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zaterdag 4 april 2020

Worldwide Information Blogger Luc Schrijvers: Update: anarchist news and information from all over the world - 4.04.2020

Today's Topics:


1.  i-f-a: Anarchist Initiative Ljubljana (APL-FAO) on the
      current Corona crisis, We should respond to coronavirus with
      solidarity and not with military and violence! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

2.  Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: Northern Ireland
      workers strike over Coronavirus (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  anarchist communist group ACG: Strikes around the world over
      Coronavirus April 1, 2020 (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

 4.  Spain: Anarcho-syndicalists call for strike of housing
      payments from April 1, 2020! -- Granada CNT-AIT Statement (ca)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - press release:
      Faced with the patriotic illusion, let's organize popular
      solidarity (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  Interview with the CNT-AIT delegation to the XXVII AIT
      Congress in Melbourne (ca) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Poland, ozzip: 10th anniversary of the death of Marcel Szary
      - B. Ziemowska [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

8.  US, black rose fed: Coronavirus Sparks Wave of Walkouts and
      Wildcats (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

9.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire - UCL Toulouse and
      Surroundings press release - Airbus restarts: profits against
      health (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

When in 2015 the people who were fleeing the war, violence and poverty massively rejected the order to stay "at home" this caused the
security regime of Fortress Europe to temporarily broke down.The managers of the system of capitalist misery understood this as a signal to
push for the introduction of new tools of surveillance of movement and life of all, not only of those with ‘false documents'. At the time,
in Slovenia, the government of extreme centre made a big effort to create an atmosphere of the state of emergency that was quickly filled by
whole range of new measures aimed towards the resolution of the so called ‘migrant crisis.' Even long after the government itself declared
the crisis to be over, those measures were still in place. One of those was the ichange to the Law on Defense (Zakon o obrambi) and the
insertion of new article 37a which states that the parliament can on the proposal of the government and for the purpose of securing the
state border give to the military the powers that are otherwise reserved solely for the police: issuing of legal warnings to civilians,
giving orders to civilians, temporary limitation the movement of civilian individuals and crowd control.

At the time a large part of the public made its best to resist the plan drafted by the extreme centrist government, but the authoritarian
steamroller was too strong. The law was amended and the constitutional court who was under strong pressure from both the centristic and the
rightwing extremists forbade the referendum who was called for by civil society. Many justified their opposition with a warning that the
proposed change of the law would for the first time in history of Slovenian state create a possibility for the military to legally conduct
surveillance and repression of civilian population, for an example in an event of a new social crisis and popular resistance to the
government's response to it that would inevitably follow. Only couple of years later the new extreme right government decided to invoke the
article that was so nicely set for it in the law by the extreme centrists two governments ago.

What can we draw from this and other developments in order to better understand the world in time of coronavirus pandemic?

1. Pandemic is real. The fact is that people are dying and that some of us are particularly vulnerable. All of us therefore deserve
appropriate health care, social security and protection from forced labour in healt-threatening conditions. In this very moment thousands of
people are carrying out extremely important tasks. Today it is finally clear to all that this society cannot function properly not only
without health professionals, but also without cashiers in the supermarkets, drivers, electricians, cooks, waste-disposal workers and many
others. But beyond the very important specific professions and activities in order for all the efforts to bring about a meaningful success
in the fight against the virus the key is also in all of us who can build forms of mutual aid, be it small and spontaneous, or long-term and
more organised. If in few days from now, when the first shock of the crisis conditions will be behind us, we will be able to direct our
efforts towards the development of solidarity practices beyond the immediate family circle, then we will be able to say at some point the
far future that under the immense and for everybody new burden of the crisis we managed to stay humans and take care od each other. Among
our guiding principles should be that physical distance must not develop first into a social distance and then into social isolation. Let us
not implement the quite revealing Freudian slip of the authorities and wherever possible organise by ourselves, at all times acting
responsibly towards others and ourselves.

2. The military does not contribute anything to the fight against the pandemic. Most of the latter falls on the workers in public health
system and especially on their capability to identify as soon as possible those that are in need of care and to then provide it absolutely.
There is no space here for military that would march fully armed through the streets, causing anxiety and harassing dog walkers and the
youth. We need to totally reject the idea that social and health problems can be solved by repression. Virus will be stopped by solidarity
and care, not by guns and fines!

3. No government deserves your trust! The extreme right government of the moment plans well ahead. It is clear that after the first wave of
anxiety people will start to reflect about which measures introduced to fight the pandemic made sense and which were just there to cover up
the others whose purpose was to further impoverish the people, hand financial awards to those who are already rich and to introduce new
authoritarian mechanisms of governance. In the name of prevention they adopt measures that have nothing to do with blocking the spread of
the virus and narrow the space where freedom can exist. Taking the virus and the care for fellow humans seriously we should not allow any
breathing space to the government that will try to fast track the implementation of measures that will hurt the most vulnerable among us!

4. Let's organize! Despite the fact that the state of emergency encourages the feeling that any opposition to the new and eery measures is
impossible, we should not fall in the trap of powerlessness. We are faced with a new challenge which we have to take on the chin and come up
with new ways to think about how on the one hand we don't allow the virus to breathe, while on the other hand also we don't allow the state
to pursue its arrogant narrowminded agenda - all while staying safe and responsible. The reason why the latter wants to convince us that we
are at war is that then it can justifiably sacrifice us in the name of a higher national calling. Therefore every measure needs to be
evaluated by how much it contributes to the social, economic and health security of the most vulnerable among us. Pandemic will cause a lot
of harm, but at some point it will be over, but the dictatorship will stay. Capitalist regime is once more making clear that it has nothing
to offer to a large majority of the society. Every crisis that it encounters - often even produces - it survives by treating the people as
easily replaceable commmodities that are routinely thrown into misery. It cannot go on like this. We cannot suffer so much only for
everything to return back to the same!

Let's think about what we can do in smaller groups, how we can help each other outside of state structures and above all how we can express
our noncompliance with the state of emergency. Let's think if this month we will pay the bills (many don't even have the money to do so) and
build a political movement out of this! Now, when Ljubljana is finally tourist-free, is the time to ask ourselves, why do we live in holes
and still pay the rents as if we inhabit the luxury mansions of one of European capitals. Maybe, just maybe, we can learn from others from
elsewhere and envision and then organize a rent strike?

If we are in debt and or if we are are already in the spiral of desperation, fear, insecurity, shame of our poverty, we should admit these
feelings and situations to each other and then speak publicly about them. In this way we can open a path towards solutions that could widen
the cracks in the system in which only the few profit. In this way we can and must rediscover what dignity means.

We are more than five!
Against fear and state of emergency, for solidarity!
Corona pushed capitalism to its knees, return to previous normality is not an option!

Anarchist initiative Ljubljana
from soon to be occupied again Ljubljana
19th March 2020

Original article posted 20 March 2020. We should respond to the virus with solidarity and not with military and violence! Full English
translation below.




Message: 2

On Wednesday March 25th around a thousand workers at the food processing plant at Moy Park in Portadown went out on a wildcat strike over
coronavirus safety concerns, including adequate social distancing. This was followed by a strike of 80 workers at the ABP food processing
plant in Lurgan, Co. Armagh, expressing the same concerns. ---- On Friday 40 workers at the Linden Foods processing factory in Dungannon in
Co. Tyrone followed the examples of Moy Park and Lurgan and refused to start their shifts. There were grave concerns over workers exhibiting
symptoms being allowed to work, as well as those with family members self-isolating because of being in high risk categories, and inadequate
washing facilities. ---- Don't let managers turn workers into coronavirus fodder! Strike if the employers cannot offer adequate social
distancing and cleaning facilities! Don't die for their profits!



Message: 3

Posties wildcat strike in Alloa ---- Postal workers in Alloa, Clackmannanshire took direct action against unsafe working conditions, a lack
of suitable protective equipment and having to deliver junk mail, with a wildcat walkout on Monday morning (March 30th). The workers have
had to continue to deliver bullshit advertising throughout the Coronavirus crisis, which adds significantly to the workload and is an extra
stress. ---- So, out they went. Management whined that they hadn't had a ballot! When workers are resolute and united behind direct action
then they have the power to make their bosses move. The Postal workers of Alloa have set a fine example. ---- General strike in northern
Italy over health concerns
On Wednesday 25th March workers in the metal, chemical and paper industries went out on strike in the Lazio and Lombardy regions over health
concerns over coronavirus. The CGIL, CISL and UIL union centrals reached an agreement with the government and decided not to support the
strike despite pressure from rank and file workers.

Nevertheless between 60% and 90% of the membership of these unions in these regions came out on strike. In addition they were joined by
workers in the civil service.

Workers strike at US food delivery firm Instacart

A nationwide strike took place at Instacart food delivery firm took place on Monday March 30th organised by the Instacart Shoppers and Gig
Workers Collective. They accused the company of endangering workers and demanded protective gear, hazard pay and extended pay to those
unable to work because of the virus. Instacart's owner has a private fortune of $400 million yet is not willing to pay his workers.

Meanwhile Amazon workers in Staten Island, New York, walked off the job for similar reasons, saying that many had been diagnosed with the
virus. In response Amazon sacked one of the strike organisers.

Nearly 100 restaurant and retail workers at the fast food firm Triangle in Durham and Raleigh, North Carolina held a one-day "digital
strike" on Friday March 27th over unsafe working conditions, pay cuts and lost hours as a result of coronavirus. Not able to come out on
streets, the striking workers assembled via Zoom.

Unable to protest in the streets, the striking workers stayed at home and instead gathered via a Zoom call.

Workers at the Whole Foods supermarkets, owned by Amazon's Jeff Bezos are also set to walk out over similar concerns.


Seventy bin workers in Hamilton, Ontario, went out on strike last week over lack of protective equipment.


Thousands of workers at call centres in Brazil came out on wildcat strikes last week over concerns over health and safety and cleaning
facilities and protective equipment. Call centres already face atrocious conditions packed into a hundred cubicles in each call centre.
Workers are continuing in their organising.


In 13 prisons throughout Colombia, protests erupted over concerns over coronavirus spreading rapidly because of insanitary and crowded
conditions. In Bogota, the capital, State forces brutally crushed the protest, killing 23 prisoners and injuring 83.


Scores of workers at the Coca Cola plant in the Maipu district of Chile's capital Santiago, came out on strike on Friday March 27th, four
days after demanding that management undertake sanitary measures against the virus. They blocked entrances to the plant.


Packing house workers employed by La Salva are protesting over sanitary measures.



Message: 4

The problems of loss of housing and evictions in most cases usually go hand in hand with the loss of earnings by at least one of the
tenants. This loss of earnings is the result of a decade of attacks on our rights in the context of labor instability and precarization.
Today, this materializes in layoffs, termination of labor agreements, temporary layoffs of "excess" labor, etc. ---- Considering the problem
of housing loss to be one of the worst consequences of poor working conditions, the CNT-AIT of Granada joins the call for a general and
indefinite strike on housing prices starting April 1, 2020. We urge all tenants of Granada to participate in it. ---- We could see how all
measures taken in the face of the present crisis ignore the most marginalized and poor sections of society: migrants, homeless people,
prisoners, domestic workers, precarious workers, those who are not given anything from above and who are forced to somehow support their
existence. in the shadow economy, etc. All these measures lead us to the current alarming situation, not only in the field of maintaining
health, but also in the field of labor and the social sphere. The measures taken by the executive branch in connection with the "state of
anxiety" proclaimed due to coronavirus are frankly anti-workers. They facilitate the temporary dismissal of "redundant" workers for the sake
of saving companies and enable enterprises to continue to work in a reduced volume. Of course, production still suffers, but measures taken
by the government are aimed at so that economic growth and the free market are affected as little as possible. Such measures are being taken
that it is the working class that paid for this crisis.

The result of protecting the profits of employers at the expense of the health of workers is clearly visible in the fact that it has not
been announced that any work unrelated to the main production chain needed during the sanitary crisis has been stopped. As a result,
thousands of people find themselves in a dangerous situation, not counting the already mentioned layoffs, temporary layoffs and other abuses
by entrepreneurs who turn this medical crisis into a social one.

An option proposed by the government in order to make it easier for those of us who have lost our jobs or faced a loss of earnings to
continue paying mortgages and energy fees to declare a moratorium on these fees. Since this is a moratorium, not cancellation, the result
will be an increase in the indebtedness of the working class. In the short term, his current problem of the impossibility of making a
payment for April will be resolved, but already in the medium term we will accumulate debt to banks and suppliers. These our debts will
accumulate, and if we fail to repay them, given the panorama of the world of work in the future, the matter will end in thousands of evictions.

This deplorable situation, in which a moratorium plunges us, becomes even worse if we pay not for a mortgage, but for renting a house. In
this case, the government did not take any measures. It continues to promise help, but she never came. And even if it comes to us on the eve
of April, we assume that these measures will follow the same line as the measures for mortgages, that is, they will increase the debts of
the working class to the homeowner, bank or private company.

We clearly see the mood of this government, which protects the rentier class by all means, a class that partially or fully lives not at the
expense of its labor force and profession, but at the expense of owning private property that allows it to do business and make profits. And
at this time, we, those who are completely dependent on our work, in order to be able to pay for renting the housing where we live, are in
the priorities of this government in the second, third or fourth stage.

For these reasons, we join the campaign launched by the Gran Canaria Tenants' Union in collaboration with the Anarchist Federation of Gran
Canaria, support two of their basic requirements and encourage all groups, platforms and unions to join this payment strike, which is also
carried out internationally in different parts of the world. such as USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, France, Italy, Chile, etc.

Our basic requirements are clear:

1. Immediate suspension of rent, especially for tenants who are in a vulnerable situation, and in favor of owners who have many tenants or
legal entities ... Until this measure is taken, without sufficient and regular income, we will not pay.

2. Empty housing in the hands of foundations, financial institutions and banks (primarily those saved with state money) must be socialized
and made available to thousands of people and families who currently do not have housing.




Message: 5

"We are at war". Macron repeated this sentence several times, during his speech on March 16, the one where he announced sanitary confinement
which concerns us all. This leitmotif has since been taken up by the whole government and the most zealous journalists. In a particularly
anxiety-provoking context, everyone is officially called upon to contribute to "the effort", to "make sacrifices". For the moment, what we
can observe in this patriotic injunction is that the efforts are at least two-speed. ---- While the revelations about the government's
preparation, its aberrant decisions are linked, the first crisis measures seem far from health concerns: contradictory orders (no stroll in
the park, but all at work !), Destruction social rights against protections of big capital, flight of the privileged classes against
pressurization of working-class districts. Even in times of crisis, the ruling political class does not renounce the neoliberal doxa, which
is largely responsible for the state of weakness of the current health system. At the same time, it calls for "national unity", for "good
citizenship". With a single watchword, as in war: the poor at the front, the rich at home !

On the ground, we can already see the social effects of containment measures: while the most privileged classes have been able to flee to
their second homes, or are requested by the authorities "not to go on weekends", it is the most precarious who are subjected to police
pressure in their neighborhood and the financial pressure of having to continue working, in particular to supply the richest populations,
without any compensation. As proof, nearly 100,000 fines were drawn up in a week, and the first police custody for "endangering others" were
carried out, in particular in the popular department of Seine-Saint-Denis.

In this deleterious atmosphere, some editorialists, political parties and opinion formers draw the discourse of the "bad confined": who goes
out too often, who refuses to do his part while working, who dares to challenge the measures. The parliamentary left is silent, or almost ;
the increasingly extreme right - Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, spearheading - was quick to apply on the street the techniques learned in
controlling demonstrations: curfew, drone to monitor the streets. The xenophobic nationalists of the RN and their friends rub their hands.
While for decades, the bourgeois have defended "the inevitable Capitalist globalization, today, national egoisms are taking over in panic.
Each state closes its border (people, not goods of course) keeps its medical equipment, tries to buy patents, blocks equipment intended for

Although they know perfectly well that the most precarious populations and the minorities are not responsible for the situation, Marine Le
Pen and her allies are always working harder, so that measures against "foreigners" are reinforced and "The scum". Above all, we must not
remain passive in the face of the authoritarian tomorrows that lie ahead.

Global pandemic ? Local and international solidarity !
Today, as for almost two billion people, confinement seems to be the solution to the epidemic that our governments and their policies have
indirectly helped to amplify.

However, it is essential to develop concrete solidarity in this period of crisis. Equally important, we must continue to communicate, spread
anti-authoritarian positions to the greatest number, whether through social networks, as much as in the street in one way or another. Let us
be convinced that it is by democratic expression, popular inventiveness that we will pass through this period, certainly not by repression.

Let us make sure to remain vigilant, in our neighborhoods as in our workplaces, so as not to leave the most vulnerable - undocumented,
homeless, young, precarious - at the mercy of bosses and cops.

Faced with security and nationalist propaganda, let us oppose a united and internationalist discourse. Let us continue to spread the
messages of our comrades from other countries, let us inform about the global scale of the resistances. This crisis clearly shows that
workers around the world have more in common with their elites than so-called "national unity". Let us try as best we can to concretely
apply this international solidarity, at the bottom of our home with migrants and foreign workers, and in general in our messages and the
support actions that we can carry out. Faced with the threat of the virus and authoritarianism, it is important to develop our links between
organizations and revolutionary groups: let's prepare the bases for the response!

Libertarian Communist Union, April 2, 2020



Message: 6

Between the 28th and 30th of last December, the XXVII Congress of the AIT was held in Melbourne (Australia). In order to learn more about
this important event, we interviewed the comrade who was commissioned as delegate of the CNT-AIT to this important International Congress.
---- [FS]- We have been able to read some reviews on the development of the AIT Congress in Melbourne, but we would like you to be able to
expand a little more, in relation to some issues. ---- First of all, we would like you to be able to tell us, in your opinion, how the
Congress developed, how many Sections sent a delegation to it, how many sent their agreements in writing, how many organizations sent
greetings or sent observers, and how the sessions generally developed. congressional.
First of all, we salute all the readers of Fragua Social.

At the XXVII International Congress of the AIT several Sections were present: SF, ZSP, PA, KRAS, ÖLS -the latter that became a Section
during the Congress-, ASF, ASI and the Spanish CNT-AIT.

At the same time, they sent their French CNT-AIT, NSF and COB agreements.

We also received greetings from Kurdish anarchists who presented a letter about their situation in Kurdistan, which can be read in the
minutes, a greeting from Turkish anarchists, and a salutation was received from the SOV in Santiago de Chile explaining the situation of the
social outbreak in their region, which was also very interesting.

The atmosphere was one of companionship and, above all, it was noted that there were no confrontations between colleagues. In the moments of
rest, all the delegations attended together, with a great atmosphere of respect. But there were moments of tension when several topics were
discussed at various times, especially with the International Editorial, which was the issue where the least consensus existed, and where
the most differences had been generated, since four of the sections were in favor and others so many were against it. This resulted in very
little consensus and few delegations made contributions that would allow the debate to move forward, mainly due to lack of mandates.

[FS]- At the Belgrade Congress it was agreed that the XXVII Congress of the IWA would be held in Australia, precisely to reap the results of
the organization at the international level that had also been done by ASF and the Asia-Pacific Working Group. With the new accessions of
Bangladesh, Indonesia and India as Friends of the IWA, as well as that of Sweden, could it be said that Congress recognized the
organizational work carried out in those continents?

My general feeling is that ASF has great hope and illusion in spreading anarcho-syndicalism in Asia and the Pacific, and it is interesting
because they feel that they are heirs to the anarcho-syndicalist tradition of the Spanish exiles after the Civil War, and they are convinced
that that Asia is the future of our struggle. Due to the relocation of companies and the industrialization of Asian countries, this new
proletarian class is being created in Asia.

The feeling is that ASF is targeting these efforts, but at the same time it is also confirming the difficulties that exist due to the great
distances, the travel costs that generate difficulties in maintaining personal contacts, etc. However, they are doing it, and I think they
will improve their relations with the sections that have already joined the International. Surely the contact that had been desired was not

It is a pity that Indonesia, Bangladesh, Colombia and India were finally unable to be present in Congress due to Australian immigration
policy, but it was certainly a triumph that Congress was held in the Pacific. There was a lot of debate in Congress about this, as it was
not only important to choose the site or location because of the distance, but because of the possibility that delegations could get their

It is very important that the IWA, anarcho-syndicalism, spread in countries where at the moment everything we consume in the West is
produced. Because we have the perception that the quality of life and the conditions of the working class have improved a lot. But if we
compare how we live today with how our ancestors lived, we realize that the quality of life is distorted when we calculate it by access to
the consumption of technology.

In western countries there is a precarious working class, but it seems as if this was not a problem to enslave us and allow us access to
technology. Because the people who produce this technology or the clothes we have are paying the cost of what we consume.

In the end, what allows us to access this technology is the exploitation and slavery of half the world through the wildest capitalism, in
China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, in India, etc. In addition to enslaving us or getting into debt, the compañeros and compañeras of
these countries are paying the difference between producing here or there. If these partners could stop production, we would realize that we
would not be able to access all that technology and consumer goods or manufactures. And this can give them the chance to understand or
change their perception of the world.

[FS]- Some issues were discussed based on international campaigns and joint actions at the international level against capitalism by the
AIT. Could you tell us about them?

During the Congress, Priama Akcia's proposal for an International Day to fight against unpaid wages was discussed. It was very interesting
because there was talk about whether to convene or not, and if it was done, on what dates was best. It was also discussed whether we want to
show society that we only fight to be paid for the work we do, or if what we really fight for is to end wage slavery and that we do not
consider the fact that we are paid for what we work be fair.

But it was interesting because the sections understood the approach. Since the problem of unpaid wages is something that the sections of
Poland, Slovakia, England and Spain face. At this point, the delegations were unable to give a name to this day and mobilization and since
there was no mandate for the proposal made by the CNT-AIT of Spain, the proposed nuance could not be discussed, but not because nobody was
against this, but because there was no mandate on this nuance. It is a problem that we encounter when we go to work at our jobs. In any
case, it was not clear how these actions would be coordinated around that date.

[FS]- We have been able to read that several organizations sent Salutations to Congress, specifically some from Arotearoa (New Zealand), the
USA, Turkey, Iraq and Kurdistan, and we understand that this supposes a recognition by these organizations of the work of the Sections of
the AIT, as well as an interest in our International. We would like to know if the possibility of new entries in the IWA in these and other
regions was discussed.

There was no discussion of any specific organization regarding accession to the IWA, but it was mentioned that there are groups in Chile
interested in the IWA. Most of the groups that sent salutations to Congress, wrote specifically to the delegations, which shows the
existence of a perception of the AIT as a reference for them. The Kurdish and Turkish anarchists also wrote among them.

The presence of Ockland anarchists is also very important, as this may encourage them to form an AIT-like Section in New Zealand. A fellow
observer participated in the Congress, which is clearly a hope for the future.

It is possible that the fear of participating in the AIT may be lost, as it was once thought that to enter the AIT it was necessary to have
a massive presence and influence among the working class to stop production. But most of the IWA Sections are not massive. Perhaps over time
we will see new sections in small propaganda groups attached to the IWA.

Perhaps in Chile, where the compañeros and compañeras have sympathies for the AIT, they may participate in the future. On the other hand, we
have the Friends of the AIT in Colombia, the ULET, which in the near future, everything indicates that it will become part of the AIT as one
more Section.

[FS]- What were for the Congress and for the CNT-AIT delegation, the most important agreements reached and the most interesting discussions
that could be witnessed by the different delegations?

The feeling is that during the Congress no questions were raised about any fundamental change in the positions of the IWA. Important issues
such as the affiliation of new sections were discussed, there was a debate on how the Secretariats should be mandated to make the economic
expense, or support other sections. The issue of political parties was discussed again in the sections and quotas were discussed, taking
into account the new additions, with purchasing powers far below the purchasing power of European countries.

Perhaps the incorporation that generated the most debate was that of Bangladesh and in which some questions were questioned, such as the way
in which they register their members, how they pay the fee and how they participate in the assemblies.

There were sections that opposed and hastily saw these organizations belong to the IWA. At the same time, it was questioned whether they
were guided by their own Statutes. It was also discussed whether it was possible that BASF had a similar ideology but that it could also not
identify with those of the AIT.

There was also talk about the fact that some people have had some contacts with Maoist organizations in the past and there were sections
that did not see it clearly, but the rest of the sections had mandates to approve their entry.

The issue of quotas is going to be an important issue especially because of how it can be contributed economically compared to purchasing
power, such as with a percentage of the annual salary. At the moment there is an agreement of one euro per member and year in the Asian

The issue of economic mandates in relation to propaganda was also discussed. The sections do not want the Secretariat to have absolute
freedom to allocate money as they wish, but rather the Sections consider this issue to be an important issue and therefore must have clear
mandates that do not create any kind of problem. This will be one of the topics in the following Congresses.

There were debates about the relationship between the members of the sections and political parties, but it was clear that within the AIT
members who attend elections are not accepted and that they cannot have any responsibility. Although sections such as the one in Poland and
France showed great interest in continuing to debate this issue, and agree that in none of the sections members of political parties

Some understood that it is difficult, because this cannot be prevented from arising, sometimes due to ignorance and other times because the
sections cannot act in a police manner.

[FS]- The International Congress discussed a paper sent by the CNT-AIT of Spain. We have been able to read that the proposal was discussed
and approved and we understand that the interventions of the Sections were possibly very enriching on this, since it was surely very
difficult to agree. We are specifically talking about the International Publishing House and its role in propaganda, not only
anarcho-syndicalist or revolutionary syndicalism, but also about the revolutionary purpose and anarchist ideas. Could you tell us about this
question and everything that was discussed?

A very important topic that was discussed was the real need to be able to edit books with our literature, in languages of countries where
the IWA can have a significant development, as is the case in the entire Asia-Pacific and North Africa.

Without a doubt, this is going to be a challenge, although there is no consensus on the International Editorial proposal.

Most of the sections agree, but not the whole, and this did not generate any consensus but quite the contrary, most were very tight and also
the Sections needed more details. Some sections understood that this proposal could pose a problem of centralization in the International.
And they were convinced that the proposal of the Spanish CNT-AIT was not a good one, although all the sections agreed on the need to edit
propaganda and literature in other languages, although this should only be done through the sections and not by the International.

This is the case of Bangladesh and Indonesia, since not everything is in the contacts that we can make, but in the possibility that
propaganda and translations of our ideological writings can be generated in all these languages so that we can extend our International. The
International Editorial would be very important, since we have to generate propaganda and translations in many languages.

[FS]- On past occasions the section in charge of the organization has organized other events outside of Congress. Were there any events on
the sidelines of the Congress agenda? Could you tell us about them too?

The ASF colleagues did not organize any type of cultural activity outside the agenda of the Congress. Regardless of this, there were plenty
of moments of rest and distraction. Although it is important to note that all the delegations went together to everything. It was used so
that the delegations could know the situation of the rest of the sections, etc.

This must be taken into account when the Congress is held in Spain, so that the Congress is not only reduced to a group of sessions and
discussions, but that it can do some other things, and take advantage of not reducing ourselves to debating in the context of sessions,
delegations limited by the mandates of their respective sections, but may be discussed more informally on other important topics in the form
of militant conferences.

[FS]- Regarding the AIT Centennial to be held in 2022, we would like to know if agreements were reached on this.

Yes, as we have already mentioned, the next AIT Congress will be held in Spain in 2022, coinciding with the centenary of the founding of the
AIT in 1922. Unfortunately, the CNT was not at the founding Congress of the AIT that was held in Berlin But many sections have Spain as a
reference and it has been chosen as a good place to hold this Congress. In my opinion, it is an important moment for our section because of
the possibility that we can host this important International Congress.

[FS]- Lastly, we would like you to tell us where and when the next IWA election will be and what kind of issues will be discussed there.

The next is a plenary to be held in Slovakia in June next year. Some important topics will be transferred to that plenary, such as the topic
of the international day of payment of wages, etc. And the fact of guiding the campaign against the salaried regime in general, and not so
much against the fact of unpaid wages in the context of today's society. The International Editorial, in which an agreement was not reached
and from which more details have been requested on how this project will be developed.

Perhaps the sessions would have improved if some motions had been asked to be voted on, or the fact that the agreement could have been read
aloud and made clear to all delegations. Perhaps a little inexperience was seen by the delegations, but it was very difficult.

Many of the points had a high level of consensus and perhaps were not necessary. But in others it did take a little effort and debate to
reach a consensus and take into account the contributions made by other delegations to reach an agreement. Perhaps some risks could have
been taken and some contributions from the sections could have been included in the agreements and not only vote on some motions.

Apart from all this, I want to highlight that during the Congress the sessions were very long, especially because of the translations, since
all the interventions had to be done in Spanish and English. However, there was a time when we realized that it might be possible to hold
the Congress only in English, but soon we had to overcome a problem, because some delegations could not follow the interventions in English
very well. Finally they had to be done in Spanish because they had studied it and because the sessions of the Congress should also be in
Spanish, and at the same time be recorded in both languages.

All this meant that only two people had to translate into Spanish all the interventions during the entire Congress.

It was very hard to focus on the content of the debates and that the sessions followed a good rhythm, in addition to listening to the
interventions and then translating them. It was very complicated and the colleagues present there began to say that the day may come when
Spanish ceases to be the official language of the AIT. Only the CNT-AIT is the only section of the AIT that speaks Spanish, in addition to
the compañeras and compañeros from Colombia.

It would also be interesting that perhaps there was only one language to make the tasks of the Congresses faster, but this is somewhat
difficult. Perhaps theoretically we agree with Esperanto, but it seems that there is fear when it comes to putting it into practice. Keep in
mind that speaking in English is not fair for those who speak it as a second language. Nor is it easy for those who have to understand us
and speak English as their mother tongue. We did not have many facilities to understand or to be understood.

It is true that we have to find a way for any member of the AIT to participate in a Congress and this should not create a problem or
inequality. English is not easy, nor is it fair for everyone. Learning Esperanto would be learning from scratch and it would be just as it
is imposed on us as an equal task for all. If we did a statistical study of the most used words we would realize that perhaps with a
vocabulary of 200 words it would be possible to relate equally between the different delegations, understanding that the effort is not in
the grammar but in the vocabulary.



Message: 7

On March 30, 2010, in the hospital at Szkolna Street in Poznan, after a long illness, Marcel Gray died - founder of the Workers' Initiative
and its chairman at Cegielski's plant. It was a great loss for the Polish trade union and employee movement. ---- Marcel Gray was an
outstanding trade union and employee activist. During the Polish People's Republic, he belonged to the underground "Solidarity", which he
joined as a student of a vocational school. After 1989, disagreeing with her conciliatory policy, he left Solidarity, forming Solidarnosc'80
in HCP, and then in June 2004 became one of the organizers of the Employee Initiative committee. ---- He was a multiple representative of
the crew on the management of H. Cegielski. We will remember Marcel Szare as an uncompromising activist who has always preferred the
interests of employees and union members over his own. He was deeply convinced that employees were fighting for their dignity in the first
place. In 2007, the HCP crew repeatedly stopped work, demanding higher wages. In April, speaking to Cegielski's striking employees, Marcel
argued that the payroll proposals of the HCP Board should be rejected as definitely insufficient: "Now it is not a fight for wages, it is
not a fight for better working conditions, it is a fight for our dignity. They were surprised that workers demanded more than oil for the
machine. "

Marcel Gray was often harassed for his activities. In 2009, he was sentenced by a fine to the Poznan District Court for organizing a strike
in HCP in 2008. These protests were a great success for the crew, which eventually managed to win a 30% salary increase.

Marcel published his columns in the trade union Initiative of Workers' Initiative describing the terms and conditions of employment, as well
as divisions and conflicts within HCP, with sarcasm and humor in their own right.

In 2007, Marcel Gray developed leukemia. While fighting the disease, he continued his trade union activity. In December 2009, doctors said
the disease had receded. Unfortunately for a short time. At the end of February 2010 he was back in the hospital. His health began to
deteriorate. In the last days of his life he was still involved in the defense of hospital employees. Poznan media reported that before his
death he had already sent a complaint about the working conditions of nurses. Dying at the age of 45, Marcel Gray left his wife Beata and
orphaned his 8-year-old son.

On April 6, over 500 people attended the funeral ceremony of Marcel Szary in Poznan's Milostów. Delegations of the Employee Initiative from
all over the country came, as well as representatives of other trade union organizations, including Miners from August 1980 with its
chairman B. Zietek at the helm. Flower tombs were laid on the grave by representatives of various environments, including the 8th Day
Theater, the Anarchist Federation, the HCP board, the Poznan media, the parish to which Marcel belonged, and above all the Cegielski crew
and other workplaces.

Condolences for the family and the Employee Initiative came from all over the world, including from the Swedish trade union SAC, the Spanish
CGT, the French CNT, the British IWW, the editors of "Inprecore" and activists of the French NPA, from Czech and Slovak anarchists, Poles
working in Ireland and Iceland. Obituaries and numerous articles mentioning Marcel Szary's trade union activity appeared in the local press.
Miners from August '80 in their condolence note wrote, among others: "We will remember Marcel Szare as a steadfast activist fighting for the
rights and interests of employees. He was not afraid to fight in a just cause regardless of political and political circumstances. He
ignored the risk and threat. He always acted in accordance with his beliefs about the need to organize employees and to fight the unfair
exploitation system. "

The writer and journalist Wlodzimierz Nowak, after Szary's death, wrote in the daily newspapers that he did not manage to publish a book
about him: it is replaced by temporary workers, employees, dispersed mass performing various works. He believed in this bond that connects
people working together physically in the factory, their strength and in this community, which can also be seen after work, in workers'
districts. "

Jaroslaw Urbanski, then the secretary of the Workers' Initiative, gave a short goodbye over the grave. that the union will continue to
fight, and the example of Marcel Szary will remain his inspiration for further actions. Above the audience there was a black banner with the
inscription: "For Marcel: Not a minute of silence, just a lifetime in battle"!



Message: 8

Instacart workers have called for a strike Monday, March 30 over demands around safety and pay. ---- Coronavirus is sparking more than fear
and rent strikes but also unleashing a wave of walkouts and shutdowns by workers - all around the country workers are confronting their
bosses or walking off the job demanding protective equipment, to stop non-essential production, or demand wage increases where they are
demeaned essential. Likely we will continue to see these trend in the coming months - the new "normal" will not be so normal. ---- By It's
Going Down ---- In only a matter of days, the economic collapse brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has completely changed everything
about our lives. In many ways, the growing crisis has laid bare the already existing contradictions which threatened to pull this society
into open class conflict; from low paying jobs, increasing austerity, brutal police, the quickening of ecological collapse, an out of
control housing crisis, and a growing carceral State.

But with millions of people now wondering how they are going to make ends meet and pay rent, let alone survive the current epidemic, a new
wave of struggles is breaking out across the social terrain. Prisoners and detention center detainees are launching hunger strikes as those on



Message: 9

Since Monday March 23, the management of Airbus has unilaterally decided to resume the activities of its factories in Toulouse. After 4 days
of production at a standstill to assess how the company could restart, management estimated that the measures had been taken to "guarantee
the safety and health of employees" and that the factories in France and Spain could restart. However if we believe the Airbus executive
union CFE-CGC, through the voice of its coordinator Françoise Vallin in the newspaper Usine Nouvelle: "At Airbus, all workstations are not
secure". ---- It is therefore in spite of the health of the employees that the aircraft manufacturer will continue to produce by putting
them in danger for an activity which is absolutely not essential in this period of unprecedented health crisis.

Beyond Airbus, the entire subcontracting chain will have to get back to work [1], thereby accentuating the risks of an acceleration of
contamination with Covid-19 in the Toulouse region, but also internationally (notably in Spain [2]).

Download the press release
Thousands of workers, technicians will be threatened with endangering their families and their own health in order to comply with the wishes
of an above-ground management who only thinks of their profits. Even office staff will not be spared because management would like to impose
the presence on site at least 20% of them and them, according to the CGT.

There is however no urgency to produce planes: this means of transport is likely to circulate under regime.

And all the more so since mass tourism is at half mast, traumatized by the fear of going to distant lands considered unsafe in terms of
health by people who would have the means. Airfrance, for example, only handles 10% of its traffic and the airlines, the only customers of
Airbus, risk bankruptcy because of the economic crisis which follows from that of the Covid-19. Even after the pandemic, there is a good
chance that the aircraft produced will therefore not find buyers and Airbus will have risked the lives of its employees for nothing ! Worse,
while Airbus announces that it has obtained 20,000 protective masks for its employees, caregivers lack protection in hospitals !

We see what the priorities are for the capitalists.

Double State Speech to Clear the Bosses
While the government has just increased the repressive arsenal to enforce the confinement which it has also extended by two weeks, while the
epidemic is still in its infancy, while hospital staff public (caregivers, maintenance workers, administrative staff ...) are already at the
end of the spectrum and are raising all possible alarms, large companies like Airbus send us a clear message: produce rather than cure, risk
rather than treat, suffer for their profit ! The State is partly responsible for this decision-making.

By practicing a double discourse aiming on the one hand to enforce containment measures to slow the epidemic and on the other to encourage
companies to keep the economy in free fall, the government is putting their workers' lives at risk those most likely to contract the disease
and therefore spread it.

Our lives are worth more than their profits !
For the Union Communiste Libertaire Toulouse et environs, the bosses do not have to impose their law to the detriment of the health of
employees and the population. We call on the workers of Airbus and its subcontractors to assert their right of withdrawal or to go on strike
on a massive scale, faced with this absurdity and the morbid cynicism of management.

Libertarian Communist Union Toulouse and surroundings March 27, 2020

Libertarian alternative n ° 304 (April 2020) is open access
Click to download


[1] "Airbus forces the return to work for its subcontractors, denounces the CGT" , Reporterre, March 25, 2020.

[2] "CGT anuncia huelga indefinida en AIRBUS contra las medidas empresariales durante la crisis del" coronavirus "" , Cgt.org.es, March 25,



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