Today's Topics:
1. The struggle against Covid-19 is also political
2. France, Union Communiste LibertaireAL #303 - Green
capitalism: The false hopes of the "green new deal" (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (
WHY? (ca) [machine translation] (
4. Poland, ozzip: We don't work without health and safety.
Amazon strikes in Europe [machine translation] (
5. Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: Why now and not
before? (
6. iwa-ait: Statement and Demands Regarding Impact of Covid-19
Pandemic (
GREGGI, SHEEP, WOLVES AND VIRUSES (it) [machine translation]
8. Czech, afed: Italy: Hunger in house arrest -- Not only an
epidemic, but also capitalism kills... [machine translation]
9. Britain, solfed - Coronavirus Crisis: The Government has
produced more information in regards to the 80% of wages Jobs
Retention Scheme including how pay will be calculated.
10. US, black rose fed: Recommended Rent Strike and Organizing
Resources (
11. Czech, USA: There is a wave of wild strikes -- Workers
refuse to risk health because of capital needs. [machine
translation] (
1. The struggle against Covid-19 is also political
2. France, Union Communiste LibertaireAL #303 - Green
capitalism: The false hopes of the "green new deal" (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (
WHY? (ca) [machine translation] (
4. Poland, ozzip: We don't work without health and safety.
Amazon strikes in Europe [machine translation] (
5. Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: Why now and not
before? (
6. iwa-ait: Statement and Demands Regarding Impact of Covid-19
Pandemic (
GREGGI, SHEEP, WOLVES AND VIRUSES (it) [machine translation]
8. Czech, afed: Italy: Hunger in house arrest -- Not only an
epidemic, but also capitalism kills... [machine translation]
9. Britain, solfed - Coronavirus Crisis: The Government has
produced more information in regards to the 80% of wages Jobs
Retention Scheme including how pay will be calculated.
10. US, black rose fed: Recommended Rent Strike and Organizing
Resources (
11. Czech, USA: There is a wave of wild strikes -- Workers
refuse to risk health because of capital needs. [machine
translation] (
Message: 1
The Covid-19 global health crisis is one that required a global response led by health workers but with the consensus of almost everyone.
Instead we face a piecemeal response, often in the form of repressive policing solutions that are not even particularly effective and where
the borders between the states have undermined collective action and allowed the virus to multiply in the gaps. ---- Fear has led many to
wish for harder state clampdowns as if a policing apparatus had any hope for substituting for collective solidarity between neighbours. The
very ideology of neoliberal capitalism and its mantra of everyone looking after themselves has cut into the sort of community solidarity
essential to popular enforcement of physical distancing. Thankfully in Ireland we discovered this process was not complete and a sufficient
sense of solidarity remained that almost everyone implemented physical distancing measures before the state backed that process.
This virus is not a threat at the distances of national borders but in the short space between us and our friends, neighbours and fellow
workers. Rather than wishing for the state to get tougher policing that space, we need to think and act collectively to organise this
ourselves by building a common consensus around what needs to be done.
Popular action
This has already happened in some places where popular action was ahead of state action, in Hong Kong in the early days and in Ireland in
March where against all stereotypes popular demands mobilised through social media saw just about every pub close its doors ahead of the St.
Patrick's Day weekend. We would presume there are many, many other examples yet to reach our ears, but stories of people self-organising
seldom make it into the media.
None of this is to deny a potential need for draconian action in self defence. If the anarchist army of Ukraine could summarily execute
those who spread anti-Semitic propaganda to prevent pogroms being triggered we are in no way uncomfortable measures to lockdown the virus.
While we would prefer to be in an anarchist society where these would be by popular consensus this is not yet the world we are living in so
we are no more necessarily against justifiable state measures in this context than we are against laws requiring the observation of traffic
lights or banning drunk driving. Our role thus is not some sort of absolutist opposition but rather to push for popular alternatives and
limits on attempts to expand state power in anything but the most temporary and medically justified way.
On the other hand we don't see the state as a solution and this crisis illustrates that. States in general have made things worse by
covering up and preventing action in several places. State imposed lockdowns have not been very successful where community consensus did not
exist. How would you impose them between neighbours without either popular consensus or a cop in every household. And who then watches those
Border racism
Of course shut the border racists have tried to use the crisis for fascist propaganda but any reasonable analysis shows this distracted from
the real long distance routes of transmission. The virus did not arrive in Ireland via the highly policed, slow and murderous routes
refugees are forced to follow but via the fast jet travel of wealthier Irish citizens who were taking skiing holidays in northern Italy.
Many of these were school kids, did those who saw closing the borders as a magic solution, were they seriously proposing leaving 10,000
school kids locked out of the country? It is clear that was an impossible ‘answer' to long distance transmission - and distracted from what
was needed and later introduced, a requirement that anyone arriving isolate themselves as far as possible for the subsequent two weeks.
Indeed in a general sense border racism has magnified the threat we all now face. Greece which has over the last couple of years created
super concentrated unsanitary camps where refugees have been packed in and restricted. These camps are places where the people living there
cannot self isolate or even regularly wash their hands. The people in these camps need to be allowed to disperse immediately and hotels and
ferries provided so they can reach ‘own door' shelter where those who become infected can self-isolate. This is not only essential for their
survival but also for ours.
On a local level the long standing acceptance of racist structures has left us more rather than less vulnerable as a collective. In
particular the cruelty of Direct Provision has created overcrowded conditions where self isolation is impossible but out of which a section
of the capitalist class has made huge profits from such suffering. The halting sites where many Travellers live are over crowded and
underfunded, and thus an example where our unique Irish acceptable racism has now magnified the risk we collectively face. Neoliberal
Capitalism and increasing rents have created conditions where we have over 10,000 people in emergency accomodation, and increasing numbers
of people who are homeless in our republic. In such conditions Covid 19 will rip through the most marginalised and discriminated people in
our society.
Profits & rents
A minority making huge profits from rent & low wages has meant many of our often migrant hospitality workers have been forced into living
4-6 to a room and afraid to call in sick when as a collective we need them to be able to. Again a situation that many of us have simply
tolerated as it has worsened over the last decade.
Chronic underfunding of the health service will mean many many more deaths and it's not just ICU shortages, it becomes clear that the HSE
had no stocks and no realistic plans for acquiring PPE equipment in the context of a pandemic. Rather than levelling with health workers,
and telling them the truth as the facts emerged they sought to silence them while lying to the public. Another example of where in this war
we need to dispense with spin and communications gurus and be transparent and honest with the workers and the public. The current hope is
that all volunteer crews of Aer Lingus workers will save the day by flying multiple flights to China to collect essential PPE supplies while
having to live aboard their planes.
What can and should anarchists do? A lot of us are already doing it. Help organise community solidarity, build the power of health and other
frontline workers, guard against state attempts at power grabs that go beyond immediate threat, expose dangerous racist lies that obscure
what needs to be done to halt the virus.
The Direct Provision and overcrowding crisis means that vacant apartments, particularly REIT ones kept empty to evade rent controls must be
put into use to provide homes that small groups can self isolate in. Hotels may be used to allow the population in homeless shelters to
disperse to their own door rather than shared rooms.
Workers and activists in those sectors will have a much better sense of what should be demanded and routes of implementation but clearly we
can say no one should be in unsafe overcrowding while potential homes lie empty to protect profit. National Traveller organisations are
already trying to ensure provisions are made for Travellers in this pandemic.
We can support actions where workers self-protect - eg in Finland bus workers and elsewhere transport workers refuse to collect fares and
ask that people access & leave the bus by the middle or back doors and not the front door which is beside them. Workers on construction
sites and sanitation workers are still expected to work without it seems even basic steps like the provision of PPE, staggered lunch breaks
& shift starting times to avoid overcrowding and the end of work that cannot be done safely because of the need to maintain physical distances.
Our only power is collective
What the Covid-19 virus does not do is discriminate. All humans can be infected, regardless of wealth, class, where you live, what you do,
or how you think. Therefore, it will not be defeated by us acting as individuals, it will only be defeated by us acting collectively. As
anarchists, we have always maintained that power resides in the collective, and in these conditions, given what we know about this, we the
people are doing the right things, to prevent the virus spreading. This is done from a basis of self-defence, but it also resides on the
foundation of solidarity. Together we are stronger. There is an Irish - saying that goes ‘Ní neart go cur le Chéile' - There is no strength
without unity. That goes back to the 12th century long before Capitalism, but not before plagues like the black death which wiped out half
of all Europeans in the 14th century. Now, in the 21st we face this enemy again, and we know that it is only by facing it as a collective
that we will prevail.
Above all else though we need to prepare for the time after the virus. A lot of things like eviction bans that our rulers insisted were
impossible have suddenly turned out to be almost instantly achievable. The health crisis has laid bare the unequal nature of our society and
the way that inequality puts us all in danger. Authoritarian politicians turned out to be incapable of acting rationally and fast, organic
grassroots responses were swifter and more effective. A lot of people have noticed these things and with all those people we need to draw
everyone into a conversation about what sort of society we want to live in, one that no longer treats the economy as a separate sphere best
left to find its own way. The strength that we will draw on as a collective in this time will be brought to bear on this system which is
proving, at this time of greatest need, to be unfit for purpose.
Message: 2
Faced with the crucial challenge of climate action and in a context of youth mobilization, the idea of a "Green New Deal" - climate and
environmental action plan - has gained popularity among reformist parties claiming social policy, from the US Democratic Party to British
Labor through Podemos in Spain. But such a program also feeds electoral illusions. ---- If the idea of a Green New Deal has come up
regularly in recent years in speeches by the reformist left, it is the proposal brought in early 2019 by Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez [1], a
rising figure in the United States Democratic Party, who made him gain popularity. More recently, activist and anti-globalization journalist
Naomi Klein also published a manifesto to that effect: On fire. The (Burning) case for a Green New Deal .
What is it about ? The term does not always refer to exactly the same thing. It is in any case carried as a standard to designate an
ambitious reform and investment plan, which would be able to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions (by investing in renewable energies
in particular) and to seriously tackle environmental emergency. Depending on the case, it may be a specific plan (planning) or major
objectives presented as a political compass [2].
The United States in search of the left
In Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's version, environmental justice is at the heart of the project, closely linked to social justice because it has
the same roots. Among the measures defended, a universal health system but also free universities or a minimum wage - nothing trivial for
the United States. This proposal falls within the context of the emergence, in recent years, of a more radical left-wing discourse (all
things considered...) within the Democratic Party, embodied by younger and popular figures like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, native of the Bronx
and youngest elected to Congress.
A context also of mobilization of youth (and even very young) for climate action. There is something positive in the determination and
enthusiasm of this youth mobilized and more readily critical of capitalism in a country where the word socialism makes people tremble. The
words of a charismatic elected representative like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez legitimately arouse a certain admiration.
The difficulties facing the American population, the great social distress, the horrible nature of the Trump government, as well as the
climate issues, produce a feeling of urgency: it is thus tempting to forget the pans of the Democratic Party, that -this remaining, through
its left wing, the most "realistic" option to improve things.
The reference to Roosevelt
This is the position of Naomi Klein - among others - supporting the candidacy of Bernie Sanders. So much hope placed in a party that it is
even difficult to classify on the left in an anti-democratic electoral system as possible, it is however an acute risk of future
In addition, and although the Green New Deal of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is sometimes described as "eco-socialist", social measures indeed
ambitious for the United States, it remains at least timid: a reformist policy promising a revival by the government action, through
innovation and investment, nothing to shake the capitalist economy.
The term Green New Deal is a direct reference to the New Deal by Roosevelt, a stimulus plan through investment and major projects launched
to deal with the great economic depression of the 1930s, and a model of Keynesianism [3]. The reference has its limits and it is not a
question, for the promoters of a Green New Deal, of erecting it as a total model.
On the other hand, it has the advantage of popularity and it is impactful. Above all, it sounds like the symbol of a proactive government
policy, of a strong state capable of carrying out ambitious social, economic and environmental policies today. The New Deal refers to the
image of an entire country rolling up its sleeves to serve the public interest, as well as to a government protecting the most vulnerable
groups. No wonder then that the idea seduces, in addition to the Democratic Party in the United States, a Jeremy Corbyn in the United
Kingdom or the Greek Yanis Varoufakis.
Problem: the New deal in question was no less capitalist [4], no less based on exploitation, and was only an attempt to put an emergency
bandage on a dramatic economic crisis ... Its results were mixed and in no way prevented the continuation of the depression. The Green New
Deal may well be nothing but Green Keynesianism.
Mirages and perspectives
We can rejoice in ambitious speeches on the interweaving of social justice and environmental justice, we can also rejoice that social and
climate movements have been able to influence the positions of leftist parties. The imperatives listed in Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's project
for a dignified life for all appear to be desirable minima in the current context, and we must indeed fight to obtain everything we can.
But if fundamental advances occur, they will be the fruit of a massive mobilization, of an organization of all and all the exploited, of
their commitment in the construction of another society. For that, it will be necessary to start by dissipating the electoral mirage.
Madeleine (Ecology Commission)
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[1] The project presented in spring 2019: "Green New Deal Final", .
[2] Y. Varoufakis thus rebounded on the proposal to defend a Green New Deal this time internationally. In this article, Y. Varoufakis and
David Adler conclude at least that a powerful international social movement is the condition for climate action that makes sense ... but
they limit its role to a "request" made to our leaders. "International Green New Deal climate change global response", .
[3] Current of economic thought which advocates state intervention to revive the economy and support employment.
[4] Green New Deal, a new pact for capitalism or for people and the climate ? ,, January 20, 2020
Message: 3
[download PDF: AERONAUTIQUE 2020-03-29_en ---- Pandemic continues to ravage the world. All are affected, old, young, cashiers, doctors. Even
current deputies or former ministers ... The President of the Republic was very clear: we are at war, and to win this war you must stay at
home. The State will pay in full those who take shelter. ---- Yes but here, again, the political word are bullshit. We are told that to
govern is to foresee: they have been incapable of planning to stock up on masks, tests, drugs that would have helped to stem the spread of
the disease. When Macron had promised that all workers who don't work would be paid whatever the cost, he hadn't foreseen the consequences.
---- Result, now that they have done their calculations, they no longer want to assume the cost of their improvisation, and it is us that
they ask to assume the risks of their stupidity by paying with our health and maybe our life, while going back to work.
Employees of the aerospace industry, we therefore received emails from our dear HR managers who beg us to return to work to save the
company. Their main argument? Excerpt from the email we received: "Even if the State communicates about paying your earning while you are
under Job retention Scheme, it is the company that will have to advances wages and we are not sure that we will be reimbursed by the State".
In other words, because the bosses do not trust the state to fulfill its promises, we are asked to avoid the hole in the business's assets
created by Job retention and we have to take all the risks!
To try to reassure us, the bosses are fawning. They describe to us all the good measures they have put in place for us: disinfectant, hydro
alcoholic gel, daily sanitation disinfection tour, working groups in small numbers, protocol for respecting safety distances, wearing a mask
if necessary... So many nice concerns to get us back to work. On the other hand, not a word on the installation of hand washers with
non-manual control, which alone would prevent transforming the taps into a source of re-contamination of the hands...
To support their request, the bosses join us a letter signed by three ministers, Lemaire[economy], Pénicaud[work]and Véran[Health]who are
crying "it is crucial that the production factories can continue to work on French territory". A letter from ministers of the very State
whose boss himself tells us that he is not sure that it will keep their promises...
As the HR managers are not completely stupid and know that we only have moderate confidence in the word of the State and its
representatives, to finish reassuring us they join us a letter signed by the Unions (CFE-CGC, CFDT and FO metals) and confirm that an
"extraordinary Joint Consultative Committee (CSE) has given a favorable opinion on the back-to-work under the conditions that we have
defined together". In other words, the Unions have agreed with the bosses on how we are going to be exploited. When we tell you that Unions
are there to discuss the length of our chains or the thickness of the mask, this is confirmed once again!
Let us be clear: it is not that we are against creating or producing goods, nor that the risk scares us. But even if it means endangering
our health and that of our families, we want it to be USEFUL, for everyone. In the current pandemic and stopped world economy, what is the
meaning and the usefulness of working "as usual"? We agree to go back to work despite the risk, but to produce medical equipment,
respirators, hospital beds, masks, and disinfectant, in short, things that are really necessary and socially useful. Will AIRBUS and its
subcontractors continue to manufacture and mount military equipment?
It is we, the workers, who produce all the wealth. It is we who collectively have the power to stop this madness in the first place by
refusing to work through withdrawal or a general strike, and then by taking over the production tools and making it work for the collective
CNT-AIT 's workers of aerospace industry
contact[at] -
Facebook: @ cnt.ait.toulouse / @ chats.noirs.turbulents
Message: 4
An information campaign in Amazon's Polish magazines ---- A wave of protests is swept through Amazon's European magazines, refusing to
implement proper health and safety measures that would prevent further spread of the coronavirus. ---- Due to the increase in demand for
home deliveries caused by the pandemic, Amazon management is clearly showing that it is ready to expose tens of thousands of people - their
employees along with their families and friends. The dream of efficiency and success that this company has been selling for years turns
before our eyes into a nightmare of exploitation and global tragedy. ---- Due to this situation, Amazon employees are demanding that trade
unions take decisive steps. From yesterday evening[from March 16 - note translate]strike workers at the warehouse in Castel San Giovanni
(Italy), which is located near Piacenza, one of the epicenter of the epidemic in the country. This afternoon a strike started by warehouse
workers in Passo Corese (Italy). They protest because Amazon has not complied with the obligation to apply the security measures required of
employers by the Italian State and trade unions. Workplaces are not disinfected, people working at a distance of less than 1 meter have not
received protection measures, it is impossible to use on paid health leave.
All this happens despite the case of one employee confirmed by COVID19 a week ago. It was only in response to protests that Amazon
introduced inadequate solutions, such as increasing the distance between chairs in the canteen and marking jobs with adhesive tape. Many
employees demand a reduction in the number of orders carried out, limitation of sales to necessary products, organization of shift work
aimed at limiting employee contacts and observance of the right to paid leave in the event of unpredictable downtime at work. Instead,
Amazon increases its profits and employs temporary employees to deal with the growing number of orders. Drivers working for the company
compare the amount of deliveries made with peak sales periods, such as Black friday
In connection with the refusal to apply even the most basic security measures, a strike in Turin was also announced. In Padua, drivers did
not receive any protection measures, despite the fact that moving to different places and constant contact with new people makes them
particularly vulnerable to virus infection. In addition, the company blames them for disinfecting vehicles before and after work. Also in
these two magazines it was postulated to limit working time and burdens, but these requests remained unanswered.
Amazon's failure to apply protective measures resulted in more than a hundred employees leaving the warehouse in Lille (France) tonight.
They stated that their (due to safety concerns) applications for paid leave were rejected. What's more, Amazon is seeking to employ an
increasing number of temporary employees, thus increasing the risk of spreading the virus. Warehouse workers in Montélimar, Chalon and Douai
are also on strike from this morning. Despite the fact that two employees were found to be infected with the virus in Madrid, the management
was content to disinfect only some of the warehouse locations. In addition, he pretends that nothing special is happening.
A petition has been created in the United States to force Amazon to introduce the necessary protection measures and ensure paid leave for
employees. Instead of complying with these demands, Amazon hired 100,000 new people whose work is to enable the implementation of the
growing number of orders due to the epidemic. New employees are tempted by a pathetic wage increase of $ 2 per hour. Signatures for the
translated petition are currently being collected throughout Europe. Over 800 employees of the Polish Amazon signed it during the day. This
demonstrates the possibility of uniting forces across national borders to force the company to meet its demands.
Amazon can afford to ignore the sanitary requirements associated with the epidemic at the level of individual warehouses with impunity. What
will happen, however, when the company comes to face the global protest of employees refusing to participate in its greedy practices?
Previous mobilization proves that there is always the possibility of a strike to defend one's health and safety.
Let's unite our supranational forces against Amazon. Let's hit a giant!
Transnational Social Strike Platform
Translation: Marta Olesik
Message: 5
The government gave local councils 48 hours to house all rough sleepers in England in emergency accommodation on Friday March 27th. However,
this was a request rather than a straight order, and there was no clarification on who would fund this. It comes as one of the Johnson
regime's coronavirus measures. ---- First initiated by Johnson's homelessness tsar, Louise Casey, it was then followed up by Luke Hall, the
junior housing minister. In addition to housing all rough sleepers, councils should find alternative housing for people in night shelters
and hostels, seen as danger points for the spread of the disease. He instructed councils to set up coronavirus coordination cells. In
addition he underlined that it was imperative that the homeless should not gather in day centres, also seen as danger points.
There is plenty of empty housing. Just look around you on any high street, and see the empty flats above shops and the empty office blocks
and stores. All empty housing should be requisitioned and handed over to the homeless and many hotels lying empty at the moment should be
used to house health workers.
Why didn't this happen before? Why did it take to a major health crisis to think of housing the many rough sleepers on the streets? And when
the crisis is over, then the homeless should be allowed to stay in the accommodation found for them.
No Going Back!
Message: 6
Coronavirus and the effect of the lockdown implemented without proper and adequate planning are proving fatal to the working class. In Delhi
alone, one hundred thousand workers have to sit at home without pay, due to the lockdown. Not only this, due to the closure of public
transport means such as rail and interstate buses, many workers have to return to their villages on foot hundreds of kilometres! This crisis
is equally serious in Madhya Pradesh. ---- Health workers stand in the forefront of this crisis. Due to the negligence of the government
machinery, they do not even have adequate protection equipment. Apart from this, the workers delivering all kinds of essential services to
the people are also facing constant danger. ---- The Muktivadi Ekta Morcha (MEM) together with the workers demand from the Central and
Madhya Pradesh government special protection and care for these insecure and brave workers.
Our demands:
1. Companies and the government should ensure that workers in the informal sector, whether their company gives them 'worker' status or not,
get a monthly compensation of Rs 7000.
2. High quality safety gear - mask, gloves etc. - should be provided to all delivery personnel, cleaning personnel and workers employed in
all essential services.
3. During this epidemic - and even further - workers like cleaning and delivery workers get regular worker status and increase their wages,
delivery rates and boost rates so that they do not have to work for 12 hours to sustain themselves.
4. Minimum monthly allowance should also be given to irregularly employed or unemployed workers.
5. Free ration, fuel, medicines and care should be provided immediately to all the workers' families and their dependants.
Muktivadi Ekta Morcha (Libertarian Solidarity Front)
Message: 7
with which the regional "health" bodies have finally started the production block (especially in Lombardy) which is still not satisfactory
given the partial results, as well as the self-isolation of the population (always tied to the block productive) appears disconcerting, but
not unexpected. The great mass of marginalization, of the workers in black, or in gray, left to themselves has finally done its part ...
It is difficult to expect more from the sort of convict politicians that we know well, characters who for decades have been throwing blows
and withdrawing bribes on that public health that our fathers who came out of the World War have set up with great enthusiasm and
sacrifices. Tens of thousands of ordinary and resuscitation beds gone. Almost 50,000 fewer operators in the NHS in less than a decade!
Hospitals full of older workers who are not replaced!
Suddenly, without warning, what remained after the massacre was called upon to withstand an unprecedented impact, something that in Milan
has already abundantly exceeded the number of dead under the Allied bombings of World War II!!!
The state has abandoned us shouting the various Gallera Fontana and green and blue companions of the single and unifying party of the
affairs so dear to the various condemned Formigoni, Mantovani, Rizzi and many others! Fortunately let's say in chorus! If it had been for
you who are headquartered at Pirellone instead of two hospitals that you say "old" we would have found ourselves with the famous and tiny
"new hospital" of Egypt! Fortunately, by dint of breaking the balls into a few that we were you were able, so to speak, to finish at the end
of the 10 years of work (and a few months before the Covis-19 catastrophe) half of that emergency room of San Paolo that with his lazaret
astanteria he would have become a bomb of Corona Virus!
Bravo also those, always of your kind, have delayed the construction of that infectious building deliberated in the Region in 1988 by
postponements and bankruptcies of companies, reducing it in almost twenty years of waiting useless only for the restructuring of an existing
department, the "infectious" we know today, starting from November 2008 ...
We have seen the famous "excellences" what they are used for, those aimed at the sacks of "the private sector" as the press says the
pennivendola, while instead, throughout the country, what has been set up is only a gigantic contract of health brokerage paid dearly with
the pay of taxpayers. Those unsuspecting who pay in free profession to be treated!
What to expect from a country that learns nothing from history by presenting yet another 8 September to the world!? From everyone at home to
everyone at home, but with a criminal delay. What to expect from a ruling class that beautifully sends the ocean liners against the rocks,
which makes the viaducts fall to overpay those who forage it, which reduces entire countries to cemeteries only to please the interests of
the industrialists?
We do not need the fourth self-certification to know the insipidity and identity of those who have produced all this, it remains only to be
seen if once again by dint of repeating lies and producing distractions the inhabitants of this cruel country will understand something,
finally .
And now, the traditionally reviled mocked SSN is called to fight, with the patches to the ass put by their lords of the palace of the
bulletins of the living and the dead, the worst of the wars imaginable. He does it with toilet paper masks because the Minister of Hope
claims that they go ministeriallywell (said WHO perbacco) while on TV you can see only special suits, glasses, visors and gas masks. Maybe
they will think again, but it will be too late, for the dead doctors and the suicidal Nurse of Resuscitation, and for those who will then
fall, despite certain imbecile bulletins issued to cure the image of some Napoleonic direct-king. That crown that sent us against the world
in this planetary war that for the first time does not see the nations destroying itself, speaks and says to those who want to listen to
words very different from those of GDP, of the "recovery", of "growth "That are smashing the planet after decades of stupid and wild selfish
liberalism, from forests to glaciers passing through deserts. Perhaps the only ones who will remain shortly if we don't listen to that message.
Biomedical devices! FFP3 masks for all operators! Suits against biological threats! Glasses! Visors! Blanket test for the NHS! INAIL
services for everyone! Assumptions! Rest! Pause! And above all to send Mrs. Thatcher's grandchildren to that country who are now taking
cover after their (prophetic) theory of the flock to be killed! A universal SSN and for all as it should have been and not as it has now
reduced the liberal ferocity for the interests of a few nabobs!
Message: 8
Measures against an epidemic in Italy are in fact an exceptional state of affairs; But people run out of money and food. Discussions are
spreading on social networks that people have the right to food. ---- For example, in the south of Palermo, a group of about twenty people
refused to pay for food in the supermarket, saying, "We have to be closed at home, we have no money to pay, but we need to eat!" Supermarket
employees called the police. Outside on the street, people stood in line at specified intervals, alarmed by the event, and there was a few
hours of chaos. Protectors of the capitalist order have learned lessons from this and "protect" supermarkets in Palermo and other cities
from people.
Calls for rebellion began to spread as quickly as the virus on social networks. Noi (My) has been created on Facebook, calling for action
under the slogan "Let's take back what they took from us". Literally in a couple of hours it has grown by hundreds of followers. Many of
them write that they have hungry children at home, do not have a fixed wage, and that many people in the province of Palermo have been
forced to work illegally. And of course, they cough.
The calls for looting supermarkets are not only in Sicily, but also in other cities in the south of Italy. Four million people work
illegally there. Some of them are screaming out of despair for help, running out of money and food.
Information Service 007 wrote to the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior: "There is a potential threat of natural and organized
uprisings and rebellions, particularly in the south of Italy, where there are two main risk factors - the gray economy and organized crime."
Now we can only guess whether the government will send food or repressive ingredients there...
By source:
Message: 9
Here are some of the details: ---- HOW THE SCHEME WORKS ---- If you and your employer both agree, your employer might be able to keep you on
the payroll if they're unable to operate or have no work for you to do because of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is known as being ‘on
furlough'. ---- Your employer could pay 80% of your wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, up to a monthly cap of £2,500. ----
You'll still be paid by your employer and pay taxes from your income. You cannot undertake work for your employer while on furlough. We
expect the scheme to be up and running by the end of April. ---- ARE YOU ELIGIBLE ---- Any UK employer with a UK bank account will be able
to claim, but you must have been on your employer's PAYE payroll on 28 February 2020. You can be on any type of contract, including a
zero-hour contract or a temporary contract. The scheme does not apply to the self-employed.
If you're on sick leave or self-isolating because of coronavirus (COVID-19), speak to your employer about whether you're eligible - you
should get Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) while you are on sick leave or self-isolating, but can be furloughed after this.
Your employer can agree to re-employ you and place you on furlough instead. They'll still be able to claim a grant to cover 80% of your
monthly earnings, up to a monthly cap of £2,500
Your employer can agree to re-employ you and place you on furlough instead. They'll still be able to claim a grant to cover 80% of your
monthly earnings, up to a monthly cap of £2,500
You can be put on furlough by one employer and continue to work for another, if it is permitted within your employment contract.
If you're put on furlough by more than one employer, you'll receive separate payments from each employer. The 80% of your normal wage up to
a £2,500 monthly cap applies to each job
You will be paid80% of your monthly earnings, up to a maximum of £2,500, backdated from 1 March.
You'll still pay Income Tax, National Insurance contributions and any other deductions from your wage.
If you've been employed (or engaged by an employment business in the case of agency workers) for a full year, you can claim for the higher
of either:
the amount you earned in the same month last year
an average of your monthly earnings from the last year
if you've been employed for less than a year, you should be paid for an average of your monthly earnings since you started work. The same
arrangements apply if your monthly pay varies such as if you are on a zero-hour contract.
If you started work in February 2020, your employer will pro-rata your earnings from that month.
Bonuses, commissions and fees are not included as part of your monthly earnings.
For further information go to:
Message: 10
As calls for April 1st rent strikes and freezes spread many are looking for organizing resources. Unprecedented numbers have lost their job
and find themselves unable to pay and potentially millions will join them in the coming months. We believe that it is essential to
politicize the social crisis underway and pose collective action and organization as our response. We need to support renters forming and
joining tenant unions, we need to support worker demands for safety and higher pay, and we need to use mutual aid efforts to meet daily
needs and connect to larger demands and struggles. Only by strengthening popular organization can we survive the current crisis and be well
placed to push forward our struggles after coronavirus has passed.
Below are organizing guides put forward by key tenant unions in the U.S. and Canada followed by events and additional recommended resources.
Food Not Rent! Rent Forgiveness Guide - Los Angeles Tenants Union. Step-by-step guide for those who cannot or are refusing to pay rent.
The Tenants Will Win: TANC Pandemic Organizing Guide - Tenants and Neighborhood Councils, CA Bay Area. A quick guide with principles,
strategy, resources and basic organizing steps.
COVID-19 Organizing Guide - Philadelphia Tenants Union. A nuts-and-bolts organizing around tenant organizing and leadership building.
Keep Your Rent: Organizing Materials - Parkdale Organize, Toronto, Canada. Guides, posters and FAQs based around the #KeepYourRent campaign.
#CancelRent Organizing Toolkit - Autonomous Tenants Union, Chicago. Basic organizing resources, legal guide, tactics zine, along with
Chicago specific resources. English/Spanish.
Rebel Steps Podcast on COVID-19 and Rent Strikes. An audio guide with interviews on rent strike organizing that you can share with your
Online Events
North American Tenants Townhall on Saturday April 4th - Webinar open to all tenants with basic tools for organizing your neighbors into a
tenants union hosted by the Autonomous Tenants Union Network (ATUN). Saturday, April 4th.
Workplace Organizing for Long-Term Power During COVID-19 - Essential workplace organizing training via webinar hosted by the New York City
IWW. Tuesday, April 7th.
Tenant Organizers Panel - Discussion on the current political moment with tenant organizers from across the country hosted by Black
Rose/Rosa Negra. Date: TBA. (check back for update!)
Additional Resources
How to Form a Neighborhood Pod for Mutual Aid organizing
Mutual Aid Directory by IGD
Can I Get Fired for Talking about Virus Risks? By Labor Notes
Resources on Tenant Organizing, Housing and Gentrification by BRRN
Care in the Time of Coronavirus - Asian American Feminist Collective
If you enjoyed this content we recommend "Lifting the Mask of Capitalist Disaster: The Coronavirus Response" and "Coronavirus Stories:
Crisis, Response, Resistance."
Message: 11
The economic collapse caused by the coronavirus pandemic within a few days has completely changed our lives. In many ways, the escalating
crisis has revealed already existing contradictions that can bring society into an open class conflict. Poorly paid jobs, growing
insecurity, police brutality, accelerating ecological destruction, an uncontrollable housing crisis, and an increasing carcer state (a state
dependent on an industrial prison complex). ---- With millions of people who do not know how to pay bills, how to pay rent, let alone
survive the current epidemic, a new wave of social struggles resonates in the air. Prisoners in prisons and detention centers announce
hunger strikes along with those who demand their release outside the bars. Tenants are planning a strike on April 1 (they stop paying rent)
and homeless people in Los Angeles occupy empty homes. Workers launched a series of wild strikes, sick leave and sabotage in response to the
fact that they are being driven to the front line of the pandemic as sheep for slaughter.
But as tensions grow and economists predict a 30% increase in unemployment over the coming months, the urging of elites who want to get us
all back to work is on the rise. Trump said he wanted things back to normal by Easter, an intention that undermines anything that has been
achieved through all quarantine attempts and social separation. Inside Trump's camp, there is a growing belief that mass death is acceptable
if the economy is saved.
At the same time in one report it says:
The World Health Organization warned that over the next few weeks - around Easter - the United States would become a global epicenter of the
Professor Thomas Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Health Protection Center, warned that disrupting social separation could cost
millions of lives. "Anyone who recommends the end of social separation must now fully understand what the country will look like if we do
so," Inglesby writes on Twitter. "COVID would spread rapidly, wildly, horribly, potentially killing millions next year, with a huge social
and economic impact on the whole country."
Donald Trump, in his staff, seeks support for the mass extinction of much of society by claiming that "redress" must not be "worse than a
problem," while everything tends to end social separation until Easter. Such a measure would potentially cause the deaths of millions of
people. The irony is that extinction would not avoid Trump's supporters. At the same time, the corporate sector is lobbying for the highest
rescue package (the most advantageous exchange rate for corporations, which Trump's firms will also benefit from), which will only
accelerate the long-term transfer of enormous wealth to the hands of superboys.
Anger grows in the face of these maneuvers. Over the past few days, social strikes have been accumulating on social networks. For example,
the initiative under the hashtag # NotDying4WallStreet (not going to die behind Wall Street) has attracted much attention. But far more
important is the unprecedented number of wild strikes and militant events recorded during March.
As the economy collapses and American society depends more and more on the operation of dwindling supply chains, working in a service sector
that remains open, such as grocery stores, is not only becoming a key node of the economy, but also a node with great potential strength.
This simply means that the workers of the various spheres of the supply chain can have a huge impact on the economy and gain great
bargaining power.
As Bloomberg writes:
These deposits of resistance in the supply chains underline the importance of the balancing act needed to manage coronavirus and protect
workers who are essential for the delivery of goods and services. This is a particularly acute problem as transport, labor and other
logistical woes have made it difficult to deliver food where it is needed during a pandemic.
While none of the livestock incidents have so far caused operational outages, there are concerns that more may come, may cause serious
outages as customers buy food to secure supplies for home quarantine.
US pork producers have applied for more visas for foreign workers. There is speculation that factories are running at full speed, not only
to meet unprecedented demand, but to increase production as much as possible before the pace subsides.
Even though the mainstream media do not pay attention to it, we are already experiencing a growing wave of wild strikes, self-organized
events, sick leave and work stops. Most of these conflicts occur in sectors where workers are most exposed to coronavirus infection. If
Trump is serious, it will force millions to get into work after Easter, putting them at a serious threat, and calls for a general strike and
possibly other revolutionary actions will continue to gain popularity.
Here is a brief overview of what is happening.
Workers in the automotive industry
Downtime and wild strikes erupted in several auto parts factories. Workers require the cessation of coronavirus spread in the workplace. The
revolt began on March 12.
Workers at Fiat Chrysler Windsor shut down machines due to fears of coronavirus spread in the workplace after learning that one worker at
the FCA Kokomo Transmission factory had a positive test for a potentially fatal outbreak.
Other events followed.
Workers at the Detroit factories, Fiat Chrysler's Sterling Heights (SHAP) and Jefferson North (JNAP) took matters into their hands last
night and this morning and forced the closure of plants to stop coronavirus spread.
First, work at Sterling Heights was stopped last night. A few hours later, unions and employers made a dirty deal to keep traffic
uninterrupted during the pandemic... On the same day, a lot of Lear Seating workers in Hammond, Indiana refused to take up work, forcing
parts production to close and closing the nearby Chicago Assembly.
On March 18, the first shift workers joined the SHAP factory. They refused to fasten the treadmill, but stayed in the workplace and started
a sit-in. Because hundreds of people handle parts on the assembly line in rapid succession, they are the main potential source of virus
transmission. Management sent people home and canceled another shift. "This is amazing," one of the young workers at the SHAP factory
rejoiced at the result of a colleague action that forced the plant to close.
The Dundee Engine Plant and the Toledo North Assembly in Ann Arbor quickly adapted and resisted. Shifts at Warren Truck and Ford's Michigan
were also stopped.
The video on Facebook from Toledo shows dozens of angry workers grouped around Brian Sims, vice president of the local trade union; United
Auto Workers, section Local 12) and demanding the closure of the factory. The foreman then escapes through the back door and shouts at the
workers to "calm down".
In an interview with Labor Notes, one of the automotive workers said:
The UAW (United Automotive Workers Union) should fight for us now to get out of work. Trade unions and the company are more concerned with
the production of trucks than with general health. I feel they won't do anything until we catch the action. We have to come together. They
can't fire us all.
In Georgia, dozens of Perdue poultry workers have stopped working on March 23 due to growing anger at a time of increased production and
low-wage workload and concerns about coronavirus spread. In media interviews, people complained that they were treated as dispensable. In
one of the reports:
Around fifty Perdue farm workers near Perry, Georgia, stopped work on March 23 because they did not feel safe in the poultry house due to
coronavirus, writes local news channel 13WMAZ. They add that they feel the company is not doing enough to keep employees safe and not
disinfect the workplace.
On March 18, Amazon's warehouses and warehouse workers stiffened and declared a wild strike after the management tried to drive them back to
the shelves after a one-day shutdown due to a positive coronavirus finding of one of the employees. One of the reports says:
Amazon workers in Queens, New York City were notified by the management: "We note that a positive coronavirus has been recorded in our
warehouse today." Amazon temporarily shut down on that day but reopened it on Thursday.
These reports and the management's decision to reopen the operation have provoked outrage among the warehouse operators. They refused to
take up work and finally the operation was closed on Thursday evening. In a video posted by Amazonians United NYC, people vented their
anger: "We know what you're doing. Our lives are worthless to you. We will no longer shop here. "Another says," You can't disinfect all
packages in four hours.
Waitresses and waiters
Crush Bar workers in Portland took action and started an occupation sit-in after being released due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement
for action states:
We did it! After 48 hours of our sit-in, management allowed us to pick up accumulated sick-days. Thank you for supporting the community that
helped us draw attention to this injustice. We couldn't do it without you.
However, we are still waiting to meet the other two requirements: 50% of the wage for canceled sick-days and a guarantee that every
dismissed employee will be recruited once the company is opened.
PDX Eater writes:
Last night, all 27 Crush Bar employees were laid off due to the forced closure of all food and drink businesses. Today around half past four
in the afternoon twelve employees arrived at the bar and refused to leave. They protested against John Clark's decision to release everyone
without financial compensation. Employees claim that the owner violates the law by denying them the use of accumulated sick-days. The
blockade, which was supposed to last 24 hours, was dispersed by the Portland police after an hour.
Bus drivers
Bus drivers and bus drivers launched a wild strike in Detroit on March 17 due to dirty buses and poor access to sanitation. They have no
place to wash their hands. One of the reports says:
Detroit shut down city bus lines as most drivers refused to start work because of concerns about coronavirus.
The city management is negotiating with the operator of the line to alleviate fears and keep the hopes of resuming operations on Wednesday.
" Due to lack of drivers, city lines will not work today," the city said in a statement. "We ask passengers to arrange for a different mode
of transport while we are working to solve our drivers' problems. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
Drivers complain that they are not adequately protected from coronavirus. Buses are rarely cleaned and drivers have no place to wash their
We succeeded in promoting free fare:
The drivers' association supported the driver and all requirements were met within 24 hours. Throughout the coronavirus crisis, they do not
have to pay for tickets.
A wild strike was also launched by bus drivers in Birmingham, Alabama. They refused to "operate scheduled lines because of concerns about
Call Center employees and Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) members in Portland, Oregon launched a one-day strike on March 4 to earn
paid vacation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, other members of the Industrial Workers, known as Wobblers, launched a mass sick leave on March 18,
demanding improved wages and working conditions, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought them an increase in
The anarcho-syndicalist trade union IWW writes on social networks:
A few days after the commencement of the sick leave as a manifestation of collective dissatisfaction and protest against our working
conditions, CapTel announced an extension of aux-time of 15 minutes per shift (the time during which the operator is unavailable for further
calls). For an eight-hour shift, this means that 91% of the requirements need to be met to prevent the operator from facing sanctions. The
CapTel trade union has called for a 90% limit in its five-point statement from day one.
Let us continue to achieve additional demands, $ 15 an hour and the introduction of democratic principles in the workplace. Remember that
this move away from the uncertainty that characterizes our working days can be terminated at any time at the whim of the company. The
promises of the bosses are mere words, while the collective agreement is binding.
Technical Services
Several dozen technical service workers in Cleveland, Ohio, refused to start work on March 20. One of the reports says:
According to director of technical services Michael Dever, about 35 sewer maintenance workers in Cuyahoga County stopped work on Friday
morning or went on sick leave due to concerns about coronavirus.
Sanitary engineers who manage the sewerage systems in 39 neighborhoods of Cuyahoga County did not want to continue working because, among
other things, they were afraid to walk around the house and be in close contact with customers, Dever said.
Masons in Las Vegas plan a wild strike. One of the reports says:
Construction workers working at the Las Vegas Convention Center said they are considering a shutdown this week because they feel their
health is not being taken seriously.
"It's getting scary at work," says one of them. "Many of us are ready to stop work."
Construction workers at the construction site say that even before the outbreak of the pandemic, sanitary conditions were appalling and much
has not changed since then.
" They are telling us not to wash our hands and clash to prevent the spread of the virus, but do nothing for our safety," says another worker.
According to the Organizing Work server:
Electricians working on the long-term reconstruction of the Kaiser Hospital in Sacramento decided to stop work because of the dangerous
working conditions associated with the spread of coronavirus.
In an interview with one of them it says:
What happened yesterday was the result of lengthy discussions between ordinary technicians over the past few days - everyone is aware of the
severity of the pandemic and the risks it poses to our health and the health of our loved ones. We see many sudden measures around the
hospital, such as building large tents to test infected people, and we would go down for material a few yards from those tents, and at least
a few of us have to move around the hospital and see medical workers wearing gloves and masks outweigh patients and shout at us to get out
of here.
So in the morning I arrived at the parking lot, where there was a big spontaneous meeting of union electricians, and at least one other
group decided not to join today either.
Fast Foody
McDonald's employees in San Jose and Los Angeles, California stopped work on March 20. One of the reports says:
Employees are angry because of the shortened hours and because the chain does not provide them with soap, gloves, or any training on how to
protect themselves from COVID-19, a disease caused by a virus.
The Wobblers in Portland (Oregon), organized by the Burgerville trade union, also stopped working due to working conditions related to
Yesterday, all 92nd Street staff at Burgerville entered a day strike to protest the dangerous working conditions associated with the
coronavirus pandemic. Today the restaurant has reopened and nearly forty other Burgerville restaurants remain open, but the Burgerville
trade union has made a list of pandemic-related requirements.
The reason for the strike was largely a protest against staff cuts, which makes it difficult to maintain hygiene standards and ensure
employee protection. While restaurants remain open to drive-through customers, all canteens have been closed and the company notes in a
press release that 70% of the staff was sent on a forced vacation. "How can we keep people safe in so few people?" Asks Mark Medina, a
ninety-two employee. "Compliance with hygiene standards is a lot of work. Burgerville says it cares for the community, but cutting costs in
this way threatens us all. People can die. "
Garbage man in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania launched a wild strike. They require risky surcharges and access to protective equipment. One of the
articles reads:
Several hundred garbagemen, mostly African-Americans and Teamsters, have entered an illegal wild strike today to protest dangerous working
conditions during a coronavirus pandemic.
The strike joined the campaign under the #GeneralStrike hashtag, which became very popular in the United States on Twitter. Britney Spears
is also calling for a general strike. Many people are discussing whether the Pittsburgh Garbage Man's strike can be the beginning of a
rising strike wave, as Trump demands that workers risk their lives and quickly return to work.
Workers in Pittsburg and elsewhere resist the calls to work under dangerous conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. "We want better
equipment, protective equipment. We don't have a veil, "one of the garbage man complains to WPXI. "We want risky surcharges. Risk
supplements are important to us, "he adds. "Why? Because we have more expensive health insurance because of dangerous work. We risk our
lives every time we touch a garbage bag.
Doctors in Oakland, California warn that they will not start work. They complain about dangerous and unhygienic conditions. One of the
reports says:
Some dockers at Oakland Port are at risk of stopping working on a single dock which they claim to have no disinfectants and staff equipment.
This could stop logistics operations and increase the utilization of global supply chains in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak.
Source and many links to other resources:
The World Health Organization warned that over the next few weeks - around Easter - the United States would become a global epicenter of the
Professor Thomas Inglesby, director of the Johns Hopkins Health Protection Center, warned that disrupting social separation could cost
millions of lives. "Anyone who recommends the end of social separation must now fully understand what the country will look like if we do
so," Inglesby writes on Twitter. "COVID would spread rapidly, wildly, horribly, potentially killing millions next year, with a huge social
and economic impact on the whole country."
Donald Trump, in his staff, seeks support for the mass extinction of much of society by claiming that "redress" must not be "worse than a
problem," while everything tends to end social separation until Easter. Such a measure would potentially cause the deaths of millions of
people. The irony is that extinction would not avoid Trump's supporters. At the same time, the corporate sector is lobbying for the highest
rescue package (the most advantageous exchange rate for corporations, which Trump's firms will also benefit from), which will only
accelerate the long-term transfer of enormous wealth to the hands of superboys.
Anger grows in the face of these maneuvers. Over the past few days, social strikes have been accumulating on social networks. For example,
the initiative under the hashtag # NotDying4WallStreet (not going to die behind Wall Street) has attracted much attention. But far more
important is the unprecedented number of wild strikes and militant events recorded during March.
As the economy collapses and American society depends more and more on the operation of dwindling supply chains, working in a service sector
that remains open, such as grocery stores, is not only becoming a key node of the economy, but also a node with great potential strength.
This simply means that the workers of the various spheres of the supply chain can have a huge impact on the economy and gain great
bargaining power.
As Bloomberg writes:
These deposits of resistance in the supply chains underline the importance of the balancing act needed to manage coronavirus and protect
workers who are essential for the delivery of goods and services. This is a particularly acute problem as transport, labor and other
logistical woes have made it difficult to deliver food where it is needed during a pandemic.
While none of the livestock incidents have so far caused operational outages, there are concerns that more may come, may cause serious
outages as customers buy food to secure supplies for home quarantine.
US pork producers have applied for more visas for foreign workers. There is speculation that factories are running at full speed, not only
to meet unprecedented demand, but to increase production as much as possible before the pace subsides.
Even though the mainstream media do not pay attention to it, we are already experiencing a growing wave of wild strikes, self-organized
events, sick leave and work stops. Most of these conflicts occur in sectors where workers are most exposed to coronavirus infection. If
Trump is serious, it will force millions to get into work after Easter, putting them at a serious threat, and calls for a general strike and
possibly other revolutionary actions will continue to gain popularity.
Here is a brief overview of what is happening.
Workers in the automotive industry
Downtime and wild strikes erupted in several auto parts factories. Workers require the cessation of coronavirus spread in the workplace. The
revolt began on March 12.
Workers at Fiat Chrysler Windsor shut down machines due to fears of coronavirus spread in the workplace after learning that one worker at
the FCA Kokomo Transmission factory had a positive test for a potentially fatal outbreak.
Other events followed.
Workers at the Detroit factories, Fiat Chrysler's Sterling Heights (SHAP) and Jefferson North (JNAP) took matters into their hands last
night and this morning and forced the closure of plants to stop coronavirus spread.
First, work at Sterling Heights was stopped last night. A few hours later, unions and employers made a dirty deal to keep traffic
uninterrupted during the pandemic... On the same day, a lot of Lear Seating workers in Hammond, Indiana refused to take up work, forcing
parts production to close and closing the nearby Chicago Assembly.
On March 18, the first shift workers joined the SHAP factory. They refused to fasten the treadmill, but stayed in the workplace and started
a sit-in. Because hundreds of people handle parts on the assembly line in rapid succession, they are the main potential source of virus
transmission. Management sent people home and canceled another shift. "This is amazing," one of the young workers at the SHAP factory
rejoiced at the result of a colleague action that forced the plant to close.
The Dundee Engine Plant and the Toledo North Assembly in Ann Arbor quickly adapted and resisted. Shifts at Warren Truck and Ford's Michigan
were also stopped.
The video on Facebook from Toledo shows dozens of angry workers grouped around Brian Sims, vice president of the local trade union; United
Auto Workers, section Local 12) and demanding the closure of the factory. The foreman then escapes through the back door and shouts at the
workers to "calm down".
In an interview with Labor Notes, one of the automotive workers said:
The UAW (United Automotive Workers Union) should fight for us now to get out of work. Trade unions and the company are more concerned with
the production of trucks than with general health. I feel they won't do anything until we catch the action. We have to come together. They
can't fire us all.
In Georgia, dozens of Perdue poultry workers have stopped working on March 23 due to growing anger at a time of increased production and
low-wage workload and concerns about coronavirus spread. In media interviews, people complained that they were treated as dispensable. In
one of the reports:
Around fifty Perdue farm workers near Perry, Georgia, stopped work on March 23 because they did not feel safe in the poultry house due to
coronavirus, writes local news channel 13WMAZ. They add that they feel the company is not doing enough to keep employees safe and not
disinfect the workplace.
On March 18, Amazon's warehouses and warehouse workers stiffened and declared a wild strike after the management tried to drive them back to
the shelves after a one-day shutdown due to a positive coronavirus finding of one of the employees. One of the reports says:
Amazon workers in Queens, New York City were notified by the management: "We note that a positive coronavirus has been recorded in our
warehouse today." Amazon temporarily shut down on that day but reopened it on Thursday.
These reports and the management's decision to reopen the operation have provoked outrage among the warehouse operators. They refused to
take up work and finally the operation was closed on Thursday evening. In a video posted by Amazonians United NYC, people vented their
anger: "We know what you're doing. Our lives are worthless to you. We will no longer shop here. "Another says," You can't disinfect all
packages in four hours.
Waitresses and waiters
Crush Bar workers in Portland took action and started an occupation sit-in after being released due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement
for action states:
We did it! After 48 hours of our sit-in, management allowed us to pick up accumulated sick-days. Thank you for supporting the community that
helped us draw attention to this injustice. We couldn't do it without you.
However, we are still waiting to meet the other two requirements: 50% of the wage for canceled sick-days and a guarantee that every
dismissed employee will be recruited once the company is opened.
PDX Eater writes:
Last night, all 27 Crush Bar employees were laid off due to the forced closure of all food and drink businesses. Today around half past four
in the afternoon twelve employees arrived at the bar and refused to leave. They protested against John Clark's decision to release everyone
without financial compensation. Employees claim that the owner violates the law by denying them the use of accumulated sick-days. The
blockade, which was supposed to last 24 hours, was dispersed by the Portland police after an hour.
Bus drivers
Bus drivers and bus drivers launched a wild strike in Detroit on March 17 due to dirty buses and poor access to sanitation. They have no
place to wash their hands. One of the reports says:
Detroit shut down city bus lines as most drivers refused to start work because of concerns about coronavirus.
The city management is negotiating with the operator of the line to alleviate fears and keep the hopes of resuming operations on Wednesday.
" Due to lack of drivers, city lines will not work today," the city said in a statement. "We ask passengers to arrange for a different mode
of transport while we are working to solve our drivers' problems. We apologize for the inconvenience. "
Drivers complain that they are not adequately protected from coronavirus. Buses are rarely cleaned and drivers have no place to wash their
We succeeded in promoting free fare:
The drivers' association supported the driver and all requirements were met within 24 hours. Throughout the coronavirus crisis, they do not
have to pay for tickets.
A wild strike was also launched by bus drivers in Birmingham, Alabama. They refused to "operate scheduled lines because of concerns about
Call Center employees and Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) members in Portland, Oregon launched a one-day strike on March 4 to earn
paid vacation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, other members of the Industrial Workers, known as Wobblers, launched a mass sick leave on March 18,
demanding improved wages and working conditions, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought them an increase in
The anarcho-syndicalist trade union IWW writes on social networks:
A few days after the commencement of the sick leave as a manifestation of collective dissatisfaction and protest against our working
conditions, CapTel announced an extension of aux-time of 15 minutes per shift (the time during which the operator is unavailable for further
calls). For an eight-hour shift, this means that 91% of the requirements need to be met to prevent the operator from facing sanctions. The
CapTel trade union has called for a 90% limit in its five-point statement from day one.
Let us continue to achieve additional demands, $ 15 an hour and the introduction of democratic principles in the workplace. Remember that
this move away from the uncertainty that characterizes our working days can be terminated at any time at the whim of the company. The
promises of the bosses are mere words, while the collective agreement is binding.
Technical Services
Several dozen technical service workers in Cleveland, Ohio, refused to start work on March 20. One of the reports says:
According to director of technical services Michael Dever, about 35 sewer maintenance workers in Cuyahoga County stopped work on Friday
morning or went on sick leave due to concerns about coronavirus.
Sanitary engineers who manage the sewerage systems in 39 neighborhoods of Cuyahoga County did not want to continue working because, among
other things, they were afraid to walk around the house and be in close contact with customers, Dever said.
Masons in Las Vegas plan a wild strike. One of the reports says:
Construction workers working at the Las Vegas Convention Center said they are considering a shutdown this week because they feel their
health is not being taken seriously.
"It's getting scary at work," says one of them. "Many of us are ready to stop work."
Construction workers at the construction site say that even before the outbreak of the pandemic, sanitary conditions were appalling and much
has not changed since then.
" They are telling us not to wash our hands and clash to prevent the spread of the virus, but do nothing for our safety," says another worker.
According to the Organizing Work server:
Electricians working on the long-term reconstruction of the Kaiser Hospital in Sacramento decided to stop work because of the dangerous
working conditions associated with the spread of coronavirus.
In an interview with one of them it says:
What happened yesterday was the result of lengthy discussions between ordinary technicians over the past few days - everyone is aware of the
severity of the pandemic and the risks it poses to our health and the health of our loved ones. We see many sudden measures around the
hospital, such as building large tents to test infected people, and we would go down for material a few yards from those tents, and at least
a few of us have to move around the hospital and see medical workers wearing gloves and masks outweigh patients and shout at us to get out
of here.
So in the morning I arrived at the parking lot, where there was a big spontaneous meeting of union electricians, and at least one other
group decided not to join today either.
Fast Foody
McDonald's employees in San Jose and Los Angeles, California stopped work on March 20. One of the reports says:
Employees are angry because of the shortened hours and because the chain does not provide them with soap, gloves, or any training on how to
protect themselves from COVID-19, a disease caused by a virus.
The Wobblers in Portland (Oregon), organized by the Burgerville trade union, also stopped working due to working conditions related to
Yesterday, all 92nd Street staff at Burgerville entered a day strike to protest the dangerous working conditions associated with the
coronavirus pandemic. Today the restaurant has reopened and nearly forty other Burgerville restaurants remain open, but the Burgerville
trade union has made a list of pandemic-related requirements.
The reason for the strike was largely a protest against staff cuts, which makes it difficult to maintain hygiene standards and ensure
employee protection. While restaurants remain open to drive-through customers, all canteens have been closed and the company notes in a
press release that 70% of the staff was sent on a forced vacation. "How can we keep people safe in so few people?" Asks Mark Medina, a
ninety-two employee. "Compliance with hygiene standards is a lot of work. Burgerville says it cares for the community, but cutting costs in
this way threatens us all. People can die. "
Garbage man in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania launched a wild strike. They require risky surcharges and access to protective equipment. One of the
articles reads:
Several hundred garbagemen, mostly African-Americans and Teamsters, have entered an illegal wild strike today to protest dangerous working
conditions during a coronavirus pandemic.
The strike joined the campaign under the #GeneralStrike hashtag, which became very popular in the United States on Twitter. Britney Spears
is also calling for a general strike. Many people are discussing whether the Pittsburgh Garbage Man's strike can be the beginning of a
rising strike wave, as Trump demands that workers risk their lives and quickly return to work.
Workers in Pittsburg and elsewhere resist the calls to work under dangerous conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. "We want better
equipment, protective equipment. We don't have a veil, "one of the garbage man complains to WPXI. "We want risky surcharges. Risk
supplements are important to us, "he adds. "Why? Because we have more expensive health insurance because of dangerous work. We risk our
lives every time we touch a garbage bag.
Doctors in Oakland, California warn that they will not start work. They complain about dangerous and unhygienic conditions. One of the
reports says:
Some dockers at Oakland Port are at risk of stopping working on a single dock which they claim to have no disinfectants and staff equipment.
This could stop logistics operations and increase the utilization of global supply chains in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak.
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