self-organized
living spaces, arresting people, stacking them and transporting them to concentration camps, where they are destined to remain imprisoned
behind barbed wire fences Death. Recently Tariq Farik from Afghanistan lost his life in the Moria camp, circled by flames and a baby
sleeping on a carton was killed under the wheels of a truck. The refugees who lived in the squatters are forcibly removed from the schools
where they were studying, their toys are thrown into the trash by police and municipal officials, the women and men who lived there are once
again uprooted to become invisible.
The state is targeted at anarchist political and housing occupations, where people live and grow collectively, against the norm of ownership
and the ransom for the poor. Areas that host colleges and assemblies and operate competitively against the world of sovereignty, places
where ventures of solidarity and social intervention arise, against mediation and resignation. For this reason, they have been subjected to
repeated arson and murderous attacks by fascist paramilitary gangs with the cover of the police and that is why the state wants to eliminate
At the moment, the public order ministry has issued an ultimatum to abandon our premises, threatening to invade the police, arrest and
prosecute. But we are not leaving. We have stated that there will be no tradition and no truce in front of state repression.
For such a place, one of our squads in Athens, we want to tell you a story: We once hosted a native companion from Chiapas who came to our
city to talk to us about women's struggles. And we looked at it with great respect recognizing how hard you are struggling, and here it may
be easier. But that moment we ate together at the occupation seemed to be very moving, and maybe a little sad for us. So he told us that he
sees how difficult it is to live in this city, since we have no land, we have nothing, the poor have nothing, and in order to find the food
we share we must go to work for the bosses. And there are no autonomous schools, laboratories, communities. And he was looking at the
building that we have come to appreciate,
We do not give these places to them, because here are our bases, our own communities. We defend them, fighting not only for the specific
places but for what they represent: the ability of people to live without power and exploitation, the possibility of a society without
political and economic bosses, without prisons, camps and borders. To do this, we stay awake in the evenings and prepare ourselves, knowing
that the time it takes to chase, every day, the helicopters and the police can come. That is why we hold assemblies and demonstrations. And
we organize events we talk about and meet with others, make suggestions, write and plan. And we are inspired by the indigenous Chiapas women
rushing with their bare hands to the Mexican army that invaded their communities. From the women of Oaxaca, the little Palestinians, the
Mapuche women, the women in Rojava, all the women we met at the previous meeting, the women in Chile who defy police terrorism, in Brazil,
We must also tell you that in the context of this repressive campaign, entire areas are under constant police occupation. In the
neighborhood of the Exarchates, Athens, MAT squads have been permanently deployed to terrorize residents and engage in sexist threats and
attacks on girls and women living and moving around the area. Gangs march like invaders and conquerors on the streets, outside homes, cafes
and racing venues, infecting our days and nights with the sound of their boots and cordons, enforcing the militarization of everyday life.
Sexual harassment is a methodical practice and a tool to consolidate this treaty. On the way home, work or school, going to meetings or just
a stroll,
At the same time, it attacks those who resist state repression, using sexist violence as a means of humiliation and discipline. A violence
that seeks to punish and conform to women who, as such, have chosen to revolt. Their sexist and homophobic attacks on women and men,
including the practice of banishing and beating naked people even in public places, engaging in virtual rape against protesters, attempting
in every way to infringe on their dignity and body The fighters' integrity is a tool in the quest for sovereignty over state, state,
capitalist and patriarchal barbarism.
What we have known for so long is what most people see: Patriarchal sexist violence is not a spontaneous phenomenon, but it is promoted,
practiced and legitimized institutionally. Rape, murder, the abuse of women, trafficking, their justification by the judiciary and the
incitement of "victims" are all part of social cannibalism, part of the domination and division of the social body. It is institutional
violence against the social body. And institutional violence is not a diversion from the mismanagement of power. It is a systemic tool to
terrorize the population, so as not to dare to resist. And we even see official bodies who want to talk about "gender-based violence" keep
silent about police violence against struggling women, silent about sexist practices of female discipline,
That is why we are here and stand up to them and as women we are, as when we made our own blocks and lined up in front of them, with flags
in hand and handkerchiefs on the face. That is why we believe it is important that these practices of power be denounced and not concealed.
And we know that this is not enough, the complaint, that we are not fighting to embellish and "humanize" barbarism, but to overthrow it. As
you write: To be free and free of this system, whose patriarchal gender violence is a means of reproduction, we must destroy it.
But that's why we have to be here now. Because everything that happens has a lot of demands and a lot of work, and we can't let men go it
alone. Because at other times when we are locked up in cells, we are the one who starts the song and sometimes comes together to write an
announcement. Because when the children are protesting the refugee squads and passing by the squads we want to hold them hand. And on the
marches some of us have very loud and beautiful voices and they start the slogans, and without them we don't know how the roads would sound.
And why the police, who want to scare us as women, not be in squats, assemblies and marches, don't want to take courage in seeing that we're
Of course, all of this is an exaggeration because we would all come in, but only a few. But that's it, neither of us wants to leave the
other right now.
So we want you to know that we apparently didn't keep a promise, and this time we couldn't get there. But we have kept the great promise we
made, to fight together, to meet our struggles, even when we do not see and touch each other. We send our warmest greetings to the Zapatista
women, to all the Zapatista communities celebrating New Year's Eve 26 years of rebellion, and to all women who are fighting against state,
capitalist and patriarchal violence.
Group Against Patriarchy - Anarchist Political Organization
28 December 2019, Greece
Message: 4
Kia ora whanau, it's the final Auckland Activist Fortnightly Newsletter for 2019! It's only three days until the 2010's end and the 2020's
begin! Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to this newsletter, it's a pleasure to inform you about left-wing events happening in Tamaki
Makarau so that we can more easily work together to bring about transformative social change! ---- Looking back, it's been a very eventful
year in Tamaki Makarau regarding flaxroots politics. Whether it's OurMarch, the teachers strikes, the school climate strikes, the
reclamation of Ihumatao, anti-fascist actions, Chilean solidarity demonstrations and so much more, Tamaki Makarau has once again proven
itself to be the flaxroots politics capital of Aotearoa, but you won't see Auckland Council advertising that!
There's a range of events for you to attend to start off your 2020 in Tamaki Makarau in style. These include reading groups on
decolonisation and toxic masculinity, introductory sessions by Extinction Rebellion, the 2020 OurMarch, the continuing reclamation of
Ihumatao, volunteering at Rainbow Youth, helping organise a climate action festival and scheming with other groups about future climate
actions, a 10-day event on Tiriti based futures, an abortion rights march and more!
Throughout 2019, we've been very busy here at Tamaki Makarau Anarchists. In addition to participating in the above and other actions, we
have organised our launch party, had a retreat at Kotare, organised talks on queer radicalism, Rojava, the Zone to Defend, community
building as well as holding monthly (A)Space sessions, culminating in Anarchristmas!
We also co-organised alongside other groups the May Day as well as the second and third Revolting Cafe social events, an Anti-Islamophobia
social centre, anti-fascist art workshop, human rights observation workshop and community meeting as part of Tamaki Anti-Fascist Action and
a talk by Tecber Ahmed Saleh as part of Western Sahara Solidarity Aotearoa. In addition, we are currently creating an anti-sexism letter
with other left groups that we hope to publish in 2020, so watch this space!
We've also been developing links with anarchists in Indonesia and to finish off 2019, we have sent one of our members to be an observer to
the anarcho-syndicalist International Workers Association's Congress in Melbourne from 28-30 December!
We hope to be as busy in 2020, with our next big project being the Tamaki Anarchist Bookfair in late March, we're we'll have a collection of
anarchist literature for sale, stalls from other left groups, talks by speakers from here and internationally, workshops and so much more!
We'll have more info in future newsletters, and if you want to get involved, please reply to this email.
Meanwhile, across the rest of the world, the 2010's end as they began, with a wave of uprisings against neoliberal capitalism in Chile,
Haiti, Sudan, Iraq, India, Ecuador, Honduras, Hong Kong, France, Northern Syria, Lebanon, Catalonia and beyond. As the social and ecological
crisis inherent to the capitalist world system intensifies in the coming years and decades, these kinds of uprisings of the workers and the
oppressed, culminating in revolution, will be necessary to abolish our present society and build a global commons for ourselves, future
generations and the Earth. Dare to struggle, dare to win!
We are an explicitly anarchist group in Auckland struggling for a better, fair and equal world. We are always open to new members. To find
out more, come along to a public meeting, or you can find us at
Upcoming Events on the Left in Auckland
Occupation @ Ihumatao, Oruarangi Road, Ihumatao
Occupation and blockade of the Ihumatao site. Family-friendly. Check facebook for updates on situation, material needs and carpooling etc.
Ongoing Fortnightly until Wednesday 15 January, 7.30-9pm
Online Learning Group! Jitsi
Join Tauiwi mo Matike Mai Aotearoa/Non-Maori for ending colonisation to read through the Matike Mai Aotearoa report on constitutional
transformation! Free.
Ongoing Fortnightly from Thursday 21 November until Thursday 6 February, 6.15-8pm
Reading Group: Why Does He Do That? Samoa House Library
A reading group by the Left Men's Group of the text Why Does He Do That? On the dynamics of abusive behaviour by men in intimate
relationships. Free.
Ongoing Monthly from Thursday 23 January until Thursday 24 September, 7.30-9pm
Introduction to Extinction Rebellion, Gribblehirst Community Hub
An introductory session of Extinction Rebellion, its history, current activities and future plans. Free. RSVP.
Thursday 16 January, 6.15-7.45pm
Alan Watts: Why Not Now? Academy Cinemas
A documentary on the life and thought of philosopher, writer, poet and teacher Alan Watts. Ticket purchase required.
Sunday 19 January, 10am-2pm
The Do-ers - Climate Collaboration #2, Gribblehirst Community Hub
WYMO is coming together to do some collective problem solving, resource sharing, and inspiring. If you've got a climate action group,
project, network, or activation either happening, planned, or somewhere else, this is the event for you. Free. RSVP.
Tuesday 21 January, 4-7pm
Volunteer Meet & Greet, Rainbow Youth
An opportunity come along to Rainbow Youth, meet the team, check out the centre, have a kai with them, meet the other volunteers and find
out how you can volunteer. Free.
Monday 3 February, 6-9pm
Climate Action Festival Planning Hui, Gribblehirst Community Hub
A planning hui to organise a festival about climate actions happening across the city. Free.
Wednesday 5 February, 12-1pm
Maori accounts of disaster recovery with Xavier Forsman, Auckland Research Centres
Join Auckland Libraries' Poukokiri Rangahau Maori (Librarian Maori Research) Xavier Forsman from Research North, Takapuna Library as he
discusses Maori response to disaster. Free. RSVP.
Saturday 8 February, 4-6pm
OurMarch, Albert Park
A march organised by the 2020 Auckland Pride Festival to celebrate the history of the queer and trans liberation movement, its current
activism and a future beyond queerphobia and transphobia. Free. RSVP.
Saturday 15 February, 9am-4pm
Treaty of Waitangi Workshop, Wesley Community Centre
A day for newcomers to Aotearoa/New Zealand to learn our history in a workshop on Te Tiriti O Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi. Free. RSVP.
Saturday 21 March to Monday 30 March, 8.30am-4.30pm
Tiriti-Based Futures + Anti-Racism 2020, Online and offline
An online and offline 10-day event including webinars and face-to-face events about institutional racism, anti-racism, decolonisation and
building Tiriti-based futures. Free. RSVP.
Friday 27 March, 12.30-1.30pm
Our Bodies Our Choice! National Day Of Action (Auckland), location TBC
A march to demonstrate public support for the legalisation of abortion, with other marches to be held in Wellington, Christchurch and
Dunedin. Free. RSVP
Disclaimer: inclusion of events in this message is not necessarily an endorsement. We try to only include events of relevance to members
from groups we know & trust. However, we may miss some events or include some by organisers we don't know. If you have anything to add or
question the inclusion of some events, please let us know and we'll try to remedy it.
Groups in AKL
Tamaki Makaurau Anarchists, location varies
First Sunday of the Month, 2pm
Anarchist group in Auckland.
Contact: / FB: AucklandAnarchists
Tamaki Solidarity Network, location varies
Meeting dates vary, 6.30pm
Mutual support network for workers and tenants that are being screwed over by their bosses and landlords. All workers or tenants welcome.
People Against Prisons Aotearoa, location varies
Every 2nd Monday, 7:00-8:30pm
Prison Abolitionist Group.
Contact: FB peopleagainstprisonsaotearoa
Auckland Peace Action, location varies
Every Second Thursday, 7:00-8:30pm
Group organizing against the arms trade as well as other campaigns.
Contact: FB AucklandPeaceAction
Green Living Savings Pool, 10 Rawhiti Road, Onehunga
Last Thursday of the Month (except Jan), 6pm (potluck)
Community loaning money to those in need and for good with no interest.
Ihumatao Occupation, Ihumatao
Occupation resisting the proposed development on sacred land.
Contact: FB Kaitiaki Village, SOUL.
Te Reo Lessons, Unitec, AUT, Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Anytime you want
Free te reo lessons offered by multiple institutions at multiple times in multiple locations.
Contact: Unitec, AUT, tWoA
Tamaki Treaty Workers, Cityside Church
Network for all those working towards a healthy treaty relationship
Tumeke Bike Space, 27 Edinburgh Street, Eden Terrace
Thursdays and Sundays, 17:30-19:30pm and 1:00-3:00pm respectively
Community bike shop run and set up by anarchists.
Contact: FB Tumeke Bike Space
Pacific Panther Network, location varies
Meeting dates vary.
Group for Pacific activists.
Contact: FB PacificPantherNetwork
Auckland Action Against Poverty, 20 Church Street, Onehunga
Open Tues-Fri for advocacy, Mondays open to all for campaigning, 9:00-3:00pm
Advocacy group for beneficiaries. Volunteers welcome.
Contact: FB AAAP
Tenants Protection Association,
Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00-2:00pm
Advocacy and advice service for tenants. Volunteers welcome.
Food Charter / Sovereignty Meet, location varies
Second Wednesday of the Month, 6.30pm
Creating a food charter for NZ and then a network to push it forward.
Contact: FB Growing Power NZ,
Unions Auckland, NZEI office
Second Monday of the Month, 6.30pm
Meetup for the CTU branch in Auckland. Open to all union members.
Direct Animal Action
Irregular meeting times
A group that meets roughly monthly struggling for the liberation of other animals.
Contact: FB
Te Homiromiro Reading Group, Online
2nd Friday of the month, 1pm
Online decolonization reading and discussion group.
1. Tamaki Makaurau Anarchists is Live!
If you would like to join this exciting initiative, we now have a formal membership process and welcome all people who identify as
anarchists in Auckland to join.
2. Mental Health Collective Care
If you're interested in helping develop a collective mental health care project, please get in touch with us, we are currently developing one.
3. Problems at work?
Contact the Tamaki Solidarity Network, which is a network of workers helping each other to solve problems at work.
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